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July 06, 1947 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1947-07-06

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Fit-Seventh.ta I
Fifty-Seventh Year

Marriage of Convenience



+ .

Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editors ... John Campbell, Clyde Recht
Associate Editor ....................Eunice Mintz
Sports Editor .................... Archie Parsons
Business Staff
General Manager............... Edwin Schneider
Advertising Manager..........William Rohrbach
Circulation Manager.................Melvin Tick
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all news dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of republication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan, as second class mail-naatter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
NIGHT EDITORS: Wright & Pasqualetti

IT IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE that, for a cur-
ious variety of reasons, an exceedingly
important event-a marriage between the
A.F. of L. and the C.I.O:-may be arranged
in the not too distant future. This union
of the two great labor organizations is still,
in the opinion of close observers of the labor
scene, a long shot. But a whole series of
recent developments has measurably reduced
the odds against it.
The new labor measure, which the A.F. of
L. leaders resent at least as bitterly as the
C.I.O. chiefs, has acted as a sort of cata-
lyst. It has provided the labor leaders with
a mutual object of hatred, always an effect-
ive means of drawing people together. But
the labor act has merely served to set the
ball rolling. The other forces making fo'r
what labor men call "unity" may be briefly
First, there is the remarkable victory
which now appears to be in prospect for
John L. Lewis in the coal struggle. Lewis
appears in a fair way to win, from most
of the coal operators without any pro-
longed strike, concessions more than
double the national pattern established by
C.I.O. president Philip Murray in the steel
settlement. Moreover this victory, if it
comes about, will have been achieved
within a matter of days after the hated
labor measure became law. There can be
little doubt of the compelling ambition,
long nursed in the Lewis bosom, to be-
come the undisputed grand panjandrumi
of all American labor. A coal victory
will mean that Lewis has vastly outdis-
tanced all possible contenders for the la-
bor throne.
Second, Lewis is being backed for the job
by David Dubinsky, the able and powerful
leader of the immensely rich International
Ladies' Garment Workers. The history of
the Lewis-Dubinsky relationship has been
one of violent rows and amiable reconcilia-
tions. A period of reconciliation is now
in progress. The men are close on many
matters, especially in that they are two of
the most effective anti-Communists in the
labor movement. Like Lewis himself, Du-
binsky has many admirers in the C.I.O., and
his backing for Lewis will heavily weight
the scales.
Third, there is Philip Murray, the C.I.O.
president is the big question mark. For
years Murray and Lewis worked closely to-
gether, when Murray was second in com-
mand of the mine workers. But much bit-
ter water has flowed under the bridge since
those days. Many in the labor movement
are certain that Murray could never bear
to serve again as a subordinate to Lewis,
or to see his beloved C.I.O. merged with
the larger A.F. of L. Yet there are others
who disagree.
Murray is harried and tired. The at-
2 N11 I

In Memoriam

PROF. DAVID OWEN, of the speech de-
partment, died Friday night at his home
at the age of 48.
Prof. Owen's career included contribu-
tions to both the professional and academic
world. His work in radio touched almost
every phase of the field: actor, director,
producer, writer, station manager and an-
nouncer, to give an incomplete list. He start-
ed the first radio daytime and children',
shows. Among the well known radio shows
he has directed or produced for the major
networks are "Fibber McGee and Molly,"
"Lum and Abner," "Just Plain Bill," "Scat-
tergood Baines," and "Skippy and RinTin-
In the acedemic world, Prof. Owen began
his career as an instructor in the speech de-
partment of the University in 1926. He.
taught at Northwestern University in 1927-
28. From 1929-41, he worked in radio.
In 1941 he returned to the University as
a Lecturer in Speech. In 1942, he was pro-
moted to assistant professor; in 1946, to as-
sociate professor. He was recently appoint-
ed professor of speech for the 1947-48 aca-
demic year.
The untimely death of Prof. Owen is a
great loss to the University and the radio
world. Many of us have for years enjoyed
the programs he directed on the radio. His
courses were invaluable to speech students.
His passing will be felt by all of us who
have worked with him and known him.
-The Senior Editors

mosphere of Borgian intrigue which pre-
vails at C.I.O. headquarters, brought on
by the constant Communist pressure, is
said to exhaust him. Moreover, the Com-
munist-engineered attempt to capture the
automobile workers, biggest C.I.O. union,
has by no means been squashed. If it
succeeds, Murray will be in a fair way to
finding himself prisoner of the Commu-
nists in his own organization. It is prob-
able that only the A.F. of L. and John
L. Lewis could free him from this bon-
Thus it is significant that at a recent
closed meeting of the C.I..'s executive
board, Murray is reported to have made an
important about-turn. Some weeks before
Murray had said that it was too late in the
day for merger with the A.F. of L., which
would only serve to spread confusion in the
C.I.O. ranks. On this more recent occasion,
however, he reversed himself. He called for
unity at almost any price. One price is evi-
dent-Murray's agreement to become sec-
ond in command with John L. Lewis.
The fourth important factor is the Com-
munists. Like their bitterest enemy, David
Dubinsky, the Communists are working for
"unity." At first glance this seems passing
strange. For they would appear to be
fighting for the privilege of placing their
heads in the lion's mouth-with the upper
jaw David Dubinsky and the lower John L.
Lewis. There is no doubt that if Lewis took
first place in a combined organization, he
would move farrmore decisively and ruth-
lessly than Murray has ever moved to root
out the Communists.
Various explanations have been offered
of the Communist possition-the desire to
hide behind the skirts of a massive united
organization in the difficult days ahead;
the welcome opportunity to bring pressure
on the whole labor movement which a
merger would offer them. Perhaps the
simplest explanation is that, as always,
they have been listening to their master's
voice. The Moscow line is clear. A re-
cent Soviet English-language broadcasts
to North America, for example, announced
the need for unity in their ranks."
All this adds up to a real possibility of an
A.F. of L.-C.I.O. marriage. There are enor-
mous obstacles to such a union. Intrench-
ed interests would be seriously threatened,
and labor politicians are as zealous in pro-
tecting their empires as any other kind of
politician. Yet it is not impossible that a
curious by-product of the new labor measure
may be a unified labor movement, thirteen
million strong, led by the massive power-
loving John L. Lewis.
(Copright 1947, New York Herald Tribune)
T HE EXPECTED recession, for which
economists have been knitting little
garments for months, hasn't arrived yet. The
reason, some say, is that the American econ-
omy is being held up by several gigantic
props. One of these is our exports, which
are now running to about 13 billions of dol-
lars a year, or about five times as much as
It is a funny thing, but the despised and
quivering outside world, about which many
an American speaks with a certain drop-of-
the-cigar-ash disdain, is helping to hold
us up in a difficult period. If our exports
were to slacken off abruptly, many an Amer-
ican would suddenly find himself floating in
air, with the oddest, most helpless feeling.
We like to think that the rest of the
world depends on America's wealth, but it
also happens to be true that America de-
pends, at this moment, on the rest of the
world's poverty, without which the stream
of goods flowing out from our shores might
come to a sudden halt.
Of course we are paying for some of these
exports with our own grants and loans,
but their effect in holding back a recession
remains. Our English credit may be avert-
ing relief payments in Brooklyn as well as
hunger in Liverpool. You buy more than
you know in this business.
But of course this prop won't last for-
ever. The Wall Street Journal suggests
that as foreign counrties run out of dollars
(their own, or ours) they will stop buying,

and some of our businesses may then get
that old feeling. It would seem smart to
have another prop ready, against this event.
It is for this reason that one suggests a pub-
lic housing program.
A public housing program, begun soon
enough, may support the businesses of a lot
of people who don't believe in housing, just
as our foreign loan program supports the
businesses of a lot of people who don't have
much patience with foreign loans.
-Samuel Grafton
(Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation


"Couldn't we call ourselves daughters of something besides the
American REVOLUTION? It's such a horrid word."
Preserving Liberty

'ax Veto

TO THE REPUBLICANS, tax reduction is
the supreme political issue, and it is not
surprising that they are both angered and
dismayed by the President's veto of H.R. 1.
However, their wrath must have destroyed
their sense of logic as they would not, in
one breath, denounce Mr. Truman's action
as "sheer politics" and claim it will insure
their own triumph in 1948.
Actually, politics can hardly have been
a motive for the veto, since tax cuts are
always popular, and in this case, while
they would have applied on an inequitable
basis, they would also have been widely
We believe, therefore, that Mr. Truman
deserves credit for both courage and sin-
cerity in challenging Congress on this issue,
although we are not prepared wholly to in-
dorse his reasoning. The message accom-
panying the veto declared that the bill rep-
resented "the wrong kind of tax reduction
at the wrong time."
We agree with the first part of the sen-
tence but are not convinced that this is
the wrong time for some reduction in the
government's "take" from the national in-
come. Mr. Truman cited figures shpwing
that we are still on the crest of a boom,
with the economy still subject to inflation-
ary pressures. But signs indicate that by
fall, when tax reduction would begin to have
effect, deflationary forces may be gaining
the upper hand. In this event, additional
effective purchasing power in the pockets
of consumeis might prove a useful stab-
ilizing factor.
That would require, however, a bill very
different from the one just vetoed.
-The Nation

of American Protest. By Charles A. Mad-
ison. New York: Henry Holt & Co. 1947.
537 pp.
LONG, LONG AGO, in the days before
pocket size books and beautiful lady
novelists, people used to stock up their li-
braries with stories of saints' lives. Some-
how, this book is reminiscent of that-time
and can be read with as much relish as was
once derived, strangely enough, from those
semi-religious tracts. For in the same
sense, this is also a religious tract, the story
of the shining lights of reform movements
in America.
Covering the period roughly between 1820
and 1920, the book is composed of six main
divisions, headed, "The Abolitionists," "The
Utopians," "The Anarchists," "The Dissi-
dent' Economists," "The Militant Liberals,"
and "The Socialists." Three leaders in each
division are treated-their lives, their work.
their failures and achievements.
The greatest criticism that might be made
of this book concerns its undisguised and
enthusiastic sympathy with these "critics"
and "crusaders." While one can hardly ob-
ject to an author's having a passionate pre-
judice in favor of his subject, this sort of
zeal results, in this case, in producing a
book which lacks the necessary cold, im-
partial facts to create a more sufficient
background than Madison has achieved.
The circumstances which provoked these
men to devote their lives to a cause, and
the opposing forces, are not given in full
enough detail to place the rest of the story
in its proper perspective. The author's pur-
pose was not, however, to write a history
book, but rather a series of personality
sketches, and in this he does succeed. Each
chapter, lively and colorful, never dull,
serves as an excellent introduction to an-
other of the men "who are most respon-
sible for our social and economic freedom,"
in the author's own words. Those words are
a bit too wide in scope, for .only 18 men
are treated, on almost all of whom the label
"propagandist" may be placed. This neglects
a good many others, but that they all con-
tributed in some way or other to what is
called "the American way of life" is certain.
It is interesting to consider the future, ton.

"FOUR SCORE and seven years
ago our fathers brought forth
upon this continent a nation con-
ceived in liberty-"
So let us ask ourselves how that
nation's liberty can be preserved.
For the tide running against lib-
erty throughout the world is be-
ginning to tug at America.
Yet liberty-according to the
great English Catholic, Lord John
Acton (Lectures on the History of
Freedom, 1878)-"is not a means
to a higer political end. It is itself
the highest political end."
Many Americans have forgot-
ten this. Some are even urging
our people to put security before
"You can't eat liberty," they
And you can't breathe bread.
Liberty is like air. Lord Acton
"A generous spirit prefers that
his country should be poor and
weak and of no account but
free, rather than powerful pros-
perous and enslaved."
Before our country can really
put security above freedom, it
will have to erase Jefferson and
Paine and Lincoln.
Every great crisis brings with it
the temptation for weak men to
set aside civil liberties on the
ground that security comes first.
This started after World War I-
and subsided. It began again in
World War II. It is continuing
now, swollen by the corporate
trade union tendencies of indus-
try, spurred by the double atom-
Russia threat.
Thomas Paine warned his con-
temporaries against just this. In
his "Thoughts on the Peace," writ-
ten at the conclusion of the Rev-
olutionary War, he stated:
"It is not among the least of the
calamaties of a long-continued
war that it unhinges the mind
from those nice sensations that
at other times appear so amiable.
The continual spectacle of woe
blunts the finer feelings and the
necessity of bearing with the fight
renders it familiar. In like man-
ner are the moral obligations of
society weakened, till thecustom
of acting by necessity becomes an
apology where it is truly a crime.
Let but a nation conceive rightly
of its character and it will be
chastely just in protecting it. None
ever began with a fairer one than
America. and non can be under
a greater obligation to preserve
An integral part of this na-
tional character is respect for
civil liberties. Belittling them
can become "an apology where
it is truly crime."
What is the evidence? Plenty.
Small things but significant.

The tendency of the American
people to allow power to slip
into the hands of the military
and to widen the area of police
investigation and control can-
not be overlooked.
A correspondent of the English
Manchester Guardian finds that
"the press attacks on Charlie
Chaplin during the last few weeks
have revealed an aspect of Amer-
ican public life that has frightful
A recent decision by the Su-
preme Court (George Harris vs.
the United States of America, May
5, 1947), apparently widened the
right of police search to a dan-
gerous degree.
An earlier decision, "Ex Parte
Mitsuye Endo," partially justify-
ing the arbitrary removal of Amer -
ican ciitzens of Japanese origin
from their homes, seemed to dem-
onstrate how quickly Supreme
Court justices can yield to the
theory that public safety is the
supreme law.
Paine thought that "a consti-
tution is the property of a nation
and not of those who exercise the
government . . ." Our own con-
stitution was demonstrably
amended to protect popular liber-
ties precisely. in times of crisis
when people yield to panic.
Recently, ten State Depart-
ment employes were fired for
"dangerous thoughts." Maybe
they deserved it. But they were
not told of the nature of the
charges against them nor giv-
en any chance to refute them.
Here is the anonymous denun-
ciation of the Lion's Mouth at
Venice. Here is a revival of the
infamous French lettres de cach-
The House of Representatives is
considering a bill that would com-
pel the FBI to check the attitude
of one million six hundred thou-
sand empolyes.
These items add up to a trend
Can anyone guarantee that un-
. less it is stopped-particularly
in case of an atomic armament
race-the Land of the Free will
not become a hateful Police
State similar to the Axis coun-

Publication in The Daily Officia
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Summer Session, Room 1213 Angell
Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day pre-
ceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
SUNDAY, JULY 6, 194'7
Registration Blanks may be ob-
tained at the University Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational
Information, 201 Mason Hall on
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Office hours are: 9 to 12; 2 to 4.
Those interested in securing posi-
tions in the immediate future are
urged to register with the Bureau
at once. This applies to both the
General Placement and Teacher
Placement divisions of the Bur-
Candian undergraduate stu-
dents: Application blanks for the
Paul J. Martin Scholarship for
Canadian undergraduate students
may be obtained at the Scholar-
ship Office, Room 205, University
Hall. To be eligible a student
must have been enrolled in the
University for at least one sem-
ester of the school year 1946-47.
All applications should be returned
to that office by Wednesday, July
16, 1947.
The scholarship will be assigned
on the basis of need and super-
ior scholastic achievement.
Cancellation of recital: The
Faculty Recital previously an-
nounced for Tuesday evening,
July 8, in Hill Auditorium, has
been cancelled. The next pro-
gram in the Tuesday series will be
heard on July 15, when the Uni-
versity of Michigan Band will pre-
sent its Annual summer concert.
Closing hours for women's resi-
dences during the summer session
are as follows: 11:00 p.m.-Sun-
day through Thursday. 12:30 a.m.
-Friday and Saturday.
Office of the Dean of Women
All summer students in sociology
are invited to attend an informal
social hour from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.,
Tuesday, July 8, in the East Con-
ference Aioom of the Rackham
Building. Dr. G. S. Delatour, vis-
iting professor from Columbia
University, will be a special guest.
German Club picnic will be held
Wednesday, July 9, with swim-
ming, games, and refreshments.
Students will meet at the Univ.
Hall parking lot at 5 p.m. Please
make reservations at the depart-
mental office, 204 Univ. Hall by
noon, Tues., July 8.
Teacher Placement:
Representatives from the De-
pendents Schools Service in Ger-
many will be in the office of the
Bu r e a u of Appointments on
Thursday and Friday, July 10 and
11. The office is screening can-
didates for positions in all elemen-
tary grades and men candidates
for work in science and physical
education at the secondary level.
We are now being asked to inter-
view candidates for superinten-
dencies at five thousand per an-
num,, and a director of instruc-
tion at $7300. Qualified persons
who are interested in these posi-
tions should get in touch with the
Bureau immediately so that ap-
pointients for interviews with the
visiting representatives may be
Bur. of Appts. & Occup. Inf.
Kakeup Examination in Eco-
nomics 51, 52, 53, 54, July 7, at
2:00 o'clock in Room 5 Economics

time his lectures will be MWF at
Dr. A. Pais, Inst. for Advanced
Study, Princeton will speak on
Elementary Particle Problems, on
MWF at 10 a.m., Rackham Audi-
torium, starting Monday, June.30.
Dr. James L. Lawson, General
Electric Co., will speak on Produc-
tion and Measurements of High
Energy Radiation, TThS., at 10
a.m., Rackham Auditorium, start-
iig Tuesday, July 8.
The Graduate Outing Club will
meet for a bicycle hike on Sunday
July 6th at 2:30 p.m. at the north-
west entrance to the Rackham
Building. Please sign up before
noon on Saturday at the check
desk in the Rackham Building.
Posture, figure and carriage
clinic, open to women students in-
terested in improving general con-
dition, learning to work more ef-
ficiently, and improving their fig-
ures. Clinic hours 4 to 5 p.m.
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fri-
days, and 5 p.m. on Fridays be-
ginning this week. Barbour Gym-
Open Daily Play Hour, men and
women students. Athletic Build-
ing. 7 to 9 Monday, Tuesday, Wed-
nesday, Thursday, and Friday eve-
nings. Activities: croquet, deck
tennis, badminton, ping pong,
shuffleboard, horseshoes, clock
golf. Record dancing on terrace.
Delta Kappa Gamma, honorary
education society, will hold a pic-
nic at North Lake on Friday, July
11. All members who are on the
campus this summer are invited
to attend. Transportation will be
provided. Reservations should be
given to Miss Sarita Davis, Uni-
versity Elementary School, phone
4121, Extension 360, or 5382, by
Wednesday, July 9.
Deadline for Veterans' Book :ndl
Supply Requisitions. August 22,
1947 has been set as the deadline
for the approval of Veterans' Book
and Supply Requisitions for the
Summer Session-1947. Requisi-
tions will be accepted by the boo
stores through August 23, 1947.
La p'tite causette meets every
Tuesday and Wednesday at 3:30
in the Grill Room of the Michigan
League and at 4:00 on Thursdays
in the International Center. All
students interested in informal
Frenchconversation are cordially
invited to join the group.
Charles E. Koella
The Modern Poetry Club, open to
all interested in discussing modern
poetry, will meet Tuesday at 8
p.m. in 3217 Angell Hall. Subject:
The Imagist Poets.
Pi Lambda Theta meeting, Tues-
day, July 8. Coffee hour 7 p.mn.,
West Conference Room, Rackham
Building. 7:30 p.m. West Lecture
Room. Dr. Elzada Clover will give
a talk illustrated by film slides on
the plant life of Guatamala.
Michigan Chapter of the pro-
posed Indian Institute of Chemical
Engineers--Meeting of the mem-
bers on Monday, July 7, at 7:30
p.m. in Room 3201 E. Engineering.
Dr. Robin A. Humphreys, Read-
er in American History in the Uni-
versity of London will givea lec-
ture, "Policies and Tendencies in
Latin America," Tuesday, July 8,
4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphithea-
tre. This will be the second lec-
ture inhthe Summer Lecture Ser-
ies, "The United States in World
Affairs." The public is invited.
Professor Walter L. Wright, Jr.,
Professor of Turkish Language and

History, Princeton University, will
give a lecture, "A Near East Pol-
icy in the Making," Thursday,
July 10, 4:10 p.m., Rackham Am-
phitheatre. This is a lecture in
the Summer Lecture Series, "The
United States in World Affairs.."
The public is invited.
Concerts: The second in the
series of Monday evening recitals
sponsored by the School of Music,
will be presented at 8:30 July 7,
in the Rackham Lecture Fall,
when Joseph Knitzer, violinist, 01-
iver Edel, cellist, and, Joseph
Brinkman, pianist, will appear in
a program of chamber music by
Brahms. It will consist of Trio in
C major, Op. 87, for Violin, Cello,
and Piano, and Trio in C minor,
Op. 101, for Violin, Cello, and Pi-
The general public is cordially
Student Recital: Robert Gordon
Waltz, Tenor, will present a pro-
gram in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Master of Music at 8:30 Wednes-
day evening, July 9, in the Rack-



Admittedly, there are reasons.
The pro-Russian menace is real. The Political Science 2 makeup
Big industry incites the workers to exam will be given Monday, July
form big unions. Freedom suf- 14 from 2-5 in room 2037 A. H.
Our answer cannot be the Rus- Summer Symposium in Nuclear
sian answer. To win in competi- physics:
tion with Russia we shall have to Three courses of lectures on Nu-
obtain adequate economic and po- clear Physics -will be given this
litical security without sacrifice of summer.
basic liberties. Prof. Victor F. Weisskopf of M.
Failing here we shall find that I.T. will speak on the Statistical
in preserving our country we have Theory of Hevy Nuclei, His first
sacrificed what made it worth lecture will be on Tuesday, July
preserving. 1, at 11 a.m. in the Rackham
(Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.) Auditorium. Following this first


Let me get this straight.
You told your parents I'd
returned? And they made
no comment? How very odd.

But wait- There's an explanation. They're
speechless with joy. Words fail them at a
moment like this-® How thoughtful of J. J.
O'Malley, they're thinking, to resume his
duties as Barnaby's Fairy Godfather .

Words can't ex
It's a shock to I
believe he's se
pixie again- A

- tt~W~'l'~4Z~ N..pc;.-


ss how Ifeel.
Barnaby Yes, Ifeel
that liffle Terrible, too.
rible shock!
77Cush amochree!
0 2

', I






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