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July 11, 1947 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1947-07-11

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Latest Deadline in the State


Senate Group
Hikes Farm
Budget Share
Votes To Restorc
F By The Associated Press
Farm-minded Senators today re
versed the House economy driv(
by agreeing to restore more thar
$225,000,000 to the annual agri
cultural appropriation.
The agreement was reached a
a closed-door session of a Senate
Appropriations Subcommittee pre-
sided over by Senator Brooks
(Rep., Ill.)
Friday Announcement
Senators who attended said
formal public announcement o:
the many increases over amount
voted by the House will be made
at a meeting of the full appro-
priations committee Friday.
They reported these major in-
1. A full $300,000,000 for ben-
efit payments to farmers whc
complied this year with the ad-
ministration's "conservation anc
use" program and a pledge to con-
tinue it next year with $150,000,-
000 for these purposes. The
House had cut this year's pay-
ments to $150,000,000 and direct-
ed that no program be planned
for 1948.
School Lunch
2. A full $75,000,000 to continue
the federal aid for school lunch
programs in the next 12 month.
The House had allowed $45,000,-
000 for this program after its ap-
propriation committee recom-
mended by the House. Adminis-
trative funds for this agency also
were increased $1,000,000.
4. A $20,000,000 loan fund to
aid veterans and tenants to be-
come land owners. The House
had eliminated this item.
As the bill reached the Sen-
ate it carried about $845,000,000
for agricultural activities or some
$345,000,000 less than the presi-
dent's budget estimates and about
$430,000,000 less than amounts
voted last year.
Slaughter Calls
Election Action
TULSA, Okla., July 10-(P)-
Former Rep. Roger C. Slaughter,
Missouri Democrat, whom Presi-
dent Truman helped to defeat for
renomination last year, charged
today "scandal threatens" the
presidency, a statement the Pres-
ident said left him unworried.
Slaughter, speaking before the
Tulsa Chamber of Commerce's
public affairs forum, assailed the
Pendergast Democratic organiza-
tion of Kansas City and declared
Mr. Truman's request of it for
help in the 1946 Democratic prim-
ary was "the public admission of
a partnership that has bought the
presidency into disrepute."
The President's reaction to
Slaughter's remarks came at his
Washington press conference. He
said he considered the source of
the speech and added it didn't
worry him any.
Slaughter said he considered the
President "personally an honest
and honorable man," but that
"like Grant and Harding, he. has
been misled by false friends, and
has likewise been the victim of

his own impetuosity."
After he was informed of the
President's comment on the state-
ment in his prepared text, the
former congressman issued this
statement to a reporter:
"If the President is not wor-
ried he is in a different state of
mind from hundreds of Demo-
cratic candidates who will be run-
ning for office in 1,948."
Kuethe To Speak
At Meeting Today
Another talk in the Symposium
on Fluid Mechanics entitled "Vis-
cosity Effects in High Flow" will
be given by Prof. Arnold M. Kue-
the of the aerodynamics depart-
ment at 4 p.m. today in Rm. 445
West Engineering Building.
Prof. Sydney Goldstein, chair-
man of the Aerodynamics Coun-
cil of Great Britain and Beyer
Professor of applied mathematics
at the University of Manchester,
Manchester, England, will speak
to the Symposium at 10 a.m. to-

Police Caution Students
Against Unlocked Doors
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, West Quad Latest
Victims as Campus Robberies Continue
Police issued a "lock your doors" warning to students last night as
robberies at Sigma Alpha Epsilon and the West Quadrangle pushed the
total "take" in recent weeks above the $500 mark.
The wave of fraternity house robberies hit the West Quad Wed-
nesday when two residents of Allen-Rumsey House reported theft of
$40 and a Williams House resident lost $7. At the same time, the fifth
fraternity robbery in recent weeks was reported to police by Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, 140E Washtenaw.
Room Ransacked

The fraternity thief escaped
with $60 in cash. He is believed to
have entered through unlocked
doors between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m.,
Wednesday. Police say that the
robber apparently ransacked the
house room by room.
The six members who reported
losses are Bob Gilfillan, $10; Ruel
Lehman, $10; Tony Spada, $2;
Dick Cook, $5; Andy Saari, $18;
and Alex Breda, $15.
Unable .to Describe
The Allen-Rumsey theft was
reported by Guy Walters who lost
$18. His rommate, Donald Jenks,
reported $22 missing.
Police believe that the Allen-
Rumsey robbery was committed
about 7 a.m. Wednesday. Walters
told police he woke up about that
time and heard someone moving
around the room. A voice asked
whether he knew "where Tare
lives." Then the intruder left, and
Walters went back to sleep. His
roommate discovered the theft
later in the morning. Walters was
unable to describe the intruder.
Other Houses
Other houses robbed during the
recent epidemic include Phi Sig-
ma Delta and Phi Kappa Psi on
Washtenaw, Kappa Sigma on Hill
and Sigma Phi Epsilon on S. State.
Police Detective Claude Damer-
on says the robberies are un-
doubtedly the work of the same
World News
By The Associated Press
MEXICO, CITY, July 10-The
Mexican government announced
tonight drastic restrictions on the
importation of luxury and non-
essential goods to protect her
dwindling dollar balance in the
United States.
* * *
bill providing $55,671,908 to
maintain Congress and its re-
lated agencies for the current
fiscal year was passed by the
Senate on voice vote today.
* * *
WASHINGTON, July 10-Comp-
troller General Lindsay Warren
accused "at least" 19 war con-
tractors today of frauds running
"well in excess" of $2,000,000 in
contract settlements with the
government. He named no names.
Russia failed today in an effort
to block consideration of Aus-
tria's application for member-
ship in the United Nations.
* * *
executive board of the CIO Poli-
tical Action Committee today
mapped an intensive double-bar-
reled campaiagn to register voters
and collectvoluntarydollar con-
tributions from individual mem-
bers for political activity in what
the committee said was its answer
to the Taft-Hartley labor bill.i

Paris Parley
Delegations To
Present Plans
Conference To Settle
U.S. Aid, Self Help
LONDON, July 10-(P)-A sur-
vey of European capitals disclos-
ed today that many of the nations
which will cooperate in the Mar-
shall Plan will come to the Paris
conference Saturday with some-
thing definite to offer toward re-
building the European economy.
The reports indicated that the
delegations will go to Paris not
merely to ask for United States'
dollars, but to state how far they
can go toward organizing a pro-
gram of self help.
The survey disclosed that the
knottiest problem facing the eco-
nomic planners will be - as it
has been since the war - the
shortage of coal.
Foodstuffs Needed
British spokesmen were not ex-
plicit as to what the United King-
dom could offer. A foreign office
source said the contribution would
include machinery, industrial pro-
ducts and plastics. Britain could
not supply coal or food, he added.
France could contribute iron,
phosphate, bauxite, potash, motor
tires, manufactured products of
various kinds including textiles,
and mechanical equipment.
France needs foodstuffs as well
as industrial and mining equip-
ment, machine tools, textile ma-
chinery, and such raw materials
as cotton, wool and silk.
Italy's principal contribution,
government informants said, can
be manpower, skilled and unskill-
ed. A labor survey showed 2,177,-
489 registered unempoyed, 1,179,-
673 from industry.
Three Named
To Board Post
Appointment of three new
members to the Board in Control
of Student Publications was an-
nounced yesterday by Provost
James P. Adams.
New members are Prof. John
W. Lederle, of the political sci-
ence department, and Prof. Wes-
ley H. Maurer, of the journalism
department. The new alumni ap-
pointee is George A. Osborn of
Sault Ste. Marie.
Retiring board members are
Prof. Gail E. Densmore of the
speech department Carl E. Burk-
lund of the engineering English
department, and Webb McCall of
Mt. Pleasant. Densmore chairman
of the Board this year, and Burk-
lund have served since 1941. Mc-
Call has been on the Board since
Prof. Paul G. Kauper of the
law school, has been named chair-
man of the Board.

Truman Will
Veto Income
Tax Cut Bill
No Policy Change
Is Expected Now
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 10-Pres-
ident Truman let Congresseknow
today that he intends to veto th
new $4,000,000,000 income tax cut
bill, just as he vetoed the last one
Even before Congress has ,com-
pleted action on the new tax-
slashing measure, Mr. Truman
told a news conference that he
sees nohreason why he should
change his attitude.
Wrong Time
He vetoed the original measure
last month, saying it was the
"wrong kind" of tax reduction "at
the wrong time."
Today he made it clear that he
does not consider next Jan. 1 will
be the right time to cut the na-
tion's income burden with the
same original bill made the ef-
fective date July 1.
Salient points of the confer-
1. Mr. Truman may call Con-
gress back, after the lawmakers
adjourn probably around July 26,
for an extra session to speed Sec-
retary of State Marshall's Euro-
pean recovery plan-if necessary.
2. He has no travel plans at
this time, although Democratic
leaders have been urging him to
make a cross-country swing.
3. He is actively behind a flood
control program for the whole
Mississippi valley and also sup-
ports the Missouri Valley Author-
ity plan, even if, as' a reporter
remarked, the people "out in Miss-
ouri" don't think he does.
Millikin Leads
Fight Against
Truman Veto
Senator Millikin (Rep., Colo) led
aroused Republicans today in de-
claring that President Truman
committed "an impropriety" in
giving advance notice that he will
veto the new income tax cut bill
even before it passes the Senate.
Millikin, chairman of the Sen-
ate Finance Committee and floor
manager for the measure, told re-
porters this is the first time he
ever heard of a president vetoing
a bill in advance.
He remarked tartly that Con-
gress, not the president, still has
constitutional control of the gov-
ernment's pursestrings.
The Republican drive picked up
strength as five Democratic mem-
bers announced they will vote to
override the heralded veto. These
were Senators Byrd (Va.), Ed-
win C. Johnson iColo), Stewart
(Tenn.), George (Ga.) and Mc-
Carran (Nev.).
Prospects for an earlier Senate
vote than expected-possibly late
tomorrow or Saturday-developed
late in the day when Senator
Lucas (Dem., Ill.) told newsmen
he has decided to drop his fight
for a substitute bill. His mea-
sure would raise taxpayers' per-
sonal exemptions from $500 to
$600 and cut 4 percent off each
surtax rate.
Sigler Will Fly

To Conference
Governors To Hold
Week-Long Meeting
LANSING, July 10-UP)-Gov-
ernor Sigler will leave by plane
Friday for Salt Lake City to at-
tend the week-long Governors'
Conference opening July 13.
Sigler said he would remain in
touch with the executive office
here and commented "if some-
thing important needs my atten-
tion I can be back in six or seven
At the same time Sigler said he
expected Lt. Gov. Eugene C. Key-
es, who the governor termed an
"obstructionist" last month, "to
act if anything important comes
"The mere fact that the gover-
nor is out of the state doesn't
mean the lieutenant governor has

Rejects Paris Conference

Anthracite Miners

9 -

Granted Same
Increases As
Soft Coal Men
Royalties for Welfare
Fund Also Included
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 10-Hard
coal miners tonight won the same
'$1.20 per day increase in take
home pay John L. Lewis had ob-
tained for his soft coal men.
It will amount to 17.1 cents an
hour for the anthracite workers,
who work a seven hour day.
The soft coal miners got the
same take home increase but a
reduction in their working day
from nine hours to eight with no
pay cut, plus a one half-hour paid
lunch period, made their increase
average 44%/2 cents an hour.
Completion of the agreement
covering the 75,000 anthracite
miners was announced by the
United Mine Workers union late
in the day.
In addition, it said the new an-
thracite agreement gives that in-
dustry the same increased ton-
nage levy-from 5 to 10 cents a
ton-for the union's health and
welfare fund.
Lewis, president of the UMW,
announced that the hard coal
pact had been agreed upon
without even going through the
the formality of exercising a 30-
day contract reopening.
The hard coal industry and
Lewis simply sat down, without
exercising the reopening provi-
sion, and amended their existing
contract to include the increased
Thus the 75,000 hard coal min-
ers represented by Lewis' AFL
United Mine Workers union ob-
tained the same pattern wage in-
crease Lewis won in the soft coal
industry for 400,000 other miners.
The anthracite mining industry
is confined principally to eastern
Meantime in Congress Senator
Taft (Rep., O.) disagreed with
his co-author of the new labor
law, Rep. Hartley (Rep., N.J.),
over the latter's contention that
soft coal operators who signed
the soft coal contract have be-
come liable to criminal prosecu-
Meat Prices
Will Remain
Up Next Year
Continued high meat prices and
some reduction in livestock pro-
duction next year was indicated
today by an Agriculture Depart-
ment report forecasting a sharp
drop in this year's corn crop from
wartime levels.
The prospective crop of this im-
portant feed grain was forecast
at 2,612,000 bushels, which is
slightly below the 10 year (1936-
45) average of 2,639,102,000 bush-
els. The wartime crop averaged
around 3,000,000,000 bushels while
last year's production was a record
of 3,287,927,000.
The department, which had set
a corn production goal of 3,000,-
000,000 bushels, said one of the
most adverse planting seasons of
record - cool and wet cloudy
weather and floods in the mid-
western corn belt - was respon-
sible for the expected reduction
in corn.

Hickenlooper (Rep., Iowa) (right) talks to repor
statement on the Senate floor that important ini
were taken from the Los Alamos, N.M., atomic tes
March, 1946, but were recovered without any "brea
Hickenlooper is chairman of the Senate-HouseI
Lt. Mountebatten Pres
To Future In-Laws atI

Moscow Radio Reports Finland


LONDON, July 10--(P)-Viva-
cious young Princess Elizabeth
had her handsome husband-to-
be Lt. Philip Mountbatten, "meet
the folks," today and not even a
slashing rain dimmed the happi-
ness in their faces.
Showered with congratulations,
the newly engaged couple walked
side by side through the milling
crowds of a Buckingham palace
garden party for the cream of
British society. They so monopol-
ized -the attention of 6,000 guests
Four Groups
Lodge Protest
On Re-Zoning
A formal protest to the pro-
posed re-zoning of the C.E. Per-
rine property on the northwest
corner of Washtenaw and S. Uni-
versity was filed with the city
clerk yesterday by four fratern-
ities on Washtenaw.
C. E. Perrine, Ann Arbor busi-
ness man, is seeking to have the
present class B residential res-
triction changed to a class C, or
commercial zoning in order to
operate a flower shop on the cor-
ner in question.
The four fraternities which
have signed the protest include
Theta Chi, 1351 Washtenaw, Sig-
ma Alpha Epsilon, 1408 Washte-
naw, Theta Xi, 1345 Washtenaw
and Phi Delta Theta, 1437 Wash-
There will be a public hearing
on the proposed change today at
7:30 p.m. at the City Council
Morse D. Campbell, 1339 Wash-
tenaw, who is among Ann Arbor
residents who have signed peti-
tions against a C classification,
drew up the fraternity protests.
Opponents of the zoning change
have indicated that petitions
bearing the names of approxi-
mately 250 residents who are
against the proposed zoning
change will be submitted at the

that King George
no one to talk to.
The 26-year-o
ting gaily and lau
of-the-house ea
imagination of t
Few of the gue
the diamond an
agement ring. In,
den party etiquet
abeth wore glove
her from exhibit
famous ring.
When will th
place? Best gue
Whatever the d
public holiday.
Where will Eliz
ip live? With 'D
my, as the Pri
King and Queen
house can bef
crowded London.
mer palace near
also is being read
From D
Honor 11
Alf Landon, 1936
ial candidate, wa
luncheon given t(
and Missouri Re]
for Gov. Thoma
denied that he h
New Yorker.
The absence of1
sas governor had
tion that Lando
Dewey for the pr
Landon, at his
ka, said:
"It was nothin
He said he ha(
the governor at P
month and added
today so that oth
would have a cha

Win Raises
Refusal Lines
Eight Nations
Behind Russia
States Outside Soviet
Russia's Bloc Accept
By The Associated Press
LONDON, July 11-The Mos-
cow radio said early today Fin-
land had declined to participate
in the Paris economic conference,
thus lining up eight nations be-
hind Russia in rejecting U.S. Sec-
retary of State George S. Mar-
shall's proposal for putting Eur-
ope on its economic feet.
If the broadcast is confirmed,
Finland will have joined Czecho-
slovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Hun-
gary, Romania. Bulgaria and Al-
bania in spurning invitations sent
to 22 European nations by Great
Britain and France to attend the
Paris sessions opening tomorrow.
The small Baltic state an-
nn. Bourke B. nounced its refusal, according
ters about his to the Moscow radio, after
formation files Czechoslovakia last night back-
ting station in ed down from a previous de-
ch in security." cision to participate. The Czech
Atomic Energy cabinet acted upon telephoned
instructions from communist
Premier Klement Gottwald in
The Czechs gave as their reason
that participation in the confer-
ented ence might be construed as an
action against the Soviet Union.
The Czech withdrawal made it
aut'7 virtually certain that no nation
in the Soviet orbit in Eastern Eur-
ope would attend the conference
e frequently had at its opening Saturday.
The cabinet decision was
ld Philip, chat- made when Premier Gottwald,
ghing with man- telephoned from Moscow where
se, caught the he was received last night by
he younger wo- Premier Stalin.
Hungary announced today that
sts got a look at she would not attend. A reliable
d platinum en- Hungarian informant said tonight
accord with gar- in Budapest that warnings by
te Princess Eliz- communist leaders of Russian re-
s that prevented prisals induced the Hungarian
tng the already government to reject the invita-
e wedding take The French Foreign Ministry
ess is Octobeir. said in Paris that refusals had
ay, it will be a been received from six minor na-
tions, all of them within the Rus-
zabeth and Phil- sian sphere. They were Poland,
)addy and Mum- Hungary, Romania, Yuoslavia, Al-
ncess calls the bania, and Bulgaria.
n, until a town Formal acceptances were re-
found in over-
A 25-room sum- eived from 14 states - Austria,
Windsor castle Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Eire,
died. Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, The
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal,
Sweden, Switzerland, and Tr-
Absent key.
The conference is intended to
e eset up committees which will sur-
vey Europe's capabilities * and
needs and then report to the Uni-
l a nuet ted States just where that coun-
try can assist Europe.
, July 10-(M-
GOP president- Vets Checks
s absent from a
by Kansas At POffice
ublica leaders
s E. Dewey but
had snubbed the Deadline for Return
To Columbus July 17
the former Kan-
led to specula- Checks being held at the Main
Ann Arbor Post Office for the fol-
ri might oppose Ilowing veterans will be returned
esidential nomin- to Columbus July 17.
The list includes Charles E.
home in Tope- Brown, Philip D. Braun, William

C Breen, Kingsley M. Brown, Jr.,
ig personal." Kenneth J. Brand, Robert F.
dBrowning, Arthur Brody, Kathleen
wconferred wit Burwell, Richard A. Buck, Freder-
awing syd lat ick D. Buerstetta, Andrew Bugosh,
e stayed home Richard A. Bohl, Robert T. Bog-
ner party leaders an, Embra C. Bowie, Raymond T.
once to talk with Bohn, Jr., Irene G. Boening, Juan-
ita Caldwell, Glen D. Carlisle,
Donald R. Carlson, John E. Car-
penter, Joseph J. Carr, William
A. Carroll, Joseph C. Clark, Nan-
cy L. Clark, William Robert Clif-
ton, Max N. Clyde, Louis L. Gold-
berg, June A. Cone.
d/ Additional names are: Graham
H. Conger, Gus L. Constan, How-
sed on this prin- ard J. Corman, John B Cornell,
policy is moral- Robert D. Cornell, Samuel M. Cott,
lly wise, and as Benjamin R. Craig, Herbert J.

Nursmg Shortage Results As
Graduates Grow Dissatisfied

Daily Special Writer
"Is there really a nursing short-
Just ask the hospital patient
who has to wait three hours for
a morning bath.
Not only are nursing schools
getting fewer applications than
they did before the war, but
graduate nurses have become in-
creasingly dissatisfied and are
leaving the field for other pro-
If you wonder why, talk to a
few graduate nurses.

It is after graduation, when the
young nurse takes her place as a
salaried person and compares her
wages and working hours with
women holding jobs not requir-
ing three years of professional
preparation, that she begins to
feel nursing is not worthwhile.
Many hospitals still pay nurs-
ing salaries far below the stand-
ard paid stenographers and tele-
phone operators. The salaries
may be as low as $120 a month
without maintenance.
Some few states, including
Michigan, pay the top salary of
t~f;a urn ...rim .i

Russia Arouses U. to Sense of D

For the second time in the his-
tory of the United States, a gov-
ernment of Russia has uninten-

roe Doctrine. Our reaction to
current Soviet Russian policy to-
ward Greece and Turkey has pro-

Wright said. "Bas
ciple, our foreign
ly sound, politica

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