MODERN INQUISITION See Page 2 Aor % 0- 09410, FAIR LITTLE ([HANGE Lalest I)oedliie in the Sate VOL. LVIII, No. 201 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Group Seeks New Witness In Spy Case Mundt Refuses to Disclose Identity :WASHINGTON, Aug. 5-(EP)-A mystery witness has been found who may "crack wide open the whole Soviet spy case," the House Un-American Activities Commit- tee announced tonight. Acting Chairman Mundt (Rep., S.D.) told reporters a subcommit- tee is being sent out of town to in- terview the witness. Mundt de- clined to say who the person is, or where he is located. Earlier in the day, a congress- man declared that 1,300 pounds of precious compounds were shipped to Russia "at the very height of atomic research in 1943." Uranium is a basic material for atomic bombs. The first atomic bomo in warfare was dropped on Hiroshima three years ago today. 1Rep. McDowell (Rep., Pa.) told about the alleged uranium ship- ments to his colleagues on the House Committee on Un-Ameri- 4 can Activities. It is one of two Congressional units now digging into charges that Communists in- filtrated into high places in the U.S. government during the war. McDowell said the uranium was shipped "after tremendous pres- sure on all phases of our govern- ment from known Russian agents and others who had worked them- selves into positions of impor- tance." He said the uranium was dispatched in two shipments from "a small obscure airfield in this country." Meanwhile President Truman described the spy flurry on Capi- tol Hill as a "red herring" intend- ed to veil congressional inaction on his anti-inflation program. The President issued a state- ment saying the public hearings on' the Communists are "serving no ;iseful purpose" and are "do- -1itg~Irrei ble charm'-* 'to. -certain persons. He also said they are "seliously impairing the morale of federal employes and under- mining public confidence in the government." President Truman said that no information has been turned up which has not long since been presented to a federal grand jury, or known to the FBI. Undeterred by the criticism from the White House, both com- mittees went ahead with the in- vestigations they began last week, stemming from the testimony of Miss Elizabeth T. Bentley, self- described former Communist spy. Trainer, Navy Plane Collide; 8MenDead MIAMI, Fla., Aug. 5--W)-A Navy plane and a Stearman train- er collided north of Miami late today and the Florida highway patrol said eight bodies had been recovered from the wreckage. The two occupants of the Stear- man tailed out and were unhurt. The Navy would not say how many were aboard the Navy R4D, which corresponds to the C-47 and the DC-3. The Navy plane was enroute from Norfolk, Va., to the Naval Air Station at suburban Opa- alocka. Bailed Out The collision occurred one mile northwest of Berry Field near Hollywood, Fla. Tommy Poe, in- structor, who was flying the Stearman, and his student, John Hackett, 21, bailed out. Lt. Comdr. Ralph C. McGinley of the Naval Air Station here said it was not known how many naval men were aboard the plan nor if all were killed. He said no list would be available until next of kin had been notified. J. H. Butts of Miami, who was attending a barbecue in the vi- cinity, said the small plane shot up into the larger craft. Going South Butts, an airplane enthusiast, was watching the two planes and said both were going south to- ward Miami. "Tha trainer surdrenly shot nn Israel Makes First Bid For Peace Negotiations Invitation Follows King Abdullah's Hint; Proposal Placed Before Count Bernadotte TEL AVIV, Israel, Aug. 5-O')-Israel's government today made its first direct bid for peace negotiations with the Arab states. The invitation followed hints by King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan, key figure on the Arab side, that he is ready to consider a com- promise to end the 11-week struggle. The proposal was placed before Count Folke Bernadotte, UN mediator, by foreign minister Moshe Shertok at the end of a three hour talk. Transmission The request will be transmitted to the Arabs through the United Nations. Shertok previously had made public statements urging Arabs Gto come to peace talks, but this Houseasses A ti-InflationB Soviets Ease erlIn Cash Curbs '4 _____________________________________ --AA> Russia May compr'oise Over Dispute Ford Raises Prices $75 on New Models Second Increase in Rates Since June 18 DETROIT, Aug. 5-'P)-The Ford Motor Co. today increased the price of all but one of its Ford models another $75. The single exception was the six-cylinder business coupe which was cut $5. Second Increase It was the second increase by Ford since the 1949 models were introduced last June 18, and the third in a little less than a year. On Aug. 24 of last year Ford hiked prices from $34 to $90; with in- troduction of thetnew models $85 to $125 were added to the price tags. Today's increases average five per cent. They bring to from $194 to $290 the increases For, has an- nounced since Jan. 15, 1947, when cuts of from $15 to $50 were made in what Henry Ford II said was an effort to halt inflation. . The Ford price advances result, a company announcement said, from increases in material and la- bor costs, and the necessity of re- ducing present production volume due to material shortages which cause production interruptions. Temporary Program When Ford increased prices last June it also froze dealers' dis- counts at the 1947 levels. Under this program, announced as only a temporary one, the full amount of the $85 to $125 increase went to the manufacturer, instead of being shared with the dealer on the customary basis of approxi- mately 25 per cent. This action brought protests from many dealers. There was no indication in today's announce- ment whether the same procedure would be followed with the lat- est price advance. Virtually all other car manu- facturers have advanced prices this year, the latest being General Motors which increased them on all its cars an average of eight per cent.- Still other increases reportedly are in the making and may be announced before the year's end. Expect Second Boost Most industry quarters expected a second increase by Ford follow- ing settlement of the wage dis- pute with the CIO United Auto Workers last month. The Ford reference to produc- tion interruptions recalled that some difficulty has been encoun- tered in regaining the production momentum attained before the shutdown for the Ford model change-over. was his first official approach. Always the Ar zbs have rejected these feelers on the grounds that peace negotiations would be a rec- ognition of the Jewish state, some- thing they have refused to enter- tain. Yesterday at his capital of Am- man, however, King Abdullah told a news conference his "Arab na- tion does not exclude any possible compromise that secures justice and prevents unnecessary blood- shed." Refugees During their three hours talk Bernadotte and Shertok also dis- cussed the problem of Arab refu- gees, the status of Jerusalem and other piroblems of the current Holy Land truce. As to the proposed demilitariza- tion of Jerusalem, Shertok correct- ed Bernadotte's statement in Am- man that "both the Jews and Arabs have accepted in principle" the proposed withdrawal of all arms and armies from the city. Shertok said Israel had only agreed to "discuss any or all means of stopping the fighting in Jerusalem." He said demilitariza- tion was not the way to achieve this. World New&V At a Glance (By The Associated Press) NUERNBERG, Germany, Aug. 5-German police said today Gen. Friedrich Neumann of the Cze- choslovakia Air Force slipped across the border into the Ameri- can zone of Germany July 21 as a refugee from his Communist gov- ernment. He was turned over to U.S. Army investigators. * * * WASHINGTON, Aug. 5-The White House was picketed today by advocates of "effective civil rights legislation." Paul Robeson, singer and co- chairman of the Progressive Party, led the several hundred pickets. * * * FRANKFURT, Germany Aug. 5 - Steel production in Western Germany hit a new high in July, it was announced tonight. * * 4 WASHINGTON, Aug. 5-The National Guard opened the door today to more volunteers. * * * FRANKFURT, Germany, Aug. 5 -Forty-four men in a Russian zone power plant were killed in a coal dust explosion, the newspa- per Frankfurter Neue Press said tonight. * * * LANSING, Aug. 5 - Attorney General Eugene F. Black today advised all Michigan prosecutors to suspend criminal proceedings under the Bonnie-Tripp Act. Contimlunist Ranks Split in 1.S. Sectorw BERLIN, Aug. 5-(U/P)-The Rus- sians slightly relaxed their finan- cial blockade of Berlin today as this crisis-ridden city watched for results of four-power diplomatic maneuvering in Moscow. The action indicated the Rus- sians may be willing to work out a compromise of the East-West currency dispute here. Soviet au- EE thorities have given the money SILVERMASTER TERMS CLIAJ conflict as a reason for their im- (far right, arrow) sits in the w position of the land blockade of "charges made by Miss Bentleya te city.sbeth T. Bentley in which he w: Meanwhile, the first openi break in Berlin Communist cOmmnittee table, from left are: ranks over the blockade was re- Edward Hebert (Dem., La.), Cl ported during the day. A stormy ener (Rep., Mich.), Charles B. meeting of the youth section of Chadwick (Rep., Pa.). the Communist-controlled So- -- ---- ------ cialist Unity Party (SED) in the American sector condemned the SAWDUST TRAIL* blockade as a "crime against humanity." lig o RCVI, These developrments coincided with reports from Moscow that a T second meeting of British, Amer- To B n g)"Ch ican and French diplomats with Soviet Prime Minister Stalin may be in the offing. CHICAGO, Aug. 5--')-A saw- Charles Giffard, British finance dust trail for young folks now officer, told a news conference of stretches around the world. the Russians' financial action. He Youth for Christ International, said the anti-Communist Berlin an organization that seeks to city government had reached an 'make Christ available" to youths agreement with the Russians for everywhere, has spread out to 50 the release of 'enough funds from countries. blocked Russian mark accounts to The history of this religious meet its weekend payments. movement is brief-and, its di- A similar arrangement was rectors say, "amazing." It started reached for business firms in the as a series of Saturday night re- Western sectors of the city. Gif- vival sessions in a few scattered fard said. Those concerns had been cities before World War II. in a position of not being able to Sawdust Trail meet salaries and other debts be- Young people-most of them 16 cause of the week-old Soviet to 20--gathered in auditoriums squeeze on money. and public halls. They listened to Giffard said as far as he songs, joined in hymns and pray- knew "no strings were attached" ers, heard testimonials and ser- to the Russian release of funds. mons. Many came up the aisle, He added: "The present ar- the modern equivalent of the saw- rangement appears satisfactory dust trail of. the old ten meet- to the Western Allies." ings, to embrace religion. Asked why the Russians should More and more towns adopted suddenly swerve from their appar- the plan. Now there are 1,400 units ent aim of achieving a financial in the United States with a reg- monopoly in Berlin, he replied: ularly weekly attendance of 1,000,- 'They apparently did not want 000. to bring things to a head in Berlin ThQ evangelists decided in 1945 while negotiations were going on to carry their case for Christian- elsewhere (in Moscow). The Rus- ity abroad. Since they they have sians appear to have agreed to established 800 branches on five the arrangement in order to per- continents. mit the life of Berlin to go on Crusade for the time being." "It has grown into a full-fledged * crusade," says Dr. Robert A. Cook, .RGES 'FALSE AND FANTASTIC'-Nathan Gregory Silvermaster witness chair as he tells a House investigating committee that are "false and fantastic." le referred to earlier testimony by Eliza- ras named as head of a Communist spy ring in the government. At Reps. Karl Mundt (Rep., N.D.), Hardin Peterson (Dem., Fla.), arence Brown (Rep., 0.), John W. Gwynne (Rep., Iowa), Earl Mich- Hoeven (Rep., Iowa), Reporter Fred Othman and Rep. Wallace Gva (vr o tp P Ifnit rist to Youth' The budget for the fiscal year that began July 1 adds up to $872,000. Of that sum, $108,000 is earmarked for administration and field work in the United States. The rest will be used to press the "spiritual invasion" over- seas. Leaders will work .out their plans at a conference Aug. 10 to 22 in Beatenberg, Switzerland. The movement is not affiliated, with any denomination. Its base is the Bible, That's where Dr. Cook looked for inspiration as he con- templated "our hardest and biggest year." 1 ,) Sthe 36-year-old president. W estern As When operations began on a global scale there was only $500 in hand. But the planners had (ai);faith the money would come from their only sources-free will offer- 4 y ing< at irallies and gifts from bus- Secon e inc smen. It did. Teams of two to eight clergymen MOSCOW, Aug. 5- )-Brtih, and laymen sowed the scriptural American and French envoys con- seed in, among other places, ferred at the American embassy Czechoslovakia, Poland, Venezuela, today and were believed to be for- Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Mexico, mulating plans for another East- Cuba, South Africa, Australia, New West meeting with Prime Minister Zealand, Hawaii, the Philippines Stalin. China, Japan and India. Frank Roberts, special British Local Committees envoy, joined French ambassador The teams hold rallies, explain Yves Chataigneau in U.S.Am-their mission, and set up local bassador Walter B. Smith's office committee to carry on the tak. this afternoon. The conference ___- --- - Housewives PiLcket Prices OfCreamery DETROIT, Aug. 5-(/P)-Mili- tant Detroit housewives today pre- pared to take their war against high prices out on picket lines to- morrow. The targets of the dem- instrators will be two creamery plants, Milk prices were scheduled to increase one cent in the De- troit area Friday--bringing the price of a quart of milk to 21 cents -and there were rumors that an-' othe: boost is in the offing forI Sepiember, Leading the Detroit rebellion is the committee to combat high prices. The group has operated 10 booths in scattered shopping cen- ters to collect signatures to tele- grams to Senators and Congress- men demanding price roll-backs. Mrs. Bess Sniderman, chairman of the committee, said one booth collec;ted 2,000 signatures today- mast of them with cash contribu- tions to defray telegraph costs. Meanwhile, buyer resistence has had noticeable effects in Detroit meat markets. A statewide sur- vey by the Associated Press re- vealed retail meat sales were dropped as much as 25 per cent. Dealers reported good cuts are "standing still." Shoppers who used to buy steaks settle for pigs knuckles and dealers said house- wives are "speaking sharply" to meat cutters. State National Guard Groups Start To Train LANSING, Aug. 5-(AP)-First units of Michigan's National Guard will start on the move to- morrow for their summer training period at Camp Grayling. More than 7,200 guardsmen from more than 40 Michigan com- munities will be travelling by train and truck convoy through- out the state until late Saturday. Calumet's company A of the 107th Engineers, from the Keewe- now Peninsula in far Northern Michigan, will be the first to get underway, setting out by motor convoy tomorrow. Rail movement will begin tomorrow night with units from Detroit, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo and South Haven scheduled to entrain before mid- night. A total of 3,185 officers and men will make the trip by rail. The rest will move by motor convoy. Guard headquarters estimated that 200 railroad cars and more than 1,000 vehicles will be used for the largest peacetime migra- tion of Michigan guardsmen. In addition to special trains from the larger cities, separate trains will originate from Mus- kegon, Grand Haven, Holland, Greenville, Alma, Port Huron, Ann Arbor, Lansing, Owosso, Saginaw, Bay City, Howell, Ionia, Coldwater, Set Hop wood M, 54, Da dline1 Entries in this summer's Hop- wood Contest must be turned in by 4:30 p.m. today in 3227 Angell Hall, director R. W. Cowden an- nounced. Awards contest, including four major fields of creative writing, will be announced at 5 p.m. Thurs- day, but winners will have been notified by special delivery mail before that time. Manuscripts may be picked up the following Fri- day at the Hopwood Room. A total of $475 in prizes was awarded last summer to eight winners among the four categories of the contest, drama, essay, fic- tion and poetry. There was a total of 28 entries last year, including three drama entries, seven essays, 12 in the fiction classification and six poetry entries. Comproimise Proposal Had GOP Backers President Decribes Measure As Feeble WASHINGTON, Aug. 5 - (A) - The GOP anti-inflation measure was passed, 264 to 97, today by the House in a sharp rebuff for Presi- dent Truman who only a short time before had labelled it a "feeble compromise." The measure calls for restora- tion of wartime controls on in- stallment buying, and a moderate tightening of bank credit. It ig- nores the President's demand for rationing and price-wage control powcrs, and for an excess profits tax. The bill was rushed to the Senate as Republican leaders drove for adjournment of the extra session of Congress Sat- urday night, or next Tuesday at the latest. But plans for swift adjourn- ment were imperiled by a wide- open split within Republican ranks on the housing issue. The Senate Banking Commit- tee, in a surprise move, dumped overboard a housing bill spon- sored by Senator McCarthy (Rep., Wis.) and sent to the Senate floor a revised version of the Taft- Ellender - Wagner housing bill, backed by President Truman. The Senate then began consideration of the latter measure. This was a new flareup of a'n old battle. The T-E-W bill, which has been sponsored by Senator Taft (Rep., O.) among others, is designed to encourage the ,constrction of 15.000,000 homes in 10 years. Some House leaders have branded the public housing fea- ture "socialistic." The bill offered by Senator McCarthy, with the backing of a joint Senate-House committee, omitted the public housing and slum clearance pro- visions. Angry Senators who favored the McCarthy bill predicted the T-E-W measure would be de- feated in the House, if not in the Senate. The anti - inflation measure backed by Republicans would: 1. Authorize the Federal Re- serve Board to impose installment buying controls up to March 15, 1949. 2. Empower the Federal Re- serve Board, until next March 31, to increase reserve requirements of member banks. 3. Require every Federal Re- serve Bank to maintain reserves in goid certificates of not less than 25 per cent against its deposits and not less than 40 per cent against its Federal Reserve notes in circulation. Secretary of Treasury Snyder said the Republican time-pay- men curbs would not do much good because the government probably couldn't set up the pro- grain by the time it expires next March 15. * * * Truman ays GOP Evades Control Issue WASHINGTON, Aug. 5-(P)- President Truman angrily ac- cused the GOP Congress today of dragging a "red herring" across the trial to distract attention from its "feeble compromise" on the cost of living issue, His "red herring" remark re- ferred to the current investiga- tions on Capitol Hill, which have prodaced charges that government officials were involved--with a net- work of Communist spies during FORGET FASCISM: Prof. Wheare Advises Nation To Worry About Russia Now Forget the dictatorships of the right and worry about Russia. That was the advice given the United States by Prof. Kenneth C. Wheare, visiting member of the political science department, con- cluding the University's summer lectures on European economic re- construction. "The Russians are too strong and undemocratic to allow free- dom in Europe. It's a question of some freedom along with fascist L-nournments like thnse in Snain politicians in European nations, especially Germany, Finland and Czechoslovakia are faced with "threats from Moscow," and "Fifth Column activities." "America's job in Europe is to establish robust, strong constitu- tional governments in the devas- tated nations, insure a constitu- tional alternative to Communism and consider the necessity of un- constitutional alternatives to Com- munism." followed an earlier round of dip- lomatic meetings today and last night. There was no official statementI on any developments tonight but informed sources said "develop- ments were possible." The three western envoys were reported standing by after their lengthy meeting at the American embassy. Reliable sources said a new ap- proach may be made to the Rus- sians shortly and that this was likely to take the form of another four-power meeting involving Sta- lin. The gist of the replies from Washington, London and Paris to their envos' rennrts of the firstI Correction Part of the $25,000 recently allotted to the Phoenix Project by the Board of Regents will be used to establish four pre-doctoral fel- lowships, rather than post-doc- toral fellowships, as stated in Wednesday's Daily. I AUNCHES NEW ERA: WWJ-TV To Televise Opera Bill I will be under the direction of Wal- By KENNETH LOWE I Although the nerformance willI