TWp r THE MICHIGAN DAILY 7 WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1947 Fifty-Seventh Year MATTER OF FACT: Phony 'Vacation' BILL MAULDIN ll /f The French Club will hold its fifth meeting onThursday July 24, at 8 p.m. in the second floor Terrace Room of the Michigan Union. Professor Paul M. Spur- lin, of the Romance Language De- partment, will speak informally on: "Une collection de bonnes gaffes en francais." Group sing- ing, games, refreshments. All stu- dents interested are cordially in- vited. I ; , . , - y:_- .:. : - .z. °- Edited and managed by students of the Uni- versity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff _Managing Editors ... John Campbell, Clyde Recht ssociate Editor ................... Eunice Mintz Sports Editor ..................... Archie Parsons Business Staff )eneral Manager............... Edwin Schneider Advertising Manager..........William Rohrbach Circulation Manager.................Melvin Tick Telephone 23-24-1 :, , ,.. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches ~redited to it or otherwise credited in this news- laper. All rightstofrrepublication of all other ,natters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi- gani, as second class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: NAOMI STERN Und~rstate ment E LOUIS released the following state- ment concerning Anti-Lynch Day in De- troit, last week: "I endorse and support the efforts of the Southern Negro Youth Congress in its campaign for civil rights for the South's youth and veterans. Since the headquar- ters of the SNYC are in Birmingham, Ala., the state of my birth, I have a close kin- ship for the struggle they are waging for the freedom of my people. "I urge the citizens of Detroit and Amer- ica to support this anti-lynching campaign. Giving our dollars and dimes cannot hurt as much as lynching hurts our brothers and sisters in the South." Anyone who doesn't think Louis under- stated the case might try matching a few victims' pain with his cash donation in tag sales today. At what figure will he assess four bullet-ridden bodies in Monroe, Ga., the mass-raping of a hundred Recy Taylor's, or the punctured 'eyeballs of Isaac Wood- wad? -Malcolm Wright ON WORLD AFFAIRS: UAN Problem By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER EvEN SUPPOSING that all the members of the so-called International Brigade that recently attacked Greek towns were either Greek refugees or Albanians, this brigade could have been recruited only with official aid. Albanians are-God knows- ready enough to attack Greeks (and vice- versa) at any and all occasions. But when they turn up several thousands strong with artillery we can take it that some govern- ment is involved. Seventy-fives do not grow on trees-not even in the Balkans. Thereby, the existence of an international dispute is proved. Here is a tension which it not promptly relieved, could degenerate into a minor war which could spread and become a major war. This is exactly the kind of occasion that the UN Security Council must deal with. The American proposal to station a permanent UN commission on the Greek border is one of the mildest ways of deal- ing with this situation. (A more vigorous way would be for the air arm of the UN police force-if any such existed-to bomb any troops attempting to crack the Greek . frontiers.) If therefore the UN Security Council were prevented from dealing with this situation, the results might be very unpleasont. On the other hand, the present UN might be blown sky high and perhaps replaced by a new body that the Soviet Union would not much care for. If on the other hand the United States, already committed to saving Greece from outside pressures and illegal internal overthrow, would almost surely have to intervene directly and pro- tect the Greek frontiers. Is Marshall Tito hankering for another look at the Battle- ship Missouri? American delegate Austin hinted at this solution when some time ago he warned. Greece's aggressive neighbors. The time may be near when Washington, after con- sultation with the Greek government and By JOSEPH AND STEWART ALSOP IN THE COURSE of his gloriously phony "vacation" tour of the ranges where the delegates pasture, Governor Thomas E. Dewey has made considerable progress, with- out exactly stampeding any large herds of the desirable and useful animals he has been hunting. He is far and away ahead in the contest for the Republican Presiden- tial nomination. Yet it is still worth not- ing one or two risks he has still to run, before he can build up his own delegate herd to the point of undoubted victory. First and least important, there are plen- ty of signs on Capitol Hill today that such Senators as Kern of Missouri, and a good many influential Representatives, do not enjoy having the political livestock back home auctioned by others while they are away in the big city. This was of course inevitable, despite the great care that Dew- ey's staff took to clear his visit to each state with all its absent potentates. A much more serious threat on the hor- izon may be discerned in the direction of Tokyo, where General Douglas MacAr- thur reigns in power that would have been envied by any Mikado in history. The irritation of local potentates, above noted, will naturally assist the stop-Dewey move- men which the supporters of Senator Robert A. Taft are now almost openly touting. But the co-operation of Mac- Arthur would give such a move the kind of solidity and substance it now rather markedly lacks. And MacArthur has been saying some rather odd things lately, to visitors who have eagerly reported his words in Washington. To one such visitor, for example, he in- dicated considerable sympathy for the Taft candidacy, remarking that Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg of Michigan ought to have backed Taft in 1940, instead of supporting r'D RATHER E RIGHT: Inflation By SAMUEL GRAFTON SUDDENLY INFLATION looms up as a danger again. We thought for a time that we had it by the tail. But now at the downtown New York bars they begin to talk of a coming bull market, and a number oftsellers are falling over them- selves in their rush to make "reluctant" price increases. We've been on an economic plateau for some months, preparing to climb down. But now there is a funny feeling in the air that when the order comes to break camp and to move, it may take the unexpected form: "Up!" Why has the script been changed, and what has changed it? It seems to me we ought to face the fact that there is a positive will toward inflation Nt many lev- els in our country and in our economy. Inflation has a bad name, it is a dog and a pariah, everybody hates it and keeps making uncouth gestures at it, and telling it to go away. But somebody must be feed- ing it, too, for it to be able to make the comebacks it does, and to keep looking so sleek There is the commentator who bawls that we need a tax cut, to give business more money with which to work, so that it can produce more goods and squash inflation. He may be right, but if he is, this would be the first time in history that scattering more money broadcast was ever a cure for inflation. It ranks with pouring gasoline on fires to put them out, or giving free steam whistles away as part of a "Make This a Quiet City" campaign. Then there was the farm state Congress- man I heard squirming on the radio the other night, frying to get out from under a question as to whether farm prices were too high. It finally developed that he thought wheat and corn at above $2 were just about right, but that other prices in our economy were much too high. Oh, he hated inflation, he hated it to pieces. But at the suggestion that farm prices be cut his voice developed the kind of quaver one usually associates with the voice of a woman proclaiming that nobody understands what it, is to be a mother. One recalls, too, the recent Congression- al grant of "voluntary" 15 percent rent increases. This move does far more than merely raise rents. By potentially increas- ing the rent rolls on leased properties it raises their values, at least on paper, and tends further to inflate real estate selling prices. It hits the dollar on the head with a claw hammer. As I said, inflation is a dog, a cur; but how some of those Congressmen love to pat it surreptitiously as it walks by, and how they admire to have it lick their hands! And after three years of bitter complaints that wages are outstripping prices, profits are higher than ever, which seems hard to explain. Somehow our producers have man- aged to stay ahead of the game, and there is a certain complacent attitude about re- cent wage increases which indicates they MacArthur as an alternative. Another ear- lier visitor returned to the Taft camp from Tokyo with an ostensible message to the effect that MacArthur was for Taft, and that although his own job was in the Far East, he was not averse to helping Taft in any way he could. These reports must of course be given a substantial discount, like all such reports in political matters even when first hand. Yet they have a special interest, if taken in conjunction with the recent behavior of the grand panjandrum of extreme Republi- can conservatism, Colonel Robert R. Mc- Cormick of Chicago. Colonel McCormick and Governor Greene are the joint satraps of Illinois. Until recently, McCormick's newspaper beat its blatant drum for Mac- Arthur for President, first last and always. Meanwhile Greene gave signs of hankering for favorite-son recognition Now, however, a last, uncompromising note has crept into "The Chicago Tri- bune" editorial pages. McCormick is now for MacArthur first and Taft sec- ond. There is also some reason to be- lieve that the distinguished Governor of Illinois might be tempted to sink his claims to recognition at the convention by the promise of a more substantial re- ward. The Secretaryship of National Security is said, in fact, to seem decidedly attractive to him. Put these scraps of evidence together. And it begins to seem at least conceivable that MacArthur will return from Tokyo, some time during the next year, for a sort of imperial tour of the United States. The imperial tour will be employed as the stim- ulus for a "spontaneous" MacArthur-for- President movement. A MacArthur delega- tion will be formed in Illinois. Delegates will be sought in other states where Mac- Arthur has appeal, such as Wisconsin. And these MacArthur delegations, by careful pre- arrangement, will go to Taft on the second ballot, counterbalancing Dewey's inevitable second ballot gain. It is t'he kind of political strategem which has not been unheard of in the American past, and has worked before. It needs only MacArthur's co-operation to be tried this time; since it is obvious that the Taft cam would be delighted and that McCormick actually has something of the sort in mind. Whether MacArthur will in the end co- operate is of course a very open question And since the American past was very dif- ferent from the American present, it still remains to be seen whether this sort of stunt can be worked successfully under modern conditions. The nature of the problem is reason- ably obvious. If the stunt is tried, Mc- Cormick will emerge as a leading Taftite. That will place upon Senator Taft and his followers, however little they deserve it, and however much they desire to avoid it, the mark of standard bearers of the extreme Republican right wing. It will, conversely, place upon Dewey, much more clearly than at present while Dewey is still so wonderfully mum, the mark of standard bearer of the relatively progress- ive Republicans. At the same time, it will enormously in- tensify the struggle that has so long been in progress between the Mid-Western Repub- lican organizations, which have hardly al- tered since the time of Herbert Hoover, and the West and East Coast Republicans, who have been modernized by repeated defeats. In the old days, all this would merely have contributed to the complex pleasures of pol- itics. But at present, since these struggles must also affect Congressional decisions up- on the destiny of the United States, this sort of thing is a trifle alarming. (Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune) THE STRONG VOICE of Secretary Mar- shall has now been raised in a final plea to Congress to admit "a substantial number" of Europe's 850,000 "displaced persons" to this country. Congressional leaders offer only a plea in evidence - that there, is not time before adjournment to pass the Stratton Bill providing for the ad- mission of 400,000 of these homeless and stateless refugees in the next four years. Mr. Marshall's answer is that it must be done if our national honor is to remain un- tarnished. Otherwise we shall stand before the world as a nation which fails to "prac- tice what it preaches" and draws aside while, urging others to come to the rescue. -The New York Times /! ... - r - , / ""',' College of Literature, and the Arts, Schools of tion, Forestry, and Public /1//ii,./'<.. yip , rii / Science Educa- Health: t~,p, 1447 by United F.i,,, Syn i-f , . OLD AMERICAN CUSTOMS "Here come more danged immigrants. This country is gittin' to be a dumpin' ground fer Europe's trash." DAILY OFIALBULLETIN Publication in The Daily Officia' Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day pre- ceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1947 VOL LVII, No. 20S NoticesG Seniors: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Schools of Education, Music, and Public Health: Tentative lists of seniors for August graduation have been posted on the bulletin Board in Room 4 University Hall. If your name does not appear, or if in- cluded there, is not correctly spelled, please notify the counter clerk Edward G. Groesbeck Assistant Registrar Doctoral Examination for George William Gens, Psychology: thesis: "Correlation of Neurolo- gical Findings, Psychological An- alyses, and Speech Disorders Among Institutionalized Epilep- tics," Thursday, July 24, at 3:00 p.m. in the Botany Seminar Room, Natural Science Building. Chair- man, J. Shephard. Ralph A. Sawyer Psychology 165s will meet until further notice on Monday in Room 1035 A.H. on Tuesday in 1025 A.H. on Wednesday 2013 A.H. and Thursday in 1025 A H. Phy- chology 109 will meet until fur- ther notice in Room 1025 A.H. Women students who are plan- ning to be in Ann Arbor after the close of the regular summer ses- sion may call at the office of the Dean of Women in regard to housing during this period. If enough applicants wish to sign in advance for suite accommodations at the special student rates in the Michigan League Building, reser- vations may be made after refer- ral by the office of the Dean of Women. Teacher Placement: Lingnan University in China desires to engage two teachers. One teacher for the Department of English; and one teacher for an elementary school maintained on the campus of the University The Prohibition Party has got almost a year ahead of its rivals by choosing its candidate for Pres- ident. No doubt the nominee will keep very well if stored in a cool, dry place. -The New Yorker for children of the American fac- ulty and of other foreign resi- dents of the city. Contact the Bureau of Appointments for fur- them information. The American College for Girls in Istanbul has a vacancy for a woman instructor in Physical Ed- ucation. The position carries a three-year contract with board, room, laundry and round-trip travel provided by the College. Further information may be ob- tained at the Bureau of Appoint- ments. Civil Service: The U.S. Civil Service Commis- sion announces federal examina- tions for Accountant and Auditor, Grades CAF-7 to CAF-12, posi- tions are in Washington, D.C. and in nearby Virginia and Maryland; Engineer, Grades P-2 to P-8, po- sitions located in Dayton and Wil- mington, Ohio, with the Army Air Forces, War Department. State of Michigan Civil Serv- ice Commission announces exam- ination for Industrial Part-Time Education Supervisor IV; Right of Way Assistant, II & III; and Conservation Representative. Con- tact the Bureau of Appointments for further information. General Placement: A representative from the Girl Scouts' Chicago Office will be at the Bureau of Appointments on Tuesday, May 29, to interview women for openings in their Field Department. Requirements in- clude a degree and some experi- ence in Education, Sociology, Per- sonnel, or Group Work. Twenty- three years is the minimum age acceptable. Call extention 371 for appointment. Davidson's Brothers, Inc. Detroit, will have a representative at our office on Tuesday, July 29, to in- terview men and women interest- ed in executive training for de- partment store work. Call exten- sion 371 for appointment. Bur. of Appts. & Occup. Inf. August 1947 graduates in Me- chanical or Chemical Engineering; Graduate students in Physics and Chemistry: Mr. C. W. McConnell of The Linde Air Products Com- pany, Tonawanda, N.Y., will in- terview men in the above fields, on Thursday, July 24, in Room 218 West Engineering Building. Students interested may sign the interview schedule posted on the bulletin board at room 221 West Engineering Bldg., or call Miss Tag, extension 635. La p'tite causette meets every Tuesday and Wednesday at 3:30 in the Grill Room of the Michigan League and at 4:00 on Thursdays at the Internationl Center. All students interested in informal French conversation are cordially invited to join the group. Students who received marks of I, X, or "no report" at the close of their last semester or summetr sessions of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course orI courses unless this work is made1 up by July 23. Students wishing r an extension of time beyond thisf date in order to make up thist work should file a petition ad-r dressed to the appropriate official{ in their school with Room 44 U.H.C where it will be transmitted. N Edward G. Groesbeck,1 Assistant Registrar Deadline for Veterans' Book and supply Requisitions. August 22, 1947 has been set as the dead- line for the approval of Veterans' Book and Supply Requisitions for the Summer Session-1947. Re- quisitions will be accepted by the book stores through August 23, 1947. La Sociedad Hispanica will pre- sent the fourth program of the1 Summer Session on Wednesday, July 23 at 8 p.m. in the East Conference Room of the Rack- ham Building. Professor En- rique Anderson-Imbert, formerly with the University of Tucuman, Argentina, and now with the Ro- mance Languages Department of the University of Michigan will speak on "Introdiuccion a la Lit- eratura Hisponoamericana." La Sociedad Hispanica meets every Tuesday and Wednesday for informal conversation at 3:30 p.m. and every Thursday at 4 p.m. for tea in the International Center. There will be an informal cof-l fee hour for the students and fac-] ulty of the sociology department at four o'clock Thursday, July 24, in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Prof. Ru-, dolph Heberle of Louisiana State University will be the guest of honor. All summer session stu- dents in sociology are invited. A Square Dancing Class, spon- sored by the Graduate Outing Club, will be held on Thursday July 24th at 8 p.m. in the Lounge of the Women's Athletic Build- ing. Everyone welcome. A small fee will be charged. I, Z. F. A. members: Meeting Thursday, July 24, 8 p.m. at Hill- el; to discuss and plan Oneg Sha- bat. Approved social events for the coming week-end: July 25, Zeta Beta Tau; July 26, Phi Kappa Psi, Zeta Beta Tau. Lectures Dr. James M. Landis, Chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board, and formerly American Director of Economic Operations in the Middle East and Dean of the Har- vard Law School, will lecture on "American Interests in the Asia- tic Near East," Thursday, July 24, at 8:10 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. This lecture is one in the Summer Lecture Series, "The United States in World Affairs." The public is invited. Dr. John P. Humphrey, Direct- or of the Division of Humah Rights, United Nations, and Gale Professor of Law, McGill Univer- sity, will lecture on "The Inter- national Protection of Human Rights," Saturday, July 26, at 8:10 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. This is a lecture in the Summer Lecture Series, "The United States in World Affairs." The public is invited. Academic Notices Algebra Seminar. Wednesday, , July 23, 3:15 p.m., 3201 Angell Hall. Professor Bernard Vino- grade will speak on: A conten- tion regarding polynominal alge- bras. and Representations of Algebras -G. Hochschild. The Seminar in Applied Math- ematics will meet on Wednesday, July 23, at 4 p.m. in Room 317, West Engineering. Prof. E. H. Rothe and Dr. C. L. Dolph will speak on Partial Differential Equations. Non-Euclidean Geometry Sem- inar: Dr. Lockhart will speak on "Hyperbolic Geometry from the Projective Point of View." Wed- nesday, 7 p.m., 3201 Angell Hall. Concerts Student Recital: Carolyn Street Austin, Mezzo-soprano, will be heard in a recital at 8:30 Wed- nesday evening, July 23, in the Rackham Assembly Hall, as par- tial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Master of Music. Mrs. Austin is a pupil of Arthur Hackett. Her program will inclule compositions by Schu- bert, Joaquin Nin, Chausson, and a group of English songs, and will be open to the general public, The Regular Thursday Evening Concert sponsored by the Gradu- ate School will present for its program this week, Schubert's Symphony No. 6, Pergolese's Sta- bat Mater, La's Symphony E- pagnole, and Tsebaikowsky's Mo- zartiana. All graduate students are cordially invited. Student Recital: Harry Burton Ray, Pianist, will be heard in a recital at 8:30 Friday evening, July 25, in the Rackham Assem- bly Hall, as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. Mr. Ray is a pupil of John Kollen. His pro- gram will include compositions by Brahms, Schubert, Dohnanyi, and Chopin, and will be open to the general public. Student Recital: Frank W. Baird, cornetist, assisted by Grace Harriman Sexton, pianist, Noah A. Knepper, oboist, and Mary Al. ice Duncan, pianist, will be heard in a recital 8:30 Friday evening, August 1, in the Rackham Assem- bly Hall. Mr. Baird, a student of Haskell Sexton, will play compo- sitions by Haydn, Hindemuth, Em- mauel, and Barat. The program, presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music Degree, will be open to the public. Exhibitions Photographs of Summer Fungi of Michigan, Rotunda Museums Building. July and August. The Museum of Art: Exhibi- tion of Prints-Vanguard Group, Ann Arbor Art Association Col- lection, and from the Permanent Collection. July 1-28. Alumni Memorial Hall, daily, except Mon- day, 10-12 and 2-5; Sundays, 2-5. The public is cordially invited. Museum of Archaeology. Cur- rent Exhibit, "Life in a Roman Town in Egypt from 30 B.C. to 400 A.D." Tuesday through Fri- day, 9-12, 2-5; Saturday, 9-12; Friday evening, 7:30-9:30; Sun- day 3-5. Events Today The University of Michigan Fly- ing Club will meet Wednesday July 23 in the East Engineering Building. Anyone interested in joining the club may come at this time. C (I ak j L - Michigan Christian Fellowship will meet for prayer at 7:30, Bi- ble study at 8:30 this evening in Lane Hall. Willow Run AVC. There will be a meeting on Wednesday, July 23, at 8 p.m. at West Lodge. The French Club will hold its fifth meeting on Thursday, July 24, at 8 p.m. in the second floor Terrace Room of the Michigan Union. Prof. Paul M. Spurlin, of the Romance Language Depart- ment, will speak informally on: "Une collection de bonnes gaffes en francais." Group singing, re- freshments, games. All students interested are cordially invited, Coming Events Dr. Robin A. Humphreys will hold the second of four confer- ences on Latin America, Wednes- day, July 23, at 4:10 p.m., East Conference R o o m, Rackham Building. These conferences are part of the Summer Lecture Ser- ies, "The United States in World Affairs." Dr. Gottfried S. Delatour will hold the second of four confer- ences on European affairs, Thurs- day, July 24, at 3:10 p.m., East Conference R o o m, Rackham Building. These conferences are part of the Summer Lecture Ser- ies, "The United States in World Affairs." The second Fresh Air Camp Clinic will be held on Friday, July 25, 1947. Discussions begin at 8 p.m. in the Main Lodge of the Fresh Air Camp located on Pat- terson Lake. Any University stu- 1{~ . Algebra Seminar. 3:15 p.m:, 3201 AH. Wednesday, Derivations BARNABY... , I What ...? Your name's Barnaby and you have a FAIRY GODFATHER who wants to teach me how to propose to Angelica? ,,, I p - nro d k r e , It A: I L ~ ,. _ ,: -, I