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August 15, 1948 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1948-08-15

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Phoenix Proj ect To Study
Atomic Energy Utilization
2 Recognizing the need for a suitable memorial to honor Michigan
men who fell in Woria War 11, the University last spring announced
the establishment of the Phoenix Project to be devoted to the peace-
time utilization of atomic energy.
The completed memorial is expected to require $25,000,000 in
gifts and endowments. Tentative goal for the first year's operation
was set at $1,00,000.
To this end, the Board of Regents on August 3 appropriated $25,-
000 for research and operations expenses. The sum was declared to be
equal to the interest at prevailing rates of a $1,000,000 endowment.
Dr. Ralph A Sawyr, chairman of the preliminary planning corn-

mittee of the project, announced
used to establish four pre-doctoral
Phoenix fellowships. Qualified
graduate students interested in
pursuing research into the appli-
cations or implications of nuclear
fission will be selected. The fel-
lowships will carry a stipend of
$1,200 for single students and $2,-
000 for a married student.
Additional funds for the proj-
ect will be raised by students and
alumni groups.
The Phoenix Project derived its
name from an ancient .Arab le-
gend about a Phoenix bird which
was consumed in ashes and was
reincarnated every 500 years.
Phoenix Fund
It symbolizes the rebirth of life
from the atomic ashes of the de-
stroyed cities of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, first cities to fall vie-
y tim to this new terrifying power.
The project has received the
support of Office of Naval Re-
search and the United States
Atomic Energy Commission.
Both agencies hope to be able to
offer Phoenix financial support.
Under present plans, the project
will consist of four parts:
1. A memorial rotunda to be
Y erected in Ann Arbor containing
tle names of the 558 Michigan
war aead.-Students, Almni, fac-
nl y members.
Additional research labora-
to es to supplement existing fa-
cilities where the applications of
nauclear fission to medicine and
biology will be studied.
3. A worldwide clearing house
for all atomic energy knowledge of
a non-military nature.
4. A publishing agency for the
dissemination of atomic inforna-
tion to Qualified scientists and in-
Social Research
The project also will stress re-
search into the sociological, eco-
nomic, philosophical and cultural
implications of atomic energy.
Very little research of this type
is being carried out in the United
States at this time and Phoenix
sponsors felt that this important
field could not be neglected much
The idea for an atomic reseavch
center as a tribute to University
war dead was conceived late in
1947 by Fred Smith, New York
publishing executive and a Michi-
gan student in 1924-26 where he
established a life-long friendship
with Dean Erich Walter.
The war memorial committee
under the direction of Dean Wal-
ter drew up plans for the project
and announced the general aims
of Phoenix last spring.
While other universities and
governmental and private units
are engaging in atomic research
at this time, none is as yet devot-
ing itself to the special problem of
See PHOENIX, Page 2
SBE To Help
Students Save
Will Be Open During
Week of Orientation
A non-profit Student Book Ex-
change, operated by the Inter-
Fraternity Council, will be open
during orientation and registra-
tion weeks as well as during the
first and second weeks of the fall
The exchange offers students
the opportunity to buy and sell
used books at student prices. It
now has on hand a backlog of
used books which will be obtain-
nhla immpae+pl

that part of the money would be

Pree. Ruil ven
lfeleomnes All.
New Students
It is my privilege to wel-
come you to an institution
largely supported by the peo-
ple of the State of Michigan
and designed by them to pro-
vide for you the facilities you
will need in acquiring an edu-
cation. The educational poli-
cies of the University are de-
ternuned by the faculties of
the several schools and col-
leges and are based upon the
belief that their chief objective
should be to encourage and
assist the students of each
generation to think for them-
In harmony with this objec-
tive, you will be well equipped
to begin your college work if
you understand that the poor-
est education which teaches
self-control, tolerance, and
self-respect is better than the
best which neglects the cut.
vation of these qualities, and
that the business of your
teachers is not to make you
learn but rather to aid and in-
spire you to teach yourselves.
If, in your life on the campus,
you will continue to assume a
proper amount of responsi-
bility for your own training,
your college work can scarcely
fail to be successful and, what
is quite as important, very
-Alexander G. Ruthven,
President of the Uni-
versit y.
New Buildings
A re Ready for
Fall Semester
Materity Hospital Is
Only One Incomplete
Four new University buildings,
part of a multi-million dollar
emergency expansion program,
will be ready for occupancy during
the fall semester.
Erected at a total cost of more
than $10,000,000, the four struc-
tures are an addition to the Chem-
istry Building, the General Serv-
ices Building, the School of Bus-
iness Administration and a new
women's dormitory.
Occupancy of these units will
mark te end of the emergency
program, except for completion of
the Maternity Hospital, which of-
ficials predict will not be open
before January, 1950. Construction
on that building was delayed
pending approval .of appropria-
tions last spring by the State Leg-
With enrollment figures esti-
mated at nearly equal to the rec-
ord-breaking figure established
last term, the immediate effect of
completion of the new, buildings
will be a partial easing of the
congested classroom conditions of
previous semesters.
Immediate Use
The Chemistry Addition, which
will house the School of Pharmacy
in addition to chemistry facilities.

Decrease as
Ins igificant
Expeet Inerease
ti Noii-Veterans
University officials predict a
fal lenrollment of from 20,000 to
20,500 students.
Although the exact number has
not yet been determined, officials
say the student body will be ap-
proximately the same size as last
year when the figure reached 20,-
The slight drop in expected
enrollment is not large enough
to be considered the beginning
of a downward trend In the
number of people attending the
nation's colleges and univer-
Officials do not believe the new
draft law will effect fall enroll-
:nents. However, they think that
eventually the law will take its toll
in the numbers in attendance in
institutions of higher learning
More non-veterans are expect-
ed to attend the University than
last year. However there-will still
be from 9,500 to 10,000 veterans
on campus this fall. Officials ex-
pect from 5,000 to 5,500 women
About 14,200 students will be
enrolled in undergraduate
schools next fall, while 6,300 will
be in graduate and graduate
professional schools.
Freshmen enrollment in the
Cellege of Literature, Science
and the Arts is expected to reach
2,000, but as yet University offi-
cials have not determined fresh-
man enrollment figures in other
The ratio of Michigan ., dn
to out-of-staters, including for-
eign students, who will number
about 600, remains the same as in
former years, two to one.
Classroom crowding will be con-
siderably less than last year be-
cause of the new buildings com-
pleted since last fall. These in-
clude a Chemistry Addition, East
Engineering, the Business Admin-
istration Building, and the Gen-
eral Service Building.
Also easing the overly-large-
class situation will be additional
classrooms available in Angell
Hall when the University offices
move into the General Service
Building. University officials
expect the move to taie place in
the.early fall, upon completion
of the building.
An increase in the numbers of
s n3' teachers and instructors for the
fall term was also noted by offi-
Tuition has not been increased
for Michigan residents attending
the University. State student rates
change from 70 dollars to 140
dollars in different schools. How-
ever out-of-state fees have risen
25 dollars which brings the tui-
tion costs for non-Michigan stu-
light, and dents from 175 dollars to 250 dol-
with the lars.-
ush rivals Enrollment in the different
colleges and schools is expected to

---remain approximately the same
as last year. This would bring to-
tals to 7,400 in the Arts College,
3,800 in the Engineering College,
es 3,700 in the Graduate School, 1,-
100 in the Law School, 1,100 in
the School of Business Adminis-
tration, 700 in the College of Ar-
chitecture and Design, 500 in the
of the na- School of Music, 400 in the School
1vention last of Dentistry including dental hy-
ffice during gienists, 375 in the School of Ect?
ucation, 285 in the School of For-
estry and Conservation, 280 in the
School of Nursing, 200 in the
mpus chap- School of Public Health, and 200
roses as well in the College of Pharmacy.
co-op and
okesmen for Student Veterans
ents. Fifteen
itory houses Get Help at VSB
in AIM last
The Veterans Service Bureau,
endent stu- located in the Rackham Building,
for coping plays a vital role in the lives of
sed at meet- veterans on campus from regis-
e semester. tration to graduation.
ngs are held Veterans apply for subsistence

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PAST IVY COVERED WALLS-Students amble down one of the shaded campus walks on their way to class. It runs between the General Library,.on the I
the physics laboratory on the left. In the back ground is the Romance Languages building, known as "RL" to generations of students who have struggled
intricacies of irregular verbs and French pronunciation within its gray brick walls. During classes, the walks have a deserted look, but the between-class r
Broadway and 42nd Street.



U' To Assign Football Seats
By Length of ttendanee Here
Seats at this year's football in one of four seating sections.1
des will again be assigned ac- Those with sixtor more semestersy
'ding to the number of semes- at the University will be classified
sa the student has been in at- in section four, the senior section.
idance at the University, Dick Students in section three will be
rton, chairman of the Student those with four or five semesters
otball Ticket Distribution has credit; section two, two or threel
nounced. semesters and section one for l
this is in keeping with the sys- those with less. than three semes-
m which was adopted and used ters.
successfully last fall. Under the Committee members will be
-up, the conmittee will check posted in registration lines toi
transcripts during registration punch the appropriate sectiont
determine the number of se- number on the football tickett
sters each student is to be ac- stub which will be attached to thec
dited with. Summer sessions "railroad" registration ticket. G
l count as one-half semester. The student should then present
xssification the football ticket stub at Water-
-._ 1 , ._n ( .. rv ngqzinm +t ,n h hi his;

AIM Unifies Independent Activi

The Association of Independent
Men, an affiliate of the National
Independent Students Association,
was organized on campus 10 years:
ago to coordinate activities
among independent men.
In addition, AIM seeks to make
greater residence hall facilities
available, give adequate repre-
sentation in campus affairs to all
independent men and crystallize
the opinions of independent stu-
dents into an "effective voice
on campus issues," according to
an official of the organization.
Inaugurate Independent Activities
Originally formed in 1938 into

.ivities of the now-defunct Con-
Among the projects sponsored
by the recently reactivated or-
ganization have been a political
rally for Independent Student
Legislature candidates, proctoring
student elections, representing In-
dependents on the Student Legis-
latu e and working with Student
Commiittee members of the Phoe-
nix Project.
Fall Proposals
Plans for the fall semester in-
clude sponsorship of an Indepen-
dent Ball in conjunction With
Assembly, presentation of foreign
films and development of a schol-
arship award. In addition, at-
tempts will be made to secure spe-

the Executive Council
tional body at the con
spring and will hold o
the coming year.
Members in the ca
ter include delegates fr
eral residence hall ho
as representatives for
rooming houses and sp
unaffiliated independ
of the 19 men's dorm
on campus held seats
Problems of indep
dents and proposals
with them are discussi
ings throughout th
Ordinarily such meeti

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