THE MICHIGAN AiLY SATUR)DAY, JULY 19,1947 I Fifty-Seventh Year ON WORLD AFFAIRS: Timely Assurance BILL MAULDIN Edited and managed by students of the Uni- versity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Managing Editors ... John Campbell, Clyde Recht Associate Editor .............Euice Mintz Spcrts Editor................... Archie Parsons Business Staff ,eneral Manager.................Edwin Schneider Advertising Manager ..,.......William Rohrbach Circulation Manager ................ Melvin Tickr ... r Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to le use for re-publication of all news dispatches redied to it or otherwise credited in thisnews- )aer. Al rights of republication of all other .ntters herein also reserved. entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi- gan, as second class ma !natter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00, Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily yre written by members of The Daily staff pnd represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITORS: MINTZ & STERN Marshall Plan sHE CHICAGO TRIBUNE has been com- menting freely of late on the purposes and possibilities of the Marshall plan. These comments by one of the nation's most pow- erful newspapers are worthy of our studied consideration. On Sunday, July 13, the Tribune editor- ialized: "The Marshall plan can be described as a device by which hard-working peo- ple of America will be required to sup- port the loafers of Europe. When Euro- peans work longer hours for lower wages, when they balance their national bud- gets and do a few other things of the sort, Europe will be on the way up and out." Certainly a strong view. The whole plan is here reduced to simplicity itself. The American nation, like Atlas of old, will carry the world on its back. Those who will benefit from this plan are not displaced persons or starving, hopeless ones full of despair, but "loafers." The Tribune apparently believes that the present wages of those Europeans who are working regularly are too high. "Longer hours for lower wages." That's the Tri- bune's answer to the economic plight of Europe. Economic slavery sweatshops, 18- hour days. Are they the key to European recovery? Or are they the conditions that provide the perfect breeding grounds for communism? Are these the conditions that will enhance the capitalistic system in the eyes of these people? On Monday, July 14, the Tribune ap- proached the Marshall plan from another 'angle. Thie Tribune discovered a domestic danger--a revival of wartime regulations and government planning. "If the Republican congress now under- writes the Marshall plan we shall have a resumption of planning and depression. The Marshall plan emerges as a scheme for promoting economic planning at home as well as abroad." On Tuesday the Tribune saw the Mar- shall plan as a means of choosing sides for a future war. After analyzing the fighting potential of the 16 nations participating in the Paris Economic Conference, the Tri- bune reaches this conclusion: "If any big game is scheduled for the near future, the U.S. will have to carry the ball for its team and the Russians will have to pass, punt and run for the East. Nobody else on either side is worth subsidizing with an athletic scholarship. Certainly 20 billion dollars is an excessive price." The plan, however, seems to enjoy the confidence of a majority of the nation. The Chicago Tribune has been wrong before. -Quentin Nesbitt THERE MUST BE an empty feeling in the hearts of those members of Congress who hoped to humble John L. Lewis with the Taft-Hartley Act. Mr. Lewis is not only not humbled but he has emerged as a more powerful labor leader than ever. As the man who won an increase of 44% cents an hour for his union, in contrast to much more modest increases accepted by others, he will be a figure to reckon with in the A.F. of L. leaderslip, and the effect of his coup is sure to be felt deeply within the CLO. The Taft-Hartley Act evidently had little effect upon the new coal contract except a negative one. It did not eliminate the miners' welfare fund nor an increase in the By EDGAR ANSL MOWRER AMERICAN ASSURANCE that the bene- fits of the Marshall plan will go to any European State that accepts the rules is most timely. Once western Europe has been saved from bankruptcy, our next task should be the peaceful liberation of eastern Europe. Stalin will move heaven and eath to pre- vent this, but unless his methods change, these once-free countries will take the first real opportunity to escape his bear hug. The Western democracies must never tire of as'uring the Eastern peoples that they will be welcomed back whenever they themselves find it feasible to return. To achieve this as quickly as possible, the leaders in Washington, London and Par- is must know just what are Moscow's holds over these countries. In Hungary, Bulgaria and probably Po- land, it is about eighty percent naked ty- ranny--Mr. Constantine Paulos of the Over- seas News Agency notwit tanding, I have yet to meet one seasoned observer who be- lieves that the present pro-Soviet regimes could win a really unbiased election in any one of these countries. Finland is physically cowed. Albania is more or less willing. But Czechoslovakia presents an entire- y different picture. The Czechs volun- tarily placed themselves under Soviet protetion. Yet they are the most occi- I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Sick Idea By SAMUEL GRAFTON THE SICKEST IDEA of the twentieth century, the notion that a strong Ger- many can make us safe against a Commu- nist Russia, seems to be cropping up again. The fact that this decrepit theory has been fully tried, under the supervision of a vigorous executive named Hitler, and has failed, and has dragged almost all of Eur- ope down with it in failure, seems no deter- rent. Once again one hears the schern: propounded, by people whose eyes bug out with excitement, as if they had just thought of something marvelously new. The idea seems to exert an almost fatal fascination. The wallbworshipers, the Maginot-minded, the buffer-state boys, are at it again. Some of them, who have been isolationist in the past, and who, usually detest the very idea of foreign relief, are entranced by the hope that the Marshall Plan can be distorted into a scheme for giving rebirth to German in- dustly, and as a result they are smother- ing the Marshall Plan with repulsive kisses. In their infatuation with this discredited approach, they do not seem to realize that they are giving Russia as good ammunitioni as we ever gave her under lend-lease. There could be no swifter way of turning every German-hater on the Continent into a So- viet sympathizer. Russia's withdrawal from the Marshall Plan was a diplomatic stumble; it hurt her. Only a scheme for reviving a strong Germany could make it appear that Russia was perhaps right. And so American con- servatism turns precisely toward this scheme; blithely it offers its back; merrily it asks for the cosmic kick, and it does it all in the fond belief that it is fighting radicalism. The Politburo couldn't have asked for better assistance than it is getting from American conservatism in this quarrel. One American rightwinger, bawling for a strong Germany, is worth ten thousand Communists to the Soviet Union. The Marshall Plan is a great conception, and it will succeed if it matures as an ex- pression of America's confidence in itself, its productivity and the validity of its social ideals. It will fail if it becomes a scheme for huddling behind a reborn German indus- try. For it is the defensive-mindedness of that conception which will kill it, that sickly, cowering approach, which was so elaborate- ly tested out in the period between the wars, and which proved that it couldn't be depended on to save a flea's way of life. We have been here before. This is where we came in, in fact; and it is no answer to Russia; it is just a frightened squeak. What we need is a revived England, a revived France, a revived Italy. We shall not "save Western culture" by having these nations remain thin and scrawny, and de- pending for their safety on a rebuilt Ger- many, grown fat again on a new course of blackmail of the West. To save the West, we must save the West. It is that simple and that hard. It is shocking to see our conservatives being led back, as in a hypnotic trance, to an idea which has been proved bankrupt. Is it really necessary that men who have but one idea to their names, and a wrong one, be allowed to try it twice in a single life- time? (Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation) THE GUNS THAT were supposed to fall silent in Europe on May 8, 1945; but never did completely, are barking again in rising cresendo in that continent's most dangerous trouble-spot-the Balkans. Once more we read of invasions and attacks, of open warfare and pitched battles, of slaugh- ter, death and annihilation. dental people in the Soviet "protectorate." They are western in their industrial capa- city, in their fundamental ways, in their love of personal freedom. In the late Thomas G. Masaryk the Czechoslovaks produced a democrat of the type and stature of Jefferson and Lincoln. How could such a people, "conceived in lib- erty," voluntarily accept the kind of serv- itude to Russia apparent in their refusal to participate in the Marshall plan? Is it because of inadequate encouragement from the United States? Obviously not. UNRRA alone-most of whose supplies came from the Americans- has helped Czechoslovakia to the tune of1 $255,660,000--a colossal sum for so small a country. In addition, since the end of the war, Czechoslovakia has had from us directly a twenty million dollar credit, a two million dollar tobacco credit and ten millions out of a surplus property credit. But for the emergence of an anti-Amer- ican attitude in Czechoslavakia, that coun- try would now be in receipt of some ninety billion dollars more. There can be no talk of ungenerous treat- ment. Is it then because the Czechoslovaks want communism? What a joke. In January, 1946, in London, I found members of the Czech- oslovak cabinet profoundly concerned lest the Communist party receive too few votes at their coming election (too few, that is, to placate the Soviet Union.) If the Communists surprised everyone by polling thirty-eight percent of the votes, it was largely because the non-Commu- nist government supported them too well. Since that election, Commuist sym- pathy has dropped. Yet this fall in pro-Communist feeling did not prevent Jan Masaryk, son of the great Thomas, from supinely cancelling his acceptance of the Marshall plan on Mos- cow's orders. No, the voluntary subjection of Czecho- slovakia to Soviet Russia has one primary cause-fear of Germany. This fear was first based some four hun- dred years of unpleasant subjection to Ger- man Austrians. It was deep but not hys- terical. What raised it to Trauma was the Franco-British betrayal of Czechoclovakia at Munich in 1938. That moment con- vinced leading Czechs like Benes and Fierlinger that Czechoslovakia can be de- fended against Germany only by the So- viet Union. A third, post-world war II element is the Czechoslovak neurdsis by their mass expul- sion of the German-speaking Sudetens. These slimy folk betrayed their country all right and merited their fate. But by ej- pelling them Czechoslovaks have male sure of the deadly enmity of any strong Ger- many. That expulsion immensely strength- ened the mental link that binds Czechoslo- vakia to the Soviet Union. It is this belief that distinguishes the Czech attitude from, say, that of Denmark, a country almost equally powerless against a new German aggression. Furthermore, although the Czecho- slovaks are hardly more exposed to pos- sible Soviet hostility than Sweden and Norway. they feel themselves in such geographical isolation from the West that nothing will tempt them into challeng- ing the will of Moscow. This double diagnosis-a pathological (not unjustified) fear of Germany and the geographical (equally justified) confidence in the Sovit Union-suggests its own cures. The Czechs can be wooed back to the occident when a) the German danger has palpably been removed for all time; and b) when the Soviet Union has 1) outgrown its aggressivity, 2) is ready to betray Czechs and Poles for German support, or 3) has slumped into impotence. (Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.) U NRRA ENDS ITS LIFE, alas, at a time when the barest needs of human beings -food, clothing, medical supplies-are not being met in those countries where the war's devastation has been chiefly felt. Major General Lowell W. Rooks, UNRRA's retir- ing director general, was right in calling attention to the necessity of a global ap- proach to "the global problem of world recovery." But he also pointed out that a special United Nations technical commit- tee had estimated that $583,000,000 was re- quired "just to meet the minimum subsis- tence imports for 1947 necessary to prevent collapse in the European countries hardest hit by the war." The purpose of the Marshall plan was to get Europe off the relief list, to assist it in providing a base for the secure life of its people. But hungry people can't live off plans. Some of them should be brought to this country, as the Stratton bill proposes. For the rest, this wealthy nation must be prepared to hasten the work of the U.N. agencies already established and to carry the major share of the additional emergency relief activities needed to complete UNRRA's unfinished task. --The Nation A9 ' ' 4 / "w fi ° / s / "/4/ sen, Bingham. Langlais, Jongen, and the first performance of Ber- ceuse, by Robert Crandell, a form- er School of Music faculty mem- ber. The public is cordially, invited. a <_;:<: ' ' : := Student Recital: Carolyn Street Austin, Mezzo-soprano, will be heard in a recital at 8:30 Wed-I nesday evening. July 23, in the Rackham Assembly Hall, as par-c tial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Master of Music. Mrs. Austin is a pupil of Arthur Hackett. Her program will inclule compositions by Schu- bert, Joaquin Nin. Chausson, and a group of English songs, and will be open to the general public, E , L . SEF RE LONG I shall have Photographs of Summer Fung BEoRetLONGmItsa he of Michigan, Rotunda Museums completey 4 mnth atathe Builing.Jul andAugst. U.of M. Scarcely a dlay has passed Building. July and August. during my attendance here that ~-~my attention was not drawn to The Museum of Art: Exhibi-, the following caption: tion of Prints-Vanguard Group, s WRIT r i j Ann Arbor Art Association Col- lection, and from the Permanent Collection. July 1-28. Alumni Memorial Hall, daily, except Mon- day, 10-12 and 2-5; Sundays, 2-5. The public is cordially invited. Museum of Archaeology. Cur- rent Exhibit, "Life in a Roman Town in Egypt from 30 B.C. to 400 A.D." Tuesday through Fri- day, 9-12, 2-5; Saturday, 9-12; Friday evening, 7:30-9:30; Sun- "One, two, three, four . .." , TO THE EDITOR EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints EVERY letter to the editor ("hich is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we re- mind our readers that the views ex- pressed in letters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. ,, a Sin li-ig To the Editor: DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN f 1 j i s day 3-5. EvetI There will Casbah. toda from 9:00 u Chase's Band are welcome. son. Tickets desk at the ts Today be dancing at the ay and tomorrow ntil 12:00 with Al . Stags and couples Price $.60 per per- now on sale at the League. Publication in The Daily officia' Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of tihe tniversity. Notices efor theBulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213 Angell ball, by 3:00 p.m. on the day pre- ceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). SATURDAY, JUDY 19, 1947 , VOL. LVII, No. 18S Notices The lecture by Captain Walter S. Diehl, U.S.N., in the Symposium )n Fluid Mechanics, which was to have been delivered today, has beeen canceled. Those veterans in Law School who are completing their Summer Session training at the close of the 5'2 weeks session, please re- port to the Veterans Administra- tion, Room 100A Rackham Build- ing between Monday, July 21 and Wednesday, July 23. Robert ,S Waldrop, Director Veterans Service Bureau August 1947 graduates in Me- chanical or Chemical Engineering; Graduate students in Physics and Chemistry: Mr. C. W. McConnell of The Linde Air Products Com- pany, Tonawanda, N.Y., will in- terview men in the above fields, on Thursday, July 24, in Room 218 West Engineering Building. Students interested may sign the interview schedule posted on the bulletin board at room 221 West Engineering Bldg., or call Miss Tag, extension 635. II i s t o r y Final Examination Make-up: Saturday, July 19, 9 o'clock, Room B, Haven Hall. Stu- dents must come with written per- mission of instructor. Graduate Students in English: The Preliminary Examinations for the Doctorate in English will be given according to the follow- ing schedule: American Litera- ture, July 23; English Literature 1700-1900 July 26; English Liter- ature 1500-1700, July 30; The Be- ginnings to 1500, August 2. The Examinations will be given in 3217 Angell Hall from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00. Students, College of Engineer- ing: The final day for DROPPING COURSES WITHOUT RECORD will be Saturday, July 19. A course may be dropped only with the permission of the classifier after conference with the instruc- tor. W. J. Emmons, Secretary Students, College of Engineer- ing: The final day for REMOVAL OF INCOMPLETES will be Sat- urday, July 19. Petitions for ex- tension of time must be on file in the Secretary's Office on or before Saturday, July 19. W. J. Emmons, Secretary La Sociedad Hispanica will pre- sent the fourth program of the Summer Session on Wednesday, July 23 at 8 p.m. in the East Conference Room of the Rack- ham Building. Professor En- rique Anderson-Imbert, formerly with the University of Tucuman, Argentina, and now with the Ro- mance Languages Department of the University of Michigan will speak on "Introduccion a la Lit-' eratura Hisponoamericana." Deadline for Veterans' Book and supply Requisitions. August 22, 1947 has been set as the dead- line for the approval of Veterans' Book and Supply Requisitions for the Summer Session-1947. Re- quisitions will be accepted by the book stores through August 23, 1947. The Modern Poetry Club, open to all interested in discussing modern poetry, will meet Tues-I day at 8 p.m. in room3217 An- gell Hall. Negro poets and their works will be the topic. The Classical Coffee Hour will1 be held Tuesday, July 22, at 4:00 p.m. in the West Conference Room1 of the Rackham Building. All students interested in Greek and Latin Classics are cordially in- vited to attend. Michigan Christian Fellowship1 will hold its Sunday afternoonf meeting at 4:30, Lane Hall. The Russian Circle will meet at 5:30 p.m., Monday at the Inter-1 national Center. From there it will go to the Island for a picnic. Members and their guests are in- vited. Be sure to sign up. Lectures Sir Bernard Pares, formerly Di-1 rector of Slavonic Studies at the University of London, will speak on "Rudisa and the Peace," Mon- day, July 21, 4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Public invited. Dr. David N. Rowe, Director of Eastern Asiatic and Russian Stud- ies and Associate Professor of In- ternational Relations, Yale Uni- versity, will lecture on "American Policy toward China," Monday, July 21, at 8:10 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. This is a lecture in the Summer Lecture Series, "The United States in World Af- fairs." The public is invited. Dr. James M. Landis, Chair- man of the Civil Aeronautics Board, will lecture on "American Interests in the Asiatic Near East," Thursday, July 24, at 8:10 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. This is a lecture in the Summer Lec- ture Series, "The United States in World Affairs." The public is in- vited. Concerts For those interested in classi- cal music, record concerts are held every afternoon from 3:00-5:00 p.m. and every evening from 7:00- 9:00 p.m. and 5:00-7:00 on Sun- day in the concourse of the Mich- igan League. Requests will be played and everyone is welcome. Organ Recital: Robert Baker, Guest Lecturer in Organ, will be heard in a program in Hill Audi- torium at 8:30 Tuesday evening, July 22. Organist at the First Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn, Mr. Baker is in Ann Arbor as a member of the Summer Session faculty of the School of Music. For his recital he has planned a program of works by Handel, Vi- valdi, Rinck, Bach, Liszt, Andries- Coming Events Michigan Christian Fellowship is giving a picnic for members and summer session students on Saturday. The group will leave from Lane Hall at 6:30. The Inter-Racial Association is sponsoring the motion picture, "Wutheringr Heights," at Hill Au- ditorium, Sunday, July 20, at 8 p.m. and Monday, July 21, at 8 p.m. . Dr. Yuen-li Liang will hold the second of four conferences on the United Nations, Tuesday, July 22, at 3:10 p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham Building. These conferences are part of the Sum- mer Lecture Series, "The United States in World Affairs." Dr. Robin A. Humphreys will hold the second of four confer- ences on Latin America, Wednes- day, July 23, at 4:10 p.m., East Conference Room, R a c k h a m Building. These conferences are part of the Summer Lecture Ser- ies, "The United States in World Affairs." Professor Gottfried S. Delatour will hold the second of four con- ferences on European affairs, Thursday, July 24, at 3:10 p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham Building. These conferences are part of the Summer Lecture Ser- ies, 'The United States in World Affairs." University Community Center Willow Run Village Calenidar of Events Mon., Jul. 21, 8 p.m., Faculty Wives' Club to discuss plans for helping to make up deficit of Wil- low Run Recreation Fund. All wives of facultly members are in- vited to attend. Mrs. John Niles, president, Mrs. Bruce Battey, Program chairman, Mrs. John Fulton, chairman of refreshment committee. Tue., Jul. 22, 8 p.m., Special meeting of Garden Club to dis- cuss plans for Fall flower show. Thu., Jul. 24, 8 p.m., Art Class, Beginning Life Drawing, Mrs. Vir- gil Clark, instructor. Fri., Jul. 25, 8 p.m., Duplicate Bridge. Churches First Congregational Church 10:45 a.m.-Dr. Parr's subject will be "The Eloquence of Rust." 2:45 p.m.-Student Fellowship Group will meet at Guild House for Annual Summer Reunion and Picnic at Saline Valley Farms. Dr. Parr will conduct the outdoor wor- ship service. Morning worship at the, First Presbyterian Church at 10:45 a.m. Dr. Lemon's sermon will be "Things That Matter Most." At 5 o'clock, Dean E. Blythe Stason will speak on "As the World looks to a Jurist." Supper will be served at the Council Ring at 6 o'clock. Everyone wel- come, First Baptist Church 512 East Huron C. H. Loucks, Minister and Stu- "No Smoking-Lighted To- bacco is not to be brought into or thru this building." I consider the above a veritable gem: it combines a classic am- biguity. It has been my privi- lege to participate in some deep and profound discussions regard- ing possible interpretations there- of. What I really would like to say, however, is shouldn't the under- line word (or) be NOR?" -Henry Hoekema dent Counselor, Roger Williams Guild House, 502 E. Huron. Sunday-d1:00-Church School. Student Class in the Guild House. 11:00-Church Worship. Sermon "The Prodigal Son." There is a Kindergarten for small children. 6:00-The Guild meets for Fel- lowship and Worship in the Guild House. Mr. Geo. Cole, former Y. Secretary in Washington will talk on "Life's Chief Decisions." As cost supper is served. Friday-6:00 - The Married Couples of the Guild will hold a Potluck Supper in the Guild House. University Lutheran Chapel: Sunday service at 11:00 a.m., with sermon by the Rev. Alfred Scheips, "Life's DecisiveChoices." Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu- dent Club: Supper Meeting at 5:15 Sunday at the Student Center. Friends Meeting for Worship. Sunday, 10:30' a.m. at Unitarian Church, 1917 Washtenaw Ave. Pot luck dinner at 12:00. First Church of Christ, Scientist. 409 South Division Street 10:30 a.m.: Sunday Lesson Ser- mon. Subject "Life." 11:45 a.m.: Sunday School. 8:00 p.m. Wednesday evening testimonial meetings. This church maintains a free Reading Room at 706 Wolverine Build- ing, Washington at 4th, which is open daily except Sundays and holidays from 11:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Her the Bible and Christian Science literature in- cluding all the works of Mary Baker Eddy may ne reaa, oorrow- ed or purchased. PRESIDENT Truman's appeal to the coal and steel industry not to raise prices automatically is conmendable of itself. Had he thrown the prestige of his office while the coal operators and John L. Lewis were known to be nego- tiating, behind a request that any wage rise be moderate and take account of the miners' already good relative wage position, his current appeal would carry more weight. He may have thought it useless, in the light of past experience. He may have been restrained by poli- tical considerations. Taking all of this into account, Mr. Truman's appeal still has some merit left-even though the coal industry is evidently ignoring it. Coal is produced by a great var- iety of operators, from the highly mechanized big producers cutting into rich veins, to the marginal mine owner with a half dozen mules. The former might well be able to follow the President's re- quest and carry on at present prices until they are able to meas- ure the effects of capacity opera- tion plus the miners' usual spurt in productivity after a wage rise. Some of the latter, however, with- out a price boost, might have to shut down or cut output. Basic steel, however, is pro- duced almost entirely by big op- erators with efficient equipment. Steel is an industry which breaks even when it is producing at around 60 per cent of capacity- everything above that is profit- able. Steel has been producing right along now at as near full capacity as plant maintenance permits. Steel might well consi- der for the moment waiving its usual argument that it is a feast- or-famine industry and, must lay by today's high profits for tomor- row's hard times. Stopping ano- ther inflationary spiralmeans more than that to everybody in - obiriinn' r tvcx ctPPl inrinc.+rrrin fh c1 r %. s ; I BARNABY.. . And should he forget_ his lines h'll he on That's Mrs. Bainbridge. Her cottage is next i to ours.She'spnet becaue I bet your idair G d-r