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June 26, 1947 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1947-06-26

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Latest Deadline in the State

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See Page 2



New Support
Won For Tax
Slashing Bill
Democriats Back
Revised Measure
By' The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, June 25-Pow-
erful Democratic support was
thrown today behind a Republi-
can drive to reenact the vetoed
$4,000,000,000 tax slashing bill,
with the cuts effective next Jan-
uary 1 instead of next week.
Senator Byrd (Dem., Va.), who
opposed the original bill, issued a
statement declaring that tax re-
duction effective January 1 can
pass even over another veto, if thie
GOP' majority establishes a ceil-
ing on federal spending and con-
tinues to cut expenditures.
The Virginian raised doubt that
President Truman would veto the
bill with the effective date chang-
ed to next year.
George Supports Bill
Senator George (Dem., Ga.),
who voted for the previous bill but
supported the veto, threw his sup-
port behind the new bill by Chair-
man Knutson (Rep., Minn.) of
the House ways and means com-
One influential Democrat said
privately that a check of. some
Democratic Senators indicated
enough would shift from their op-
position to the first bill to over-
ride any veto of 1ie new measure.
House Speaker Martin (Rep.,
Mass.) already has said it is cer-
tain the House could overthrow
a second veto. The House sustain-
ed the President's veto last week
by only two votes.
Foresees Little Opposition
Senator Johnson (Dem., Colo.),
opponent of the original bill, told
reporters he would support the
new measure and predicted it
would not have "too serious op-
position" if it comes to the Sen-
ate floor.
"I like the January 1 effective
date," he said.
However, Senator Taft (Rep.,
0.) discounted the possibility of
further action on tax-cutting leg-
islation before Congress adjourns
next month.
He said he has not changed his
opinion that the tax measure is
dead for this session. He added
that in a talk with Speaker Mar-
tin he "rather got the impression"
that the bill was reintroduced
"just so it will be there as the
Republican program."
AVC Delegates
Shun Factions
At Convention
Delegates from the campus
chapter of AVC to the organiza-
n's national convention at Mil-
wukee last week voted solidly for
a platform and candidates disas-
sociated with either the left or
right factions in AVC, it was dis-
closed last night at the chapter's
first meeting of the summer ses-
Lorne Cook, chairman of the
chapter and one of its ten dele-
gates to the convention, declared
that the chapter had refused to
line up with either organized fac-
tion for fear of further internal

strife in the organization.
(At the convention held from
June 19 to 22, attended by 1,310
delegates, Chat Paterson and
Richard Bolling, representing the
. " right" faction of AVG. were
elcted to the positions of at
al chairman and vice-chairman.
respectively, by substantial ma-
"We were out to protest or-
ganized factionalism, and we re-
fused to go along with any whose
election would meet with bitter-
ness on the part of the 'other
side," Cook said. "Our middle
point of view met with support of
delegates casting ballots in be-
half of 10,000 of the 60,000 mem-
bers represented."
Cook worked with a steering
commictee at the convention, led
by Michael Straight, publisher of
the New Republic, who accom-
panied Henry Wallace on his re -
cent visit to the University. The
committee constituted a' caucus
for the "middle" point of view.
(Straight, not a candidate for
chairman, was elected however,

Steel Mills Cut Production As

217,000 Miners Join


REGISTRATION HEAVEN-Here is the longest line that could be found at registration for the Sum-
mer Session, which appeared to be a welcome treat for students usually accustomed to endless wait-
ing during regular semesters.

May Apply for
TU' Apartment
No Vacancies Now,;
WaitingListto Reopen
The waiting list for residence
in the University Terrace Apart-
ments will be re-opened to mar-
ried veterans of World War II
Monday for three days.
University officials stress, how-
ever, that there are no vacancies
at present and they do -not expect
any vacancies during the summer
Only married veterans who have
completed two terms in the Uni-
versity may apply. Each appli-
cant must file with his applica-
tion his Military Record and Re-
port of Separation. All, applica-
tions will be considered according
to a priority system outlining cer-
tain qualifications. A list of these
qualifications appears today in
the Daily Official Bulletin.
The Office of Student Affairs,
Rm. 2, University Hall will accept
applications from 9 to 12 a.m. and
from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Monday
through: Wednesday next week.
University administrators have es-
tablished a policy of opening the
waiting list shortly after the be-
gining of each new term.
Veterans who have previously
filed applications for the Terrace
Apartments should not apply
again, since their applications are
being processed according to the
established qualifications.
The priority system affords spe-
cial consideration to Michigan
residents, veterans with long over-
seas residence and veterans who
have incurred serious physical dis-
Supersonics Talk
Scheduled Today
Theodore Von Karmen, chair-
man of the scientific advisory
board to General Carl Spaatz of
the Army Air Forces, will discuss
"Principles of Supersonic Aero-
dynamics" at 4 p.m. today in Rm.
445 West Engineering Building.
Von Karmen is director of the
Guggenheim Aeronautics Labora-
tory at California Institute of
Technology. The lecture is part
of a Symposium on Fluid Me-
chanics being conducted this sum-
mer by the engineering mechanics

Services for Prof. Tilley
To Be Held at St. Andrews

< > i

Funeral services will be held at
4 p.m. today in St. Andrews Epis-
copal Church for Dr. Morris P.
Tilley, professor-emeritus of Enig-
lish .who died unexpectedly Mon-
day night at the age of 71.
Dr. Henry Lewis will officiate at
the services which will be followed
Open Guidance
Meeting Today
At Rackham
Leaders in the field of human
adjustment will converge at 10:30
a.m. today in the Rackham
Building for the first of six sessions
in a two day guidance conference
on the measurement of student
adjustment and achievement.
Prof. C. Gilbert Wi'enn of the
department of educational psy-
chology at the University of
Minnesota will deliver the intro-
ductory address on "The Guid-
ance Movement." He will thus in-
itiate a meeting at which more
than a score of educators, tech-
nicians and psychologists from
many parts of the country will
thrash out the question of adjust-
ment by means of discussions and
The conference is sponsoi'ed by
the Bureau of Psychological Ser-
vices and the Institute for Human
The meetings, which are open to
the general public, will include a
demonstration of "visible speech"
and the "electronic pencil," the
latest advances in teaching the
deaf to speak by sight and the
blind to read by sound. Conducted
by Prof. George Kopp of the Uni-
versity's speech department, and
Woodrow Morris, of the Bureau of
Psychological Services, the demon-
strations will be held at 8:15 p.m.
today in the Rackham Building.
The second session at 2 p.m. to-
day, which will concern itself with
the question of measuring adjust-
ment, will feature addresses- by
Prof. Percival M. Symonds of Col-
umbia University, Prof. Harold A.
Edgerton of Ohio State University,
Prof. Max L. Hutt of the Univer-
sity of Michigan and Wilma T.
Donahue of the Bureau of Psy-
chological Services.

by a private burial at Forest HillI
Prof. Tilley, though he retired
from the University in 1946 after
a 40-year tenure, had remained
active in the Dunworkin club, an
organization of University faculty
and other members who have con-
tinued their activities along .spe-
cial lines after passing the emeri-
tus age.,
He had been engaged in a fin-1
al pre-publication editing of "AI
Dictionary of Proverbs in Eng-
land," a monumental work with
which he had been occupied for
the past twenty years.
The "Dictionary of Proverbs"
covers the period from 1500 to
1700 encompassing writings of'
Elizabethans in g e n e r a 1 and
Shakespeare in particular, the
phases of English with which Prof.
Tilley was most concerned. The
book, arranged alphabetically ac-'
cording to catch words, includes
as well, some of the proverbial'
works of Benjamin Franklin,'
which Prof. Tilley found to be in
the tradition of English proverbs.'
Prof. Tilley received his doctor's
degree at the University of Leip-
zig in 1902 after having received
both his A.B. and A.M. from the
University of Virginia. Return-
ing from Germany, he became a
member of the English depart-
ment of Syracuse University,
where he remained for four years.
In 1906, he came to Ann Arbor
as an assistant professor. In 1912
he became junior professor, in
1915, associate professor and from
1918 till his retirement in 1946,
he was a full professor.
Koos Praises
junior Col lege
New Four Year Plan
hepfultocomni unity
The new four year junior col-
lege is the most effective and econ-
nomical way to bring the advan-
tages of the junior high school and
the junior college to the commun-
ity, according to Prof. L. V. Koos,
who opened the School of Educa-
tion's summer lecture series yes-
Dr. Koos, who is Professor of
Secondary Education at the Uni-
versity of Chicago, spoke on "The
Rise of the People's College." He
traced the development of junior
colleges which he said have been
known as "the people's colleges"
since 1875. This title was applied
by William Watts Folwell, first
president of the University of
Minnesota, some 20 years before
anyone had thought to use the
name "junior college."
Prof. Koos discussed the three
types of junior college organiza-
tion but emphasized the new trend
which is known as the "six-four-
four" plan. Under this system the
last two years of high school are
combined into a four-year unit
which includes grades 11 to 14.
A four year junior high school
and six year elementary school are
usually used in conjunction with
this plan, Dr. Koos said.
Sigler Sins State
!'"!. - .-- F-- -- " 07

Three Power
Pars Parlei
Opens Friday
Russia To Join Talk
'On Europe Recovery
Rv The Associated Pres
LONDON, June 25-The Mar-
shall plan for European recovery
evoked favorable reaction in Ro-
mania, Czechoslovakia, Poland,
Hungary and Bulgaria today, in
the wake of Russia's agreement to
discuss the matter with Britain
and France at a conference open-
ing in Paris Friday.
However, the Moscow newspaper
Pravda warned that no self-res-
pecting European nation could
accept United States economic aid
if it meant American "interfer-
ence" in its internal affairs, and
French Communist leader Maur-
ice Thorez said the Marshall Plan
appeared to be aimed at creating
a western bloc of nations "which
would cut Europe in two."
A high British government
source said American and British
representatives, now conducting
talks o the proposal, generally
felt "endouragement" at the res-
ponse by European governments,
and particularly at Russia's de-
cision tho attend the Paris confer-
Meet Wi h Attlee
William L. Clayton, U.S. Under-
secretary of State for Economic
Affairs, and Ambassador Lewis W.
Douglas met at dinner tonight
with Prime Minister Attlee and
his , topmost advisers, at No. 10
Downing Street.
This was the third time in two
days that the two Americans had
exchanged ideas on the Marshall
proposal and other aspects of Eur-
opean economy with Attlee, For-
eign Secretary Ernest Bevin,
Chancellor of the Exchequer Hugh
Dalton and Sir Stafford Cripps.
The Britons told Clayton they
would ask the Paris Conference to
set up a central committee to dir-
ect overall operations of the re-
covery program, and "functional"
subcommittees to assess contin-
ental needs in the way of steel,
coal, agriculture, transportation
and possibly food and relief.
Newspapers Optimistic
Newspapers in many Russian
satellite countries appeared op-
timistic about the three-power
conference, and even the Pravda
article gave evidence of great
Russian interest.
The Bucharest leftist newspa-
per Timpul said "if agreement is
reached, fear that the continent
could be divided into two antagon-
istic blocs would disappear as
would all accusations of domina-
tion and expansion that have hin-
dered hitherto loyal cooperation
between the east and the west."
Czechs Ask Agreement
Much the same note was sound-
ed by the Prague Social Demo-
crat newspaper Pravo Lidu, which
asserted that "it is definitely the
desire of the Czechoslovak gov-
ernment that agreement be reach-
ed on this matter." A government
committee was set up to study the
Marshall plan.
The government bloc newspaper
Izgrev in Sofia, said Bulgaria looks
"with sympathy" toward the pro-



Question: "And you don't
think there is any offer of
United States assistance in Sec-
retary Marshall's speech on the
Snyder: "No more than we
have had evidence of all along."
Asked about this exchange,
State Department officials observ-
ed strict silence. Some feeling was
evident among diplomats, how-
ever, that Snyder's exclusive em-
phasis on European self-help
might be interpreted abroad as
meaning that he disagreed with
the other facet of the Marshall'
Plan: United States assistance.
There was some fear among
these diplomats that the Snyder'
remarks might torpedo the Paris
conference at which Foreign Min-
isters Molotov, Bevin and Bidault
will discuss economic planning for
Europe. The conference opens
Late today, Snyder issued.this
"In my press conference this
morning, in response to ques-
tions regarding the implications
of Secretary Marshall's address
at Harvard, I indicated that we
had had evidence for some time
that U.S. assistance might be
required in the reconstruction of
"As SecretaryhMarshall indicat-
ed in his speech, before the U.S.
Government can proceed much
further in its efforts to lend as-
sistance to the situation in Europe
and help the European w~,orld on
its way to recovery, there must be
some agreement among the coun-
tries of Europe as to their essen-
tial requirements and the part
which they will play in providing
such assistance and forming an
appropriate basis for whatever as-
sistance might be requested of the
U.S. Government.
Meanwhile, Marshall, during his
own news conference today, said
he had no plans to assign an ob-
server to the Paris conference.
He declined to amplify the sug-
gestions of his Harvard speech,
but when a reporter referred to
them as "your proposal" the sec-
retary interrupted him to say "it
was a proposal of the government"
-thereby attributing to the plan
the full backing of the Truman
Marshall and the State De-
partment, while obviously await-
ing with keen interest evidence
from Paris as to whether Russia
will participate in the European
program, took several new eco-
nomic and political actions to bol-
ster non-Communist Europe and
oppose Communist tactics else-

Rep. Hartley
Blasts Coal
Mine Leader
WASHINGTON, June 26-('P)-
Rep. Hartley (Rep., N.J.) today
called John L. Lewis a "rebellious
and mutinous citizen" and de-
clared that the new labor law will
be strengthened to deal with him
and a coal strike, if necessary.
Hartley is chairman of the
House Labor Committee and co-
author of the new Hartley-Taft
Act designed to curb strikes and
other union activities.
Calls Lewis Mutinous
"For my own part," he said in a
statement, "I look upon John L.
Lewis as a rebellious and mutin-
ous citizen, a man who hasre-
fused time and time again to ac-
cept the authority of government
except on his own terms."
Hartley said that because of the
attitude he ascribed to Lewis,
"other leadersofrorganized labor
are showing signs of that same re-
bellious activity." He added:
Unhealthy Situation
"The reaction of organized la-
bor to the enactment of the new
labor law indicates a most un-
healthy situation in our economy."
Hartley rejected the idea of
continuing the government's war-
The number of strike idle
neared 250,400 early Thursday
as the vanguard of some 40,000
shipyard workers of the Beth-
lehem Steel Company began
leaving their jobs at 12:01. a.m.
(CDT) in nine east coast yards.
time power to seize struck plants
and industries as a means of cop-
ing, with Lewis. Rep. . Howard
Smith (Dem., Va.) has proposed
That step, Hartley said, would
be another in a long series of sur-
renders to Lewis.
New Provisions Possible
If the new Taft-Hartley law
isn't enough, he said, he will in-
troduce provisions of the labor
bill as originally passed by the
House which would outlaw a
"monopolistic strike." They were
knocked out of the bill in working
out a compromise with the Senate.
They were in large part aimed
at Lewis and his mine workers un-

No Disagreement With
Marshall, Snyder Says
States Europe Must Make Self-Inventory
Before United States Can Proceed Further
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, June 25-Secretary of the Treasury Snyder has-
tened to disclaim any disagreement with the Marshall Plan for Europ-
ean recovery tonight after remarks he had made at a new .conference
earlier raised speculation about a split in the Truman cabinet.
At Snyder's new conference today, the following exchange took
Question by reporter: "Don't you understand Secretary Marshall's
speech to mean that he is inviting them (other nations) to come to us
with an application for such relief as is necessary?"
Snyder: "By no means. My interpretation is that he is asking
them to make a self-inventory and see what they can do for them-

Area Receives
Major Setback
"Strikes Protest Taft-
Hartley Labor Bill
By The Associated Press
PITTSBURGH, June 26 - The
number of soft coal miners idle in
pre-vacation walkouts rose to over
217,000 today, and some steel
mills, low on fuel supplies, started
production cutbacks.
The coal mines administration
reported 61,000 of Pennsylvania's
100,000 bituminous miners had
quit work, costing the big coal
state 324,000 tons daily. In addi-
tion, 3,200 anthracite miners walk-
ed out in eastern Pennsylvania.
The CMA said work resumption
efforts by United Mine Workers
officials drew 3,000 to 4,000 men
back to pits in West Virginia, but
new walkouts swlled the total of
idle to more than 48,800 in the
Mountain State.
Nine of 43 Harlan County, Ky.,
mines reopened without explana-
tion, leaving the idle in Kentucky
at 30,000 to 35,000.
Idle miners by states: Pennsyl-
vania, 64,200 (includes 3,200 an-
thracite miners); West Virginia,
48,800; Kentucky, 30,000 to 35,000;
Illinois, 18,000; Alabama, all 20,000
out; Virginia, 11,000; Tennessee,
5000; Ohio 10,933; Indiana, 6,527;
Utah, 1,500.
More Than Half
The total of idle represented
more than one-half 'the nation's
400,000 bituminous miners, who
variousyW explained the walkouts
as protests against the Taft-Hart
ley Labor Bill and "head starts .
on miners' 10-day vacations start-
ing this Friday night. Vacation
payments of $100 were being
made, at some Pennsylvania mines
Miners Protest
Miners in the Uniontown, Pa.,
metallurgical coal fields hotly
termed the nation's new labor law
a "union-busting act." "Butch"
Eennis, a cutter, added that "they
think this will bust the union wide
On the operators' side, I. W.
Rouser, president of the Alabama
Mining Institute called the walk-
outs "an uprising against the law
of the land."
Cutbacks Announced
Steel cutbacks were announced
at three centers of the industry,
with the equivalent of 10/2 blast
furnaces being banked. The
Youngstown, O., area received the
heaviest setback because of low
coal stockpiles.
The Youngstown Sh'eet and
Tube Company shut off six blast
furnaces at Youngstown and Chi-
cago, plus nine open hearths at
Youngstown. The Carnegie-Illin-
ois Steel Corp. shut down the
equivalent of 4/ blast furnaces in
pits Pittsburgh area mills.
Regents Table
MYDA Letter
The Board of Regents voted
June 11 to table, a request by
MYDA President Harriet Ratner
asking reinstatement of MYDA
"as a campus organization."
In a letter to theBoard, Miss
Ratner reiterated that "no specif-
ic charges" were levelled against
MYDA and that it was "not given
a fair and open hearing."

The letter also quoted parts of
a resolution passed by the state-
wide Academic Freedom Confer-
ence which asked that AYD "be
re-instated upon the campuses
where it has been banned.
Miss Ratner's letter was refer-
red to Regent Vera B. Baits, chair-
man of the Committee on Univer-
sity Relations, who presented it
to the members of the Board at
the meeting.
Daily in Error



World News at a Glance
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, June 25-A transatlantic Air France Constellation
grazed a building just before landing today at LaGuardia Field and
the huge craft then tipped over on one wing when its right wheels
collapsed. None of the 41 persons aboard was injured.
* * * *
NANKING, June 25-China issued a White Paper today ac-
cusing Russia of failing to live up to her treaty and of blocking
Chinese entry into Dairen and Port Arthur ever since Japan's
DETROIT, June 25-Chrysler Corp. announced today that be-
cause of a shortage of sheet steel, final assembly of passenger cars by
its Plymouth, Dodge and Chrysler divisions will be halted temporarily
at the end of this week and by De Soto division next Tuesday.
* *~ * *
DETROIT, June 25-Ruling that a union threat to put a mer-
chant out of business need not constitute a crime, a recorder's

Dr. Smith Uses Cellophane in Research

A metal tube about eight feet
long and a roll of cellophane are
major instruments in a new re-
search project on shock waves,
now being conducted at the Uni-
versity of Michigan by Dr. Lin-
coln G. Smith, associate professor
of physics.
Object of the study is to test
the effect of shock waves when
they strike an object at varying
angles. Results of such tests are

gases may be forced under pres-
When the desired amount of air
pressure has been achieved in this
chamber, a plunger is used, to
pierce the cellophane. - The com-
pressed air then explodes through
the partition, sending a shock
wave the length of the second sec-
tion of the tube, Dr. Smith ex-
At the end of the tube, a metal
plate has been inserted on a ro-

Although developed for use in
the study of shock waves, this
equipment may also have poten-
tialities for use as a wind tunnel
in aeronautical research, Dr.
Smith says. .Sufficient pressure
in the compression chamber would
cause the air, when released, o
travel through the second cham-
ber at a supersonic speed.
This is precisely what happens
in a wind tunnel, Dr. Smith adds,
except that wind tunnels are

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