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July 16, 1947 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1947-07-16

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Fifty-Seventh Year

Gov. Dewey's Vacalion


Letters to the Editor...

4 1


- --
Edited and nianaged by students of the Uni-
verity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications,
Editorial Staff
Managing Editors ... John Campbell, Clyde Recht
Asoiate Editor ............ ....... Eunice Mintz
Sports Editor ...................Archie Parsons
Business Staff
General Manager ................Edwin Schneider
Advertising Manager ..........William Rohrbach
Circulation Manager.................Melvin Tick

Telephone 23-24-1

MR. THOMAS E. DEWEY approaches the
matter of gaining the Presidency like
a man trying to solve a Chinese puzzle.
Careful, now, a little movement here, a lit-
tle flick there, now wait, now push this ...
and there you are. It is entirely a techni-
cal exercise, one in which timing and se-
quence of moves are far more important
than the battle of ideas.
The technique involved is of a high order.
Any one who disdains it would probably not
appreciate the pitching of Bob Feller, or
the dancing of Alicia Markova. It is not
easy. One puzzles out, with the help of an
obscure instinct and several advisers, ex-
actly the right time to appear on a family
trip in Sapulpa, Oklahoma, and exactly the
right time to receive the Jackson County
Republican Committee for breakfast at the
Muehlebach Hotel in Kansas City. Next
month might be too late, last month might
have been too early.
Then there is the delicate matter of
remaining prominent without being for-
ward. One avoids saying anything about
the Taft-Hartley labor bill because one is
not a candidate. One makes a multi-
state tour because one is. One goes to
Kansas City merely as part of a vacation
trip (obviously it is the right town in
which to take one's rest in midsummer)
and ofie looks pleasantly embarrassed
while being introduced along the route,
at political lunches, wienie roasts and
clambakes, as "the next Presi-i-i-ident
of the Younited States."
It takes skill, and endurance; a stumble-
bum couldn't do it. And, in normal times,
a man capable of solving this pre-conven-
tion puzzle would probably be a good
enough president, qualifying on the import-
ant score of political skill. For he must have
(or somebody near him must have a certain
sensitivity about people, a happy touch at

making a successful synthesis out of one
county chairman's promise here and one
state nabob's smile some other place, and
he must have a love of the game.
The only trouble is that the game itself
is so desperately old-fashioned. Mr. Dewey
is a virtuoso on an outmoded instrument.
To watch his travels now gives one a fun-
ny, antiquated feeling, as if one is reading
a memoir about Uncle Joe Cannon, or Mar-
cus Alonzo Hanna. Or it is like being lost
among the names in one of Shakespeare's
historical plays, where the lofty person-
ages contend, not because they differ sub-
stantially on any question of moment, but
because each is a name, and a center of
power, and is moodily compelled to advance
his name, by dropping whispers into prof-
fered ears, and dispatching couriers to the
end of the kingdom. It is a game about peo-
ple in a time of ideas.
Happy the country which elects its
presidents in this way, because that
means there is no pressing issue divid-
ing it, and that the prize goes merely to
the most skillful. Perhaips the next best
thing to having no history, which is sup-
posed to be a fortunate state, is to have
candidates like these. Yet, again, one
In a period in which one President was
elected four times hand-running, because
the people wanted him, and in which a Re-
publican amateur was able to blast his way
through a national convention because the
people wanted him, there is a faint flavor
of the Gay Nineties about the Dewey per-
formance. One has the funny feeling that
a single hot speech by say, an Eisenhower,
on housing, could blow the whole thing up,
leaving the carefully contrived structure
spread over the landscape like jackstraws,
with committeemen's faces peering oddly
through the mess here and there, like bits
in a surrealist picture.
(Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.)

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints EVERY letter to the editor
(,~hickr is signed, 300 words or less
in length, and in good taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-
pressed in .letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
People's Will
To the Editor:
American democracy is that
of making its political leaders re-
sponsive to the will of the major-
ity of the American people.
The British attempt to solve
this problem by holding special
elections on policy of the major-
ity of the political leaders which
might not represent the public
opinion of the majority of the
British people. This makes the
leadership more responsive to the
will of the people but runs the
danger of inexperienced and un-
stable leadership during' periods
of crisis.
In this country we do not have
this danger of unstable leader-
ship during political crises, but
the danger of our political lead-
ers misrepresenting the will of the
majority of the American people.
This danger is well illustrated by

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all news dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of republication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan,'as second class malnuatter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Repulican leaders express hope that new rent laws won't be abused. (News Item)
"Now, you be a good little vulture. Don't make me sorry I turned
you loose."

,, _ .


P ---

Little Eva

EVA PERON, wife of the Argentine dic-
tator, is having a fine time in Europe.
Completely oblivious to the poverty, un-
rest and starvation on the continent, Mrs.
Peron has enjoyed a series of dinners, med
als and champagne. In Spain she respond-
ed to greetings with the Fascist salute. She
said she was eager to learn how things were
done in Spain so that they might be done
likewise in Argentina. Young officers in
Franco's army treated her like a college
stag-line would battle for Paulette God-
dard. Spain's air-tight censorship saw to
it that the man-on-the-street reaction to
Evita was withheld.
In Rome, once again the show for Eva
was elaborate. When she visited the Pope,
she was careful to see that her dress had
room for medals on it. The Pope left it
Eva will go to England next. The Brit-
ish people aren't anxious to have any Fas-
cists visiting them, but Britain depends on
Argentina for a large part of its food. Eva
can expect another elaborate welcome, al-
though the public may be a little chilly.
London knows that Mrs. Peron wants a
personal "cut" on British-Argentine con-
tracts. And Britain must have that grain
and meat. The English politeness is pro-
verbial. *
We hope Evita doesn't cherish any de-
sires to see the United States.
-Eunice lMintz.
German Coal
has eve been more than one official
American policy towards Germany. Outside
observers have another opinion. They think
there are two views about Germany cur-
rent even in the State Department.
One view, attributed to General Lucius
Clay and Ambassador Bob Murphy in Ber-
lin, is that the resuscitation of Germany
(r at least of western Germany) is abso-
lutely essential to European economy and
world order. Therefore our first job is
get Germany running again even if this
means some hardship on our wartime allies.
In their hearts, these leaders attribute to
the Germans a superior energy and indus-
trial know-how shared by no other Euro-
peans. Some of them insist that if Ger-
many languishes, Europe cannot be well.
Therefore, they argue that the lion's
share of the Ruhr coal should be devoted
to rehabilitating Germany.
The other school believes than not Ger-
many, but German coal is essential to Eur-
op's recovery. West of Polish Silesia, with
British coal production lagging, the Ruhr
coal deposits are the only large source of
this essential product. Therefore-these
people reason we should quit worrying about
Germany and start getting out more Ger-
man coal. There is-they insist-absolute-
ly no reason why German coal output today
should be hardly half of what it was during
the war. Somehow or other, German min-
ers must be induced to double their output.
If the present British supervisers of the
Ruhr mines-utilizing what the Americans
thing are antiquated conceptions-cannot
do this, then the British should let some-
body else have a shot at the task.
-Edgar Ansel Mowrer
(Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.)
AROUND THE U,S. last week, state gov-
ernments were cautiously squeezing a
little extra milk out of taxpayers. Since

Special Session

retary of State George C. Marshall a
few days ago conferred at some length at
the White House on the difficult and im-
mensely critical decision which now faces
them. They must decide whether or not a
special session of the Congress is to be
called in the autumn. No final decision was
made at the White House conference, for
the choice which confronts Truman and
Marshall is not an easy one. They must
carefully balance the growing urgency of.
decisive American action in Europe against
the very serious political dangers inher-
ent in a special session.
If nothing is done about the Marshall
program before the regular session starts
on Jan. 1, it will be little short of miracu-
lous, on the basis of past performance, if
the Congressional mind is made up before
March or April, 1948. And it is possible
that by then it will merely be a question of
slamming the barn door shut after the
European horse is stolen. Therefore the
State Department technicians' are already
engaged on as careful a preliminary assess-
ment as is possible so long before the event,
of the risks involved in such a delay.
In this assessment, the two key points
are, of course, Italy and France.. If eco-
nomic chaos forces either country into the
arms of the Communists and the Soviet
Union, the Russians will have come very
close to winning the whole European con-
test. Of the two, the Italian situation is
considered the most immediately critical.
Some optimists believe that the mere
hope of eventual support under the Mar-
shall program may alone be enough to
steady the Italian economy and halt the
flight from the lira. But most of the
experts make the informed guess-it is
no more that a guess- that Italy must
have some sort of help before next Feb. 1
if a full-scale economic and political ex-
plosion is to be averted.
These men point to the fact that there
is not much more than $100,000,000 left in
the Italian dollar exchange kitty, while the
dollar deficit for this year alone will prob-
ably be three or four times that amount.
They point also the fact that Palmiro Tog-
liatti's Communist party has already declar-
ed open psychological warfare against the
Italian non-Communist majority. The Ital-
ian Communists recently decided by a slim
majority to eschew temporarily the use of
violence to gain their ends. But Togliatti
himself made it clear that this was a tem-
porary decision, capable of being reversed
at any time. The non-Communist Italian
government thus operates in the shadow of
the sub-machinegun.
The French dollar position is slightly less
pressing than that in Italy. Moreover, if
the recently announced World Bank bond
issue is successful, France stands to gain
another quarter billion dollars of credit in
the fall. Thus it is believed that France
could probably squeak by until early spring
without greatly reducing essential American
imports. -But here again any assessment
must be made at least as much in political
as in economic terms.
The Communists who control the Gen-
eral Confederation of Labor have threat-

selves. The Communist intention is quite
clear-to make French participation in the
Marshall plan impossible. If the civil ser-
vants, underpaid as they are, nevertheless
shows signs of unwillingness thus to play
the Soviet game, the Communists are ex-
pected to back down, rather than risk their
hold on the Confederation of Labor. But
under any circumstances, the Communists
will certainly continue to exert all the im-
mense political and psychological pressure
at their disposal to wreck the Marshall
Thus the decision which confronts Tru-
man and Marshall is a question of the
most exquisite timing. For there is no
doubt at all that the whole idea of a spe-
cial session is profoundly unpopular on
Capitol Hill. Nor are the full political im-
plications of the Marshall program gen-
erally understood. It is not just a ques-
tion of allocating the necessary funds.
For the present Congress, hating execu-
tive authority, will necessarily be asked
to grant great authority to an American
agency to control allocations and export
priorities on the essential goods.
And it will cerainly be asked, for ex-
ample, to permit the chartering to foreign
governments of Liberty and Victory ships.
This would permit, over a period of time,
the saving of as much as a billion in dollar
exchange in carrying charges to such gov-
ernments. But it would also vastly irri-
tate both the powerful shipping interests
and the maritime unions.
Obviously it will not be easy under any
circumstances to persuade Congress to do
what must be done if the Marshall program
is to work. It will be doubly difficult if
the Congressmen feel that they have been
badgered and bludgeoned by an unfeeling
Administration into leaving their political
fences at home all unmended.
On Capitol Hill itself, a possible com-
promise has been advanced. It has been
suggested that only the members of the
two foreign affairs committees, and pos-
sibly of a couple of other key committees,
return to Washington for hearings on the
Marshall proposal and the European re-
sponse to it. This might save weeks of
precious time. Perhaps this suggestion of-
fers the best solution of the enormously dif-
ficult choice which confronts President
Truman and Secretary Marshall.
(Copyright 1947, New York Herald Tribune)

Publication in The Daily Officiai
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form, to the office of the
Summer Session, Room 1213 Angell.
Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day pre-
ceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVII, No. 14S
H i s t o r y Final Examination
Make-up: Saturday, July 19, 9
o'clock, Room B, Haven Hall. Stu-
dents must come with written per-
mission of instructor.
Preliminary Examinatiops for
the Doctorate in the School of
Education will be held on August
18-19-20, from 9 till 12 o'clock.
Any graduate student in Educa-
tion desiring to take these exam-
inations should notify my office,
at once, Room 4000 University
High School.
Clifford Woody, Chairman
of Graduate Advisers in
Deadline for Veterans' Book and
Supply Requisitions. August 22,
1947 has been set as the deadline
for the approval of Veterans' Book
and Supply Requisitions for the
Summer Session-1947. Requisi-
tions will be accepted by the book
stores through August 23, 1947.
The seminar in Applied Mathe-
matics willtmeet on Wednesday,
July 16, at 4 p.m. in Room
317 W e s t Engineering Bldg.
Prof. Sidney Goldstein of the Uni-
versity of Manchester, Manchest-
er, England, will speak on "Com-
pressible Flow in and over Ducts."
Non-Euclidean Geometry Sem-
inar. Dr. K. B. Leisenring will
discuss "Circles and Spheres in
non-Euclidean Geometry." Wed-
nesday, 7 p.m., 3201 Angell Hall.
La Sociedad Hispanica meets for
informal conversation every Tues-
day and Wednesday at 3:30 p.m.,
and for tea every Thursday at 4
p.m. in the Game Room of the In-
ternational Center. All students
of Spanish are invited.
..The Summer Session Sociedad
Hispanica is having a dinner in
the Michigan League dining room
at 6:15 p.m., Wednesday, July 16,
in honor of Prof. Jose Cirre, of
Wayne University, who will lec-
ture before the club at 8. p.m. on
"Francisco de quevedo y la poli-
tica de su tiempo."
Those interested in attending
the dinner should leave their
names in the Romance Languages'

Office no later than Monday noon.
The lecture is open to all those
who are interested.
Married Veterans of World War II
Veterans' Emergency Housing
Opportunity will be provided
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednes-
day, July 14, 15 and 16 for stu-
dents in the above group to file
application for residence in the
Veterans' Emergency Housing
No apartments available for the
summer session, but these appli-
cations will be considered for fu-
ture vacancies.
Student applications for resi-
dence in these apartments will be
considered according to the fol-
lowing qualifications.
1. Only married Veterans of
World War II may apply
2. Michigan residents will be
given first consideration. How-
ever, out-of-state students may
also register at this time. See
Regents' ruling on definition of
Michigan resident. "No one shall
be deemed a resident of Michi-
gan for the purpose of registra-
tion in the University unless he
or she has resided in this state six
months next preceeding the date
of proposed enrollment.")
3. Veterans who have incurred
physical disablity of a serious na-
ture will be given first consider-
ation. (A written statement from
Dr. Forsythe of the University
Health Service concerning such
disability should be included in
the application.)
4. Only students who have com-
pleted two terms in this Univer-
sity may apply. (Summer Ses-
sion is considered as one-half
5. Students who are admitted to
these apartments may in no case
occupy them for a period longer
than two years
6. Length of overseas service
will be an important determining
7. In considering an applicant's
total length of service, A.S.T.P.,
V-12, and similar programs will
be discounted.
8. If both man and wife are
Veterans of World War II and the
husband is a Michigan resident
and both are enrolled in the Uni-
versity their combined application
will be given special considera-
9. Each applicant must file with
his application his Military Rec-
ord and Report of Separation.
Office of Student Affairs
Room 2, University Hall
Approved social events for the
coming week-end: July 18, Jordan
Hall; July 19, Sailing Club, Delta
Tau Delta, Phi Gamma Delta,

Sigma Alpha Epsilon; July
Pi Beta Phi, Sailing Cl.ub.

La p'tite causette meets every
Tuesday and Wednesday at 3:30
in the Grill Room of the Michi-
gan League and on Thursdays at
4 p.m. at the International Cen-
ter. All students interested in
informal French conversation are
cordially invited to join the
The French Club will hold its
fourth meeting on Thursday, July
17, at 8 p.m. in the second floor
Terrace Room of the Michigan
Union. Mr. Daniel Moreau, a stu-
dent from France, will speak on:
"Paris sous l'occupation alle-
mande et apres la liberation" and
Mr. Robert Waltz, from the Mus-
ic School, will sing a few French
songs. Group singing, games and
refreshments. All students ii-
terested are cordially invited.
A Square Dancing Class, spon-
sored by the Graduate Outing
Club, will be held Thursday, July
17th at 8 p.m. in the Lounge of
the Women's Athletic Building.
Everyone welcome. A small fee
will be charged.
At home to the Chinese stu-
dents: The Hindustan Association
will be At Home to the Chinese
students on Wednesday, the 16th
of July, at eight o'clock in the
evening at Lane Hall. Glames,.
light refreshments.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity
(Epsilon Chapter) will meet on
Thursday, July 17, at 7:00 p.m. at
the Union, to complete plans for
the Summer Session program. All
brothers are urged to be present.
Civil Service:
Detroit Civil Service Commis-
sion announces examination for
Senior Cpnstruction Equipment
Operator; J u n io r Accountant,
Semi-Senior Accountant; Junior
and Senior Medical Technologist;
and Head Ciyt Planner.
TheU. S. Civil Service Commis-
sion announces examination for
Geologist (Grades P-3 to P-6)',
and Social Worker in Veterans
Administration (Grades P-2 to P-
Call at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments for further information.
Bur. of Appts. & Occup. Inf.
Professor Gottfried S. Delatour,
Visiting Professor of Sociology,
Columbia University, will lecture
on "The Problem of International
Understanding," Thursday, July
17, 4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphi-


the past session of Congree. Con-
gressmen claimed that they were
acting in accordance with the will
of the people in passing many
bills, especially the labor and tax
bills. The President of our coun-
try also claimed that he was rep-
resenting the best interest and
desires of the majority of the pop-
ulation in vetoing the labor and
tax bills passed by Congress. It
is obvious that both Congress and
the President could not be rep-
resenting the will of the people
in their actions on these bills.
We have at hand polling meth-
ods which can discover how, the
people feel abotu political ques-
tions. In past elections these
polling devices predicted the re-
sults of the elections. The Amer-
ican public has grown accustomed
to public opinion surveys on po-
litical questions.
During the past session of Con-
gress, our national political lead-
ers could have easily discovered
the actual will of the American
people through the use of such
public opinion surveys conducted
by reliable agencies. These sur-
veys could have been made and
results tabulated with a few days
if sufficient money had been
available to conduct the surveys
and tabulate the results.
Past surveys of public opinion
on political issues have shown
marked changes in public opin-
ion. Thus it is quite possible that
the public opinion on certain is-
sues like labor and taxes may not
be the same now as it was when
the Congressmen were elected. It
is possible for politicians to have
distorted pictures of the will of
the people for other reasons. Peo-
ple may agree on general prin-
ciples of a political campaign but
be opposed to the specific legis-
lation proposed by the Congress-
men. Pressure groups by their
concerted impact upon legislators
may swing the thinking of the
Congressmen out of line with the
thinking of the majority of their
constituents. Hence the necess-
ity arises for a device such as the
public opinion survey to correct-
ly gauge the feelings of the ma-
jority of the people on the major
legislation before Congress.
These public opinion surveys
could be conducted for each Con-
gressional district for the Con-
gressmen, as well as for the entire
country for the President. Thus
the Congress would know the
opinions of their constituents and
the President would know the will
of the people. Then neither of
them could pass or veto bills with-
out knowledge of the actual will
of the people concerning the fate
of the legislation in question. Such
surveys could be financed by our
national government and would
bring us one step closer to our
ideal of government by and for
the people.
-Robert Q. Smith
theatre. This is a lecture in the
Summer Lecture Series, "The
United States in World Affairs,"
The public is invited.
Student Recital: Morrette Rid-
er,, violinist, will present a re-
cital in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Master of Music in Music Edu-
cation at 8:30 Wednesday eve-
ning, July 16, in the Rackham As-
sembly Hall. A pupil of Gilbert
Ross, Mr. Rider will play Cor-
elli's La Folia, Quincy Porter's
Second Sonata for Violin and Pi-
ano, Max Bruch's Concerto No. 2
in D minor, Op. 44.
The public is invited.
Student Recital: Laurance Mc-
Kenna, baritone, will present a re-
cital in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Master of Music at 8:30 Thursday
evening, July 17, in the Rackham

Assembly Hall. A pupil of Arthur
Hackett, Mr. McKenna has plan-
ned a program to include two
groups of English songs, a group
of Serenades, Cortgiani, from Ver-
di's Rigoletto, and four French
songs. The public is cordially in-
Student Recital: Carolyn Street
Austin, Mezzo-soprano, will be
heard in a recital at 8:30 Wed-
nesday evening, July 23, in the
Rackham Assembly Hall, as par-
tial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Master
of Music. Mrs. Austin is a pupil
of Arthur Hackett. Her program
will include compositions by Schu-
bert, Joaquin Nin, Chausson, and
a group of English songs, and
will be open to the general pub-
Photographs of Summer Fungi
of Michigan, Rotunda Museums
Building. July and August.
The Museum of Art: Exhibi-
tion of Prints-Vanguard Group,
Ann Arbor Art Association Col-
lection, and from the Permanent
Collection. July 1-28. Alumni
Memorial Hall, daily, except Mon,-
day. 10-12 and 2-5; Sunds. 2-5;.











Do you Pike the
cottage, son? V
- y

We've a nice view of the
beach, haven't we, Jane?
It's al
-7 ,

Suppose we put on our bathing
suits and go infor a dip... ?
Barnaby can't-

/ C He has to look for his
Fairy Godfather- And
I have to go with him.
Some other
time, Pop.



It's a cave, Barnaby. But

C don't see that ltl

It's interesting. Barnaby HAS found

What crispy, crunchy



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