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July 04, 1947 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1947-07-04

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olleges Failing to Integrate
leligion with Other Programs

By failing to integrate religion
vith the rest of their program
niversities and colleges are cut-
ing themselves off from their
outs and living on "borrowed
ine" according to Dr. Leonard A.
itidley of Oberlin College.
Four Millionth
Iostwar Car
Rolls Monday
DE['ROIT, July 3- (AP) -Two
ears ago today the first postwar
automobile was rolled off the as-
embly lines of the Ford Motor
;o. at nearby River Rouge; next
donday the four-millionth pass-
nger car to be produced since the
ear's end will be made in one of
he nation's car factories.
In announcing the results of an
ndustry-wide survey George Rom-
ey, managing director of.the Au-
omobile Manuafcturers' Associa-
Ion, said today that in addition
o the passenger vehicle output
he automotive plants also will
lave made 2,200,000 motor trucks
:nd coaches since July 3, 1945.
The total of 6,200,000 vehicles
s only a little more than the mo-
orcar producers had hoped to as-
emble in the first full year of
eacetime operation.
In 1946 the nation's automo-
Ale plants produced 3,090,000 cars
nd trucks. They were handicap-
xd by labor disputes and -mater-
als shortage. The materials scar-
ities, chiefly sheet steel, and some
abor differences continued to
iarass the industry through the
irst six months of this year, and
ield production far below capa-
Industry officials, however, have
ointed out that the rate of pro-
Luction maintained through the
irst half of 1947 reflected an an-
iual rate of 4,600,000 cars and
Edmonson Reports
Peak Enrollment
Enrollment in the education
chool has increased 100 over lst
uummer's registration and is the
iighest since the summer of 1940
ccording to Dean J. B. Edmon-
Better salary schedules f o r
eachers, which make it possible
or them to spend the summer in
school instead of working, and
;he increased emphasis being
laced on advanced degrees are
robably respon.§ible for the in-
rease in enrollment Dean Ed-
nonson said.

Religion is not ecclesiasticism
or secularism but "respect for peo-
ple and the realitGy that makes
for unification of life's higher val-
ues," Dr. Stidley asserted. Uni-
versities were originally founded
on this belief and by ignoring it
they fail to create the force that
created them and will eventually
loose out, he said.
Necessary Blending
Scientific method without re-
ligious integration has left us
without values and led to the
problem"v/e now face with the
atomic bomb, he said. Religion
can give usathe necessary blending
of science and values in a cosmic
setting, Dr. Stidley commented.
"Whether we have time enough,
skill enough and good will enough
to develop a peaceful substitute
for the atomic bomb may determ-
ine the life or death of democ-
racy," he asserted.
Discussing the problem of what
form religious integration should
take, Dr. Stidley said that it is
impossible to give one answer that
will fit all schools. "If the Uni-
versity will trace back and analyze
its real purpose, sooner or later it
will have to find a place for re-
ligion," he said.
Other School's Work
He mentioned the work other
schools have done in attempting
to integrate religion with other
work. Princeton has made cours-
es in religion, history and plhiloso-
phy compulsory during the first
two years. At the University ofj
Kentucky a concentration pro-
gram in "Religious Aspects of Cul-
ture" has been developed.
If colleges and universities .will
consider existing plans in conjunc-
tion with their own needs they will
find the answer to their problem
Dr. Stidley said.
Phone V ision..
(Continued Trom Page 1)
dard television and "pay-as-*you-
see" feature programs. It works
equally well with color television,
projection receivers, or black and
McDonald said that arrange-
ments will be worked out with
major film producers, television
broadcasters and the telephone
company. Phone Vision produc-
tion will take from six months to
a year and will probably become
available first in such key cities as
New York, Chicago, Washington
and Los Angeles which now have
television transmitters in opera-
tion. Existing television trans-
mitters can be easily altered to
handle Phone Vision. The price of
Phone Vision receivers will be no
greater than ordinary television
receivers now on the market.

New Taxation
Studies Seen
By Prof. Gault
Survey Being Made
1'f TaxImprovement
A uique 1"ro edui-e in taxation
studies may devtlop from a sur-
vey of the attitude of Michigan
citizens toward taxation now be-
ing conducted, according to Prof.
E. H. Gault, director of Univer-
sity Bureau of Business Research.
The survey is being made by the
Michigan Industrial Conference
Committee, assisted by the bur-
eau. It will cover sources and
distribution of revenue and the
caliber of services citizens receive
from it, and should be of yalue
in helping shape future tax poli-
cies, Prof. Gault said.
The conference committee and
the research bureau plan to con-
sult representatives of labor and
consumers before recommenda-
tions are drafted. Special con-
sideration will be given to the
problems of the small taxpayers
according to Prof. Gault.
The committee has set no time
limit on the study since any rec-
ommendations must be based on
comprehensive research but it is
hoped that a report can be made
by the first of the year, Prof.
Gault said.
The Industrial Conference Com-
mittee is composed of W. F. Doyle,
chairman, director of the Michi-
gan Chain Store Bureau; J. L.
Lovett, general manager of the
Michigan Manufacturer's Associ-
ation: and A. J. Phillips, executive
' secretary of the Michigan Educa-
tion Association.
AVC Committee
The AVC has recently author-
ized a committe'.P t.n f I tiilU1~L

...to give concert
* * *
Recital Offers
Brahms Music
An all Brahms program will be
presented by Oliver Edel, cellist;
Joseph Brinkman, pianist; and
Joseph Knitzer, violinist, at 8:30
p.m. Monday at Rackham Assem-
bly Hall in the second of the
Monday series of concerts spon-
sored by the music school.
Knitzer appeared July 1 at Hill
Auditorium in the first concert
of the series.
Announcing 0

147 Students

(Continued from Page 1)

Stanley H.; Sheets, Ted C,;
Spence, George B.; Steinhagen,
Wm. K.; Stubbs, Harry E.;
Vehn, Robert E.; Wagner, Rich-
ard E,; Wahr, John C.; and Will-
iams, Reade.
Public health school - Bach,
Jean E. B.; Barrett, Harold S.;
Board, Leonard M.; Borgman, An-
na B.; Culbertson, Mary E.; Fish-
er, Marion G.; Seeman, Isadore;
Slee, Vergil N.; and Welge, Mar-
cella L.
Music school-Albright, Mary-
jane; Baker, Joanne J.; Bell, Dig-
by B.; English, Constance D. C.;
Penn, Marshall M.; and Wolfe,
James B.
Business administration school
--DeBoer, James; Ford, John: A.;,
LaBaw, William D.; and Roberts,
Forestry school-Halbach, James
L.; Kohrt, Richard J.; and Sproull,
Seibert S.
Pharmacy college--Godt, Henry
C. Jr.; and Oxenger, Robert J.
Architecture school - Villman,
Richard G.
Education school - Gerrish,
Howard H.
Nursing school-Elliott, Jo E.



LEWIS TALKS WITH NEWSMEN AFTER CONFERENCE-John L. Lewis, (left) talks with news-
men after secret conference in Washington, at which an all-out coal strike apparently was averted.
Lewis and negotiators for a large part of the bituminous industry reached a tentative agreement
granting big concessjons to the union.

IRA Speaker
Hits Violence,
Killing inSouth
Violence, part of a conscious
plan to short-circuit the militancy
of returning veterans and wipe
out recent political gains, must
be stopped if we are going to have
the South as part of a growing
political movement, according to
Louis Burnham executive secretary
of the Southern Negro Youth Con-
Speaking at a meeting sponsored
by the Inter-Racial Association,
Burnham said that lynching is a
national problem, not merely a
southern question. What happens
in the 1948 elections, concerns ev-
eryone, he explained. Killings in
the South are designed to further
strain Negro-white relations in
order to make it impossible for
them to get together for the com-
mon good, he said.,
Political gains in the South
since 1944, including 100,000 Ne-
gro votes in Georgia (and a new
total of one million Georgian
votes), 150,000 registered Negro
voters in Texas, 25,000 Negro votes
in Arkansas, and organization of
the Progressive Democratic Party
in South Carolina were strength-
ened by the return of Negro vet-
erans, Burnham said. Because
they have lost some of their form-
er inhibitions, he said, a wave of
terror, lynchings and mob violence
has been set off against them.

New Developments in Europe
Mean' Ideological' Shoedown

ur Store Hours


for the Summer

AP Foreign Affairs Analyst
A swift succession of well coor-
dinated allied diplomatic thrusts
since Secretary Marshall's "Euro-
peanhPlan" speech just a month
ago has brought the countries of
Europe to the greatest hour of de-
cision since the war.
By the same token, Russia has
reached a crisis in her expansion-
ist program which may well prove
The doors which have cor'nect-
ed "two worlds", are now being
closed, if not yet bolted. In the
Directory Sale
Is Announced
Morris Reports Date
Set for Wednesday
The Student Directory, contain-
ing names, addresses and tele-
phone numbers of students and
faculty members, will go on sale
Wednesday, editor John Morris
announced yesterday.
Emphasizing t h e permanent
value of the Directory, he said
that it contains the only record
of home addresses available to
Equally important, Morris said,
is the Directory's value as a sum -
mer "date-book", containing stu-
dents' Ann Arbor adresses and
telephone numbers.
Other features of the Directory
include a listing of houses and
dormitories operating during the
summer, a map of the campus, and
a listing of names and address-
es of University faculty.
The Directory will sell for one
dollar on campus, in local book-
stores, the Union, the League and
at the Student Publications Build-
Will Attend Meeting
Dean J. B. Edmonson of the ed-
ucatiop school will attend a meet-
ing of the National Education As-
sociation this weekend at Cincin-
natti, O.
Sunday Dean Edmonson will
preside at a meeting of the Na-
tional Horace Mann League.

countries which are nearest the
dividing line-at least in- those
which still have some hope of self-
determination-the question is
which way?
In the others, what will be the
effect on the dictators if (heir
hungry peoples are forced to watch
from the outside while their neigh-
bors sit down to dine in America's
cooperative restaurant?
Russia will have to tighten the
belt of her own inadequate econ-
omy and make some concessions
to these peoples or else risk a pop-
ular revulsion. Some of them, Bo-
hemians, Poles, Magyars, Serbs,
Albanians, Czechs and others,
have behind them a centuries-
long tradition of a usually-losing
but never-abandoned fight for in-
dependence. If the economic lev-
el of Western Europe begins tc
rise as a result of the reconstruc-
tion conference to which the na-
tions have now been invited, Rus-
sia will come under increasing
pressure to let her satellites par-
ticipate. Unless she can feec
them, as she now cannot, they are
bound, one day or another, tc
make a break for the table.
Bought, Sold, Rented Repaired
314 S. State St. Phone 7177


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I .t:u 4U11111Ueuo iormuiate
plans for aiding the Civil Liber-
ties League in the circulation of
its petitions for a referendum on
the Callahan Bill.
The signatures of 5 percent of
the voters in the last gubernator-
ial election are required on the pe-

Purchase Radio & Camera Shop
Phone 8696 W8RP W8WOJ 605 CHURCH ST.







(Continued from Page 2)

series of Monday evening' recitals
sponsored by the School of Music,
will be presented at 8:30 July 7,
in the Rackham Lecture Hall,
when Joseph Knitzer, violinist, Ol-
iver Edel, cellist, and Joseph
Brinkman, pianist, will appear in
a program of chamber nusic by
Brahms. i.It will consist of Trio in
C major, Op. 87, for Violin, Cello,
and Piano, and Trio in C minor,
Op. 101, for Violin, Cello, and Pi-
For Food That Satisfies
Call 2-7171
We Deliver Anywhere,
Anyti rhe

The general public is cordially
Student Recital: Robert Gordon
Waltz, Tenor, will present a pro-
gram in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Master of Music at 8:30 Wednes-
day evening, July 9, in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall. The recital
will include compositions by Schu-
bert, Duparc, Tremisot, Franck,
Poldowski, Recli, Donaudy, Cim-
ara, and Sibella, and will be open
to the general public.
The Museum of Art: Exhibition
of Prints-Vanguard Group, Ann
Arbor Art Association Collection,
and from the Permanent Collec-
tion. July 1-28. Alumni Memor-
ial Hall, daily, except Monday, 10-
12 and 2-5; Sundays, 2-5. The
public is cordially invited.
Events Today
Attention Sailing Club. Sailing

Jamboree. Racing and party on
Friday, July 4th at 12:00, Whit-
more Lake. Old members and all
new members cordially invited.
The second Fresh Air Camp
Clinic will be held on Friday, July
4, 1947. Discussions begin at 8
p.m. in the Main Lodge of the
Fresh Air Camp located on Pat-
terson Lake. Any University stu-
dent interested in problems of in-
dividual and group therapy is in-I
vited to attend. The discussant
will be Dr. Wilma T. Donahue, Di-
rector of the Bureau of Psycholog-
ical Services.
University Community Center:
1045 Midway Place, 'Willow Run
Thurs., July 3: 8 p.m., Studio
Work Shop, beginning drawing
class in black and white.
Friday, July 4: 8 p.m., Dupli-
cate bridge tournament. >
Dance Friday and Saturday
nights at the Michigan League
Casbah, 9:00-12:00 with Al Chase
and his Band. All students are
invited to come stag or in couples.
Those girls interested in being
hostesses for Friday or Saturday
meet in the Social Director's Of-
fice of the League at 8:30 before
the dance for which they prefer
to be hostess.


offers ca limited number

Soda Fountain
324 South State






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