" TE M'ICHA THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1947 __._ _. _ _ .... . , j Mir - Fifty-Seventh Year MATTER OF FACT: Democratic Split BILL MAULDIN DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Edited and managed by students of the Uni- ersity of Michigan undertheauthority of the iBoard in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Managing Editors ... John Campbell, Clyde Recht Associate Editor..................Eunice Mintz Sports Editor .....,............... Archie Parsons Business Staff General Manager...............Edwin Schneider Advertising Manager..........WillamRohbach Circulation Manager ................Melvin Tick Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches ,redited to it or otherwise credited in this news- 4aper. All rights of republication of all other ;;Matters herein also reserved Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi- gan, as second class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $500, by mail, $6.00. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47 "ditorials published in The Michigan Daily dre written by members of The Daily staff 'and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: FRED SCHOTT losson Talk TrrHOSE WHOWAITED out the question period at Prof. Slosson's address Mon- day were treated to some rather rewarding host tnortems. The historian had been speaking of the United Nations, its failings and potential remedies. He saw a strong federation of states and an all-powerful police force as the way to peace. But as a more immediate stop-gap to relieve the holocaust-breeding tensions of our day, Prof. Slosson saw the Marshall Plan. "If the Marshall plan is met with com- mon sense, the present crisis might be passed," he said. In the question period, the matter of the Plan's probability of success cropped up. Prof. Slosson shed the academic "what- should-be" and assumed the down-to-earth, "what-is". "There are two considerations that enter here," he said in effect. "There's the ques- tion of whether European nations will agree to a plan at first glance, and, if they do, wrhether the United States will accept the responsibilities and the hardships entailed; surrender tax cuts, endure inconvenience for a while." As for the first contention, any appraisal of what's going to hapen-how the Paris talks will fare-is purely hypothetical. To say that few outside of the cnoference room k3iow what's ensuing is probably overstate- ° ient. Foreign secretaries Bevin, Bidault &d Molotov are behind closed doors. But Prof. Slosson's second implication, that the American people might will 1overturn i te works" after the plan is built up abroad, can be looked at under a dJear, bright light. The forces are already at work in this country which seek to undermine Secre- tary Marshall's work. Led by "elder-stateman" Herbert Hoover, many are taking a "sound businessman's view of the situation," and warning of the "ruination of our economy." They contend that helping Europe to its feet will dry America's well. It seems that we have a pre-atomic vin- atge element still bellowing loudly, still making itself heard and occasionally even heeded. But how many can there be who still be- lieve that 4America can prosper in a dis- tratlght world-who believe they can fast while the world starves? How many rock- ets must be launched, how many atomic bombs must be dropped before more people realize that we are living in a very small world? Prof. Slosson said his vote is for "auction" in '48 and that it would go to whoever bid highest -- highest in what he advocates be used to rehabilitate Europe after Europe had taken stock of itself and helped itself 'as best it could. "Such a man would win my vote," said Prof. Slosson, "even if it meant teimporary inconvenience, even if it meant further tax-cut postponement." It seems from here that if Prof. Slosson gets his man elected, he and the rest of us will be partners in the soundest investment possible-one that will pay off in world peace and security. -Ben Zwerling SEVERAL YOUNGER-GENERATION col- leges, perturbed by the left-wing com- plexion of the American Youth for Demo- cracy, have banned the AYD and its fast talking organizers from their campuses. In the midst of the panic, the grandaddy of all U.S. educational institutions calmly an- By JOSEPH AND STEWART ALSOP THERE IS a good chance that next year, for the first time in recent American history, an incumbent American President will have to face a convention deeply split on the issue of his renomination. For the signs are that Harry Truman will have to run a gauntlet to which even Herbert Hoo- ver, at the low point of his political popu- larity in 1932, was not subjected. In a num- ber of states the regular Democratic organ- ization appears to be coming apart at the seams, making it probable that a consider- able bloc of anti-Truman delegates will be in noisy attendance at the 1948 Democratic canvention. The process of coming apart at the seams is most clearly visible in Californ- ia. There a loud, three-cornered row is in progress. In the middle is James Roos- evelt, the late President's oldest son, and presently chairman of the State Central Committee. On one side is Edwin Paul- ey, California National committeeman. On the other is the ebullient Robert W. Kenny, who lost his own party to Repub- lican Governor Earl Warren last autumn. Kenny has loudly announced his inten- tion of capturing the party for Henry Wallace next year. .I Thus it is peculiarly significant that Roos- evelt, who is believed to hold the political balance of power in the Pauley-Kenny row, has telegraphed to Washington, to suggest a meeting between himself and President Truman, Pauley, and Gael Sullivan, now substituting for the ailing Robert Hanne- gan as the President's chief political quar- terback. The purpose of the meeting is to find some way of settling the California row. Roosevelt and Pauley have never been particularly chummy politically. Yet one result of the meeting may be an under- standing that some time in the future Roos- evelt will supplant Pauley as National com- mitteeman. Some such arrangement, it is believed here, might lead to a firm alliance between the two men to head off the Ken- ny assault. Both have personal followings and considerable power in the California Democratic party, and Kenney can only be stopped if both men work together to that end. In any event, Kenney will not be easy to stop. After he was snowed under in his own party by Warren (one of those California miracles incomprehensible to outlanders) Kenney took temporarily to the political storm cellars. He does not enjoy anonymity ,however, and as chief barker for the Wallace htird party, he is now again in the limelight. He is backed by former Representative George Outland, Representative Helen Gahagan Douglas, his chief braintrusters, and by the mas- sive California lunatic fringe. He may well capture some, if not all, of Californ- ia's big slate of delegates. The same pattern holds elsewhere. In Oregon a pro-Wallace group called the Con- federationists has captured the party ma- chinery. The party organization is threat- ened in Washington, and there are pro-Wal- lace stirrings in Idaho, Colorado, and even in Illinois. New York, with its American Labor Party, certainly pro-Wallace, is a special case. Finally Minnesota too shows signs of turning sour on the regular Dem- ocratic organization. In Minnesota the Democrats and the Farmer Labor Party have somewhat ten- tatively joined hands. Former Governor Elmer Benson, a leading light in the pro- Wallace Progressive Citizens of America, is also a leader of the Farmer Labor Party. State Chairman Harold Barker, who holds some of the trump cards in the situation, is reported to be a Benson and Wallace man. Thus the distinct possibility of a Wallace slate looms in Minnesota also. One key to the situation is Hubert Hum- phrey, Mayor of Minneapolis. Humphrey is probably the most popular Democrat in the state. He is also a vice-chairman of Americans for Democratic Action, the anti- Communist, anti-Wallace Liberal organiza- tion. Yet Humphrey was so pro-Wallace in 1944 taht he held the Minnesota delega- tion for Wallace for vice president to the bitter end. He is reported to have been disillusioned last autumn when Wallace vis- ited Minnesota. On that occasion Humphrey told Wallace that the Communists were heavily infiltrat- ing the Democratic-Farmer-Labor organiza- tion. He appealed to Wallace to help get them out of his hair by roundly condemning them in a speech Wallace was scheduled to make. Wallace is understood to have sug- gested quite seriously that Humphrey get in touch with Moscow, and put the matter squarely up to the Politburo on a man to man basis. Wallace then proceeded to do the usual stunt about "Red-baiting" in his speech. This fatuity so stunned Humphrey that he avoided Wallace on the latter's re- cent junket to Minnesota. Yet even if Humphrey holds firm, and fights the Wal- lace slate of delegates, the Minnesota posi- tion is by no means secure for the regular Democrats. What all this adds up to, of course, is a sizable bloc of anti-Truman delegates at the Democratic convention in 1948. They can- not possibly hope to beat Truman. But they can march ostentatiously out of the con- vention amid loud cries of "Wallace for President," and proceed to set up a third party organization. In so doing, they will certainly succeed in wrecking the Demo- cratic party, at least temporarily. They will also succeed in electing the most stodgily conservative Congress in a great many years. (Copyright 1947, New York Herald Tribune) Unemp o yme nt THE VIOLENCE with which wartime in- novations have already backfired upon American workers is being minimized by some of the closest observers of the indus- trial scene. Unemployment in the United States, ac- cording to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statis- tics, rose from 840,000 in 1944 to 1,150,000 in 1945, to 2,270,000 in 1946, to 2,400,000 in January, 1947. Labor Research Associa- tion, of New York, has for the past several months been calling attention to irregular- ities in the Bureau's statistics, the implica- tions of which may stagger those who fore- see no interruption of the economic boom before mid-1948. The Bureau reported the total labor force in 1945 as 64,360,000 workers (52,750,000 civilians and 11,610,000 servicemen). But it listed the total labor force in January, 1947, as only 59,510,000 (57,790,000 civilians and 1,720,000 servicemen). Under the as- sumption that they were no longer "seek- ing work," the Bureau eliminated. 4,850,000 workers from the total labor force. Unless death wiped away 4,850,000 work- ers from the total labor force in two years, the 1945 figure remains. Technological im- provements, increased efficiency, new in- dustrial plants and machinery have sloughed off these workers from employment. Man- ual speed-up programs, shorter work-weeks and elimination of overtime are accelerat- ing the process at this moment. Unem- ployment, then-the reward for increased productivity-rose from 1,150,000 in 1945 to 5,380,00 in 1946, and stood in January, 1947, at 7,250,000. -Malcolm Wright "Some of the finest old names in bootlegging history ..." ON WORLD AFFAIRS: India's Future By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER FIRST HINDU: Let us give thanks, India has achieved in- dependence. Second Hindu: And a fine mess the Indian Congress has made of it. First Hindu:dAfter all,dominion status is bound to lead to full in- dependence. 2nd H.: As though that were the problem! Division of India, my dear fellow, has wasted the efforts of fifty years of Indian patriotism. 1st H.: Easy. I foresee ten years of upheavals. Obviously the distrust between Ilindus and Moslems is bound to get worse before it can get better. Then we shall have a social rev- olution-democracy -socialism. India will again be great. 2nd H.: A great pain in the neck is what India is going to be. We are a vain and a foolish people. We have always looked down on the British as slow-witted. And so they are. But are our lawyers any better? No. They understand argument. They are babies in pol- itics. Division spells the downfall of India. 1st H.: Do you not exaggerate the importance of the princes? Surely, we shall have no difficul- ty in incorporating them-g 2nd H.: The princes? I laugh at the princes. It is .the Mos- lems who, by the insidious device of Pakistan, are ruining the dream of independence. No won- der Master Tara Singh, leader of the Sikhs, is hurling defiance at the stupid Moslems. "Death to Pakistan!" he shouted. "Death to Almighty Allah!" But one realist is not enough. 1st H.: Your words are wild and too swift to follow. What is so dreadful in temporary division? India is one country. Indians are one people-or soon will be. 2nd H.: Idiocy! India has nev- er been united. The Indians are not one people. Without division, they might have become one peo- ple- 1st H.: They will become one people! 2nd H.: Not now. Not after di- vision. Look at your map. Doesn't Gandhijee ever look at a map? Two weak Moslem areas at each end of India. Two hundred and fifty million Hindu between them --and condemned to impotence. Hindustan will be at the mercy of Pakistan. Pakistan will be drawn away fromHindustan. The North West Provinces will go with the other Moslem states of the Middle East. All these medieval states, once ripe, will fall into Moscow's lap. 1st H.: You exaggerate. 2nd H.: Not a bit. Who is now arming the Moslem volunteer army? Not the British. Who will benefit from Pakistan? Not the British. Russia, my friend, Russia. 1st H.: Then you think you un- derstand Britain's interest better than London? 2nd H.: Think? I do not think, I know. Anybody understands Britain's interest better than the British. Present-day Englishmen are without wisdom. What did they do after the last war? Weak- ened their friends and strength- ened their enemies, disarmed France and armed Germany and nored China. The British are al- ways the last to understand Brit- am's interest. Now it is no different. The The British are weakening the Jews. They have lost the con- fidence of the Turks. And now theysare dividing ludia. To please whom? Moslems, who are going to follow Moscow's call like children following the Pied Piper. A united India of 400,000,000 people with the only really good army east of Suez, the ally of the British, the Americans, the Chi- nese, the Turks and the Palestine Jews, would have been an insep- erable barrier to Soviet expansion. So what do the British do? They split India. India will be seperat- ed from the Americans and Brit- ain by Pakistan. India will be separated from China apd Burma by Pakistan. Who will benefit? Russia and only Russia. Moscow will eat the Moslem world, with its rotten feu- dal society, like a melon, slice by slice. And who will have prepared the meal? The blind and foolish British-and Hindus like you! 1st H.: If you lived in India and not in America, you would think differently. Do you not know that in the recent disor- ders, between Hindus and Mos- lems, almost avhundred thou- sand people have been killed? Do you think this should just have gone on while somebody imposed unity on two peoples, one of which wants separation? Such disorder would have sure- ly dragged the Russians into In- dia. But with each community strongly organized on a common religious basis, there will be no place for communism. Once In- dia has found political stability, the divided India of today will be the united India of tomorrow. 2nd H.: Theory, theory. There is no time for such dreams. The divided India of today will be the Soviet Republics of tomorrow. And it will be India's fault. CORRECTION: In my previous column, an important phrase should have run: "A bill (S. 338) that could completely exclude Dutch flower bulbs from the United States . - - (Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc) The second convention of the American Veterans' Committee proved again that the AVC is the greatest political workshop in America for young veterans. The AVC was founded to establish a representative and progressive vet- erans' movement in opposition to the old-line, machine-dominated organizations. Its 2,000 delegates arrived in Milwaukee on June 20 and settled down to five days of serious caucuses and platform sessions lasting from supper un- til breakfast. It grows light at five in the morning at Milwaukee, and for most delegates the long weekend blurred into a sleepless 96 hour day. Last year's convention at Des Moines led to a close and bitter fight, ending in a victory for the "right". This year the "left" wing came to Milwaukee seeking broad sup- port for its assertion that the "right" was trying to impose one point of view on the AVC by machine methods. Pulication in The Daily Officia,G Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the1 Summer Session, Room 1213 Angellt Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day pre- ceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1947 VOL. LVII, No. 7S Noticest Cancellation of recital: The Faculty Recital previously an- nounced for Tuesday evening, July 8, in Hill Auditorium, has been cancelled. The next pro- gram in the Tuesday series will be heard on July 15, when the Uni- versity of Michigan Band will pre- sent its Annual summer concert. The closing hour for women on July 3rd is 12:30 a.m. Office of the Dean of Women Closing hours for women's resi- dences during the summer session1 are as follows: 11:00 p.m.-Sun- day through Thursday. 12:30 a.m. --Friday and Saturday. Office of the Dean of Women All directors of religious educa- tion, lay teachers of religion, min- isters, priests, rabbis, in Ann Arbor or the University are invited to meet Professor Ernest M. Ligon and other persons in the staff of the Religious Education Workshop at the First Presbyterian Church, 2:30 p.m., Sunday, July 6. Cer- tain directors of religious educa- tion from Schenectady, Columbus, Toledo, Detroit, and Ann Arbor will constitute a panel on religious. education. Open to the campus public. Students, Summer Session, Col- lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts: No courses may be elect- ed for credit after today. Students, Summer Session, Col- lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Execpt under extradord- inary circumstances, courses drop- ped after today will be recorded with a grade of "E". The Theoretical Physics Collo- quim will be held on Monday and Thursday evenings at 7:30 in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. The first meeting will be on Thursday, July. 3rd. Professor V. Weisskopf will speak on Interaction of the Elec- tron with the Radiation Field. Makeup Examination in Eco- nomics 51, 52, 53, 54, July 7, at 2:00 o'clock in Room 5 Economics Building. The Political Science 2 makeup exam will be given Monday, July 14 'from 2-5 in room 2037 A. H. Summer Symposium in Nuclear Physics: Three courses of lectures on Nu- clear Physics will be given this summer. Prof. Victor F. Weisskopf of M. I.T. will speak on the Statistical Theory of Hevy Nuclei, His first lecture will be on Tuesday, July 1, at 11 a.m. in the Rackham Auditorium. Following this first time hislectures will be MWF at 11. Dr. A. Pais, Inst. for Advanced Study, Princeton will speak on Elementary Particle Problems, on MWF at 10 a.m., Rackham Audi- torium, starting Monday, June 30. Dr. James L. Lawson, General Electric Co., will speak on Produc- tion and Measurements of High Energy Radiation, TThS., at 10 a.m., Rackham Auditorium, start- ing Tuesday, July 8. Student organizations planning to ,be active during the summer are requested to file a directory card. Forms may be secured in the Office of Student Affairs, Room 2, University Hall. Recreational Swimming-Wom- en Students. There will be rec- reational swimming for women students at the Michigan Union pool on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 9:30. Fencing practice for men will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the Golf Driv- ing Net room of the I. M. Building. Elementary foil class will meet on Wednesday afternoons. Weapons, masks and plastrons available. Posture, figure and carriage clinic, open to women students in- terested in improving general con- dition, learning to work more ef- ficiently, and improving their fig- ures. Clinic hours 4 to 5 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fri- days, and 5 p.m. on Fridays be- ginning this week. Barbour Gym- nasium. College of Literature, Science and the Arts, Schools of Educa- tion, Forestry, and Public Health: Students who received marks of I, X or 'no report' at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by July 23. Students wshing an extension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition addressed to the appropriate official in their school with Room 4 U.H. where it will be transmitted. Edward G: Groesbeck Assistant Registrar La Sociedad llispanica meets for informal conversation every Tuesday and Wednesday 'at 3:30 p.m. and every Thursday at 4 p.m. in the Game Room of the Inter- national CentereAll students of Spanish are invited. Teacher Placement: The Lincoln School in Buenos Aires, Argentina would like to have applications from candidates in the following teaching posi- tions: Science and Mathematics combined with English and/or Li- brary Service and Physical Educa- tion. Persons qualified to teach these subjects on secondary level should also be willing to teacher intermediate elementary w o r k. Full information may be obtained at the Bureau of Appointments. Civil Service: The U. S. Civil Service Commis- sion, Washington, D.C. announces an examination for probational appointment to the position of Oc- cupational Therapist. The Board of U.S. Civil Service Examiners for the Securities and Exchange Commission announces an examination for probational appointment to the positions of Financial Analyst (General, Se- curities, Securities Trading, and Public Utilities). State of Michigan Civil Service announces examination for Pub- lic Health Nurse I and I, Tuber- culosis Graduate Nurse A and I, Soils Testing Engineer I, and Soils Engineer I, II & III. Call at the Bureau for further information. Bur. of Appts. & Ocup. Inf. University Radio Programs: Thursday July 3, 1947-5:45- WPAG-Campus News. Summer Registration will be held Tuesday, July 1, at 4:05 in Room 205 Mason Hall. This reg- istration with the Bureau of Ap- pointments and Occupational In- formation has to do with all types of positions. It is very essential that anyone interested in a po- sition in the immediate future at- tend this meeting. Registration blanks will be available on Wed- nesday and Thursday, July 2 and 3, and Monday and Tuesday, July 7 and 8. Lectures Professor Leonard A. Stidlley, Ph.D., Oberlin Graduate School of Religion, will lecture at the As- sembly Room at the Rackham Building, 4:15 p.m. Thursday and Saturday. Public. Professor Ernest M. Ligon, Ph.D., Union College, Schenectady, will lecture at Kellogg Auditorium, 8 p.m. Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Each lecture will be fol- lowed by a discussion period. Academic Notices Algebra Seminar: Thursday, 3:15 p.m. 3201 Angell Hall. Pro- fessor Brauer will speak on "Th Normal Form of a Matrix." Concerts Carillon Recital: Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will pre- sent a program of American com- positions for carillon at 7:15 this evening. It will include works by Rota, Menotti, Bigelow, Kinkead, Walker, Daichaitis, and Glauser. The Regular Thursday Evening Record Concert sponsored by the Graduate School, for the next few weeks will present a group of chamber music works. The first of these will include Beethoven's Quartet No. 4 in C minor, Mozart's Quartet in D minor, and Sehu- bert's Quartet in A minor. All graduate students are cordially in- vited. Exhibitions The Museum of Art: Exhibition of Prints-Vanguard Group, Ann Arbor Art Association Collection, and from the Permanent Collec- tion. July 1-28. Alumni Memor- ial Hall, daily, except Monday, 10- 12 and 2-5; Sundays, 2-5. The public is cordially invited. Events Today La p'tite causette meets today at 4 p.m. at the International Cen- ter. All students interested in in- formal French conversation are cordially invited to join the group, which meets also on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 3:30 p.m.. in the '1 4 l 'A I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Wobbly Attitudes A . By SAMUEL GRAFTON E WOBBLE badly on our attitudes to- ward foreigners and foreign nations; we have, in fact, two or three sets of con- flicting attitudes toward them, and we have a way of using, in each crisis, which ever is most convenient. Thus, when Russia advances westward across Europe, we say she is engulfing people who wish only a democratic way of life, very much like ours. But when it is proposed that 400,000 displaced persons can be brought here from Europe under the Straton blli, we shy away and murmur that these people are not very much like us that it would be hard to assimilate them and to make Americans of them. Sometimes (when we give aid to Greece and Turkey) we are part of a complex called "the western world," which we must defend, we say, unto the death. But sometimes also (as when we try to pass a bill keeping sly foreign sheepgrowers from sending their wool here) we shrink rapidly down and become only a single, sep- arate nation, not part of anything. Our recent marriage with the world is a little like that of a confirmed bachelor, who still finds himself starting out for the club of, an evening, forgetting. Our feelings about the relative import- ance of the other nations within the west- ern world shift and vary wildly, too. When Marshall Plan, we speak of our weaknesses and of our limited capacity. It seems to me, surprisingly enough, that our attitudes toward foreigners and foreign nations were perhaps clearer in the earlier days of the republic. We had a genuine feel- ing, in those early days, about the import- ance of Europe, which has since been large- ly degraded; and we had a physical close- ness:, in the shape of unlimited immigra- tion, which is also gone. We wish to be a high, notable, barred, exclusive edifice, well set back from the sidewalk, but at the same time we want to sell collar buttons, combs and cars to everybody, and to have friends. We want to be in the western world, we know we have to be, but we also fear too much familiarity, and an unrestricted sharing of problems and mingling of peoples. One wonders whether we have yet thought through, on every level, and digested, the meaning of our "abandonment of isolation." For that phrase to have real content, it must include a conception of destiny 1 ising above mere predilection, and a willingness to live in a crowded house if there be no other way to be with and near friends, and of them. (Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation Italy, flirted with Japan apd ig- - New Republic BARNABY... '9- , * Sis d y - Gosh, I've missed you, too, Mr. ' , - ~ LI&iC. $. ... IFMr. O'Malley. He's back ... And HE DID IT He