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July 06, 1947 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1947-07-06

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Latest Deadline in the State

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Further U.S.
Aid Prom isedf
By President
Food Exports Set
All-Time Record
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 5-Presi
dent Truman reported today tha
U.S. exports of food to the world's
hungry set an all-time record i
the past 12 months, and he pro-
mised continued American aid.
He indicated in a statement
however, that future assistance
will have to be reduced if corr
and other summer-grown grair
crops are short. The corn crop
has been plagued by a wet, cool
spring and by destructive floods.
U.S. Total Export
The President said the United
States exported 18,433,000 long
tons or about 41,275,000,000
pounds during - the year ending
ending June 30.
"This," he said, "is the largest
total of food ever shipped from
one country in a single year.
The old record of 17,122,000
tons was set by the United States
a year ago.
While calling attention to the
United States contribution ti)
"human needs abroad," Mr. Tru-
man said "We must not lose sight
of the fact that even the great
efforts of this and other exporting
countries fell short of meeting ur-
gent post-war needs for food."
Will Continue Shipments
"Millions of people are still des-
parately hungry," he said. "With-
in our ability to share our re-
sources, we will continue to do our
part to relieve human suffering
and to help other countries to
help themselves.
The President made his state-
ment in releasing a detailed re-
port on food exports by the cabi-
net committee on world food pro-
grams. Its members are Secre-
tary of Agriculture Anderson,
Secretary of State Marshall and
Secretary of Commerce Harri-
Accident Total
For Weekend
Reaches 366
NEW YORK,-(R)-At least 366
persons had been killed in holiday
accidents by Saturday night as
the final day of the three-day
Fourth of July weekend approach-
Since 6 p.m. Thursday, 167 per-
sons had been killed in traffic ac-
cidents over the nation, 130 had
been drowned, five had lost their
lives in fireworks mishaps and 64
had died from other accidental
California led the nation in
traffic fatalities with 19. Florida
had 14, New York 11 and Michigan
and Pennsylvania 10 each.
Pleasant weather contributed to
the heavy toll in motor accidents
and drownings. Motor fatalities
normally outnumber deaths from
all other violent causes combined
but this year there were nearly as
many drownings.
x. c ;


Reports of 'Flying Discs'
Spread Through Nation
Lack of Explanation Deepens Perplexity;
Airmen, Picknickers, Tell of Phenomena
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The Nation was baffled today by "flying sau-
cers" reported seen in 28 states by hundreds of Persons, and conjec-
tures came from scores of named sources throughout the country.
Official government sources took a "let's see one" stand on the
phenomenon, and no scientist proffered a detailed explanation.
But the Los Angeles Evening Herald and Express quoted an un-
named California Institute of Technology scientist in nuclear physics
as suggesting that the saucers might be the result of experiments in
"transmutation of atomic energy." Dr. Harold Urey, atom scientist
at the University of Chicago- --
called that "gibberish."
At Columbus, Ohio, Louis E.
Starr, national commander-in-
chief of the Veterans of Foreign
Wars, asserted at a VFW conven-
tion he was expecting information
from Washington about "the
fleets of flying saucers." "Too lit-
tle is being told to the people of
this country," Starr declared.
Chicago Astronomers Comment
Two Chicago astronomers said
the discs are probably "man-
made." Thdundulag, shin
objects 'couldn't be meteors," said . . .'.
Dr. Girard Kiuper, director of the
University of Chicago's Yerkes:? .
Observatory at Williams Bay,
"We realize," said Dr. Oliver
Lee, director of Northwestern
University's Dearborn Observa-
tory, "that the Army and Navy
are working on all sorts of things WILLIAM KENZER
we know nothing about." .. . to play 'Dr. Einstein'
Lee said the discs might repre-
sent the same sort of thing as 'W
sending radar signals to the o me
moon, "one of the greatest tech-
nological achievements of the war Be
and accomplished in absolute Preset
secrecy" By I J'Players
officer of the Hanford Engineer-
ing Works in the Pacific North-
west where the largest saucer in- Second in Summer
flux has been reported, said the Series To Be Given
saucers were not coming from the
atomic plant there. Combining philanthropic omi-
"I have been waiting for some- cide and boisterous insanity, the
one to tie the discs to the Han-
ford atomic plant," he said. He speech department's Michigan
declared that as far as he knew Repertory Players will present
no experiments were underway Joseph Kesselring's classic com-
there which would solve the mys- edy "Arsenic and Old Lace" at 8
tery. p.m. Thursday through Saturday
Skeptics Join Belivers and at 2:30 p.m. Saturday
Credence in the saucers-wide- at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
ly laughted off at their first re- The play is the saga of two
ported appearance June 25 - gentle-hearted old maiden ladies
grew as hundreds of observers, who are so stricken at the sight
many of them trained fliers, re- of loneliness or unhappiness on
ported seeing them, the part of others that they meth-
* * * odically albeit kindly, minister

Historian To
Give Talk on
S.A. Policies
11 tphreys Will
Speak Tuesday
The second lecture of th
fourth annual summer session le-
ture series on public affairs. wil
be given by Dr. Robin A. Humph
reys, Reader in America Histor
at the University of London, a
4:10 pm. Tuesday in Rackhan
Dr. Humphreys will discus;
"Policies and Tendencies in Latir
Part of Series
The lecture will be part of a
series of 20 entitled "The Unite
States in World Affairs."
Next lecture in the series wil
be delivered by Dr. Walter L
Wright, Professor of Turkis
Language and History at Prince
ton University, whose subject wil
be "A Near East Policy in the
Making." He will speak at 4:1(
p.m. Thursday in Rackham Am.
Dr. Humphreys will also lead a
conference on Latin America
which will meet at 4:10 p.m. on
Wednesdays, July 16, 23, 30 and
Aug. 6 in the East Conference
Room of the Rackham Building
Will Hold Conferences
Conferences on the United Na-
tions and European affairs will
also be held during the lecture
series. The conference on 'the
United Nations will be led by Dr.
Yuen-li Liang and will meet at
3:10 p.m. on Tuesdays for four
weeks starting July 15. The Eur-
opean conference will meet under
Prof. Gottfried S. Delatour at 3:10
p.m. on Thursdays starting July
17. Both conferences will be held
in the East Conference Room.
The conferences will be inform-
al in character and will be open
to students, faculty and the in-
terested public.
Speakers Chosen
Speakers for the series ,have
been selected from public life,
government service and universit-
The roster of speakers includes:
Yuen-li Liang, Director of the
Division of the Development and
Codification of International Law
of the United Nations, who will
speak on "International Law, the
United States, and the United Na-
tions"; John N. Hazard, Profes-
sor of Public Law at Columbia
University, who will talk on "The
United States and the Soviet Un-
ion: Idealogical and Institutional
Differences"; John H. Hilldring,
Assistant Secretary of State, who
will lecture on "What is Our Pur-
pose in Germany?"
Delatour To Speak
Gottfried S. Delatour, Visiting
Professor of Sociology at Colum-
bia 'University, who will discuss
The Problem of Inteinational
Understanding"; Frank Whitson
Fetter, Professor of Economics at
Haverford College, who will speak
on "The United States and World
Trade"; David N. Rowe, Director
of Eastern Asiatic and Russian
Studies at Yale University, who
will lecture on "American Policy
toward China".
James M. Landis, Chairman of
the Civil Aeronautics Board, who
will talk on "American Interests
n the Asiatic Near East"; John R.
Humphrey, Director of the Divi-
ion of Human Rights of the
United Nations, who will discuss
'The International Protection of

Human Rights"; Admiral Thom-
as C. Hart, formerly Commander-
n-Chief of the Asiatic Fleet, who
will talk on "The United States
nd the Pacific Ocean Areas."
Latin American Problems
Hugh Borton, Chief of the Di-
vision of Northeast Asian Affairs
of the State Department, who will
ecture on "United States Occu-
pation Problems and Policies in
apan and Korea"; Donald D.
Brand, Head of the Department
f Anthropology at the University
f New Mexico, who will talk on
Scientific and Cultural Rela-
ions between the United States
ind Mexico"; George Wythe,
Chief of the American Republics
Division of the Commerce Depart-
ment, who will speak on "The In-
ustrialization of Latin America-
ist Continues
Laurence M. Gould, President
f Carleton College, who will talk
n "Strategy and Politics in the
Polar Areas"; O. Benjamin Ge-


FUTURE WILLOW RUN AIRPORT-Here is the architect's version of how the proposed main build-
ing at Willow Run Airport, recently deeded to the University, will look when present construction is
completed. Among the features of the terminal will be covered walks leading to the planes. A sep-
arate international section with customs and immigration stations is pictured at the extreme left.
Just to the right will be a snack bar. Above (not shown in this "roofless view) will be a main dining
room and cocktail lounge. In the center background are baggage and ticket counters. At the ex-
treme right are a movie theater and the airmail and express sections,

Saucers -Seen
In Port Huron,
Detroit Areas
DETROIT, July 5-(P)--Flying
saucers were reported in Michigan
skies today for the first time since
the strange phenomena gained na-
tional attention.
Mrs Frances M. Ward said she
was sitting in her back porch June
28 when she saw a "silver saucer"
in the sky,
"It was awfully high, and flying
very fast," she related.
In Port Huron, Mrs. John R.
Warner, 34, and her sister, Jessie
Lewthwaite, said they saw two
dozen shiny discs at a height that
made them appear about 18 inches
in diameter.
Dr. Leo Goldberg, of the Astron-
omy Department at the Univers-
sity of Detroit, said:
"We haven't seen them, but
from the published descriptions
they appear to be no known astro-
nomical phenomena."

V i iJ, W N ii\i , iii
poison to such unfortunates that
accept their generous hospitality.
With their brother, who is
thoroughly convinced that he is
Teddy Roosevelt and that he is
building the Panama Canal in
the basement, the old ladies lead
a sober life of murderous benevo-
Kept from local production by
the long New York run and the
popular motion picture Version of
the play, the maniacal comedy
will be the second in the Players'
summer series.
Prof. William P. Halstead of
the speech department will direct
the production.
Tickets may be obtained at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre box-
Communists Blamed
For Aid Mission Fire
ATHENS, July 3-()-Commu-
nists were blamed by Greek offi-
cials today for a fire in the build-
ing mousing the vanguard of the
American aid mission to Greece
which took the lives of three per-
sons and resulted in injuries to 21.

Rise Expected
In State's Toll
DETROIT, July 5-(P)-Auth-
orities, facing a death toll that
mounted to 16, braced themselves
today for the most dangerous part
of Michigan's extended Fourth of
July week-end, the homeward
-surge of thousands of weary mot-
While the highway carnage was
relatively mild thus far, there was
little hope of the state's escap-
ing the holiday windup without
further tragedies.
Last week-end, when traffic was
relatively thin and fewer persons
were away from home, the death
list reached 31.
Traffic and drownings were the
major causes ot death among
holiday throngs who fled to
beaches and resorts.to escape heat
that remained in the middle 80's
The United States Weather
Bureau promised thundershowers
early Sunday but said skies should
clear later in the day.
MA.,/I . r R. C


er vices for
'Prof. Owen To
Be Tomorrow
Speech Instructor
Died Friday Night
Funeral services for Prof. David
Owen of the speech department,
who originated the day-time radio
show and the "soap opera", will be
held at 3 p.m. tomorrow at the
Unitarian Church.
Prof. Owen died Friday night
in his home after a short illness.
He was 48 years of age.
He had been on leave during
the past school year to head a
radio division for a New York ad-
vertising agency, but returned here
shortly after Easter to submit to
an operation.
Former Radio Producer
Prof. Owen came to the Uni-
versity in 1941 after 12 years in
radio work with the National, Co-
lumbia and Mutual Broadcasting
Systems. He had acted as direc-
tor, producer, writer, station man-
ager, advertising agency executive,
and announcer during those years
and produced such shows as "Fib-
ber McGee and Molly," "First
Nighter," and "Lum and Abner."
Between 1929 and 1941, too,
Prof. Owen started the first radio
daytime and children's programs,
among which were "Betty and
Bob," "Skippy," and "Just Plain
A lecturer in radio broadcasting
at the University since 1941, he
was appointed assistant professor
of speech in 1942, associate pro-
fessor in 1946, and, early last
month became full professor.
On Northwestern Faculty
He was previously on the staff
in 1926-1927 as an instructor in
speech and served as assistant
professor at Northwestern Uni-
versity in 1928.
After receiving his A.B. degree
from Stanford University in 1923,
and graduating from the Ameri-
can Academy of Dramatic Arts in
1925, he acted with professional
theatre groups for three years.
Prof. Owen was born in New
York City in 1899, and married
the former Beth Charlton of Bos-
ton in 1926. He is survived by his
wife and a daughter, Rosemary.
Flames Destroy
Surplus Supplies
DETROIT, July 5-U-Flames
mounted several hundred feet in
the air tonight as fire broke out
in a five acre storage yard of a.
war surplus supplies store here.
Thousands of packing cases of
surplus rubber rafts, boots and
other Army and Navy equipment
were destroyed.
Small explosions were heard as
fire fighters, pouring water on the
stock, reached some magnesium
aircraft parts.

Split second timing aided
Washtenaw sheriff's deputy Rob-
ert Winnick to win a battle of
autos in a driving finish and cap-
ture two 19 year-old Detroit hold-
up suspects as they raced toward
Ann Arbor in a stolen taxicab
early yesterday.
The youths, James Dunn and
Leo Bishop, escaped serious injury
in a 15-foot plunge over an em-
bankment on the Whitmore Lake
Road when Winnick drove the
taxi off the road with his scout
car after dodging back and forth
in an -attempt to halt the fast-
Dewey Aide
Calls -Western
Trip 'Vacation'
There will be "no political
speeches" on Gov. Thomas E.
Dewey's 4,000-mile western trip,
according to Paul E. Lockwood,
his secretary.
Lockwood termed the current
western swing a "vacation," point-
ing out that the governor would
be accompanied by his wife and
sons, Thomas E., Jr., 15, and John,
11. He told The Daily, however,
that 10 representatives of news-
papers, wire services and national
magazines would travel with the.
family. Lockwood and press sec-
retary James C. Hagerty will also
accompany the governor.
May Visit Daily
The Daily has invited Dewey to
visit the Student Publications
Building upon his arrival in Ann
Arbor scheduled for July 31. Lock-
wood has indicated that a press
conference may be held at that
time. Dewey was formerly a mem-
ber of The Daily staff.
A luncheon will be held in Dew-
ey's honor at the University, ac-
cording to Arthur L. Brandon,
director of the University news
and information service. Details
for the luncheon have not yet
been worked out. The invitation
was extended by University offic-
Dewey received his A.B. degree
from the University in 1923.
To Visit Mother
The Deweys are expected to ar-
rive July 16 at Detroit and motor
to Owosso, the governor's home-
town, the next day for a four-day
visit with his mother.-
The Associated Press reports;
that Dewey is "going to enjoy my-
self on this trip and have no poli-;
tical discussion-publicly."
Many political observers inter-
pret the trip as the first major;
phase of a backstage campaign to
clinch the 1948 Republican presi-
dential nomination.-

approaching vehicle. The cab was
demolished in the crash.
Pursues Cab
Winnick, in answer to a com-
plaint from Horseshoe Lake that
the Pleasant Inn had been rob-
bed by an armed bandit who left
in a taxicab toward Ann Arbor,
drove his scout car north on the
highway to meet the cab. After
nudging the taxi off the road,
Winnick leaped out of the car to
capture the pair with a subma-
chinegun. Ann Arbor police in an-
swer to the radio call, aided Win-
nick in taking the youths into
After questioning by Prosecutor
Douglas K. Reading, Dunn, in a
signed statement, admitted the
holdup theft of the cab in De-
troit, an attempted holdup of a
desk clerk at the Huron Hotel,
Ypsilanti, and the robbery at
Horseshoe Lake.
Stole Cab in Detroit
Dunn said he and Bishop stole
the cab in Detroit about 3 a.m.
after robbing the driver, Charles
Sills, of $25 and ejecting him
from the taxi.
About 4:30 a.m., Dunn stated,
he entered the Huron Hotel in
Ypsilanti and held up William
Norris, the hotel clerk.
Norris, a senior at Michigan
State Normal College, later iden-
tified Dunn and said he had talk-
ed Dunn out of taking any money
while at the point of a gun by
telling him there was no money
on hand at night.
Robbed Pleasant Inn
The youths then drove to
Horseshoe' Lake, according to
Dunn, breakfasted at the Pleas-
ant Inn about 6 a.m., left and lat-
er returned where they robbed the
proprietor, Harley Sampsel, of
After they fled, Sanipsel called
the sheriff's office and Winnick
then captured the pair on their
way to Ann Arbor.
The youths have been released
to Detroit detectives and will be
returned to Ann Arbor this week
to face an arraignment on robbery
armed charges.
Support of Franco
Ballot Foreseen
MADRID, July 5-(OP)-Over-
whelming approval of Generalis-
simo Francisco Franco's "law of
succession" appeared certain to-
night as Spain prepared for to-
morrow's referendum and there
were rumors that with such a
"vote of confidence" a cabinet
shakeup would follow.
Anti-Franco forces were under
orders to remain away from the
polls or cast blank ballots.

Sheriff's Race with Youthful
Robbers Results in Capture

Lewis Delays
Pact in Soft
Coal Dispute
Signing of Pact
Held up 24 Hours
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, July 5-A 24-
hour hitch in signing of a soft
coal peace pact for northern
mines developed tonight, while
southern operators reported get-
ting "a complete brush-off" from
John L. Lewis.
Lewis, head of the United Mine
Workers, postponed until 2:30
p.m. tomorrow a meeting of his
200-member policy committee to
ratify the "agreement in princi-
ple" which has been reached with
the northern employers of 150,-
000 miners. It calls for a 44;J% cent
basic hourly increase.
No Work Delay
A UMW spokesman said the
lawyers "simply haven't got the
language of the agreement work-
ed out yet," but prophesied this
would not interfere with a re-
sumption of digging in 3,000
northern pits on Tuesday, when
a 10-day industry-wide vacation
Not so bright was the outlook
for southern workers, a member
of the Southern Coal Producers
Association reported that five un-
successful attempts have been
made to learn from Lewis the
proposed terms of the northern
Complete Brush-off
A letter and four telephone calls
in the last 48 hours have failed to
stir an answer from the miners'
leaders, he said, commenting:
"It's a complete brushoff."
The southern association-far
on the outskirts of negotiations
since their split with northern
owners in December-held a brief
meeting, reviewed their lack of
progress, and recessed until the
northern contract is made public.
New Clause
One union official indicated
that the snag in contract-writing
grew out of the new provisions of
the Taft-HartleyAct..Lewis has
asked a clause providing the
miners will work when "willing
and able," in order to avoid Taft-
Hartley pemialties for unauthor-
ized stoppages.
If a final wording is agreed
upon tomorrow, however, chances
are good that most Midwestern
miners will Join Tuesday's back-
to-the-pits parade. This would
swell the working ranks to more
than 200,000, or more than half
of UMW's membership.
Flood Waters
Reach Crest
GRAND TOWER, Ill., July 5-.
(P)-The muddy Mississippi, lap-
ping at second floors of some
Grand Tower buildings, appeared
to have leveled off today after
reaching the highest peaks in over
100 years between St. Louis and
Cairo, Ill.
An estimated 600 homeless per-
sons of this town's 1,000 popula-
tion were sheltered in tents and
two schoolhouses on high ground.
Mayor Jesse Grammer said it
would take two weeks for all the
water to drain from the town If
the river falls at the rate pre-

U.S. Army engineers said levees
wuold hold in Perry County on the
Missouri side and across the river
between Preston and McClure in
Illinois. The crest was at least
one foot below the barriers' tops
on both sides.
Stage Parade
DETROIT, July 5-M)-The an-
nual parade of the 29th state con-
vention of the American Legion
was colorfully staged here today
by some 3,000 marchers as throngs
of holiday spectators looked on.
Veterans of two world wars
joined in the procession along
with a score of brilliantly cos-
tumed bands, a dozen 40 and 8
locomotives and hundreds of wom-
en's auxiliary members.
The procession took 50 minutes
to pass the reviewing stand, where
the marchers were watched by
Earl F. Ganschow of Sainaw.u

World News at a Glance
By The Associated Press
PARIS, July 5-Approximately 1,000,000 state employes threatened
today to strike unless their demands for annual bonuses ranging from
21,600 to 48,000 francs ($180 to $400) were met by the government
prior to next Thursday.
* * * *
CLEVELAND, July 6-The regional office of the Bureau of
Labor Statistics announced today that non-agricultural employ-
ment in Michigan in mid-May totalled 1,943,300, a decrease of
15,400 below the previous month.

* , *


Carvings Record Yost Era, Two Wars

LONDON, Sunday, July 6-The Moscow Radio said today the
British and French foreign ministers had determined in advance the
program of the conference to be held in Paris on July 12 for consider-
ation of the Marshall proposals for economic aid to Europe.
"Bidault and Bevin, on the basis of agreement reached between
themselves, have drawn up and sent out the agenda of the conference
and the order of its work, thus showing that everything has been de-

Table-tops in the Union tap
room record the ups and downs of
fifty years of University history.

ing the artist a free beer for his'
work. But before long, carving the
football scores had become a com-
munity project, with everyone get-

during the first World War has
gone unrecorded because in 1916
Michigan prohibitionists closed

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