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Latest Deadline in the State

VOL. LVIII, No. 200



Cites White
House Help
Admits Patterson
Acted for Him
WASHINGTON, Aug. 4 - (AP) -
Natlhan Gregory Silvermaster, ac-
cused of spying f or Soviet Rus-
sia, related today that a White
House aide and a cabinet of fi-
cer protected his wartime gov-
ernment job after Naval Intelli-
gence tried to get him fired.
Silvermaster produced a letter
he said was written by Robert P.
Patterson, then Secretary of War,
clearing him after Lauchlin Cur-
rie, for years a top White House
assistant, had called on Patterson
in Silvermaster's behalf.
The middle-aged Silvermaster,
a witness before the House Un-
American Activities Committee,
flatly refused to say whether he
ever was a Communist, but he as-
serted he never was a spy. He said
the Naval Intelligence report was
an unjustified smear and that he
had been cleared after investiga-
tion by various agencies, including
a Chief of the U. S. Secret Serv-
Patterson Statement
In New York~, Patterson said
that to the best of his recollection
Currie called him during the war
about a case in the Board of Eco-
nomic Warfare involving a man
he thinks was Silvermaster. He
ordered an inquiry, he said, and
told Currie later that the War
Department did not object to the
man staying in BEW. He added
he had every confidence in Currie.
Patterson said he never met Sil-
Testimony that both the Navy
and the Civil Service Commission
hcad tried unsuccessfully to pry
Silvermaster loose from his job
with the Board of Economic War-
fare was given the committee.
Stock Answer
To a rapid fire series of ques-
tions including: "Are you now or
have you ever been a member of
the Communist Party?" Silver-
master used a stock answer.
"I refuse to answer on the
grounds that any answer might
incriminate me."
On the Senate side, an expen-
ditures subcommittee failed to
learn from Secretary of the Navy
John L. Sullivan whether William
W. Remington was discharged
from his Naval Reserve Commis-
sion for security reasons.
Sullivan was called before the
Senators after three Admirals had
refused to talk about Remington's
Fund Shortage
Cuts DP Entry
shortage of funds will limit to
about 40,000 the number of refu-
gees to enter the United States
in the next 11 months, Ugo Carusi,
newly named Displaced Persons
Commissioner, said today.
This is less than half the
amount of immigration contem-
plated for the period under the
Displaced Persons Law passed in
June. A total of 205,000 was set
as the quota for the two years
ending June 30, 1950.
Carusi said his conclusion is[

based on a study of what can be
done with the "inadequate" $2,-
000,000 budget appropriated by
Congress to finance the immigra-
"We need at least $2,000,000
more for this fiscal year to get
this program going on the scale
Congress envisoned when it passed
the Displaced Persons Law," Car-
usi said in an interview.
Carusi, a former Commissioner
of Immigration said that even if
Congress grants the extra money,
60,000 to 75,000 displaced persons
is all tlat the American Govern-
ment can hope to bring in during
the first year.
Hitchcock Thriller
Will Be Presented
Alfred Hitchcock's celebrated
mystery thriller, "The Lady Van-
ishes," will be shown 'at 7 and 9
p.m., Friday through Sunday at
Kellogg Auditorium.
The film is being co-sponsored
by AVC and the Art Cinema

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'49 Season, lames unions
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Ditches Anti-Poll Tax Bill

Allies Meet on Stalin Conference

4 n4

NEW YORK, Aug. 4-(AP)-The
world - renowned Metropolitan
Opera today cancelled its 1948-49
reason because, it said, demands
for union wage increases could not
be met.
If the cancellation stands, it will
be the first time in 50 years that
the Met has failed to present a
season of opera.
The Opera Association said its
decision was caused by "failure
to reach agreements with all of
the 12 unions representing the em-
Two Operas
Open Today
Program To Feature
18th Century Comedy
A double bill of opera, presented
by the Department of Speech in
collaboration with the School of
Music, will open at 8 p.m. today
on the stage of Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
The program will feature a con-
trast between the old and the new
with "Down in the Valley," a re-
cent folk opera by Kurt Weill, ap-
pearing on the 'same bill with G.
B. Pergolese's "La Serva Pa-
Male lead in the American opera
will be taken by Howard Kellogg.
Norma Heyde will play opposite
him. Masako Ono and Robert Sill
will handle the leading singing
roles in "La Serva Padrona."
The program will be presented
at 8 p.m. tonight through Satur-
day with an additional perform-
ance being given at 8 p.m., Mon-
day. A special matinee, which will
be broadcast by the National
Broadcasting Company, is sched-
uled for 2:15 p.m., Saturday.

Shortly after the announcement,1
Local 802 of the AFL American
Federation of Musicians said it
had reluctantly withdrawn de-
mands for a wage boost in an ef-
fort to reach a settlement with
the opera. This union said the
only point it had continued to
insist on was establishment of un-
employment insurance and old age
The musicians said in a state-
ment the Met "is not a private
"It is a civic institution," the
statement asserted. "It is one
which belongs not to a small group
of people-not to a board of direc-
tors-but it belongs to all the
"It is inconceivable that the
Metropolitan Board of Directors
could act so cavalierly."
The Union said it was "confi-
dent that this unilateral action
will not stand for long."
However, a spokesman for the
Association indicated the decision
was final.
AL Plans Petition
Progrram in Fall
The Student Legislature agreed
last night to circulate their peti-
tions requesting the Regents to
revise their political speakers ban
during registration week in the
The agreement arose from Dean
Walter's pointing out that a peti-
tion from summer students would
not be representative of the actual
student body.
No official business could be
done because a quorum was not
Absent members were Marshall
Lewis, Al Maslin, Hanny Lietson
and Paul McCracken.

Debates Steps
III Solving of
Berlin Crisis
'Possible Agreement'
With Russians Seen
(By The Associated Press)
American, British and French
envoys conferred for three hours
tonight on their next step in ne-
gotiations with Russia for a settle-
ment of the Berlin crisis and per-
haps East-West differences in all
U.S. Ambassador Walter B.
Smith and French ambassador
Yves Chataigneau went to the
British Embassy where Frank
Roberts, the special British envoy,
received them. U.S. embassy coun-
sellor Foy Kohler accompanied
It was reliablly reported that
one of the three embassies-
which one was not specified-
had already received the first
official reaction to the talks
with Prime Minister Stalin Mon-
day night.
It was possible that all three
envoys had received such ad-
There was no indication up to
a late hour tonight that the west-
ern diplomats had made any ef-
fort to obtain a second appoint-
ment with either Stalin or For-
eign Minister V. M. Molotov.
Reliable sources here said there
is a good chance for "an agree-
ment" between the Western Pow-
ers and the Soviet Union but they
did not specify its nature.
In Washington Secretary of
State George Marshall declined to
say whether any new communi-
cation had been sent to the U.S.
ambassador in Moscow or when
any announcement will be made
concerning results of the Moscow
Hesaidthat for very evident
reasons the State Department
could make no statement. The sec-
retary was very grave, however.
His manner reflected none of
the cheerfulness and high good
humor that was reported to
have been shining in the faces
of the three western diplomats
who recently saw Premier Stalin.
If anything, Mr. Marshall ap-
peared to be more serious-in
fact, preoccupied-than he has
been on other occasions when
the Russian situation was under
discussion with correspondents.
At Lake Success, meanwhile,
the solid Slav front against the
outside world appeared not to have
been dented by the recent Com-
munist Party struggle in Yugo-
Both Soviet Russia and the
Ukraine backed Yugoslavia today
in a fight with the West over
There was not the slightest sign
in the United Nations Security
Council of the rift in Communist
circles caused by the blasts of the
Communist Information Bureau
against the head of the Yugoslav
Yugoslavia brought up the coun-
cil fight by charging the United
States and Britain with violating
the Italian peace treaty. Dr. Joza
Vilfan, Yugoslav delegate, declared
the Western Powers were trying to
make their zone of the Trieste ter-
ritory a province of Italy.
Dr. Philip C. Jessup, United
States deputy, and Sir Alexander
Cadogan, Britain, replied that Yu-
goslavia had no foundation for the
He and Cadogan said they were
surprised that such charges should
come from a government which, in
administering its zone of the

Trieste territory, had paid no heed
to international obligations and
had not even made a report to
the Security Council.
A source thoroughly familiar
with Communist Warty politics
said that Yugoslavia evidently had
brought the case to the UN so it
could gain Russian support here
and tell Yugoslavs that Russia
still is behind the government de-
spite the Communist attacks on

Ohio Strikers
Accept Terms
Of Governor
DAYTON, O., Aug. 4 - (P) -
Striking workers of the Univis
Lens Plant, thwarted by National
Guard troops, agreed late today
to Gov. Thomas J. Herbert's terms
for approaching a settlement of
the 92-day-old dispute.
Herbert Hirschberg, regional or-
ganizer of the CIO United Electri-
cal Workers, announced members
of the Univis Plaint local would vest
in their leaders jull authority to
sign an agreement with the com-
Governor Herbert, incensed by
members' rejection of a signed
agreement between union and
company officials last Sunday,
had refused to arrange another
conference unless UEW negotia-
tors were empowered to act for the
The company, reporting that
390 of its normal 658 production
workers were back on the job in
the second day of operations un-
der protection of guardsmen, an-
nounced it would proceed imme-
diately to replace the strikers.
M. H. Stanley, company presi-
dent, said he intended to make no
new overtures to the CIO United
Electrical Workers whose strike,
he estimated, has cost Univis $1,-
000,000 in sales and its employes
$500,000 in lost wages.
Stanley's statement that strik-
ing workers would be replaced
prompted this comment from
D'Arnold Davis, union attorney:
"The union will just disregard
such comments by the company."
Scholar Adopts
Cinderella Kitten
"Uncle Elizabeth," the kitten
that went from a ward in the
Humane Society animal shelter to
star performer in the recent play
production of "I Remember
Mama" has a permanent home.
She was turned over to Robert
E. Klagstad, University student
living -at 1215 S. University, by
Marcia Miller, '49, a member of
the play's properties department,
who couldn't keep Uncle Elizabeth
because of apartment rulings.

'U' Linguist Spends Six Years
AmongGold Coast Natives

ARMORED CAR IN CROWD-An armored car of the Ohio National Guard moves through part of
the crowd outside the Univis Lens Co., in Dayton, Ohio, pushing them back. The National Guard
broke the strike shackles and strike leaders were ordered jailed for 10 days for contempt of court.
Approximately 350 non-strikers, protected by troops, tanks and guns, marched back into the factory
where pickets fought with them and police last week.

Plan To Place
Issue Before
Voters Fails
House Group Passes
Alternate Price Bill
Southern Democrats scored a
clear-cut victory today when Re-
publican leaders agreed to aban-
don- further consideration of an
anti-poll tax bill in the Senate.
The decision came at the con-
clusion of five days of intensive
Southern filibustering which the

Living among cannibals in dark
Africa, where no other white man
has ever come out alive, was once
the job of Florence Blossom.
Miss Blossom, of the University's
Linguistic Institute, spent a total
of six and one-half years in the
northern territory of the British'
Gold Coast. Once, before one of
World News
At a Glance
(By The Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Aug. 4-Twenty
delegates were denied seats today
at the New York State Federation
of Labor's annual convention be-
cause they have alleged Commu-
nist sympathies.
It was the first time in the
group's 85-year history that dele-
gates have been refused seats on
political grounds.
* * *
Enrico Cardinal Sibilia, 87, old-
est member of the College of
Cardinals, died today at his
birthplace, Anagni, south of
* * *
eral Security Administrator Oscar
Ewing tonight demanded a public
hearing on an accusation that he
had blocked efforts of the Office
of Education to combat Commu-
nism through the schools.
* * *
DETROIT, Aug. 4 - (IP) -A
one-cent increase in the retail
price of milk in the Detroit area
goes into effect Thursday, with
the new price being 21 cents.
OWOSSO, Mich., Aug. 4-(;P)--
Local hospital officials tonight re-
ported that 18 persons were in-
jured, two seriously, when a rac-
ing car ran out of control and
crashed into a crowd of specta-
tors at the Owosso midget auto
race track.

her trips into the back country, a
British officer had gone in and
returned with an arrow in his
back, according to her friends.
Admits Story
Miss Blossom, when reminded of
this story, laughed and said, "Well,
I -guess-that's tru~e." She has had
no harrowing experiences or nar-
row escapes, though. Nor has she
ever been afraid of the natives.
"They realized that I'm perfect-
ly harmless," she explained, "so
they didn't bother me. Besides,
they're really not cannibals." She
prefers the word "preliterates," a
term connected with her work.
Miss Blossom has spent her time
in Africa recording the language
of the Dagomba and Konkomba
tribes. The outcome of her work
will be a dictionary of the lan-
guage and a book of folklore.
Bush Primer
She has published a primer for
the "bush schools," which are run
by native, trained Africans.
Th'e tribes make their living by
farming and do some weaving.
The American Arapahoe In-
dians and other tribes have also
been the subjects of Miss Blos-
som's studies, but she has spent
shorter periods of time with these
War Experience
During the war she was an
army flight nurse and served in
the North African campaign.
She will show movies taken
while among the previously un-
photographed African tribes, in-
cluding a witch doctor in action,
native lepers, a ritual African
funeral dance, scenic views of the
Gold Coast and many others. The
movies will be shown at 8 p.m.
Monday, in the Rackham Amphi-
Farben Death Toll Up
Aug. 4-(P)--The known death toll
in the Farben Chemical Plant
blast a week ago rose to 187 to-
Police said 41 persons are miss-
ing and 439 are still in hospitals.

Republicans claimed prevented ac-
tion on the bill this session.
As soon as a motion was lodged
last Thursday to bring up the
anti-poll tax bill, Southern Dem-
ocrats began erecting a wall of
words around the subject. They
refused to yield to anyone except
ether Senators pledged to kill the
Because the debate involved a
motion, not a bill, presiding of-
ficer Vandenberg (Rep., Mich)
ruled that it was impossible to
apply the debate-limiting clo-
ture rule. Southerners could, and
did, talk as long as they wanted.
As a tentative compromise some
GOP leaders suggested that in-
stead of passing a bill against the
poll tax, the matter be voted on
by the people in the form of a
Constitutional Amendment, South-
ern Democratic leaders had in-
dicated they would not filibuster
against such a proposed amend-
But at today's Republican con-
ference, the compromise plan ap-
parently was tossed overboard in
favor of another effort to pass the
anti-poll tax bill next'year.
Meanwhile, a GOP substitute
for President Truman's anti-in-
fainprogram was rammed
through the House Banking
Committee tonight on a 16-8
It calls for restoration of war-
time curbs on installment buy-
ing, and a moderate tightening
of bank credit.
GOP leaders were pressing a
drive to adjourn the extra ses-
sion of Congress, possibly Sat-
urday night, or at the latest
next Tuesday.
A Senate-House Committee ten-
tatively approved at the same time
a housing bill which Senator Mc-
Carthy (Rep., Wis.) said is "prin-
cipally designed to stimulate pro-
duction of lower cost homes."
The measure is far different
from the Truman-backed Taft-
Ellender-Wagner Bill, designed to
spur the construction of 15,000,-
000 homes in 10 years.
Phoning Wives
(By The Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Aug. 4-A telephone
crusade against high meat prices
mounted as hogs hit record price
peaks today.
Housewives in scattered parts
of the country phoned one another
to stay out of butcher shops, but
the phone calls did not reach the
Chicago Livestock Market. There
the new all time high hog peak-
$31.50 a hundred pounds - was
The butcher boycott, spread by
telephone calls, centered mainly in
Texas. It began in Dallas, where
the Dallas Federation of Women's
Clubs urged housewives to buy no
meat from Aug. 9 to Aug. 16.
Chain telephone calls also were
being used to support the no-
meat campaign in Miami, Fla.,
and Atlanta, Ga. Those who got
the calls were supposed to phone
five friends at Miami, urging them
to join the crusade.
In Louisville, Ky., housewives
also were reported waging a tele-
phonercampaign against high
meat prices.
Wheare To End
Eeonomic Talks

Dean of Education Organizes
Worldwide Grandfathers Club

Plans are now underway to unite
all the grandfathers of the world
in the form of a "make-believe"
International Order of Grandfa-
The brains behind the new
movement is Dean James B. Ed-
monson, of the education school,
who admits it was his original
idea to "secure for grandfathers
some of the credit and apprecia-
tion now heaped upon grand-
Dean Edmonson explained to
The Daily how the new group
doesn't work: There is no consti-

Membership is spreading about
the world like wild-fire.
No great amounts are being
taken in by the IOG because it
has no dues either, according to
Dean Edmonson.
"In fact, if you have any money,
send it to somebody else-we don't
have a treasurer or anything to
do with the money," Dean Ed-
monson said.
However, IOG has other offi-
cers. There is no limit to the num-
ber of presidents-all any grand-
father who wants to be president
has to do is agree to foot all the

U' Clinic Seeks Data on Rare Illness


Every person in Michigan is
being enlisted by the University
Heredity Clinic to strike a double
blow at the problems of cancer
and heredity.1,
The clinic is conducting a cam-
paign to secure information on

important data on family heredity
factors," Dr. James V. Neel, of
the clinic, commented.
Emphasizing the 'double' aspect
of the project, Dr. Neel explained
that although most types of can-
cer show no known heredity tend-
encies, retinablastoma occurs too

after visiting the families of every
person in the state who has been
afflicted with the disease.
Every possible source in the
state will be contacted in the
drive, according to clinic officials,
with special appeals going out to
the families of children in which

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