See Page 2
Latest Deadline in the State
wSenate GOP
Leaders Map
Bill Scheduk
Housing, Leave
Pay Not Incl ide
By The Associated Press
Republican leadership drew u
a schedule today for the last tw
weeks of this session of Congre
and left off the work sheet bill
to cash terminal pay bonds an
to undertake a long range hous
ing program.
However, Senator Taft (Rep
Ohio) told reporters that both
these measures and a number
others might be crowded into ti'
r adjournment schedule if senator
will agree to "avoid lengthy de
Taft listed the immedial
schedule in this order:
1. President Truman's reorgar
ization plan No. 3 which propos
es to unify federal housing an
home finance agencies. Th'
House has disapproved this bu
the Senate Banking Committe
approved and unless the Senat
reverses its committee the pla
will become effective.
2. A Senate bill for increasin
the government allowance to wa
veterans who are students unde
the GI Bill of Rights.
3. A Senate bill to authoriz
the purchase of automobiles fo
disabled veterans who are blin
or amputees.
4. A House-approved bill tha
would allow citizens of Puert
Rico to elect their governor. H
now is appointed.
5. A Senate bill to reinstate th
federal mine safety code that op
erated while the government hel
the coal mines.
6. A House-approved bill t
freeze social security taxes at th
present one per cent each on em
ployers and employes instead o
allowing an increase to 21/2 pe
cent each at the end of this year
Announce NeM
% I~fT0
Trafi Law_
Toint System'
Enforcement Plan
Evaluates Offense
Extension of the new uniforn
traffic, law enforcement plan tc
Ann Arbor sometime in Augus
was announced by Police Chie:
Casper M. Enkemann yesterday
upon his return from a police
chiefs' meeting in Lansing.
Main feature of the new sys-
tem is use of a uniform traffic
ticket which evaluates the ser-
iousness of traffic offenses on a
"point system." The ticket serves
as a substitute for oral warnings
given by traffic officers for min-
or infringements.
Warning Tickets
The issuance of these "warn-
ing" tickets will require the mo-
torist to report to the violations
bureau or court, Chief Enkemanr
All violations and "traffic con-
ditions" have unit or "point" val-
ue under the new plan. The sum
of "point" values determines the
seriousness of the offense.
The plan has proved success-
ful on a trial basis in Saginaw,
Kalamazoo, Bay City, Jackson
and Battle Creek, according to
the uniform enforcement sub-
committee of the Michigan Asso-
ciation of Chiefs of Police. The
committee credits it with produc-
ing a three per cent decrease in
personal injury accidents over a
nine-month period.
Permit Check on Drivers
Chief Enkemann said the new
plan should make motorists more
conscious of their violations. In
addition, the issuance of "warn-
ing" tickets will permit addition-
al checking on whether or not the
driver has committed many kinds
of previous offenses, he said.
The plan will go into effect af-
ter details are worked out in a
meeting scheduled for Aug. 6, to
be attended by Mayor William E.
Brown, Jr., and other city offi-
Zone Restriction
Plea Is Dropped
Announcement that C. E. Per-
rine, Ann Arbor businessman
seeking to have zoning restric-
tions changed to class C on Wash-
ARM IN ARM-This official picture of Princess Elizabeth, heir
presumptive to the British throne, and her fiance, Lieut. Philip
Mountbatten, was made in London. The Princess' engagement
ring can be seen on her finger.
Bikes Still Rdoll OnL Campus
News of the revived bicycle ordinance that prohibits cycling on
the campus apparently isn't traveling very fast.
Yesterday a University official stopped a student offender and
commenced to lecture him for riding across campus. Midway through
his speech, he felt a rush of air, 9 tug at his coat tails and heard the
hum of retreating tires. Swinging indignantly about, he spied the
figure of a faculty member pedd-
Teachers Must
Avoid Strikes
Group Advilses
r CINCINNATI, July 11-(I')-A
no-strike policy for school teach-
ers was adopted by the National
Education Association today as.
it neared the end of its five-day
"The Association condemns the
violatiohs of contracts by teach-
ers, believes that the strike is an
unsatisfactory method of solving
professional problems, deplores
existence of conditions which have
caused teachers to strike, and urg-
es that those within the profession
assume a larger share of respon-
sibility for the removal of those
conditions," it was stated in a
Another resolution approved by
the assembly urged annual min-
imum salaries of at least $2,400
for elementary and secondary
school teachers with annual in-
creases until the pay reaches
$5,000 or above.
Panels Follow
Lecture Topics
Will Discuss Material
Presented in Talks
Three series of conferences will
be given in conjunction with the
summer session lecture series on
public affairs, according to Prof.
Howard M. Ehrmann of the his-
tory department.
The conferences will deal with
the United Nations, Latin Ameri-
can affairs and European affairs.
Each conference will meet once
a week for four weeks. They will
be open to students, faculty mem-
bers and the public.
Dr. Yuen-li Liang, director of
the United Nations Division of
Development and Codification ofj
International Law, will conduct
the conference on the United Na-
tions. It will meet at 3:10 p.m.
Tuesdays, July 15, 22, 29 and Aug.
The conference on Latin Amer-
ica will be led by Dr. Robin A.
Humphreys, reader in American
history at the University of Lon-+
don. It will meet at 4:10 p.m.t
Wednesdays, July 16, 23, 30 andt
Aug. 6.
The third conference, on Euro-
pean affairs, will be led by Prof.t
Gottfried S. Delatour, visiting1
professor of sociology at Colum-
bia University and formerly a
professor at the University oft
Frankfurt, Germany.r
ling furiously away.
Simultaneously, another mov-
ing cyclist came into view. This
rider was advancing on the grass.
Mumbling under his breath,-the
official departed for less danger-
ous duties.
Five Lec tures
FeScheduled for
C 0
Five lectures in the summer
session series on "The United
States in World Affairs" are
scheduled for next week.
First lecture of the week will
be given by Dr. Yuen-li Liang who
will speak on "International Law"
at 8:10 p.m. Monday.
Dr. Liang is the director of the
Division of Development and
Codification of International Law
of the United Nations.
Dr. John N. Hazard will speak
on "The United States and the
Soviet Union: Idealogical and In-
stitutional' Differences" at 4 :10
p.m. Tuesday.
Third lecture of the week will
be given by .John H. Hilldring,
Assistant Secretary of State and
former director of the War De-
partment Civil Affairs Division.
He will speak cn,"What is Our
Purpose in Germany?" at 8:10
p.m. Wednesday.
Prof. Gottfried S. Delatour will
speak at 4:10 p.m. Thursday on
"The Problem of International
Understanding." Prof. Delatour is
a visiting professor of sociology
at Columbia University. He for-
merly taught at the, University of
Frankfurt, Germany.
Final lecture of the week will
be given by Dr. Frank Whitson
He will speak on "The United
States and World Trade" at 8:10
p.m. Friday.
Dr. Fetter is a professor of eco-
nomics at Haverford College, and
formerly was chief of the State
Department Division of Invest-
ment and Economic Development.
All the lectures will be given in
Rackham Amphitheatre.
General Returns
WASHINGTON, July 11--(IP)--
Lt. Gen. A. C. Wedemeyer former
Chief of Staff to Generalissimo
Chiang Kai-Shek, is going to
China and Korea for a six-week
survey of conditions there.
A White House announcement
today said the wartime American
Army Commander in China will
"make an appraisal of the over-
all situations" in the two Far Eas-
tern Nations. He will.have the
rank of ambassador.
Ejpt Seeks
To Eliminate
Says Troops Are
Three to Peace
By The Associated Press
Egyptian government today ac-
cused Br itain of a hostile policy
toward Egypt and demanded that
the United Nations order the evac-
uation of all British troops im-
Egypt warned that continued
presence of British soldier's
threatened world peace.
Egypt also asked the UN to
terminate the British regime in
the Sudan to halt "a policy de-
signed to sever the Sudan from
No Definite Figures
Neither Egyptian nor British
sources were ready to offer defin-
ite figures on how many troops
were now on Egyptian soil, the
London War Office saying only
"a few thousand" troops were
there "liquidating" military estab-
The Egyptian charges, expected
for weeks, reached the Council
while delegates were listening to
Bulgaria accuse the United States
of intimidation in seeking to es-
tablish a UN border watch over
the Balkans.
Many Need Force
Dr. N. Mevorah, Bulgarian rep-
resentative, said American dele-
gate Warren R. Austin's state-
ment that the Council might have
to resort to force if a border com-
mission was not established, was
UN officials said the Egyptian
charges could not be taken up be-
fore Tuesday at the earliest un-
der Council rules but it was in-
dicated that there might be a
much longer delay due to the cur-
rent jam in the council over the
Balkan situation and a proposed
world police force.
A spokesman for the London
government declared that an An-
glo=Egyptian treaty covering pres-
ence of British troops did not ex-
pire until 1956. He said the Brit-
ish had agreed to consider revision
but that negotiations had broken
down over Egypt's efforts to as-
sert her sovereignty in the Su-
Civilian Jobs
At New Highi
Goal of 60,000,000
Surpassed by Nation
WASHINGTON, July 11--(P)-
A}The onetime "dream goal" of 60,-
000,000 civilian jobs has been at-
tained-and bettered-for t h e
first time in the nation's history.
A Census Bureau report showed
today that the number of civilians
with jobs rose to a record high of
60,055,000 in June, surpassing
even the war years.
Combining that number with
1,398,000 in the armed forces, it
puts the total number of Ameri-
cans working for "pay or profit"
at 61,453,000.
Civilian employment in June
1,730,000 over May-which had
been a record-setting month it-
self-and was 3,700,000 above
June of last year.
Unemployment a 1s o took a
jump. This was ascribed to an
inrush of students to the ranks
of job-holders or job-seekers as
the summer school recess got un-
der way.
The rise in unemployment was
600,000, lifting the total to 2,555,-
000. But even so, the census bur-
eau said, there were 10,000 fewer
unemployed than a year ago.
Ask Revision
Of Labor Law
WASHINGTON, July 11--P)-
Legislation to repeal a controver-
sial provision of the new Taft-
Hartley Labor Act which pro-
hibits political expenditures by
unions was introduced today by
Senators Aiken (Rep., Vt.), and
Hatch, (Dem., N.M.).
In a statement, Aiken termed
the section an "invasion of the
rights of free speech and a free}
Without Russian Participation;
Griswold Says
Greek Security
Pro ram Aim
Congressional Vote
On Plans Awaited
By The Associated Press
United States is speeding an ini-
tial $35,000,000 shipment of ar-
tillery, ammunition, and other
military equipment to Greek
armed forces before actual recon-
struction efforts in Greece get in-
to full swing.
Dwight Griswold, chief of the
American. Economic Aid Mission,
announced the move today on the
eve of his departure for Athens.
He said the shipment is going on
an Anti-Bandit Basis' and that
maintaining internal security in
Greece is a vital part of the $300,-
000,000 enterprise.
The first munitions shipment,
already en route to American
ports for loading aboard ship, in-
cludes light mounted artillery
deemed particularly suitable for
the rugged Greek terrain, am-
munition, mules, trucks and jeeps,
and food for the Greek Army.
Griswold told a news conference
that munitions share top priority
with emergency food, of which a
first $7,000,000 shipment is cur-
rently being prepared.
m 0
Greek Army
Captures Two
New Positions
ATHENS, July 11-(P)-Cap-
ture of two fortified positions in a
continuing mountain-peak battle
between the Greek Army and
guerrillas near the Albanian bor-
der was reported today by the;
Greek General Staff. A cabinet
minister said the guerillas were
trying to establish a Communist
state in the area.
A General Staff communique
said that a "great" number of
rifles, 10,000 rounds of ammuni-
tion, 15 cases of hand grenades
and 13 mortars were seized.
The Greeks said that a force
of some 4,000 guerrillas was fight-
ing on the 6,000-foot peaks of
Mount Grammos only 15 miles{
from Albania.
George Stratos, Minister of War,,
told a news conference that ano-
ther objective of the guerrillas
was to clear a way to enter Greece
for an international force of 2,-
500, which he said is at the Yugo-
slav port of Split on the Adriatic
The battle began June 27. It
was the first time the guerrillas
had put upha determined resis-
tance from behind fortified points
since April 9.
Sawyer Will
Give Lecture
Dean Ralph A. Sawyer of the
graduate school will present an1
illustrated lecture on "The Bi-7
kini Tests and Atomic Energy" at -
8 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditor-
Dr. Sawyer served as technicalt
director of the Bikini atom bombi
test. The moving pictures are thei
official Navy color films.c
The lecture on atomic energy
will be the second of a series of
Sunday evening programs plan-l
ned for students and faculty dur-
ing the current Summer Session.,
Lreek ArmsI
Reports Say Russian
flare Separate Aid P
Help To Consist of Grain, Industrial G
Soviets Fear Germany Will JoinWestern
MOSCOW, July l1-()P)-Prospects of definite Soviet ai
opean nations-especially those which do not eventually
themselves with the Marshall proposal-appeared to foreign.
- today to be a distinct possibility.
On the eve of the Paris conference, Moscow's pressa
maintained attacks upon the American offer, repeating th
have said in past, but making new points also.
The Soviet viewpoint of several issues was more clearly
n These included:
Groups Vote
WASHINGTON, July ll-(')-
Congressional Committees agreed
today on a cool $13,342,000,000 for
a variety of government expen-
ditures in the fiscal year, which
started July 1, including just over
$4,000,000,000 for "an effective
fighting Navy."
Besides funds for Uncle Sam's
sea-going forces, the total in-
cludes money for the federal farm
program and more than a score of
independent agencies, including
the Atomic Energy Commission.
It represents approximately
$621,000,000 less than President
Truman requested in his budget,
and some $502,000,000 more than
the economy-minded House ap-
proved. The sums still are subject
to change.
Far behind on appropriating
money for the new fiscal year,
which began July 1, the lawmak-
ers put on full steam ahead to
complete the job of providing the
government with operating funds
before they adjourn for a five-
months vacation late this, month.
Senator Saltonstall (Rep.,
Mass.) said the $4,000,000 granted
by a Senate-House conference
committee will allow the Navy
395,000 men and 42,000 officers.
It is more than $200,000,000 be-
low Mr. Truman's budget request
and about $176,000,000 more than
the House voted.
Committee Chairman Bridges
(Rep., N.H.) said that "after a hot
argument and a very close vote,"
the group approved a $75,000,000
increase for the atomic energy
commission over the amount
voted by the House.
New Cyclotron
'Grinds' Atom
PALO ALTO, Calif., July 11-
(MP-Two top researchers on the
atom bomb said today for the first
time an atom has been extensively
smashed by a man-made ma-
Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg and Dr.
Isadore Perlman reported an en-
tirely new layout of strange new'
transmuted elements as the first
formal achievement of the multi-
million volt cyclotron in papers
presented before the American
Physical Society meeting here.
Hitherto broken down, chipped
off, fused and exploded, the atom,
has been subjected to a devas-;
tating smashup in mankind's
newest machine for atom experi-
mentation, the giant post-war
cyclotron at the University of1
The results were achieved by
hurling 200,000,000-volt bullets at,
atoms ,of arsenic in the 4,000-ton
concrete caged monster. a
1-The prospect that
may offer aid in one for
other to European natio
vious dispatches have.
this aid might take the
grain, industrial goods
duction, in the case ofe
nations, of reparations.)
2-A growing belief by
sians that they never re
wanted in the arrangem
that they were original:
to Paris as a polite or
3-Mounting apprehe
there is a plan afoot s
to get western Germany
Marshall proposal ande
to include western Ge
what the Russians descr
"western bloc."
The Russians said the
the Truman Doctrine
Marshall proposal-whic
not separate-as primar
at them.
Tax Sponso
Ain for QU
Vote in Sen
Sponsors of the $4,000,0
come tax reduction bill
a Senate vote tomorrow
day after abandoning h
decision tonight.
The House has passed
Senator Morse (Re
tossed in eight amend:
the measure and explai
in a speech which laste
The big, unanswered
remains: will the Senat
the veto which Preside
man has promised on the
The Senate roll call on p
the bill will clarify ther p
A two-thirds majority
houses is necessary to r
bill law over the presid
jections. House Republi
that an overriding ma
certain in that body, c
302 to 112 vote by whic
passed last Tuesday.
Both Senators Milli
Wherry (Rep.,Neb.), the
who rounds up the - R
votes-agreed that a fin
vote could not come b
morrow or Monday in vi
amendments offered by
Morse, McClellan (Dem
and Rivercomb (Rep., V
Stolen Files H
A-Bomb Nega
An informed official in
said tonight that the
documents and files tal
the Los Alamos, N.M., at
ergy plant were actual
tives of photographs of
atomic bomb.
This official, added ti
agents still are checking
army sergeants, who took
s Sixteen States
Ian Will Consider
Marshall Plan
oods -
i Block Nations Seek Hel
In Economic Plight
d for Eur-
associate By The Associated Press
observers PARIS, July 11-Sixteen na-
tions of western Europe tomorrow
and radio will launch an attempt to rebuild
their war-torn economy with the
ings they promise of United States aid. So-
viet Russia and the states with-
outlined. in her orbit will not participate.
Diplomats gathering for the
t P,ussia opening meeting of the Marshall
rm or an- plan conference at 11 a.m. to-
ns. (Pre- morrow declared they were con-
suggested vinced the Soviet Union was out
form of to break the Marshall -program
and re- if possible, or at least limit its ef-
ex-enemy fectiveness,
Russia refused to. act with
the Rus- Britain and France as a spon-
ally were soring power for the confer-
nents and ence and all eight nations now
ly invited tied to the Soviet orbit reject-
necessary ed invitations issued by the
British and French.
ision that With the co-sponsors, Britain
omewhere and France, the nations attend-
into the ing the conference will be Bel-
eventually gium, Italy, Portugal, Eire, Greece,
rmany in Turkey, Luxembourg, The Neth-
ibe as the erlands, Iceland, Austria, Switz-
erland, Norway, Sweden and Den-
y look on mark.
and the Russian foreign ministers V.
h they do M. Molotov refused to accept
ily aimed the Marshall plan which he
charged, would mean interfer-
ence into internal affairs of the
European countries, and divide
3rS Europe into East-West blocs.
The conference is expected to
ick m up"commteestodetermine
what European nations can do
for themselves, and 'how much
ate U.S. aid might be required.
Some diplomats noted with in-
terest reports that the Soviet
00,0(0P)~-shortly would initiate an aid pro-
a0,000 in- gram for Eastern States which
imed for stay out of the Marshall Plan.
or Mon- This was taken as evidence of
ope for a direct competition with the Unit-
ed States in backing continental
the bill, reconstruction.
p., Ore.)__
ments to
ned themwarras Against
d several
question ent Increases
.e sustain
tx Rep. Wolcott Asks
Passage of Tenants To Be Wary
rin both WASHINGTON, July 11-(P)-
make the Rep. Wolcott (Rep., Mich.),
ent's ob- chairman of the House Banking
icans say Committee, suggested today that
jority is tenants refuse to agree to a 15
iting the per cent rent increase "unless
h the bill they are convinced it is fully jus-
kin and They should not, he declared in
"whip"- an interview, "be blackjacked in-
epublican to agreeing to voluntary increases
al Senate under the threat of eviction or
efore to- larger boosts when the present
ew of the rent control law expires, next
Senators March 1."
n., Ark.) If necessary, he said, congress
a.) will continue controls beyond
next March 1.
leld "Certainly," he said, "Congress
is not going to sit by and permit
tives hardships to exist when the pre-
sent law expires. If the housing
problem isn't licked by then, I
Congress believe we will continue the con-
atomic trols."
ken from Wolcott said many tenants have
omic en- the mistaken idea that the new
ly nega- rent control allowing 15 per cent
parts of voluntary increases by agreement
between landlords and tenants is
hat FBI mandatory.
the two "The law means just what it
the neg- says," he said. "A voluntary in-
crease is one which is agreed to
by both parties. No tenant has to
submit to an increase if he doesn't
think it is justified,"
On the other hand, he said,
many tenants agree that their
landlords are entitled to the ex-
tra money.
omise of Smelt Are Dying
the ar- n Crustal L ak
'Marshall Plan Will Proceed'-Slosso
1,r T T fb11
By TED MILLER Russia's refusal to cooperate," he
"The United States will go declared.
ahead with the Marshall Plan for Prof. Slosson attributed Rus-
There has been no pr
specific amounts for eit
nomicor nmilitarv id in -