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July 17, 1947 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1947-07-17

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___ _

Fifty-Seventh, Year

Lesson o the Disks


Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editors ... John Campbell, Clyde Recht
Associate Editor ......,.....,.....,. Eunice Mint
Sports Editor ..................... Archie Parsons
Business Staff
General Manager ................ Edwin Schneider
Advertising Manager...........William Rohrbach
Circulation Manager ...............,Melvin Tick
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the -use for re-publication of all news dispatches
credited to it'or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of republication of all other
:miatters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan, as second class mal natter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
NIGHT EDITORS: Wright & Pasqualetti
Callahan Act
popular referendum on the Callahan
Act will be asked of citizens of the Ann Ar
bor area by door-to-door canvassers within
the next 85 days. Because it is imperative
that people be aware of what the Callahan
Act is, and because the text has not been
widely published, it is important that at-
tention be called to several features of the
Any person or foreign agency, says the
Callahan Act, failing to "register with the
attorney general by filing with the attorney
general detailed information concern-
ing their membership status, activities, in-
come and expenditures and other particu-
lars as may be requested by the attorney
general," failing to place at the masthead
of their publications the legend "'published
in compliance with the law of the state of
Michigan governing the operation of for-
eign agencies,' " and failing to abide by
rules and regulations amended and rescind-
ed by the attorney general "as may be ne-
cessary to carry out the provision of this
act," and "other rules and regulations as
are deemed necessary or petinent to the
purposes of this act," shall be "guilty of
a felony, and upon conviction shall be pun-
ishable by a fine of not more than $5,000.00
or imprisonment in the state prison for not
more than five years, or both ..."
Who are the foreign agents? "'Foreign
agent,'" says the Callahan Act, "means any
individual, group, club, league, society, com-
mitte; association, political party, or com-
bination of individuals or individuals acting
in concert therewith, whether incorporated
or otherwise, subsidized by a foreign govern-
ment or serving directly or indirectly the
purposes, aims or objects of a foreign power
or powers as follows.
"(a) Any agency whose origin is direct-
ly or indirectly of foreign inspiration and
whose object is the control or overthrow
of the government;
"(b) Any agency, political or otherwise,
which acts in conjunction with a simi-
lar organization or organizations in other
countries in the interest of a foreign pow-
er or powers, and which is or has been
affiliated with international bodies orig-
inating with or dependent upon foreign
government or their subsidiaries or un-
der their jurisdiction, influence or direc-
tion, or whose objects, aims or activities
are identical with those of said foreign
government or political parties dominat-
ing said government."
Also listed as foreign agencies are: any

publishing enterprise, radio station and or
similar institution for influencing public
opinion which has originated with the or-
ganizations previously specified, or who
have come under the control of organiza-
tions serving the objects of a foreign power;
"labor unions, societies or corporations of
all kinds who have originated and remain
or come under the control of organizations
pr agencies serving the objects and purposes
of a foreign power ...,
And who is to decide whether a person
or agency is "serving directly or indirect-
ly the purposes, aims or objects of a for-
eign power," is "directly or indirectly of
foreign inspiration and whose object is
the control or overthrow of the govern-
ment," acts "in conjunction with a sim-
ilar organization or organizations in other
countries in the interest of a foreign pow-
er," has aims or activities "identical with
those of said foreign government," or or-

THE FLYING SAUCERS have served at1
least to pound one lesson home. That is
that the United States has developed no
effective warning system against surprise
attack in this age of the new and terrible
weapons. For if such a system had been
in existence, the military authorities could
instantly have ended speculation. They
could have given those assurances which
N OW WE HAVE ANOTHER scare about
the stealing of atomic secrets. We are
living in a grade-B melodrama. At any
moment a hand may reach out stealthily to-
ward a filing cabinet, and we may be
undone. The course of our history may be
changed because somebody climbs over a
fence at night. Or, luckily, a dog may bark
in time, and save us.
Sometimes nations decline and fall be-
cause they make those great, slow mistakes
in action and policy whose historic re-
sults show up over the generations. There
is a kind of justice about this sort of fail-
ure; it does not offend the moral sense.
But it is a sign of the immense disorder-
liness of the atomic age that today we may
fall because a steel cabinet is left unwatched
for a minute. Surely that is a haphazard
way for a nation to come to its ultimate cri-
sis. We live in a time of senseless peril, in
which a moment's bad luck may cancel out
two hundred years of history, wjork and
We can no longer depend on Jefferson's
"sturdy independent farmer" or on the
"honest artisan" of later days to keep the
Republic safe; today it is the sturdy, hon-
est FBI agent who is the protector of the
nation, and the history of our times is a
remake of "Bulldog Drummond Strikes
It is an unhistorical way to live, chancy
and indeterminate. What life suffers fromm
most of all in this atomic age is loss of
form. What does it matter how much labor
you have put into your gardenia bed, or
into raising your family, if, any day, you
may read in your paper that a foreign
power has taken our atomic secrets? And
sometime it may even happen. An entire
people should not have to live in fear of
a Professor Moriarity.
For a kind of distortion of life occurs
when the melodramatic formula takes over.
Listen to those Congressmen shrilling that
civilians aren't good enough to control
atomic knowledge, that we ought to give
it all back to the Army! When American
civilians are no longer considered good
enough to handle the main lines of our
national destiny, then, indeed, a change
has come over American life. We are, for
the first time, more afraid of the shadows
than we are proud of our lamps.
This is typical of how the pervasive sense
of insecurity at the bottom must somehow
affect all other values, twisting them, and
bending them off axis. In the end, as the
world continues to live the melodramatic
life, something like a desire for a crisis may
arise, if not on our side, on someone else's,
just to get it over with. In the atomic age,
one can only win, one hears, by hitting
first. Let us remember how often in the
melodramas the demon detective fires the
fatal bullet at a suspect no worse than sny
other, and how eagerly the explanation is
always accepted that he got precisely the
right one. And the evidence is welcomed
just to end the story.
The danger is so great that for Russia
and the West not to reach a settlement
on atomic energy becomes one of history's
great absurdities; and the arguments used
against a settlement, like Russia's mumble
about "national sovereignty," become only
lesser bits of the great absurdity.
For while it is a commonplace to say

that an atomic war will destroy civilization,
the more deadly truth is that the mere
prospect of such a war also denatures civi-
lization. The threat is almost as bad as
the execution. The event would be horrid,
but the shdow of it is horrid, too, the melo-
dramatic shadow which degrades grand
questions of national progress into tawdry
stories of the reaching hand and the un-
guarded alley. What a way to live! If
tragedy must be the human lot, at least
it should be on the scale of Lear and not
of Edgar Wallace.
(Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation)
WHEN THE SENATE met July 1, the
Chaplain, the Reverend Peter Marshall,
D.D., prayed: "Teach us, our Father, how
to look at the things we see, and to look
at them without bias or prejudice -.
"We are all too familiar with the 'dirty
looks,' 'scornful looks,' 'unbelieving looks,'
'black looks.' Give to us discerning and
understanding looks . . . If Thou wilt help
us to cast the mote of prejudice and pride
out of our eyes, then shall we see clearly
. .. .Amen."
There followed debate over the nomina-
tion of Joe B. Dooley as U.S. judge for
the northern district of Texas, with Sen-
ator W. Lee O'Daniel, (Dem., Tex.) oppos-

an effective warning system would instant-
ly provide: ";We know all that passes
through the American air. You saw sun-
light on the wings of high-flying aircraft--
or you saw nothing-or you saw a meteor
in the night sky." No such assurances were
forthcoming, We do not have an effective
warning system. We are not prepared for
the worst.
Adequate defensive preparation for an all
too possible worst will mean, in the opinions
of those charged with planning for national
security in this era of the atom bomb and
the guided missile, two things. First, it will
mean a radar umbrella extending over the
whole continental United States, to give
instant warning of any object which passed
through the air over America. The inci-
dental benefits of such an umbrella will
be considerable; for example, it will un-
doubtedly serve to decrease air accidents.
But its real purpose will be to flash in a
moment to all defense headquarters news
of the direction and weight of any enemy
Such a system will be expensive. But the
second prerequisite of an effective warn-
ing system will be more so. For advance
warning bases, pushed out beyond the bor-
ders of the country, will also be necessary,
to provide those extra minutes or seconds
for the launching of the American defens-
ive counter-attack. To meet this dire ne-
cessity, very little has been done. The chain
of joint American-Canadian warning sta-
tions and air bases projected along the
Arctic frontier is still in the dream stage.
One such base, at Churchill, on Hundson's
Bay, does exist, for preliminary testing pur-
poses. But its value even as a test base is
doubtful. For it is the northern terminus
of a Canadian railroad, whereas the Arctic
bases, on the other hand, must of necess-
ity be utterly isolated by endless miles of
Arctic waste. .They must be so planned that
the technicians who man them will be able
to support life in sub-zero isolation for
longuperiods at a time, and so that these
men can be supplied not only with the
means of life, but with the necessary equip-
ment, when and where needed.
Moreover, such bases, each in itself a
major project, must be spaced at 200-mile
intervals across the Arctic frontier. For
the outer limit of radar range is 100 miles
and any gap might render the whole sys-
tem valueless. Present estimates indicate
that such an advance warning system will
require an initial investment of at least
a billion and a quarter dollars.
Yet unless the nightmare of surprise at-
tack conjured up by the flying saucer scare
is to become hard reality, or unless a really
secure world settlement is unexpectedly
achieved, the money must be spent. The
reason is simple. Very long-range super-
sonic aircraft and guided missiles have yet
to be built, either by ourselves, by the Rus-
sians or by any one else. Yet such weapons
are universally acknowledged to be possible,
and therefore, unless there is a world set-
tlement, certain to be built within a few
Moreover, intelligence reports indicate
clearly that the Soviets are making an all-
out attack, not only on the atomic prob-
lem, but on the whole vast mysterious
area of the guided missile. In this total
effort, the Soviets are being aided by no
less than 7,000 hireling German scientists.
Indeed, under Soviet supervision, the Ger-
man scientists continued to manufacture
the V-2s, the first successful supersonic
missiles, in the eastern zone of Germany
for some time after the war. One achieve-
ment of this continued experimentation
was the A-9 rocket designed first at
Peenemunde during the furor in Sweden
some months ago.
The chief characteristic of the A-9 rock-
et is that it is equipped, not with fins, like
the V-2 but with wings. Thus, whereas
the V-2 descended almost straight down,
at enormous speed, the A-9's wings ease
it into a long glide when it reaches the

denser atmosphere near the earth. Thus
the range is extended by more than 300
miles. Moreover, slowed by its wings, it
becomes fleetingly visible at the correct
angle of vision. The rockets were timed to
disintegrate in the air before contact, but
small parts of the weapon were discovered
on the Swedish ground. And it is estab-
lished beyond doubt that this achievement
of the German-Soviet collaboration was re-
sponsible for the Swedish mystery.
The A-9 is one measure of Soviet suc-
cess in their all-out effort. Yet not only
has lack of funds prevented even the first
steps toward an adequate American defens-
ive warning system from being taken, but
the American guided missiles program,
which would provide the necessary counter-
attack, is also limping. Plans for a great
supersonic wind tunnel, the real essential
for the program, are still on the drawing
board. And the tunnel, if it is ever to be
built, will cost upwards of two billion dollars,
this when the Congress is intent cn tax cuts
and economy. Yet surely it is increasingly
clear that in the world of today there are
things worse than heavy taxes.
(Copyright 1947, New York Herald Tribune)

EDITR's NOTE: Because The Daily
prints EVERY letter to the editor
(vvhich is signed, 300 words or less
in length, and in good taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-
pressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortenei, printed or
omitted at the discret ion of the edi-
torial director.
0 0o
SAC Action
To the Editor:
I WAS SHOCKED to read in
Sunday's Daily that the Stu-
dent Affairs Committee refused
to grant permission for an Anti-
Lynch Tag Day. Since lynch-
ings are a" disgrace to America,
I fail to see how the SAC could
prohibit the collecting of funds
for those who are leading the
fight against the lynchers in the
South. Even Mayor Jeffrics of
Detroit has proclaimed Monday,
July 14 as Anti-Lynch Day and
has urged the citizens of his city
to do everything possible to help
the fight against lynch terror.
I hope that the student body
makes its protest felt against this
unjust decision of the SAC.
-Edward H. Shaffer

UN Inad equacy
lastweek's Congressional blow-
up over the UN. It was overdue.
Congressional emotion has been
building up during two long years.
It broke out in a concerted de-
mand that the American Admin-
istration take the lead in reform-
ing the UN structure so that it
can do its job.
This job is not keeping the little
countries in order. It is not pro-
viding a headquarters for inter-
national cooperation in matters of
health, control of dangerous drugs,
economics, finance or education.
There are plenty of other ways
of doing this.
If millions of Americans decid-
ed to reverse the isolationist de-
cision that followed World War
One and become a charter mem-
ber of the UN, it is in order that
the UN so fortified should keep
the peace of the world.
In the course of the first two
years - as ten Congressmen put
it - "experience increasingly in-
dicates that the UN, in its pre-
sent structure, is not fully ade-
quate for this task."
Fully cognizant of this situation,
the American Administration has
sedulously by-passed the UN in its
discussion of really important
Washington wants atomic con-
trol made subject to an autono-
mous body responsible only in-
directly - if at all -- to the UN
Security Council.
Washington decided on unilat-
eral American aid to Greece and
Turkey with only a belated curt-
sey to the international organiza-
tion at Lake Success.
Congressional displeasure with
the UN performance showed it-
self clearly in this debate over
American aid to Greece and Tur-
key. Some sixty or seventy Sena-
tors and Representatives expressed
their sympathy for the UN. A
number stated flatly that if the
UN in its "present structure" prov-
ed inadequate to keep the world's
peace, itought to be remodeled.
This was a warning. But the
Administration chose to ignore it.
President Truman has - I im-
agine - nothing against a re-
form of the UN, but he is not
sure that the people yet want it.
American Delegate Austin at Lake
Success feels - I think --- that
reform is probably necessary but
But a number of Senators and
Representatives prefer to follow
the Federation of Atomic Scien-
tists in the belief that now and
not later is the time to stop the
next war.
So as intelligent and patriotic
American leaders, they have acted.
Whereupon, Senator Taylor,
preferring the House to the Sen-
ate version, collecting his collea-
gues Senators Chavez, Pepper,
Murray, Johnston and Tobey, and
introduced the House version as
a second resolution in the Senate.
This is a warning that neither
the President nor the other Uni-
ted Nations can ignore. It is a
sign that the patience of the
American people is growing short.
The next UN General Assembly
in December may be decisive.
Either at that meeting the present
international organization will
prove itself able to get results. Or
there will be a concerted drive to
reform it.
The first step will be getting
rid of the veto.
(Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.


Publication in The Daily OfficiaA
Bii~letin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Summer Session, Room 1213 Angel
Hall, by 3:10 p.m. on the day pre-
ceding publication (11:01) am. Sat-
VOL. LVII, No. 16S
Graduate Students expecting
August degrees, and other grad-
uate students who have not taken
the required graduate examina-
tion may take it on July 18 at
2:00 pm. m in the East Lecture
Room of the Rackham Building.
It will not be offered again until
October. The two dollar fee re-
quired will be payable Thursday,
the 17th and Friday morning the
18th at the cashier's office. The
fee receipt must be turned in to
the Graduate School by Friday
Students, College of Engineer-
ing: The final day for DROPPING
will be Saturday, July 19. A
course may be dropped only with
the permission of the classifier
after conference with the instruc-
W. J. Emmons, Secretary
Students, College of Engineer-
ing: The final day for REMOVAL
urday, July 19. Petitions for ex-
tension of time must be on file
in the Secretary's Office on or
before Saturday, July 19.
W. J. Emmons, Secretary
Graduate Students: All courses
dropped after July 18, will be re-
corded with a grade of E.
Kappa Chapter of Delta Pi Ep-
silon, honorary graduate fratern-
ity in business education, will hold
its summer business meeting at 4
p.m., July 17, in the Union.
Following the meeting will be
the anual summer banquet at 6
p.m. in the Anderson Room of
the Union.
Clifford Woody, professor of ed-
ucation and chairman of the Bur-
eau of Educational Reference and
Research at the University, will
speak on "Trends in Research in
Business Education"' at the ban-
quet. Out-of-state members are
cordially invited to attend.
Sports short courses for women.
Open to beginners in tennis, golf,
and swimming. Classes will be
held at 3 o'clock daily except
Friday, beginning July 21. 12les-
sons will be given. New registra-
tions will be accepted this week
at office, 15 Barbour Gymnas-
La p'tite causette meets every
Tuesday and Wednesday at 3:30
in the Grill Room of the Michi-
gan League and on Thursdays at
4 p.m. at the International Cen-
ter. All students interested in
informal French conversation are
cordially invited to join the
The French Club will hold its
fourth meeting on Thursday, July
17, at 8 p.m. in the second floor
Terrace Room of the Michigan
Union. Mr. Daniel Moreau, a
tudent from France, will speak
on: "Paris sous l'occupation alle-
mande et apres la liberation" and

Mr. Robert Waltz, from the Mus-
ic School, will sing a few French
songs. Group singing, games and
refreshments. All students in-
terested are cordially invited.
II i s t o r y Final Examination
Make-up: Saturday, July 19, 9
o'clock, Room B, Haven Hall. Stu-
dents must come with written per-
mission of instructor.
Preliminary Examinatio nsfor
the Doctorate in the School of
Education will be held on August
18-19-20, from 9 till 12 o'clock.
Any graduate student in Educa-
tion desiring to take these exam-
inations should notify my office,
at once, Room 4000 University
High School.
Clifford Woody, Chairman
of Graduate Advisers in
Civil Service:
Detroit Civil Service Commis-
sion announces examination for
Senior Construction Equipment
Operator; J u n io r Accountant,
Semi-Senior Accountant, Junior
and Senior Medical Technologist;
and Head Ciyt Planner.
The U. S. Civil Service Commis-
sion announces examination for
Geologist (Grades P-3 to P-6),
and Social Worker in Veterans
Administration (Grades P-2 to P-
Call at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments for further information.
Bur. of Appts. & Occup. Inf.
Pi Lambda Theta initiation ban-
quet will be held Tuesday, July 22
at 5:45 p.m. at the Michigan Un-
ion. Members who have not al-
ready made reservations and who
are planning to attend should call
Mrs. Shata Ling, telephone 9014
after 6 p.m., by Friday, July 18.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity
(Epsilon Chapter) will meet on
Thursday, July 17, at 7:00 p.m. at
the Union, to complete plans for
the Summer Session program. All
brothers are urged to be present.
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet on Sunday July 20th at 2:30
p.m. at the Northwest Entrance
to Rackham Building for bicycl-
ing and swimming. Please sign
up before noon on Saturday at the
check desk in the Rackham Build-
ing and indicate if you want a bi-
cycle reserved.
Approved social events for the
coming week-end: July 18, Jordan
Hall; July 19, Sailing Club, Delta
Tau Delta, Phi Gamma Delta,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon; July 20,
Pi Beta Phi, Sailing Cl.ub.
A Square Dancing Class, spon-
sored by the Graduate Outing
Club, will be held Thursday, July
17th at 8 p.m. in the Lounge of
the Women's Athletic Building.
Everyone welcome. A small fee
will be charged.
Professor Frank Whitson Fetter,
Professor of Economics, Haver-
ford College, will lecture on "The
United States and World Trade,"
Friday, July 18, at 8:10 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre. This
lecture is one in the Summer Lec-
ture Series. "The United States
in World Affairs." The public is
Sir Bernard Pares, formerly Di-

rector of Slavonic Studies at the
University of London, will speak
on "Russia and the Peace," Mon-
day, July 21, 4:10 p.m., Rackham
Amphitheatre. Public invited.
Carillon Recital: The carillon
program scheduled for 7:15 to-
night will be presented by Sidney
F. Giles, Assistant Carillonneur.
It will open with the playing of
Franssen's Goldoliera, followed by
Silver Threads Among the Gold,
Thine Alone, and Song of Songs.
A third group will consist of Mr.
Giles' composition, Reverie: Min-
net and Trio by Nees, and Avond-
Stemming by Lefevere. Other
works in the program will be Van
Durme's Flemish Dance, Haydn's
Andantino, from Piano Trio in E,
Dvorak's Largo from the New
World Symphony, and Mozart's
Turkish March.
Now that the record player has
been repaired the Regular Thurs-
day Evening Record Concerts
sponsored by the Graduate School
will continue. This evening Bee-
thoven's Triple Concerto for pi-
ano, violin, and cello, and Schu-
bert's Song Cycle, "Die Schone
Mullerin" will be played. All
graduate students are cordially
Organ Recital: Robert Baker,
Guest Lecturer in Organ, will be
heard in a program in Hill Audi-
torium at 8:30 Tuesday evening,
July 22. Organist at the First
Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn,
Mr. Baker is in Ann Arbor as a
member of the Summer Session
faculty of the School of Music.
For his recital he has planneda
program of works by Handel, Vi-
valdi, Rinck, Bach, Liszt, Andries-
sen, Bingham. Langlais, Jongen,
and the first performance of Ber-
ceuse, by Robert Crandell,.a form-
er School of Music faculty mem-
The public is cordially invited.
Photographs of Summer Fungi
of Michigan, Rotunda Museums
Building. July and August.
The Museum of Art: Exhibi-
tion of Prints-Vanguard Group,
Ann Arbor Art Association Col-
lection, and from the Permanent
Collection. July 1-28. Alumni
Memorial Hall, daily, except Mon-
day, 10-12 and 2-5; Sundays, 2-5.
The public is cordially invited. .
Museum of Archaeology. Cur-
rent Exhibit, "Life in a Roman
Town in Egypt from 30 B.C. -to
400 A.D." Tuesday through Pi-
day, 9-12, 2-5; Saturday, 9-12;
Friday evening, 7:30-9:30; Sun-
day 3-5.
Events Today
Professor Gottfried S. Delatour
will hold the first of four con-
ferences on European affairs,
Thursday, July 17, at 3:1 p.m.,
East Conference Room, Rackham
Building. These conferences are
part of the Summer Lecture Ser-
ies, "The United States in World
Professor Gottfried S. Delatour,
Visiting Professor of Sociology,
Columbia University, will lecture
on "The Problem of International
Understanding," Thursday, July
17, 4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphi-
theatre. This lecture is one in
the Summer Lecture Series, "The
United States in World Affairs,"
The public is invited.
Student Recital: Laurance Me-
Kenna, baritone, will present a re-
cital in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of

Mase Juflusic at :0 T ursday
evening, July 17, in the Rackham
Assembly Hall. A pupil of Arthur
Hackett, Mr. McKenna has plan-
ned a program to include two
groups of English songs, a group
of Serenades, Cortgiani, from Ver-
di's Rigoletto, and four French
songs. The public is cordially in-












Coming Events
The Art Cinema League pre-
sents JERICHO, a' f i r s t-run
French film with English titles,
dealing with the FFI underground
resistance against the Nazis, in
France. Thurs., Fri., 8:30 p.m. Box
office opens 3 p.m. daily. Tickets
phone 4121, Ext. 479. Hill Audi-
There will be dancing at the
Casbah this Friday and Saturday
from 9:00 until 12:00 with Al
Chase's Band. Stags and couples
are welcome. Price $.60 per per-
son. Tickets now on sale at the
desk at the League.
University Community Center
1045 Midway Boulevard,
Willow Run Village
Calendar of Events
Fri., July 18, 8 p.m., Duplicate
Bridge Tournament.
The Inter-Racial Association is
sponsoring the motion pcture
"Wuthering Heights," at Hill Au-




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