RUSSIAN THEORY See Page 4 4flt D szii CLOUDY, SCATTERED SHOWERS Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVII, No. 13S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 13, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS Invite Russia ToParticipate Inconference Britishl ledgeAid To Marshall Plan By The Associated Press PARIS July 12-Britain, France and Italy told the opening ses- sions of the Marshall Plan Con- ference today that Russia and the absent eastern European nations still would be welcome to hel in a continent-wide effort to re- build a war-shattered economy. Moreover, British foreign secre- tary Ernest Bevin declared the conference was not intended tc set up a permanent organization rivalling the United Nations. He said the conference members re- mained loyal to the UN and want- ed to work in the fullest coopera- tion with appropriate UN organs. Pledged Support Bevin also pledged the resources of the British Commonwealth, in- sofar as the British government can influence them, to the task of European rehabilitation. Statesmen from 16 European nations met for an hour in the gilded grand banquet hall of the French Foreign Ministry. They elected Bevin presiding officer and named a working committee which immediately began a study of the British-French draft for European recovery with Ameri- can aid. The conference was called by Britain and France after Russia declined to have anything to do with the Marshall plan, enunciat- ed by the United States Secre- tary of State at Harvard Univer- sity June 5. Envisions Help The plan, briefly, envisions American aid to Europe after the nations of Europe have decided how far they can help themselves and just what help they will need from the United States. Soviet Russia charged that this ,would mean interference in the independence of the European countries and she held aloof with eight neighbors. However, the Red hammer and sickle flag of the Soviet and the banners of the ab- sent countries flew in the con- ference hall with those of the del- egates present. Observers saw this as emphasis on the conference feeling that the door always would be open to those desiring to Cooperate. Panel Series Will Be Held Conferences Will Parallel Lectures In conj unction with the sum'- mer session lecture series, three series of conferences dealing with the United Nations, Latin America and European affairs will be held. Dr. Yuen-li Laing, director of the United Nations Division of De- velopment and Codification of In- ternational Law, will conduct the conference on the United Nations. It will meet at 3:10 p.m. Tues- days, July 15, 22, 29 and Aug. 5. Dr. Robin A. Humphreys, read- er in American history at the Uni- versity of London, will conduct the conference on Latin America. It will meet at 4:10 p.m. Wed- nesdays, July 16, 23, 30 and Aug. 6. The third conference, on Euro- pean affairs, will be led by Prof. Gottfried S. Delatour, visiting pro- fessor of sociology at Columbia Columbia University and former professor at the University of Frankfurt, Germany. The third conference will meet at 3:10 p.m. Thursdays, July 17, 23, 31 and Aug. 7. All conferences will meet in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. UN Offici To Lecture Here Dr. Yuen-li Laing, director of the United Nations'. Division of Development and Codification of International Law, will continue the summer session lecture series this week with an address at 8:10 p.m. tomorrow on "International Law." Four other lectures in the series are scheduled for this week. Dr. John N. Hazard will speak Literary College Ready For Record Enrollment All But Three Departments Have Adequate Room for Additional Students in Fall Termi By TED MILLER Despite generally crowded con- ditions, most departments in the literary college will be able to ac- commodate the anticipated in- crease in fall enrollment, a sur- vey by The Daily shows. Although University officials have predicted a new enrollment of 20,500 for the fall semester, a check of literary college depart- ments disclosed there is suffi- -cient space for additional stud- ents in all courses except those AdamsToOpenr Conferenice With Speech Education Meeting To Begin Tomorrow An address by Provost James P. Adams entitled "Let's Turn on The Lights" will open the Eight- eenth Annual Summer Education Conference at 11 a.m. tomorrow in the University High School auditorium. The Conference, which centers around the theme "Current 'Trends in Education," will be held tomor- row through Friday under the sponsorship of the education school. Lectures, Special Conerences Lectures, supplemented by spe- cial conferences and other dis- cussion will be featured on the Conference program. An extensive exhibit of new textbooks will be maintained by Michigan representatives of pub- lishers of text books and other instructional materials, according to Conference Director. Dean James B. Edionson, of the edu- cation school. A special display of childrens books will be pro- vided by the University Library Extension Service. The exhibits will be located in University High School. Prof. Ford L. Lemler, of the ed- ucation school, will speak Tues- day on "Using Films in an In- Service Education Program for Teachers." On Wednesday John A. Perkins, state budget director and former member of the facul- ty of the University political sci- ence department, will discuss "Some Aspects of State Finance." Both lectures will be held at 11 a.m. in the University High School Auditorium. Psychology, Health Lectures Special conferences on educa- tional psychology, health educa- tion, human development andI physical education will be held tomorrow. On Tuesday . discus- sions of adult education, audiovis- ual education, research in sec- ondary education school librar- ies, tests and evaluation and health education will take place. Other conference topics include: business education, instructional policies of the University Elemen- tary School, general administra- tion guidance, remedial reading, secondary school curriculum, vo- cational education and tests and evaluation on Wednesday; civic education, business education, and general administration on Thurs- day; and college and high school relations, elementary education and general administration on Friday. The Conference meetings will be held in the University High School and the University Ele- mentary School buildings and in the architecture college auditor- ium. All programs will be open to the public. already limited in the past aca- demic year. Prof. Clarence D. Thorpe, act- ing chairman of the English de- partment, struck the most optim- istic note. "We expect the adjust- ment this fall will be almost im- perceptible," he said. Having weathered huge jumps in the past, Prof. Thorpe explained, the de- partment expects fWture .increases to cause relatively little trouble. The economics *department, which added many sections in be- ginning courses last year, indicat- ed that further expansion could be made satisfactorily. Noon Labs Noon labs will be introduced in the geology department for the first time next fall. The action will be taken to accommodate ad- ditional students expected to en- roll after the transfer of psy- chology 31 from group two to group three credit. At the present time the department does not ex- pect to set a limit on registration. The sociology and geography departments have experienced larger classes but expect "no par- ticular effect" from the hike in enrollment. Cassroom space for history and phiosophy students is no probem as yet, those depart- ments reported. More Room Prof. James E. Dunlap, chair- man of the classical studies de- partment, said there is room for more students although "we have had to relinquish rooms specially equipped to suit our needs to larger departments." Another small department, oriental lan- guages, is using office space for classes, but expects to provide for all registrants. Although "quite crowded" last semester, the botany, anthropol- ogy, journalism and romance lan- guagesdepartments do not ex- pect to turn away any students next fall. The physics department will take over several rooms in the East Engineering Building this fall for classes. A more serious problem is a shortage of compe- See SHOW, Page 6 Suspect Held InAtteniptTo Kill Bricker Fires Wild Pistol Shots in Subway By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 12-Two wild pistol shots were fired at Senator Bricker (Rep., Ohio), in the Senate subway today and a few hours later officers arrested a suspect they described as a for- mer member of the capitol police force. Senate Sergeant at Arms Ed- ward L. McGinnis identified the suspect as William L. Kaiser. The arrest was madeby metropolitan police in the northwest part of the city. Kaiser told reporters with a shrug of his shoulders and a wry' smile: "I was just trying to refresh his memory." Caused Turmoil The shooting set the Capitol in a turmoil during the midst of an unusual Saturday session of the Senate. It took place in the sub- way linking the Capitol with the Senate Office Building. Bricker was carried to safety by the little monorail subway car as it rounded a bend out of the shooter's range. The silver -haired 1944 Repub- lican vice-presidential candidate and ancompanion crouched be- hind one of the car's seats as it slowly got underway. Bricker, apparently undisturb- e& told reporters that Kaiser blamed him for losses in a build- ing and loan association at Col- umbus about 15 years ago. Police Appointee Records show that Kaiser was a capitol police appointee of his predecessor, Senator Huffman (Dem., Ohio). Bricker told a ques- tioner that he had nothing to do with Kaiser losing this job last April. Kaiser was arrested by metro- politan police several hours after the shooting and many blocks from the capitol, at a Massachu- setts Avenue address. Police at precinct No. 1 booked him on charges of assault with intent to kill. FBI Arrests In Atomic I bomb Two Ex-Sergeants Senate Fails To Vote on Tax B1l Plan Promise To Pass Measure Tomorrow Expect Prompt Veto From White louse Bfy The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 12-Re- publican sponsors failed in an ef- fort to ram the $4,000,000,000 in- come tax cut bill through at a night Senate session tonight, and final action was put off until Monday. A vote then--with passage as- sured-was arranged in an in- formal gentlemen's agreement be- tween leaders of Democratic and Republican parties. - The GOP leadership once turned down such an agree- ment, but accepted it later af- ter Democratic Leader Barkley of Kentucky told them he be- lieved President Truman will veto the measure promptly without waiting the usual ten days. With the informal agreement accepted, the Senate recessed at 7:49 p.m. Eastern Standard Time to noon Monday. The decision came after nearly ten hours of debate during which eight amendments by Senator Morse (Rep., Ore.), includingone to postpone the effect of the tax cut for at least a year past next Jan. 1, were turned down. Still to be acted upon was the controversial amendment by Senator McClellan (Dem., Ark.) to extend so-called community property benefits to taxpayers of all the states. He claimed support of at least 26 senators for his amendment to give taxpayers in all states the benefits now enjoyed in commun- ity property states. Barkley said that it would "be silly and futile" for the President to try and delay sign- ing the bill to avoid overriding of the veto and added: "The President of the United States is not that kind of a man." Senator Lucas (Dem., Ill.), act- ing as minority leader, made the original suggestiondforran inform- al agreement to vote Monday. Refuses Tag Day Request The Committee on Student Af- fairs yesterday turned down an Inter-Racial Association request for permission to sponsor an An- ti-Lynch Tag Day July 24 on campus. The Committee ruled that no "tag days" shall be held during this summer session. Proceeds from the Anti-Lynch Tag Day would have gone to the Southern Negro Youth Congress. The Committee approved an Anti Lynch Forum to be held by IRA July 23. Also approved was the showing of "Wuthering Heights", July 21 and 22 in Hill Auditorium, with proceeds to go to the IRA. Groups Will Ask Anti-Lynch Day Representatives of eight campus and two town organizations will ask Mayor William E. Brown Jr.I Tuesday to declare an Anti-Lynch1 Day in Ann Arbor and will re- quest a reconsideration by the Stu- dent Affairs Committee on its re- fusal to grant an Anti-Lynch tag day on campus, according to an1 IRA spokesman. IRA will also request the Stu-I dent Legislature to review the case. LANDECKERS ARRIVE-Mr. and Mrs. Landeciker, parents of Prof. Werner Landecker of the sociology department arrived in the United States after spending the war years in Germany and England. Thefts: ' TO PARADISE'- * * * Landeckers Complete Last Leg of Journey to America. 'KING'S HENCHMAN': Costumers Use Odd Objects To Achieve Medieval Effect Roofing discs, dish clothes, pa- per fasteners and Christmas' tree decorations are but a few of the materials employed in the cos- tuming of the Michigan Reper- *' * * . tory Players for their production of "The King's Henchman", ac- cording to Berneice Prisk, cos- tumierre. The play, written by the Amer- ican Poetess Edna St. Vincent Millay, will be presented at 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Interesting Challenge "Costuming for period plays' like "The King's Henchman" of- fers an interesting challenge, Miss Prisk said, explaining that it is often difficult to find the mater- ials corresponding to medieval brocades, velvets and ornaments, which are needed. "We constructed the "mail" ar- mour for the cast from dish clothes with silver paint and the head gear from ordinary sun hel- mets without the rims and cov- ered with the dish cloth mesh, she added." Miss Prisk, who teaches cos- tuming at Iowa State University designed all the costumes for the play and is supervising her cos- tume classes here in their com- pletion. Colorful and Elaborate We are doing all the work we can by ourselves, she said, but some objects, the noblemen's swords, for example, are purchas- ed from manufacturing concerns. "The play is colorful and the costumes elebaroate but they are not set in any particular cen- tury of the middle ages," she de- clared adding that the costumers work for a general effect rather than absolute authenticity. Tickets for the play may be purchased at the Lydia Metidels- sohn Theatre box-office this week. The play will be directed by Prof. Claribel B. Baird of Okla-, homa Women's College. Scholarship Available Three more days remain for Canadian undergraduate students to apply for the Paul J. Martin By BEN ZWERLING The last leg of an earthly tour from "hell to heaven to paradise" has brought a couple of new set- tlers to Ann Arbor. U' Band Will Give Concert Here Tuesday The annual University summer session band concert will be pre- sented at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Hill Auditorium. Dr. William D. Revelli is con- ductor. The program will feature ar- rangements by the band and solos by Elizabeth Spelts, soprano. Guests conductors will lead the band in their various numbers. Prokofieff's "Marche Pour La Spartakiade," conducted by Ray- mond N. Opland, graduate stu- dent in the music school, will op- en the program.- Other band numbers include "Choral March and Fugue" by Guillment, conducted by Harlan L. Thomas, director of instrumen- tal music at Rocky River, O.; Le- Cucna's "Malaguena" from "Suite Andalucia," conducted by Mar- garet E. Cawley, instrumental music director of the Chatham, N.J. public schools; and the Li- onel Barrymore adaptation call- ed "Russian Dances," conducted by George R. Pollock, instrumental music director in Spangler, Pa. Dean Sawyer, To Give, Talk An illustrated lecture on "The Bikini Tests and Atomic Energy" will be presented at 8 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium by Dean Ralph A. Sawyer of the graduate school. Dean Sawyer served as technical director of the Bikini atom bomb test. The moving pictures are the official Navy color films. The lecture on atomid energy will be the second of a series of Sunday evening programs plan- ned for faculty, students and townspeople during the summer session. Dean Sawyer received his ap- pointment as successor to the late Dean Yoakum while serving as technical director of Operations Crossroads, where he supervised the activities of more than 500 scientists. Adolph Landecker and his wife, Hertha, are the travelers in ques- tion. And Germany, England and the United States are the desig- nated points of their journey as a mnap would indicate them. But the Landeckers, who have come to join their son, Prof. Wer- ner Landecker of the sociology de- partment, prefer to speak of the three nations not in terms of how a map would name them, but rather in terms of what their people have made of them. Spirit of People "It is the spirit of the people within the country that deter- mines how liveable that country is," Prof. Landecker said. "And it's the differences in spirit that makes of Germany a hell, of Eng- land a heaven and of America a paradise." The Landeckers spoke of their existence in pre-war Germany as opposed to their life in wartime England and post-war America. The tactics and attitude of the Nazis had made life unbearable in Berlin by the summer of 1939, when they left, Mr. and Mrs. Lan- decker recalled. The people, by and large, had lost any sense of values, appeared grim and were imbued with a war fever, they continued. Anti-Nazis Helped "Only the helpfulness of some anti - Nazis within the official framework, who would sneak in a smile and a word of encourage- ment every so often, kept our hopes alive," Mrs. Landecker add- ed. Their lives were reactivated in June of 1939, when they arrived in London. For in England, they found "hospitality and generosity to an extent we never thought possible." "All of London's bus drivers were whistling, the people were gay and optimistic even on the eve of war," Mr. Landecker said, between 'puffs of his English briar. (His wife commented that the man and the pipe had been insep- arable since he picked it up in a London shop five years ago.) Spirit of Determination "When war came," Mr. Lan- decker said, "the optimistic spirit of the English people became a spirit of determination. It was in- vigorating to watch the miracu- lous English go about the business of war. There was no convincing them that they couldn't bear up in the face of unheard of hard- ships and without complaint." Mr. Landecker, a cotton goods wholesaler in Berlin, became a bookkeeper in London, but, is! See LANDECKERS, Page 6 Bureau Cals Stolen Papers Top Secret' Documents Found In Scattered Spots By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 12-FBI agents late today arrested two former Army sergeants accused of taking atomic bomb docu- ments-some of them said to be "top secret"-from the Los Ala- mos, N.M. testing station. The FBI, making the an- nouncement, told of recovering the documents and photographs of "the various phases" of the A-Bomb from a variety of places -a student's room at Princeton University, a wall safe in Penn- sylvania and a photograph studio in Chicago. The two men were identified off icially as: Alexander von der Luft, 23, ar- rested at his home at 418 Serpen- tine Drive, Mt. Lebanon, Pa. Earnest D. Wallis, 34. of 151 West Burton Place, Chicago. He was arrested at his Paul Stone- Raymor photograph studio, 168 North Michigan, Chicago. While FBI agents reserved comment on this phase. in- formed government officials saidno evidence was uncover- ed that any of the documents were seen by anyone besides the two ex-sergeants. Lou Nichols, FBI public rela- tions officer, told reporters that information uncovered by inves- tigators "indicated no connec- tion between these boys and for- eign agents or foreign espionage" The FBI said in a statement that complaints are being filed before the U.S. Commissioner at Santa Fe, N.M. charging Von der Luft and Wallis with wilful- ly and unlawfully removing and concealing records and doc- ments in violation of Section 234, Title 18, U.S. Criminal Code. This section covers removal and concealment of classified docu- ments. The offense, upon conviction, carries a penalty of a fine of not more than $2,000 or not more than three years imprisonment, or both. Von der Luft will be arraign- ed before the U.S. Commis- sioner at Pittsburgh, the FBI said, while Wallis will be ar- raigned before the U.S. Com- missioner at Chicago. The FBI explained that no charge could be filed under the Atomic Energy Act since "the of- fenses occurred prior to its en- actment." VEHP Waitin List Reopened Married Veterans' ApplicationsAccepted The waiting list for residence in the Veterans' Emergency Hous- ing Project next to the Coliseum will be opened tomorrow to mar- ried veterans of World War II who have completed two terms in the University. Qualified veterans may -apply tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednes- day from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Of- fice of Student Affairs, Rm. 2, University Hall. Discharge pa- pers must be filed with all appl- cations. A list of qualifications and priorities may be found in the Daily Official Bulletin. No apartments are available for the summer session. The housing project includes 74 units at Fifth Ave., Hill and Di- vision. Each of the buildings con- sists of two one-room apartments with private bathroom. They are equipped with a gas cook stove, and oil heaters for water and heating purposes. They are also BERNEICE PRISK ... designs costumes World News at a Glance By The Associated Press PRAGUE, July 12-Czechoslovakia and Russia announced tonight a five-year agreement exchanging Russian food for Czech machinery and manufactured goods. * * * * WASHINGTON, July 12-Soviet Russia, with its once great veto power in world affairs much curtailed, is playing a losing game in trying to split Europe and wreck the Marshall Plan for European recovery, American officials said today. * *' * * WASHINGTON. July 12-President Truman today broke a five- months' deadlock over his nomination of Francis Biddle to be U.S. Representative on the United Nations Economic and Social Council by withdrawing the appointment at Biddle's request. BATAVIA, July 12-The Indonesian Republic and the Dutch ONE ORN EVERY MINUTE: Americans Fall oaXers, Qucks By FREDRICA WINTERS Ever since Parson Weems first foisted the legend of George being what it is, we'll probably continue believing there is a side show around every corner. mined to send a mission to the moon for the purpose of convert- ing its inhabitants.