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July 24, 1947 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1947-07-24

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D43a ii4


Latest Deadline in the State


CIO Officials
Silent About
Red Charges
May Incriminate,
They Tell House
By The Associated Press
Three officers of a CIO tobacco
union in North Carolina refused
today to tell a House committee
whether they are Communists,
while a Wisconsin CIO strike lead-
er was indicted on charges of
falsely swearing that he was not
The three, Edwin K. McCrea,
Robert C. Black and W. Clark
Sheppard, told the Un-American
Activities Committee that they
based their refusal on the ground
that to answer "may incriminate"
Witnesses Testify
Previous witnesses had said the
men were Communists and that
the local involved, at Winston-
Salem, N.C., was Communist-con-
trolled. McCrea is an Interna-
tional Representative of the CIO
Food, Tobacco and Agricultural
j Workers assigned to the local.
Black and Sheppard are co-chair-
man of the local.
w The Wisconsin man indicted
here is Harold Christoffel.
Christoffel's perjury indictment
was brought by a Federal grand
jury at the request of the Justice
Department. The Department.
acted after the House Labor Com-
mittee had asked "such action as
may be appropriate" following
the accused's sworn statement to
the Committee that he was not a
* Communist.
Headed UJAW At Milwaukee
Christoffel was president of
Local 248 of the United Auto
Workers in 1941 when the union
called a long strike against the
Allis-Chalmers Company of Mil-
waukee, makers of farm machin-
ery then with defense contracts.
He appeared before the Com-
mittee last March, in its study of
whether subversive influences
were in on the strike. He said he
was not a Communist.
How ever, the grand jury
charged that he "was then a mem-
ber of the Communist Party and
had . been such member several
years prior thereto and had work-
ed with the Communist Party and
with the Communist Political As-
Police Called
To Halt Picket
Line Violence
23--(P)-A force of 60 state po-
lice, carrying arms, patrolled the
gates of the strikebound Rem-
ington-Rand Corp. toda.y afte
500 CIO pickets skirmished with
local auhorities for the third time
in as many days.
The police were ordered to the
scene after Berrien County Sher-
iff Erwin Kubath said "The sit-
uation has passed beyond my con-
trol" and warned that new dis-
orders might break out-Thursday.
Fire Hose Used
Sheriff's officers used a fire hose
today to disperse the pickets,
three of whom were arrested. No
casualties were reported.
An estimated 400 employes
walked out June 23 in a demand
by Local 931, CIO United Electri-

cal Workers, for a 15 cent an hour
wage increase.
Sheriff Kubath wired Gov. Kim
Sigler that "A state of insurrec-
tion" existed and asked state po-
lice "or such other forces at your
command" to cope with the sit-
Governor Obliges
The governor responded a few
hours later by directing troopers
from police posts throughout the
state to reinforce Berrien County,
Benton Harbor, Niles and St. Jo-
seph officers at the strike scene.
The union's demand for .a 15
cent an hour wage boost at Ben-
ton Harbor was answered by a
company offer of seven cents and
six paid annual holidays.
Menser of NBC
Will Lecture Here
Clarence L. Menser, vice-presi-
dent in charge of Programs for
the National Broadcasting Coi-
pany will sneak on the subject of

Truman No Longer Seen
As Little Man in Big Job
Counters Questions on NLRB Appointments
With Complete Competence and Poise
Special To The Daily
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of a series of interpretative articles
on political trends and personalities in Washington by a Daily staff corres-
WASHINGTON-Meeting the President of the United States is
quite a thrill, but it is a far greater thrill to watch Harry Truman
in action and to come away confident that, whatever his shortcomings
when he first took office, he is now a competent chief executive in his
own right.


Warns Security Council Bulgaria,


Yugoslavia Menacing Peace;

Dutch Troops Capture Java Coast Port

That's the impression I got las
Safest Spot
For Parking
Is at Home
The safest place in the world to
park your car should be in front
of a police station, but the city
police found out otherwise.
They are minus the services of
a scout car this week after a trac-
tor and trailer smashed into it on
Fifth under the surprised eyes of
the officer on duty.
The entire side of the car was
mashed and the wheels on the
opposite side were knocked up on
the curb. The officer on duty ran
out to find the driver-but there
was no driver.
The truck had rolled down from
a parking space across the street
from the City Hall all by itself.
The driver showed up later. He
was given a ticket for failure to
set brakes. Later investigation
showed that he didn't haveany
The tractor and trailer belongs
to a local trucking company. Po-
lice reported that the company
intends to support the driver.
Widow of VU
Patron Dead
Rackham Services
To Be HeldFriday
DETROIT, July 23-G'P)-Fu-
neral services will be held here
Friday for Mrs. Mary A. Rackham,
83-year-old widow of Detroit phil-
anthropist Horace H. Rackham,
who died at her home here yester-
day after a five-year illness.
Mrs. Rackham, a native of Fen-
ton, devoted her entire adult life
to the charities and educational
institutions she and her late hus-
band financed, from the Horace
H. and Mary A. Rackham Fund
which grew from an original $5,000
investment in the Ford Motor
Rackham, a ayoung attorney,
married Mrs. Rackham in 1886
and later moved to Detroit where
he and his law partner, John An-
derson, drew up incorporation
papers for the projected Ford
Motor Company. Years later,
when the Ford investors were
bought out, his original $5,000 in-
vestment had grown to $12,500,-
French Movie
To Be Shown
"Children of Paradise," French
film with English sub-titles, will
be presented at 8:30 p.m. tomor
row and Saturday at Hill Audi-
torium under the sponsorship of
the Art Cinema League and the
AVC Campus Chapter.
Jean-Louis Barrault, Arletty
and Pierre Brasseur will star in
the picture, which is the story of
the strange love of a French mime,
and a Parisian actress in the days
of 'King Louis Philippe.
Tickets may be purchased at the
Hill Auditorium box-office.

t week at a White House press con-
ference at which thePresident
announced his appointments to
the National Labor Relations
The sight of five or six news-
reel men loading their cameras
and more than fifty of the na-
tion's top correspondents lined
up outside the door to the Presi-
dent's office attested to the im-
portance of the occasion and led
me to expect a very formal meet-
Several Announcements
Falling in behind the regular
Washington correspondents who
charged into the circular, high-
domed office, I jockeyed into a
favorable position just as the
President said, "I have several
announcements for you this aft-
ernoon." Standing in front of his
wide mahogany desk, the Presi-
dent seemed very much at ease as
he read off his appointments in
the slow monotonous voice that
is familiar to millions of radio lis-
As soon as Mr. Truman finish-
ed speaking, a barrage of ques-
tions followed. The chief execu-
tive obligingly repeated some bio-
graphical data andspelled the
name of Robert Denham for a
slow reporter and smiled noncom-
mittally at another who wise-
cracked about-thefact that the
new appointee was a Republican.
Quite relaxed, the President ap-
peared to be having a good time
as he tossed back at the reporters
the loaded questions in the repar-
tee which followed.
They Have To Be
Were the new appointees in
favor of the Taft-Hartley Act?
"Of course they are. They have
to be," Truman shot back. (Un-
der the Taft-Hartley Act, the gen-
eral counsel is the key figure in
the NLRB.)
What would he say in a veto
message tomorrow? "It will be
read in the House tomorow. You
have only 19 hours to wait," came
the prompt answer.
Though the interplay of words
was rapid and skipped quickly to
a dozen different topics, it was
not formal. A White House old-
timer tried to pin him down about
a trip to Brazil. Laughing eas-
ily he parried with, "I've wanted
to go for a long time. Ihaven't
made any plans yet, Smitty, but
I'll let you know in plenty of time
to pack."
The Way He Gave Them
Most remarkable to me was not
the answers he gave but the man-
ner in which he gave them. No
longer, at least, can Harry Tru-
man be considered a "little man
in too big a job" as he was so
often labelled when he first took
office. The President's self-as-
surance provided an enviable mod-
el and he was was in complete
command of the situation n
throughout the conference.
I left the. White House inspired
by a confidence in our chief ex-
ecutive which made the formality
of being introduced and shaking
hands with Harry Truman seem
like an anti-climax.'
Princeton Linguist
Gives History Talk
The history of scientific lingu-
istics, from its foundation in the
early nineteenth century, was re-
viewed by Prof. Julian Bonfante,
of Princeton University, in the
ninth of a series of public lectures
offered by the Linguistics Insti-
tute, yesterday, in Eackham Am-

Take Cheribon
In Long Drive
On Three Sides
Systematic Scorched
Earth Policy Begun
By The Associated Press
BATAVIA, Java, Thursday, July
24-Dutch troops driving in from
three sides have captured the im-
portant north Java coast port of
Cheribon, semi-official dispatches
from the Cheribon area said to-
The reports said Dutch forces
moved into the city, 130 miles
east of Batavia, yesterday after-
noon. Cheribon's Indonesian de-
fenders offered no resistance and
bridges in the area were captured
intact, the dispatches added.
The port city was captured
by troops who pushed halfway
across Java from Bandoeng. It
is in the heart of the rich north-
west Java rice growing area.
The capture of Cheribon occur-
red as Indonesian Republicans be-
gan a systematic application of
a scorched earth policy.
Four Republican towns were
put to the torch by the Republi-
cans, an Indonesian communique
announced. Salatiga, important
objective south of Semarang, was
burning when Dutch forces enter-
ed the town.
The retreating Republicans
also put the torch to Lawang,
12 miles north of Malang, in
East Central Java, toward which
other Dutch forces were advanc-
ing, and to Soemedang and Tit-
jalengka, 20 miles east of Ban-
oeng, in western Java.
In Sumatra, to which the fight-
ing has spread, an official Dutch
dispatch said irregular Indones-
ian soldiers belonging to the so-
called People's Army had burned
more than 100 homes before evac-
uating Arnhemia, a few miles
south of Medan.
In East Java, Dutch troops
striking south from the Probo-
linggo beachhead and west from
the eastern port of Banjoewan-
gi threatened to slice the Re-
public in two by cutting off
2,400 square miles of the island
from contact with Republican
centers to the west.
The Dutch air offensive was
steppedup today. Jogjakarta's air-
port was bombed at noon again.
Merger Bill
Ready for OK
By Congress
WASHINGTON, July 23-(1-
"Must" legislation to unify the
Army and Navy was shaped up
for passage when a Senate-House
conference committee approved it
tonight. The action helped smooth
the path for hoped-for adjourn-
ment Saturday.
The compromise on the bill
strongly advocated by. President
Truman will go to the House and
then to the Senate for final action.
It provides separate Army, Navy
and Air Forces departments un-
der one cabinet officer, a Secre-
tary of Defense.
Laborious Day
Action climaxed a laborious day
in both chambers which sweated
to get their calenders cleared of
large numbers of secondary bills.
Over them hung the shadows of
six large appropriation bills which
must be approved to achieve the
Saturday vacation goal.
The money bills involving many
billions were in various stages of
agreement. They have to pass to

run the Government this fiscal
year. They include finances for
the Army, the veterans and for-.
eign aid.
The Senate Republican leader-
ship met and gave its backing to
a proposed group of special in-
vestigations to be conducted after
HCL Heads List
Atop the list the policy com-

FINAL 'VOYAGE'-The tattered hulk of the once-proud French liner Normandie, which burned in
New York while being converted to a U.S. troop transport, is shunted a few hundred feet out of a

Newark city ship channel to avoid a penalty on expiration of the
scrapping the vessel.
Spencer, Jackson Received
Enthusiastically At Rally

lease of Lipsett, Inc., which is
Petition For
Callahan Act



Four speakers and singer Ken-
neth Spencer climaxed a $700 tag
day last night by presenting the
anti-lynch issue from several
points of view in a Rackham Lec-
ture Hall rally.
Before an audience estimated at
400, Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of
the history department, main
speaker of the evening, discussed
three aspects of the problem:
1. The downward trend of
lynchings over a period of 47
2. The enforcement of existing
anti-lynching legislation, and the
necessity for a federal lynching
3. The weakening of "our voice
of freedom" by toleration of dis-
crimination, in the eyes of for-
eign powers.
Prof. Slosson referred to the
recent Carolina lynching trial,
noting that although individuals
were singled out from the mob,
the jury did not convict the ac-
cused lynchers.
Kenneth Spencer, well-known
bass baritone, received enthusias-
tic responses to his songs, most
of them spirituals. He sang "City
Called Heaven," "Freedom is My
Land," "Go Down, Moses," "Ham-
mer Song" and "Old Man River,"
dedicating them "to the men and
women fighting for freedom in
the south."
AVC representative Alfred Mil-
stein, recently ,returned from
Washington, explained what pro-
gress has been made by anti-
lynch proponents in Congress
this session.
Milstein urged citizens to
pressure Congressmen and to
"carry the fight" until Congress
Special Projects Director Ar-
thur G. Price of the Southern
Youth Congress explained the
work of the Congress in a brief
He said his organization is at-
tempting to educate young Amer-
ica to the evils of lynching be-
cause "only the youth of America
have the drive to correct this
Although there is a deepening
crisis of lynching, he said, there
are other key issues to be dealt
with concerning the right of cit-
ienship-voting, for instance.

Speaker Blyden Jackson receiv-
ed repeated laughter for his
tongue-in-cheek recounting of
what he called "lynching atti-
In a mock serious tone he list-
ed four "attitudes.":
1. "They don't lynch my kind
of people.'
2. "Not many people are lynched
3. "They don't lynch people up
here you know."
4. "And anyway the people who
are lynched ought to have some-
thing done to them anyhow."
Marshall Field
Plans To Buy
CHICAGO, July 23-(IP')-Mar-
shall Field, publisher of the Chi-
cago Sun, announced today he
had offered to buy the Chicago
Daily Times, afternoon tabloid,
"to expand my Chicago newspaper
Field said he had offered $60 a
share for the stock of the Times,
and that Richard J. Finnegan,
publisher of the Times, and two
of his associates, "are agreeable
to that price" and were trans-
mitting Field's proposal to their
fellow stockholders.
Finnegan said there were 88,-l
977 shares of Times' stock out-
standing and that "Mr. Field will
buy all shares that are offered to!
him." In the event that all out-
standing shares were sold to Field
the total purchase price of the
Times would be $5,338,620.
The Times publisher said Field
had stipulated that "at least" 65,-
500 shares-roughly 75 per cent of
the total-"should respond favor-
ably by Aug. 23, unless the time
is extended." This would indicate
a desire on Field's part to spend
at least $3,930,00 for controlling
interest of the Times.
Field said he would remain as
publisher and editor of the Sun.
The Sun's publisher stated he
hoped to publish the Sun in the
morning, the Times in the after-
noon, and a Sun-Times on Sun-


To Be Canvassed
Joint Committee

Apportioning and canvassing of
the city with petitions calling for
a referendum on the Callahan
Act is underway, spokesmen for
a joint Committee to Repeal the
Callahan Act announced today.
Prof. John L. Brumm, of the
journalism department, and Prof.
Wilfred Kaplan, of the mathemat-
ics department, were elected co-
chairman of the Committee by
delegates from six campus and
town organizations, Monday at
the Union. Included are: the Pro-
gressive Citizens of America,
Americans for Democratic Action,
American Veterans Committee,
National Negro Congress, Michi-
gan Youth for Democratic Action
and the Inter-Racial Association.
200,000 Signatures Sought
The campaign is being coordin-
ated with a state-wide movement
that seeks to obtain 200,000 valid
signatures by October 10. The
state Committee to Repeal the
Callahan Act, headed by Henry
Sweeney, former judge of Record-
ers Court and member of the city
council in Detroit, includes Pro-
fessors Preston Slosson, John
Shephard, Lewis- G. VanderVelde
and Theodore Newcomb.
Brumm Speaks on Bill
Expressing his pleasure at see-
ing that students are aroused and
ready to fight, Monday, Prof.
Brumm said that the Callahan
Act threatens academic freedom.
The public has been conditioned
by propaganda and political man-
euvering on the part of minority
groups and individuals, he ex-
plained, to the point where they
are susceptible to the fears of sub-
versive activity beyond anything
that exists. It is surprising, he
said, that the press has not raised
its voice, since by the Act any
pubications can be suppressed.
The definition of foreign agents
in the Callahan Act, which is far
too broad, declared Prof. Kaplan,
would include such organizations
as the Federal Council of
Churches, the Boy Scouts of
America and the United Nations.
Extraordinary powers are given
to the attorney general, he said.

Johnson Says
Balkan States
Lack Liberty
Demands UN Warn
Nations 'Keep Order
By The Associated Press
United States removed diplomatic
wraps today and bluntly told the
United Nations Security Council
that Yugoslavia, Albania and Bul-
garia were a menace to interna-
tional peace.
AmericaneDeputy Delegate Her
schel V. Johnson said there was
not "the slightest evidence of civ-
il liberties" in the three Soviet
satellites and "a dictatorship is a
dictatorship no matter what you
call it."
He demanded that the Coun-
cil warn the three nations "to
keep order in their own houses
and leave other people's affairs
alone" lest a war break out in
the Balkans affecting the
whole world. It was the second
time in a U.N. meeting today
that diplomatic talk was drop-
Noting that Johnson had "be-
gun to speak candidly," Soviet
Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei
A. Gromyko jumped into the de-
bate to say:
"Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Al-
bania do not need the advice of
the United States on their inter-
nal order. If such advice is given
from the rostrum of the United
Nations, although not asked for,
the only explanation is that these
authors overestimate the impor-
tance of their advice."
Previously Russia's vigorous de-
fense of Albania in a U.N. mem-
bership committee touched off
one of the strongest personal at-
tacks ever leveled at a Soviet dele-
gate here.
The United States and Aus-
tralia quickly joined Britain's
Valentine G. Lawford in lam-
basting Krasilnikov, Soviet dele-
gate to the committee and for-
mer minister to Iceland.
Krasilnikov delivered a 30-
minute speech castigating the
Western Powers for their oppo-
sition to the admission of Albania
and accusing them of attempting
to "undermine the Young Peop-
les Republic of Albania."
He said all the reasons advanc-
ed by the United States and Bri-
tain were based on "false accusa-
tions" and that they were at-
tempting to get the Tirana gov-
ernment to accept conditions dic-
tated by foreign powers. He added
that certain powers would not be
satisfied unless they could seat a
man on the Albanian General
Staff to suppress the democratic
element in Albania.
Ample Crops
In Poland End
American Aid
The United States excluded Pol-
and today from a prospective $15,-
000,000 share in American foreign
relief and there were indications
that Hungary also would be ruled
out because of improved crop
prospects in Soviet - dominated
Eastern Europe.
The State Department an
nounced the action on Poland,
publishing an official report say-
ing the country has sufficient food
in sight for minimum needs until

at least the end of this year.
Secretary of State Marshall
said Poland's boycott on the Par-
is Conference on the Marshall
plan for European recovery was
not the reason for the exclusion,
Colonel R. L. Harrison, special
assistant to Secretary of Agri-
cultural Anderson, made the sur-
vey of Poland's needs at Marshall's

World News at a Glance
By The Associated Press
SAN JOSE, Costa Rica, July 23-At least five persons were killed
by gunfire and 59 wounded in a series of political clashes and street
fights in San Jose and other Costa Rican cities which began last Sat-
urday and were brought under control today by police.
WASHINGTON, July 23-Secretary of State Marshall in-
dicated today the United States will reconsider its proposal for
an immediate veto-free start on drafting a Japanese peace treaty

Man Wanders into Capitol with Pistol

WASHINGTON, July 23-( P)-
A man with a pistol in his pocket
was arrested in the Capitol today
iut after President Truman had

in a washroom one floor below the
Senate chamber by policemen
who said they noticed the weapon

Shelby, who asked the man if he
had a permit for the pistol.
Both officers said Spires denied

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