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July 20, 1947 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1947-07-20

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tMDAJUL YO, 1947

Political Science Department
Adds Several New Courses

A revamping of the internation-
al relations and comparative gov-
ernment fields of study will take
effect in the fall semester, it was
announced yesterday by Prof. Ev-
erett S. Brown, chairman of the
political science diepartipent.
Anniual Speech
Conference To
Speech rehabilitation and cor-
rectioh will be the principal topics
of discussion at the annual Con-
ference and Reunion of the
speech department Friday and
Saturday, July 25 and 26.
Summer session students, alum-
ni of the department and speech
teachers will attend a two-day
conference which will feature a
demonstration debate on the high
school question for 1947.
Conference speakers will in-
clude Prof. Herbert Koepp-Baker,
director of speech and hearing re-
habilitation at the University of
Illinois College of Medicine, Clar-
ence L. Menser, vice-president of
the National Broadcasting Corp-
oration, New York, Winifred
Ward, director of the Children's
Theatre at Northwestern Univer-
sity and Prof. Magdalene Kram-
er, Clumbia University and pres-
ident of the Speech Association
of America.
Bevin Hopes
To See U S.,
Russia United
MORPETH, Eng., July 19-(/P)
-Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin
said today he saw no danger of
another war "in this generation,"
and expressed the hope that Brit-
ain would find a way to "unite
the United States and Russia in
a common endeavor for the uplift
of humanity as a whole."
Speaking extemporaneously at
a coal miners' picnic in this north-
ern England town, Bevin took a
sober view of Britain's economic
difficutlies. He said the British
=policy would be to keep dollar-
borrowing to a minimum.
It is very hard to negotiate
With people to whom you are in
debt, 'he added. "When you can-
not pay up they feel a bit super -
The secretary spoke with signs
of deep conviction as he said
'there is no danger of another
war in this generation as far as
I can see.
"But in every act you perform,
you must keep in mind the child-
ren of 30 or 40 years from now.
"Not a day passes, not a mom-
ent passes in the job in which I
am now engaged without my be-
ing fully conscious that a wrong
decision, wrong judgment or pet-
ulant answer may now condemn
a generation."
Bevin referred several times to
the role of the United States in
the world of the future.
"I hope that the United States
will never withdraw from Europe
again," he said.

Several courses will be added to
the curriculum and new insti uc-
tors to the faculty in an effort
to keep pace with the rapid shifts
of emphasis in the world scene,
Prof. Brown said.
Vacancy Filled
Assuming the directorship of
the international relations pro-
gram will be Prof. Russell Hunt
Fifield, until recently a member
of the U.S. diplomatic service at
Hankow, China. He will fill the
position vacant since the death of
Prof. Joseph R. Hayden in 1945.
Prof. Fifield will teach political
science 67 and 68, a new two-
semester course in international
politics. He will also introduce
political science 153 and 154, a
year's program in the government
and politics of the Far East.
Formerly with the faculties of
the University of Missouri and
the National Wuhan University of
Wuchang, China, Prof. Fifield has
for the past two years been oc-
cupied with reporting on economic
conditions in central China and
Formosa, a diplomatic service
In the field of comparative gov-
ernment, poltical science 52, a
four-hour survey course will take
the place of what was formerly a
year's introductory program.
New Courses
New courses in the governments
of England, the Soviet Union, Lat-
in America and minor European
countries will be offered in the
coming academic year. Political
science 52 will be the prerequisite
for each of these.
A new text book, "Change and
Crisis in European Power," will
be used in the introductory course
in comparative government. It
consists of chapters on the var-
ious governments written by au-
thorities in the field. The book
was edited by Professors James
K. Pollock, Lionel H. Laing and
Samuel J. Eldersveld of the Uni-
versity's political science depart-
U.S. 3Mentalty
Declinte Seen
Expert Says Threat
Lies in Birth Pattern
WASHINGTON, July 19--")-
Population experts have discov-
ered a possibility that the intell-
igence of the American people is
Some top educational leaders
agree this may be true. They ex-
pect the President's Commission
on Higher Education to recom-
mend broadening the whole Amer-
ican education system to increase
the quality and quantity of na-
tional leadership.
But Guy Irving Burch of the
Population Reference Bureau, a
private research organization,
says the most alarming threat to
intelligence is the pattern of hum-
an reproduction.
He quotes U.S. Bureau of Cen-
sus, figures to show that parents
with the least mental and finan-
cial ability to raise children pro-.
duce twice as many children as
parents of highest intelligence and

Air Age Meet
Will Feature
Rides in DC-4
Tour of Willow Run,
Film, Talks Planned
An Air Age Education meeting,
including passenger rides on a
DC-4, will be sponsored Wednes-
day by the education school.
Objective of the meeting, ac-
cording to Dr. Marshall L. Byrn
of the education school, is "to
acquaint teachers with the possi-
bilities and implications of avi-
ation on education."
The DC-4 passenger rides will
take off at 11:40 a.m. at Willow
Run. There will be two trips.
Students who wish to go up may
sign up at 9:30 a.m. at University
High School.
Some space will be allocated to
,students, Dr. Byrn said, although
the rides are primarily for teach-
Other activities planned for the
meeting include a film, "Ceilings
Unlimited," to be presented at 10
a.m.; an address on "Aviation and
Its Impact on General Education"
by Horace S. Gilbert, education
consultant of the Civil Aeronau-
tics Commission, Chicago; at 10:30
a.m.; and a lecture on "Air Age
Education in Michigan" at 11
a.m. by Harold J. VanWestrienen,
chief of the Trade and Industrial
Education Division of the State
Board of Control for Vocational
The film and lectures will be
presented in University High
School Auditorium.
Registration for the air meet-
ing will be held at 9:30 a.m. Wed-
nesday in University High School,




T R A C K W 0 R K O U T - Miss Elizabeth Knapp of Rumson, N. J., works out Red Mask (on
rail), trained by Fisk Waring of Eatontown, N. J., at the Atlantic City track.

C H U R C H I L L BELL -_This 10-ton bellone of55 in
a carillon being installed in the Canadian tower of Rainbow
bridge, Niagara Falls, is named for Winston Churchill. The
carillon, made in England, cost $80.000.






Enrolhent Off
A momentary check in the
steady increase in veteran enroll-
ment at Michigan's schools and
colleges was announced yesterday
by the Veterans Administration.
The number of students enroll-
ed under the benefits of both
G.I. Bill and Public Law 16 fell
on July 1 to 76,450, a decrease of
almost 10,000 over that of June 1.
Many of the veterans who are
not at school this summer, how-
ever, are expected to resume their
studies in the fall, when the VA
anticipates a new all-time high
in veteran enrollment.
Corner S. University
and Forest
specially designated
distributor for
Michigan Liquor
Control Commission
S. University & Forest Ave.

D A D" S H A T C A K E S - Frank Masiello (left) and
Richard Stamboulis (right) of Benjamin Franklin junior high
school, New York, put finishing touches on father's day cakes
made in the shape of straw hats. Fred Goetz, bakery manager,
shows how to use the chocolate "gun" for lettering.

HEN A DO P T S KI T T E N S - Here are five kittens that got fowled up at birth. Their
natural mother abandoned all parental duties as soon as they arrived. The hen, belonging to the
kittens' owner, Mrs. Rose Celia of San Jose, Calif., promptly adopted the litter, and acts just as if
the young were her own.

e ___ i'

Our Annual JULY SALE


more, (above) former model,
was voted the prettiest restau-
ranteuse in America in a New
York balloting by operators
from 43 different states.




F I G H T I N G F O R T H E L E A D - Entries in a race at Atlantic City track battle for the early lead. Kapok (No. 2) suc.
ceeded in taking it, but the eventual winner was Sparkette (No. 6) with Jockey Delucia up.



All of our very finest and new-
est Styles for Men and Women
included in this complete sale.
10, 15 and 20%


500 Pairs Women's
Play and Summer Shoes


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