PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. JULY 24, 1947 . ._ , --- - t 41uf ir- -igrnn a uia Fifty-Seventh Year I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Barmecide Feast BILL MAULDIN Edited and managed by students of the U'ni- versity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications, Editorial Staff Managing Editors ... John Campbell, Clyde Recht Associate Editor .............. Eunice Mintz Sports Editor ................. Archie Parsons Business Staff leneral Manager.................Edwin Schneider Advertising Manager .,....... William Rohrbach Circulation Manager.................Melvin Tick Telephone 23-24-1 By SAMUEL GRAFTON IF WE DO NOT go through with the Mar- shall Plan, we shall have invited 16 na- tions to sit down in Paris to a Barmecide feast. We shall have smilingly lifted the covers from empty tureens and forced the guests to praise non-existent soup. We shall have made every prime minister who at- tended seem slightly ridiculous to his own people and every one who came is, in some measure, a friend of ours. We shall have perpetrated one of the greatest gaffes in diplomacy, so that in the future the term "Marshall Plan" may come to mean any unreal offer, long after the historical ori- gin of the words is forgotten. We shall have set out to rebuild the world, and ended by adding a phrase to the language. Since the danger is so great, one wonders why hot waves of indignation do not beat about the heads of Americans who in any way decry the Marshall Plan. Why don't selected Congressmen go into spinning fits of anger against those who cast doubt on the Marshall Plan, as they did against Hen- ry Wallace when, in April, he fought the Truman Doctrine? Senator Taft has expressed some doubts about sending more exports to Europe, which are clearly called for by the Mar- shall Plan. General Robert E. Wood, of Sears Roebuck, has opposed major aid to Europe, which is the heart of the Mar- shall idea. And how quiet everybody is! Yet when Henry Wallace opposed the Tru- man Doctrine in April (and it was not law then, merely Presidential say-so, like the Marshall Plan today) he was called "a men- dacious idiot" on the floor of Congress. It was said that "no living American has done a greater disservice to his country." It was suggested that he be jailed for "dealing with foreign governments." He was said to have cleared his speeches with Stalin. Repre- sentative newspapers were editoriallly "shocked" and "indignant," and "repudia- tions" of Wallace went from hand to hand in Washington like a fast ball around the. infield. Can we, from all this, deduce the interest- ing principle that it is socially acceptable to be against the Marshall Plan, while it was social suicide to be against the 'rrunian Doctrine? It will be said that Wallace's operations were infuriating because he conducted them in Europe. But that point will ap- peal mostly to those who still harbor a touch of isolation, because the cables are working, and radio ditto, and sneers at the Marshall Plan cross the ocean quickly, Where you say it isn't very important in the age of communication. The thing is that if you opposed the Tru- man Doctrine, for military aid to Greece and Turkey, your dinner companions would hitch their chairs away, and smell their hands where they had touched you, while ifyou oppose the Marshall Plan for recon- struction of all Europe, you are still, ap- parently, one of the boys, and can properly be asked to have a little more of the old brandy and another cigar. It would seem, then, as if we have a great deal of educational work to do among ourselves. The widest agreement on how to defend ourselves against Rus- sia seems to be evoked by dangerous gimicks, risky, but comparatively inex- pensive, like those involving military aid; and these are defended with an angry, nervous vigor which indicates, perhaps, a certain insecurity on the part of their defenders. Then come proposals in the middle ground, but still gimmicks, like those for reviving German industry. But on the biggest proposals of all, such as those for reconstructing Europe, we are least ready to commit ourselves. It is on these proposals, costly but solid, that we forget, suddenly, that we have to show Europe, and Russia, too, that we are unified. It is not the least valid feature of the Mar- shall Plan (as I seem to remember having said before) that, though it promises a great victory, it requires, first, that we win a vic- tory over ourselves. (Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation) Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to Lhe use for re-publication of all news dispatches redited to itor otherwise credited in this news- aper. All rights of republication, of all other .natters herein also reserved, Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi- gan, as second class mal matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00, Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by menbers of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: MALCOLM WRIGHT Mockery THE HOUSE of Representatives went through the legislative mockery a few days ago of passing an anti-poll tax bill. The bill will not reach the floor of the Senate. If it did, it would be killed anyway by filibuster. The House has passed similar bills to out- law the poll tax before. It was opposed this time again by Representative Rankin, the vociferous minority from Mississippi where the poll tax is still a means of deny- ing Negroes the ballot. Mr. Rankin had no new arguments, just the same old ones, including the cry that the federal govern- ment can't abolish the tax As a require- ment for voting in individual states. A New York Times editorial tells us that . some day the Senate will have to back the House up in anti-poll-tax legislation." It says the House action is "at least a mor- al victory." To which we can only ask: When? Why? -Eunice Mintz IT SA HAPPENS .". o We're Back Again (EDITOR'S NOTE: We haven't received any letters of protest since we stopped running this column in the spring, but we still think its terrific. Contributions are by members of The Daily staff and are the responsibility of the senior editors.) There's a Limit WE WON'T VOUCH for the accuracy of this story, but it comes from one of those "usually reliable" sources. It seems there was an unusual amount of cheating going on in a certain class in the education school, especially by athletes trying to make up for lost time. Several graduate students, worried by the "average-raisers" but also concerned with the welfare of the athletic teams, took the disciplinary problem into their own hands one day. Barring the professor from the room for a few minutes, they laid down the law: "You can cheat for C's, but not for A's or B's." Temper, Temper.. . FROM A BOOK CLUB advertisement which appeared in the New Yorker, July 19: "Of the high quality of paper which we use, the supply is so limited as to force us to gnash our teeth in fury." No weeping or wailing? * *.* Bluebook Suds « . . A FRIEND OF OURS got back his sociolo- gy midsemester the other day with a "5" on it. He passed a melancholy evening at a local tavern "crying in it." The next .day he learned that the "5" stood for "fifth in the class." Which proves you can have your beer and drink it too. S O HARVEY JONES IS going to get his Cadillac after all. He held the winning +trat in a mffl neut nn by the Kiwanis "I'll have to ask you not to smoke in bed, Mr. Hennessy." DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN MATTER OF FACT: Bad A ugr es By JOSEPH AND STEWART ALSOP THE CONGESSIONAL SESSION is clos- ing with bad auguries for the future. All Secretary Marshall's immense prestige had to be employed, like a majestic trip hammer, to drive into thehead of Repre- sentative John Taber the urgency of Greece's need for aid. Representative Clarence Brown and others of the extreme right have simultaneously unveiled a sordid little scheme to mix tax politics and for- eign policy. And Secretary Marshall had hardly left the Capitol before members of Congress were hopefully hinting that Mar- shall had exaggerated his grave warnings to Taber, presumably in order to paint a pic- ture clear enough even for the myopic eyes of the great economizer. The contrast between these evidences of fatty complacency on Capitol Hill and the true state of affairs abroad is what, makes Washington an uncomfortable place now- adays. While large numbers of members of Congress visibly hanker to return to their native squalor of court-house gang politics, the Soviet Union has now embarked on completely open political and economic war- fare, and on a world scale. The Greek cri- sis is only one aspect of this much broader situation, of which the novel feature is the absolute lack of concealment of Soviet pur- poses. Furthermore, the grand target of the Soviet attack is the United States, the land of the Browns and the home of the Tabers. This country's vital interest in the distant Greek crisis may at first seem difficult to grasp, but the reports from abroad of the Soviet methods of dealing with the Marshall plan should be suffi- cient to make Soviet purposes completely clear to all. The Soviet press, the Communist press in Europe, and the Soviet diplomats seek- ing to dissuade other nations from partici- pation in the Paris meeting on the Marshall plan, have all frankly dealt with this coun- try as the rival that must be pulled down. Three main points have been made. First, in flowing tribute to the influence of the Browns and Tabers, they have warned all those interested in Secretary Marshall's offer that our Congress will never provide funds for European reconstruction. The niggardliness of Congress with foreign aid and its extreme conservatism, are both be- ing used as bogies to convince Europe that the Marshall plan will fail. Far better, say the Soviet Union's representatives and journalistic voices, to stick with the Soviets, who need western Europe's manufactured goods and can pay in food and raw mater- ials. Second, they have also said that if the Marshall plan works at all, it will become an engine of American economic imperial- ism in Europe. And third, they have hinted with amaz- ing frankness, in more than one Euro- pean capitol, that America may be mili- tarily strong today, but that in ten years Soviet research will have mastered all the new weapons. At that time, it is suzzsted. non-anneratirs will have dire zone of Europe and elsewhere. One such was the last-minute promise to the British trade-negotiators, personally dictated by Stalin, to supply Britain with a million tons of wheat in exchange for manufacured goods next year. Without this, the anti-American, pro-Soviet element of the British left would have had to shut up shop for good. Almost more significant were the earlier promises to deliver 40,000 tons of grain to Finland and 80,000 to relieve the dreadful starva- tion of Romania. These deliveries are to be immediate, despite the low level of ra- tions in Russia. And besides making concessions, the So- viets have also been forced to move into new and much more aggressive positions. This is the true meaning of the extraordin- ary Czechoslovak episode. The Commu- nists now control the Czech government as the largest parliamentary party, but they have been losing ground for months with the electorate. The average Czech wishes to maintain relations with the West. Thus even the Communists in the cabinet of Premier Klement Gottwald at first did not object to sending an observer to the Paris meeting. Then Gottwald was summoned to the Kremlin, and told off with ruthless bru- tality, probably at the very moment while his hapl'ess foreign minister, the non- Communist Jan Masaryk, was informing an American journalist by telephone from Moscow that a Czech would still go to Paris. Gottwald relayed the orders to Prague by telephone, and the cabinet bowed before the necessity of a command from on high. But throughout Czecho- slovakia as a whole, according to reliable dispatches, this evidence of absolute sub- servience has left a feeling of bitterness and humiliation unparalleled since the tragic time of Munich, This can have only one meaning. If the Communists are to retain control of the gov- ernment at the elections next year, they must use in Czechoslovakia the same tactics that put Hungary in their hands. An open attack on the relatively free Czech gov- ernment will be aggression with a veng- ance. But these are developments which must be expected, when all out political and economic warfare is being waged. In the long run, they will only be serious if complacency and ignorance prevent recog- nition of the political and economic war- fare, and abort the obviously necessary counter-measures. (Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune) REPRESENTATIVES of sixteen Western E aare meeting in Paris in an attempt to solve their economic prob- lems by following the Marshall plan. The door has been left open, in case any ex- clusive Easterners change their minds and decide to join the group. -The New Yorker Publication in The Daily Officiai Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213 Angell Hail, by 3:00 p.m. on the day pre- ceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- uirdays). THURSDAY, JULY 24, 194' VOL. LVII, No. 21S Nonces Veterans receiving government educational benefits and who are enrolled for either the 512 or 6 weeks Summer Session are re- minded that their absence reports are due by July 28th and maybe deposited at any one of the sta- tions designated on the reverse side of the absence report card or may be mailed to the Veterans Service Bureau, Rackham Build- ing. Veterans are further reminded that the filing of an absence re- port is a University regulation and must be complied with. Robert S. Waldrop, Director Veterans Service Bureau Doctoral Examination for George Greisen Mallinson, Educa- tion; thesis: "Materials of Con- sumer Science for the Junior High School," Friday, July 25, at 7 p.m. in the East Council Room, Rack- ham. Chairman, F. D. Curtis. Ralph A. Sawyer Doctoral Examination for George William Gens, Psychology: thesis: "Correlation of Neurolo- gical Findings, Psychological An- alyses, and Speech Disorders Among Institutionalized Epilep- tics," Thursday, July 24, at 3:00 pam. in the Botany Seminar Room, Natural Science Building. Chair- man, J. Shephard. Ralph A. Sawyer A T THE START of 1947 rela- tions between the Democratic President and the new Republi- can Congress were relatively cor- dial. Once a week Congression- al leaders of both parties confer- red with Mr. Truman at the White House. But toward the end of April, as the GOP legislative program took shape, relations cooled. Now the Congress chief- tains visit No. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue only on special invitation -three'times in the past two and a half months. The reason for the cooling of relations has been a series of sharp disagreements between the White House and Capitol Hill. On three major Congressional mea- ures (the slashed Treasury ap- propriation, the outlawing of por- tal-to-portal pay suits and the extension of rent control), the President has placed his approval reluctantly and with strongly worded protest. On three other important mea- sures (for wool import restric- tions, income tax cuts, and the subsequently enacted Taft-Hart- ley labor curbs), the President has placed his veto, with even strong- er objections. (Altogether Mr. Truman has vetoed seven meas- ures of the Eightieth Congress; in the Seventy-ninth he rejected sev- enty-four bills.) -The New York Times Psychology 165s will meet until further notice on Monday in Room 1035 A.H. on Tuesday in 1025 A.H. on Wednesday 2013 A.H. and Thursday in 1025 A H. Phy- chology 109 will meet until fur- ther notice in Room 1025 A.H. Visitor's Night will be held at the Angell Hall Observatory Fri- day, July 25 beginning at 8:30 p.m. The Moon and Jupiter will be shown. If the evening is cloudy or nearly cloudy the Ob- servatory will not be open. Child- ren must be accompanied by adults. Women students attending the Starlight Ball have 1:30 permis- sion. Calling hours have not been extended. Office of the Dean of Women General Placement: Attention, Civil Engineers: The Design Service Company of Cleve- land, Ohio will interview at the Bureau on Thursday, July 31st. Call extension 371 for appoint- ments. Bur. of Appts. & Occup. Inf. Teacher Placement: Lingnan University in China desires to engage two teachers. One teacher for the Department of English; and one teacher for an elementary school maintained on the campus of the University for children of the American fac- ulty and of other foreign resi- dents of the city. Contact the Bureau of Appointments for fur- them information. The American College for Girls in Istanbul has a vacancy for a woman instructor in Physical Ed- ucation. The position carries a three-year contract with board, room, laundry and round-trip travel provided by the College. Further information may be ob- tained at the.Bureau of Appoint- ments. Civil Service: The U.S. Civil Service Commis- sion announces federal examina- tions for Accountant and Auditor, Grades CAF-7 to CAF-12, posi- tions are in Washington, D.C. and in nearby Virginia and Maryland; Engineer, Grades P-2 to P-8, po- sitions located in Dayton and Wil- mington, Ohio, with the Army Air Forces, War Department. State of Michigan Civil Serv- ice Commission announces exam- ination for Industrial Part-Time Education Supervisor IV; Right of Way Assistant, II & III; and Conservation Representative. Con- tact the Bureau of Appointments for further information. General Placement: A representative from the Girl Scouts' Chicago Office will be at the Bureau of Appointments on Tuesday, July 29, to intervieW women for openings in their Field Department. Requirements in- clude a degree and some experi- ence in Education, Sociology, Per- sonnel, or Group Work. Twenty- three years is the minimum age acceptable. Call extention 371 for appointment. Davidson's Brothers, Inc. Detroit, will have a representative at our office on Tuesday, July 29, to in- terview men and women interest- ed in executive training for de- partment store work. Call exten- sion 371 for appointment. Bur. of Appts. & Occup. Inf. La p'tite causette meets every, Tuesday and Wednesday at 3:30 in the Grill Room of the Michigan' League and at 4:00 on Thursdays at the Internationl Center. All students interested in informal; French conversation are cordially invited to join the group. The French Club will hold its fifth meeting on Thursday July 24, at 8 p.m. in the second floor Terrace Room of the Michigan Union. Professor Paul M. Spur- lin, of the Romance Language De- partment, will speak informally on: "Une collection de bonnes gaffes en francais." Group sing- ing, games, refreshments. All stu- dents interested are cordially in-. vited. The date and time for the French Club picnic will be chos- en at the regular meeting of Le Cerele Francais Thursday night. All persons interested are request- ed to leave their names with the picnic committee after the meet- ing. Women students who are plan- ning to be in Ann Arbor after the close of the regular summer ses- sion may call at the office of the Dean of Women in regard to housing during this period. If enough applicants wish to sign in advance for suite accommodations at the special student rates in the Michigan League Building, reser- vations may be made after refer- ral by the office of the Dean of Women. Approved social events for the coming week-end: July 25, Zeta Beta Tau: July 26, Phi Kappa Psi, Zeta Beta Tau. There will be a meeting of Al- pha Kappa Sorority Friday at 7:00 p.m. at the Britt League House, 1136 E. Catherine Street. The Graduate Outing Club will meet for swimming and outdoor sports on Sunday July 27 at 2:30 p.m. at the Northwest Entrance to the Rackham Building. Please sign up before noon on Saturday at the check desk in the Rack- ham Building. Lectures Dr. James M. Landis. Chair- man of the Civil Aeronautics Board and formerly American Di- rector of Economic Operations in the Middle East and Dean of the Harvard Law School, will lecture on "American Interests in the As- iatic Near East," Thursday, July 24, at 8:10 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. This is a lecture in the Summer Lecture Series, "The United States in World Affairs." The public is invited. Dr. John P. Humphrey, Direct- or -of the Division of Human Rights, United Nations, and Gale Professor of Law, McGill Univer- sity, will lecture on "The Inter- national Protection of Human Rights," Saturday, July 26, at 8:10 p.m., Rackham Amphithea- tre. This is a lecture in the Sum- mer Lecture Series, "The United States in World Affairs." The public is invited. Theoretical Physics Colloquim: Professor Victor Weiskopf will give an extra colloquim on Nu- clear Binding Energies on Friday, July 25, at 4 o'clock in the staff room of Randall Laboratory. Concerts Carillon Recital: Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will pre- sent a program of Anonymous Pieces at 7:15 this evening, on the Baird Carillon. The pieces will include four groups of German Folk Melodies, French Children's Songs, Old Flemish Airs, and British Folk Songs. Student Recital: Harry Burton Ray, Pianist, will be heard in a recital at 8:30 Friday evening, July 25, in the Rackham Assem- bly Hall, as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. Mr. Ray is a pupil of John Kollen. His pro- gram will include compositions by Brahms, Schubert, Dohnanyi, and Chopin, and Mill be open to the general public. The Regular Thursday Evening Concert sponsored by the Gradu- ate School will present for its program this week, Schubert's Symphony No. 6, Pergolese's Sta- bat Mater, Lalo's Symphony Es- pagnole, and Tschaikowsky's Mo- zartiana. All graduate students are cordially invited. University Symphony Orchestra, Wayne Dunlap, Conductor, will be heard in its annual summer concert at 8:30 Wednesday eve- ning, July 30, in Hill Auditorium. The program will-open with Bee- thoven's Prometheus Overture, followed by Mozart's Piano Con- certo No. 27 in B flat Major, K. 595, in which James Wolfe will appear as soloist. The second half . of the concert includes Faure's Suite from the Stage Music to Haraucourt's Comedy, with Howard Kellogg, Tenor as soloist. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions Photographs of Summer Fungi of Michigan, Rotunda Museums Building. July and August. The Museum of Art:Ehibi- tion of Prints-Vanguard Group, Ann Arbor Art Association Col- lection, and from the Permanent Collection. July 1-28. Alumni Memorial Hall, daily, except Mon- day, 10-12 and 2-5; Sundays, 2-5. The public is cordially invited. Museum of Archaeology. Cur- rent Exhibit, "Life in a Roman Town in Egypt from 30 B.C. to 400 A.D." Tuesday through Fri- day, 9-12, 2-5; Saturday, 9-12; Friday evening, 7:30-9:30; Sun- day 3-5. Events Today There will be an informal cof- fee hour for the students and fac- ulty of the sociology department at four o'clock Thursday, July 24, in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Prof. Ru- dolph Heberle of Louisiana State University will be the guest of honor. All summer session stu- dents in sociology are invited. Alpha Phi Alpha (Epsilon Chap- ter) will meet on Thursday, July 24, at 7:00 p.m. at the Union. All members are urged to be pres- ent. A Square Dancing Class, spon- sored ; by the Graduate Outing Club, will be held on Thursday July 24th at 8 p.m. in the Lounge of the Women's Athletic Build- ing. Everyone welcome. A small fee will be charged. 1. Z. F. A. members: Meeting Thursday, July 24, 8 p.m. at Hill- el; to discuss and plan Oneg Sha- bat. University Community Center Willow Run Village Thu., Jul. 24, 8 p.m., Art Class, Beginning Life Drawing, Mrs. Vir- gil Clark, instructor. Coming Events Dr. Gottfried S. Delatour will hold the second of four confer- ences on European affairs, Thurs- day, July 24, at 3:10 p.m., East Conference R o o m, Rackham Building. These conferences are part of the Summer Lecture Ser- ies, "The United States in World Affairs." The second Fresh Air Camp Clinic will be held on Friday, July 25, 1947. Discussions begin at 8 p.m. in the Main Lodge of the Fresh Air Camp located on Pat- terson Lake. Any University stu- dents interested in problems of individual and group therapy are invited to attend. The discussant will be Dr. Daniel C. Siegel, Neur- opsychiatric Institute of the Uni- versity Hospital. University Community Center Willow Run Village Fri., Jul. 25, 8 p.m., Duplicate Bridge. Art Cinema League and Campus Chapter American Veteran's Com- mittee present a great first-run French film Children of Paradise. English titles Friday, Saturday, July 25, 26, 8:30 p.m. Box office opens 3 p.m. daily. Hill Auditor- ium, phone 4121, Ext. 479. W E HAVE JUST addressed a very personal question to a caller. We asked him what his income tax was and he said it was $500 a year. We then asked this caller how many tons of coal he used each year. He said eight. So if the price of his coal should go up by $1 a ton, his added cost of living would be $8 for the year. President Truman is very eager that the coal operators should not take this $8 from the man and in a statement Monday expressed such hope. On the same day, President Truman again let it be known that he would veto the tax bill which is to come to him from Congress. The tax bill would reduce our caller's income tax by $100 a year. It is very bad to charge peo- ple higher prices; that is inflation. But it seems there is an exception. The higher price of government. is deflation. Along with his plea to coal op- erators, Mr. Truman said he hoped that steel men would not raise prices. The price of steel is about 33 per cent, above its pre-war fig- ure. Lately the steel men have raised the wages of their own en- ployees by a sizable amount with- out raising their prices. Now their coal is to cost more but again they are put under pressure not to raise prices. The cost of government is al- ready several hundred per cent above pre-war. But the very peo- ple who are managing govern~- ment and who in the main are rPeesic rnn ci n hn r r - -P, '1 AI o' .' d( w i] i BARNABY... [p fN. U 5. Poi., You could wave your~o a~~ htBbW~ 5hh ... Come. Too many cooks norb,,.