PAGE FOURf County Rent Control Board Asks for Three Members THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1948 __ The Washtenaw County Rent Control Board is short three mem- bers. Nominations to fill the positions, two as "tenant representatives" and one as "public interest," must be submitted to William C. Haines, Detroit rent control director, ac- cording to Wilson E. White, chair- man of the local board, which was recently expanded and reorgan- ized. White told The Daily that there are no specific qualifications for either job, except that the tenant members must be familiar with local rental.problems from experi- ence living in the area. He indi- cated that there are no restric- tions !to bar the nomination of either a University faculty mem- ber or student to any of the three positions. Vacancies Occur "The vacancies are result from the recent divorcing of the local board from the Detroit area DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continud from Page 2) The French Club will meet to- night at 8, 2nd floor Terrace Room of the Michigan Union. French songs, games, refresh- ments. All students of French are particularly invited as well as all those interested. La p'tite causette meets today at 4:30 in the International Center. There will be a meeting of the Wallace Progressives tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Michigan Union. There will be reports from the Progressive Party Convention and plans for the rest of the semester twill be made. All members are urged to attend. , The Drama Group of the Michi- gan Dames will meet Thursday evening, July 29, at 8:00. It will be our last opportunity for a get- eogether this summer and will be held at the home of Mrs. Charles .Orwick, No. 66 V.E.H.P., South Di- vision Street entrance. International Center Tea, Thurs., 4:30 to 6 p.m., for foreign students, faculty and friends. Hostesses will be Mrs. Marcus Crapsey and Mrs. Homer Under- wood. University Community Center Thurs., July 29, 8 p.m., Arts and Crafts Workshop: Picnic and out- door sketching. Meet at Com- munity Center first. board (Washtenaw, Wayne, Oak- land and Macomb counties) which increased the county group's size from seven to nine members and the absence of Rt. Rev. Richard S. M. Emrich, who recently left for Detroit," White stated. White expected that final ap- proval of nominations would be made in Washington. After the positions are filed, the local board is expected to take ac- tion on local rent control matters. Nothing has been done by the local board, which serves in an ad- visory capacity, since rent control hearings were held, November 1947. Congressional Changes Action on the hearings was im- possible during the period of idle- ness at the Detroit area offices after January 1, in anticipation of Congressional changes in rent control organizations, according to White. "The changes came in the new rent law which went into effect April 1. Under it the Washtenaw County board was made indepen- dent and will submit recommen- dations directly to Washington," White stated. Besides naming officers, the lo- cal organizations may consider a survey of housing and rent prob- lems in the area under the provi- sions of the 1948 Rent Law, White indicated. Survey Basis He said that all recommenda- tions to Federal Rent Control of- ficials would in future be made on the basis of surveys "possibly augmented with rent hearings." What said that the new autono- mous group will consider local problems "which are fundamen- tally different than those of the Detroit area." At present the members of the board, besides Chairman White, are: Burt Smith, Ann Arbor; Hen- ry Conlin, Ann Arbor; C. Sears Rogers, Ann Arbor, Alfred DeOtt, Ypsilanti and Rev. Raymond Barr, Ypsilanti. 'Die Fledermaus' To Be Presented A program featuring "Die Fled- ermaus," a German film with Eng- lish subtitles, and a Charlie Chap- lin comedy will be shown to- morrow and Saturday at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. Added attraction is "A Burlesque on Carmen," a 50-minute short starring Charlie Chaplin. The program is the fifth in the Art Cinema League's summer series. No other presentations are scheduled for the semester. Tickets may be purchased at the auditorium box office, which opens at 3 p.m. today. Admission charge is 50 cents. PRESIDENT FACES HOSTILE CONGRESS-President Truman (lower left) stands erect, hands behind his back as he speaks to politically hostile Congress. In front are cabint members. Behind them are members of the House. Most of them are Republicans. Note the President's two-tone black and white shoes. Librarians Need Open Minds Vision and an open mind are the most important assets of a, li- brarian, Sarita Davis, librarian at the University Elementary School, said yesterday, before a group of students and faculty members of the education school. Miss Davis said that you must "first meet the individual where his interests are; then supplement his course of study." She went on to explain that the librarian should have vision to "acquire ma- terials that challenge the unde- veloped, the dormant potential in each of the people it serves." In a school library, the families of the students must be considered in the selection of new books, as well as the teachers and school ad- ministrators, she said. Miss Davis said that the librar- ian must select wisely from the great number of books published every year. Books must be select- ed for their wide appeal, but that does not mean that individual tastes shouldbe neglected. In her own case, she cited 933 new children's books that were published in 1947, and from which she had to select the volumes best suited for the University Ele- mentary School. Miss Davis added that the books and materials are available but few communities provide the spe- cialist and the money to bring them to the children. Rwihts Group To Hold Talks Possibility of passage of the Mundt-Nixon Anti-Subversive Bill in the extra session of Congress will be considered at a meeting of the' Washtenaw County Committee for Democratic Rights, at 8 p.m., tomorrow, in the Masonic Temple Library, according to committee officials. The group, which calls the bill a "threat to civil liberties," will also discuss the indictment of Communist Party leaders under the Smith Act, according to Prof. Wilfred Kaplan and Prof. Emer- itus John L. Brumm; co-chairmen of the organization. Donald Loria, Detroit attorney will present the facts of the in- dictments, Prof. Kaplan stated. The meeting is open to the public. Beef Steak Drops CHICAGO, July 28-(I)-A 21 cents slash in the price of beef steak-from $1.19 to 98 cents a pound-was announced today by the A & P food stores.- I Price resistance on the part of housewives was responsible for the cut, officials of the food chain said. Lectures... (Continued from Page 1) "The Wives of Henry VIII." Since her last appearance at Hill Audi- torium Miss Skinner has appeared in several broadway productions, the most recent of which was "Lady Windermere's Fan." On March 3, Eve Curie will re- turn to the University for the sec- ond time to speak on a subject close to her and vital to the world -"France-Struggle for Civiliza- tion." Well known here and abroad for her books, including "Madame Curie," and "Journey Among War- riors," Miss Curie has been active on the French political scene since the fall of France in 1940. Since 1944 she has been co-publisher of The Paris Presse, the second larg- est daily newspaper in France. Agar Lecture Herbert Agar will conclude the 1948-49 lecture series on March 10 with a discussion of "England To- day." Winner of the 1934 Amer- ican History Pulitzer Prize for his book, "The People's Choice," Agar is a former editor of the Louis- ville Courier-Journal. Agar was special assistant to American Am- bassador to England W. Aver- ill Harriman, and chief of the United States Information Serv- ices in London. In these positions 1he became well acquainted with the plans, purposes and philos- ophy of the present Labor Govern- ment in England. Mail orders for the 1948-49 Ora- torical Association lecture series are now being accepted at the Association offices, Rm. 3211, An- gell Hall. Bursley Formsa Alumni Group In Lima, Peru1 Former Dean Visits Five Latin Countries Former Dean of Students Jo-t seph A. Bursley recently returned from a two-and-one-half month tour of South America where he visited alumni clubs and estab- lished a new one in Lima, Peru. Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Ecua- dor and Peru were the countries on his itinerary. He attended the Ro- tary International Convention in Rio de Janeiro as well as a meet- ing of the Michigan Alumni Club of that city. Vitally Concerned The South American alun- clubs all greeted Dean Bursley's visit with interest and enthusiasm. They were vitally concerned with the activities at the University. When he came to Lima, Dean Bursley found that there was no regular organization but the in- terest was high in forming one. At a meeting of 25 former University students, he organized another alumni chapter. Most Alumni meetings in South America were attended by 15-25 niembers, according to Dean Burs- ley. He delivered letters from President Alexander G. Ruthven to these groups. "Among the most loyal Michi- gan supporters are the natives who were students here, and many of them are planning to have their sons and daughters come to Michigan," the former dean who retired in 1947 said. Columbia Non-Stop Because of difficulty in obtain- ing a visa, Dean Bursley aban- doned plans to stop in Columbia. Future plans for another inter- national alumni club tour have not materialized yet. Australia is not on Dean Bursley's list "until it has more alumni groups." Casbah Holds Final Dances The Campus Casbah will open its doors as usual at 9 p.m. Fri- day and Saturday and then will close them for the summer, not to re-open again until the fall se- mester. Regular dances will be held this weekend against the background of Art Starr's music and the vo- cals of Renee Peters. Stags and couples are welcome as usual, ac- cording to Pat Reed, chairman of the League Council. The dances on both nights will end at midnight. The Casbah coke bar and the sandwich bar of the League Cafeteria will serve for those wishing refreshments. The League Garden will be open for cool, between-the-num- bers strolling. Bureaucracy Greatest Threat To Great Britain --- Wheare Prof. Kenneth Wheare, British political scientist from Oxford University, yesterday called bu- reaucracy rather than Commu- nism the greatest threat to Great Britain's socialist government. Prof. Wheare, speaking before the final session of the Workshop Quick-Trigger Pirates Cause Plane Crash MACAO, July 28 - (/P) -Bun- gling, trigger-happy Chinese pir- ates were blamed today for the July 16 crash of a huge flying boat which cost 25 lives, including those of seven Americans.. Police Commissioner Luis A. M. Palletti told a press conference he is "definitely sure" pirates among the passengers tried to seize the Cathay Pacific liner after it took off for Hong Kong. Palletti refused to go into de- tail but the Macao Daily News published a dramatic account of piracy in the air and sudden death. The News said its story came from police sources, who had at last obtained from the lone sur- vivor the story of what took place before the crash. Wong Yu, the survivor, suffered broken legs. Here is the news story, which Palletti refused to confirm or deny Four Chinese pirates, one a pilot capable of taking over the con- trols, boarded the plane as passen- gers at this Portuguese colony. They intended to kidnap the rich Chinese passengers for ransom. The plane took off and at only 500 feet one pirate went forward and pressed a pistol at the back of U. S. pilot Dale Cramer. He or- dered Cramer to let the pirate pilot take over. In the passenger section the other pirates produced pistols. A European passenger grappled with one of them. The pirate covering Cramer turned to see what the noise was about. Cramer, seeing him off guard, felled him with a heavy wrench. A third pirate opened up when he saw his comrade fall and excited- ly fired at the only man who could save everyone from disaster - the pilot. for School Board members, said that the huge number of people required to run a socialist govern- ment may "simply result in an excess of administration." Reject Communism He said that the British people "emphatically reject Commu- nism" because they feel it means dictatorships and dependence on Russia. He explained that both Britain and the United States have em- phasized individual liberty, but that the present Labor Govern- ment and America differ in their definition of equality. "In America, rewards are based on ability, but the Labor Party holds that equality should be based on need," he said. on need," he said. "It takes a lot of people to de- cide what each individual needs to see that these needs are satis- fled. Britishers are leading in- creasingly well-regulated lives-- regulated by government. "But while Britain has accepted a socialist government-in a free election by the people--they re- gard communism as involving a dictatorship and dependence upon Russia. The British people em- phatically reject both," Prof. Wheare said. No Danger .."When Americans ask me if there is danger of Britain's going communist, the answer is that such a turn in British politics is extremely unlikely," he added. Prof. Wheare said that despite the tendency toward bureaucracy, Britain had kept and would cling in the future to her right to choose her government. Prof. Marte lGoes To N.Y. Meeting Prof. E. R. Martin of the Elec- trical Engineering Department is among representatives from 27 colleges and universities attending a five-week college professors' conference on engineering and in- dustrial practices at the General Electric Co. in Schenectady, N.Y. The conference, which convened yesterday, is meeting at Union College. The theme of the conference, Cooperation Between Industry and the Colleges, aims at provid- ing educators with a better under- standing of the training industry requires of college graduates. I ~1' 'J ;v Art Cinema League presents ARTKINO presents the first German Post-War Film in COLOR based on the world-famous operetta by by GEZA VON BOLVARY. director of "Two Hearts In Waltz Time" La tigsuI ' ffi I All You POTENTIAL ADViERTISERS Ou "1 .--n CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FRI., SAT., JULY 30, 31 Admission 50c Phone 8:30 P.M. 3-1=511, Ext. 479 Box Office Opens Thursday at 3 P.M. HILL AUDITORIUM I 11 FOR RENT 5 ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment and bath. $125 per month. Payable annually in advance. Phone 6415. Ferris, Broker. )67 A The Michigan Daily is YOUR SALESMAN to more than 20,000 PEOPLE The Annual FALL SUPPLEMENT can be your introduction to a $6,000,000 A YEAR MARKET LARGE ROOM Studio apartment furn- ished with private bath for 2 Uni- versity girls or married couple. Call 9232, ask for landlady. )80 FOR SALE For an inexpensive way to live com- fortably we recommend life in a house trailer. 22 foot, in good condi- tion, ready for occupancy. Parking space lease included in the sales agreement. 1880 Packard Road. )61 ANTIQUES, very old used books, cups and saucers, GWTW lamp. 1117 Church, Ph. 2-2697. )70 HOUSE TRAILER: 28' x 46'. Lived in 3 mos. Cost $3,200, now $2,100. Space available, see R. L. Welty, 1472 Spring- field, Willow Run. )76 MODEL A FORD-Best offer takes it. Ph. 2-0765 after 7 P.M. )77 1937 BUICK-Radio, Heater. Good con- dition. Best offer. Ph. 2-3537 even- ings ) 86 UNCLE ELIZABETH now in "I Re- member Mama" offered for adoption to right party. Call 2-0666. )78 WHIZZER Motor Bike. Used 3 months; perfect running order. Wm. Lakey, 517 E. Washington. )81 8 CUBIC FOOT Kelvinator refrigerator. Double bed, box springs, mattress. Two burner hot plate, 6-way floor lamp. Box 129, Mich. Daily. )84 BICYCLES, 1 man's & 1 girl's, each with basket and lock. Phone 2-5643. )85 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Billfold containing important papers, State Theater, Sat. 24. Call John Dougherty, Univ. Ext. 2198. )69 LOST: 3 keys in black leather contain- er. Phone 8768. )83 WANTED WANTED-SEWING, dressmaking, re- pairs and alterations. Miss Livingston, 315 S. Division St. )72 PERSONAL Is there a family near campus inter- ested in giving a graduate student her room and evening meals begin- ning fall semester in return for baby- sitting and dish-washing? Write box 128. )82 EMPLOYMENT HOUSEKEEPER-Elderly, would like employment for 2 employed adults 'or small family, live in: after August 1st. Call 2-7737 before 3 P.M. )71 WANTED TO RENT FRATERNITY NEEDS accommodations for eight men. Washtenaw section preferred. Call Ed Sandell, 2-0249, 4- 7 p.m. )54 LAW STUDENT and wife need apart- ment before September 1st. Write de- tails, price: S. Fisher, 110 Linden Ave., Buffalo, New York. )75 FRATERNITY desires annex preferably. Or several rooms for fall and follow- ing semesters. Call Bob Reinheimer. 4315. 5-8 P.M. )73 SINGLE ROOM, half, double, or any other rooming facilities for male student desired for fall. Call 2-4591, 422 Cooley House. East Quad. )42 BUSINESS SERVICES PERSONALIZED alterations - Prompt service-custom clothes. Hildegarde Shop, 109 E. Washington, Tel. 2-4669. )78 LAUNDRY-Washing and ironing done in my home. Free pick-up and deliv- ery. Phone 25-7708. )79 I Read ... and Use Daily Classified Ads !N"" Aloft or Afoot x You want smooth going, hand- some shoes ... British Walkers. Patented Synchro-Flex construc- tion -- the great modern stride in shoebuilding -makes British Walkers as flexible as your feet, buoyantly uplifting. Whenever you're on the ground, you're Ix '4 f FOR THE BEST wAfmr.wr . 216 1401 .AAAL I Ii - I