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July 13, 1947 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1947-07-13

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cSUNDAY, WI T 141 10


Minnesota Students In Europe;
Four Officials Speak At MSC


Thirty-four students from the
University of Minnesota arrived
last week in Europe for a summer
of studying.
The group will split up and go
to England, France and Spain to
Americans .®..
(Continued from Page 1)
the power of suggestion that
many prominent citizens shortly
reported unpleasant encounters
with the Jersey Devil.
The devil did not remain a lo-
cal phenomena by any means. He
was reportedly seen in California
and New Jersey on the same
night, and at various times in
Pennsylvania, Delaware and
Maryland. Scientists. propounded
theories about still existent pre-
historic beasts, and people be-
came panicky.
. The devil was finally "cap-
tured" and exhibited to the pub-
lic, oddly enough in the museum
of; the intrepid publicity agent.
The devil was later found to be
nothing more than a cleverly dis-
guised kangaroo, which probably
had never even been loose in the
Men from Mars
Another famous example of
America's gullibility is the Orson
Welles broadcast of H.G. Wells'
novel, The War of The Worlds in
This was not an intentional
hoax, however, as the fictional
nature of the program was an-
pounced. Nonetheless, many
Americans took up arms to de-
fend their homes from the "heat-
ray-spurting Martians."
With recent discoveries making
actualities formerly impossible
things, it isn't hard to believe al-
most any likely tale. It seems that
Americans are just highly sus-
ceptible to that ancient disease,
Vets Checks
Being Held
Checks are being held at the
Ann Arbor post office until July
17 for the following veterans:
John K. Erbaugh, Louis A. Errede,
Robert Van Orman Evans, Alen
D. Feith, Frederick C. Ferguson,
James C. Finch, Lionel Finkelstein,
William D. Flaskamp, Joseph Lee
Flynn, Eugene J. Formefeld, Jo-
seph P. B. Franklin, Louis R. Frei-
miller, Jack W. Fritz, Harvey J.
Galloway, Jr., William V. Gam-
zon, Ernest H. Garzieri, John G.
Other names included are: Gor-
don I. Ginsberg, Bernard Gold-
man, Gilbert A. Goodwin, William
0. Gotdon, Murray J. Grant, Rob-
ert F. Gray, Jerome M. Greenberg,
Norman A. Gremel, Joe G. Grubbs,
George B. Gudz, Richard Hocker
Gutherie, Frank A. Haentschke,
James H. Hagen, Robert M. Hal-
sey, Saul L. Handlers, Gordon H.
Hardie, Elizabeth A. Hartilieb,
Eugene R. F. Heffelfinger, Noland
Heiden, Allen R. Hennes, Milton
Heller, Rowland James Hill, Har-
ry H. Hilton, William A. Hilton,
Betty C. M. Hofmeister, Donald D.
Hostetler, Thomas Frederick Hyde,
PF1l F TJaeobsnn. James J. Jamie-
son, Norman C. Jimmerson.

observe and study European polit-
ical parties, the economics of so-
cialism, the theatre and the press.
While abroad, the students will
join with about 570 students and
teachers from all over the United
States for the trip.
At Michigan State College, four
prominent officials, including Gov.
Kim Sigler, expressed disagree-
ment over the right of the federal
government to assume the func-
tions of the individual states, at
the initial meeting of the politi-
cal science workshop last week.
Gov. Sigler expressed the fear
that the stretching of federal re-
sponsibilities "lies one of the first
steps on the road to dictatorial
Also taking part in the discuss-
ion was Prof. Joseph Kallen-
bach of the University's political
science department.
And at Michigan State, the hor-
ticulture department has been se-
lected by the American Rose So-
ciety as one of fifteen to do re-
search on the rose. Over 20 en-
tirely new strains of roses are cur-
rently being studied in the gar-
dens. Prof. C. E. Wildon, of the
horticulture department, is recog-
nized as one of the nation's lead-
ing rose authorities.
* * *
The Third Annual Music Con-
ference, sponsored jointly by the
School of Music and the Division
of Adult Education and Public
Services, will meet at the Univer-
sity of Indiana this week.
One hundred teachers of piano,'
voice, violin, cello, and wind in-
struments, and church organist-
choir directors are expected to at-
The University will also'be host
to Miss Marya Zaturenska, who
will lecture the Writers' Confer-
ence on "The Woman as Poet."
Miss Zaturenska, a recognized po-
et, was born in Kiev, Russia.
At the University of Illinois,
President George D. Stoddard, in
a speech relayed last week from
the University of North Carolina,
said that "as education goes, so
goes the country. To teach the
young is to estimate the future
and to prepare for it."
A total of 1,878 students attend-
ing the University during the
academic year ended last month
held scholarships totaling $ 178,-
457 in valu, according to a re-
port by George P. Tuttle, regis-
Mischa Elman, violin virtuoso,
gave a program of Handel. T'schai-
k'owsky, Saint E4aens, Smetana,
Chopin and Mendelssohn, last
week at a University sponsored
Five students at Ohio State Uni-
versity were among the first col-
legians to report flying saucers
across the campus last Monday,
They were playing baseball at the
A prominent Ohio State alum-
nus, cartoonist Milton Caniff
("Steve Canyon") will pay a visit
to Columbus this week. He will
attend an air show.
The Ohio State Historical So-
ciety received a collection of his-
torical papers, letters, and maps
from a Californian last week.
Some were dated in the early
1800s. Others included letters by
Hayes and Garfield (Presidents).
A Ohio State student was killed
last week when the Navy plane
I in which he' was flying crashed
and burned near Lancaster, Pa.

Show Literary
College Ready
For Increase
(Continued from Page 1)
tent instructors for advanced
students. With a larger program
than before the war, the depart-
ment is operating with a smaller
Housing Problem
. The lack of housing in Ann Ar-
bor for additional instructors is
hindering the growth of the rap-
idly-expanding German depart-
ment. Comparing this summer's
enrollment of 375 with the 284
figure of last summer, Prof. Hen-
ry W. Nordmeyer, chairman of
the department, declared, "If this
indicates a trend, it is not in the
best interests of efficient teach-
ing." Classrooms are scattered
over the campus, he said, but
space is adeuate.
The psychology department,
which closed registration after
the first day in the spring term,
may receive some relief in the
fall. The situation is expected to
be eased by the switch of psychol-
ogy 31 from group two to group
three. In addition, the department
has requested the use of Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre for two
courses to fill the need for large
classrooms. Office space and more
room for graduate students are
other pressing problems.
Limited Enrollment
A limited enrollment again ap-
pears inevitable in the chemistry
department. Although some class-
rooms in the new building addi-
tion are- expected to be completed
by September, the work of con-
necting the two units will actually
reduce the total space available.
Completion date of the addition
is unknown.
A similar situation exists in the
zoology department, which turned
away 200 studentsginRthe spring
term. Prof. George LaRue, de-
partment chairman, summed it
up: "We took advantage of all
available hours, even scheduling
noon and evening sessions, but we
still couldn't accommodate all
:ho applied for the beginning
^ourses, and we won't be able to
take any more in the fall than we
did in the spring." He emphasized
this did not mean students will
miss courses, but that they would
only be temporarily delayed in
taking them.
Landeckers. . ..
(Continued from Page 1)
proudest of his air raid warden
duties during the blitz.
"I was never in a shelter during
the bombings," he boasts.
Plans begun in the fall of 1946
were culminated last month, when
the Landeckers came to America
to join their son, who had arrived
here ten years ago on a scholar-
ship from the International Stud-
ent Service.
"We arrived in New York on a
bright, sunshiny Monday morn-
ing," Mrs. Landecker said, "and
the Statue of Liberty there in the
bay was thrilling beyond all we
had heard of it."
They were immediately struck
with the free-happy air of Ameri-
ca." Americans have a character-
istic strut as they walk down the
street, Mrs. Landecker said, "one
that points to the constant light-
ness of spirit, the feeling of inde-
pendence about them.
"It's exhilarating to watch and
live with Americans-to see their

chests beam when they talk of
their country," the Landeckers
agreed. "It will be wonderful to
join them in that pride."
Publish Works
Of Winners
Poems by two former Hopwood
prize winners appear in the sum-
mer issue of Prairie Schooner,
publication of the University of
Nebraska Press.
"Grandfather" was contributed
by Bernice Slote, winner of sum-
mer poetry awards in 1944 and
1945, who is now teaching Eng-
lish at the University of Nebraska.
"Silent Night, Holy Night" was
written by Baxter Hathaway, au-
thor of "The Stubborn Way" and
winner of a major fiction award
in 1935 and a major poetry award
in 1936, who is now instiructing
creative writing at Cornell Uni-
Ln o
Diamonds o
-and '
s Wedding o
77 North University Ave.
For that
Delicious Midnight Snack

fI c'I1




G I A N T D 1 S C P L 0 W - A 60-foot disc plow which turns a strip of earth 42 feet wide at
the rate of 14 acres an hour moves across the plain near Wildhorse, Colo.

C FT FOR O 'CON NOR-A little girl from
UNRRA camp at Hanau, Germany, for displaced children hands
a gift to Basil O'Connor, chairman of the American Red Cross,
who brought packages from the U. S.




SUN, WARMS TIGER..... e big cats from Africa
feel the sun's warming effects in Chicago's. Lincoln Park zoo,
enabling Andrew Guagenti, animal keeper, to pet a Bengal tiger-
from outside the cage.

T W I N .' 'T I L E T A B L E-Jeff and Jerry, twin 2 -year-old sons of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
Martin of Kew Gardens, N. Y., sit, at the combination play and dining table built by their father,
He made the top of ceramic tiles, hand-decorated with figures and ABC's.







G I A N T B E A R I N G -John Ostlund, expert grinder in
the SKF plant at Philadelphia, works on the largest spherical
roller bearing ever made in the U. S. This unit weighs 5,100
pounds. It's for a Niagara, Wis., paper mill.


V I S I T O R F R O M A M E R I C A - Msgr. Edward Flanagan, founder of Boys' Town, near
Omaha, Nebr., talks with small Japanese on a recent visit to an orphanage in Tokyo.

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