THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1949 Your Red Wagon WE CAN PICTURE the Republican-domi- nated Congress sitting back with a broad political grin on its face and pointing the finger at President Truman, snugly jeering-"Well, we fixed your legislative wagon." The inhumanity and greed of the' Southern Senators however, does not erase the basic hypocrisy, of the Republicans' sudden urge to rid the country of its racial discrimination. Republican Congressmen howled "poli- tics!" when the President called for a special session. And it was undoubtedly a very as- tute political move, which has now back- fired to the everlasting glee of the GOPers who figured they were on the well-known spot. But no one is even trying to pull the wool over the nation's eyes. Everyone is aware of the fact that the Republicans want nothing to do with prices-control, low-cost housing, restoration of the excess profits tax and, it seems, anti-discrimina- tion laws. That the Republicans are now taking up arms against discrimination is the kind of blatant hypocrisy that has typified Editorials published in The Michigan Daily . are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: KENNETH LOWE the Republicans whenever they have been in a bad spot. The Republicans evidently remember the success of their tactics of a few weeks ago when they effectively killed the bill to end the oleo tax by doing the very same thing they are doing this week. The oleo bill, of course, was repugnant to the Republicans who represent among other people, the big farm lobbies of the north. So, fired by the pleas of their constituents, they took up the sword for civil rights and attached a fancy rider to the oleo bill which abolished the poll tax. Thus, in the time of outrageous butter prices, we had the sordid spectacle of national lead- ers ramming legislation down each other's throats in the hopes that their respective indigestion would maintain the status quo. If the Republicans were really sincere about their platform's promise to abolish racial discrimination they could do plenty about it. The Senators could shut their 'Southern colleagues' mouths by limiting debate on the civil rights legislation. The Republican majority could effectively still the demagogue's cries by passing a vote of cloture. But evidently, they seem to prefer a polit- ical belly-laugh and a safe spot in their Washington seats next year to the vital interests of the nation. -Lida Dailes. I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: E'er vday Terror By SAMUEL GRAFTON So A STRATFORD, Connecticut, aircraft factory is moving 1,687 miles to Dallas, Texas, to be safer in this atomic age! About 1,500 families are to be transplanted, and some 30,000 tons of machinery. This, to me, is a far more striking atomic news story, than any of those tense descriptions of what happens to a living creature when an atomic bomb lands in its immediate neighborhood and transforms it into a shapeless mass of hydrogen. For with this story, the terror of the atomic age becomes an everyday terror. A freight car moves up to a siding, on an ordinary hot summer morning, the ma- chinery is loaded, the car moves off again. There is a special horror in the very ordi- nariness of these small events, for they mean that the menace of the atomic age is now being woven into the fabric of our routine life; it is no longer an apocalyptic version, it is now as real as breakfast and the morning mail. It means that the mere fear of the rag- ing atom can blow an aircraft plant of 30,000 tons almost two thousand miles away from its fixed position, an explo- sive effect somewhat greater than that the bomb itself is capable of. It means that the explosions foretold of the future are already producing prophetic anterior explosions in the minds of men. And again, what grips the attention is the ordinariness of the event, the kind of acceptance that is implied in the picture of overalled workmen deciding whether to move that piece of machinery first, or this one, heaving it up into truck or box car, putting in an eight-hour day at escaping the atom, then going home to sleep so as to rest ap for eight hours more. It is indeed a story of national acceptance, acceptance of the intolerable and the im- possible. Something has happened to us since that day, three years ago, when unbeliev- ingly we read the first accounts of the first explosion. We did not know quite how to take it then, or what to do. Now, we know, or think we know. Why, we'll move to Dallas. It must be the answer; the govern- ment suggests it. Bring up the box cars and the trucks. And it seems to me that (for all its ordinariness) it was a tremendous historic moment when the first piece of machinery was unbolted from the floor, and the first pair of hands nudged it out of position, toward the waiting car. For that was the moment at which we accepted the how- ever remote possibility of atomic conflict, from which, up to that time, the imagina- tions of mankind had recoiled, However -wise and precautionary and sen- sible the government advice is which led to that moment, there is implied in it just this kind of surrender. A man is told to bring his truck to a certain place at a certain time, and there is involved, in the forward roll of his wheels, the failures of obdurate and angry men on both sides; but failure become so ordinary and so much a part of our lives that it is hard to tell this momentous truck from any other as it rolls toward where the machinery waits, loosened from its flooring. One wonders if the very first bolt was stiff, and whether, like the horrified minds of men, it refused, for a moment, to give. (Copyright, 1948, New York Post Corp.) DRA\MA At Lydia Mendelssohn . . REMEMBER MAMA," a difficult play to produce effectively, received the finest sort of treatment at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre last night, with Claribel Baird's superb portrayal of Mama completely cap- tivating an enthusiastic audience. The play is difficult because it lacks dra- matic unity. There is no one chain of action. It is a series of sketches which are held to- gether by the characters of Mama and her family. Most of the scenes in last night's production were excellent, a few dragged, and one or two could have been eliminated entirely. Of the two acts, the first was much more effective than the second. The individual scenes of the act are perfectly balanced. The character of Mama is supplemented by that of "Uncle Chris," excellently played by John Sargent. Mama's quiet goodness and unas- suming efficiency are contrasted with the bombastic, qualities of gently fierce old Uncle Chris. The second act was not quite up to the first because it included too many scenes. At the very least the scene in which Trina and Mr. Torgelson are in the park admiring their new baby could have been eliminated, and possibly one or two others. Jane Linsenmeyer, and Ruth Livingston, as Trina and Jenny, were effective as the timid and the bossy aunts. Ann Davis, as Sigrid, the whining one, was generally fine, but not wholly consistent. Mama's oldest and youngest children, Earl Mathews, as Nels, and Phyllis Pletcher, as Dagmar, had a little difficulty making the age. Matthews, a near six-footer, was mis- cast as a teen-ager in knickers. Best of the children was Peg Monteau, as Christine, the practical one, and at times a very nasty little brat. Lillian Boland, as Katrin, was the nar- rator of the play. At the opening she was very shaky, and tended to overact. But as the evening wore on she was much better. She opens and closes the play with the same speech and the superiority of the final reading was marked. Don Kleckner was well cast as Papa, a role he fitted as comfortably as an old shoe. Sets by Oren Parker were as usual well done. Two of them, the family home, and the hospital, were quite elaborate, but in others a single piece of furniture, a bed, a table and chairs, was made to serve almost as well. -Dick Kraus. CINEMA At Hill Auditorium ... DIE FLEDERMAUS, with Marte Harell, Joseph Egger and Willi Dohm. CARMEN, with Charlie Chaplin. "DIE FLEDERMAUS," the first technicolor film to come out of Germany since the war, is Berlin's idea of what Hollywood would do to Johann Strauss. Strauss wouldn't like it coming from Hollywood, and he'd probably feel twice as betrayed know- ing it came from so close to home. Actually the picture takes little of Strauss' "Fledermaus" except the title, a few songs and background music. The original is in the finest light opera tradition, with just the right amount of romance, drinking scenes, uniformed dandies and plot intrica- cies. The modern version, however, has gone overboard into the champagne bucket and come up with the largest collection of phony blondes, chronic alcoholics and triple intrigues seen around these parts in a long time. HEAR ! HEAR! ' d 5 d .sV W0 NCAN rT9 DNS ZO WAR A, A'Iv- W7 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent In typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the .President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays). Notices FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1948 VOL. LVIII, No. 196 O)ffers Services MATTER OF FACT: The Special Session By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON-At the Repub- lican caucus after President Harry S. Truman's special session message, Senator Robert A. Taft, with his accustomed frankness, describedthe special session strat- egy favored by his former rival, Governor Thomas E. Dewey. He had talked to Dewey on the tele- phone, Taft said, and Dewey had stated his opinion that an imme- diate adjournment would be "un- wise." Dewey was all for a short session, but he felt that the Pres- ident's proposals should be at least briefly considered in the appro- priate committees. As this is written, it is uncertain whether the Dewey version of the most appropriate Republican re- sponse to Truman's challenge will be adopted. Certain of the House leaders, including Speaker Joseph Martin, Majority Leader Charles Halleck, and such weighty figures as Leo Allen of the Rules Commit- tee and Jesse Wolcott of Banking and Currency, have not wanted even committee hearings on the President's proposals. They fa- vored merely listening to the Pres- ident's message in glum silence, issuing rebuttals to the press, and bowing out of Washington imme- diately with what grace they could muster. A small Republican minority wanted actually to take some action on the measures proposed by Truman, especially housing, even if that meant a session lasting several weeks. The Dewey strategy is a compromise be- tween these extremes, and at the moment of writing it seems likely that it will be adopted by the Republicans. Whether it is adopted or not, the expedient Dewey recommended to the Con- gressional Republicans is in- teresting in what it reveals of Dewey's assessment of the sit- uation. On the one hand, Dewey was astute enough to see that an im- mediate adjournment, lacking even the rather empty gesture of committee hearings, would not sit well with the country. It would suggest that the Republican Con- gress refused even to admit the existence of the housing and price problems. On the other hand, when he emphasized in his telephone con- versation with Taft that the ses- sion would be short, Dewey clearly had in mind the meaning of his own campaign of a prolonged and bitter battle between Truman and the Republican Congress. The at- tention of the country would then have been focused on the com- parative merits of Truman and the Congress, rather than the comparative merits of Truman and Dewey. No prospect could please Dewey less. Therefore a short, perfunc- tory session, in which the Ad- ministration would be given an opportunity to statebits case for the record, but in which no ac- tion would he taken, seemed the best of a bad bargain. Even so, in one sense it is not a very good bargain. Dewey and his cohorts will argue during the campaign that the special session was nothing but a political maneuver, in which serious legislation could not be undertaken, and that such legis- lation must be executed by an effective, rather than a politically and morally bankrupt, Adminis- tration. But Truman will certainly hammer away at the Republican refusal to deal with housing and prices. The Truman strategists intend particularly to make hay with Dewey's phrase about the special session being a "frightful imposition" on Congress. There will be much talk about the "frightful imposition" on the vet- erans who have to live with their mothers-in -law, and the "fright- ful imposition" on the housewives who have to pay a dollar a pound for hamburger. This line of attack is by no means ineffective. Thus it seems probable that the special session will cost the Republicans votes. It should help Democratic candi- dates, especially in the big city areas, whatever strategy the Re- publicans may eventually adopt. Yet it still does not seem at all probable that the special session maneuver could beat Dewey and elect Truman. And in a curious way, the maneuver is likely in the end to help Dewey in his task of riveting tight Administration con- trol of Congress next winter. This is so simply because the special session call may well prevent the election of an unmanageable Re- publican majority. Dewey must control Congress. He must control Congress essen- tially because he favors, in more moderate form, much of the leg- islation which Truman has pro- posed. All this legislation, even the mild Taft-sponsored hous- ing bill, is anathema to the Martin - Halleck -Allan -Wolcott junta in the House. These men and their friends will have to be induced to shut their eyes and swallow down a good deal of moderate social legislation, which will taste like poison to them, if Dewey is to develop a coherent legislative program. And they can only be induced to do so if Dewey's control of Con- gress is well-nigh absolute. With the prestige of the first Republican President in sixteen years, with the immense patronage at his command, and with his own well-oiled machine working in high gear, Dewey should be quite capable of persuading Martin and his friends to see things the Dewey way, at least for a couple of years. But the job will be a great deal easier without a whopping big Re- publican majority.For huge ma- jorities, as Franklin Roosevelt learned to his sorrow, have a way of straying off the party reserva- tion. Small, tightly knit majorities are far more conscious of party loyalty and far more amenable to party discipline. Thus one cur- ious result of Harry Truman's des- perate maneuver may well be to make Tom Dewey's job a good deal easier next year. (Copyright, 1948, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) LONG-RANGE objective of the Wallace followers is to lay the foundations for a permanent party organization. They want to get es- tablished on the ballots in the various States, to build State-wide organizations. The real drive for national power will come in 1952 or 1956. Within four or eightyears, the leaders of the party think there will be a deep depression. After that depression, they believe there will be a wide swing to the left by the voters. They want their party to be ready for the left turn when it comes. They quit the Democratic Party because the Southern conservatives were hold- ing that party too close to the center. Bureau of Appointments & Occu- pational Information, 201 Mason Hall. The Westinghouse Air Brake Company, Wilmerding, Pa., has1 openings in their training pro-, gram, starting September 20, 1948., They are interested in mechani- cal, electrical, and aeronautical eng neers. Application blanks are on file at the Bureau, and menr may get complete information there.. Visitor's Night, Department of Astr nomy-Friday, July 30, 9 to 10:30 p.m., in Angell Hall, for ob- servations of Jupiter. Visitor's Night will be cancelled if the sky] is cloudy. Children must be ac- companied by adults.] Mathemnatics Movie: A movie] "Triple Integrals" and a slide film] "Areas by Integration" will be shown in 3017 Angell Hall, at 11 Fri., July 30. All who are interest- ed are welcome. The fourth Fresh Air Camp Clinic will be held on Fri., July 30, 1948. Discussions begin at 8 p.m. in the Main Lodge of the Fresh Air Camp located on Patterson Lake. Any University students interested in problems of indi- vidual and group therapy are in- vited to attend. The discussant will be Dr. Norman Westlund, Director of the Saginaw Valley Child Guidance Clinic. Approved Student Sponsored Social Events. Weekend July 30, 1948 ' July 31 Delta Sigma Theta Delta Kappa Epsilon Phi Rho Sigma Sigma Alpha Epsilon Zeta Psi Lectures The sixth lecture in the special series of lectures sponsored by the Department of Engineering Me- chanics will be given by J. Free- man, Associate Professor of Chem- ical & Metallurgical Engineering, Unriersity of Michigan. Professor Freeman will speak on "Metal- lurgical Aspects of Creep and Re- laxation at High Temperatures" Fri., July 30, 3 p.m., Room 445 West Engineering Bldg., and Sat., July 31, 11 a.m., Room 445 West Engineering Bldg. Concerts Collegium Musicum Program under the direction of Louise Cuy- ler, will be presented at 8 p.m. Fri., July 30, in Rackham Assem- bly Hall. Dr. Juana de Laban, As- socate Supervisor in Physical Ed- ucation, will assist in the program of music and dances of the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. The public is cordially invited. Piano Recital. The sixth pro- gram in the Monday Evening series of faculty recitals will fea- ture Webster Aitken, guest lectur- er in piano in the School of Music. Scheduled to begin promptly at 8 p.m. Mon., August 2, in the Rackham Lecture Hall, Mr. Ait- ken's program will include Baga- telles, Op. 126 by Beethoven, So- nata by Elliott Carter, and Beeth- oven's Sonata in C minor, Op. 111. All programs in the series are open to the public without charge. Events Today The Roger Williams Guild will hold open house at 8 p.m. Fri., following the 6:30 City League all-star softball game. Coming Events Graduate Outing Club meets at 2:30 Sun., Aug. 1, at the north- west entrance of Rackham Bldg. for Swimming and canoeing. All graduate students welcome. Sign up before noon Sat. at Rackham check desk. LABOR-MANAGEMENT disputes led to a brief but sharp drop in the (Michigan) non-farm em- ployment total during May. The state's unemployed on May 15 numbered 74,000 less than in April. -Labor Market. To the Editor: DURING THE last war I mailed 67,384 copies of The Michigan Daily to former Michigan students who were in service. It is the only way I have to express my appre- ciation to men who are serving our country. I couldn't even walk fast if a bomb were headed in my direction. I would be very glad to send copies of The Daily again to those who may be called into service. I send the papers of one week at a time. They arrive late, but the campus news is always news. All I need to know is the name and home address and forwarding ad- dress. And also that each one will keep me informed of changes of address, so that I may keep the papers going to those who desire them. If the boys want to come in person, I am in the Exhibition Hall in the University Museums (on the second floor) every week- day from 9 to 5, and Sundays from 2 to 5. -Ruth Bacon Buchanan WE LEAVE it to the Republicans to probe the President's mo- tives in calling a special session of Congress. These may be as crassly political as charged, but the fact remains that the Eightieth Con- gress recessed in a shocking state of disorganization, leaving the country without desperately need- ed legislation. The circumstances of the President's announcement -a partisan convention in the small hours of the morning - have not unreasonably offended the sensibilities of some who, like Walter Lippmann, see in his ac- tion only a desire to "give a kick and a punch to his own personal campaign for election." Even granting the validity of the ac- cusation, we have here an in- stance of a self-interested motive coinciding with the common good. We are not so squeamish as to think that the second must be disregarded because of the exist- ence of the first. A housing bill is sorely needed, and the rapid spiral of prices is surely an emer- gency that should not wait until next January for attention. The United Nations loan should be hurried through if our inter- national good faith is not to be compromised. -The Nation. Fifty-Eighth Year SI A, Xettep J TO THE EDITOR The Daily accords its readers the privilege of submitting letters for publication in this column. Subject to space limitations, the general pol- icy is to publish in the order in which they aretreceived all letters bearing the writer's signature and address. Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti- tious letters and letters of a defama- tory character or such letters which for any other reason are not in good taste will not be published. The editors reserve the privilege of co - densing letters. * * * ~'s iY is A ti V: 4 CURRENT MOVIES At the State--- CORONER CREEK, with Randolph Scott and Marguerite Chapman. IF YOU LIKE WESTERNS, or ever- have liked Westerns (and who hasn't?) you'll enjoy this picture. The situations are tense, the action is brutal and swift, and the story i put together with remarkably little lost motion. The whole thing centers on Scott as the Grim Avenger, and there has certainly never been a grimmer or more vengeful one. Mar- guerite Chapman is dragged in, almost apol- ogetically, as the Woman, but isn't given much of a chance to slow down the mayhem. Various people get convincingly slugged, kicked, kneed, shot and stabbed while the plot moves smoothly on to the inevitable death struggle between villain and hero. The weaknesses of this picture are those of every Western. Yet, while it runs in the usual well-worn grooves it never becomes as insipid as the Autry sagas nor as flimsy as the De Mille "epics." It's entertainment. -Ivan Kelley. * * * At the Michigan ... BERLIN EXPRESS, with Paul Lukas, Rob- ert Ryan, and Merle Oberon. I GUESS THE BEST WAY to describe "Ber- lin Express" would be to say it's a smooth job. A remarkable example of movie-making, it could easily have been one of the year's best had Jacques Tourneau, the director, been supplied with a better screen play. As it stands, it's still well worth your time. "Berlin Express" is probably the finest example of the semi-documentary technique an attempt to kill a German government expert on a train trip from Paris to Berlin. I never did get straightened out on who wanted to kill whom and why, but don't let that bother you. An Englishman, a Russian, a Frenchman and an American witness the murder attempt. They get together and smoke out the culprits. However, when the train reaches Berlin, they go their separate way. There's some misty symbolism involved, and you're supposed to get the feeling that they're all so nice, certainly they'll get to- gether and life will be a bowl of cherries- a quaint thought in view of the international situation today. -Jack Sokoloff. IT SO HAPPENS 0 Maze of Isms Attention:Mr. Thomas THE OVER-ABUNDANCE of "isms" in the English language was dramatically dem- onstrated to an acquaintance of ours at a dance the other night. Hoping to spark a lively conversation with his partner, he asked her what she thought of Socialism. "Socialism?" she asked, in somber tones. "I'm sorry, but I never discuss religion in public." pu .* * * Networks Note SOME RADIO FANS were discussing their favorite airwaves in front of the Student Publications Building. The talk centered about Michigan radio stations, among them WCAR and WKAR. It was all very quiet 41 Add a maid prison warden summons and you've got it. with operatic aspirations, a in search of thrills, a police a singer out of a job and The singing, which there isn't enough of, would no doubt appease Johann some- what, and the dance scenes are colorful and delightful to watch. The sound track of the movie conveys the voices clearly, but occasionally there are long stretches of untranslated dialogue. This is prob- ably just as well, as the subtitles are far from sparkling. Chaplin's burlesque of Bizet's "Carmen" is another story, and a much funnier one. Filmed in 1915 the picture has been fitted with a dubbed in sound track and succinct titles that are often as humorous as Chaplin's antics. "Carmen" originally was meant to take a crack at the extravaganza "Carmen's" Hollywood was grinding out even back in '15. It remains as hilariously entertaining today as it must have been then. It is practically impossible to type Chap- lin's special brand of humor. It ranges from the smile-with-tears provoked by the world's indifference to the little mustached man with the cane and flapping shoes to the guffaw induced by the slapstick Chaplin. Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Lida Dailes.........Managing Editor Kenneth Lowe.......Associate Editor Joseph R. Walsh, Jr. ....Sports Editor Business Staff Robert James......Business Manager Harry Berg .......Advertising Manager Ernest Mayerfeld .Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class inail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member Associated Collegiate Press 1947-48 -U.S. News and World Report. BARNABY Ye. MAr.( Gree,~n. I auI'm reanllhohnored am thY father's soirit; Doomed for- Barnaby, make this silly tyke stop VA I