POLITBURO'S CHOICE See Page 4 *6 Lwr ~Iai41 FAIR, COOLER Latest Deadline in the S ,ate VOL.. LVI, No. 10S ANN ARBOR, IMCHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS House Votes Income Tax Slash Agaain Bill Passel With Large Majority By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 8-The Republican-backed $4,00,000,000 income tax reduction for 49,000,- 000. taxpayers sailed through the House' again, today by an over- whelming vote of 302 to 112. This is 26 more than the two-thirds needed to override a second presi- dential veto. Speakers Martin (Rep., Mass.) personally took the floor and ask- ed the body to make its vote s decisive "as to persuade the President that the people should have this delayed justice." The measure was tossed over to the Senate, where Republican leaders said they hope to rush it again to President Truman's desk before the week ends. Say Veto Certain Some Democratic leaders said another veto is certain. The measure is identical with the one the President returned June 16 as "the wrong kind of tax reduction at the wrong time"- except that the effective date of the tax cut has been changed from July 1, 1947, to January 1, 1948. While a veto-overriding vote rolled up in the House, specula- tion flared to a feverish pitch on the big question: Can such a two-thirds vote be obtained in the Senate to over- throw another presidential objec- tion? No one yet has named two- thirds of the Senators who will vote to override a veto. Substitute Bill Immediately after the House action, Senator Lucas (Dem., Ill.) introduced a substitute bill in the Senate which he contended would emphasize relief for the people with low incomes instead of "high tax; savings to the high income groups. Lucas' bill would raise the per- sonal exemption for taxpayers and their dependents from $500 a piece to $650, and would reduce each sur-tax rate by four percentage points. He said he might press his sub- stitute when the Senate finance committee meets tomorrow on the House bill, and certainly would do so on the floor. Predicts Will Clear Bill Finance chairman Millikin (Rep., Colo.) predicted confidently that the committee will clear the House bill tomorrow. It will be taken up in the Senate after the Army-Navy Unification Bill is out of the way-possibly Thursday. In today's roll call on passage, 233 Republicans were joined by 69 Democrats in support of the bill. Opposing were 109 Democrats and two Republicans-Hull of Wis- consin and H, Carl Andersen of Minnesota - and the American Labor Party member, Rep. Mar- cantonio of New York. AntimLynchers Seek Permit Eight Organizations Plan Campus Drive Permission to conduct an anti- lynch campaign on the campus will be asked of Provost James P. Adams at 10 a.m. today by spokes- men for a joint anti-lynch com- mittee of eight campus and two town organizations. Representatives of the Progres- sive Citizens of America and the Student Religious Association joined those of six other groups in a second informal meeting, Mon- day. Members of the American Veterans Committee, Hillel Foun- dation, Michigan Youth for De- mocratic Action, the National Ne- gro Congress, Americans for Dem- ocratic Action and the Inter- Racial Association formed the committee last week. Although Mayor Edward J. Jeffries has proclaimed Monday as Anti-Lynch Day in Detroit and endorsed fund-raising activities, the local committee will conduct its campaign later in the month. Wright To Be Third Speaker T-lBone Steaks Ascend Borne on 'Flying Plates' Hlabitues of 'Bughouse Square,' Chicago Assert Personal Theories in Explanation By The Associated Press CHICAGO, July 8-Bughouse Square, Chicago's refuge of the self-style intelligentsia, today attributed the flying discs to everything from Martin explorations to "plates carrying T-bone steaks because they're so high." O. M. (Chollie) Wendorf, a habitue of the one-block park in the Bohemian quarter on the near north side, pooh-poohied ideas that there is anything "substantial behind reports of the discs." Rasping from his soapbox perch, Chollie, who calls' himself King of the Free Lance Orators for five years, shouted that "the terribl _ E i RICHARD ROSENBLOOM . . . wil play 'Mortimer' *' * * Comedy Pa To Star Shef As Johnathan' Arthur Shef will star in the role of Johnathan in Joseph Kessel- ring's "Arsenic and Old Lace" to be presented by the speech de- partment's Michigan Repertory Players at 8 p.m. tomorrow through Saturday at Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. Other leading members of the cast will be Jeanette Grandstaff as Abby, Donald Kleckner as Ted- dy, Emily James as Martha Brew- ster, Richard Rosenbloom as Mor- timer Brewster and William Kin- zer as Dr. Einstein. Other Members of the Cast Max Kelly, Albert Nadeau, )Earl Matthews, Frances Barker, Covell Radcliffe, Ward Alquist, James Lynch and James Drummond al- so have roles in the play. The play deals with two kind- hearted, if slightly homicidal, old maiden ladies who relsease their unfortunate victims from the hardships of life by gentle minis- trations of poison. Their dear brother who believes he is Theo- dore Roosevelt and that he is building the Panama Canal in the basement, obliges his sisters with a new lock at appropriate inter- vals. Windt Directs Production Prof. Valentine Windt of the speech department will direct the play with Oren Parker of Yale University in charge of sets and Berneice Prisk of Iowa State Uni- versity directing costuming. Women interested in ushering for the performances Friday and Saturday may sign up from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. today through Sat- urady in the League Undergradu- ate Office. Directory Goes on Sale The Summer Directory will be sold today and tomorrow on the Diagonal, at the Engine Arch, in all of the local bookstores, at the League, the Union, and the Stu- dent Publications Building. Faculty members and depart- ment offices can order their cop- ies through the Plant Stores Sec- tion of the University. othing is, the more water you throw on it the harder it burns." The "it" in this classic figure of speech Chollie defined as mass hysteria. Eat Living Things Chollie thinks the visions of flying discs can be erased through healthy living and that to be healthy "you got to eat living things." Chollie said he eats 50 dande- lion blooms a day, when they're in season, that is. Herbert "Cosmic Kid" Shaw said he favors a theory that the discs are evidence of activity~ from other planets. He said this is probable because even science now has a "wide open view of the possibility that life exists on some planets." T-Bone Theory The proponent of the T-bone theory, Ted Moren suggested an alternative explanation. "Maybe it's those ENIACS, you know', those thinking machines invented at Harvard and Princeton-that are doing some thinking and in- venting on their own. "If the machines can almost think it's reasonable to believe they could think of something like, flying saucers that not even our scientists can match." * * * Flying Disc' Really Balloon FORT WORTH, Texas, July 8-- (/')--The discovery of a "flying disc" reported by an Army pub- lic relations officer proved a dud today when the object was iden- tified as a weather, balloon. Warrant Officer Irving Newton, a forecaster at the Army's Eighth Air Force weather station here, said the object found near Ros- well, N.M., was a ray wind target used to determine the direction and velocity of winds at high al- titudes. He said there were some 40 weather stations in the United States using this type of balloon. 1hirteenPlan To Take Part Ini Aid Parley Czechs Aimon Visitor Nations By The Associated Press PARIS, July 8-Thirteen na- tions, including Czechoslovakia in the Soviet sphere, have accepted French-British bids to the Paris conference on the Marshall Plan. Czech sources in Prague hinted that Russia herself might finally be represented. There had been no refusals by nightfall from the 22 invited na- tions. The. French Foreign Ministry announced that 10 nations-Bel- gium, Italy, P o r t u g a 1, Eire, Greece, Turkey, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Czechoslovakia and Iceland-have turned in formal acceptances. Decide To Participate Associated P r e s s dispatches from Berne, Vienna and Copen- hagen said that Switzerland, Aus- tria and Denmark decided offic- ially to participate in the re- construction parley. Confusion concerning what was going on in the Russian zone states mounted as the Thursday deadline for accepting the invi- tations drew near. The confer- ence will open Saturday. Polish, Romanian and Finnish diplomats denied reports broad- cast by Tass, official Soviet News Agency, that their countries had rejected the invitation. They said a decision could not be known until tomorrow. An As- sociated Press dispatch from Warsaw said it still was a "toss- up" whether Poland would accept. Decision Studied Yugoslav, Albanian, Bulgarian and Hungarian spokesmen here could not be reached for comment on the attitude of their govern- ments but reports from those four nations indicated their decisions still were being studied. A dispatch from Prague said that Czech sources close to the government declared there was considerable indication Russia might send a representative-per- haps as an observer. These sources said they based their suggestions on the Czech acceptance of the invitation, indi- cations in Prague that the Poles also might accept, and an about- face by the Communist Party in Prague from the earlier criticism of the motives behind the eco- nomic rehabilitation proposal. Information Gathering . The Paris Conference is intend- ed to set in motion the gathering of information to be used in de- termining Europe's ability for self-help and the amount needed from the United States. Acceptances now are in from all, countries invited except the seven other states in the Soviet zone and Sweden and Norway. Educators Will Discuss Late Trends in Field Current trends in education will be the theme of the Eighteenth Annual Summer Education Con- ference sponsored by the educa- tion school which will be held here July 14 to 18. A series of lectures and special conferences will be featured at the conference. Textbook Exhibit An extensive exhibit of new textbooks will be maintained by Michigan representatives of pub- lishers of textbooks according to Dean James B. Edmonson of the education school who is confer- ence director. The University Li- brary Extension Service will also have a display of children's books. Dr. James P. Adams, Provost of the University, will deliver the opening address of the Confer- ence. His lecture, entitled, "Let's Turn on the Lights," will be given at 11 a.m., Monday, in the Uni- versity High School auditorium. The Conference meetings will be held in the University High School and the University Elementary School buildings, where the ex- hibits will be located, and in the architecture college auditorium. All programs of the Conference will be open to the public. Special Topics Among the special conference topics are the following: educa- tional psychology, health educa- 300,000 Miners -1RussiajSays 'Hands Off' Greece U.S., Britain Hhgher Wages, Blamed For .< ..t Fewer Hours Holiday Ends As Lewis Orders Back Bad' Situation Gromyko Asks Supervision of UN Aid By The Associated Press LAKE SUCCESS, July 8-Rus- sia late today charged that the situation in Greece was the re- sult of American and British in- terference and demanded that the United Nations order foreign mil- itary personnel off Greek soil. The Soviet Union also called for UN supervision of all eco- nomic aid to Greece in a renewed attempt to place the American program of direct sppport under international control. "Direct intervention through the presence of foreign troops has been supplemented lately by new forms of intervention in sending to Greece so-called mil- itary instructors and in supply- ing war equipment," deputy foreign minister Andrei A. Gromyko said in his new at- tack on the American aid pro- gram. Rejecting a UN report blaming Soviet Balkan satellites for the Greek border disorders, Gromy- ko said the Greek government alone was at fault. Gromyko put forward the Rlus- sian rebuttal to a majority report of a Balkan investigating com- mission in a 78-minute speech, one of the longest ever delivered to the Security Council. He asked the council to re- verse on-the-spot findings and rule Greece guilty of provoking disturbances with Yugoslavia, Albania and Bulgaria. Gromyko said without qualifi- cation that Russia would not ac- cept an American resolution, growing out of. the commission report, for establishment of a semi-permanent UN watch along the troubled frontiers. American delegate Warren R. Austin pre- viously had said that nothing less than the border watch would solve the problem and Gromyko thus gave the strongest indica- tions that he would veto the pro- ject. Gromyko gave no figures on military personnel, but a Greek source said 'there were only about 6,000 foreign troops there now. These were said to be mostly British with the oth- ers American training groups. Regarding American aid, Gromyko asked the council to pass this paragraph: "For the purpose of providing the proper use of foreign econom- ic aid granted to Greece, the se- curity council resolves to estab- lish a special commission which through the proper supervision would guanantee the use of such aid only in the interests of the Greek people." Rates Raised At I Hospital Ward and semi-private' room rates at the self-supporting Uni- versity Hospital have been in- creased, hospital authorities an- nounced. They said the increases were "to meet constantly rising operat- ing costs." The hospital "depends entire- ly upon the fees from the pa- tients for its operation, as it re- ceives nofstate appropriations or income from endowments," the authorities said. The rates are consistent with general rate levels in this area and with other Midwest hospitals owned by universities, they de- clared. U.S. ADMIRAL VISITS SWEDEN'S KING--Rear Admiral John Perry (right), commander of U.S. Carrier Division Six, chats with King Gustav V of Sweden at Saro, Sweden, during a visit at which arrangements were made for the reception of 40 U.S. officers from the carriers Randolph and Kearsage at the Saro Tennis Club. The carriers were anchored at Goteborg, Sweden, during their cruise of Scandainavian waters. GOOD NEIGHBORS GROW UP: Lsatin America Will Assume New Important World Role to Pits; World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 8-Rep. Nixon (Rep., Calif.) told James C. Petrillo in blunt terms today to study the new Taft-Hartley labor law and the anti-trust laws before carrying out his threat to bar un- ion musicians from radio network programs. WASHINGTON, July 8-The House passed today a resolution authorizing publication of a document on "Fascism in Ac- tion" after a two-hour floor battle during which it was de- nounced as a "smokescreen" for Communists and hailed as a "danger signal" of rightwing ex- tremist activities. ** * LONDON, July 8-Foreign Sec- retary Ernest Bevin today hailed the Marshall offer as a step to- ward "a great unity of peoples throughout the world" and de- clared that the door still was open for Russia to participate in a con- tinent-wide recovery plan. Latin American nations are no longer likely to take a passive role in world affairs, Dr. Robin A. Humphreys, reader in American history at the University of Lon- don, said yesterday. The second speaker in the sum- mer session lecture series on "The United States in World Affairs", Dr. Humphreys declared that a new era in the affairs of Latin American states is beginning. Importance Will Develop This new importance in world affairs will develop regardless of the direction of political trends and the extent of economic and social changes, he said. He pointed to the new danger that the twin forces of nation- alism and socialism, in Latin America will be harnessed in the service of an all-embracing state. He mentioned that nationalism in Latin America could take the form of imperialism. Industrial Progress Dr. Humphreys cited the pres- ent industrial progress in Latin American countries. A new in- dustrial and commercial class, an artisan class and organized labor are taking form, he said. "The old struggle, implicit in Latin American history, between the country and the town is be- ing transformed into the clash between the old agricultural way of life and a new industral civ- ilization." New Political Forces The emergence of new political forces on the left and right have caused social changes to merge into political change, he assert- ed. "But it would be dangerous to conclude that this is the domin- ant trend of the times," he said. "The future of democratic gov- ernment is menaced by extremist groups on the left and on the right. Secondly, the tendency in Latin American states is towards the concentration and centraliza- tion for power and it is both na- tionalistic and socialistic." All-embracing State Pointing to the danger of the all-embracing state in Latin America, Dr. Humphreys said that the danger "may be exag- gerated" but should not be ig- nored. "The future of democratic gov- ernment depends on the honesty and integrity of the newer so- cial classes and on the adaptabil- ity of the older conservative groups whose way of life is being slowly undermined," he said. The issue is not the simple one of democracy or dictatorship, but the larger issue of freedom or ser- vitude, Dr. Humphreys declared, Health Service Offers Low Price X-Rays Low cost x-rays for the adult personnel of fraternities and sor- orities were announced yesterday by Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, Di- rector of Health Service. The caution exercised by the University to prevent tubercu- losis among the student body would be completely nullified by the presence of a contagious adult working in student residences, Dr. Forsythe said. "Students are ad- vised not to have any adults in their houses without being sure that they are free from tubercu- losis," he stressed. Fraternities and sororities may telephone Health Service for an appointment in the x-ray depart- ment for members of their house staffs. The employe may pay the $1.50 fee for the x-rays, or pre- sent a note from the house stat- ing that it would be responsible for payment. X-rays by private physicians would ordinarily cost much more. Fraternities and sororities are not required to have their person- nel checked for tuberculosis, but it is advised, as any one in a, house may be a source of con- tagion, Dr. Forsythe said. Granted UMW Southern Producers Refuse Proposition By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, July 8-John L. Lewis ordered three-fourths of his 400,000 soft coal miners back to the pits tonight to work for another year-when "able and willing"-at the biggest wage in- crease he ever won. "Who's looney now?" he de- manded of his critics in general as he jubilantly told reporters of the precedent-shattering pact. Coal operators paraded to Unit- ed Mine Workers headquarters to sign on Lewis' terms. For those who didn't sign the terms were: take it or leave it. The Southern Coal Produc- ers Association was the only sizeable group to leave it. They hit Lewis for modifications in a closed meeting, apparently got nowhere, and decided to con- vene tomorrow at 12 noon for a "final decision." One of the southeners predicted they would be "forced to accept," as a group or individually. In fact, a scattering of them had already accepted. But southern mines pro- ducing 25 per cent of the country's coal and employing some 100,000 miners stood idle. Coal prices will shoot up. Sen- ator Taft (Rep,.) forecast a rise of 70 cents a ton, but some opera- tors said the jump would exceed ,$. Taft guessed steel would rise $1.10 a ton and steel products pro- portionately. The contract was negotiated by Lewis with northern opera- tors and mine-owning steel in- terests. The latter groups, in a joint statement, said the cost will be "substantially less' than if a strike had halted produc- tion. The contract provides: a 44/ cent basic hourly wage boost; a work day shortened from nine hour to eight, bringing the daily wage to $13.05 instead of the $11.85 paid for the longer day; and a 100 per cent increase in the levy on operators to support UMW's welfare fund-10 cents a ton instead of 5. But Washington marveled most at the manner in which the contract nose-thumbed the brand new Taft-Hartley act, which was written with John L. Lewis upperpmost in mind. The contract says the miners shall work "during such time" as they are "able and willing." Work stoppages in violation of contract are outlawed and made punishable by suit under the Taft-Hartley law. But under the "ableand will- ing" language, the miners appar- ently could quit without breaking the contract. The contract repeals all no- strike clauses in existing local con- tracts, as well as all wage deduc- tions and other penalties for wild- cat strikes. "Stone Flower' To Be Shown Russian Film Based On Legendary Tale "The Stone Flower," Russian prize-winning film, will be pre- sented by the Art Cinema League at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow and Fri- day at Hill Auditorium. Filmed in color by a secret pro- cess, the picture is based on an old Russian folk-legend which deals with a young stone-carver and a sorceress who offers him the key to perfection in his work. QUALITY NOT QUANTITY: Cut In Medical Enrollments Necessary To Keep Standard Recent cuts in medical school enrollments were necessary to continue high standards and re- lieve an overburdened faculty, ac- cording to Dean Albert C. Furs- tenberg in an article written for the Michigan Alumnus. "Our first purpose is to train men and women to be doctors who will practice with credit to themselves, and safety to their patients." Dean Furstenberg says, in other schools and colleges of the University, he explains in the article. In addition, the medical school offers intramural courses to 993 doctors and has established ex- tramural centers in 15 Michigan cities instructing a total of 1280 doctors, Dean Furstenberg says. The medical school is also car- rying on an extensive program of HANG THE MOSQUITOES: Ann Arbor Provides Recreation Means 0 By JOE GOETZ In the city of Ann Arbor there Pauline Blvd. and West Park l1-