THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, Fifty-Seventh Year I'D RATHER BE RIGH1T: Russian Theory DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN - - - - - - - - --- - Xetter4 1 gyJ_ 1111 '1 . Edited and managed by students of the Uni- versity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Managing Editors ... John Campbell, Clyde Recht Associate Editor .................... Eunice Mintz Sports Editor ..................... Archie Parsons Business Staff Geheral Manager............... Edwin Schneider Advertising Manager .......... William Rohrbach Circulation Manager................ Melvin Tick By SAMUEL GRAFTON WHAT the Russians have missed is that the Marshall Plan is a kickback .against the Truman Doctrine. The Russians seem to have decided, mechanically, that the two are the same. This verdict fits into the simple, handy Russian theory that America is run by an anti-Soviet oligarchy, all of whose works must necessarily be suspect. But there are vast processes at work in America, processes of doubt, of increasing maturity, processes of growth and experi- ence, even processes of agitation - for the doctrine of aid to all of Europe was the keynote of the Wallace meetings. The Russians have ignored these processes, and because they have ignored them, these processes may stop. There is a measurable distance between Truman, in March, offering almost hysteri- cally to build a fence against Russia, and Marshall, in June, proposing with great re- serve and courtesy that all of Europe com- bine in a mutual aid plan, with American backing. That distance would be real, and great, even if Mr. Marshall himself should swear on a pile of Bibles that there has been no policy change. It is only necessary to consider how a pro- posal to give aid to Russia, even indirectly, would have been hooted in March to know that there has been a change. Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of republication of all other mnatters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Officedat Ann Arbor, Michi- 'an as second class mal matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier; $5.00, by mail, $6.00 Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: NAOMI STERN Franco' s Election THE CONFUSION OF the Paris confer- ence and the maneuvers of the eastern and western powers outhealined almost everything else in Europe. One of the events that seemed dwarfed in comparison was the report of "elections" in Spain on Franco's' new law of succession, an election that draws belly laughs at first, then a deep sense of disgust. The disgust stems from the fact that two years after the defeat of the Axis powers, a. regime whose unabashed sym- pathies (reenforced by vital exports and the Blue Division) were rooted with the enemy, and whose 'state philosophy is directly opposed to the principles for which the Allied forces fought, is allowed to exist. Franco's new move is one more attempt to make the monarchists a more enthusias- tice claque. This inept and divided "oppo- sition" has been trying vainly to restore an outdated royalty to Spain and their only hope lies in Franco's hand, which oc- casionally offers a lick of candy as a solace. The new law makes Franco "Chief of State' for life in the "kingdom" and allows him to name a king or regent to succeed him. The law represents a doubtful victory for the monarchists, an assurance for the Fa- langists that their type of fascism will con- tinue, and constitutes no threat to the po- sition of the church. Thus the three pillars of Franco support have been deftly and shrewdly manipulated once more into a solid active bloc of allegiance to the dictator despite their opposing aims. The position of the United Nations to- ward this country is brilliantly challenged In John Emmet Hughes' book "Report From Spain". .The policy of "verbal de- nunciation" which was "conceived in er- ror and ending in bankruptcy" has only served to strengthen Franco by permit- ting him to pose as the martyr defend- ing Spain's integrity and honor, accord- ing to Hughes. The policy the United Nations should fol- low instead as suggested by Hughes entails "an end to the fatuous banalities about not 'interfering' in Spanish affairs; a cate- gorical statement that overwhelming evi- dence convinces all democratic peoples that the Franco regime is not a decent member in the society of nations; and support of that statement with action." The action Hughes says would involve "First, an ulti- matum to Madrid from the Western dem- ocracies that their diplomatic relations will be severed by a specific date unless the Caudillo (Franco) and the Falange are sup- plemented at. least by an interim regime promising to consult and respect the will of the Spanish people. Secondly, a support- ing declaration of similar character by the greatest number possible of the nations of Latin America. Thirdly; (if necessary) an ultimatum either to precede or coincide with the diplomatic break, announcing eco- nomic sanctiong to be imposed before a spe- cified date. Fourth (if necessary) the im- position of sanctions, because it is absolute- ly certain that the Spanish government could not survive economic sanctions long- tr than three to four months." To which can be added a grateful amen. -Lida Dailes IN THE PAST 26 weeks the Eightieth Con- gress has been in session for 112 days at ART THE JULY EXHIBITION at the Museum of Art is made up of three groups of prints, strongly contrasting in type: a travel- ling exhibit from the Vanguard Group; a collection of prints belonging to the Ann Arbor Art Association; and a series of prints which form part of the Museum's permanent collection. The eighteen artists who make up the Vanguard Group have as their common in- terest experimental approaches to the field of fine prints. They concern themselves with exploring the possibilities of new technques in all the print media; a wide range of works in relief, intaglio, stencil, and chemical printing is the result of their researches. Subjects are mainly non-objective, abstract, and surrealistic. Many of the artists are ex- perimenting with color in print making, and their works display considerable imagination and discrimination along this line. ' Stanley William Hayter, leader of a group known as "Atelier 17," is a recog- nized leader in the scientific approach to the technique of engraving and of com- bined media. His abstractions are built up out of a skillful treatment of line and space, tone and texture. Sue Fuller is a follower of Hayter in his pioneer work with new processes. Her abstract animal study exhibits an attractive richness of pattern and texture. Anne Ryan's wood- cut is remarkably subtle in color; it has an unusual paint quality and a remarkable intensity of mood Schanker and Drewes are both abstractionists with established reputations, preoccupied with working patterns out of color, shapes and space. Kurt Seligmann has the psychological ap- proach of the surrealist, with particular emphasis on movement and rhythm; the surrealism of Martinelli and of Petrov shows a particular interest in line and draughts- manship. Peter Sager's linoleum cut is a strong, abstract composition; he creates a decorative and inventive pattern and is a capable and accomplished technician. The Ann Arbor Art Association has ac- quired a print by Peter Sager for its graphic collection, following a policy of purchasing significant works from exhibitions shown in Ann Arbor. A lithograph by Kuniyoshi, sen- sitive and sure, with subtle tonal relations; a delicately modelled etching by the Span- iard Quintanilla; a boldly patterned woodcut by Todros Geller: each bears witness to the variety of effect that can be attained in the black and white media. The Art Association prints, and their collection of oil paintings as well, are on.indefinite loan to the Univer- sity Museum of Art. The American College Society of Print Collectors was formed in 1930, and during the twelve years of its existence it enlisted the services of a number of nationally and internationally famous print makers. Through membership in this society the University received two prints each year and thus acquired a representative collec- tion of black and white works by acknowl- edged leaders in the field. These prints are, on the whole, patently conservative in subject matter and admittedly brilliant from the technical standpoint. The ma- jority of the works are either etchings or drypoints. Several prints of architectural subjects display the talent of such masters in the field of graphic arts as John Taylor Arms, Chamberlain and Rosenberg, Sir D. Y. Cam- eron and Ernest D. Roth. Contrasting inter- pretations of Venice have been done by Brangwyn and Heintzelman. Charles Wood- bury's etching, "The Sea is Making," creates a dynamic mood by means of a particularly expressive quality of line; "Silent Watchers," a drypoint by Armin Hansen, is both deli- cate and dramatic; Blampied's drypoint of The Russians, clutching their theories to their bosoms, have ignored and degrad- ed this change. But if the Marshall Plan is no good, we are no'good, our society is no good, it is incapable of an honest offer, and we might as well lie down and die. I do not believe this of the American society. In turning down the Marshall Plan th Russians turned down the best that the West is, or has, in heart, mind or pocket; they could not come closer to turning down the West itself, in toto, as a concept, as a civiliza- tion, as a partner. For rejection when we are on our best behavior is rejection indeed. The Marshall Plan would retain its stature even if some of the men supporting it did not believe in it, even if they hoped in some way to make a trap for the Soviets out of it. For a democratic society can move in a definite direction, and a good one, even while many of the individuals in it are moving eccentrically in patterns of their own. It is the group movement which re- mains decisive; and the Marshall Plan represents a group movement away from the Truman Doctrine, and carries with it at least some who don't. want to be going that way at all. The Russian rejection has helped only the eccentrics. We may now even look forward to something like a policy of isolation on both the extreme left and the extreme right in American life, while the middle bogs down in the hopeless feeling that nothing it can do, short of mass suicide, can please the great opponent. The Russians have hit at a trend that was running their way, and they have done it almost in the form of cynical comment oi the validity of trends and tendencies in American life. They have stirred a wholly new area of difficulty for themselves; one they hardly needed. (Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation BOOKS THE GALLERY. By John Horne Burns. New York: Harper & Brothers. 1947. 342 pp. IT MAY NEVER HAPPEN And Other Stories. By V. S. Pritchett. New York: Reynal & Hitchcock. 1947. 182 pp. r[HESE BOOKS make good summer read- ing. They are not duplicates of thousands of other "vacation books" designed, like a vacation, "to take your mind off things" by lulling you into a languid; momentary stupor, pleasant but useless, but for those of us who are enduring (or enjoying?) the self-inflicted punishment of summer school, these books are just the thing for those rare moments when blue books and required reading retreat into the background and there comes an hour or two when we want to read "for pleasure." The value of these books for our kind of summer reading is that they can be picked up and put down without interrupting long, involved plots. For they are collections of varied short stories, each a compact, well- written piece of literary entertainment of the very best. To a certain extent, the two are sim- ilar. Their over-all unifying theme is the effect of war on people. It should be stressed that they are not, in the us- ual sense, "war stories." Or, if they are, they are something more than that. They have a lasting quality, an unforgettable- ness which gives them more than a fleet- ing transitory significance. A sort of literary equivalent of Mouss- orgsky's "Pictures at an Exhibition," The Gallery even have a "floorplan instead of a table of contents. At the Entrance, we get our first view of "the unofficial heart of Naples," the Galleria Umberto Primo. This is the frame in which are set nine Portraits, detailed and realistic pictures of American servicemen and Italian citizens which reveal a keen, almost profund under- standing of what went on in that place at that time. There is confusion, heartbreak, happiness, ugliness and beauty translated into terms of specific situation. After each Portrait, there is what the author has been pleased to call a Promenade, personal rem- iniscences of Casablanca, Fedhala, Algiers and Naples, flavored by a gropingly evolv- ing philosophy about people, war and life. The Gallery is, to me, definitely super- ior to It May Never Happen, in scope and depth as well as in literary style. The latter has, nevertheless, a cool, crisp hum-, or, displaced sometimes by a rather mel- ancholy, almost gloomy perception of hu- man nature which makes it, also, very worthwhile reading. Here there is a very different kind of writing. Pritchett has been called a Che- kov-ian writer, and there is good reason for this comparison. His stories are more impression than plot, concise and impass- ionate, yet somehow intense and moving. "The Lion's Den" and "Many Are Disap- pointed" are only two good reasons for this English author's right to recognition by Americans as a top-notch short story writ- er. -Natalie Bagrow (Continued from Page 2) All veterans are urged to reportI to ROOM 100, RACKHAM BLDG., on MONDAY, JULY 14, 1947, for1 the purpose of making this re- port. Cooperation of all veterans will assist the Veterans Administration Regional Office, Detroit, Michi- gan, in reviewing all delinquent' subsistence accounts. Robert S. Waldrop, Director, Veterans Service Bureau1 A make-up validation test of directed teaching and sight piano will be given in Lane Hall base- ment 4-6 p.m., Monday, July 14. All transfer students in Music Ed-] ucation, graduate and undergrad- uate, are required to take this' test. Preliminary Examinatios for' the Doctorate in the School of Education will be held on August 18-19-20, from 9 till 12 o'clock. Any graduate student in Educa- tion desiring to take these exam- inations should notify my office, at once, Room 4000 University High School. Clifford Woody, Chairman of Graduate Advisers in Education Graduate Students in English: The Preliminary Examinations for the Doctorate in English will be given according to the follow- ing schedule: American Litera- ture, July 23; English Literature 1700-1900 July 26; English Liter- ature 1500-1700, July 30; The Be- ginnings to 1500, August 2. The Examinations will be given in 3217 Angell Hall from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00. Deadline for Veterans' Book and Supply Requisitions. August 22, 1947 has been set as the deadline for the approval of Veterans' Book and Supply Requisitions for the Summer Session-1947. Requisi- tions will be accepted by the book stores through August 23, 1947. H i s t o r y Final Examination Make-up: Saturday, July 19, 9 o'clock, Room B, Haven Hall. Stu- dents must come with written per- mission of instructor. General Placement: The State of Connecticut Per- sonnel Department announces competitive examinations f o r Patholigist ($4200-$5120 per an- num), and Clerk, Grade 2, ($1740- $2160 per annum). For further information call at the Bureau of Appointments. House Presidents' meeting, on Tuesday, July 15, in the Grand Rapids Room of the League. Married Veterans of World War II Veterans' Emergency Housing Project: Opportunity will be provided Monday, Tuesday, and Wednes- day, July 14, 15 and 16 for stu- dents in the above group to file application for residence in the Veterans' Emergency Housing Project. No apartments available for the summer session, but these appli- cations will be considered for fu- ture vacancies. Student applications for resi- dence in these apartments will be considered according to the fol- lowing qualifications. 1. Only married Veterans of World War II may apply 2. Michigan residents will be given first consideration. How- ever, out-of-state. students may also register at this time. See Regents' ruling on definition of Michigan resident. "No one shall be deemed a resident of Michi- gan for the purpose of registra- tion in the University unless he or she has resided in this state six months next preceeding the date of proposed enrollment.") 3. Veterans who have incurred physical disablity of a serious na- ture will be given first consider- ation. (A written statement from Dr. Forsythe of the University Health Service concerning such disability should be included in the application.) 4. Only students who have com- pleted two terms in this Univer- sity may apply. (Summer Ses- sion is considered as one-half term.) 5. Students who are admitted to these apartments may in no case occupy them for a period longer than two years 6. Length of overseas service will be an important determining factor. 7. In considering an applicant's total length of service, A.S.T.P., V-12, and similar programs will be discounted. 8. If both man and wife are Veterans of World War II and the husband is a Michigan resident and both are enrolled in the Uni- versity their combined application will be given special considera-J tion.1 9. Each applicant must file withr his application his Military Rec- ord and Report of Separation. Office of Student Affairs Room 2, University Hall La p'tite causette meets every Tuesday and Wednesday at 3:30 in the Grill Room of the Michigan League and on Thursdays at 4 p.m. at the International Center. All students interested in informal French conversations are cordially invited to join the group. The French Club will hold its fourth meeting on Thursday, July 17, at 8 p.m. in the second floor3 Terrace Room of the Michigan Union. Mr. Daniel Moreau, a stu- dent from France, will speak on: "Paris sous l'occupation allemande. jusqu'a la liberation" and Mr. Robert Waltz, from the Music School, will sing a few French songs. Group singing, games and refreshments. All students inter- ested are cordially invited. The seminar in Applied Mathe- matics will meet on Wednesday, July 16, at 4 p.m. in Room 317 W e s t Engineering Bldg. Prof. Sidney Goldstein of the Uni- versity of Manchester, Manchest- er, England, will speak on "Com- pressible Flow in and over Ducts." Pi Lambda Theta is having a guest tea on Tuesday evening, July 15 at 7:30 in the West Con- ference Room of the Rackham Building. Members from out-of- town chapters are invited to at- tend. The Classical Coffee Hour will be held Tuesday, July 15 at 4:00 p.m. in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. All students interested in Greek and Latin Classics are cordially invited to attend. The Christian Science Organ- ization will hold its regular Tues- day meeting at 7:30 p.m., July 15, in the upper room of Lane Hall. All students, faculty members, and alumni are cordially invited. Willow Run Chapter, AVC. There will be no meeting on Tuesday, July 15. The next regu- lar meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 23. August 1947 Graduating Engi- neers: Mr. D. D. Wile of Carrier Cor- poration, Syracuse, N.Y., will in- terview qualified graduates for positions in the Research and .De- velopment Department in the field of refrigeration and air condition- ing, Tuesday, July 15, in Room 218 West Engineering Building. Interview schedule may be sign- ed on the Bulletin Board at Room 221 W. Engr. Bldg. La Sociedad Hispanica meets for informal conversation every Tues- day and Wednesday at 3:30 p.m., and for tea every Thursday at 4 p.m. in the Game Room of the In- ternational Center. All students of Spanish are invited. The Summer Session Sociedad Hispanica is having a dinner in the Michigan League dining room at 6:15 p.m., Wednesday, July 16, in honor of Prof. Jose Cirre, of Wayne University, who will lec- ture before the club at 8 p.m. on "Francisco de quevedo y la poli- tica de su tiempo." Those interested in attending the dinner should leave their names in the Romance Languages Office no later than Monday noon. The lecture is open to all those who are interested. plicants and Em~ployers." This is a Counseling and Placement Conference sponsored by the Bur- eau of Appointments. The public is invited. Professor John N. Hazard, Pro- fessor of Public Law, Columbia University, will lecture on "The United States and the Soviet Un- ion: Ideological and Institutional Differences," Tuesday, July 15, 4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphithea- tre. This is a lecture in the Sum- mer Lecture Series, "The United States in World Affairs." The- public is invited. Morris Weitz, Professor of Phil-. osophy at Vassar College, will give a lecture, "Form and Con- tent, Representation, and the Ex- pressive in Art", to the Acolytes, Tuesday, July 15, at 7:30 p.m., West Lecture Room, Mezzanine, Rackham Building. Open to the public. Major General John H. Hill- dring, U.S.A. (Ret.), Assistant Secretary of State, U.S. Depart- ment of State, will give a lecture, "What is our Purpose in Ger- many?", Wednesday, July 16, at 8:10 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. This is a lecture in the Summer Lecture Series, "T h e United States in World Affairs." The public is invited. Professor Gottfried S. Delatour, Visiting Professor of Sociology, Columbia University, will lecture on "The Problem of Internation- al Understanding," Thursday, July 17, 4:10 p.m., Rackham Am- phitheatre. This is a lecture in the Summer Lecture Series, "The United States in World Affairs." The public is invited. TO THE EDITOR EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints EVERY letter to the editor (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we re- mind our readers that the views ex- pressed in letters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. Concerts Bicycle Ordinance Percival Price, University Car- illonneur, will present a French program at 3 this afternoon, on the Baird Carillon located in Bur- ton Memorial Tower. It will in- clude the following: Robin m' maime, by Adam de la Halle; A Maryllis, and Gavotte, by Louis XIII; four compositions by Coup- erin; two French Revolution songs; Selections from Gounod's Faust, and The Sunken Cathedral, by Debussy. Lecture Recital: Lee Pattison pianist, will present his second lecture-recital, entitled "Chopin: The Flowering of Romanticism," at 8:30 Monday evening, July 14, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. It will be open to the general pub- lic. Band Concert. The University of Michigan Summer Session Band, William D. Revelli, Con- ductor, will be heard at 8:30 Tuesday evening, July 15, in Hill Auditorium, in a program includ- ing compositions by Prokofieff, Guilmant, Sibelius, Guiraud, and Sousa. Miss Elizabeth Spelts, so- prano, of the School of Music faculty, will sing a group of Eng- lish songs. The general public is invited. Student Recital: Morrette Rid- er,, violinist, will present a re- cital in partial fulfillment of the requirements. for the degree of Master of Music in Music Edu- cation at 8:30 Wednesday eve- ning, July 16, in the Rackham As- sembly Hall. A pupil of Gilbert Ross, Mr. Rider will play Cor- elli's La Folia, Quincy Porter's Second Sonata for Violin and Pi- ano, Max Bruch's Concerto No. 2 in D minor, Op. 44. The public is invited. Student Recital: Laurance Mc- Kenna, baritone, will present a re- cital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music at 8:30 Thursday evening, July 17, in the Rackham Assembly Hall. A pupil of Arthur Hackett, Mr. McKenna has plan- ned a program to include two groups of English songs, a group of Serenades, Cortgiani, from-Ver- di's Rigoletto, and four French songs. The public is cordially in- vited. Exhibitions Photographs of Summer Fungi of Michigan, Rotunda Museums Building. July and August. The Museum of Art: Exhibi- tion of Prints-Vanguard Group, Ann Arbor Art Association Col- lection, and from the Permanent Collection. July 1-28. Alumni Memorial Hall, daily, except Mon- day, 10-12 and 2-5; Sundays, 2-5. The public is cordially invited. Museum of Archaeology. Cur- rent Exhibit, "Life in a Roman Town in Egypt from 30 B.C. to To the Editor: I WOULD LIKE to amplify the editorial concerning the new bicycle ordinance I wrote on Thursday to which Mr. Bissell takes exception in this morning's paper (July 11). I wish to say at first, however, that I agree with Mr. Bissell that the success of this ordinance de- pends upon the cooperation of the students. But I also feel that stu- dent cooperation, now and in the future, depends to a large degree upon the prestige of the Legisla- ture and the action which it takes concerning the ordinance. I wish also to say that I meant more than policing, which admit- tedly could be impractical, by the idea of enforcement. This was not clear, perhaps-especially as I compared, the situation here with a situation arising in the services. But there are some things that the Legislature should do, even as- suming that policing is impossible. Most important probably is that this 'ordinance should be publi- cized. The only knowledge the campus has of this new policy comes from one brief article in The Daily. That article probably was not read by several students, and has undoubtedly been forgot- ten by many of those who did. You can not expect the students to cooperate if they do not even know that there is an ordinance. Also, the Legislature planned to put more racks on the limits of the campus. As yet no action has been taken. The success of this ordinance, and to a large ex- tent the prestige of the Legisla- ture, depends upon the promPt ac- tion of the Legislature. -Dave Wagner 400 .A.D." Tuesday through Fi- day, 9-12, 2-5; Saturday, 9-12; Friday evening, 7:30-9:30; Sun- day 3-5. Events Today br. Ralph A. Sawyer, Dean of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies, will present an illustrated lecture, "The Bikni Tests and Atomic Ehergy," Sun- day, July 13, at 8:00 p.m., at Hill Auditorium. Dr. Sawyer served as technical director at Bikini. The moving pictures are the of- ficial Navy color films. The pub- lic is invited. The Graduate Outing Club will meet for outdoor activities on Sunday July 13th at 2:30 p.m. at the Northwest Entrance of the Rackham Building. Please sigh up before noon on Saturday at the check desk in the Rackham Building. Coming Events Dr. Yuen-li Liahg will hold the first of four conferences on the United Nations, Tuesday, July 15, 3:10 pm., East Conference Room, Rackham Building. These con- ferences are part of the Summer Lecture Series, "The United States in World Affairs." Dr. Robin Humphreys will hold the first of four conferences on Latin America, Wednesday, Jfuly 16, at 4:10 p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham Building. These conferences are part of the Sum- mer Lecture Series, "The United States in World Affairs." Professor Gottfried S. Delatour will hold the first of four confer- ences on European affairs, Thurs- day, July 17, at 3:10 p.m., East Conference Room, R a c k h a m Building. These conferences are part of the Summer Lecture Ser- ies, "The United States in World Affairs." University Community Center 1045 Midway Boulevard Willow Run Village Calendar of Events Sun., July 13, 4 p.m., Wives' Club Picnic at Island Park (at University Community Center in case of rain). Tue., July 0, 8 p.m., Wives' Club meeting. Book Review by Mrs. Keith McKean. Thu., July 16, 8 p.m., Art Class. Beginning Still Life. Mrs. David Palmer, Instructor. Fri., July 18, 8 p.m., Duplicate Srid T nu* 1~'1rn.a vv. or.4 9 4 A. i+ yl 1 41 Lectures Dr. Karl Polyani, Professor of Economics, Columbia University will lecture on "Our Market Men- tality," Monday, July 14, 4:10 p. m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Open to the public. Dr. Yuen-li Liang, Director of the Division of the Development and Codification of International Law, United Nations, will give a lecture on "International Law, the United States, and the United Nations" Monday, July 14, 8:10 p. m. Rackham Amphitheatre. This is a lecture in the Summer Lecture Series, "The United States in World Affairs." The public is invited. Dr. Albert Moellmann, Market Analyst for the Detroit News, will speak on "Present Views of Busi- ness Conditions," on Tuesday, July 15, 4:00 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall. At 8:00 p.m. the topic will be "Why Teachers Leave the Profession," and a demon- stration of "Don'ts for Job Ap- I BARNABY... , f-- - , I I IL"l itiL _. ® ., ., .1 ,.. . t:..