PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, AUGt I ERP in Action SPEAKER J. BURKE KNAPP of the State Department, who spoke recently in the University's lecture series on European recovery, pointed out the strings attached to Marshall Plan aid, and in so doing ems phasized the necessity of bringing the func- tioning of the ERP administration into the full view of all. According to Knapp, goods are sent to the 16 participating governments which in turn sell the goods to individuals within their boundaries. The funds from the sale of the goods are kept in a speciaj pool from which expenditures can be made only with the approval of both the member nation and the United States. And the American policy has been to withhold permission to use these funds., Basically the plan is sound. Goods needed for recovery are put in the right hands and useless, inflated currency is drained away. However, the control the United States gains over the funds, (which incidentally, can be held onto far longer than the actual aid benefits last) can possibly be used to wage our diplomatic war with Russia. This has been the highpoint of criticism against the entire EUP plan. Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only.. NIGHT EDITOR: FREDRICA WINTERS Knapp said the state department policy on granting permission to the member na- tion to use these funds is based on several conditions. First, nothing must be spent until the inflation is licked, because that would only recreate the situation ERP is hoping to correct. Also, because the peopled of member nations see the goods only as commodities purchasable from their own governments, the United States wants the funds spent in private industry or public projects wherein the people can see ERP as the gift that it actually is. However, if the "warm war" gets any worse, the State Department may find it expedient to make political use of its financial con- trol over member nations. Those funds could go for strategic war fortifications or "productive" factories turning out guns and ammunition. Or funds could be released only upon strict adherence to the "American po- sition" in the United Nations or tweaty. making. Although the State Department would like us to think that it will use its ERP power altruistically, it has a powerful weapon with which to coerce the world into undemocratic submission. In order that the people may know wheth- er the State Department policy will remain altruistic, all publicity must be granted to information regarding the release of ERP funds. If ever we are to pick up the big stick the people should be aware of it -and then public opinion will decide wheth: er or not the step is justified. -Craig H. Wilson. MATTER OF FACT: Dewey's Strategy By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON - The special session of Congress, now glumly simmering in its own juice, will shortly be done to a turn. This squalid legislative stew will then be removed from the stove which is Washington at the moment. Even before this happy event, meanwhile, one can already begin to measure the political effectiveness of President Truman's bold maneuver of calling Congress back to undone work. The best test, of course, is the extent to which the President's maneuver haste caused Governor Thomas E. Dewey to re- consider his campaign plans. "Not at all," is the answer given on highest authority. Extraordinary marks of confidence are in fact the most striking features out in his retreat at Pawling, N.Y. In 1944, when Dewey had President Roosevelt to contend with, he began campaigning early and continued in slam-bang style to the finish. In the very different circumstances this year, he probably will not begin his first swing across the country until late September. What is planned is a brief, intensive effort, mainly aimed to get out the vote which Dewey feels pretty sure is his already. LOOKING FROM EAST TO WEST AID I' AS oCE Letters to the Editor. f The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication In this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they arereceived all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of coD- densing letters. * ~* * Moscow Line? To the Editor: -- - r . .-r , ,. .. , ., ., d f. i % i, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Ed and Martin By SAMUEL GRAFT ON ED RAN INTO MARTIN, his old village opponent, on the evening train. "Hi, Ed," said Martin. "Say, who do you think is being helped the most by the special session, you Democrats or us Republicans?" "I think we could each put what we're getting out of it into our left eye and never feel it," said Ed. * * * "I'm a little worried," confessed Martin. "This housing bill. A lot of people are going to be sore at us Republicans for not passing "Why don't you pass it?" suggested Ed. "Pass it?" repeated Martin. He looked at Ed peculiarly, as if this were a totally new idea. "You mean pass it?" "Sure." "Oh, no," said Martin. "You start passing these socialistic housing bills, and you got no security left in this country. We can't keep our free enterprise system if the government goes around building houses for people. It 'changes the rules of the game. It shakes everything up, and kills your security as a business man." "Then you have to expect a lot of people to be sore at you," said Ed. "If that's se- curity." "This civil rights thing," he said. "I guess we might lose some votes on that. Do you think people will blame us if we don't crack the filibuster?" "Well, you might have announced that you were prepared to stay in session until Christ- mas," said Ed. "That could have discour- aged the filibusterers. You kind of handed it to them when you talked of a two week session. I think you could have passed the anti-poll tax bill." "You mean pass it?" asked Ed, again with an expression indicating that this was a startling thought. "Sure. Just pass it." "Oh, no, Ed. Speaking for myself, I'd be worried about passing it. It violates states' rights. This country is built on states' rights. You shake up the whole government structure if you kick out states' rights. Anything can happen after you do that. It wouldn't be safe." "Okay, so you're safe, and a lot of people are sore at you," said Ed. "If that's safe, you're safe." * * * "That Berlin thing looks pretty bad,' said Martin. "It's kind of scary." "Yes," said Ed. "We ought to make peace instead of living through chapters like that again." "Make peace?" said Martin. "With those Russians? It wouldn't be safe." "I'm sorry," said Ed. "Skip it. I forgot." "I don't want you to think I'm prej- udiced or anything," said Martin. "But you can't make peace with those Russians. Why, you'd be worrying every day about what was going to happen next. There'd be no security in it." "Iknow," said Ed. "We have to be safe." "It's the only way," said Martin. Suddenly he felt in his coat pocket and gave a small cry. * * * "I left my house key at home," he said. "The family's away, and now I won't be able to get in." "Do you mean you lock your doors?" asked Ed, wonderingly. "Nobody else on that road ever does." "Well, you can't ever be too sure," said Martin. He dug through his pockets, anx- iously now, and the perspiration started out of his forehead, in spite of the air condi- tioning. (Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corporation) The models for this campaign, moreover, are to be his two campaigns for the New York Governorship. In 1942, his chief prom- ises were to "clean the cobwebs out of the state government and to humanize the state income tax." In 1946, he contented himself with promising that the state gov- ernment would be kept cobweb-free. This sort of general appeal, calculated only to suggest that the candidate making the appeal can do a better general job than his rival, is always the privilege of the front-runner in an electoral contest. The wise front-runner avails himself of the priv- ilege-because he thus avoids coming into office with his neck festooned with irremov- able albatrosses in the form of inconvenient specific commitments. The polls have just confirmed the Dewey strategists' convic- tion that he is out in front. He means to play it that way until there are clear signs that the position is changing. The situation current in September and October will determine whether Dewey chiefly emphasizes foreign or domestic policy. Probably the main emphasis will be on the foreign situation, unless there is a violent further rise in prices. In this event, the Dewey strategists admit that the memory of a Republican special session which has done almost nothing about prices will greatly benefit President Tru- man, and will force Dewey to fight back with everything that he has got. But the Dewey men believe the general session will not otherwise do their cause any great harm. They are inclined to think that a further violent price rise will not materialize. And the main disputed issue to date has therefore been whether the candidate would tour the country by plane, which he personally desired, or by tran, as desired by his advisers. The advisers seem to have won this crucial argument. (Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructivenotice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on theiday preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). * * * Notices WEDNESDAY, AUGUST, 4, 1948 VOL. LVIII, No. 199 Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. The Proctor and Gamble Com- pany, Detroit office, will have a representative here on Thurs., August 5, to interview men for sales positions. Men interested should call extension 371 for an appo;ntment. Bureau of Appointments & Occu- ational Information, 201 Mason Hall The Detroit Civil Service Com- mission announces openings for historical museum assistants, jun- ior and semi-senior accountants, X-ray technicians, and nurses. The New York State Civil Serv- ice Commission announces open- ings in medicine (for non-resi- dents also) education, marketing, and engineering. Those desiring further infor- mation should call at the Bureau. Masters' Breakfast. All candi- dates for the Master's Degree are invited to a breakfast, Sunday morning, August 8, 9 a.m., Michi- gan League Ballroom. Secure your tickets at 1213 Angell Hall before 4:30 Fri., August 6. If you wish to bring a guest you may secure a guest ticket for one dollar and ten cents each. Conference on Bands and Wind and Percussion Instruments, Michigan League Ballroom, 9 to 10:30 a.m., The Football Band Show; 10:45 to 11:45, Percussion- ists of Tomorrow; 1 to 2 p.m., Band Materials Workshop with Summer Session Band led by Wil- liam D. Revelli and Erik Leidzen; 3 to 5 p.m., Drilling the Marching Band (at Ferry Field); 8 p.m., Re- cital, Rackham Lecture Hall, Si- gurd Rascher, Saxophonist. Ushers are need for the Monday night performance of the Double Bill of Opera. All women students interested should sign up imme- diately in the League Undergrad- uate Office. Student Loan Prints-Students borrowing Student Loan Prints for the summer session are re- minded that the prints are to be returned by Tues., August 10th, to Room 206 University Hall. A fee of five cents will be charged for each day the picture is held after August 10th. ,Approved student sponsored so- cial events Alpha Sigma Phi, Congrega- tional, Disciples Guild, RobertI Owen Coop, Sigma Alpha Epsilon.- Lectures Symposium on Theoretical and Nuclear Physics In order to complete his discus- sion of "Recent Developments in Quantum Electrodynamics," Pro-' fessor Julian Schwingertwill pre- sent two extra lectures this week. They are scheduled at 11 o'clock on Tues. and Thurs., Room 150 Hutchins Hall. There will be no colloquium on Thursday evening of this week. Linguistic Institute Luncheon, Conference. Lecture on "The Na- ture of the Tocharian Language" by Professor George S. Lane of the University of North Carolina. Wed., August 4, Union Building. Luncheon 12:10, Anderson Room; lecture 1:00, Room 308. Linguistic Institute Forum Lec- ture. "Sound: Stimulus and Per- ception," by Professor J. Milton Cowan of Cornell University. Thurs., August 5, 7:30, Rackham Amphitheatre. Academic Notices Botany: Seminar, 1139 Natural Science, Wed., August 4, 7:30 p.m. Report of Dr. K. L. Jones: "Stud- ies in Streptomyces." Anyone who is interested is cordially invited to attend. Applied Mathematic Seminar. The Applied Mathematics Semi- nar will meet on Thurs., August 5, at 4 p.m. in 247 West Engineering Building. Professor Bartels will continue his talk on Variation Principles in Elastic Plate Prob- lems. Concerts Special Concert: Sigurd Rasch- er, saxophonist, assisted by Philip Duey, baritone, and Joseph Brink- man, pianist, will present a pro- gram in the Rackham Lecture Hall at 8:00 Wednesday evening, Au- gust 4. A concert and recording artist, Mr. Rascher has appeared as soloist with symphony orches- tras and in recitals throughout the United States and abroad. His program for Wednesday will in- clude compositions by Pugnani, Purcell, Bach, Galliard, LeClair, and a group of contemporary works. Professor Duey will sing three songs by Charles Ives. The general public is invited. Events Today Flying Club - Open meeting, Wednesday, August 4, 7:30 p.m., 1072 East Engineering Building. All students and members of the faculty are invited. La p'tite causette today at 3:30 in the Grill Room of the Michigan" League. RE: R. E. Zwickey's letter, The Michigan Daily, August 1, 1948. I quote: "If one is familiar with the 'Radio Moscow Line' as it is heard over the air and then attends a meeting of the Commit- tee for Academic Freedom or AVC, only to hear the line repeated by the speakers is it then too much to infer that the Communist minority stage-managed' that evening?" Yes, it is much too much to infer. Using the same kind of reasoning one might infer that President Truman labelled him- self a staunch supporter of the Progressive Party when he came out in favor of a strong "Civil Rights Program." Going still fur- ther one would find no divisions in the Christian religion since they all make use of essentially the same Bible. -Louis R. Lavine. Answers Zwickey To the Editor: MR. ZWICKEY, it is the re- sponsibility of a critic to read in terms of what the writer is talking about and says. Appar- ently you are bent on making out of me either a Communist or a near-Communist, and out of my article an issue between Democ- cracy and Communism, between Wallace and Americanism. You distort my letter. I criticized Messrs. Alsop, not on the basis of their views, but on the way in which those views were expressed. And true to my purpose, I omitted all manifestation of my own views. It seems that for you there are only two ways to express one's views. Either in strongly emotional language (you prefer to call it "provocative") or by means of facts." The purpose of basic Eng- lish in this University is to teach us that there is a more civilized and effective medium, and that the intensity of our writing grows with the amount of rational sup- port one can offer. Perhaps you are right in saying that the Wallace convention was dominated by Communists. I cannot, however, be as credulous as you. Until satisfactory proof is offered, I cannot accept the judg- ment. And I do not consider my own personal experience in one or several removed instances as proof. Finally, Mr. Zwickey, I am certain that if you were accused before a court of justice your idea of a- fair judgment would be con- erably more demanding of proof, and quite rightly. I notice, on the other hand, that you did not answer the evidence I have of Messrs. Alsop's faulty reasoning. I suggest that before you dis- credit AVC you learn who the members of its elected executive committee are, and what its posi- tion and activities have been. Among which are support of the Marshall Plan, endorsement ofta resolution condemning infringe- ment of academic freedom in Czechoslovakia, and a $1,000 do- nation to the Community Chest. Do these, Mr. Zwickey, impress you as the result of the "Radio Moscow Line?" For your informa- tion, when State Government of- ficials accused AVC of being a Communist Front organization, President Ruthven not only denied this accusation, but added em- phatically that the organization does not follow the Moscow line. And I speak of AVC as an objec- tive outsider. I realize that all you succeeded in showing of the original column, and mostly by analogy with your own defense, was its "terse, ani- mated style." But you conclude, rather thoughtlessly, that it is this style "which made the article un- usually good." May I remind you that Fascist and Communist prop- aganda also is always animated and very often terse. -R. F. Defendini. SEN. KENNETH Wherry (Rep.), Nebraska, did not make it clear whether he was attempting to be funny, helpful to the house- wife or just cynical when he sug- gested the other day that those who find meat too costly should eat chicken. Whatever he meant, Wherry's wisecrack was in exceedingly poor taste, almost as poor as that dis- played by Marie Antoinette the time she was told that the people of France were in a predicament similar to that in which the American people now find them- selves. --St. Louis Star-Times. Fifty-Eighth Year A MUSIC CURRENT MOVIES AIt the Michigan... HOMECOMING, with Clark Gable, Lana Turner and Anne Baxter. SURPRISINGLY, "Homecoming" is based on a fairly adult (for MGM) theme: platonic relationships between two people, no matter how well intentioned, are fore- doomed to failure. However, the theme is so unrealistically handled that the picture emerges slightly less than a social docu- ment. I have little doubt that the sterile treat- ment is due in good part to Clark Gable. In common with many of the male stars in Hollywood, Mr. Gable has the illusion that his public will desert him if he portrays any character lacking any of the virtues of an Eagle Scout. He ordered three rewrites on "The Hucksters" until the hero was divested of practically all sin (and all life). Mr. Gable portrays a happily married Colonel in the Medical Corps-the most beautifully tailored Colonel you ever saw, too. While overseas he falls in love with his nurse (Lana Turner.). Nowhere is there a hint that he might have fallen in love with the girl because she was attractive and several thousand miles nearer than his wife. It is disappointing that he made so little use of potentialities for action provided by a war locale. Do you remember the won- derful thirty seconds in his "Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo?" -Jack Sokoloff. At the State ... GREEN GRASS OF WYOMING, with Thunderhead, Crown Jewel and Sundown. THERE IS NOTHING to be said about this picture that hasn't already been said about its numerous prototypes, all of which feature many horses, miles and miles of technicolor scenery, and the good clean out- door life. It's a dandy picture if you like any or all of these ingredients, or simply prefer your Western life from an air-condi- tioned and spring cushioned viewpoint. Like a circus, if you've seen one, you've seen them all, but they're always good for another go. There is the usual crucial illness and mirac- ulous recovery in the animal department, the mountains never change, and the BIG RACE is carefully calculated to get the entire cast and the more eager of the audience all worked into a dither. THIS PAST MONDAY evening the sixth program in the current Faculty Con- cert Series was presented at Rackham Lec- ture Hall in the form of a piano recital by Webster Aitken. A creditable performance of Beethoven's Bagatelles, Op. 126, opened the evening's program. In this collection of Bagatelles, the fourth was easily the best performed, and was very good Beethoven. The recital continued with Elliot Carter's Sonata (1945-46). During the course of the performance of this work, it became evident that Mr. Aitken was having an "off-night." Several lapses of memory were forcefully overcome before Mr. Aitken finally acknowl- edged defeat, and brought the work to an incomplete close. With all due credit to the performer, it must be admitted that this listener was lost long before Mr. Aitken., Mr. Carter's Sonata proved to be a little too much for detailed analysis or description after but one hearing. Great lengths of it were in toccata style, and contained sufficient notes for at least three more works of equal length. The linear aspect in this work, as in those contemporary composi- tions of previous programs, once again assumed dominance over the vertical son- orities. All in all, the Sonata was not without interest, but its great complexity requires additional hearings for fuller understanding, enjoyment and judgment, providing the latter is required. After the intermission, the recital con- cluded with a performance of Beethoven's Sonata in C minor, Op. 111. This-last sonata of Beethoven is a curious work, in that it contains but two movements. The first movement, written at a considerably earlier date, was apparently intended as part of d violin sonata. The second movement, Theme Sociedad Hispanica: The last meetings of the conversation groups will take place at 4 p.m. in the League Cafeteria, and at the International Center on Thurs. Coming Events The fifth Fresh Air Camp Clinic will be held on Fri., August 6, 1948. Discussions begin at 8 p.m. in the Main Lodge of the Fresh Air Camp located on Patterson Lake. Any University students interested in problems of individual and group therapy are invited to attend. The discussant will be Mrs. Selma Fraiberg, Psychiatric Social Work- er. American Veterans Committee: Cafeteria. Supper Meeting, 6:45 Thuis., August 5, in the Russian Tea Room at the League. Wives and friends of members are wel- coma. Plans for fall semester to be discussed. This is final meeting of S ammer Session. Michiga~n Sailing ClubFhal Summer meeting for all regular and summer members, 7:00 p.m. Thurs., August 5 at Michigan Un- ion. Movies will be shown. Mrs. Howell Taylor and Miss Sarah Grollman will pour at the regular International Center Tea Thurs., August 5. -~ Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Lida Dailes ..........Managing Editor Kenneth Lowe.......Associate Editor Joseph R. Walsh, Jr. ....Sports Editor Business Staff Robert James .......Business Manager Harry Berg...... Advertising Manager Ernest MayerfeldC .Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 A- Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively" entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. Ail rights of re-publication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Enteredat the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. - Member Associated Collegiate Press 1947-48 I 44 1 BARNABY Mr. Green and the actors went out the front door as we came into the barn the back way- Let them go, m'boy. Look- s-s See, Joy? Nobody's out here. I guess I'mtired. An magined- We've been rehearsing hard. But my play's success depends on you two holding the center of that stage. No mafer what- tmr .4 A, Fven if "The Peon's Plight" NEVER I ___._ t f nna.. " rrfer , 1 1