LITTLE EVA See Page 2 Latest Deadline in the State ~~IA& J I SUNNY, AND WARMER VOL. LVII, No. 14S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1947r PRICE FIVE CENTS Organization Founded At Paris Parley Will Administer 'Marshall Plan' By The Associated Press PARIS, July 15-Swiftly and without division, the 16-nation European Economic Conference completed today its blueprint of an organization to draft and ad- minister continental reconstruc- tion outside the aloof Russian sphere, under the Marshall Plan of U.S. aid. The Conference's third plenary session, meeting for only 45 min- utes, unanimously approved a rules committee recommendation to establish a general "committee of cooperation," or steering com- mittee, a five-nation executive { board and four technical boards. Committees To Survey The lesser committees will sur- vey Europe's resources and dollar needs by Sept. 1. Delegates per- used with care Secretary of State Marshall's address in Salt Lake City last night indicating the pro- gram would not be submitted to Congress before January. Paul-Henri Spaak, the Belgian Premier, summed up paraphras- ing an old French proverb: "Help yourself and heaven will help you." Instead of heaven, he sub- stituted the United States. k Apparently referring to Russia and the eight Eastern and South- ern European states in its sphere- all of which spurned the confer- ence on the assertion that econ- omic cooperation would threaten national sovereignties, Spaak said .: * Spaak Speaks "We have often heard talk of the sovereignty of states. Experi- ence shows that there is a tenden- cyeto invoke sovereignty as a cloak for aggressive nationalism or a selfish economic policy. We think that sovereignty should be used as something to promote a con- structive spirit of cooperation." Today's plenary session will be the last until the various com- mittees are ready to report on their surveys. The next plenary meeting will be made in August or around Sept. 1 French Filn To Be Shown 'Jericho' Will Feature k Brasseur, Brochard "Jericho," French film of un- derground resistance during the war, will be presented by the Art Cinema League at 8:30 p.m to- morrow and Friday at Hill Audi- torium. Starring Pierre Brasseur, Jean Brochard, Santa Relli and Genin Palau, the film deals with a band of French patriots sentenced to be shot by the Nazis and their rescue by the RAF in "Operation Jericho." The picture is based on an ac- tual incident and is presented in an almost documentary form without the use of background music. Tickets for the film may be ob- tained at the Hill Auditorium box-office. Anti-Lynehers Ask Permit An Anti-Lynch Day proclama- tion in Ann Arbor will be asked of Cecil O. Creal, president of the city council, by delegates of the joint-anti-lynch committee,. to- morrow. Mayor William E. Brown, Jr., who would ordinarily make such proclamations, Creal said, will not be in Ann Arbor before Monday. An anti-lynch rally will be held on the campus, July 23. The joint committee has asked the student legislature to review action by the Student Affairs Committee, which, has refused to grant an anti-lynch tag day. Anti-Lynch Day was observed in Detroit Monday, funds from which were given to the Southern Negro Youth Congress, an organ- ization working in the South, with headquarters in Birming- ham, Ala. Song Writer Dies SANTA MONICA, Calif., July LEAVES CELL FOR ARRAIGNMENT-Earnest D. Wallis (right), 34, former Army sergeant and an official photographer at the Los Alamos, N.M., atom bomb plant, is led from his cell to be arraigned before U.S. Commissioner Edwin K. Walker in Chi- cago, July 14. With him is U.S. Marshal's deputy, Ben Goldberg. Wallis pleaded innocent to a federal charge of removing too secret atom photographs and negatives. EAST MEETS WEST: Hazard Sees Peace Possible In Spite of Ideological Clash Conferences, Lectures To Be Presented Hilldring To Give Lecture Today Three lectures and two confer- ences pertaining to "The United States in World Affairs" are list- ed on this week's schedule of the summer session lecture series, to be opened by John H. Hilldring, Assistant Secretary of State, at 8:10 p.m. today in Rackham Am- phitheatre. Hilldring will speak on "What is Our Purpose in Germany?" He will hold a press conferenceat 4 p.m. today in Rm. 308 of the Union. Prof. Gottfried S. Delatour, vis iting professor of sociology at Co- lumbia University, will deliver the second lecture on "The Problem Legislature Meets There will be a meeting of the Student Legislature at 7:45 p.m. today in the League Grand RapidsnRoom. of International Understanding" at 4:10 p.m. tomorrow in Rack- ham Amphitheatre. The final lecture of the week will be given by Prof. Frank Whit- son Fetter, instructor of econom- ics at Haverford College, on the topic, "The United States in World Trade" at 8:10 p.m. Friday in Rackham Amphitheatre. Prof. Fetter formerly was chief of the State Department Division of In- vestment and Economic Develop ment. ' Dr. Robin A. Humphreys, read- er in American history at the University of London, will lead the first of four weekly confer- ences on Latin America at 4:10 p.m. today. The second conference on Eur opean affairs will be initiated at 3:10 p.m. tomorrow. It will be led by Prof. Delatour. The conferences will meet once a week for four weeks. All meet- ings will be held in the East Con- ference Room of the Rackham Building. Callahan Act Repeal Sought PCA Opens Petition Campaign in City Nullification of the Callahan Act is the goal of a petition cam- paign in the Ann Arbor area launched Sunday at a meeting of the Progressive Citizens of Amer- ica. The PCA campaign is coordin- ated with a state-wide movement directed by the Committee to Re- peal the Callahan Act, headed by Henry Sweeny, former judge of Recorders Court and member of the city council in Detroit, which seeks to obtain 200,000 signa- tures by October 10. Members of the Committee to Repeal the Callahan Act include Professors Preston Slosson, John Shephard, Lewis G. VanderVelde and Theodore Newcomb. Ann Ginger, University law stu- dent, discussed the Taft-Hartley Act. Official approval was given to the Ann Arbor anti-lynch cam- paign Dr. Theodore Newcomb, who de- livered the opening address of the meeting, was elected PCA chair- man for the coming year. Other officers elected are as follows: Dr. Edward Redman and William Brownson, vice-chairmen; Alice Sloss secretary; and Carol Siegel, treasurer.I Situation in Greece Explosion Soon, Council Told; A possibility that the great' powers of the East and West may live in peace in spite of differing idealogies was outlined yesterday by Prof. John N. Hazard, of Co- lumbia University. Analyzing the princifple fea- tures in the Eastern and Western idealogies, Prof. Hazard said that ''wars will not- popularize'' the features which might appeal to additional adherents. He empha- sized that Soviet leaders realize that their system cannot be in- stituted successfully unless a ma- jority of a nation wants it and is willing to go through hardship to achieve it. WarOnly Postpones "A war could only postpone the possibility of proof, and is there- fore undesirable as a means of "need not spell war, unless there spreading the ideology," he said. Prof. Hazard declared that the f a c t that both the United States and Russia talk ideology and encourage "the intervening nations to accept their systems must be scrutinized to determine whether it is the major issue." Although means of propaganda and mass influence will certainly be used on the part of supporters of each opposing ideology in an effort to expand the area in which the ideologies are currently pop- ular, Prof. Hazard said that the resulting friction and conflict 'U' Radio Guild To Present First Play The first performance of the newly formed University of Mich- igan Radio Guild will be present- ed at 5:30 p.m. today over Sta- tion WPAG. , The Guild will present a fifteen minute dramatized version of "The Gingerbread Man," a child- ren's story, as the first in its sum- mer series. Further programs will be presented each week, entirely by student talent, under the di- rection of Robert Bouwsma. are .reasons for it other than the dissemination of ideology." Disagreements Listed Among the major centers of disagreement outlined by Prof. Hazard were: the role of the state, the place of the individual in so- ciety, the function of law, the nature and function of political parties and the role of the press. "These are not newly risen problems to plague Amnwrcan-So- viet relations," Prof. Hazard said. Several have been debated since the time of the Greek philosoph- ers, he said. "Evidence indicates that it would be a mistake to. think that the world is divided between peo- ples who support either extreme without reservation," Prof. Haz- ard said. World.News Roundup By The Associated Press MOSCOW, July 15-Russia was believed drafting plans today to give economic aid to Albania, while the Soviet press hinted at a gloomy fate for European na- tions which accept American as- sistance. SALT LAKE CITY, July 15- A secret ballot poll disclosed to- day that Gov. Thomas E. Dew- ey of New York is the odds-on choice of GOP state executives for the Republican Presidential nomination in 1948. * * * TOKYO, July 15-MacArthur- for President speculaition from Wisconsin landed in silent here today. Efforts were unabailing to ob- tain General MacArthur's com- ment on a statement by Lansing Hoyt, chairman of the Wisconsin MacArthur-for-President Cl u b, that "I'm positive he will be avail- able" as a Republican Presiden- tial candidate in 1948. New G( U.S. Asserts Reconstruction Vital to Peace Directive Provides For Demilitarization By The Associated Press BERLIN, July 15 -- (/) --The United States Government, an- nouncing a revised policy toward Germany, declared today "a stable and productive Germany," with a higher standard of living was es- sential to European recovery and lasting peace. The new policy; first over-all American directive on Germany since the end of the war - ap- parently opens the way for Ger- man participation in the Mar- shall proposal for European re- construction. Directive To Clay The new directive was sent to Gen. Lucius D. Clay, U.S. Military Governor, by U.S. State, War and Navy Departments. It represent- ed an updating of American oc- cupation policy, which officially had been based largely upon the old Joint Chiefs of Staff directive to Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower and the Military Government dated April 16, 1945, three weeks before the end of the war. American Objectives The new 6,000-word directive laid down American objectives and basic policies to be pursued in the U.S. administration of still- partitioned Germany. It contain- ed especially in its economic as- pects, some policy revisions which stated officially and publicly for the first time. U.S. Military Government lead- ers said they regarded the docu- ment as the most important American statement on Germany since the speech of former Secre- tary of State James F. Byrnes in Stuttgart last fall, when he advo- cated the return of self-govern- ment to the Germans as quickly as possible. Wants Germany Demilitarized The U.S. Directive repeatedly made it plain that America wants Germany demilitarized perman- ently. It said that "there should be no relaxation of effort to com- plete and effectively maintain the disarmament and demilitariza- tion of Germany." But it added that, within the limits of these "necessary res- traints" Germany should be per- mitted to raise her standard of living by development of her re- sources and should be aided in achieving a self-sustaining econ- omy. The directive also provided that funds for German expenditures should be increased "where ne- cessary to speed the restoratiorr of normal international commer- cial relations." New Inflation Caclled "Unlikely Congressmen Told Future Looks Bright WASHINGTON, July 15-()- Two business leaders today dis- counted fears of a new inflation- ary spree, and told Congress that Americans have reason to look to the future with confidence. Here is what they testified be- fore the joint congressional com- mittee on the Economic Report: 1. George M. Humphrey, Pitts- burgh, head of the world's largest commercial coal company, who helped negotiate the new con- tract with John L. Lewis' United Mine Workers: "The new coal wage contract will do more to stabilize the econ- omy and retard inflation than set- tlement of any controversy in the industry in several years." He said he thinks it will not affect wages in other industries. 2. Earl Bunting, president of the National Association of Man- ufacturers: "Prices are high, as compared Greek Rein forceirento Halt 24500 Guerrillas Army Air-borne Troops Trap Insurgent Band Nineteen Miles from Epirian Capita ATHENS, July 15--(P)-Air-borne Greek Army reinforc halted abruptly today a drive by 2,500 savagely fighting gu troops 19 miles from their objective, the Epirian capital of Io in Northwestern xreece, and enveloped them in a trap from they "cannot escape," a Cabinet Minister said tonight. The Guerrilla drive, which the Greek Government contend iginated in Albania, was stopped short at the village of Negr -- 19 miles north of Ioannina ina) during the first cla ilay U rania tween government troops a insurgent band. To Be Next in Government Confident The Government Minist it had not been determin PlaVers SerieS how large a scale the ba Negradhes had been wage "The King's Henchman," writ- that the government was ten by the American poetess Edna its population of 20,000 ha St. Vincent Millay will be pre- dissipated. sented by the speech department's War Minister GeorgeE Michigan Repertory Players at 8 said that two army briga p.m. tomorrow through Saturday 1,500 men each moving do and at 2 p.m. Saturday at Lydia the guerrilla forces from the Mendelssohn Theatre. and a third brigader Sam Rich will star in the play against them from the o as Eadgar, King of England with direction had halted then John Babington as Aethelwold, to Ioannina. ---- They Cannot Escape The guerrillas "cannot and they have to give b Stratos declared. A source close to the general staff said a "show battle between the army a guerrillas, who began a s offensive Sunday, movinga the village of Konitsa with tarly precision and full war ment, probably would tak , ;. r soon .in the region of the of Yeroplatanos, 25 miles n vra l Ionnmna. Guerillas Surrounded Guerrillas in the area of platanos and nearby Vasil few miles to the north, n surrounded, he said, whil miles west of Yeroplatan insurgents who were repu Konitsa now are trapped1 Greek brigades. SAM RICH Stratos said his governme ... to play Eadgar ascertained there were larg centrations of arms and m the friend whose disloyalty leads supplies at three points in to unhappiness and subsequent ia just over the Greek f suicide, and Judy Greengard as and at three points in Yug( Aelfrida the third member of the - triangle. M ash all P i O th e r m e m b e rs o f th e c a s t a re IJa c I s i n s M a c u sUAe h el Jack Iskin as Maccus, Aethel- . wold's servant, Joyce Katz as Ase. ains .iu i Aelfrida's servant and Ward Al- Erman Threatens Policy Declared U.S. Delegate Sees Danger Of Clash Soon Asks UN To Meet al Continually in Crisis ements uerrilla By The Associated Press uerila LAKE SUCCESS, July 15-The annina United States told the United Na- which tions Security Council today that the situation in Greece "might led or- burst into an explosion any day" radhes, and urged delegates to meet con- (Jan- tinuously to quell the threat to sh be- world peace. nd the "A siutation is developing dan- gerously along the Greek-Alban. ian border which might burst in- er said to an explosion any day," Deput; e<; on Delegate Merschel V. Johnsol ttle at said soberly. "The events of the d, but past few days indicate that th confi- situation has worsened. na and "The United States urges the d been Security gouncil to proceed with all possible dispatch in setting up Strato4 this ( border watch) commission." des of Johnson asked the Council to wn on hold two special meetings to- e north morrow and to vote "as soon as moving possible" on proposals to end pposite the border disturbances. menace Nesti Kerenxhi, Albanian rep- resentative, told the Council that a "so-called international bri- escape gade" was merely a repetition of battle,' previous reports - "completely without foundation"-spread by Greek Greek officials. vdown" "The lies from Greek sources- nd the intended for the outside world- urprise cannot stand up for a single min- against ute," he added. h mili- Yugoslavia said the reports equip- were without foundation and e place the situation was not as diffi- villagE cult as it had been pictured by orth of some delegates. Greek ambassador Vassili Den- dramis retorted quickly that Yero- "there have been real battles go- ikon, a ing along the Albanian border for ow are two days." He backed Johnson's e nine .appeal for speed on a decision. os the In his plea, Johnson gave the Ised at first indication that the United by twc States might be ready to compro- mise on sections of its demands. nt had He said he was willing to stress e con- conciliation but noted that cer- nilitary tain sections such as establish- Alban. ment of the commission were rontiei "fundamental." )slavia. Earlier, French Delegate Al- exandre Parodi called attention to the "grave" reports from Greece and counseled delegates to "keep calm." )rt He urged delegates to await full confirmation of dispatches before forming conclusions and caution- ed that the council must confine its action to limits of the UN 15-(P) charter. oupled arshahl nndos- Steel Shortage idorse- iliTo Shut GM ce res- udying 180,000 Wok s res- 1orkers e sub- To Be Affected in at- row. DETROIT, July 15-(P)-A de- rshall's cision to halt passenger car pro- is pro- duction for one week, with a lay- a gen- off of 180,00 workers, was an- om the nounced by General Motors to- night because of the steel indus- nilitary try's "disturbed conditions." armed The big corporation, which ng for makes about half of America's of war. motorcars, said reduced steel in- fensive ventories traceable to the "coal- nd re- mining situation". of the General Motors' announcement was made by President C. E. Wil- son in a formal statement. "Due to the disturbed condi- tions in the steel industry caused by the coal-mining situation dur- ns ing the first two weeks of July, O s Wilson said, "delivery of steel 'to General Motors has been reduced y that to such a low level that all pas- tion to senger car production will have he de- to be shut down for one week to allow 'us to accumulate sufficient working inventory." ilk on 1 1 1 quist as Ordgar, Aelfrida's fath- er. Morton Klayman, Richard Shafer, Robert Campbell, David Flaumenhaft, Jacqueline Kramer, Mildred Ashley, Mary Lou Blatt- speiler, Dorothy Hickman, Dixie Hunt, Arthur Flemings and Ellen Estlund will also appear in the play. The cast also includes Bruce Nary, Edmund Johnston, James Drummond and Ruth Arrington. Claribel Baird, visiting director, will direct the play with sets by Oren Parker, assisted by Robert Mellencamp and Jack Bender, and costumes by Berneice Prisk. Tickets may be purchased at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre box-office. Scholarship Ends Today is the last day for Can- adian undergraduate students to apply for the Paul J. Martin Scholarship for Canadian Stu- dents. Of Gvernoi SALT LAKE CITY, July 1 -The nation's governors c tonight support of the M Plan with moves toward er ment of the widespread n preparedness program. The Governors' conferen olutions committee is st four national preparednes olutions. One is likely to b mitted to the 43 governors tendance for a vote tomorr Secretary of State Mai plea here for support of h gram to aid Europe drew, erally favorable program fr governors. He urged universal m training, merger of the services, legislation providi total mobilization in casec uniform hemispheric de training and armament, a search "to stay aheadt world." LINGUISTIC INSTITUTE: Scholars Hunt Down Strange Tongues By MALCOLM WRIGHT The Linguistic Institute has con- ducted half of its 20 years of re- search here, according to its direc- tor, Prof. Hans Kurath, because of the availability of outstanding language projects and excellent library resources. A unique linguistic atlas of the United States and Canada illus- trating geographical influences on language, being compiled here from reports of field workers, Dr. Kurath specified, attracts profes- sors and students from all parts of the country. A dictionary of York, the University of North Carolina and the University of Wisconsin, Dr. Kurath said, the Institute has now been at Michi- gan since 1931, with an interrup- tion of only two years.. The program this year, he ex- plained, which is more complete than it was during the war years, has attracted many younger schol- ars who had been out of touch with linguistics during their years in the armed forces. Traditional introductory courses in general linguistics, phonetics, phonemics and historical grammar of various provement of language instruc- tion, are the four main objectives of the Linguistic Institute, Dr. Kurath said, adding that no other center in the world is attempting to do the same thing. Research scholars are taught how to handle people and what questions to ask them, he explained. Some Chinese and Japanese students, who spend 20 hours a week with instructors in English, learn the language in two semesters, he said. The most important thing in learning a language is first to become ac- quainted with sounds, he explain- ADAIKS' ADDRESS: Decries Scholastic Limitati( Democracy cannot proceed with its educational plans on the as- sumption that there is some so- cial or economic class limitation upon the number of persons for whom we can afford higher edu- cation, according to Provost cept any social philosoph would limit college educat the white collar class,"1 Glared. The conference prograi continue today with a s "..rn A rs f r1-.,fc'Vi