See Page 2
L 'T
Latest Deadline in the State
Wave of Violence
Flares in Palestine
In New Offensive
Underground Launches Attacks
On Various British Strongholds
By The Associated Press
JERUSALEM, July 22-A new "battle of Jerusalem" roared at
sunset tonight.
Machinegun fire, Molotov cocktails and roadmines set off a new
wave of violence which in eight days had taken a toll of eight killed
and 57 wounded.
Sirens wailed three times in the Holy City today, twice for minor
incidents, and a third time for what appeared to be a big under-
ground offensive.
In the gathering dusk troops
and police answered with a hail
of machinegun fire attacks which
were launched simultaneously on
an army pay corps office in the
former Syrian orphanage, on the
Mustashpha police station and its
nearby billet at the eastern edge
of Jerusalem, and on a Rloyal Air
Force Mobile Patrol touring the
curfewed Mea Shearim (Jewish)
Threw Oil Bombs
The attack on the Royal Air
Force armored car, of a type used
to reinforce police and military
patrols, occurred when two oil
bombs were thrown from behind
a high stone wall.
The Mustashpha police billet
was pelted by bullets from sur-
rounding houses, all of which
were included in thedusk to dawn
curfew area which was clamped
on Jerusalem's Jewish quarters
Monday night.
Police, during the attacks,
found two road mines on the
Agrippa Way near a Royal Air
' Force officers' mess, but detonat-
ed them without damage.
Seven Attacks
After about an hour the shoot-
ing subsided and an official sum-
mary said altogether seven sep-
arate attacks had been made on
Britain's security forces.
There was no official report on
casualties, but private reports said
at least five Jewish civilians and
! ~one Arab had been hit by stray
bullets and one attacker arrested.
A textile shop was burned in
the Jewish quarter when three
armored cars and four bren gun
carriers laid a barrage on it in
answer to earlier fire from at-
tackers. Owner of the shop is the
father of one of three Irgun Zvai
Leumi members awaiting the gal-
lows for the May 4 Acre Prison
Intensive Campaign
K The night offensive apparently
was part of an intensive campaign
in protest against deportation of
intercepted immigrants to France.
Jewish interest centered on the
fate of 4,500 would-be immigrants
from the President Warfield who
were intercepted by five destroy-
ers last Friday, put on deportation
ships and sent toward their French
port of embarkation after a bat-
tle at sea with a boarding party.
Other incidents today on the
first anniversary of the blasting
of the King David Hotel, which
resulted in the death of nearly 100
persons, were of a comparatively
minor character, but they pro-
duced two general alerts.
Speakers Will
Present Talks
On Mechanics
Three leaders in the field of
fluid mechanics will lecture here
this week.
Prof. Sidney Goldstein, Fellow
of the Royall Society and Chair-
man of the British Aeronautical
Research Committee, will lecture
at 7:30 p.m. today on "Boundry
Layers." .
Prof. Goldstein is chairman of
the applied mathematics depart-
ment of Manchester University,
Prof. Boris A. Bahkmeteff, of
the civil engineering department
of Columbia University and form-
er Russian ambassador to the
United States, will give two lec-
The first, entitled "Turbulance"
will be at 4 p.m. tomorrow. The
second, "Boundry Layers in En-
gineering Practice," will be at 4
p.m. Friday.
The final lecture will be given
by Prof. N. J. Thompson, '25
. . .to sing at rally
Spencer, Bass
Baritone, Will
Sing at Rally
Kenneth Spencer, 34 year old
bass baritone who will sing at'
the Anti-Lynch Rally at 8 p.m.
today in Rackham Lecture Hall,
has had a spectacular career
since the distinguished tenor Ro-
land Hayes first discovered his
Before spending a year on
Broadway singing "Old Man Riv-
er" in "Showboat," Spencer had
completed an eight-month war-
time tour of the Pacific with' the
first all-Negro USO unit, which
he had organized. He had al-
ready appeared with several sym-
phony orchestras, including the
New York Philharmonic, had been
a special guest of President Roos-
evelt, and had sung at Wendell
Willkie's funeral.
Since 1941, when he sang with
the Los Angeles Symphony Or-
chestra, understudied Paul Robe-
son in "John Henry," and toured
the country, Spencer's career had
ranged from appearances in Cafe
Society to leading roles in two
MGM films, "Bataan" and "Cabin
in theSky." His 1946 Broadway
run was an encore of his first
stage appearance with the St.
Louis Opera as Joe, the role that
Robeson had already made fam-
ous, in "Showboat."
Hold .Protest
Anti-Lynch activities in the city
will be climaxed with a rally at
8 p.m. today in Rackham Lecture
An address by Prof. Preston
Slosson, of the history depart-
ment, and songs by Kenneth
Spencer, bass baritone star of the
concert stage, screen and radio,
will highlight the rally. Lorne
Cook, AVC president, will intro-
duce the speakers.
TFags will be sold throughout
the city, except for the campus,
from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. Pro-
ceeds will be sent to the South-
ern Negro Youth Congress, an
organization of 9,000 southern
Negroes and whites, with head-
quarters in Birmingham, Ala.,
which is carrying on anti-lynch
activity in the South.
UN Action
On Balkans
Soviet Satellites
Warned by U.S.
By The Associated Press
United States stepped into the
final stages of the Balkan debate
today with a warning to three
Soviet satellites that any refusal
to cooperate with a proposed bor-
der commission might bring puni-
tive action by the United Nations
Security Council.
Taking note of Russian con-
tentions that the council could
only make recommendations, dep-
uty delegate Herschel V. Johnson
said that any country which took
an attitude of non-compliance
would lay itself open to much
graver charges and action under
another section of the U.N. char-
Sanctions and Military Action
Johnson apparently referred to
the chapter providing for sanc-
tions and military action.
The American stand tied in
with a previous statement from
an authoritative source that a
Russian veto killing the present
Greek complaint might be fol-
lowed immediately by stiffer
charges and direct accusations
against Albania, Yugoslavia and
Bulgaria in an entirely new com-
The new United States state-
ment could mean that a new com-
plaint would be offered even if
Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
Andrei A. Gromyko withheld the
big power veto and instead coun-
seled the satellites to adopt a
policy of non-cooperation.
Receive Dutch Note
In the midst of the Balkan de-
bate, delegates received copies of
a letter from the Netherlands gov-
ernment in which the Dutch said
they had been compelled to "re-
sort to police measures" against
the Indonesian republic because
of continued " acts of violence."
Committed to continuous debate
until a vote is reached, delegates
today spent the first two hours
discussing a French amendment
to the United States plan for a
11-nation semi-permanent border
commission. Johnson accepted the
French phrasing that the council
"finds that it is concerned with a
dispute the continuance of which
is likely to endanger the main-
tenance of international peace
and security."
SAC Upholds
Tag Day Rule
Reaffirms Previous
Collection Decision
The Student Affairs Committee
yesterday reaffirmed a previous
decision that no tag days will be
held on campus this summer ses-
In effect the Committee's de-
cision rejected a recommenda-
tion by the Student Legislature
that the Inter-Racial ,Association
be allowed to sponsor an Anti-
Lynch Tag Day today on campus
with the funds collected to be
used for relief of families of
lynch victims.
The Legislature's recommenda-
tion followed SAC action in turn-
ing down an IRA request for per-
mission to sponsor a similar drive,
the proceeds to go to the South-
ern Negro Youth Congress.
The SAC approved plans for
an outdoor dance to be held Aug.
1, sponsored by the American
Veterans Committee, IRA, the
Student Legislature and t h e
League. Also approved was the
extension of hours of the Cas-
bah's "Starlight Ball" to 9 p.m. to
1 a.m.
A petition by the Intercoopera-
tive Council to show the movie
"Scarlet Pimpernel" Aug. 3 and
4 in Hill Auditorium was tenta-
tively approved by the Committee.
Forces Slash
Within Miles
Of Capital City
Indonesians Report
Resistance Stiffening
By The Associated Press
BATAVIA, JAVA, Wednesday,
July 23-Rocket-firing Dutch war
planes made 15 attacks yesterday
on the Northern Java coast port
of Cheribon, the Indonesian Ar-
my said today, as Dutch seaborne
invasion forces captured large
segments of Eastern Java.
In ground fighting the Repub-
licans claimed t hey gained ground
on the front west of Dutch-held
Semarang where they launched a
counter - attack against Dutch
troops yesterday.
The Indonesian communique,
heard here by an unofficial ra-
dio monitor, made no mention
of the situation at Jogakarta
the Indonesian Republic eapi-
tal. A Dutl.h armored column
was reported yesterday to have
slashed within 35 miles of Jog-
Two Dutch planes were shot
down during bombings and straf-
ing at widely separated points,
the Indonesians said.
The Republicans said Dutch
troops had reached Pasoeroean on
the north coast, about 20 miles
west of Probolinggo, in an appar-
ent expansion of the northeast
Javan beachhead established
Monday by amphibious landings.
The Dutch turned inland at
Pasoeroean the Indonesians
said, and marched in the direc-
tion of the mountain resort of
Malang, 35 miles inland. Ma-
lang was the normal meeting
place of the provisional Indone-
sion parliament.
Fighting was underway at Pan-
'aan, a few miles west of Pasoer-
At Madioen, located almost in
the exact center of Java between
Malang and Soerakarta, the In-
donesians said a Dutch plane
dropped two 50-pound bombsand
made strafing attacks.
An Indonesian army communi-
que issued at Jogjakarta said
armed forces from Dutch-held
Hemarang, on the north central
coast, had attacked the town of
Salatiga for three hours, and then
had withdrawn.
Salatiga is approximately '25
miles south of Semarang and35
north of Jogakarta. The Indone-
sian capital is in south central
Indonesian reports said resis-
tance was stiffening, and the
Dutch themselves conceded that
sharp fighting was underway at
several points in Java and one
in Sumatra, the large island
northwest of here.
Dutch casualties yesterday-the
first day of the armed conflict
which the Dutch describe as "po-
lice action" and the Indonesians
as a "colonial war"-were listed
officially as 15 dead or wounded
Work To Start
On FM Station
Peach Mountain Will
Be Transmitter Site
Construction will be started
immediately on a transmitter for
the University frequency modula-
tion radio broadcasting station,
Vice-President Robert P. Briggs
announced yesterday.
The FM transmitter, which will
be 44 feet tall, will be erected on
Peach Mountain, near Portage
Lake, on land which is a part of
the forestry school's preserve.
Operating on a frequency of
91.7 megacycles undercall letters
WUOM, the FM broadcasts will
supplement programs now offered
over standard commercial sta-
Soviet Union Spies Infesting America,
Kravchenko Charges before Congress;
Dutch Capture Segments of East Java
EXPERIMENTAL RAFT WHICH HAD TO BE BURNED - The 20-man experimental life raft
(right) dubbed "The Covered Wagon," proceeds toward Ludington, Mich., across Lake Michigan,
from Cheboygan, Wis., at the head of 11 rafts like those at the left. The army said the crossing
was a success by that the "Covered Wagon" had to be burned 20 mlies off Ludington as a "Naviga-
tional Hazard."
House Creates
Study Group
On U.S._Policy
Committee To Decide
Measures on Stability
WASHINGTON, July 22-(A')-
The House created today an un-
precedented 19-member special
committee to make a global sur-
vey of United States foreign pol-
icy as a preliminary to determin-
ing how American dollars can best
be spent to speed world stability.
The action was by voice vote af-
ter brief debate. It does not re-
quire Senate concurrence. Speak-
er Martin (R-Mass.) will name
the members later.
Know What's Going On
"It seems to me," said Rep.
Clarence Brown (R-Ohio), "and
I believe toBany responsible indi-
vidual, that the Congress, which
is being called upon to appropri-
ate vast sums of money for relief
abroad, should be informed on
what's going on in Europe."
A few minutes later, the House
passed another resolution em-
powering its standing committee
on foreign affairs to make an in-
dependent study of its own on the
world situation.
Assumes New Importance
The resolution noted that the
"foreign policy of the United
States today assumes new import-
ance in the operations of the en-
tire economic system of the Unit-
ed States and conditions the sur-
vival of free institutions both at
home and abroad."
The committee has tentatively
planned to send several subcom-
mittees to foreign countries after
adjournment, including one to
Europe and the Middle East and
another to South America.
Will Study Needs
The resolution creating the spe-
cial committee directs it to study:
1. "Actual and prospective needs
of foreign nations and peoples, in-
cluding those within United States
military zones, both for relief in
terms of food, clothing and so
forth, and of economic rehabili-
2. "Resources and facilities
available to meet such needs with-
in and witnout the continental
United States.
3. "Existing or contemplated
agencies, whether private, domes-
tic or international, qualified to
deal with such needs.
Congressmen Cavorting Like
School Kids before Dismissal
WASHINGTON, July 22-(A1)-
Congress goes home this week, and
your legislators are acting like a
bunch of kids just before school
is out.
Nobody can sit still. And or-
der, always a comparative strang-
er in Congress, has now become
an outcast.
One reason for the disorder is
that Congressmen, like everyone
else, put everything off to the last.
And in addition to the major
legislation you read about on the
front pages they have a lot of
work to do that you never read
about at all.
Sweet Watermelon
Which may explain why during
this last minute drive to get
through by Saturday Senators
have discussed such red hot is-
sues as what makes a watermelon
And why the House has had
to consider the amount of dam-
age done to the estate of W. H.
Pidgers. The army used his
farm, near Hartsville, Tenn., for
maneuvers. Among the damages
Senators Are Senators
Orchard grass (rutted by ve-
hicles) $100. Corn (loss of 32
barrels at $6 a barrel) $192. 375
foxholes (refills, at a dime a refill)
T'rain Strike
Is Terminated
SAN FRANCISCO, July 22-01)
-Southern Pacific trains were
highballing on the western lines
again today following a short-
lived strike of locomotive engi-
The strike, which began at 6
p.m. yesterday, was "indefinitely
postponed" six hours and 45 min-
utes later.
At 11 a.m. Southern Pacific of-
ficials announced all scheduled
operations had returned to norm-
It will be a few days, however,
company officials said, before all
freight cars and freight load
handling will be moved normally.
Freight loads began rolling ear-
ly today but in the process of get-
ting perishables off the railroad
in anticipation of the strike, some
consequent difficulty in quick re-
sumption of smooth flow of
freight was inevitable.
But in all this rush it's inter-
esting to note that Senators still
are Senators.
Senator Wherry (R-Neb.) has
the chore of keeping Republican
Senators in line. The house was
late and he was trying to shoo
the members out when the name
of Kenneth Royall came up for
confirmation as secretary of war.
While Wherry-the Senate's
champion jitterer-jittered and
mumbled to himself, senator, aft-
er senator got up to pay a Royal]
When the last senator had his
say, and it at least was time for
Wherry to close shop, what did he
You're right. Wherry began,
"Mr. President, I, too want to pay
House Votes
To Eliminate
Jewelry Tax
The House today voted to wipe
out the 20 per cent tax on jewelry
selling under $25 but Senate ap-
proval is uncertain.
If the bill becomes law, it will
be the first major reduction in the
wartime excise rate schedule.
However, some House members
privately voiced the opinion the
Senate will not concur. The bill
passed the House without objec-
tion at a time when many mem-
bers were not on the floor.
It aso woud remove the excise
on the first $25 of the price of
more costly articles. This would
erase the levy completely on a
large portion of ornamental jew-
elry and onflatware that is sold
by individual pieces.
The jewelry excise now yields
approximately $225,000,00 annu-
ally. Congressional tax experts
said they could make no accurate
estimate of how much the $25 ex-
emption would cut the revenue,
except to say it would be "sub-
On motion of Rep. Forand
(D-RI), the $25 jewelry pur-
chase exemption was tacked onto
a bill excluding from excise levies
musical instruments sold to re-
ligious and nonprofit educational
Says Russian
Foreign Policy
Leads To War
Molotov To Succeed
Generalissimo Stalin
By The Associated Press
tor A. Kravchenko, who turned on
the Soviet regime he once served,
testified today that Russia is in-
festing America with spies and
pursuing an international course
that will make war "inevitable."
Kravchenko spoke from a back
ground of service with the Rus-
sian purchasing commission, from
which he broke in 1944 and wrote
a book: "I Choose Freedom."
The death of Generalissimo
Stalin, Kravchenko told th^
House Committee on Unameri.
can Activities, would mean no
change in Soviet policies, no
end of differences with the
Western Powers.
He listed Foreign Commissar
Molotov as the probable successor
to Stalin. Then he remarked tart-
ly that "horseradish is not sweet-
er than parsley."
The husky, black-haired wit-
ness, speaking under oath in
broken English, or more often in
rapid-fire Russian through an in-
terpreter, made these points: .
1. "Every responsible repre-
sentative of the Soviet govern-
ment in the United States may
be regarded as economical or
political spies."
2. Russian espionage will be
intensified in this post war
3. From the viewpoint of the
Communist party, the top Sov-
iet authority in the United
States at one time was a Mr.
Sedov, whose title was deputy
chief of the Soviet Purchasing
Commission. Sedov actually was
"The main personality repre-
senting the Central Committee
of the Communist Party" in the
United States and was the "su-
perior" of the ambassador.
While he was with the pur-
chasing commission-he left in
April 1944-Kravchenko person-
ally saw an "enormous" mass of
secret material on the American
aviation industry obtained by a
man named Kimushkin, asso-
ciated with the commission. The
material-documents, . blueprints,
photographs and notes-was sent
to Moscow by plane.
5. Similar information was ob-
tained on submarines.
6. Russia assuredly is pouring
out "material, manpower and
money" at home to "get the atom-
ic bomb."
7. "Any hope that the (Rus-
sian) government may be over-
thrown from the inside by the
forces of the -people is built on
Kravehenko said if the roofs
could be cut off all the homes in
Moscow in one night and some-
one could hea what the people
are saying, it would disclose 75
per cent of the Russians oppose
their present regime. But the
opposition is unorganized, and
no revolution is possible.
The witness pictured Soviet sec-
ret police sitting over a large seg-
ment of the people, guarding
some with guns and dogs, and
enforcing "slave labor" on 17,-
000,000 to 20,000,000 people in
various fields of industry.
Army To Sell
World News at a Glance,
By the Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 22-President Truman's plan for all gov-
ernment housing agencies to be under a single administrator became
law today when the Senate approved it.
* * * *
Glass Blower's Prize Beagle Burgled
Manuals Here
Military manuals for the teach-
ing of foreign languages will be
"reconverted" for civilian use by
a conference of representatives of
the American Council of Learned
Societies which will meet here to-
morrow and Friday.
The group meeting here will be
members of the original commit-
(1nnyo n A trillinl", nln tohn~t
alone with the litters, because the
country and couldn't find a trace