Fifty-Seventh Year
White Radio Bill
Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan urer the authority of tie
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editors ... John Campbell, Clyde Recht
Associate, Editor ................... Eunice Mintz
Sports Editor ................. Archie Parsons
Business Staff
General Manager.................Edwin Schneider
Advertising Manager .......... William Rohrbachl
ircuiation Manager.................Melvin Tick
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all news dispatches
credited tp it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of republication of. all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi-
&an, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1946-47
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
agree that the broadcasting industry of
the United States does have some faults, and
that legislation to correct them is appropri-
ate at this time, it is extremely doubtful if
they will be satisfied by the new bill de-
signed to meet this need which was recently
introduced by Senator Wallace H. White,
(Rep., Me.)
Senator White, who is at present chair-
man of the Senate Interstate Commerce
Committee, and Senate majority leader, has
had long experience with the broadcasting
industry and was generally believed to be
favorable to it. Nothing could be more un-
favorable than the bill, which was tossed
in the hopper without a word of warning to
The most unpleasant aspects of the bill
are found in provisions which deal with
political broadcasts and with news re-
porting. These provide that no one may
purchase time for a political broadcast
except a candidate for office; his repre-
sentative, designated in writing; or the
political party with which he is affiliated.
In other words, an independent citizen,
wishing to speak on a political matter,
could not purchase radio time. The bill
also provides that if time is: provided for
one political party, time amounting to
twice the length of the original broadcast
must be provided for the opposing side.
News commentators are literally gagged
by a provision requiring them to identify the
source of all news "generally". This does no
harm to those who obtain their material
from the wire news services, but is a mor-'
tal blow to the commentators who specialize
in "inside" information. Identifying their
sources would promptly cause those sources
to dry up.
Another provision, less harmful to the
public as a whole, limits the amount of
radio outlets any one person, company, or
corporation may own to those providing
service for 25 per cent of the population.
This is aimed at the large radio networks
and would force all of them to sell stations.
For instance, a network could own a sta-
tion in New York, Chicago, and Washington,
but would be unable to operate one in San
Francisco. The larger networks, such as
CBS and NBC would have to sell approxi-
matesly half their stations.
The average citizen will wonder why
Senator White would introduce such a bill,
and he does not wonder alone. Everybody,
from Capitol Hill on down is looking for
the answer. The networks, who regarded
White as one of their most sympathetic
friends, look upon this bill as a stab in
the back, and are acting accordingly. The
news commentators, on the radio and in
the newspapers, all of whom regard the
protection of the news source as one of
the most cardinal principles of report-
ing are already beginning to give the bill
a going over.
The Senate, which had regarded White
as being friendly to the broadcasting in-
dustry, and which had expected a bill along
lines favored by industry heads, was be-
'The only amusing feature about the
entire situation is the peculiar position of
the Republican Party. White is one of
the oldest and most respected Republicans
in the Senate, so obviously the Party can-
not disavow his bill. To do so would be
disavowing White himself. Resides, due
to his long service in the Senate, most of
the present members owe White a vote in
return for favors received, and White has
been busy reminding them of it.
On the other hand, the Republican Party
cannot very well allow the bill to become
law. It is distinctly "new deal" in nature,
and strongly resembles the old Wheeler Bill
which a Democratic Congress tried in vain
to pass. The networks, most of which have
been pro-Republican would withdraw their
support, with serious consequences in 1948.
The Republican leadership is side-stepping
its dilemma by allowing White, as chair-
. ,
man of the ICC, to hold hearings on the bill,
but the Policy Committee has refused to put
it on the agenda for this session. The bill
may meet a well-deserved death in com-
-Russell Mullen
Pdn ted
LAURA Z. HOBSON in her book "Gentle-
men's Agreement" makes the point that
the people who deplore the Rankins and
Bilbos but, at the same time, go to resorts
and hotels and live in places designated as
"restricted"rare contributing to anti-Semi-
tism in their own potent way.
The other day a group of us went swim-
ming at one of the local beaches near town.
At the entrance was a sign saying "semi-
public", a euphemism for "No Negroes."
Formerly this beach had a sign which said
"restricted'. When certain of the Jewish
clientele thought that meant them . . . and
stopped coming . . . they learned that, in
this case, the "restricted" meant Negroes
and "highly restricted" would mean them.
Later the sign was changed to "semi-public".
. to stave off question, we assume.
At another local beach, the question is
taken care of by a sign which says some-
thing tactful about the management reserv-
ing the right to admit or bar would-be
When questioned, a management repre-
sentative said that they would not admit
Negroes because the beach was "semi-pub-
lic." When asked why it was "semi-puplic",
she said it was "to keep Negroes out." She
also said something about "our customers.
This is not a new thing. It's the same.
thing as the barbers and the restaurant
owners and the other varieties of Jirh Crow-
ism. And when it hits you. . . those disgust-
ing signs and the complacent girls behind
the counter who let out with their bigotry
like it's all a foregone concusion . . . you
feel sort of sick inside.
And you wonder what to do.
--Eunice Mintz
ic x,'
- d
'" 14 y ieref-s Syndite, nc.
"Investigate THEM? Heck, that's male posse."
wool Veto
Truman has vetoed three important
measures, the Taft-Hartley Labor Bill, the
Income Tax Reduction Bill, and the Wool-
Price-Support Bill. The first two of these
three measures have received a great deal
of publicity. The third has pretty-much
been lost in the scuffle. And yet, a little
thought shows that this third bill poses a
problem involving or whole future. Are we
going to continue building trade barriers in
restriction of much-needed world trade, or
are we going to take the economic as well as
the political lead in the world's effort to
achieve both properity and peace?
At the very time that our representatives
were meeting with the representatives of
other nations in Geneva in an effort to find
a solution to world trade problems, powerful
private interests in this country worked for
passage .of legislation in direct contradiction
to the spirit of American policy abrod.
Undersecretary of State Will Clayton, head
of the American delegation, is negotiating
trade agreements with other nations under
power of the Reciprocal Trade Agreements
Act. Enactment of this Bill would jeopar-
dize that whole program.
The wool growers constitute a very
small segment of the American populace.
It would be sheer folly to risk our whole
economic future in order to cater to this
small group. What we do for wool grow-
ers we must do for other producing groups,
and off we go on another round of tariff
President Truman deserves highest praise
for halting this attempt to restore econom-
ic isolation in the United States. Political
systems and economic systems are so closely
related today that it is impossible, to pursue
a policy in one that is diametrically opposed
to that followed in the other. We are now
committed to political internationalism; it
is time we were committed to economic in'-
-Quentin Nesbitt
THE WOOL PRICE-Support Act, as it
reached the White House, would have
struck a serious blow to our whole interna-
tional trade program. The President prop-
erly vetoed it.
As originally drawn, this measure merely
extended until Dec. 31, 1948, wartime au-
thorization of the Government to buy and
sell domestic wool in order to maintain a
price of approximately 42 cents a pound.
The wool lobby slipped into it a requiremet
that the President impose a quota on for-
eign wool or increase the import duty, when-
eyer importations threatened to upset the
Government's wool policy.
The support which this provision received
outside the wool clique indicated a concert-
ed drive by interested but , short-sighted
groups to torpedo the whole reciprocal trade
agreement program and head the Country
back toward the economic isolation of the
We've got to buy more. of some things
abroad-in order to sell more of other things
abroad for hard cash. American economy
cannot long be sustained on any other basis.
The President is to be commended for
crushing the resurgent head of Smoot-Haw-
--The Detroit Free Press -
Harvard University will introduce a Re-
gional Program on the Soviet Union in
September, aimed to make students broadly
conversant with the contemporary Russian
scene and its essential background and to
give them a firm working knowledge of the
A tomic Energy Report
Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.eNotices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Summer Session, Roomt1213 Angell
Hall, by 3:06 p.m. on the day pre-
ceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
Saturday morning following
July 4: With the approval of the
Conference of the Deans, all busi-
ness administrative offices of the
University will be closed on Satur-
day morning July 5.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Summer Symposium in Nuclear
Three courses of lectures on Nu-
clear Physics will be given this
Prof. Victor F. Weisskopf of M.
I.T. will speak on the Statistical
Theory of Hevy Nuclei, His first
lecture will be on Tuesday, July
1, at 11 a.m. in the Rackham
Auditorium. Following this first
time his lectures will be MWF at
Dr. A. Pais, Inst. for Advanced
Study, Princeton will speak on
Elementary Particle Problems, on
MWF at 10 a.m., Rackham Audi-
torium, starting Monday, June 30.
Dr. James L. Lawson, General
Electric Co., will speak on Produc-
tion and Measurements of High
Energy Radiation, TThS., at 10
a.m., Rackham Auditorium, start-
ing Tuesday, July 8.
Students Summer Session, Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts: Courses may not be elected
for credit after July 3rd. Thurs-
day, July 3rd, is therefore the last
day on which new elections may
be approved. The willingness of
an instructor to admit a student
later will not affect the opera-
tions of this rule.
C. H. Peake
Students, Summer Session. Col-
lege of LiteratureScience, and
the Arts: Except under extraord-
inary circumstances, courses drop-
ped after July 3rd will be recorded
with the grade of "E".
C. H. Peake
Student organizations planningj
to be active during the summer
are requested to file a directory'
card. Forms may be secured in
the Office of Student Affairs,
Room 2, University Hall.
Recreational Swimming-Wom-
en Students. There will be rec-
reational swimming for women
students at the Michigan Union
pool on Tuesday and Thursday
evenings from 7:30 to 9:30.
Fencing practice for men will
be held on Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday afternoons from
4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the Golf Driv-
ing Net room of the I. M. Building.
Elementary foil class will meet on
Wednesday afternoons. Weapons,
masks and plastrons available.
Posture, figure and carriage
clinic, open to women students in-
terested in improving general con-
dition, learning to work more ef-
ficiently, and improving their fig-
ures. Clinic hours 4 to 5 p.m.
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fri-
days, and 5 p.m. on Fridays be-
ginning this week. Barbour Gym-
Eligibility certificates should be
secured immediately by those stu-
dents participating or planning to
participate in extra-curricular ac-
tivities during the summer term.
Requirements for a certificate are:
1. Second semester Freshmen:
15 hours or more of work com-
pleted with (1) at least one mark
of A or B and with no mark of
less than C, or (2) at least 2%1
times as many honor points as
hours and with no mark of E.
2. Sophomores, juniors, seniors:
11 hours or more of academic
credit in the preceding semester
with an average of at least C, and
at least a C average for the entire
academic career.
No certificate will be issued to
a student on warning or proba-
Office of Student Affairs
Room 2, University Hall
Women students on campus this
summer who have not yet applied
for fall housing should call at the
Office of the Dean of Women at
once if their admission applies to
the fall semester as well as to the
summer session.
La p'tite causette meets every
Tuesday and Wednesday at 3:30
in the Grill Room of the Mich-
igan League, every Thursday at
4:00 at the International Center.
La Sociedad Hispanica meets
for informal conversation every
Tuesday and Wednesday at 3:30
p.m. and every Thursday at 4 p.m.
in the Game Room of the Inter-
national Center. All students of
Spanish are invited.
University Radio Programs:
Wednesday, July 2, 1947
2:30 p.m., WKAR-The School
of Education- "A Fairer Chance
for Every Child by Overcoming
Reading Habits." Prof. Irving H.
2:45 p.m., WKAR-The School
of Music-The Universiti of Mich-
igan Concert Band.
5:45 p.m., WPAG-Stories fort
Thursday July 3, 1947-5:45-a
WPAG-Campus News.
Approved social events. The fol-t
lowing groups have received ap-
proval for social events scheduled
for the coming week-end: July 3
Delta Tau Delta; July 5, Sigmal
Alpha Epsilon; July 6, Michiganl
League Dormitory.
Teacher Placement:
The Lincoln School in Buenos
Aires, Argentina would like to1
have applications from candidates;
in the following teaching posi-
tions: Science and Mathematics1
combined with English and/or Li-7
brary Service and Physical Educa-
tion. Persons qualified to teach
these subjects on secondary level
should also be willing to teacher
intermediate elementary w o r k.
Full information may be obtained
at the Bureau of Appointments.
Civil Service:
The U. S. Civil Service Commis-
sion, Washington, D.C. announces
an examination for probational
appointment to the position of Oc-
cupational Therapist.
The Board of U.S. Civil Service
Examiners for the Securities and
Exchange Commission announces'
an examination for probational
appointment to the positions of
Financial Analyst (General, Se-
curities, Securities Trading, and
Public Utilities).
State of Michigan Civil Service
announces examination for Pub-
lic Health Nurse I and I, Tuber-
culosis Graduate Nurse A and I,
Soils Testing Engineer I, and Soils
Engineer I, II & III. Call at the
Bureau for further inforination.
Bur. of Appts. & Ocup. Inf.
Married Veterans of World War 11
Terrace. Apartments
Opportunity will be provided
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednes-
day, June 30, July 1, and July 2
for students in the above group
to file application for residence
in the :Terrace Apartments.
No apartments available for the
summer session, but these appli-
cations will be considered for fu-
ture .vacancies.
Student applications for resi-
dence in these apartments will be
considered according to the fol-
lowing qualifications.
1. Only married Veterans of
World War II may apply.
2. -Michigan residents will be
given first consideration. How-
ever, out-of-state students may
also register at this time. See
Regents' ruling on definition of
Michigan resident. "No one shall
be deemed a resident of Michi-
gan for the purpose of registra-
tion in the University unless he
or she has resided in this state
six months next preceeding the
date of proposed enrollment.")
3. Veterans who have incurred
physical disability of a serious na-
ture will be given first consider-
ation. (A written statement from
Dr. Forsythe of the University
Health Service concerning such
disability should be included in
the application.)
4. Only- students who have com-
pleted two terms in this Univer-
sity may apply. (Summer Session
is considered as one-half term.)
5. Students who are admitted to
these apartments may in no case
occupy them for a period longer
than two years.
6. Length of oversease service
will be an important determining
7. In considering an applicant's
total length of service, A.S.T.P.,
V-12, and similar programs will be
8. If both man and wife are
Veterans of World War II and the
husband is a Michigan resident
and both are enrolled in the Uni-
versity their combined application
will be given special consideration.
9. Each applicant must file with
his application his Military Rec-
ord and Report of Separation.
Married Veterans of World War
I who have filed applications for
the Terrace Apartments prior to
June 30, 1947 should not apply
again, since'their applications are
being processed in terms of the
above qualifications.
Office of Student Affairs
Room 2, University Hall
Sports Tornaments, Women Stu-
dents: Tournaments in archery,
badminton, golf, and tennis are
being sponsored by the womens'
Department of Physical Educa-
tion. A small entry fee is charged.
Register at Women's Athletic
Building or Barbour Gymnasium.
Riding Classes: Horseiack riding
classes for men and women stu-
dents are scheduled for Mondays
and Wednesdays at 4 p.m. and
Tuesdays'and Thursdays at 4 p.m.
A nominal fee is charged. Regis-
ter at Barbour Gymnasium by
Tuesday noon, July 1.
Summer Registration will be
held Tuesday, July 1, at 4:05 in
Room 205 Mason Hall. This reg-
istration with the Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational In-
formation has to do with all types
of positions. It is very essential
that anyone interested in a po-
sition in the immediate future at-
tend this meeting. Registration
blanks will be available on Wed-
nesday and Thursday, July 2 and
3, and Monday and Tuesday, July
7 and 8.
Opening address of the Summer
Lecture Series, "The United States
in World Affairs." The Honor-
able Stanley K. Hornbeck, "The
United States and the Netherlands
East Indies." Wednesday, July 2,
at 8:10 p.m., Rackham Lecture
Hall. Dr. Hornbeck was recently
American Ambassador to the
Netherlands. A booklet giving all
of the lectures in this series is
available in the Summer Session
Office, Room 1213 Angell Hall
Open to the public.
Academic Notices
Algebra Seminar: Thursday,
3:15 p.m. 3201 Angell Hall. Pro-
fessor Brauer will speak on "The
Normal Form of a Matrix."
The Museum of Art: Exhibition
of Prints---Vanguard Group, Ann
Arbor Art Association Collection,
and from the Permanent Collec-
tion. July 1-28. Alumni Memor-
ial Hall, daily, except Monday, 10-
12 and 2-5; Sundays, 2-5. The
public is cordially invited.
Events Today
Algebra Seminar: Wednesday,
July 2 3:15 p.m.-3201 A. H. Pro-
fessor E. Snapper will speak n
Absolute Indecomposable Vector
Seminar in Applied Mathema-
tics. In the Applied Mathema-
tics Seminar this summer a study
will be made of hyperbolic par-
tial differential equations, with a
view to application to the theory
of supersonic flow. The first meet-
ing will be held Wed., July 2. at
4 p.m. in Room 317, West Engi-
neering Bldg. Prof. E. H. Rothe
will speak on "Introduction to the
Theory of Characteristics of Par-
tial Differential Equations."
Seminar in Non-Euclidean Geo-
metry. The Seminar in Non-Eu-
clidean Geometry will meet We-
nesday, 7 p.m. in 3010 Angell Hall.
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity
meets 8:00 p.m., Michigan Unioi,
Wednesday, July 2, 1947.
Flying Club. Club meeting VWed-
nesday, July 2, Room 1042 East
Engineering Building at 7:30 p.m.
Those wishing to join the club
may attend the meeting.
The AVC will hold a meeting
Wednesday July 2 at 7:30 in the
Union. Plans will be made and
committees will be formed to car-
ry on the summer program. All
members are urged to attend,
La Sociedad Hispanica will hold
its second meeting of the Summer
Session on Wednesday, July 2 at
8 p.m. in the East Conference
Room of the Rackham Building
Mr. Adrian Leon Marquez, from
Mexico, will speak on "Linguistic
Problems of Mexico". Mr. Leon
Marquez was formerly a teacher
at the National University of Mex-
ico. After the war, he went to
Paris on a scholarship from the
Mexican Government and at pres-
ent he is working on his Ph.D. in
the Linguistics Department of the
University of Michigan. Everyone
interested in Spanish should take
advantage of this opportunity Ato
hear Mr. Leon Marquez.
The French Club will hold its
second meeting Wednesday, July
2, at 8 p.m. in the second floor
Terrace Room of the Michigan
Union. Professor Albert J. Sal-
van will give an informal talk on
'Lexistentialisme". Social hour,
games, group= singing, refresh-
ments. All students interested in
hearing, speaking the French
language and in learning French
songs, are welcome to our weekly
meetings. No charge.
Coming Events
University Community Center,
1045,Midway Place, Willow Run
Thurs., July 3: 8 p.m., Studio
Work Shop, beginning drawing
class* in black and white:
Friday, July 4: 8 p.m., Dupli-
cate bridge tournament.
A Square Dancing Class, spon-
sored by the Graduate Outing
Club, will be held Thursday July
3rd at 7:45 p.m. in the Lounge of
tih Wmpn' Athlpt,. Th,,np
Atomic Scientists has issued a statement
which says quite simply that unless war is
eliminated, we must look forward to the end
of our civilization.
I know exactly what will happen to this
statement. It will be ignored. We will ig-
nore it with our hearts, our minds and our
bellies. We will ignore it by effort of will,
and we will also ignore it unconsciously. We
will misread it, or not read it, and if we
do happen to read it we will try to forget
There is a reason for this. The reason
is that most of us would go out of business
as thinkers the moment we admitted there
was such a thing as atomic energy in the
world. It is curious that it should be so,
but if you want to have a reputation as a
realist, it is best never to think about atom-
ic energy. Forget it, put it out of your
mind, and you can concentrate on little
border quarrels, reparations, standing arm-
ies, Balkan peace treaties, etc., very much
as one might have done a hundred years
But as soon as you admit atomic energy
into your universe, you become a different
kind of man, a sort of an ecstatic type fel-
low. You cannot help it. You find your-
self thinking of the elimination of war in-
stead of about border quarrels. You find
yourself thinking about world government
instead of about peacetime conscription. You
go right up into the stratosphere, and there
is no avoiding it.
It is the tragedy of our time that the only
way to keep a reputation as a realist is to
enter into the fantasy that there is no
atomic energy; whereas to face the fact
of atomic energy squarely is to acquire a
reputation as a dreamer.
It will be treated like a special, detach-
able page in our newspapers, printed to be
thrown away; if it is read at all, it will be
That is why the report of the Emergency
Committee of Atomic Scientists, a commit-
tee which includes some of the greatest
brains in America, will not be read.
The report does not chide either the West
or Russia. It does not even bother to anlyze
current disputes between them. Indeed, it
is the purpose of the statement to bid both
the mighty contestants to rise to a "higher
realism", to understand that if war comes as
the result of present disputes, it will leave
only bits of burnt paper behind as the rec-
ord of those quarrels, to be played with by
animals that can't read.
And so the report is, by implication, a
challenge to all statesmen, not only Ameri-
can leaders who fly into cosmic tizzies over
a border quarrel, but Russian leaders, too,
who in their own voluble squealing fail to
face up to their problem, of living with a
world which is, in part, anti-totalitarian,
and means to continue to be so, and has the
But, as I say, the report won't be read; the
"realists" will skip this page without break-
ing their strides. And by tomorrow it will
be out of the papers.
(Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation
' - ..:. C>DrrioM 1W, SW Nw.- Hk 4s
, t -"",1
Honest ... I didn't
tie a blue ribbon
to Gorgon's collar.
&utsdn i
-if you didn't.... And if
your mother didn't and
if I didn't . .. Who did?
i ) _ ^y
., tJ ~
6 .
Gosh; the only one
who would know for
sure is Gorgon ...
I'll ask
him, Pop..
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FAAP C)'AA AIll You'vecome sk
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