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July 04, 1947 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1947-07-04

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FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1947


F 3iftySevnt ttl
Fifty-Seventh Year

Theme and Variations



Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editors ... John Campbell, Clyde Recht
Associate Editor .................... Eunice Mintz
Sports Editor ...................... Archie Parsons
Business Staff
General Manager ................ Edwin Schneider
Advertising Manager..........William Rohrbach
Circulation Manager.................Melvin Tick
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all news dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of republication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan, as second class mail maatter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press,1946-47
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Pension Plan

OUR INDUSTRIAL society has produced.
a great mass of workers who live a pay-
check to pay-check existence with no oppor-
tunity to put aside a "nest egg" for old age
and yet who are faced with the problem
of providing security for themselves and
their families when they are too old to work.
For the welfare and security of the indus-
trial worker who has no income other than
his weekly wages, the pension plan soon
to become effective for 110,000 Ford work-
ers marks the greatest advance since the in-
troduction of the federal Social Security Act
in 1935.
A contribution of from two and a half
to five per cent of his pay will give the
average pensioner a monthly income of
$130 under the plan which the UAW-CIO
is now negotiating with the Ford Motor
Co. Fifty-five per cent of this will be -
paid by the company and in the event of
the employee's death his beneficiary will
receive all of his pension payments plus
By agreeing to the pension plan, Ford
has acknowledged what the UAW's presi-
dent, Walter Reuther, has long been preach-
ing, that labor conflict and unrest can best
be reduced by reducing the insecurity that
plagues the production worker. This plan,
which will help maintain the worker's self-
respect by enabling him to enjoy his old age
without becoming 'a burden either upon 'his
children or his community, is a long step
forward in this direction.
Now tlhat one of the automotive "big
three" has broken the ice, Chrysler and
General Motors can be expected to intro-
duce similar plans next year. As its merits
and its desirability achieve wider recogni-
tion, the pension plan being initiated by the
UAW and Ford will serve other industries
as a working example of a constructive ap-
proach to a problem which is of serious and
intimate concern to every working man.
-Tom Walsh

THE QUARRELS now going on between
Russia and the West are variations on
an old theme: How is a minority to get
along with a majority that it fears and, per-
haps, hates? The theme never changes. It
is always the issue: it is the issue now. It
happens that at the moment the theme is
being treated with gorgeous complexity,
Long Shot
XVJASHINGTON, JULY 3-The optimistic
citizens who enjoy backing long shots
might get a little money down on the pro-
position that history will remember the
Lodge-Brown bill as one of the most im-
portant enactments of the present Congress.
The odds are heavily adverse, but the pay-
off will be very big indeed if it occurs. And,
incidentally, it will be vitally important to
the future of the United States.
As usual with long shots of any real prom-
ise, it is necessary to explain what the
Lodge-Brown bill is. In brief, it is a bill
introduced by Senator Henry Cabot Lodge
jr., of Massachusetts, and Representative
Clarence Brown, of Ohio which permits the
President, the Speaker and the President
pro tem of the Senate to name a commis-
sion to investigate the organization of the
Federal government. The commission is al-
lowed sixteen months to complete its in-
quiries, and is instructed to recommend a
plan of reorganization in January, 1949. The
idea is that if the commission does a decent
job, a newly elected President with a Con-
gress of his own party may then conceivably
be able to effect the through-going govern-
ment housecleaning that has been more and
more urgently needed every year for the
last fifty years.
The odds are unhappily against the
Lodge-Brown bill paying off for two rea-
sons. First, the commission is to be com-
posed of twelve members, four from Con-
gress, two from the executive branch and
six from private life. So large a body, tack-
ling so complex a task, is bound to be hamp-
ered by its mere unwieldiness. Second, there
is no guaranty that men of the highest
quality will be named, or can be persuaded
to serve on the commission. It is crucial
that none but men of the most eminent
abilities, able to command general confi-
dence in their judgment, be charged with
the job of replanning the government. Such
men are hard to find.
It will do no good, on the other hand, to
name one more commission which will be
just like all its predecessors, drawing its
per diem, presenting a report recommending
strict economy and general virtue, and fad-
ing into obscurity again. The responsibil-
ity placed on President Truman, Speaker
Martin and Senator Vandenberg is heavy.
It will be the more difficult to discharge be-
cause the really acute need for thorough-go-
ing government reorganization is so little
The remarkable progress made by Secre-
tary of State George C. Marshall and Under
Secretary Robert Lovett, following blueprints
originally drawn by Dean G. Acheson, is
an illustration of what can be achieved in
one small area. From immemorial chaos,
something like order is emerging at the
State Department. It may not result in fis-
cal economies. But what is immeasurably,
more important, it will unquestionably re-
sult in a clear, coherent foreign policy, in
which all parts will be related to each other
and the whole, and the whole will be con-
ditioned by . the interests of the United
States. Clarity and effectiveness of policy
are more important, in every branch of the
United States government today, than the
petty penny-pinching bawled for by the
kind of Congressman who would sink the
national defense in order to cut thirty per
cent off the income taxes of his political
(Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune)


with many riffs, hot licks and embroidery,
and yet it remains plainly visible beneath
the decorations.
On the question of a United Nations
world police force, the Russians want each
of the five great powers to make "equal con-
tributibns in all categories," i.e., exactly the
same number of men, planes, submarines,
carriers, and so on. But China doesn't have
any aircraft carriers, or in fact any navy.
The French lack planes. The Russians are
weak in cruisers. American experts favor
the principle of "comparable" rather than
"equal" contributions; they believe some na-
tions ought to fill in certain categories,
others ought to fill in elsewhere.
* Why do the Russians take the position
they do? Perhaps they are afraid that a
"United Nations carrier force" would real-
ly turn out to be a United States carrier
force, since we are the only power which
has any of these vehicles in impressive
number. Perhaps they fear that the world
air force would turn out to be an Amer-
ican-British air force, with a mixed in-
ternational ground crew.
That's the problem: "How is the min-
ority to protect itself against the majority?"
The Russians are apparently looking for an
organizational gimmick in the world police
force that will correspond to the veto power
in the security council.
But the gimmick they have evolved for
the world police force probably means no
world police force, just as the veto power in
the security council means, for practical
purposes, that there is no security council.
One can sympathize with Russian fears
without being able to say that the Russians
have helped much to solve the world's prob-
lem. For, to the question: "How can the
capitalist and the communist parts of the
world work together?" the Russian answer,
like that of some others, is "They can't."
The best that can be said of Russian con-
tributions toward making this one world
is that the Russians have evolved a series of
formulae for a standoff. The problem is
theirs, as much as ours, but they have not
been able to solve it, either.
The thing shows up again with regard to
the Marshall Plan. The Russians are ap-
parently so afraid that a plan for Ameri-
can aid to world recovery, on an organized
basis, will mean American domination,
that they prefer, in effect, no plan.
This is only another face of the same fear
that shows up in the Soviet reaction to a
world police force.. One may sympathize
with this fear; but the real issue is that
as these successive, separate schemes crum-
ble, the possibility of world collaboration
crumbles with them, in a general sense. Is
it not legitimate to ask of Russia, as Amer-
ican liberals continually ask of their own
country, some act of faith and daring to
keep that possibility alive?
For what seems to come out is that the
Russians have given up, too, and have
turned inward, andhave decided that a
standoff is about as nuch as can be worked
for. But once the West is convinced that
that is the Russian perspective, it will be-
come impossible for that part of western
opinion which still has hope to sustain a
(Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation

"You kids are the only hope for a shick soshiety."



r, .



EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints EVERY letter to the editor
(which is signed, 300 words or less
in length, and in good taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-
pressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at tie discretion of the edi-
torial director.
Radio Bill
To the Editor:
number of statements in his
"White Radio Bill" (July 2) which
should be corrected if your readers
are to form intelligent opinions
on the subject of the editorial.
Mullen says that "nothing could
be more unfavorable than the bill
which was tossed into the hopper
without a word of warning to any-
one." Unfavorable to whom? To
the public? To the radio indus-
While the White Bill (5-1333)
has many questionable features
which the author himself admits,
it would be quite simple to draw
up a more "unfavorable" bill in
a few moments. And since when
must a senator distribute a word
of warning before dropping a bill
in Congressional hopper? Our leg-

Tass View
THE SOVIET views on Ameri-
can aid to Europe-as express-
ed by Tass newspaper agency in
a radio broadcast from Moscow-
may or may not represent Rus-
sia's final position.
Yet the Tass comment-prop-
erly interpreted-was an interest-
ing revelation of Moscow's real
wishes. And these wishes-as in-
directly revealed by Tass-turn out
to be exactly what Soviet experts
in Washington had come to sus-
First wish. The Kremlin boys
want future American aid to fol-
low the pattern of UNRRA.
Each country would express its
needs. A smiling American San-
ta Claus with the face of Hen-
ry Wallace and the figure of
Fiorello LaGuardia, would sat-
isfy each need. Without as-
ing embarrassing questions
about the use of reliefmoney or
goods. Above all, without any
political strings. That would be
-oh fie!-foreign intervention
and "dollar diplomacy.'
Second wish. No recipient coun-
try should be compelled to modi-
fy its own internal economic plans
to fit a eneral picture. This
would be derogatory to that coun-
try's precious national sovereign-
ty (19th century pattern).
Third wish. American help
must not be accompanied by any
spot investigation of needs. The
United States should simply take
the furnished figures as bona fide
-and fulfill them. The Iron Cur-
tain must remain inviolate.
Fourth wish. Europe must be
rehabilitated piecemeal. Germany,
a "special case" to .be considered
by the Council of Foreign Min-
isters next November in London,
should be omitted. The Soviets
must remain free to pump repar-
ations out of their part of Ger-
many-and angle forsuch other
German reparations as they can
induce the other countries to per-
mit. On the receiving end, those
United Nations that fought the
most and underwent German oc-
cupation, would come first. Then
presumably the'other United Na-
tions, like Britain. Then the neu-
trals and finally the ex-enemies.
Fifth wish. Any rehabilita-
tion scheme should be placed
under the United Nations. This
would mean that-as in UNRRA
-the Soviet Union could give
nothing yet have a voice in al-
location and veto power on un-
desired action by the United
States or some other country.
Five fine, fat wishes that add
up into Soviet insistence on keep-
ing Europe divided and weak.
Moscow seems determined to force
its needy satellites to refuse as-
sistance rather than change the
status quo.' Possible failure of the
scheme must rest on American
imperialism rather than upon So-
viet unreadiness to play ball.
(Copyright 147, Press Alliance, Inc.)
The Andean Indians of Bolivia
and Peru thrive at an altitude of
17,000 feet, more than a mile above
the altitude at whici most U.S.
Army airmen are required to use
oxygen. Peruvian pilots of Indian
blood fly their airplanes as high
as 24,000 feet withiut extra oxy-

Publication in The Daily Officiait
Buletin is constructive notice to allf
members of the University. NoticesE
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Summer Session, Room 1213 Angel
Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day pre-C
ceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-r
FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1947
VOL. LVII, No. 8St
Saturday morning following
July 4: With the approval of the
Conference of the Deans, all busi-
ness administrative offices of thea
University will be closed on Sat-
urday morning July' 5.]
Herbert G. Watkins,
Registration Blanks may be ob-
tained at the University Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational
Information, 201 Mason Hall on
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Office hours are: 9 to 12; 2 to 4.s
Those interested in securing posi-
tions in the immediate future are
urged to register with the Bureau
at once. This applies to both the'
General Placement and Teacher1
Placement divisions of the Bur-
Candian undergraduate stu-
dents: Application blanks for the
Paul J. Martin Scholarship for;
Canadian undergraduate students
may be obtained at the Scholar-
ship Office, Room 205, University
Hall. To be eligible a student
must have been enrolled in the
University for at least one sem-
ester of the school year 1946-47.
All applications should be returned
to that office by Wednesday, July
16, 1947.
The scholarship will be assigned
on the basis of need and super-
ior scholastic achievement.
Cancellationaof recital: The
Faculty Recital previously an-
nounced for Tuesday evening,
July 8, in Hill Auditorium, has
been . cancelled. The next pro-
gram in the Tuesday series will be
heard on July 15, when the Uni-
versity of Michigan Band will pre-
sent its Annual summer concert.
Closing hours for women's resi-
dences during the summer session
are as follows: 11:00 p.m.-Sun-
day through Thursday. 12:30 a.m.
-Friday and Saturday.
Office of the Dean of Women
All summer students in sociology
are invited to attend an informal
social hour from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.,
Tuesday, July 8, in the East Con-
ference Room of the Rackham
Building. Dr. G. S. Delatour, vis-
iting professor from Columbia
University, will be a special guest.
German Club picnic will be held
Wednesday, July 9, with swim-
ming, games, and refreshments.
Students will meet at the Univ.
Hall parking lot at 5 p.m. Please
make reservations at the depart-
mental office, 204 Univ. Hall by
noon, Tues., July 8.
Teacher Placement:
Representatives from the De-
pendents Schools Service in Ger-
many will be in the office of the
B u r e a u of Appointments on
Thursday and Friday, July 10 and
11. The office is screening can-
didates for positions in all elemen-

tary grades and men candidatesc
for Work in science and physicali
education at the secondary level.i
We are now being asked to inter-f
view candidates for superinten-c
dencies at five thousand per an-
num, and a director of instruc-
tion at $7300. Qualified persons
who are interested in these posi-
tions should get in touch with the
Bureau immediately so that ap-
pointments for interviews with the
visitmg representatives may be
Bur. of Appts. & Occup. Inf.
Makeup Examination in Eco-
nomics 51, 52, 53, 54, July 7, at,
2:00 o'clock in Room 5 Economics
The Political Science 2 makeup
exam will be given Monday, July
14 from.2-5 in room 2037 A. H.,
Summer Symposium in Nuclear
Three courses of lectures on Nu-
clear Physics will bea given this
Prof. Victor F. Weisskopf of M.,
I.T. will speak on the Statistical
Theory of Hevy Nuclei. His first
lecture will be on Tuesday, July
1, at, 11 a.m. in the Rackham
Auditorium. Following this first
time his lectures will be MWF at
Dr. A. Pais, Inst. for Advanced
Study, Princeton will speak on
Elementary Particle Problems, on
MWF at 10 a.m., Rackham Audi-
torium, starting Monday, June 30.
Dr. James L. Lawson, General
Electric Co., will speak on Produc-
tion and Measurements -of High
Energy Radiation, TThS., at 10
a.m., Rackham Auditorium, start-
ing Tuesday; July 8.
The Giaduate'Outing Club will
meet for a bicycle hike on Sunday
July 6th at 2:30 p.m. at the north-
west entrance to the Rackham
Building. Please sign up before
noon on- Saturday at the check
desk in the Rackham Building.
Posture, figure and carriage
clinic, open to women students in-
terested in improving general con-
dition, learning to work more ef-
ficiently, and improving their fig-
ures. Clinic hours 4 to 5 p.m.
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fri
days, and 5 p.m. on Fridays be-
ginning this week. Barbour Gym-
Dr. Robin A. Humphreys, Read-
er in American History in the Uni-
versity of London will give a lec-
ture, "Policies and Tendencies in
Latin America," Tuesday, July 8,
4:10 p.m., Rackham Amphithea-
tre. This will be the second lec-
ture in the Summer Lecture Ser-
ies, "The United States in World
Affairs." The pubhc is invited.
Professor Walter L. Wright, Jr,
Professor of Turkish Language and
History, Princeton University, will
give a lecture, "A Near East Pol-
icy in the Making," Thursday,
July 10; 4:10 p.m., Rackham Am-
phitheatre. This is a lecture in
the Summer Lecture Series, "The
United States in World Affairs."
The public is invited.
Concerts: The second in the
(Continued on Page 4)


Letters to the Editor...

lative procedure provides for
ommittee hearings to evaluate
rroposed legislation. Such hear-
ngs have been held and more will
>robably be held. at the next ses-
ion of Congress. One would sus-
ect from Mullen's statement that
.he industry, taken unawares, was
tot even able to defend itself in a
nanner commensurate with the
nerits of its position. However,
,o judge by the extended presen-
,ations of the radio industry wit-
esses, one might come to the con-
lusion that, with or without
warning, the radio people were
imply prepared to present their
:ase. In fact, the industry's trade
nagazine has editorialized to the
ffect that their case has never
before been so forcefully pre-
ented. ("Broadcasting," June 30,
Mullen further states that the
ill "is distinctly 'new deal' in na-
ure, and strongly resembles the
old Wheeler Bill which a Demo-
cratic Congress tried in vain to
pass." This is a rather startling
and misleading statement. If the
bill strongly resembles an earlier
bill, why should it then take any-
one by surprise: It should also
be noted that the old bill to which
Mullen refers is generally referred
to by the names of its co-authors,-
Senators Wheeler and WHITE,
neither of whom has for some
time been regarded in the "new
deal" camp. If, as Mullen says,
the Democratic Congress tried "in
vain" (using those words with the
meaning commonly attached to
them) to pass the bill, is it not
strange what with a controlling
majority and the support of the
minority leader, the bill did not,
as I recall, even get out of the
cognizant committee?
Mullen makes the statement,
without offering supporting evi-
dence, that "the Senate, which
had regraded White as being
friendly to the broadcasting in-
dustry and which had expected a
bill .along lines favored by indus-
try heads, was bewildered." It is
hard to reconcile this statement of
alleged fact with the unamity of
attitude among the senators of
the White subcommittee (as evi-
denced during the recent hear-
ings) toward the need for some re-
vision of the Communications Act
of 1934. As for Senator White
himself, his attitude toward radio
has been a matter of public rec-
ord since January 1923 when, as a
Congressman from Maine, he sub-
mitted a resolution, unanimously
adopted by the House, which di-
rected the Federal Trade Commis-
sion to investigate and report "the
facts as they found them with re-
spect to the alleged radio mono-
Mullen, presumably after taking
a public opinion poll, says, "The
average citizen will wonder why
Senator White would introduce
such a bill . . ." One wonders
whether the average citizen has
heard of Senator White's bill or
even of Senator White himself. It
is certain however that dissatis-
faction with the out-put of cur-
rent broadcasting is not unknown
among the public, as evidenced by
scientific public opinion polls and
the growing literature of radio
criticism. (For example, the re-
cent report of the Commission on
Freedom of the Press.)
Those people who feel that ad-
vertising may have become ex-
cessive on the air and that in-
sufficient time at good listening
hours is given for public service
programs have been searching for
a method of correction. Senator
White may not have the answer,
but at least he keeps asking the
question, "How can we make
American radio better than it is?"
Is that bad?
-Giraud Chester
S*Q * *

To the Editor:
I WISH TO take issue with Miss
Mintz's last paragraph in: her
editorial that dealt with the Ne-
gro question in The Michigan
Daily of July 2, 1947.
Particularly the part that deals
with complacent, bigoted girls be-
hind the counter who say "No
Negroes allowed" when a Negro
wishes to enter a bathing beach,
Now come now Miss Mintz surely
you don't want your reading pub-
lic to get the ideal that it's the
poor helpless counter girl's fault,
now do you.
In the paragraph preceding that
one you should of finished it
quote: "When asked why it was
semi-public, she said it was to
keep Negroes out. She also said
something about our customers .."
Unquote. Now why didn't you fin-
ish that statement. I myself sort
of suspect that it's the customers
who don't care to have Negroes
at the bathing beaches, not the
poor helpless counter girl, who
has to earn three square meals .a
day. If you were in her position
you would be saying the same
thing, only perhaps a little loud-
In general I agree with your
editorial, we cannot continue to



Back to John L.

A FTER 13 MONTHS of operating the Na-
tion's coal mines, the United States Gov-
ernment has returned them to their private
The Federal Government entered the coal-
mining industry on May 29, 1946, 'not by
choice, but because one man, John L. Lewis,
through the exercise of his arbitrary power,
threatened to throw the Country into eco-
nomic chaos.
With the mines back in the hands of the
operators, the cards again are stacked in
Lewis' favor. To all intents and purposes,
the 'miners are on strike. Whether they will
return to work at the expiration of their
legal holiday July 8, remains'to'be seen.
Their ultimate action depends on what
Lewis tells them to do. Admittedly the out-
look is not hopeful. When Lewis tried his
strength against the Government, he was
convicted in Federal Court and heavily fined.
To him that must have been a humiliating
experience, and it is the nature of such a
man to want revenge.
There is no doubt that he has the oppor-
tunity to get it-not only against the court
which sentenced him, but against all of the
American people. Apparently there is no law
to thwart him.
When the mines were taken over, the
Country won a respite from Lewis' personal
dictatorship. But it was only a respite and

At The Michigan .
THAT'S MY MAN (Republic), Cather-
ine McLeod, Don Ameche.
THIS is the kind oX picture you don't re-
member very long, but it may appeal to
racing fans. It seems to be aimed for the
person stuck in Ann Arbor over the Fourth
who runs out of ways to kill time.
Billed as "the greatest race-romance since
"Broadway Bill," with whom we are not
acquainted, the story tosses together the
"lovable-heel" type gambler, the love-inter-
est and a filibustering cabbie. Out of all this
comes a horse called Gallant Man who adds
a ruined apartment to his racing achieve-
ments,-and makes Assault look like a milk-
The horse is pretty good. He could have
had a better supporting cast. Don Ameche
and Catherine McLeod made the best of it.
-John Campbell
At The State . .
SAN QUENTIN (RKO), Lawrence Tier-
ney, Marian Carr.
THIS IS the kind of picture you don't re-
member very long, but it may appeal to
prison inmates. Lawrence Tierney carries off
a fine imitation of a reformed criminal in
RKO's latest in a series of eulogies to the
charms of prison life. With a delightful,
white-haired old warden, the place does
seem rather appealing.
The dialogue did hit a new high when a
gun moll made the remark, "He's not hot,
he's not even warm. He's in the cooler."
Bugs Bunny appears on the same program,
outdoing even Warden Lawes in sheer dram-
atic ability.
Beverly Dippel


t I

'WHAT may be called Ann Arbor's straw
hat season got off to an auspicious start
last night with the Michigan Repertory
Players' production of George Bernard
Shaw's 'Candida'. Because adjectives must,
almost inevitably, be used, it can be said that
this was a distinguished and delightful pro-
duction of a play of the same qualities.
Evincing a slight difficulty in getting the
characters established and the comedy
launched at the very beginning, both the
players and audience soon lost their first-
minute hesitancy. Without a doubt, it was
Prossy, beautifully played by Clara Behrin-
ger, who stole the show. Her performance
was only secqnded by the intensity of Roger
Cleary and the understanding of Richard
Stewart. Except for a slight confusion in
accents and a hard-to-believe "bay-win-
dow," Robert Thompson's portrayal of Mr.
Burgess was excellent. Beth Laikin as Can-
dida was charming, while Forrest Campbell
was outstanding as the actor who most con-
sistently maintained an accent and who
used his hands with the greatest effective-



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