ISRAEL AND t THE UN See rage 2 uYL~r Lat dii 411" 40, iiis FAIR PLEASANT VOL. LVIINo. e1a e VOL. LVIi, No. 19Z ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Brierly Seep Law Body Opposition Russian Jealous) Cited in Forum Prof. James L. Brierly of Oxfor University concluded the Univer sity International Law forum yes terday with a forecast that Russi may oppose the work of the Inter national Law Commission. Prof. Brierly, who is the Britis nominee for membership on th I.L.C., commented that Russia ma block action on international lav which has not been expressl agreed to in convention or treaty "The Soviet Union is intensely jealous of anything that might even remotely impair their sov- ereignty," he said. The Russians prefer the 1930 plan of prepar- ing drafts which have to be ap- proved by each nation. Prof. Brierly declared himsel favorable to restating interna tional law rather than adhering to the 1930, method. Under thi: plan, legal experts in each coun- try would submit a statement of what they consider to be the in ternational law. "These could be compared by an international group, points o: agreement and disagreement noted and the ground work laid for the future," he said. He pointed to the failure in getting all countries to agree on conflicting points of law in 1930. Prof. Bishop, who will leave his duties at the Pennsylvania Law School in the fall to teach at the University, discussed "Peace Trea- ties of World War II." "Only time and the course of subsequent events can tell how far the treaties adopted for Italy, Ru- mania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland may go in accomplishing their purposes," he said. NYC Settles Political Feud O'Dwyer, Tammany Reach Agreement NEW YORK, July 23 -(4P) - Peace was restored today between Mayor William O'Dwyer and Tammany Hall. They reached agreement on a compromise candidate for the post of New York County (Man- hattan) surrogate. O'Dwyer and Tammany got into a political slugfest two weeks ago when the county Democratic or- ganization's executive committee rejected O'Dwyer's choice for Tammany designee and selected c its own. The surrogate handles adminis- tration and execution of estates. a« The job is important politically because the surrogate has a wide appointive power. O'Dwyer wanted Tammany to name City Council president Vin- cent Impellitteri as the Demo- cratic candidate in the primary election next month. Tammany Ignored the mayor and picked general sessions court Judge Francis L. Valente. O'Dwyer vowed he'd do his best to unseat the Tammany faction t which voted against his man. Meanwhile, the names of both Valente and Impellitteri were en- tered in the primary. Today, the two candidates with- drew from the race and it was an- nounced O'Dwyer and Tammany leaders had agreed to compromise on general sessions Judge John A. Mullen. Russian Embassy . Aceused of Insults WASHINGTON, July 23-(A)- A State Department official today accused the Soviet Embassy of an (improper activity" in publishing attacks against United States pol- icies. Joseph Chappel, an assistant chief in the Department's Visa di- vision, labeled as "improper" crit- ical statements appearing in the embassy's slick-paper magazine "U.S.S.R.-Information Bulletin." Chappel, who appeared before a Senate judiciary' subcommittee, referred specifically to an article in the June 16 issue entitled "On Soviet-American Relations." Final Presentation Is y d r- s- a r- h e y w y Y. y f New Currency Decreed For Eastern Germany Marshall Sokolovsky Calls Russian Money 'Only Legal Tender' for Occupation Zone By The Associated Press BERLIN. July 23--Marshal Vassily D. Sokolovsky, Russian com- mander in Germany, tonight decreed the issuance of a new perma- nent currency for Eastern Germany and Berlin. It will replace the stop-gap money with which the Russians ef- fected a currency reform a month ago. Sokolovsky said the new Russian money would be regarded as "the only legal tender for the Soviet Occupation Zone and in Greater Berlin." This was reiteration of the Russian claim that Berlin is economi- cally a part of the Soviet Zone-a claim which the U.S., Britain and Progressive Party Adopts Rally Cry, Wallace,_. or War' Convention Will Nominate Former Vice-President, Taylor Tomorrow By The Associated Press CONVENTION HALL, Philadelphia, July 23--A fervent, new, "Progressive Party" marched into national convention tonight beckon- ing to America's "plain people" to choose between "Wallace or war." Tomorrow, the convention nominates Henry A. Wallace for President, and Sen. Glen Taylor for Vice-President. Tonight, keynote speaker Charles P. Howard laid down the Wallace-or-war choice as what thxis party sees for the future. The 54-year-old Des Moines lawyer and publisher with 30 years of allegiance to the GOP, cried out to Americans everywhere to accept the challenge of new political* * * * frontiers. * * * Clay Claims Berlin Air Lift To Be Doubled Sees Program as Step Toward Peace gI It, is i- )f L- n f d e ,s u e f r i z i a a WASHINGTON, July 23-( P)- The United States soon will f double the capacity of the air- - plane fleet carrying supplies to beleaguered Berlin, Gen. Lucius 1 D. Clay announced today. f He expects this to increase the I chances for a peaceful settlement of the crisis by convincing the Russians that the Western Powers cannot be blockaded out of the city. The American military governor in Germany revealed the dramatic "air lift" expansion program at a news conference at the Pentagon Building. Later the air force an- nounced that it will start putting the program into effect next week. Envoy Dispatched Early tonight Secretary of State Marshall dispatched one of his top Russian experts, Charles E. Boh- len, to London where he will con- fer with Ambassador Lewis Doug- las and possibly British and French officials on the next joint moves by the Western Powers in the Berlin crisis. The first of these scheduled moves is the drafting of a new note to Moscow demanding the end of the Berlin blockade. There have been some differences be- tween Washington and London over the extent to which this note should hold out hope to the Rus- sians that if they will lift the blockade the Western Powers will be prepared to discuss major Ger- man issues. Clay's disclosure topped off two days of high speed conferences during which he assured President Truman, Congress leaders and fin- ally the American people that he does not expect the Berlin crisis to result in war. Winging To Berlin "I don't want to minimize the seriousness of the situation," Clay said at the news conference, "ButI I don't think anybody in thisl world wants war and where no one1 wants war there is a prospect for a peaceful settlement. The air lift gives us time to negotiate." Then he left the sprawling headquarters of the nation's Armed Forces and sped tonWash- ington National Airport where het boarded a plane for Berlin. To night he was winging across thef Atlantic, hurrying back to hisX post to put the new Americani plans into operation.i Briefly, as he reported them, these are: 1. To throw a big new fleet of four-engined C-54 cargo planesg into the British-American ferryc service between the western zonesr of Germany and the western sec- tors of Berlin.V 2. To build a new airport in Berlin which will again definitely i enlarge the capacity of the air f lift by enabling more planes to f GFrance, as joint occupiers in Ber lin, have disputed. In disputing it the Western Powers have circu lated their own western-German currency. The Russians today intensifie their sword rattling in the ai corridors which Britain's air force uses in supplying blockaded Ber lin. The Western Powers pon- dered ways of solving the Berlir crisis and the Russians wen ahead with political moves t squeeze the Americans, Britist and French out of the city. The British said Russian plane conducted 'bombing practice in the airlift corridor between Berlin and Hamburg and also firing ex ercises in the air. Yesterday, th British said Soviet yak fighter planes held target practice in the Bueckeburg-Berlin corridor. Sokolovsky's currency rule said the exchange of newly-printed money for notes now in circula- tion would be on a one-for-one basis. There was no announcement right away about how much mnoney an individual or a business enterprise would be allowed to ex- change. The exchange will be effected from Sunday to Wednesday of next week. British authorities charged that the Soviet air activity was a viola- tion of flying regulations. They said the bombing practice was conducted on an established bomb- ing range near Kremmen, north- west of Brelin, but that no such practice had occurred there re- cently. The Russians have been posting "omnibus warnings" of their air activity in the corridor almost daily. The British and Americans regard these as intended to harass pilots flying into the city. GOPoliticos Retire from State Race LANSING, July 23-WIP)--Both Recorders Judge W. McKay Skill- man of Detroit and Lt.-Gov. Eu- gene C. Keyes today withdrew from the contest for the Repub- lican nomination for governor, leaving Gov. Sigler unopposed for the nomination. "I have had to face the alterna- tive," Keyes said in a prepared statement, "of a bitter primary campaign in opposing the man who now holds the office of gov- ernor and consequently dividing the Republican Party into two warring factions, or running again for lieutenant governor with the purpose of bringing about har- mony and peace in a party which is torn by dissension and strife. Skillman who withdrew this morning said: "The forthcoming campaign for governor bids fair to become one of the dirtiest in history. I have no desire to subject myself to the vituperation and abuse which would be heaped on my head." These developments left Mich- gari Republicans with no contest for the choice of their nominee for the two highest offices in the tate at the Sept. 14 primary. New High for n LivingCosts Struck in U.S. e Greater Rise Seen; Talk of OPA Mounts WASHINGTON, July 23-(P)-- The government's cost of living index has reached the highest point in history. In cold figures, the Bureau of Labor statistics summed up the hottest issue for Americans today: The cost of goods and services bought by families of moderate in- come in large cities on June 15 hit 171.7 per cent of the 1935- 39 average. This compared with 129.3 per cent at the end of World War II. Worse To Come Worse apparently was yet to come, for the wholesale price av- erage last Saturday set new rec- ords. It stood at 168.9 per cent of the 1926 average compared with the previous record of 167 per cent in 1920. These wholesale price in- creases have yet to show up in the retail price index. The ghost of OPA was stirred by the price advances, and.Pres- ident Truman announced appoint- ment of Paul A. Porter, the last of the price administrators, as a spe- cial assistant to help prepare anti- inflation legislation. Mr. Truman is to give Congress his ideas of how to handle the situation next Tuesday. What his plans are in detail, and whether Congress will regard them as workable, remain to be seen. Standby Authority The President in the past has called for standby authority to impose price and wage controls in 'various fields as needed. Op- ponents have said that it would be impossible to regulate some items and not all. They take the position, too, that Americans won't stand for controls in peacetime. Record breaking increases in the cost of food were shown by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in its June 15 report. Altogether, the consumers price index was 9.3 per cent higher than a year ago, 28.8 per cent above June 1946 when price controls generally were dropped, 74.1 per cent above the August 1939, level. Ohio Slayers Apprehended VAN WERT, O., July 23-P)- Leaving seven murder victims in their wake during a 14-day killing spree, two 22-year-old reforma- it UN HEADQUARTERS BOMBED--A long object which police said was a home-made bomb was dropped from a small plane at United Nations headquarters at Lake Success, N.Y., by Stephen J. Supina. Exploding in the air (A) over the highway in front of the UN buildings, the concussion was near the gate of the Security Council chamber (B) and 400 feet from the main building (C) housing offices of Secretary General Trygve Lie. * * * * 'FIGHTS FOR PEACE': Bomber of UN Headquarters Surrenders in News Office NEW HAVEN, Conn., July 23- UP) - The ex-Army flier who dropped a missile near United Na- tions headquarters surrendered to- day and said he was anxious to return to Lake Success to "finish my fight for world peace." With the same dramatic sud- denness with which he appeared over Lake Success yesterday, the 36-year-old Ashford, Conn., flier, Stephen J. Supina, walked into the newsroom of the New Haven' Register, identified himself and suggested that he be turned over to the police. Supina produced his pilot's li- cense to identify himself to the skeptical and startled Register men. Later, Detective Captain Raymond J. Eagan said there was no question that the Register's visitor was the flier who dived at the UN headquarters and loosed the missile which exploded harm- lessly in mid-air. Worried About War Supina, relatives reported, had been worried about a new war. To members of the Register staff, city editor Charles T. Me- New DP Bill In IPreparationi President To Subm it Proposal Next Week WASHINGTON, July 23-(A')-- The White House announced to- night that President Truman has completed work on proposed legis- lation designed to admit 402,000 displaced persons into the United States during the next four years. The President will submit the bill to Congress next week in the form of an amendment to the re- cently enacted displaced persons law which he has described as discriminating against Jews and some Catholic displaced persons. The new bill would raise the number of displaced persons who could be admitted to this country from 202,000 in two years to ap- proximately 402,000 in four years. The three other amendments proposed in the administration measure, the White House said, would call for: 1. Elimination of all features of the law "whose effect is to dis- criminate by reason of race or l religion." 3. Eliminate the so-called "mortgaging of the future quotas" provision of the current law. Less Wheat Acreage WASHINGTON, July 23-UP)- The Agriculture Department rec- ommended today that farmers plant 71,500,000 acres of wheat for 1949-about 8 per cent less thanI this year's acreage. Queeney said, Supina asserted he had dropped the missile to "make them here and abroad look to the United Nations for lasting peace." The New Haven detectives, sum- moned by McQueeney at Supina's suggestion, picked up the flier and took him to headquarters. There he was booked on a charge of being a fugitive. Waives Extradition Captain Eagan said Supina had quickly agreed to waive extradi- tion. In New York, inspector Stuy- vesant Pinnell, chief of Nassau county detectives, said the flier would be taken to New York to- morrow to face a charge of illegal- ly possessing explosives likely to cause injuries. Supina, who fought in World War II as a B17 turret gunner, related that after landing the plane at LaGuardia Field, he stayed nearby for about an hour expecting to be picked up. When he remained unmolested, he said, he boarded a bus in New York for Hartford where hie spent the night in a hotel. Dopped Plea Before Supina gave himself up, Nassau County police announced that besides the missile, Supina had dropped a plea for peace near the UN headquarters. The plea, said Captain H. M. Demott, was written on Supina's Army dis- charge papers. The flier, who runs a diner, gave himself up just 24 hours after a plane swooped toward the UN building in a long dive, circled twiceand then loosed a white, long object. The missile exploded near the ground about 400 feet from the entrance of the main UN building. Supina said he was on his way back to New York to surrender when lack of funds forced him to stop in New Haven. Supina flew to Lake Success from the Windham Airport, near his home, where he was taking a G.I. flying course. An official of Allied Aviation, owner of the plane, said- Supina was instructed to fly close to the field. Two Will Address Linguistic Forum Two lectures in the University Linguistic Forum series are sched- uled for the coming week. Prof. John Corominas, of the French and Spanish philology de- partments, University of Chicago, will discuss "What Can the Indo- European Learn from the Etymo- logical Dictionary of Spanish?" at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre. Prof. W. Freeman Twaddell, of the Brown University German de- partment, and associate director of the Linguistic Institute, will lec- ture on "The Strategy of Linguis- tics," at 7:30 p.m., Thursday in the Rackham Amphitheatre., "The new trails await us," said his prepared-in-advance text. "The frontier awaits us. The rebirth of this nation awaits our coming. And we are on the march." With equal impartiality and force, Howard waded into what he called: "The party of the mechan- ical smile or the Missouri com- promise," a Congress whose "or- der of the day was kill, kill, kill" for civil rights laws, and a Presi- dent - Mr. Truman - who has "been long on say-so and short on do-so." Wallace himself listened in and looked on with a television set in his headquarters at the Bellevue Stratford hotel. A few hours before, he had bustled into town to say he is no Communist but that he won't snub Communist support based on "an interest in peace." He predicted a "surprising" vote for his party but cautiously held back any forecast that he will move into the White House next January. Tonight's convention program was mostly one of song and ora- tory and routine business. It had one thing in common with the Republican and Demo- crat conventions held in this same vast hall: it was hot. The dele- gates, spectators, and reporters perspired in their shirtsleeves or thin dresses. The opening speaker was Elmer A. Benson, former governor of Minnesota, in his role of chairman of the National Wallace for Pres- ident club. He held out the hand of wel- come to the "plain people" and also told the delegates in his pre- pared speech: "You can have peace or war, but it will have to be one or the other. "These are the alternatives which this new party will place before the American people. "Without this party there are no alternatives. There are only military budgets. Young men in uniform, and war." Long before tonight's opening hour, Wallace rode in on a New York train. He was grinning lik a school boy at a picnic. He informed dozens of reporters ready to pop questions about Reds that:' "I can assure you no matter how hard you try, you're not going to get me engaged in Red baiting. And no matter how hard you try, you are not going to get me to say I'm a Communist. You might as well save your strength." Here and all over the country, the former Vice President and Cabinet member said, reporters have been trying to get him either "to repudiate Communism in the strongest possible language" or say something that would let them write stories that Henry A. Wal- lace is "embracing Communism." So to save time and settle the matter rights at the start, Wallace said he wanted to repeat some-' thing he first said last May. In that statement, he said that Communist support attributed to him in the press and endorsement given him by Communist leaders1 were a "political liability.'' Agree on Firm Russian Stand 'Absolute Firmness' Asked in Berlin Crisis, PAWLING, N.Y., July 23-()- Gov. Thomas E. Dewey and Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower today called for "absolute firmness" against Russia in the Berlin crisis. Dewey, the Republican Presi- dential candidate, told reporters after a conference with Eisen- hower at the gove'rnor's farm here: "We agreed our country must stand with absolute firmness in Berlin and at the same time neglect no avenues toward the finding of a peaceable solution." Eisenhower came to Pawling at Dewey's request. For three hours they discussed the European situ- ation in general, the Berlin block- ade in detail and means of im- proving unification of the Unit- ed States Armed Services. Both emphasized the meeting was non-political. Eisenhower said: "We found ourselves in agree- ment that in a place as critical as this (Berlin), the United States must be firm. "If it knows its moral position is correct and that position is in conformity with solemn agree- ments, it cannot properly in .this day and time back up from it." Asked if he thought a peace- ful solution of the Berlin crisis could be found, Eisenhower said: "I do. Certainly I believe there is still no one in the world mad enough to seek a so- lution by force of arms." Asked whether his conference with Dewey meant he would sup- port the governor's candidacy for the Presidency, Eisenhower re- plied: "I have /not identified myself with any political party. I think r reflect the governor's views when I say we talked as two Ameri- cans." Questioned as to whether his statement meant he was not en- dorsing Dewey, the retired general amplified: "I means that I am interested in seeing and talking to anybody who has the welfare of this coun- try at heart. Frankly, I was anx- ious to accept his invitation to come up here and talk with him." Hawaiian Hop Set for Today The Hawaiian Hop, . League semi-formal to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. today in the League Ballroom, will be the gayest so- cial event of the summer session, according to Lois Steere, chair- man. Palm trees, Hawaiian leis, and moonlight will carry out the South Sea Island theme of the dance. Pineapple-shaped dance programs will be presented to each couple. Art Starr's Band Art Starr's Sextette featuring Renee Peters on vocals will pro- vide the dance music. During in- termission, the Vaughan House Trio, hula' dancers, a ballroom dance team and Hawaiian music will furnish entertainment for the dancers. I i operate. i- World News At A Glance By the Associated Press NEWARK, N.J., July 23-A U.S. Air Force B-25 bomber carrying Maj. Gen. Robert M. Webster, crashed and burned today while making a landing at Newark Airport. Webster, Commanding General of the First Air Force, and three other Army men aboard the plane, were taken to St. James Hospital, where extent of injuries, if any, was not disclosed. * * * * WASHINGTON, July 23-President Truman left today for a weekend cruise on the Potomac River to work on the message he will deliver to Congress Tuesday. BELI. ul 2-Mrsal V~v-qlyT7ttnl* * *C, *+w~ , tory parollees reached the end of the trail today. One, fighting it out to the last, was shot between the eyes and killed by a police officer at a. road block near here. The other, whimpering, gave up without a struggle. Their death toll-five men and two women. Killed in the final gunfight was John.West, former Parkersburg, W. Va., youth. Captured was Rob- ert M. Daniels of Columbus, who gave up, ignoring a rifle and two pistols which lay on an automo- bile seat beside him. Sheriff Shaffer of Van Wert county said Daniels admitted par- ticipation in five of the seven killings for which the pair had been sugwht in Ohio'.,most. far. TOWER TECHNIQUE: Student Play Will Be Televised Today While several WWJ-TV radio 4 --1 -, -- . -A ,. 1_4t. I its speech depa~rtmeint. thecrew ffirmiirh fj~lvidqnr i vr i n t -,4--n I