T HE MICHIGAN I)AILY'- FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1941 Fifty-Seventh Year I Edited and managed by students of the Uni- Virgity of Michigan under the authority of the hoard in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Msnaging Editors ... John Campbell, Clyde Recht Associate Editor................. Eunice Mntz orts Editor...............Archie Parsons Business Staff General Manager ................ Edwin Schneider Advertising Manager........William Rohrbach Circulation Manager................Melvin Tick Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi- gan, as second class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff- and represent the views of the writers only. N. E.: ALLEGRA PASQUALETTI Second Best GENERAL EISENHOWER, and other men charged with the duty of keeping this country safe from the envy of less happier lands, have publicly been calling our armed forces "second best." There is no doubt that they are right; but it leads us to the question- what kind of an army should we have? Eisenhower, in a general way, has made public two prerequisites for a postwar army. It must be strong enough to "pressure for peace," and capable of de- fending the country. Of the two qualifications, the last one is, sensible. Our army (which we use as a general term covering all components of the services) must be strong enough to (1) control conquered peoples and (2) main- tain and hold connecting and advance bases. t must be staffed by officers trained enough to cope with the inevitable short- ages which have plagued our peacetime arm- ies. But it can never ho to be strong enough to "pressure for peace." If Eisen- hower thinks he can scare a foreign pow- er of first-rate strength (Russia, he says) nto backing down on any major issue, he will be mistaken. History shows that first class military powers are not bluffed by anything less than an equal show of 4trength, and sometimes not even by that. Before the beginning of World War I, the Germans were undaunted by allied naval superiority. They were confident in the threat of French Russian, English and Ital- ian land power. They went through Bel- gium in the face of all kinds of "pressure for peace." The Japanese were never bluffed by the mighty "Pacific Fleet." It follows that Russia will never be bluffed by anything less than an equal show of strength. Russia's military strength has been var- idusiy estimated. Our report says the Soviets have 10,000 front-line fighting planes. Undoubtedly their land forces number over 2,000,000, with great quan- tities of equipment. A much-talked-of equalizer on our side iS reported to be the atomic bomb. General Eisenhower, when he was before the Senate Appropriations subcommittee at the end of last month, did not mention the atomic bomb. It is, therefore, an unevaluated fac- tor. Eisenhower knows what it would take to bluff Russia, or to "pressure for peace." Hle will not tell anybody, however, be- cause he would be called names. This country is not in a mood for an arma- ment race, or even universal military training. The country is in the mood for the ful- fillment of the other prerequisites for a post- war army--forces strong enough for the defense of the country and bases, com- . posed of a hard core of officers. The Sen- ate committee indicated that sufficient ap- propriations would be recommended for that part of the program. After our army is made capable of de- fense, in an agressive sense of the word, it will still be 'second best." It will always be second best, unless the people decide to turn the country into an armed camp, and to ignore the Marshall-Truman line of foreign policy. -Fred Schott THEVIRGIN ISLANDS of the United RSnfs of n tim th Thanish Wst Tn- I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Listless C By SAMUEL GRAFTON THE 1948 presidential campaign may turn out to be one of the dullest in the mem- ory of man. It hardly looks, right now, as if either side is going to get up a good holler against the other. And a listless campaign represents a great danger to the Democrats, for dull political weather is good Republican weather. Listlessness actually is as great a dan- ger to the Democrats as a third party movement would be. It is, in fact, a phen- omenon of the same kind; as a state of being bored with the Democrats, it is a way station on the road to a third party. I remember the California elections last year, when so many liberal and indepen- dent Democrats stayed home that the Re- publicans swept both primaries. California liberals could hardly have hurt the Demo- crats more by forming a third party. List- lessness is, in\ its own futile and negative way, the most deadly kind of third party movement, for it needs no leader and no organization, and fighting it is like fighting a bale of cotton. Yet it is hard to see how the 1948 cam- paign can be much more than a campaign of mild sneers and debaters' points, rath- er than of those solid blows on the conk that bring the voters out. With both parties fairly well agreed on foreign pol- icy, at least verbally, and with both stud- iously ignoring the housing issue, it is unlikely that Dewey and Truman, or Vandenberg and Truman, can do much more than play ping-pong. The Republicans may claim that the Democrats still harbor too many Commu- nists, but Mr. Truman need only quote from the Daily Worker's support of a third party in refutation. Or the Republicans may do the one about how the Democrats spend too much money, to which the Dem- am pign U ocrats can answer that the Republicans have been in charge of Congress, which means in charge of spending. The danger is that the populace may doze off while the two sides hurl these bean bags at each other. Mr. Truman has two fine points, in the Taft-Hartley labor bill and the Republi- can campaign against price control. But prices may recede by 1948, washing out that controversy; and so many Democrats voted for the Taft-Hartley bill that it is going to be easier to make local rather than party-wide use of the issue. The Republicans may make big mention of their fight for tax reduction, but it is going to seem a little sad for that to be the chief issue in the first presidential campaign after the biggest war in history. In this situation, perhaps the best thing to do is to sweep everything off the table, and reset it. If the IDemocrats were wise, they would detail some attractive figure to make a whopping national campaign for more housing, and then run him for vice- president. Or the Republicans could pick the issue up. There it lies, smoking, in the street, yet utterly disregarded, while the two parties fling their tired spitballs at each other. Otherwise, the next campaign will, be so exquisitely technical that the public is going to be too bored to follow it. County com- mitteemen will, of course, roll on the floor with delight at the points their candidates will make, but the general public will won- der what the joke is. It will be like stamp- collecting, which can arouse a certain num- ber of persons to fever pitch, while leaving the rest of the community cold. It is not the third party which menaces the Demo- crats, but that state of dullness which comes before a third party, and which gives list- less warning as it stifles a yawn. (Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation) BILL MAULDIN "I 'ave come to cheer you opp, an' to take your pulse an' temperature." MATTER OF FACT: Money or Goods? REAL ESTATE BOARDS: Housing Discrimination PEOPLE WHO question the desirability of government controls on business and maintain that individuals and the coun- try as a whole would be better off if busi- ness were allowed to run things as it saw fit should take a good look at the results of the convention of the New York State Association of Real Estate Boards held re- cently. According to Walter White, Secretary, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the fruits of the conven- tions were as follows: 1. A demand for repeal of a New York City ordinance prohibiting racial or re- ligious discrimination in low rental hous- ing. 2. A demand that such legal safeguards against discrimination shall not be ex- tended to other cities and towns of New York State. ..3. Overwhelming defeat of a resolution to commend the State of New York for its emergency housing operations to provide shelter for veterans and their families. 4. Bitter opposition to any and all Federal or state aid to housing for vet- erans. Bitter opposition to any Federal or state aid to housing for families earning $50 a week or less. There is no logical basis on which any of these points can be defended as being de- sirable for the individuals affected or for the nation. Removal of prohibitions on ra- cial or religious descrimination in low rent- al housing would result in members of min- ority groups being forced back to the ten- ement districts, where they would suffer not only from inadequate housing but also from the evorbitant rentals charged for it. Placing a ban on extending such prohibi- tions to other cities would have the same result. THIS WEEK'S PRESENTATION by the Michigan Repertory Players of Edna St. Vincent Millay's "The King's Henchman" is one of mixed qualities. First of all, the play itself. It is a drama- tized ballad, and as such does not quite ring true, in spite of all the elaborately gorgeous costumes and impressive stage effects. Per- haps in its original grand opera version it was more effective, more credible, but as it is being produced here the audience is ask- ed to swallow too many incredibilities, too many artificialities. The crisis seems to be precipitated with too much suddenness, in fact everything happens with the swiftness of a ballad to characters who are stock types for the ballad form, rather than fully developed and complex personalities. The players, however, do their enthusias- tic, sometimes inspired best. For the usual show-stealer, Jack Iskin as Maccus might well be nominated. He has some superb lines, such as "My heart has a stone in its shoe " to which he gave coler and natur-' Failure of the state to provide emerg- ency housing for veterans would have forced them to buy homes at the present inflated prices or pay high rent for what- ever shelter they could find. There is an obvious reason for the atti- tude of the realtors toward government con- trols and aids for housing. If the govern- ment keeps its hands off they will make a higher profit. Now and for a long time to come they find themselves in the highly advantageous position of being able to com- mand exorbitant prices for housing because it is scarce. Their only thought is to grab as much as they can without regard to the effect their actions may have. Their com- plete irresponsibility is shown by their at- tacks on phases of housing aid and control which generally are considered to be of benefit to the nation. These same realtors, who oppose govern- ment aid to veterans and prohibition of racial and religious restrictions, would be the first to join in the cry of "just let business operate without government inter- ference and the country will be better off." -Allegra Pasqualetti [CINEMA-1V At Hill Auditorium .. . JERICHO, Lelarge, French dialogue, English sub-titles. rJHE MOST MOVING portrayal of life in the French underground, and the most realistic yet sympathetic version of what could be called a simple melodrama, may be found in the French motion picture Jericho. The name, aptly chosen, describes the fall of prison walls which occurs when the Royal Air Force bombs the scene of the planned execution of 50 hostages. The spec- tacular ending, in the best Hollywodd tradi- tion, was somehow effective in spite of the familiar RAF takeoffs into the misty dawn. Acting in the scenes in which the hos- tages were waiting for the firing squad was exceptional, especially the moving con- fession of the doctor to the German chap- lain, all of which could have been easily overdone. In spite of the use of similar topics time and again by American and foreign produc- ers, the effect of the drama was not lost at any time. Obviously, the one criticsm which one could make would be that there was a great deal of play upon the emotions of the aud- iencce, enlivened only by occasional use of typically Gallic humor. The refreshing presentation of the Brit- ish airmen, from a French point of view, also gave the audience a chance to hear a short portion of the picture in English. -Beverly Dippel By JOSEPH AND getting STEWART ALSOP leaders A GREAT NATIONAL debate, of to take the deepest historic signifi- Faced cance, is clearly looming ahead economi as togwhether SecretarywofdState doubted George C. Marshall's words at ican Co B irvard are to be backed by Marsha American money and American level o goods. The debate will be heat- while t ed, and with November, 1948, on bottoms the horizon, it is sure to have in- And thi tense political overtones. The duces t central question of the debate will recessio certainly be: "Can we afford it?" makes i It is worth pointing out that, at States v least as far as money is concerned, able to the answer is quite evidently shall pr "yes." circle n This answer is founded on un- official but reliable estimates. The The figures on which these estimates be tie are based are simple enough. large s The total government income course for the last fiscal ,year, end- hauseu ing June 30, was something has an over 43 billion dollars. Last veoing January President Truman sub- al mill mitted to Congress an estimat- certain ed budget for the present year held. of over 37 billion dollars. The passed Congress is now hard at work course trying to reduce this sum. Even velvet if not a penny is cut, the es kitty. timated outgo would still be ever, nearly six billion dollars below to ope last year's income. If Congress is a f pares off as much as three bill-~ernme ion, the difference between last shall years income and this year's the m outgo will then be almost nine billion dollars. What The level of employment and of in term business activity (contrary to the country gloomy crystal ball gazing of the fort wh economists) is now higher than dying E it was during the last fiscal year. sensible The highest estimate thus far be mad made of the total cost during any cents. one year of the Marshall pro- in term gram is six billion dollars. Thus, Yet des assuming that the government's taxes,c slice of the national income dur- the plai ing the present fiscal year is as is livin high as it has been during the to buy year just ended, it is obvious that try has there will be more than enough informe surplus in the government kitty happy: to finance America's part in the continu plan. descend Two very large strings must of nomic course be firmly attached to that only th statement. Final The first is the qualification itics. that the United States must suf- approac fer no economic depression, nor be enor even a fairly mild recession, for poli during the coming year. For surely 1 a moderate drop in the present the tim great level of national income this co would knock all estimates gal- throug ley-west. But here, curiously Secreta enough, in the view of reliable speech, economic forecasters, something a calcu like the opposite of the all too so agai familiar vicious circle will tend (Cpyri to come into operation. If the_ Marshall proposal had not been made, the enormous volume of "All r American exports would have tion of begun to fall off sharply in the titled t next few weeks or months. The joymen European countries which are vantag now running out of dollars es of . would have been forced, regard- and an less of consequences, to hoard the con their last few millions against tablish a sudden emergency. The re- alike t sulting plunge in the American there t export level would have made accoun inevitable at the very least a price t distinctly painful recession. lots or However, with the European re- place f Ispouse to the Marshall proposal -Il underway, the European will certainly be inclined a chance. with desperate internal ic situations, they will un- ly gamble that the Amer- ngress will choose to back 11 up. Thus the American f exports will hold up, he Europeans scrape the of their dollar barrels. is in turn enormously re- Ihe likelihood of a serious n in the near future, and t probable that the United will have the money avail- play its part in the Mar- oposal. Thus is the happy featly completed. second string which must l to any expectation of a urplus for financing Eur- reconstruction is, of taxes. The President inounced his intention of the tax cut bill now through the Congression-' . But it is very far from ithat his veto will be up- The tax cut measure, if over the veto, will of cut into the estimated in next year's budgetary Even with a tax cut, how- since it would not begin rate until Jan. 1, there air chance that the gov- nt could finance the Mar- program without going to Duey lenders. all this adds up to is that, s of dollars and cents, this can well afford the ef-, ich must be made to put urope back on its feet. No estimate, of course, can fe entirely in dollars and Money has meaning only s of the things it can buy. pite inflation, despite high despite the housing mess, in fact is that this country g better i.n terms of things than it or any other coun- ever lived before. And no d person believes that this state of affairs will long e if Europe is allowed to into a political and eco- chaos which will profit e Soviets. ly, of course, there is pol- As the Presidential year ches, the temptation will mous for both sides to use itical advantage what will be the paramount issue of es. Yet politics and all, entry has always squeaked i in the pinches. When ry Marshall made his at Harvard, he was taking lated risk that it would do n. ght 1947, N. Y. Tribune Inc.) persons within the jurisdic- (this state) shall be en- o the full and equal en- t of the accomodations, ad- es, facilities, and privileg- . . public accomodations musement, subject only to ditions and limitations es- ed by laws and applicable o all citizens; nor shall be any discrimination on t of race or color in the o be charged and paid for graves in any cemetery or or burying the dead." linois State Constitution DlAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Officlai Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should he sent in typewritten form to the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213 Angel Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day pre- ceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1947 VOL. LVII, No. 17S Notices Graduate Students expecting August degrees, and other grad- uate students who have not taken the required graduate examina- tion may take it on July 18 at 2:00 p.m. in the East Lecture Room of the Rackham Building. It will not be offered again until October. The two dollar fee re- quired will be payable Thursday, the 17th and Friday morning the 18th at the cashier's office. The fee receipt must be turned in to the Graduate School by Friday noon. Students, College of Engineer- ing: The final day for DROPPING COURSES WITHOUT RECORD will be Saturday, July 19. A course may be dropped only with the permission of the classifier after conference with the instruc- tor. W. J. Emmons, Secretary Students, College of Engineer- ing: The final day for REMOVAL OF INCOMPLETES will be Sat- urday, July 19. Petitions for ex- tension of time must be on file in the Secretary's Office on or before Saturday, July 19. W. J. Emmons, Secretary Sport, short courses for women. Open to beginners in tennis, golf, and §wimming. Classes will be held at 3 o'clock daily except Friday, beginning July 21. 12les- sons will be given. New registra- tions will be accepted this week at office, 15 Barbour Gymnas- ium.. La p'tite causette meets every Tuesday and Wednesday at 3:30 in the Grill Room of the Michi- gan League and on Thursdays at 4 p.m. at the International Cen- ter. All students interested in informal French conversation are cordially invited to join the group. II i s t o r y Final Examination Make-up: Saturday, July 19, 9 O'clock, Room B, Haven Hall. Stu- dents must come with written per- mission of instructor. Preliminary Examinations for the Doctorate in the School of Education will be held on August 18-19-20, from 9 till 12 o'clock. Any graduate student in Educa- tion desiring to take these exam- inations should notify my office, at once, Room 4000 University High School. Clifford Woody, Chairman of Graduate Advisers in Education Civil Service: Detroit Civil Service Commis- sion announces examination for Senior Construction Equipment Operator; J u n i o r Accountant, Semi-Senior Accountant; Junior and Senior Medical Technologist; and Head Ciyt Planner. The U. S. Civil Service Commis- sion announces examination for Geologist (Grades P-3 to P-6), and Social Worker in Veterans Administration (Grades P-2 to P- 7). Call at the Bureau of Appoint- ments for further information. Bur. of Appts. & Occup. Inf. Pi Lambda Theta initiation ban- quet will be held Tuesday, July 22 at 5:45 p.m. at the Michigan Un- ion. Members who have not al- ready made reservations and who are planning to attend should call Mrs. Shata Ling, telephone 9014 after 6 p.m.; by Friday, July 18, The Graduate Outing Club will meet on Sunday July 20th at 2:3C p.m. at the Northwest Entranef to Rackham Building for bicycl- ing and swimming. Please sign up before noon on Saturday at the check desk in the Rackham Build- ing and indicate if you want a bi- cycle reserved. Approved social events for the coming week-end: July 18, Jordar Hall; July 19, Sailing Club, Delta Tau Delta, Phi Gamma Delta Sigma Alpha Epsilon; July 20 Pi Beta Phi, Sailing Cl.ub. A Square Dancing Class, spon- sored by the Graduate Outing Club, will be held Thursday, Jul3 17th at 8 p.m. in the Lounge of the Women's Athletic Building Everyone welcome. A small fe( will be charged. TO THE EDITOR EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints EVERY letter to the editor (which -is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we re- mind our readers that theviews ex- pressed in letters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. ** 0 ~Ati-Lynch Day.. To the Editor: [HAT THE wonderful ideals of brotherhood and equality are being given the horselaughright here in Ann Arbor becomes in- creasingly obvious. We have a special class of "nicer" bigots who give verbal allegience to the Bill of Rights while they, wittingly or unwittingly, put every obstacle in the way of people who want to carry it out. The President of the United States has said that concrete ac- tion on a Federal Anti-Lynch bill is urgent. The Southern Negro Youth Congress has been one of the most active organizations in the fight to stop lynchings. They need funds to keep up the con- crete action. If the Student Affairs Commit- tee maintains a strict interpre- tation of its resolution banning tag days during the summer, many honest people may be denied the right to contribute funds to stop lynching. That is, unless the com- mittee changes its policy. Perhaps the Student , Affairs Committee doesn't realize that it is far wiser to alter a procedure than a principle. --Evelyn Gladstone Lectures Professor Frank Whitson Fetter, Professor of Economics, Haver- ford College, will lecture on "The United States and World Trade," Friday, July 18, at 8:10 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. This lecture is one in the Summer Lec- ture Series, "The United States in World Affairs." The public is invited. Sir Bernard Pares, formerly Di- rector of Slavonic Studies at the University of London, will speak on "Russia and the Peace," Mon- day, July 21, 4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Public invited. Concerts Now that the record player has been repaired the Regular Thurs- day Evening Record Concerts sponsored by the Graduate School will continue. This evening Bee- thoven's Triple Concerto for pi- ano, violin, and cello, and Schu- bert's Song Cycle, "Die Sbhone Mullerin" will be played. All graduate students are cordially invited. Organ Recital: Robert Baker, Guest Lecturer in Organ, will be heard in a program in Hill Audi- torium at 8:30 Tuesday evening, July 22. Organist at the First Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn, Mr. Baker is in Ann Arbor as a member of the Summer Session faculty of the School of Music. For his recital he has planned a program of works by Handel, Vi- valdi, Rinck, Bach, Liszt, Andries- sen, Bingham. Langlais, Jongen, and the first performance of Ber- ceuse, by Robert Crandell, a form- er School of Music faculty mem- ber. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions Photographs of Summer Fungi of Michigan, Rotunda Museums Building. July and August. The Museum of Art: Ekhib- tion of Prints-Vanguard Group, Ann Arbor Art Association Col- lection, and from the Permanent Collection. July 1-28. Alumni Memorial Hall, daily, except Mon- day, 10-12 and 2-5; Sundays, 2-5. The public is cordially invited. Museum of Archaeology. Cur- rent Exhibit, "Life in a Roman Town in Egypt from 30 B.C. to 400 A.D." Tuesday through Fri- day, 9-12, 2-5; Saturday, 9-12; Friday evening, 7:30-9:30; Sun- day 3-5. Events Today The Art Cinema League pre- sents JERICHO, a f irst-run French film with English titles, dealing with the FFI underground resistance against the Nazis, in France, today, 8:30 p.m. Box office opens 3 p.m. daily. Tickets phone 4121, Ext. 479. Hill Audi- torium. There will be dancing at the Casbah today and tomorrow from 9:00 until 12:00 with Al Chase's Band. Stags and couples are welcome. Price $.60 per per- son. Tickets now on sale at the desk at the League. TTniversityo mmnnit C(anw 41 , 4 r { i BARNABY... II F . A . 3 ' . . F t.. .. ,,- , y.. R ,, , U - A I," 3 'Cti A!