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Michigan Daily, 1947-07-20

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SUNDAY, JULY 20, 1947



Fifty-Seventh Year
r J
V.. l
Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editors ... John Campbell, Clyde Recht
Associate Editor .................... Eunice Mintz
Sports Editor ..................... Archie Parsons
Business Staff
general Manager.................Edwin Schneider
Advertising Manager..........William Rohrbacli
Circulation Manager.................Melvin Tick

International Brigade

FTER HIS SPEECH at the Governors'
conference, Secretary of State George C.
Marshall planned to get a day of well-
earned rest with a fishing-rod. while his
aide, Charles E. Bohlen, continued the task
of briefing the Governors on the grim facts
of the world situation. But almost in the
instant of his arrival at Salt Lake City,
Marshall received word that the Interna-

Kingsblood Royal, by Sinclair
dom House, N.Y., 1947.

Lewis, Ran-

Telephone 23-24-1

Meber of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
be use for re-publication of all news dispatches
,"edited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
aper. All rights of republication of all other
.natters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi-
geMn as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
Farrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47
-ditorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
ECAUSE SO MANY campus rallies per-
form no greater function than that of
blowing off steam on various issues, we are
refreshed when an opportunity to actually
influence the issue at hand is offered along
with the speeches and the handclapping.
That violence in the South concerns also
the North is indicated by the block of votes
Southern Congressmen wield on every piece
of national legislation that passes through
Congress. Maintained in office by various
percentages of the electorate in their dis-
tricts - while the bulk of Negroes are kept
away from the polls by threats or force, or
both - these legislators have cast the de-
cidilig votes on one ill after another.
Louis Burnham, executive secretary of
the Southern Negro Youth Congress,
speaking at the Union, July 2, gave a
glimpse of the political power the South-
ern people might wield if the terrorism
that supplements franchise barriers in the
South can be wiped out. In the last Georg-
Ian election, he said, a new total of 100,-
00 Negro votes gave impetus to a new
over-all total.of one million votes in that
state. Political gains since 1944, he said,
include 150,600 registered Negro voters in
Texas, 25,000 Negro votes in Arkansas, and
organization of the Progressive Democrat-
ic Party in South Carolina - which led
the battle against exclusion of Negroes
from the polls in that state.
The post-war surge in Southern violence,
designed to further strain Negro-white re-
lations and cut short this political awaken-
ing is directed in particular against Negro
veterans, who lost some of their pre-war
inhibitions during their army travels, Burn-
ham said. The Columbia, Tenn., episode, for
instance, was touched off when a Negro
vet slapped a white store proprietor through
a plate glass window after the latter had
abused his mother, he said. The vets are
being shown that platitudes espoused in the
War Against Fascism are not to be taken
too seriously, Burnham explained.
Actual anti-lynch activity can obviously
be conducted only where lynchings are
taking place. The Southern Negro Youth
Congress, composed of 9,000 southern Ne-
gir'es and whites, with headquarters in
Birmingham, Ala, is in the forefront of
this struggle. It needs money in order to
step up the tempo of its activity. Our
most effective 'contribution toward stop-
ping lynching - and raising the political
integrity of the nation - will be our en-
couragement of such work.
The refreshing nature of the Anti-Lynch
campaign, to be held in Ann Arbor Wednes-
day, lies in the privilege it offers us of ac-
tually influencing the lynch situation. Funds
collected in tag sales will be given to the
*SNYC. The size of our contdibutions will
indicate the magnitude of our aspiration for
a greater democracy.
-Malcolm Wright
magnificent capacity for alarm. So they
have seen to it .that a young editor named
James Dodd no longer thunders at the
Southern Ilhnoi University campus from
the weekly Egyptian.
The dangerous Mr. Dodd had permitted

criticism of the Green Administration in the
Centralia disaster. Certain statesmen of
the state took faculty members aside and
complained that Editor Dodd was mixing
in politics. They should know. It wasn't
a campus editor who made political lugsters
out of safety inspectors and let Mine No. 5
blow up.

THIS NOVEL IS, of course, a best-seller;
but not enough people are reading it.
Every American who can read should read
it, and everyone who cannot read should
have it read to him. I'll annoy the profes-
sional critics and "authorities" on the race
question by saying that "Kingsblood Royal"
is perhaps one of the most powerful novels
ever written by a white person about Ne-
The plot is simple and, as Mr. Lewis' crit-
ics have gleefully pointed out, somewhat
artificial and mechanical. Let the critics
rave. Sinclair Lewis was not trying to write
great literature; he was writing a social doc-
ument; and he makes his characters do
whatever gets the message across best.
, Young Neil Kingsblood, a veteran, has
returned to Grand Republic, his small mid-
western hometown, and resumed his posi-
tion in the solid American middle class.
He is happily married, and has a lovable
small daughter. It is a foregone conclu-
sion that he will some day become one of
the executives in the bank in which he
works. Neil is very much a reflector of
his society. He takes the superiority of his
race for granted, and is a strong believer
in the virtues of the middle class and all
classes above it.
Things are going well on that fine day
when his. father tells him that the Kings-
bloods of Grand Republic are the right-
ful heirs to the throne of England. But when
Neil traces the family line, his fortunes are
dramatically reversed. He finds that Xavier
Pic, his great-great-great grandfather, is a
full-blooded Negro.
What Mr. Lewis makes Neil do with this
startling piece of information has been the
subject of many critical jibes. Neil is driven
to publicly announcing his race - against
the better judgment of half the critics in
The kind, sweet, friendly, smug midwest-
ern families are outraged that one near them
should dare turn into a Negro. They rebuke
Neil for being silly enough to have a distant
relative who was African, and invoke the old
restrictive covenant. It has been wisely writ-
ten on profound legal parchment that "non-
country club races" shall not dwell among
the mighty. Then Neil loses his job.
At this point, Sinclair Lewis lays bare
the cruel facts of job discrimination:
Kingsblood tramping the snow-covered
streets and being denied jobs because of
his race. Kingsblood worrying about a wife
and child in a society which apparently
does not care whether they eat or starve.
Kingsblood, symbol of an entire minority,
aware that from his despair must arise a
dignity that will enable him to surmount
the wretchedness heaped upon him by
society. Kingsblood, victim of man's in-
humanity to man, forced to endure the
insults of those whose world he once
shared. He finally finds work far be-
neath his ability.
The story reaches its climax when Neil's
neighbors, unable to buy his home, resort
to the time-tested mob rule to force him
out. The Kingsbloods and a few friends
fight, and lose. (This is mindful of Detroit's
famous Sweet case of some years ago.) The
story ends with Neil and his wife Vestal
being taken to jail for starting trouble.
In this book you will find little of the
trenchant satire of "Babbitt," still less of the
universal implications of "Arrowsmith." It
is not the work of Lewis the Master Crafts-
man; it is the work of Lewis the Angry
Man, spokesman of that seemingly small
minority of white Americans who will not
come to terms with racial inequality.
However, many of the characters rank
with the best Lewis has created. Vestal, the
proud wife who slowly accepts the fact that
her husband is a Negro and prepares to die
with him for their human rights, is compar-
able with Arrowsmith's wife. Most of the
Negro characters are remarkably realistic,
Lewis has brought to fiction something
few American writers have offered. The
intelligent Negro fighting for his people.
The Negro nurse, the chemist, the min-
ister, all are characters about whom most

white people know nothing. It is no won-
der that many critics say, "The novel does
not ring true."
Mr. Lewis has obviously made friends with
Negroes of all types. (He is a good friend
of Walter White, executive secretary of the
National Association for the Advancement
of Colored People). He has put American
Negroes on trial. His verdict: They are like
all other Americans, except for the dif-
ferences caused by their living under con-

tional brigade - the Communist fore
legion assembled by the Kremlin fort
capture of Greece - was at last repor
crossing the Greek border in force. And
he made his speech, and flew back all t
night to Washington.
When telegrams anouncing dangers ov
seas racall cabinet members from vacatio
even from very brief vacation, it begins
be disagreebaly reminiscent of past ti
which the whole world has hoped would
recur. The worst of it is that this ech
not inaccurate.
Conceivably, to be sure, the crisis m
be over before these words are print
It is possible that in the present fighl
ing at Yanina, the Greek army may p
manently break the International brigad
strength. It is also possible that the du
ous Greek Government may have exagg
ated a mere reconnaissance into a maj
assault on their border. But whatever
outcome, the Greek crisis has already h
one critically important result in Was
ington. It has brought into the open, f
the first time, serious discussion amo
high officials of the use of force.
The question debated has been whet
the United States will accept in Greece a
verse rather worse than the British suffe
at Munich, or will employ its full powers,
cluding force if need be, to prevent this
As to the nature of the Greek situation
self, it is relatively simple. The Commun
led Greek guerrillas have long been no
ished, succored and directed from across
border. Their use has been in the territo
of the Soviet Union's Balkan puppets, Ju
slavia, Albania and Bulgaria. The guerr
movement by itself, however, has been
weak to realize the ultimate goal oft
Kremlin - the capture of Greece as
whole. Reinforcements therefore began
be assembled some time ago, in the form
an International brigade recruited am
the Communist parties of Europe ont
pattern of the International brigade
Spain. As we first revealed in this sp
rather recently, the brigade has gathe
along the borders of the three Balkan p
pet states. It is now estimated to num
approximately 4,000.
For the Kremlin, the decision to s
the brigade into action has long beenr
cognized as the decision to declare ov
hostilities against the wretched semblance
international order built up since thee
of the war. That decision has now app
ently been taken. American members oft
United Nations Balkan Commission st
have been able partly to confirm the cla
of the Athens government Two Ameri
observers have actually watched help co
ing to the guerrillas from across the Jugos
border, at the critical conclusion of a h
all-day battle.
In the eyes of Washington, meanwhi'
there is much more to the Greek pro
lem than the mere dropping of the G
string in the long strip tease by whi
the Kremlin has revealed its real wor
purposes. (The brassiere went only a fe
days earlier, when Czechoslovakia w
brutally forbidden to join the Paris tal
on the Marshall plan.)
In the eyes of Washington, in fact,t
American future is at stake, as it was w
the Greek-Turkey aid plan was launch
If Greece is allowed to go, Turkey will f
low. The ensuing chain reaction will c
tinue irresistibly, until all the Middle E
and most probably all of Western Eur
have become involved in the general c
lapse. The weak points are too obvious
mention. Italy, like Turkey, cannot surv
with a puppet Greece for neighbor. Brit
and France are totally dependent ont
Middle Eastern oil which the capture
Greece must eventually place under Kren
control. And if this chain reaction occ
the Soviet Union will attain such swol
predominance that this country in turn
have to make the appeasers' choice -
tween knuckling under in our turn or be
driven to fight it out.
Under the circumstances, it is inconce
able that the American policy makersv
remain passive in the face of the dan

in Greece. If the attack on Greece devel
further the United Nations will be as]
as a matter of course to intervene. Ift
Soviets have not by then backed down, th
will certainly veto UN action in the Secu
(Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune)
C ONFUSION in Washington? Oh, noth
more than usual. Senator Taft, who s
killing the OPA would promptly red
prices, now says the new labor law willi
duce strikes; one day after the Taft-Ha
ley Act to solve labor problems was pass
Representative (there-ought-to-be-a-la
Hartley urged enactment of another la
with the fuel crisis turning on how mu
coal there is above ground, it develops t
for the first time in 20 years the Bureau
Mines has discontinued compiling stat
tics on soft-coal supplies,- because oft
GOP economy drive; and President T
man, having declared the Taft-Hartley1
"unworkable" is now entrusted with try
to make it work.
Confusion in Washington? Nothingi
-The New Republic

sig IPDA ILY 4
ign - -
the Publication in The Daily Officiai
ted Bulletin is constructive notice to all
SO members of the University. Notices
50 for the Bulletin should be sent in
hat typewritten form to the office of the
Summer Session, Room 1213 Angell
~er- Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day pre-
n- edin publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
n~-- urdays).
ales SUNDAY, JULY 20, 1947
not VOL. LVII, No. 19S
ay Those veterans in Law School
~d .- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -
it- I'd Rather Be Right:
ri- roganc
its WE AMERICANS are developing
ad a certain big, offhand way
h- of disposing of much of the rest
or of the world which I think we
ng had better watch. I give a sa-
ple of this kind of arrogant dia-
logue, common enough:
her "There are only two important
re- powers in the world, America and
red Russia."
in- One murmurs, in reply, that
re- Britain, which doesn't exist ac-
cording to this formula, held
it- the Nazis off alone for a year
ist- while we armed.
"Yes, but shes been taking it
ur- for eight years and she's tired."
the Actually, one recalls, she has
ries been taking it for a thousand
go- years, but it is hard to convince
illa one who is quite determined to
too wash a country off the map.
the Another variation, by Speng-
a ler out of Daniel Boone, goes as
to follows:
'of The east is done; the west is
*of the coming region; the Pacific is
ng the new Mediterranean."
the One points out that Europe has
in a much greater population than
ace she had a century ago, at the
red height of her power.
"Yes," is the answer, "but the
ber Orient is becoming industrialized."
One replies that Europe al-
.nd ready is industrialized. Does
the speaker imply that coun-
re- tries are important only when
ert they are beginning to be indus-
of trialized, and that they die when
end they reach the goal? What
ar- horrid implications for our own
the America!
aff One is answered with a low
ims growl and a statistic about how
can many iceboxes the Chinese could
use if they used iceboxes.
)m- Then there is General Robert
lav E. Wood, board chairman of
rid, Sears, Roebuck & Co., who told
a Congressicgnal committee the
le, other day that "Western Eur-
b- ope is finished." He gave it as
G- his firm opinion that the West-
ch ern European economy could not
ld be rescued. The record does not
disclose whether he flicked the
w ash from a cigar after making
as the remark, but it is a gesture
ks that would have gone rather well
with the statement.
the "The only solution," said
hen General Wood, "is for 10,000,-
ed. 000 to 15,000,000,Britons, and
ie. 10,000,000 to 15,000,000 Ger-
mans, Belgians and Dutch to
on- emigrate." The General said
ast he favored some "charity," but
ope that lending money to western
ol- Europe was like pouring it down
to a "rathole."
ive And then, suddenly, one takes a
ain fresh look at the "rathole." From
the Western Europe, strangely enough,
of are coming some of the bestmo-
din tion pictures being made in our
in day, fresh, warm, alive. There

urs, is a literary ferment in Paris, at
len least, producing works which
will make much of American writing
be- seem to stand at the earnest col-
ing lege level, puffy and insecure.
Belgium, the Netherlands and
iv- Luxembourg have suddently es-
will tablished a customs union, crack-
ing through the borders and pre-
ger judices of centuries. One notes,
ops too, that Western Europe, more
ked than any other place in the
the world, is today trying to reach
hey an accord between the claims of
rity the planned economy and the
claims of democracy, and is doing
it without bloodshed, and under
a fair set of rules; it stands right
ing on the firing line, face to face
with reality, yet, somehow, keeps
paid the decencies alive.
uce And suddenly one has the feel-
re- ing that one of the reasons we
rt- keep murmuring that Western
;ed, Europe is dead is that we don't
1w) like some of these realities, and
would like to avert our eyes from
;ch them, and wavethe whole thing
uh into non-existence.
hat Perhaps "Western Europe is
1 of dead" is only the postwar form
tis- of the old isolationist slogan:
the "Europe is not important." Aft-
ru- er all, General Wood was an iso-
Act lationist before the war. Some-
ing thing is dead, sure enough, but it
isn't Western Europe; it is an
old argument struggling to find
in- new forms in which to dress it-
(Copyright 1947, New York Post Corp.)

ing between Monday, July 21 and
Wednesday, July 23.
Robert S. Waldrop, Director
Veterans Service Bureau
August 1947 graduates in Me-
chanical or Chemical Engineering;
Graduate students in Physics and
Chemistry: Mr. C. W. McConnell
of The Linde Air Products Com-
pany, Tonawanda, N.Y., will in-
terview men in the above fields,
on Thursday, July 24, in Room
218 West Engineering Building.
Students interested may sign the
interview schedule posted on the
bulletin board at room 221 West
Engineering Bldg., or call Miss
Tag, extension 635.
Graduate Students in English:
ThehPreliminary Examinations
for the Doctorate in English will
be given according to the follow-
ing schedule: American Litera-
ture, July 23; English Literature
1700-1900 July 26; English Liter-
ature 1500-1700, July 30; The Be-
ginnings to 1500, August 2. The
Examinations will be given in
3217 Angell Hall from 9:00 a m.
to 12:00.
College of Literature, Science
and the Arts, Schools of Educa-
tion, Forestry, and Public Health:
Students who received marks of
I X, or "no report" at the close of
their last semester or summer
sessions of attendance will receive
a grade of E in the course or
courses unless this work is made
up by July 23. Students wishing
an extension of time beyond this
date in order to make up this
work should file a petition ad-
dressed to the appropriate official
in their school with Room 44 U.H.
where it will be transmitted.
Edward G. Groesbeck,
Assistant Registrar
Deadline for Veterans' Book
and supply Requisitions. August
22, 1947 has been set as the dead-
line for the approval of Veterans'
Book and Supply Requisitions for
the Summer Session-1947. Re-
quisitions will be accepted by the
book stores through August 23,]
La Sociedad flispanica will pre-
sent the fourth program of the
summer Session on Wednesday,
July 23 at 8 p.m. in the East
Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building. Professor En-
rique Anderson-Imbert, formerly
with the University of Tucuman,
Argentina, and now with the Ro-
mance Languages Department of
the University of Michigan will
speak on "Introduccion a la Lit-
eratura Hisponoamericana."
La Sociedad Hispanica meets
every Tuesday and Wednesday for
informal conversation at 3:30 p.m.
and every Thursday at 4 p.m. for
tea in the International Center.
The Modern Poetry Club, open
to all interested in discussing
modern poetry, will meet Tues-
day at 8 p.m. in room 3217 An-
gell Hall. Negro poets and their
works will be the topic.
The Classical Coffee Hour will
be held Tuesday, July 22, at 4:00
p.m. in the West Conference Room
of the Rackham Building. All
students interested in Greek and
Latin Classics are cordially in-
vited to attend. Prof. Blake will
talk on "Why Cicero Took Greek."
The Russian Circle will meet at
5:30 p.m., Monday at the Inter-
national Center. From there it
will go to the Island for a picnic.
Members and their guests are in-
vited. Be sure to sign up.
The Christian Science Organi-
zation will hold its regular Tues-
day meeting at 7:30 p.m., July 15,
in the upper room of Lane Hall.
All students, faculty members,

and alumni are cordially invited.I
Michigan Christian Fellowship'
will hold its Sunday afternoon
meeting at 4:30, Lane Hall.
La p'tite causette meets every
Tuesday and Wednesday at 3:30
in the Grill Room of the Michi-
gan League and at 4:00 on Thurs-
days at the International Center.
All students interested in informal
French conversation are cordially
invited to join the group.
The French Club will hold its
fifth meeting on Thursday, July
24, at 8 p.m. in the second floor
Terrace Room of the Michigan
Union. Prof. Paul M. Spurlin, of
the Romance Language Depart-
ment, will speak informally on:
"Une collection de bonnes gaffes
en francais." Group singing, re-

Sir Bernard Pares, formerly Di-
rector of Slavonic Studies at the
University of London, will speak
on "Russia and the Peace," Mon-
day, July 21. 4:10 p.m., Rackham
Amphitheatre. Public invited.
Dr. David N. Rowe, Director of
Eastern Asiatic and Russian Stud-
ies and Associate Professor of In-
ternational Relations, Yale Uni-
versity, will lecture on "American
Policy toward China," Monday,
July 21, at 8:10 p.m., Rackham
Amphitheatre. This is a lecture
in the Summer Lecture Series,
"The United States in World Af-
fairs." The public is invited.
Dr. James M. Landis, Chair-
man of the Civil Aeronautics
Board, will lecture on "American
Interests in the Asiatic Near
East," Thursday, July 24, at 8:10
p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. This
is a lecture in the Summer Lec-
ture Series, "The United States in
World Affairs." The public is in-
Atcademic Notices
Differential Geometry Seminar:
Tuesday, July 22, 3 p.m., 3001
Angell Hall. Mr. C. M. Fowler will
speak on "Characteristic Spaces
Associated with a Curve."
For those interested in classi-
cal music, record concerts are held
every afternoon from 3:00-5:00
p.m. and every evening from 7:00-
9:00 p.m. and 5:00-7:00 on Sun-
day in the concourse of the Mich-
igan League. Requests will be
played and everyone is welcome.
Organ Recital: Robert Baker,
Guest Lecturer in Organ, will be
heard in a program in Hill Audi-
torium at 8:30 Tuesday evening,
July 22. Organist at the First
Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn,
Mr. Baker is in Ann Arbor as a
member of the Summer Session
faculty of the School of Music.
For his recital he has planned a
program of works by Handel, Vi-
valdi, Rinck, Bach, Liszt, Andries-
sen, Bingham. Langlais, Jongen.
and the first performance of Ber-
ceuse, by Robert Crandell, a form-
er School of Music faculty mem-
The public is cordially invited.
Student Recital: Carolyn Street
Austin, Mezzo-soprano, will be
heard in a recital at 8:30 Wed-
nesday evening, July 23, in - the
Rackham Assembly Hall, as par-
tial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master
of Music. Mrs. Austin is a pupil
of Arthur Hackett. Her program
will inclule compositions by Schu-
bert, Joaquin Nin, Chausson, and
a group of English songs, and
will be open to the general public,
Photographs of Summer Fungi
of Michigan, Rotunda Museums
Building. July and August.
The Museum of Art: Exhibi-
tion of Prints-Vanguard Group,
Ann Arbor Art Association Col-
lection, and from the Permanent
Collection. July 1-28. Alumni
Memorial Hall, daily, except Mon-
day, 10-12 and 2-5; Sundays, 2-5.
The public is cordially invited.
Museum of Archaeology. Cur-
rent Exhibit, "Life in a Roman
Town in Egypt from 30 B.C. to
400 A.D."- Tuesday through Fri-
day, 9-12, 2-5; Saturday, 9-12;
Friday evening, 7:30-9:30; Sun-
day 3-5.
Coming Events
The Inter-Racial Association is
sponsoring the motion picture,
"Wuthering Heights," at Hill Au-

ditorium, Sunday, July 20, at 8
p.m. and Monday, July 21, at 8
Dr. Yuen-li Liang will hold the
second of four conferences on the
United Nations, Tuesday, July 22,
at 3:10 p.m., East Conference
Room, Rackham Building. These
conferences are part of the Sum-
mer Lecture Series, "The United
States in World Affairs."
Dr. Robin A. Humphreys will
hold the second of four confer-
ences on Latin America, Wednes-
day, July 23, at 4:10 p.m., East
Conference Room, R a c k h a m
Building. These conferences are
part of the Summer Lecture Ser-
ies, "The United States in World

who are completing their Summer { freshments, games All students
Session training at the close of interested are cordially invited,
the .5% weeks session, please re-
port to the Veterans Administra-
tion, Room 100A Rackham Build- Lectures

- New Plan.
"ties Germany to the Marshall
plan to rebuild Europe." It also
-if accepted internationally -
will tie Europe to a rebuilt Ger-
The plan states specifically that
"the level of industry eventually
agreed upon for Germany
should not permanently limit Ger-
many's industrial capacity."
If t h i s slightly ambiguous
phrase means anything, it is that,
outside strictly armament factor-
ies, German industry will be per-
mitted to grow as large as it
can. The new report calls this
"the general fulfillment of the
principles of the Potsdam Agree-
ment regarding reparation and
industrial disarmament."
A strange argument! the
Potsdam Agreement was based
upon recognition that Germany
had enclaved its neighbors not
only by threatening and con-
quering them with arms but also
by dominating them with its
over-size industrial capaclty
based on Ruhr coal. The Mor-
genthau Plan, Directive JSC
1067 of 1945 and the Potsdam
Agreement, planned to elimin-
ate both dangers.
The new American plan re-
linquishes any attempt to prevent
a new growth of the overweening
industrial capacity that enslaved
Once the new American plan
comes into operation, the world
will have nothing but the con-
tinued presence of foreign arm-
ies of occupation on German soil
to protect it from a third Ger-
man assault. Once they are With-
drawn, the Germans will rebuild
their ancient power with a speed
that will astonish the world. A
re-built Germany would cbnsti-
tute at least as great a menace
as the Soviet Union. It might
even become a Soviet ally at the
price of being allowed to destroy
Poland and Czechoslavakia. There
is nothing in Soviet history that
proves the Kremlin-men would
refrain from any such shift it
appeared to be in their interest.
Distant control could prevent
the building of new German in-
dustries. Distant control of al-
ready rebuilt giant industries will,
be futile-as the Germans proved
after World War I when they
went ahead and rebuilt their in-
dustrial and military apparatus
under the very noses of the Al-
The newspapers state that the
new Plan is really nothing More
thAn a bringing together of the
"innovations" that have been
gradually put into practice by
the American occupying author-
ities. This is an astonishing ad-
When in recent months peo-
ple like myself have protested
against General Clay's "depar-
tures" from JSC 1067 and the
Potsdam Agreement, we have been
accused of inventing things.
Actually these "departures" were
explained to me a couple . of
months ago by an American who
had much to do with our German
set-up as follows:,
"A change in emphasis has to
be made in the face of actual con-
ditions because the directive was
not altogether r'ealistic or work-
able." Now this "change of em-
phasis" receives its official en-
Real grievances? Kept the
peace? Germany after World
War I was permitted to get
away with murder. Mr. White
has not spent as much time in
Germany as his self-confidence
would imply. But Americans
who are not convinced by the

whole tragic development be-
tween the two wars that pres-
ent-day Germans must be
watched and shackled for the
world's good are obtuse to ar-
Is there then no safe way of
both hobbling and utilizing Ger-
many? Of course there is. The
French have indicated it twenty
times. It consists in putting the
Ruhr Valley industrial area un-
der special regime until Germany
can be certified for good behav-
ior. Without control over this
"powerhouse of Europe," The Ger-
mans cannot dominate Europe
militarily or economically.
It may be hoped that the six-
teen countries now called to form-
ulate a common scheme for Eur-
ope's rehabilitation will tell the
Americans, politely but firmly,
that the only condition upon
which Germany can be allowed to
recover is that the Ruhr be
placed under their common con-
(Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.)
will hold the second of four con-
ferences on European affairs,
Thursday, July 24, at 3:10 p.m.,
East Conference Room, Rackham
Building. These conferences are
part of the Summer Lecture Ser-
ies, "The United States in World
University Community Center
Willow Run Village
Calendar of Events



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Gottfried S. Delatour



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Bob's coinq to the cave.


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