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July 20, 1947 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1947-07-20

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Lw rAan
Latest Deadline in the State





Ignore Dutch
Outbreak of War
Expected Soon
By The Associated Press
BATAVIA, JAVA, July 19-The
Netherlands Governrient at The
Hague was authoritatively report-
ed today to have ordered the
breaking off of the two-year ne-
gotiations with the Indonesian
Republic. The Indonesian Cabi-
net, in an emergency session at
the Republican capital of Jogjak-
arta, announced its determination
to make no further concessions.
The stage thus appeared set for
an outbreak of war, barring un-
expected last minute develop-
ments, at the outset of the Mos-
lem holy month of Ramadam
which began today.
Ultimatum Expires Tuesday
(A government spokesman at
The Hague announced that the
cabinet after two days of discus-
sion had given its full support to
the ultimatums of Acting Gov-
ernor General Hubertus J. Van
Mook and implied that military
action would start Tuesday after
the last of the ultimatums expires.
(Van Mook's ultimatums to the
Indonesians set July 21 as the
date for completion of a six-mile
withdrawal of Indonesian forces
from the present front lines. Oth-
er ultimatums for an Indonesian
cease-firing order by July 16 and
the beginning .of the withdrawal
by 6 p.m. Java time, July 19, al-
ready have passed without the In-
donesians complying.)
Spokesmen Warn Dutch
Indonesian spokesmen declared
overt hostilities by the Dutch dur-
ing the month of fasting, when no
devout Moslem, takes food or
drink between sunrise and sunset,
would precipitate a declaration of
"hogly war" by Indonesia's 70,000,-
000 Moslems. But Dutch inform-
ants said they did not believe the
holy month would have any bear-
mg on the situation in Java.
The Dutch-newspaper Nieuws-
gier, which has close contacts
with the Netherlands East Indies
Government, said the cabinet de-
cision was that there is "no point
of contact left for the continua-
tion of discussions" with the In-
donesian Republic.
The Dutch continued to accuse
the Indonesian Government of be-
ing unable to control its adher-
ents, and the Indonesian News
Agency has distributed accusa-
tions of unprovoked Dutch mili-
tary aggression.
'Terrorists Hit
Burma's New
LONDON, July 19-(IP)-The
British Government announced
that five "terrorists" almost wiped
out the nine man government of
Burma today with a spray of ma-
chinegun fire which swept the
council chamber in Rangoon.
Maj.-Gen. U Aung San, 32-1
year-old "strong man" who was
in line to become the first prime
minister of the aborning indepen-
dent nation and five of his col-

leagues in the cabinet were killed
and two others wounded. A guard
also was wounded, and the attack-
ers fled unscathed in a jeep.
The British Government's Bur-
ma office called it a "murderous
Burma apparently was under a
censorship blanket following the
incident, as no news came directly
from Riangoon concerning the in-
cident except as relayed through
the British Governor, Sir Hugert
But the official British state-
ment said, "'There is nothing in
the reports so .far received to
suggest that the situation is not
fully under control. Further in-
formation will be made available."
Aung San was leader of Bur-
ma's strongest political party, the
Anti - Fascist People's Freedom
League which has come into fre-
quent collision with Burmese
Communist Party members and
other Burmese who contended it
was "working with the British" to

Lovett.Asks Senate Rush
Vote On Greek Aid Funds
Terms New Situation More Urgent Than
When Truman Doctrine Was Announced

By The Associated Press
State Department today urged the
Senate to speedily approve aid
funds for Greece and Turkey, re-
porting that a guerrilla army is

.. .new War Secretary
Royall. Gets
From Senate
WASHINGTON, July 19---(P)-
The Senate unanimouslyconfirm-
ed tonight the appointment of
Kenneth C. Royall to be secretary
of war.
Confirmation was by voice vote.
Royall, Undersecretary of War
since November, 1945, was named
by President Truman yesterday to
take the place of Secretary Rob-
ert P. Patterson, who resigned.
Confirmation took little more
than 24 hours. The Armed Ser-
vices Committee unanimously
approved the nomination this
morning, and the Senate waived
its rule requiring nominations to
lie on the desk for one day.
More than half a dozen senators
paid tribute to both Patterson and
Royall, 53, a native of North
Carolina, is a veteran of both wars!
and a former brigadier general.
Patterson, 56, will leave his post
next Thursday and return to pri-
vate law practice in New York.
The resignation leaves Secre-
tary of the Navy Forrestal as the
only wartime cabinet member still
at his post.
Film Classic
OpensT oda
"Wuthering Heights," the film
adaptation from Emily Bronte's
novel, to be shown by the Inter-
Racial Association at 8 p.m. to-
day and tomorrow in -Hill Audi-
torium, concerns the lives of five
Merle Oberon, as the emotional
Cathy, and Laurence Olivier, as
the brooding. halfrgypsy, are sup-
ported by Fora Robson. David Ni-
ven, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Hugh
Williams and Miles Mander.
William Wyler, who handled
"Dead End," "These Three",
"Dodsworth," and "Jezebel," di-
rected the picture. Ben Hecht and
Charles MacArthur wrote the

trying to "set up a stooge gov-
ernment by force" in Greece.
Robert A. Lovett, Undersecre-
tary of State, told a Senate ap-
propriations subcommittee, that
the situation has become more ur-
gent since President Truman first
proposed in March to help Greece
and Turkey.
Action on Relief Urged
In addition to asking the com-
mittee to provide the $400,000,000
needed to carry out the Greek-
Turkish Aid programs on which
this country has already embark-
ed, Lovett also urged action on a
$332,000,000 foreign relief fund.
Both items already have been ap-
proved by the House.
In his usual Saturday afternoon
appearance before the committee
Lovett reflected growing concern
in high official quarters here over
the situation in Greece, which un-
der Communist pressure appears
to be building up more and more
as a crucial test of both the Tru-
man Doctrine and the peace-
keeping power of the United Na-
Urgency Has Increased
Indicating that conditions in
Greece are more instead of less
difficult since the Truman Doc-
trine was declared March 12.
Lovett said that the "urgency"
has increased since President
Truman first laid his program be-
ore Congress. Subsequently Con-
gress approved the program and
the State Department started it
on funds borrowed from the Re-
construction Finance Corpora-
tion, pending an appropriation
from Congress.
"Guerrilla leaders have openly
stated their purpose to try to set
up a stooge government by force
and the Greek government is
faced with a much more critical
security program than that which
existed at the time of the Presi-
dent's message," Lovett said.
Some of the American funds
would go directly for military as-
sistance to the Greeks in their
fight against.the Communists.
Actually while most concern
here at the moment is centered on
the critical situation in Greece,
there is also some apprehension
over the next steps in develop-
ment of the Marshall Plan for
European recovery because of
differences among the United
States, Britain and France over
industrial revival of Western
Army Tests
New Rafts in
Lake Crossing
LUDINGTON, Mich., July 19-
(P)-A flotilla of motor-driven
rubber life rafts pushed stubborn-
ly through choppy waters of Lake
Michigan tonight after two of
their number were forced to turn
Seasickness on one raft and a
leaky valve on a second were re-
ported to have cancelled out the
two from the original flotilla of
11 which set out on the 65-mile
crossing in a test of army experi-
mental equipment.
The two which quit the cross-
ing were both three-man rafts.
The flotilla was scheduled to
reach here at approximately mid-
It departed Sheboygan, Wis., at
10 a.m. Saturday, delayed seven
hours by high winds which cap-
sized one of the smaller rafts.
The fleet was manned by regu-
lar and reserve Army Air Forces
personnel and carried aero-medi-
cal officers from Wright Field, O.
It included two 10-man rafts, two
six-man rafts and a 20-man "cov-
ered wagon" raft of recent design.

British Offer
Key Detailsof
Reich Revolt
Plot Traced Back
To Pre-War Era
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Sunday, July 20 -
More than 4,980 Germans were
shot, hanged or tortured to death
in a reign of terror which follow-
ed the unsuccessful attempt to as-
sassinate Adolf Hitler July 20,
1944, the British Admiralty an-
nounced today.
"The terror which followed (the
attempt) was one of the worst
that Hitler ever organized against
his own people," the Admiralty
said in a report based on German
naval documents captured dur-
ing the war by British and Amer-
ican intelligence officers.
Revolt Began in 1938
The report traced the begin-
ning of the revolt, led by Col. Gen.
Ludwig Beck, back to 1938, when
he resigned as chief of staff in
protest against the intended in-
vasion of Czechoslovakia.
The report said it was necess-
ary to gain the cooperation of
most of the army commanders
who were capable of seizing pow-
er, "but the one great obstacle
to obtaining the sympathy of the
army was the personal oath of
loyalty which all officers had tak-
en to Hitler."
"Hitler's crimes alone would
seem to have been sufficient rea-
son for breaking such an oath,
but to the German officer nothing
less than the death of Hitler could
absolve them for their obliga-
tions," the report continued.
Generals Hated Hitler
The report explained that the
motives behind the plan were hat-
red of Hitler, and belief that,
rather than surrender, he would
"drag the whole nation to de-
struction with him."
Von Stauffenberg was to as-
sassinate Hitler at Rastenburg,
Witzelben was to assume com-
mand of the army, and Gen.Von
Fromm, as head of the home army,
was to seize Berlin. All commun-
ications witli the German High
Command were to be cut.
"As soon as order had been es-
tablished, Goerdeler and Beck
were to form a government and
sue for peace with the allies," the
report said.
Plan Miscarried
"The plan miscarried, firstly be-'
cause Von Stauffenberg did not
wait to make sure that Hitler was
dead, secondly because the com-
munications were not secured,
and thirdly because Fromm, un-
certain of Hitler's death, betrayed
the movement."
(Witnesses at the attempted as-
sassination said that Count Von
Stauffenberg, a one-armed and
one-legged hero of the First World
War, placed a bomb under Hit-
ler's chair at a staff meeting.
Stauffenberg then left the room,
and there was a terrific explosion.
The Count, looking through a
door which had been blown open,
saw Hitler covered with blood and
lying on the floor, and took it for
granted that the Fuehrer was


Merger Act After Long Debate;
SentePasses Terminal Pay Bill



Act Increasing
Vet Allotments
Also Approved
Measure Permits
Bonds To Be Cashed
By The Associated Press
vote of 85 to 0, the Senate today
passed and dispatched to Presi-
dent Truman legislation author-
izing 9,000,000 veterans to cash
$1,800,000,000 in terminal leave
The Senate earlier had passed
by a voice vote another bill which
would increase living allowances
to veterans going to school under
the GI Bill of Rights. The bill now
goes to the House.
Already Passed House
The terminal leave bond meas-
ure got unanimous House approv-
al two weeks ago. It would permit
but not require former enlisted
men to cash bonds issued to them
starting last year in lieu of cash
terminal pay.
The bonds could be turned in
for cash at local banks after Sep-
tember 1. Under the present law
the maturity date isfive years af-
ter the date of issue.
The bill also extends for one
year beyond September 1 the
deadline for application for term-
inal bonds by veterans.
SubsistenceGrants Raised
The measure adjusting benefits
to veterans attending school
wvould increase subsistence grants
from the present $65 a month to
$75 in the case of single veterans,
from $90 to $105 for married vet-
erans without children, and from
$90 to $120 for those who have
Senator Taft (R-Ohio) said
these 15 per cent increases are de-
signed to compensate for higher
living costs.
Estimating the cost of the sub-
sistence bill at $200,000,000 a year,
Taft said he "believes it is justi-
fied and that it will enable more
veterans to continue their educa-
(;rayling Sees
Guard Rev ie'w
First Such Event
In Last Eight Years
GRAYLING, Mich., July 19-(')
-Marking the first time since
1939, Michigan National Guard
troops marched in review here
Saturday afternoon on Camp
Grayling's parade ground, border
ing picturesque Lake Margrethe.
The colorful review also mark-
ed the first time Michigan's. new
46th Division, comprising some
97 units and organized during the
past year, ever assembled as an
integrated division.
Reviewing the approximately
2,700 troops assembled on the par-
ade ground were: Brig. Gen.
Ralph R. Lofeland, Ann Arbor,
Division Commander and Brig.
Gen. LeRoy Pearson, Lansing, Ad-
jutant General of Michigan.
Witnessing the colorful review
were between 3,500 and 4,000 civ-
ilian spectators including wives
and families of many national
guard officers and men. From
all parts of the state, families of
the troops assembled here to see
the parade of troops and other
weekend events. Accommodations
for sleeping and eating in nearby
Grayling and in the general area,
were taxed to capacity in many


SOAP BOX DERBY CRASH-Peter Schaaf, 15, a spectator, is
sprawled over the rear end of one of the racing cars after it car-
eened out of control in a soap box derby at Erie, Pa. Schaaf sus-
tained a broken leg. Driver Robert Carroll, 14, broke a wheel
which put him out of the running in the event.
Real Peace With Soviet Union,
Dependent On Building Trade


"Real peace with the Soviet
Union can be affected only if we
stop arguing ideologies and start
building trade," Sir Bernard
Pares, noted authority on Russian
declared in an interview yester-
Campus Rally
Will Feature

Singing Star


World News
By The Associated Press
ATHENS, July. 19-The Greek
military council, anxious to se-
cure the kingdom's borders against
leftist irregulars, has decided to
ask that the size of the army be
increased from its present 130,000
to 180,000 or 200,000, informants
said today.
House-Senate conferees today
agreed on compromise legisla-
tion providing $194,500,000 for
operation of the, interior depart-
men during the fiscal year end-'
ing next June 30.1
This compares with $215,000,-1
000 voted by the Senate and
$161,000,000 approved by the
ouse.* * *
CHICAGO, July 19-A tubercu-
losis vaccine which scientists hope
will eliminate the need of TB
sanitariums "with 30 to 40 years"
will be manufactured at a new
tuberculosis research institute onE
the University of Illinois' Chicago
HONG KONG, July 19-The
newspaper China Mail said to-
day that a British and an

Kenneth Spencer, bass baritone
star of the concert stage, screen
and radio, will sing at the campus
Anti-Lynch Rally at 8 p.m.,
Wednesday, in Rackham Lecture
Spencer, who appeared as guest
soloist with the Detroit Sym-
phony Orchestra, July 6, has
played leading roles in the movies
"Showboat," "Bataan," and "Cab-
in in the Sky." Following the An-
ti-Lynch Rally, he will sing Fri-
day in the American Music Fes-
tival at Comiskey Park, in Chi-
Prof. Preston Slosson, of the his-
tory department, will deliver the
main address at the rally.
Petiton Drive
The petition signature cam-
paign in Ann Arbor calling for a
popular referendum on the Calla-
han Act will be organized in a
meeting at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the
Organizations desiring to parti-
cipate in the drive have been in-
vited by the Progressive Citizens
of America and the American Vet-
erans Committee to attend this
Local action is coordinated with
a state-wide movement directed
by the Committee to Repeal the
Callahan Act, headed by Henry
Sweeny, former judge of Record-
ers Court and member of the city
council in Detroit.

Sir Bernard, former director of
the School of Slovanic Studies at
the University of London, has
come to Ann Arbor for an address
on "Russia and the Peace," to be
delivered at 4:10 p.m. tomorrow
at Rackham Amphitheatre.
Russia is today one great big
"rubbish heap," he asserted. "The
Soviet people are sorely in need
of materials and trained techni-
cians to rebuild their devastated
"Thus, cooperation with the
Russians must be founded, not on
imposing our theories of govern-
ment on them, but, rather, on
improving their living conditions."
Russia is today building east-
ward as America built westward
100 years ago, he cited. "Siberia
has many as yet untapped re-
sources which can aid both Amer-
ica and RusAia. Only in helping
the Soviet Union to'develop these
resources, and by effecting a free
trade of materials between the
two countries can America hope
to find the common base from
which to build lasting peace."
Sir Bernard echoed. Gen.
Dwight Eisenhower who advised,
in regard to the Russian situa-
tion, "be firm, patient, maintain
a sense of humor, and keep your
powder dry." Molotov is bluff-
ing, the historian. said, "The So-
viet Union can't go to war for
15 years. And they don't want
war. But they often make coop-
eration very difficult."
Blasting at both the American
and Soviet pres's, Sir Bernard de-
clared that difficulties with Rus-
sia have been magnified far be-
yond any legitimate extent. This,
he said has made it almost im-
possible for the people to find
a common set of values without
which there can be no peace. '
The effects of the "loud press'
are being minimized, though by
the colleges and universities,
which are teaching Russian lang-
uage and culture to vastly in-
creased numbers of students seek-
ing real understanding of the
problem, he declared. In this re-
gard, Sir Bernard cited Prof. An-
drei Lobanov-Rostovsky, teacher
of Russian history at the Univer-
sity, as one of the world's emin-
ent authorities in the field.

Measure Sent
To Senate for
Further Action
Coordinates Military,
By The Associated Press
House passed today a measure to
unify the Army and Navy and to
cordinate American diplomatic-
military policies. It acted after
hearing claims the plan will help
prevent future "Pearl Harbor"
disasters, cut military costs, and
curtail interservice "backbiting."
The action came on a voice vote
after nearly eight hours of de-
bate and months of consideration,
The measure now goes back to
the Senate and, in all probability,
ultimately to a joint committee
to work out differences between
the two Senate and House ver-
Cabinet Posts Would Merge
As now drafted. the measure
would merge the present War and
Navy cabinet posts into a single
Secretary of Defense, create a
powerful, new, policy-making De-
fense Council and set up a new
Department of Air.
As Rep. Wilson (D-Tex.) put it
"The bill more properly could be
termed a coordination instead of
unification measure." Rep La-
tham (R-N.Y.) agreed, saying it
provided for "unity at the top,
but disunification, multiplication
and complexities at the bottom."
Before final passage, the House
accepted an amendment to guar-
antee, in ironclad language, Navy
retention of its air arm-the eyes
and advance striking arm of the
fleet- both carrier planes and
land-based aircraft plus the re-
sponsibility for antisubmarine
Civilian To Head Intelligence
Another House amendment re
quires appointment of a civilian
to the $14,000 job as director of
the Office of Central Intelligence
to be set up under the bill. Rep.
Brown (R-Ohio) said the Ameri-
can people were worried over pos-
sibility of a military "super" gov-
Scant numerical opposition de-
veloped to the measure as a whole.
However, some specific provisions
in the measure drew sharp crit-
icism, particularly those setting
up a central office of intelligence
to search out and weigh the mili-
tary plans of other nations.
In sending the measure to the
floor, the House Administratioh
Committee asserted that modern
warfare demands a balanced
armed forces structure with inte-
grated, strategic plans for ob-
taining full use of manpower, ma-
terials, scientific research and
new developments,
House Group
OK's Military
Coinpulsory military training of
all American males upon reaching
the age of 18 or after their grad-
uation from high school was re-
commended today by a House
armed services subcommittee.
The 12-member group sent to
the full Armed Services Commit-
tee of 33 members for action next
Tuesday a bill closely following
Association Acts
DETROIT, July 19--(/P)-A

resolution favoring universal mili-
tary training was unanimously
adopted today as members of the
Second Division Association closed
their 26th annual reunion here.
the plan recommended June 1 by
President Truman's- Advisory
Commission on Universal Train-
Approval by the full Armed
Services Committee at next week's
meeting was taken for granted.

Men Regain 'Powder Room'
At League with No Fanfare

The announcement by the
League of the forthcoming open-
ing of a men's lounge on the first
floor has gone virtually unherald-
ed by the student body.
Even with the enlightened few
the great news semes to have been
f .rntan ith stoic calm. nrent-

A new war of the sexes was nar-
rowly averted, with a counter-at-
tack coming from the feminine
contingent, charging discrimina-
tion at the Union front door.
Evidently now, all is forgiven.
Comment received from stu-
dents runs from bored acceptance

U' Helps Supply Overseas Instructors

Daily Special Writer

rectors of instruction are also
sent by the University. These

Last year the University furn-
ished 14 people for the German

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