PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1949 Stone Mountain Drama WHATEVER ALSO MAY BE said for the South, there's no denying that its ro- mantic citizenry still has a strong taste for the dramatic. Witness the recent scene staged by a cast of 3,000 sons of Dixie, all costumed in white robes and pirouetting about a fiery cross. The scene is taken of course from the nth act of the Ku Klux Klan tragedy-a tragedy in spite of its farcical overtones--which was enacted during the past week at Stone Mountain, Georgia. As in many previous demonstrations of their stupidity, Klansmen were moved again to cheers by rantings of "white supremacy.'' They swore once more to uphold the Con- stitution and to protect Southern woman- hood. They even uttered a prayer that "God grant wisdom and grace" to their leader, a possibility that seems most unlikely. All of this was merely an extension of the old and monotonous story, alright, but the Stone-Mountain meeting had within it one feature that lent a very special and sinister significance to the ceremonies. This was the fact that the demonstra- tion revealed pretty conclusively that the KKK is no longer a regional band at all, but a national "ass&iation" with national objectives, operating under a national chief, or grand dragon, as he is roman- tically designated. Evidence for this was adequately supplied at the assembly by the fact that it was at- tended by residents from throughout the South. No attempt was made to deny the scope of the Klan's activities and Dr. Sam- Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: IVAN KELLEY uel Green, whose training in science seems to have been grossly misspent, was in fact introduced as "the official head of the Klan in America." That, then, is the story. It should be added though that the Stone Mountain affair rep- resented the greatest congregation of Klans- men since 1924, when the nation was swept under one of its waves of "Americanism." That the nation is again being inun- dated by the same perilous tide is revealed nowhere so strikingly as in this latest action by the Klan. And, paradoxically enough, that same body which espouses this theme of Americanism most vigor- ously remains the most dangerous threat to that very ideal. It is true that the Klan has never con- sciously aimed to overthrow the government. In fact it has been very cautious to reiterate its pledges in support of the Constitution and against treason. But this hardly dis- guises the fact that the Klan forthrightly endorses fascistic principles and that these principles, given sufficient support, can dQ away with our democratic form of govern- ment as effectively as an army of anarchists. And still the Klan continues to escape investigations by an otherwise zealous Un-American Activities Committee. Intent upon chasing shadows of Communism, that Committee has consistently ignored a con- crete case of un-Amiricanism right before its eyes. It has very liberally poured tax re- ceipts into highly questionable investigations of allegedly Marxist groups without a glance at the most flagrant abuse of democracy extant today. Unless the committee feels that Commu- nism is un-American while Fascism is not, it had best arrange an immediate appoint- ment with Dr. Samuel Green. -KenethenLowe. [+ ART+ T HE PRESENT EXHIBITION in Alumni gether as different solutions by master Memorial-Hall gives evidence of another technicians of the problem of portraiture. of the many services which the University Grainsborough's flashing strokes are so suit- contributes to its sustaining state. Entitled able to the traces of the Baroque Grand "Art Masterworks," the exhibition consists Manner remaining in the pose and concep- of a collection of one hundred good color tion of the' "Blue Boy" but make a striking reproductions of famous paintings, which foil to the careful delineation of the Ingres. has been assembled as a joint project of the Other groups are organized on a national University Museum of Art and the Extension or temporal basis with modern French pai4jl- Service. The reproductions are to be loaned ing and American examples in the majority on a rental basis to primary and secondary due, in large part, to the popularity toda3! schools where works of art, either as orig- of those works for reproduction and collec- inals or reproductions, are not available to tion in the United States. The five Amer- the students. ican Water Scenes point up effectively the The prints, which were chosen by mem- tendency in the American painters toward bers of the Museum staff, will be sent out by literal realism, from the mid-nineteenth the Audio-Visual Education Center in groups century Missouri scene of Bingham to the of two to five reproductions, each accom- contemporary Zorach water color. Other panied by a brief text written by the Mu- groups of reproductions with landscapes by seum personnel. Naturally, there must have such French artists as Seurat, Cezanne or been a limitation of choice imposed by the Hubert Robert are far removed from this necessity of obtaining prints large enough realistic tendency. to be effective for teaching and study. This The mention of some of these groups limitation combined with the very grievous is only to praise the effectivesness of the shortage and unavailability of excellent interrelations in most of the groups. The color reproductions of works of art caused written commentaries point out, in a by war and postwar conditions emphasizes simple and' direct manner, the essential all the more the success of the Museum in elements in each reproduction and artist. being able to arrange the many interesting They are written in a style which is ap- groups. pealing but which, in no way, tries to The exhibition affords anyone near "popularize" art in terms of non-artistic Alumni Memoriai Hall an acquaintance or related events, such as the insane acts of a H a it Van Gogh or the moral laxities of Fra renewal of acquaintance with paintings, LpaLpi may of which have been keymonments, This project is another example of the in our cultural heritage. They are shown determined and successful endeavor of the in circumstances of grouping which will University Art Museum, the Extension Serv- certainly never occur for the original ice and other departments of the University works. to bring all aspects of the arts to the citizens For example, one can compare, beside one of Michigan, as well as to the students of another, Gainsborough's "Blue Boy" from the University. The past year of notable the Huntington Library in California and exhibitions and accessions at the Museum Ingres' "Comtesse d'Haussonville" from the and the very popular group of "Student Loan Frick Collection in New York City, although Prints," sponsored by the Office of Student neither of those collections is accustomed Affairs, represent a similar endeavor to to lend their works for exhibitions else- make art more than just a subject for class- where. These two portraits, in excellent re- room creation or appreciation. productions, are interesting to study to- -David R. Coffin. IT SO HAPPENS... f No Ivory Tower GOP Responsibility ACCORDING TO THE latest word from theRepublican big-wigs that wield the influencing power in Congress, the GOP is going to scrap the best chance it has had in the past 16 years, or maybe more, to make hay while the political sun shines. It seems that they are going to adjourn the special session called by President Tru- man within 14 days and go home to the bunting and banner-waving of electioneer- ing. They are not going to take advantage of an opportunity to show that, after so many years of reactionary hesitation and somnolence, they are now actually willing to prove to their constituents that a plat- form of vague prqmises can be transformed into a network of needed legislation. On four of the ten suggestions for action made by President Truman, there is some measure of unanimity between the Demo- crats and the Republicans. These include housing legislation (particularly the Taft- Ellender-Wagner Housing Bill recently pigeon-holed by the House), increased So- cial Security benefits under the Old-Age and Survivors' Insurance System, develop- ment of water resources and enactment of a civil rights program. After a charac- teristic amount of political wrangling, there is no reason why these parts of the President's request at least, cannot be complied with. By far the most important of thq four is the civil rights issue. It logically deserves top priority consideration it will receive al- though it will inevitably bring filibusters and time-consuming technical motions from Senate Dixiecrats. If the Republicans wish to show them- selves as honestly willing to accept an elec- tion mandate, it is their duty to beat down Southern delaying-actions, pass a construc- tive civil rights bill and then go on to con- sider the other three issues on which they are in fundamental agreement with the President. If action is not forthcoming, and the Re- publicans give up without half trying, it will be a strong indicator to the Americanvoter that the GOP is merely trying to ride into control of the Federal Government on the shirttail of the fate that shattered the Democratic Party. -Craig H. Wilson. MATTER OF FACT : The CP and CIO By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP W ASHINGTON-Before the end of the year, and perhaps much sooner, an event of far more lasting significance than the present scuffle between the President and the Congress is likely to take place. For those in a position to know expect the whole pattern of the American labor move- ment soon to be radically altered by the splitting-off of the CIO's Communist-dom- inated unions from the CIO. Ever since Henry A. Wallace announced his candidacy, and the CIO's Stalinist chiefs defied the CIO's leadership to support Wal- lace, there has been no semblance of real unity in the CIO. What little facade of unity still exists will be finally cracked by an ac- tion which non-Communist CIO leaders will in all probability shortly take. For the first time in months, CIO Pres- ident Philip Murray last week visited President Harry Truman in the White House. Murray urged Truman to elim- inate all reference to wage controls in his message to the special session. Al- though Truman refused Murray's request, he did so as politely as possible, and the two men parted on reasonably amicable terms. Accordingly, the CIO is expected within a few weeks to announce support for Truman. This action, which will divide the CIO into a large pro-Truman non-Communist faction and a minority pro-Wallace Com- munist faction, will merely formalize the bitter division which already exists. As soon as Murray announced his supporst for the Marshall plan and his opposition to Wallace, he at once ceasedto be "our great leader" in the pages of "The Daily Worker." He became instead the chief betrayer of the working class, and all Communist appeals for "unity" abruptly ceased. The Commu- nist-led unions began at once to fight Murray's non-Communist leadership. Everywhere, the Communists in the CIO have been taking a painful beating. With Murray's blessing, and the not-too-gentle encouragement of the non-communist union leaders, the rank and file have been de- serting the Communists in droves. John Green of the Ship Workers has taken over a number of locals of the Com- munists' Public Workers. Harry Sayre of the non-Communist Paper Workers has been moving in on the party-line Office and Professional Workers. Walter Reuth- er's Auto Workers have been conducting a successful simultaneous offensive on the Communists'eFarm Equipment Workers and the United Electrical Workers. And so it goes. The Communist position in the CIO has not yet disintegrated but it is sorely threatened. The most recent evidence that the next step in the blood-and-thunder drama of the CIO's internal battle will be a withdrawal of the Communist-led unions is 140W 1OT CAN IT GOT ? _. t x,{1s c F Y _ ;; y -:r ~0,000 ,4. Editorial Rounds St. Louis Post- Dispatch GOP Wrecking Crew THE SPECIAL SESSION is a failure before it nas really begun. That is evident from the statement of Republican leaders. If that statement were not enough, the fact is cinched by the an- nouncement that an anti-poll tax bill will be the first order of bus- iness. This means, of course, a filibuster by the Dixiecrats which will probably prevail over any at- tempt at cloture. Despite the fact that Gov. Dewey says that Congress should give careful consideration to whatever was proposed in the President's message, the GOP leaders give the message short shrift. They say that it would take six months to give consideration to Mr. Tru- man's program. This statement certainly could not be applied to the Taft-Ellen- der-Wagner housing bill. That bill has been studied and discussed in Congress for several years and many hearings have been held. The bill has passed the Senate and no doubt would have passed the House if it had not been bottled up in committee. It could be passed in one day. To say that the million new dwellings being built this year exhaust the mate- rials and labor available for the purpose sounds suspiciously like a lame alibi. After all, the T-E-W bill is a 10-year program, and in view of the desperate housing shortage, it is the counsel of de- spair to assume that materials and labor cannot be increased to meet the need. Even more disturbing is the brush-off given Mr. Truman's anti-inflation program, as to which the GOP leaders say that it represents a fundamental dif- ference in government philos- ophy between the President and Congress. They say he stands for regimentation. If placing controls to prevent economic disaster represents regimenta- tion,, then the same GOP lead- ers, to be consistent, should re- peal the rent control law. Let them dare to do that! If the GOP is going to continue to get its philosophy from archaic textbooks, what is going to happen to the country meanwhile? No one likes controlsabutawe had them during the war and they kept prices within bounds despite the tremendous drain on supplies of all kinds for our armed forces. Are mere shibboleths to stand in the way of protecting the country from the calamity of runaway in- flation? To say that the President is al- ready armed with the weapons to fight inflation just isn't true. They say he could cut government spending. Has not the Eightieth Congress been in charge of the purse-strings inthe last two years with power to stop excessive ex- penditure, if it exists? The budget is abnormally high, but this is accounted for by the Marshall plan and the defense program, both of which Congress approved. As to other points in the Pres- ident's program, no doubt some of them can await action by the next Congress. But what good excuse can there be for taking no action on the matter of dis- placed persons, for failing to pass the much-discussed pro- posal for increasing minimum wages, and for extending federal aid for education -which has already passed the Senate? Mr. Truman, it is true, was play- ing politics in calling the special session. But it happened to be the kind of politics that ministers to the public welfare. The Republi- cans had two choices: they could either regard the President's ac- tion as a challenge and an oppor- tunity, or they could sabotage his program. The leaders have chosen the latter course, and unless they are overruled by the GOP rank and file, the country will be the sufferer. The people are not going to be deceived by the GOP position. It is too transpareently obstruc- tionist. It has seemed obvious in the past months that there will be a Republican victory in November, but if the GOP leaders' action is a fair sample of Republican policy, Harry Truman is likely to make a real horse race of the campaign. N.Y. Times Draft Priorities WE BELIEVE there will be wide- spread approval of the deci- sion reached by General Hershey in the matter of draft priorities. The question was whether (as men are needed) to draw names by lot from the entire 19-to-25-year-old list by registrants or whether to begin with the 25-year-olds and then work down through the ranks of te younger men in the order of their registration. Either method seemed permissible under the law itself, since the Selective Service Act merly stated that se- lections should be made "in an impartial manner, under such rules and regulations as the Pres- ident may prescribe." After con- sulting members of Congress who took an active part in the en- actment of the law, General Her- shey has decided in favor of the second method-namely, starting at the top and working down. This method has certain clear advantages. In the first place, it is evident that the 25-year-olds must be called soon if they are not to out-age the law and thus become ineligible. But there are other equally good reasons for following this procedure. Among the older men are the wartime eligibles who for some reason escaped being called for service during the war and who are now of the right age to make the best soldiers. Moreover, those in the upper brackets have usually completed their school and college work, and starting at the top will therefore be less disruptive of the whole edu- cational system than drawing men from all brackets simultaneously. We feel sure that the country will recognize the fairness and the sound logic of the choice which General Hershey hasmade. R EFORM of the Army's courts- martial system is now a real- ity and the American soldier will get a much greater measurewof simple justice in his brushes with military law and discipline. The reform needed to wipe out a long- established offense to the Yankee sense of fair play is accomplished by the new Selective Service Act. Now enlisted men may sit as members of the court in the trials of other enlisted men. While this will not entirely eliminate the dominance of commanding offi- cers, it should have a tendency to temper brass-hat high-handed- ness. The new law goes about as far as is practicable in giving the sol- dier quasi-civilian status before trial courts. -St. Louis Star-Times. z . {fY , , DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). Notices SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1948 VOL. LVIII, No. 197 Business Administration: Clas- sification for the fall semester will take place dueing the weekl of August 2-6. Please see the bul-1 letin board in Tappan Hall for in- structions. University Community Center Sat., July 31, 12 noon Reserva- tions for Student Wives' Picnic must be in. Sun., Aug. 1, 5-8 p.m. Wivesl Club Picnic. Imogene Blatchley, Chr. Everyone meet at Commu- nity Center to be sure of a ride. Tues., Aug. 5, 8 p.m. Bridge Ses- sion. Everyone welcome. Concerts Carillon Recitals: Another pro- gram in the current series of sum- mer carillon recitals will be played by Percival Price at 2:15 p.m. Sun., August 1. It will include four Welsh Airs, groups of com- positions for the harpsichord and the carillon, and three selections from operas, Intermezzo from Mascaggi's Cavaliera Rusticana, Offenbach's Barcolle from Tales of Hoffmann, and Rossini's Finale from The Barber of Seville. Student Recital: Kathryn Karch Loew, organist, will present a pro- gram at 8 p.m. Sun., August 1, in Hill Auditorium, in partial ful- fillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. A former pupil of Palmer Christian, Mrs. Loew is now studying with Carl Weinrich, Guest Lecturer in Organ in the School of Music. Her recital will include compositions by Vivaldi, Bach, Karg-Elert, Vaughan Williams, and Dupre, and will be open to the public. Chamber Music Program: The String Quartet class under the di- rection of Oliver Edel and Ber- nard Milofsky, will present a pro- gram at 4:15 Mon., August 2, in Rackham Assembly Hall. The pro- gram will include Haydn's Quar- tet, Op. 64, No. 6 in E-flat major, Beethoven's Quartet, Op. 18, No. 4, in C minor, and Haydn's Quar- tet, Op. 33, No. 3, in C major. The general public is invited. Piano Recital. The sixth pro- gram in the Monday Evening series of faculty recitals will fea- ture Webster Aitken, guest lectur- er in piano in the School of Music. Scheduled to begin promptly at 8 p.m. Mon., August 2, in the Rackham Lecture Hall, Mr. Ait- ken's program will include Baga- telles, Op. 126 by Beethoven, So- nata by Elliott Carter, and Beeth- oven's Sonata in C minor, Op. 111. All programs in the series are open to the public without charge. University Summer Session Choir, Helen Hosmer, will present its annual program at 8 p.m. Tues., August 3, Hill Auditorium. The program will include compositions by Vaughan Williams, Bennet, Bilings, Brahms, Beethoven, Hin- demith, Weinberger, Piket, and a group of spirituals. Open to the public. Exhibitions Museum of Art, Alumni Memo- rial Hall: Art Masterworks, framed color reproductions to be loaned to Michigan Schools. Weekdays 9:30-12 and 2-5; Sun- dayi 2-5. The public is cordially invited. Events Today The. Michigan Actuarial Club will hold an outing at Island Lake Sat. Members meet in front of Angell Hall at 5:30 p.m. Transpor- tation provided. In event of rain, the same plans will hold for Sun- day. \ Coming Events Graduate Outing Club meets at 2:30 Sun., Aug. 1, at the north- west entrance of Rackham Bldg. for swimming and canoeing. All graduate students welcome. Sign up before noon Sat. at Rackham check desk. The Hindustan Association is presenting a program of motion pictures Mon., August 2, Room 316 Michigan Union, 8 p.m. Xettepi4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for jpublication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they are received all letters bearing the writer'sesignature andsaddress. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of con- densing letters. Communist Indictment To the Editor: THE INDICTMENT and arrest of twelve leaders of the Com- munist Party will probably prove to be one of the greatest back- fires in history. The action was timed to con- found the new party at the Phil- adelphia Convention. If the Pro- gressive Party leaders took no stand, or a very weak one, on this issue, they would have lost much of the respect of their supporters and potential followers. This was'4 just what the bipartisans wanted. Taking a strong stand against the arrests, as they have, the old parties are trying to make -of it just another point on which to, Red-bait the new party. It is not, however, working out quite as planned. The case against the Communists is so phony, so clearly a violation of the freedom of speech, thatthe position of the Wallace party has been strengthened by the stand it has taken. The Communists have been charged, not with participating in any act of violence against the government--but with advocating the principles of Marxism, which in turn, advocate the establish- ment of socialism in place of cap- italism, which applies to the United States, since it is a cap- italistic country. This, despite the fact that both the constitution of the Communist Party, and the de- cision rendered by the Supreme Court on the Schneiderman case, makes the "force and violence" charge inapplicable to Commu- nists. In view of this, and the'repeat- ed infringements on the civil lib- erties of minority groups in the past year, the position of the new party on these arrests is the only one that could have been honor- ably taken. And the American people will respect the party for it. --Mr. and Mrs. Marvin H. Gladstone. I: The program will include: "Mel- ody of Hindustan," "Handicrafts of South India," and "Our Her- itage." The public is cordially in- vited. DENAZIFICATION in Austria officially ended with the am- nesty law of-April 21, but now Re- nazification seems to have set in, and super-Aryanism is blooming like the edelweiss. Heart of the new movement is the Heimkehrer- bund, self-styled veterans' and war prisoners' organization. -The New Republic. Fifty-Eighth Year 1 A 19, Myth Exploded AN ENGLISH PROFESSOR of ours ex- ploded the "ivory tower" myth prevalent about college pedagogues. He confided to the class that although as a rule he led a, secluded life, he was not ignorant pf the ways of the world. "For, once a year," he said, "I have a chance to learn about Life-when I read the Hopwood manu- scripts." The Leaning Editorial SOME OF OUR MORE liberal editorials have drawn fire on the opposite side of this page from time to time and frequently enough so That we're pretty well-accustomed to it by now. But we had to wince at a remark one of our own staff members made when criticizing an editorial by another of our writers. ,;at one end and shredded wheat coming out at the other. Novel Question FRIEND OF OURS, a languages major, tells us about an advanced Spanish class in which the professor asked one of the older students to comment on the idea be- hind a novel that had been assigned. "Well," the lady said, "I've been taking literature courses for 25 years now and no one has ever asked me a question like that before." Marked Man A 'STUDENT named Wilson who has been living out at Willow Run for five semes- ters feels pretty much a part of the place by now. Just the same he was a little in- dignant when he looked himself up in the Edited and panaged by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Lida Dailes ..........Managing Editor Kenneth Lowe........Associate Editor Joseph R. Walsh, Jr. ....Sports Editor Business Staff Robert James........Business Manager Harry Berg......Advertising Manager Ernest Mayerfeld. Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 A . S Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. A rights of re-publication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member Associated Collegiate Press 1947-48 _t. aI XA r) BARNABY f i i ii f '' I