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July 19, 1947 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1947-07-19

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See Page 2

Latest Deadline in the State






Senators Prepare
Plan Allowing Immediate Payment
Of Leave Bonds Added to 'Must-List'
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 18--Day and night sessions of the Senate
next week were agreed upon by Republican leaders today as they
clung to plans for adjournment of Congress on July 26-a week from
Biggest change in previous Senate plans, made at a strategy ses-
sion of the Senate Republican policy committee, was addition of a
number of veterans bills to the "must list" of legislation.
Terminal Bond Payment
Among these is the House-approved plan to permit immediate
payment of some $1,800,000,000 of terminal pay bonds now held by

veterans of World War II.
"I see no reason why we shoul
not finish next week," Senato:
Taft (R-Ohio), told reporters w
waited nearly two hours outsid
the policy committee closed-dooc
session. Taft heads the committee
To Shape Schedule
Taft said Senate leaders wi
meet with House Republicar
heads Monday and try to shape
schedules for what they hope wil
be the final busy week of thi
iTaft listed this program for th
First, continued pressure on the
Senate to approve a probe of ac-
tions by the Justice Departmeni
t in its investigation of the Kansa
City Democratic primary electio:
last year.
Second, approval on a series of
so-called "non - controversial'
measures previously listed.
Wants Extension
Senator Wherry (R-Neb.), the
Republican whip, lone supporter
of the policy group today for a
one-year extension of the Senate',
small business subcommittee.
Taft said President Truman',
new request for $250,000,000 addi-
tional, for flood control was dis-
cussed but the actual decision left
to the appropriations committee,
Veteran Bills
Among the veterans bill added
to the Senate list are:
One granting Spanish-Amern
can War veterans a 20 per cent
boost in present monthly pen
A bill raising monthly allow
ances for veterans now attending
schools under the GI Bill of
Rights. Single veterans would get
$75 monthly instead of the pre-
sent $60; married veterans $105
instead of $90, and married vet-
erans with children $120 instead
of $90.
A measure authorizing pur
chase of automobiles for veterans
who are blind or permanently dis-
Aviation Policy
Board Named.
By Truman

e British Bring
Jews to Haifa
al (Amid Violence

Okay Plan
Giving JAid
To Europe
Recovery Bill To
Go to the Senate
By The Associated Press
House swiftly passed tonight an
omnibus appropriations measure,
bundling up $1,353,024 in funds to
carry out therUnited States' tri-
pronged program to speed Eur-
ope's recovery, help the hungry
and homeless and stem the spread
of Communism.
The action came on voice vote
just an hour after its considera-
tion began-perhaps a -peacetime
record for disposing of a measure
of its magnitude and internation-
al implications. It goes now to the
Amendment Denied
The final action came after the
House shouted down a motion by
Rep. Dirksen (R., Ill.) to attach
an amendment denying any aid
to countries which fail to "co-
operate" in the Marshall Plan for
Europe's recovery.
Rep. Keefe (R., Wis.) pro-
tested that the amendment would
"commit" Congress in support of
the Marshall Plan at a time when
it knows nothing of its details,
and before the Paris Conference
on its operation has been com-
Marshall Plan
Chairman Taber (R., N.Y.)
of the House Appropriations Com-
mittee asked :
"What is the Marshall Plan and
is there a Marshall Plan?"
(Secretary of State Marshall
has proposed that Europe draw
up a recovery program of its own,
with the United States standing
by to give any aid it deems prac-
ticable. A conference is being held
at Paris now on this "Marshall
Taber declared that countries
under Russian domination will be
denied American relief "unless
they turn over a new leaf."



Killed as Long
at Sea Rages

HAIFA, Palestine, July 18-(R)
-Five British destroyers brought
4,550 Jewish immigrants into Hai-
fa aboard their battered old ex-
cursion steamer today after a vio-
lent hour-long sea battle in which
the Jews said two boarding par-
ties were defeated.
A British officer said two Jews
were killed in the battle and that
Walter Bernstein, 24, of Los An-
geles, Calif., a former U.S. Mer-
chant seaman who served as first
mate of the immigrant ship, died
later of head injuries received
when one boarding party invaded
the deckhouse. The other two

War S
Resigns After
Seven Year
Service Ends
Kenneth C. Royall
Named as .Successor
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 18-Griz-
zled "Judge" Robert P. Patterson
quit his job as Secretary of War
today, ending a seven-year gov-
ernment service which President
Truman called "magnificent."
In a letter to the President,
Patterson asked that the resig-
nation become effective not lat-
er than on next Thursday. Mr.
Truman accepting immediately
nomiiated Undersecretary of
War Kenneth C. Royall of
North Carolina to succeed the
New Yorker.
Patterson, a leading advocate
of armed forces unification in the
long argument over that proposal,
told Mr. Truman that he had
waited to resign until it appeared
the unification bill would become
With that, he added, "The time
has come to lay down the duties I
have borne for seven years as As-
sistant Secretary, Undersecretary
and Secretary of War."
Patterson's is the second res-
ignation from top levels of the
War Department within the
week. On Monday, Assistant
Secretary Howard C. Petersen,
in charge of the Army's occupa-
tion and civil affairs problems
overseas, sent his resignation to
the White House, effective July
Secretary of the Navy Forrestal
issued a statement on Patterson's
departure, saying:
"Everyone in government,
whether in the executive or leg-
islative branches, will share the
President's expression of pro-
found regret at the resignation
of Robert C. Patterson as Sec-
retary of War. He has been a
great public servant."
Forrestal's name has been men-_
tioned in speculation for the post
of Secretary of National Defense
which would be created under in-
ification. This official would have
cabinet status and there would be
three secretaries, without cabinet
rank, for the Departments of War,
Navy and Air.'

Senate Upholds

Veto of Tax Bill


Patters on

victims were passengers.
Seriously Injured
Seventeen Jews, all with
and gunshot wounds, were
iously injured and taken to a
fa hospital.
A British announcement


three members of the 50-man
boarding party were injured in
the battle-in which smoke bombs,
steam jets, fuel oil and even fire-
works were used, and tear gas and
small arms employed by both
At the height of the fight heavy
liferafts were cut loose by the
refugee ship and sent plunging
onto destroyer decks. Her "eva-
sive" maneuvering caused repeat-
ed collision with the destroyers,
some of which were damaged.
Deportation to Cyprus
As soon as the ship, a former
Chesapeake Bay excursion vessel,
docked British troops began the
trans-shipment of the 4,550 visa-
less immigrants to troop trans-
ports for deportation to Cyprus.
Dirty and disc'rielveled, the ref-
ugees left their ship-the former
President W a r f ie 1 d, renamed
"European Exodus of 1947"-and
walked across 30 feet of their
"promised land" to the British de-
portation vessels.



Truman Signs
Bill To Change
Sequence Line
WASHINGTON, July 18-()-
President Truman today signed a
bill changing the 60-year old law
of succession for the presidency
and in effect designating House
Speaker Joseph W. Martin, jr.,
(R - Mass.) as the No. 1 re-
placement for the White House.
Under the new law, Martin
would become President in the
event Mr. Truman does not fin-
ish his term.
In signing the measure, Mr.
Truman achieved a goal he has
sought almost since he succeeded
to the presidency upon the death
of Franklin D. Roosevelt, April 12,
1945. He had declared that "so
far as possible, the office of the
president should be filled by an
elective officer."
Under the old law of succession,
Secretary of State Marshall would
have taken over the White House
in case Mr. Truman did not finish
his term. Marshall, like all cabi-
net officers, is a presidential ap-
The new law makes the speaker
of the House the government's No.
2 man as now, there is no vice-
When the vice-presidency is
filled, the speaker drops down to
No. 3, followed by the President
Pro Tempore of the Senate (now
Senator Vandenberg of Michigan)
and cabinet officers starting with
the Secretary of State.

Milwaukee, Wig., on whether the
Workers-AFL or an independer
Rowe, Landis,
Humpirey To
Give Lectures
Three lectures in the summer
session series on "The United
States in World Affairs" will be
given next week.
Dr. David N. Rowe, director of
Eastern Asiatic and Russia stud-
ies at Yale University, will give
the first lecture of the week at
8:10 p.m. Monday in Rackham
His topic will be "American Pol-
icy Toward China."
Prof. Rowe has traveled exten-
sively in China, and worked there
during the war with the Office
of Strategic Services.
James M. Landis, chairman of
the Civil Aeronautics Board, will
lecture at 8:10 p.m. Thursday in
Rackham Lecture Hall on "Amer-
ican Interests in the Asiatic Nearl
Landis served for one year as
director of the Office of Civilian
Defense and for two years as
American Director of Economic
Operation in the Middle East.
Final lecture of the week will
be given by Dr. John P. Humphrey
who will speak on "The Interna-
tional Protection of Human
Rights" at 8:10 p.m. Saturday in
Rackhamn Amphitheatre.
Dr. Humphrey is director of the
United Nations Division of Human
IRA To Showt
Old Movie Hit
"Wuthering Heights," the film
adaptation of Emily Bronte's nov-
el, will be shown by the Inter-
Racial Association at 8 p.m. to-
morrow and Monday at Hill Audi-
Merle Oberon and Laurence Oli-
vier are supported by David Niven
in the love triangle.
Adapted for screen presentation
by Ben Hecht and Charles Mac-
Arthur, the play was directed by
William Wyler, who also directed
"These Three," "Dodsworth,"
"Dead End" and "Jezebel."

WASHINGTON, July 18-(IP)--
President Truman selected a five-
man air policy board today and
gave it the job of finding what
course of action will bring "the
greatest possible benefits from av-
The aviation industry has dwin-
dled since the war and Mr. Tru-3
man wrote the five appointees
that "there exists a grave danger
that our national security may be4
jeopardized and our economic
welfare diminished through a
lowered aircraft production and
a failure of the aircraft industry
to keep abreast of modern meth-
The members of the board as-
signed to the job of making rec-
ommendations before the end of1
the year are:
Thomas K. Finletter, New Yorkf
Attorney who will be chairman.
George P. Baker, Harvard Uni-
versity transportation professor
who, will be Vice Chairman.
Henry Ford Ift, president of
Ford Motor Company.
Palmer Hoyt, publisher of the
Denver Post.
Arthur Dare Whiteside of New
York, president of -Dun & Brad-


ie of the thousands of Allis-Chalmers Co., employes who voted In
y wanted the United Automobile Workers-CIO. United Automobile
it union as bargaining agent or no union at all.
Eaton Warns of Imminent
U.S . Shooting War in Greece

To Consider

Student Affairs Committee will
meet at 4 p.m. Monday to con-
sider a Student Legislature rec-
ommendation that the Inter-Ra-
cial Association be permitted to
sponsor an Anti-Lynch Tag Day
Wednesday on campus.
The Legislature proposal pro-
vides that all funds collected
would be used for the relief of
families of lynch victims. The
SAC turned down a previous re-
quest by IRA for permission to
hold an Anti-Lynch Tag Day
with proceeds going to the South-
ern Negro Youth Congress.

World News
By The Associated Press
less time than it takes to tell
about it, the House passed by un-
animous vote and sent to the Sen-
ate tonight a bill appropriating an
additional $35,500,000 for veter-
ans' temporary housing.
It would provide for construc-
tion of an estimated 8,026 units
of housing.
"' * *
Legislation to authorize con-
struction of the controversial
half-billion dollar St. Lawrence
Seaway and power project
went to the Senate today for
action next January.
The legislation ,which Con-
gress has been considering in
one form or another since 1933,
was approved, 9-4, by the 13-
member Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee.
WASHINGTON, July 18-Leg-
islation to admit 400,000 homeless
Europeans to America was side-
tracked today by a"House subcom-
mittee, with Rep. Fellow (R-Me.)
saying more investigation is
* * *
ATHENS, Greece, July 18-
Communist-led guerrillas have
been cut up into small bands,
scattered over a wide area and
are suffering severe losses at
4_- 1__. -

WASHINGTON, July 18--1P)-A
worldwide study of United States
foreign policy was approved to-
day by the House Rules Commit-
tee after it heard Rep. Eaton (R-
N.J.) declare, "We are in sight
of a shooting war at this minute
--in Greece."
The committee cleared forl
House debate two resolutions
asked by Eaton, chairman of the
House Foreign Affairs Committee,
to send members of Congress
abroad during the summer recess
to get their own information on
the nation's policies in action.
The white-haired Eaton, a
former clergyman, told the rules
Masks Are Off
"The Russians, as a result of
the Marshall plan, haveataken off
their masks. There are alien
armed forces now in Greece.
"Either America will stand and
hold the fort, or Russia will take
over. If Russia takes over, the
destiny of mankind is once more
at stake."
One resolution would authorize
foreign affairs subcommittees to
investigate areas of the world un-
der their jurisdiction.
Would Study Needs
The other would create a spe-
cial 19-member House committee,
which would include representa-
tives of other House standing com-
mittees, such as appropriations
Hibernating Hawk
CHICAGO, July 18-(,P)-Their
marksmanship considerably im-
proved after a night of practice,
custodians at the University of
Chicago today successfully bag-
ged a hawk which for three days
had lived in the vaulted ceiling
of the university's law library.
All concerned said they had no
idea how the bird got into thej

and public works, as well as for-
eign affairs.
This group would study spe-
cifically "The actual and prospec-
tive needs of foreign nations and
peoples, both for relief in terms
of food, clothing, and of econom-
ic rehabilitation." It also would
assess this country's resources for
meeting those needs.
The rules committee did not set
a day for House confirmation of
the two measures, but a member
said he does not believe they will
come up before the first of next
Wilson Wyatt
Cites Dangers
Of Third Party
CHICAGO, July 18-(P)--Wil-
son W. Wyatt, former Nationall
Housing Administrator, declared
tonight that launching of a third
political party would "result inevi-
tably in the election of a reaction-
ary and isolationist administra-
In a speech delivered at a din-
ner of the American Veterans
Committee, Wyatt, now chairman
of Americans for Democratic Ac-
tion, added that a third party
"would be a catastrophe."
"Who would gain? The liberals?
Not at all. It would be the Com-
munists and the NAM," he con-
tended. "The legislative objec-
tives of liberals would be lost; the
NAM would be in the saddle; and
the isolationists would turn our
foreign policy back to the steps
of the twenties that led to World
War II.
"The Communists would be rub-
bing their hands in gleeful cele-
bration of the accomplishments of
their dual purpose: reaction and
an economic bust at home, and
U.S. isolationism, bringing in its
train chaos throughout the world."'

By Five Votes
To Override
House Majority Votes
To Kill Truman Move
By The Associated Press
Warned that Russia's behavior
may lead to a "blow-up" in Eur-
ope, the Senate today upheld
President Truman's second veto
and killed the Republican backed
bill to cut taxes by $4,000,000,000
for 49,000,000 taxpayers.
A powerful Republican-Demo-
cratic Senate coalition rolled up a
57 to 36 vote to override the veto,
but this fell five votes short of the
two-thirds majority required by
the constitution to upset a presi-
dential objection to legislation.
Earlier, a similar House coa-
lition amassed a thumping 299
to 108-28 more than two-
thirds-to overturn the veto in
that body. But this saved the
tax bill from the scrap heap
only long enough for the Sen-
ate to vote.
But as Mr. Truman won his
veto battle, Republicans promptly
tossed the tax issue into the 1948
presidential campaign. Senate-
Democratic leader Barkley of
Kentucky, responded: "If that be
so, so be it."
The President, in his veto mes-
sage, pleaded that Congress kill
the bill because recent interna-
tional developments have exposed
this country to greater interna-
tional "risk." He declared:
"I regard the present bill as un-
sound and unsafe. I also regard it
as unfair."
Barkley, just before the Sen-
ate voted, declared if the situa-
tion "blows up" in Europe, the
American people will be reluc-
tant to buy bonds to support
this country in another emer-
gency if the government's cre-
dit is destroyed.
The Democratic leader declared
Foreign Minister Molotov of Rus-
sia had "sabotaged" the Paris
conference on European rehabili-
tation, and pleaded that the
President's veto be supported In
the interest of "our own domestic
economy and our obligations to
Voting to override the veto
today were 47 Republicans and
10 Democrats. For sustaining
were 33 Democrats and 3 Re-
The 1948 Presidential campaign
entered the House debate when
Chairman Knutson (R-Minn.)
of the Ways and Means Commit-
tee, tax cut author, shouted:
"This probably is the end of hopes
for tax relief in 1948. We will let
the great tribunal, the American
people, decide whether they want
tax reduction"
Bradley May
Be StaffChief
Planned Europe Trip
Bolsters Speculation

WASHINGTON, July 18-(A')--
A White House announcement
bolstered speculation today that
Gen. Omar N. Bradley, war-time
commander of American ground
forces in Europe, may succeed
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower as
Army chief of staff.
The announcement said Brad-
ley, now serving as chief of the
Veterans Administration, will
leave next month on a six-week
tour to inspect U.S. army troops
and installations in Europe and
the Mediterranean area.
The trip was seen as a possible
"refresher course" for Bradley to
brush up on current army prob-
lems in preparation for the chief-
nfct, f nnl IPt1STt ornntvi

Rattle-Trap Jalopy Provides
New Exhibit for 'U' Auto Lab

Russian A uthority
To Speak Monday
"Russia and the Peace" will be
the topic of a lecture by Sir Ber-
nard Pares, formerly director of


When Dick Weeks and Jim Mc-
Evoy bought a much-manhandled
Plymouth in Detroit last month,
they unintentionally provided the
University's auto lab with a new
The exhibit consists of two
nistons from the car. They are

covered the bad pistons and many
other bad features.
They found they couldn't start
the car; the motor needed com -
plete overhauling. They found the
brakes didn't work; a piston stuck
in a cylinder. They found the
roof leaked.
The outside appearance of the
car disheartened them, too. One
{ imrti v+ is r~rn n n . _ _ r a nv.y

World Bids for American Teachers

Daily Special Writer
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
of two articles on the University's
teacher placement department. The

year contract, according to Mrs.
The impetus given to settlement
in Alaska during the war years

cus, Bagdad, Beiruth and Istan-
bul. "Most of those positions are
for young, single men who would
like to live in dormitory situations
,,-_ _, _A _._

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