PAGE TWO "THE MICIGANIAiLY WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1947 _ ; ,:. A1 5rigan kitg Fifty-Seventh Year MATTER OF FACT: Politburo's Choice BILL MAULDIN DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Edited and managed by students of the Uni- versity of Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Managing Editors ... John Campbell, Clyde Recht Associate Editor .................. Eunice Mintz Sports Editor ..................... Archie Parsons Business Staff General Manager ................ Edwin Schneider Advertising Manager ......... William Rohrbach Circulation Manager ...............Melvin Tick Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi- gan, as second class mail uatter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00, Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: NAOMI STERN Lost Chance T HE FOREMEN'S STRIKE at Ford's is over. Its failure must be laid at the feet of the United Auto Workers who chose to sacrifice the foremen to further their own immediate aims, apparently without realizing that they were weakening their own position and that of labor generally. The 47 day strike of the 3,800 Foremen's Association of America members ended af- ter the company withdrew its recognition in anticipation of the Taft-Hartley Law and the UAW refused to lend its support to the independent union by respecting its picket lines. Despite the protestations of the NAM, the very existence of the strike and its failure demonstrates that the foremen have no voice in the determination of management's policies. Their member- ship in the FAA and 'their strike to ob- tain exclusive collective bargaining rights are irrefutable indications that they as- sociate their interests with the interests of labor. Now, however, they are left with no voice of their own, either through management or through collective bar- gaining. It is ironic that the UAW which has been one of the strongest opponents of the Taft- Hartley Law forewent an opportunity to help its fellow workers and by so doing helped to further the objectives of the la- bor-curbing legislation. The foremen asked the UAW to respect their picket lines. Had the UAW support- ed them it is very possible that the FAA could have successfully completed nego- tiations with the company. Instead, the UAW dodged the issue by weakly offering to mediate the dispute and by delaying a final decision about respecting the picket lines until the foremen were forced to re- turn to work in defeat. The choice of the UAW was a difficult one to be sure. The union was negotiat- ing a new contract with Ford and the equivalent of a sympathy strike might have jeopardized the installation of the pension plan which was under consider- ation. However, the UAW adopted a short range view when it permitted the 'foremen's union to die, a decision which many of its own members will have cause to regret when they become foremen and are placed in the same ignominious position in which the pres- ent FAA members now find themselves. It missed an opportunity to strengthen its own hand by supporting the foremen's union, thus uniting all of the Ford workers in spite of the Taft-Hartley Law. Recent anti-labor legislation has demon- strated that the future of the laboring man is dependent upon the development of a united labor movement. The UAW's failure to act when presented with an opportunity to further that unity will, in the long run, work only to its own detriment. Allegra Pasqualetti --Tom Walsh HAWAII IS THE most self-reliant of all our territories. Its level of living is above the average on the mainland, its educational system is superior, and its labor laws pro- gressive. Despite the diverse origins of its population, Hawaii has been admirably suc- cessful in applying democratic principles of racial equality. As inhabitants of a Territory, Hawaii's citizens cannot vote for the President, al- though in many respects they have the same privileges and obligations as the citizens of the states. They are represented in the Con- gress by a popularly elected delegate, who By JOSEPH AND STEWART ALSOP INTELLIGENCE REPORTS so detailed that they can no longer be disregarded have reached Washington, to the effect that an international brigade, under Comintern auspices, is being organized to fight in Greece. Observers here recognize the pre- ponderant long-term importance of the European reception of the Marshall plan. But they believe that for the short term the' northern Greek border area is easily the most important and explosive friction point in the world today. In Greece the Soviets are faced with the same hard choice, on a much larger scale. as confronted them in northern Iran last autumn. In view of the immense risks of any other course, the Politburo strategists can decide to cut losses and pull out, as they did in Iran. Or they can intensify the effort to capture Greece, using the now forming international brigade as their chief instrument. It would be difficult to ex- P0hteg' Pe # T EVERYONE HAS A THEORY about the "Flying Saucers." In line with the cur- rent journalistic trend, most of us over here at The Daily have developed our own petty theories. We air them casually, tossing them in with the latest baseball scores and circulation complaints-the usual meaty topics that give a newspaper office that informal-but-harried atmosphere. But we're in no hurry to let you in on our own theory. Like most people we fol- low -the screaming headlines. During the past week, as John L. and the mine oper- ators stayed up late nights trying to figure a way out-long boring nights to those of us who hover over the teletype looking in vain for a banner story for the next day- desperate editors pushed the "flying sauc- ers" up to the top of the front page. Day after day the stories read: "The outbreak of flying saucers spread yesterday to--". Everyone who sees a saucer or is able to convince himself that "it must have been one of those flying saucers" gets his name in the paper. And if your room- mate makes off with the sports page, you'll read about those fortunate few who SAW. Then you dream up a theory, or if you are a newspaperman you will fig- ure out an "angle" and maybe interview somebody. An interview is a sure-fire story, especially if it is with a university professor who doesn't mind too much if you twist things around to get the "read- er interest" into otherwise prosaic re- marks. We can pretty well split the theorists into two groups-those who think: "I know it sounds funny, but there must be SOME- THING to it," and the others who think everyone else is crazy or "seeing things." Chasing down the latter possibilities we have heard that the saucers are nothing more than the new experimental craft de- veloped by the Navy-but the Navy says it is completely puzzled by the saucers and that the new plane never left Connecticut. Another theory is that the saucers are Rus- sian spies-this despite a sworn statement by one housewife they they fly the Ameri- can flag. But one of the more plausible theories suggests that it is merely an in- vasion from Mars. Could be a pleasure cruise at that. The "insanity" school of thought con- tends that the saucers could easily be 1) cloud wisps reflecting light, 2) P-80's re- flecting light, 3) balloons reflecting light, 4) birds reflecting light. This group is known in more intellectual circles as the "Eveready" school. But all this light does not help one bit. At latest reports the advance guard of the "saucer" fleet had reached Copenhagen. Flying Danish flags, no doubt. AS NEWSPAPER REPORTERS, even in the limited collegiate sense, we feel im- pelled to cling tenaciously to all the higher concepts of the human race. We try not to insult our readers. At a time like this, we are inclined to believe that, even though the "saucer" story has been inflated as the result' of spreading hysteria and practical jokers-and newspapers like ours, to some small extent-so many people just can't be so near-sighted all at once. Yes, and we say it proudly, we belong to the "sucker" school. Somebody has been reading too many comic books. We don't want to stick our neck out, because there is such a thing as libel. That's one thing even our proof- readers know. But we don't have to tell you who in the United States today is the person most likely to devise some fiend- ish, 20th. century distraction for the sole purpose of confusing and scaring people, embarrassing officialdom and inflating his own Hollywood ego. Come to thing of it, he's a "New Deal" Democrat too. Yf may- n a nf#a hin-iPC hazi-:s'n aggerate the gravity of the consequences if the Politburo makes the second choice. The key figure in the organization of the international brigade is the Greek Communist and guerrilla leader, Nicholas Zachariades. Zachariades went to Mos- cow in the twenties, and there took the long hard Comintern schooling until 1935, when he returned to Greece. In the Sov- iet Union he knew, and became friendly with, such other Comintern graduates as France's Jacques Duelos, Italy's Palmira/ Togliatti and Yugoslavia's Josef Broz, now Marshal Tito. These old school friendships are now standing Zachariades in good stead. According to reports, Duclos is sponsoring the clandestine training of the internation- al brigade, which includes a sprinkling of veterans of the old international brigade which fought in Spain. Training is being carried on in the south of France, largely in the "recreational centers" of the Com- munist-run General Confederation of La- bor. When preliminary training is com- pleted, old school friend Duclos hands over to old school friend Togliatti. In small batches the men are shipped to northern Italy, usually to Genoa, where Togliatti's organization takes over. They are quietly conducted across northern Italy to the Adri- atic, where they are shipped to Yugoslav ports. Then it is the turn of old school friend Tito, who has at his disposal ample facilities for completing the men's train- ing. A portion of the brigade is known to have arrived in Yugoslavia, but none of them has yet crossed the Greek frontier. That isawaiting the final decision of the Politburo. The trend of the Politburo's thinking was perhaps reflected in a recent Communist strategy meeting held in Strasbourg, France, after Secretary Marshall made his historic proposal. Zachariades, who crosses bor- ders without difficulty, was secretly present at this meeting. However, he allowed an aide, Porfyrogennis, to speak for him. Por- fyrogennis announced that it might be ne- cessary to establish a "free Greek govern- ment" in a "free Macedonia," to counter the reactionary government in Athens. This pronouncement of an obscure Greek Com- munist is regarded in Washington with the utmost gravity. If carried through, it will mean that Governor Dwight Griswold, the chief of the American mission to Greece, will face on his arrival, or shortly there- after, an all-out evil war, backed more or less openly by the Soviets, through the employment of the Comintern-organized international brigade. Zachariades is believed to have spon- sored the formation of the brigade simply because there have recently been increas- ing signs of disaffection and loss of mor- ale in the guerrilla ranks. The brigade would be designed to provide the necess- ary stiffening and leadership. If the Politburo decides in the end to take the desperate gamble of throwing the brigade into action, the United States will then be faced with a crucial decision. Either this country can rely on the ineffective Greek army to protect the American political in- vestment in Greece. Or the United States can itself take whatever measures may be necessary to protect that investment. That might well mean the sending of American troops to Greece. And it is all too easy to see where such a step might lead. Yet competent observers here are fairly hopeful that this terrible choice may still be avoided. They lend the utmost signifi- cance to the Soviet reaction to the proposal of the United Nations Balkan Commission. Except for the Soviet and Polish members, this commission unanimously recommend- ed that a United Nations border commis- sion be established to guarantee the Greek frontiers. If the Soviets abstain from vot- ing when the proposal comes up before the, Security Council, this will be taken to mean that the Soviet leaders have decided as they decided last autumn on Iran that at least temporarily it is the better part of wisdom to abandon the drive on Greece. If the Soviets veto, this will be taken to mean that the drive is to be intensified and the inter- national brigade is to be thrown into ac- tion. The British delegate to the United Na- tions recently remarked that if the Balkan Commission proposals were set aside, the United Nations "might as well pack up." A Soviet veto of the proposals may have an even more ominous significance. (Copyright 1947, New York Herald Tribune) "Darling! Then you didn't mean it when you left me in 1941!" I'D RATHER BE RIGHT : A nti-Foreign Patter 1. By SAMUEL GRAFTON . A NEW LINE of anti-foreign patter is evolving. Let me give you some samples, which I have drawn from radio forums, letters to the editor, conversa- tions in the steam room and talks with dinner partners whom it seemed inadvisable to insult. It goes like this: "Prices are high because we are shipping so much stuff abroad," But, one points out, we are only sending seven percent, or what- ever it is, of our food. "It's the top seven percent that makes all the difference in boost- ing prices." But we ourselves are eating perhaps twenty-five percent more than before the war. Maybe we could eat seven percent less at home, and cancel out this big menace? "Why should we d6 that for the sake of those socialists in Eng- land?" (This tactic is known as the switch; when cornered on one prejudice, you skip lightly to an- other. The switch distinguishes true patter from all other forms of rhetoric.) It would be a mistake to un- derestimate the vigor with which Republicans, especially, are pushing this new thory. A new anti-foreign legend is in the making. It is one which will cozily blame all domestic in- balance, including inflation, on Existence The 1947 visitor finds Europe abstracted and preoccupied. The Frenchman has always been rather aloof from foreigners, the Englishman complacent towards them, and the German, splitting his back as easily as his person- ality, ready to lick their boots when he cannot order them around. Today such varying symptoms are transcended by one state which is uiniversal-com- plete absorbtion in the problem of how to live. Evei y minute is dedicated to scrounging enough food, cloth- ing and fuel to carry through the next 24 hours. Little energy is left for noticing what foreign na- tions think and say or for com- plicated reasoning and farsight- ed planning to please them and suit their requirements, even if they are benefactors and masters of the atom. When you are as worried as Europe about bare essentials of existence, you are not much in- terested in ideas. As for the atom bomb, it is comprehended in Europe even less than in Amer- ica. -Hamilton Fish Armstrong in Foreign Affairs Quarterly the stranger outside the gates. Here is another variation: "The Russians are doing it. They are deliberately keeping Europe poor so that we will have to send a lot of stuff and go broke ourselves. It's a clev- er way of bleeding us." But, one murmurs, the Rus- sians aren't very fond of our re- lief plans. They are afraid we are gaining too much influence and power because of them, or so they say. "Well, it's just another version of the New Deal. Spend and spend. Only this time we're giv- ing it to foreign politicians in- stead of to Americans." (The switch, again.) I am convinped that this myth will play a big part in the next campaign. Our exports (only part of which are gifts) will be blamed for our high price level. There is just enough truth in the argument, as regards some of the basic grains, to permit the addi- tion of a vast amount of embroi- dery, so that finally the hungry foreigner will be blamed when- ever an American gouges another American on a deal of any kind. The fact that we killed price con- Publication inThe Daily Officiai Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day pre- ceding publication (11:0 a.m. Sat- urdays). WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1947 VOL. LVII, No. S10 Notices Graduate Students who are ex- pecting to receive degrees at the end of the Summer Session are reminded that diploma applica- tions must be filed with the Re- corder before Friday noon, July 11. Applications may be obtained at the Information desk in the Graduate School Office. Teacher Placement: Rehabilitation Service, Herman Kiefer Hospital, Detroit, has an opening for Rehabilitation Coun- selor I. For further information call at the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall. Civil Service: State of New York Department of Civil Service has announced a program of internship in Pub- lic Administration. Applications and further information a r e available at the Bureau of Ap- pointments. The U.S. Civil Service Commis- sion, Washington, D.C. announces an examination for Photographer (Grades CAF-3 to CAF-7). The appointments will be located in Washington, D.C., Virginia, and Maryland. Approved social events for the coming week-end: (afternoon events are indicated by an aster- isk): July 11-Mosher Jordan; July 12-Acacia, Alpha Kappa Psi, Delta Tau Delta, Graduate Student Council, Phi Delta Phi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, The Law- yer's Club, Robert Owen Cooper- ative House; July 13-*Summer Session Choir. Registration Blanks may be ob- tained at the University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Office hours are: 9 to 12; 2 to 4. Those interested in securing posi- tions in the immediate future are, urged to register with the Bureau it once, This applies to both the General Placement and Teacher Placement divisions of the Bur- eau. Canadian undergraduate stu- dents: Application blanks for the Paul J. Martin Scholarship for Canadian undergraduate students may be obtained at the Scholar- ship Office, Room 205, University Hall. To, be eligible a student must have been enrolled in the University for at least one sem- ester of the school year 1946-47. All applications should be returned to that office by Wednesday, July 16, 1947. The scholarship will be assigned on the basis of need and super- ior scholastic achievement. Deadline for Vetrans' Book and Supply Requisitions. August 22, 1947 has beensset as the deadline for the approval of Veterans' Book and Supply Requisitions for the Summer Session-1947. Requisi- tions will be accepted by the book stores through August 23, 1947. College of Literature, Science and the Arts, Schools of Educa- tion, Forestry, and Public Health: Students who received marks of I, X or 'no report' at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by July 23. Students wishing an extension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition ad- dressed to the appropriate official in their school with Room 4 U.H. where it will be transmitted. Edward G. Groesbeck Assistant Registrar Meeting of the Theoretical Physics Colloguim: Will be held on Tuesday:and Thursday eve- nings at 7:30 p.m. On Tues- day the meeting will be held in the East Conference Room and on Thursday evening in the West Conference Room of the Rack- ham Building. Fraternity and sorority presi- dents of houses operating during the summer are requested to sub- mit a membership report imme- diately. Forms may be secured in theOffice of Student Affairs, Room 2, University Hall. We still need sopranos and altos in the University Chorus which meets at 3:00 p.m. in Haven Hall. Come today. The Political Science 2 makeup exam will be given Monday, July 14 from 2-5 in room 2037 A. H. International Center: Larrguage tables will convene at the In- ternational Center for the week- ly, informal Thursday Tea, July 10, at 4:30 p.m. All interested persons are cordially invited to attend. A Square Dancing Class, spon- sored by the Graduate Outing Club, will be held Thursday July 10th at 7:45 p.m. in the Lounge of the Women's Athletic Building. Everyone welcome. A small .fee will be charged. Phi Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity will hold its first summer meeting/Wednesday July 9, 1947 in the Michigan Union. All brothers are urged to be present. There will be a special meeting of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity to complete plans for the Summer Session on Thursday, July 10, at 7:00 p.m. at the Union. Delta Kappa Gamma, honorary education society, will hold a pic- nic at North Lake on Friday, July 11. All members who are on the campus this summer are invited to attend. Transportation will be provided. Reservations should be given to Miss Sarita Davis, Uni- versity Elementary School, phone 4121, Extension 360, or 5382, by Wednesday, July 9. German Club picnic will be held Wednesday, July 9, with swim- ming, games, and refreshments. Students will meet at the Univ. Hall parking lot at 5 p.m. Please make reservations at the depart- mental office, 204 Univ. Hall by noon, Tues., July 8. La p'tite causette meets on Tuesdays and Wednesdays-at 3:30 in the Grill Room of the Michi- ga~n League and on Thursdays at 4:00 in the International Center. All students interested in inform- al French conversation are cor- dially invited to join the group. The French Club will hold its third meeting on Thursday, July 10, at 8 p.m. in the second floor Terrace Room of the Michigan Union. Games, modern French songs, refreshments. All students interested are cordially invited. Lectures Professor Walter L. Wright, Jr., Professor of Turkish Language and History, Princeton University, will give a lecture, "A Near East Policy in the Making," Thursday, July 10, 4:10 p.m., Rackham Am- phitheatre. This is a lecture in the Summer Lecture Series, "The United States in World, Affairs." The public is invited. Dr. Yuen-li Liang, Director of the Division of the Development and Codification of International Law, United Nations, will give a lecture on "International Law, the United States, and the United Nations" Monday, July 14, 8:10 p. m. Rackham Amphitheatre. This is a lecture in the Summer Lecture Series,- "The United States in World Affairs." The public is invited. Professor John N. Hazard, Pro- fessor of Public Law, Columbia University, will lecture on "The United States and the Soviet Un- ion: Ideological and Institutional Differences," Tuesday, July 15, 4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphithea- tre. This is a lecture in the Sum- mer Lecture Series, "The United States in World Affairs." The public is invited. Major General John H. HIll- dring, U.S.A. (Ret.), Assistant Secretary of State, U.S. Depart- ment of State, will give a lecture, "What is our Purpose in Ger- many?", Wednesday, July 16, at 8:10 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. This is a lecture in the Summer Lecture Series, "T h e United States in World Affairs." The public is invited. Professor Gottfried S. Delatour, Visiting Professor of Sociology, Columbia ,University, will lecture on "The Problem of Internation- al Understanding," Thursday, July 17, 4:10 p.m., Rackham Am- phitheatre. This is a lecture in the Summer Lecture Series, "The United States in World Affairs. trol will be forgotten. I sample: "Why should anybody car to an American for when he can get $4,000 abroad?" But, one protests, we really sending m a n y give a sell a $2000 for It aren't cars abroad. Less than six percent of our production. "That's what makes the dif- ference. Take six percent off the market, and that leaves a hole, and people bid cars up here at home." But wouldn't cars be almost as short as they are now, and wouldn't there be almost as much bidding up, even if we kept the six percent? "Those foreign countries ought to stop depending on us. They're just getting into the habit." Those who use this argument seem to dodge when the question is bluntly put as to whether we ought to cut off foreign ship- ments to reduce our own prices. I heard a Republican Congress- man, Buffett of N e b r a s k a, squirming under this challenge, on the American Forum of the Air the other night, from which show also come some of the other quotes above. "I don't say we ought to stop sending stuff," he said. "I think we ought to slow down." Slowing down, it was point- ed out, wouldn't change the picture much. "Well, we ought to slow down very sharply." That's what the man said. (Copyright 1947, New York Post Corp.) BARNABY... I'm sorry, son. But we won't hove any room at the seashore for that imaginary pixie.. . He can keep. house right here, - a Besides, we're inviting Jane to come along. . You like her, don't you? r1 -! IYes. But .,. 4.4 I Ay My Fairy Godfather's going to be awfully disappointed, Pop- ~ r' Bythesea, b the sea, V EAUIFUL SEA / 0 4 I i cwlk Pik t _ I ---- .. i I f,,uV:.« IMW - I