THLE MICHIA XN DxILY SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1947 I U Fifty-Seventh Year MATTER OF FACT: Voice of Amaerica BILL MAULDIN Edited and managed 'by students of the Uni- Vergity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Managing Editors ... John Campbell, Clyde Recht Associate Editor......:. ............ Eunice Mint Spor.ts Editor ........ .. .......... Archie Parsons Business Staff General Manager..,..............Edwin Schneider Advertising Manager .......... William Rohrbach Circulation Manager ................Melvin Tick Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publicatio, of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of republication of all- other ma ters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michi- gan, as second class mal matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, Associaed Collegiate Press, 1946-47 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR:PASQUELETTI & STERN ON WORLD AFFAIRS: RehabiIttation By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER SOVIET RUSSIA'S apparent consent to consult wvith Britain and France about Secretary MIarshall's plan for rehabilitating Europe as a whole is subject to two interpre- tations. It may show a growing Russian under- standing that the United States has made up its mind to restore world order, with Russia if possible, without Russia if ne- cessary. In which case, Soviet consent may be a sincere if reluctant gesture. This interpretation is strengthened by the remarkable words of Dr. Oscar Lange, the one-time naturalized American Pole who gave up a professorship at the University of Chicago to become Stalin's first Polish Am- bassadort o Washington. Speaking to a Jewish group at Webster Hall, New York City, Dr. Lange said: "The people of Poland and the government of: Poland are definitely opposed to any at- divide Europe into blocs, to sep- erate West from East. Such attempts can only have disastrous results." Whether Dr. Lange speaks for the people of Poland would be difficult to say. That he speaks-consistently-for the govern- ment of the Soviet Union is beyond any reasonable doubt. What Molotov thinks to- day, Lange thinks tomorrow. Therefore, on the face of it, the pro- fessor's statement is significant of a change in Soviet tactics. For up till now, whatever Moscow might be saying, Mos- row has always acted an the theory of certainAmerican women discussing prop- erty rights with their husbands: "What's mine is mine and what's yours is half mine!"' Concretely, while Russia has considered Eastern Europe as its private hunting ground, it has stubbornly upheld a claim for at least part-time rights in the rest of Eur- ope Now, however, that non-Soviet Europe will perhaps be blessed by a well-planned scheme of full rehabilitation backed by American supplies, Soviet satelli'tes may well have been instructed to hurry up and make themselves eligible for a share of the cookies by a hasty profession of European solidarity. Such a profession, if sincere, reveals a Soviet decision-an undivided Europe the Soviets could have had years ago by simply withdrawing from the countries they have taken captive which could be just another Russian attempt to gain the advantages of participation in general recovery without yielding one inch or one ounce of Russia's "special position" in the East. Therefore, it ought to be taken up and examined well on both sides before it is accepted by France and Britain-still more by the United States. There are so many places in Europe where Soviet good will can be demonstrat- ed by acts as well as by words that Wash- ington ought to have no difficulty in pick- ing out one of them as a test case. Hun- gary comes easily to mind. Is the United States to help restore the Hungary of the non-Communist majority, or of the Com- munist minority? Is Czechoslovakia to become a beneficiary of an all-European scheme ultimately to be paid for by the American taxpayer while Czech newspapers continue to interpret the Truman Doctrine as American imperialism and write editorially: By JOSEPH AND STEWART ALSOP ASHINGTON, JUNE 28-Secretary of State George C. Marshall took an extra- ordinary step last Wednesday, The Senate Appropriations Committee had already made formal recommendation to the Senate on the State Department's radio propaganda program, "The Voice of America." But Marshall refused to take this recommenda- tion as final. Instead, he telephoned to committee chairman Styles Bridges and asked for a closed session discussion of the matter. The session was heated. But what is chiefly interesting about Marshall's un- usual step in thus going "out of channels" .is that it indicates, first, the very great im- portance which Marshall attaches to the radio program, and second, the serious im- perfections which still exist in the machin- ery for bi-partisan co-operation on foreign policy. One reason why Marshall, together with other top State policy makers, is solidly behind "The Voice of America" Program, is simply that it is working. Moreover, it is working precisely where it is important that it should work-in the Soviet Union's satellite states and in the Soviet Union itself. Naturally no Hooper rating of audience reaction in the Soviet Union is available. Inevitably intelligence estimates of how well the program is succeeding in the Russian- held areas must be based on snippets and snatches of information. But these snip- pets add up to solid reasons for believing that the program is widely heard as far east as the Caucusus and Volga areas. Some of these straws in the wind are amusing. For example, at the appropriate hour, a Russian moppet has regularly been heard summoning her father, a high official in the Soviet government, with the cry, "Come in the house, daddy, the American program is starting." Others are surprising. A traveler in the more distant reaches of eastern European Russia recently had an astonishing conver- sation with a collective farmer. The man remarked quite casually that in his district listening groups had been organized to hear "The Voice of America" and the equivalent program of the British Broadcasting Com- pany. He volunteered, moreover, the in- formation that there were about seventy- five radios in the area capable of receiving the programs, and that the listening groups were large and enthusiastic. In Moscow, the American program is dis- cussed quite openly. Most excitement has been caused by Benny Goodman's jazz pro- grams and by the broadcasting of the full texts of the note of protest on Hungary and of Truman's speech on Greece and Turkey. These last, in the words of one observer, "kicked up a lot of dust," when they were broadcast. This sending of straight politi- cal news, the only technique for reaching through the curtain of censorship in the Soviet-dominated countries, is of course the heart of the program. Ambassador to Rus- sia Bedell Smith has repeatedly emphasized that the program is both effective and essen- tial. And Burton Y. Berry, American chief of mission in Rumania, remarked recently that there "the people listen to their priests on Sunday and to 'The Voice of America' every other day of the week." The final accolade has come from the Russians. themselves. Such Kremlin trainede seals as Ilya Ehrenburg have attacked the program ferociously'on the Soviet press and radio. Russian radio comics and the hum- orous magazine "Krokodil" have directed ponderous shafts of satire against it. This has not only served as invaluable publicity for the program, but it has also indicated the grave importance which the rulers in the Kremlin attach to it. In view of all this, it seems. flatly in- credible that the Senators should wish so to hamstring the program that it would be- come dependent on translated rebroadcasts of Broadway gossip commentators. The saving involved is only three million dollars, surely not enough to wreck the economy program. The fact is that the Senatorial attitude'toward the bill transcends in im- portance the matter of American propa- ganda abroad. It involves the whole mech- anism of the bi-partisan foreign policy. For the Senators are not so much moti- vated by desire for economy as by a long- standing dislike for the man to whom the direction of the American foreign propa- ganda effort is intrusted. Perhaps, through no fault of his own, William lenton, chief of the Office of Information -nd Cultural Affairs, has, like his former partner, Chester Bowles, an absolutely devastating effect on Congressmen. Senatorial hackles rise at the mere sight of Benton at a considerable dis- tance. One Senate committee last year went so far as to inform former Secretary of State James F. Byrnes, while Benton was sittting in the room, that the Senate had no confide e in Benton. Benton has thus known foie year that his presence as chief of the American propaganda effort has ne- cessarily compromised real support on the Hill for that effort. It is plain that in the areas of national defense and foreign policy something close to the parliamentary system is being devol- oped here. Under these circumstances, if the Hill clearly indicates lack of confidence in a, policy-making officer, that officer would seem to have little choice but to reach for his hat. There is good reason to believe that Secretary Marshall would not be heartbrok- en if Benton resigned, but Iarshall is na- turally reluctant to force Benton's resigna- tion while he is under attack. It is also likely that Benton will leave as soon as the issue is settled in Congress. But the whole matter raises a larger problem. For it is plain that if the great task in Europe which Secretary Marshall has initiated is to succeed, a really determined effort must be made to strengthen the imperfect liaison between the State Department and Capitol Hill. (Copyright 1947, New York Herald Tribune) ( fitf4r Copt1 947 by Unitsd Feat-ure, Syndicate; Inc. -A11 rights reserved "It's a new system. We give each rebel a confession and one of those new Yankee fountain pens, then we hold him under until he signs." DAIY OFFICIAL BULLETIN MAN TO MAN: Labor Bill Veto By HAROLD L. ICKES THE EVIDENCE is clear that President Truman wanted to have a chance to veto the Taft-Hartley Labor Bill, but he also wanted the bill passed over his veto. The Democrats might have made the veto stick if they really had tried. In other words the Administration was playing politics instead of fighting for labor. The situation which confronted the Ad- ministration was this: If the President signed the bill or allowed it to become a law by doing nothing, then the President would have been blamed by the working man. Only a veto spectacularly interposed and then overturned by the Congress would give the Administration any credit with labor, while, at the same time giving it a weapon with which to beat labor. So the Administration went to great lengths to convince the working man how outrageous the President thought that the bill was and how desperately he was opposing it, The Press and commenta- tors were aware of hasty conferences, con- fidential tips and other activities in order to prove how hard the President and his Administration were working for Labor. The President himself denounced the bill in his veto message. He also went on the air to tell the people belatedly why his veto should be sustained. But these were the things that were said. What was done was different. There was no difficulty in passing the bill over the President's veto in the House of Representatives. In the Senate, however, the prospects were for a close vote. There, the Republican leaders, or at least some of them, began to suspect that Mr. Truman, despite the White House histrionics, was fervently hoping that the Republicans would strengthen him with labor by overturning the veto. Before the Senate voted, a sug- gestion was made by Senator Barkley of a possibility that some Republican Senators might vote to sustain. The agile-minded Democratic leader was visibly taken aback, a most unusual thing. After a perceptible pause, his reply was that every Senator ought tn vnte aceording to his convictions. Or- guests to vote to sustain. The usual party pressure was not brought to bear. In tie -Senate the veto was stricken down by a scant 6 votes. And yet 20 Democratic Senators voted against their own President. Senator Thomas, of Utah, was in Gen- eva, Switzerland, on official business. - There was plenty of time for him to fly back to. Washington to vote. Belatedly, after labor leaders had insisted that Sen- ator Thomas be called back, he was called by Gael Sullivan, of the Democratic Na- tional Committee. But instead of being asked to return, he was told that the veto would be over-thrown by a sure majority of 4, the inference being that it would only be a waste of time for him to interrupt his work in Geneva to return for the vote. Even more significantly, Senator Robert F. Wagner of New York was absent. To be sure, Senator Wagner is not a well man, but he has usually managed to be in attendance at the Senate at a critical time such as this. Senator Millard E. Tydings, of Maryland, hopes to be nominated for Vice-President. Even he voted to over-ride the veto. More than this, so eager was he that is should be over-ridden that he was in frequent con- ferences on strategy with Republican lead- ers. He almost seemed to consider himself a member of the Republican caucus. On the day of the vote, Leslie Biffle, close friend of President Truman, presumably to try to per- suade them to sustain the veto, had several Senators to lunch. Mr. Biffle suggested that it did not matter whether the veto was over- ridden or not. Senator Barkley, one of the guests, averred that he thought that this was the situation. In other words, it can- not be said that the enthusiasm of Presi- dent Truman and his trusted Democrats to sustain the veto knew no bounds. It is not to be wondered at that Labor is beginning to suspect that it has been tricked by political slickers. (Copyright 1947, New York Post Corporation) Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Summer Session, Room 1213 AngelI Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day pre- ceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1947 VOL. LVII, No. 4S Notices Graduate students may not elect courses after this week. Courses may be dropped with record after this week, but will be recorded with the grade of E if dropped aft- er the fourth week of classes. Graduate students seeking de- grees are reminded that the Grad- uate Examination Program will be offered on July 1 at 6:30 p.m. in the Rackham Building. Women students on campus this summer who have not yet applied for fall housing should call at the Office of the Dean of Women at once if their admission applies to the fall semester as well as to the summer session. Teacher Placement: The United States Military Academy, West Point, New York is accepting applications for posi- tions of Instructor-History, In- structor-Mathematics, Instructor- English, and Instructor-in-Charge, English. Further information and application blanks may be obtain- ed at the Bureau of Appointments. Graduate Students: Preliminary examinations in French and Ger- man for the doctorate will be held on Friday, July 11, from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Dictionaries may be used. F. W. Peterson Examiner in Foreign Languages Graduate Students in English planning to take the preliminary examinations for the doctorate this summer should notify Pro- fessor Marckwardt of their inten- tions before July 3. Married Veterans of World War HI Terrace Apartments Opportunity will be provided Monday, Tuesday, and Wednes- day, June 30, July 1, and July 2 for students in the above group to file application for residence in the Terrace Apartments., No apartments available for the summer session, but these appli- cations will be considered for fu- oure vacancies. Student applications for resi- dence-in these apartments will be considered according to the fol- lowing qualifications. 1. Only married Veterans of World War II may apply. 2. Michigan residents will be given first consideration. How- ever, out-of-state students may also register 4 this time. See Regents' ruling on definition of Michigan resident. "No one shall be deemed a resident of Michi- gan for the purpose of registra- tion in the University unless he or she has resided in this state six months next preceeding the date of proposed enrollment.") 3. Veterans who have incurred physical disability of a serious na- ture will be given first consider- ation. (A written statement from Dr. Forsythe of the University Health Service concerning such disability should be included in the application.) 4. Only students who have com- pleted two terms in this Univer- sity may apply. (Summer Session is considered as one-half term.) 5. Students who are admitted to these apartments may in no case occupy them for a period longer than two years. 6. Length of oversease service will be an important determining factor. 7. In considering an applicant's total length of service, A.S.T.P., V-12, and similar programs will be discounted. 8. If both man and wife are Veterans of World War II and the husband is a Michigan resident and both are enrolled in the Uni- versity their combined application will be given special consideration. 9. Each applicant must file with his application his Military Rec- ord and Report of Separation. Married Veterans of World War II who have filed applications for the Terrace Apartments prior to June 30, 1947 should not apply again, since their applications are being processed in terms of the above qualifications. Office of Student Affairs Room 2, University Hall International Center: Due to the Reception to New Foreign Stu- dents on Saturday in the Rack- ham Assembly Hall, the Interna- tional Center will close Saturday, June 28th, at 5 p.m. and will re- open Sunday at 2 p.m. Automobile Regulation, summer session: All students not qualified for exemption from the Automo- bile Regulation may receive driv- ing permission only upon appli- cation at Rm. 2 University Hall. Those exempted are: (1) Those who are 26 years of age or over; (2) Those who have a faculty ranking of Teaching Fellow or its equivalent; (3) Those who during the pre- ceding academic year were en- gaged in professional pursuits; eg, teachers, lawyers, physicians, den- tists, nurses, etc. All other students desiring to drive must make personal applica- tion for driving privileges. Com- pletion of the Automobile Regula- tion section of the registration card does not fulfill this obliga- tion. Summer Registration will be held Tuesday, July 1, at 4:05 in Room 205 Mason Hall. This reg- istration with the Bureau of Ap- pointments and Occupational In- formation has to do with all types of positions. It is very essential that anyone interested in a po- sition in the immediate future at- tend this meeting. Registration blanks will be available on Wed- nesday and Thursday, July 2 and 3, and Monday and Tuesday, July 7 and 8. T e a c h e r's Certificate Candi- dates: Call at the office of the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S on Thqrsday, Friday or Saturday June 26, 27 or 28, to take the Teacher's Oath. This is a re- quirement for the teacher's certi- ficate. La Sociedad Hispanica will hold meetings during the Summer Ses- sion as follows: Every Wednesday at 8 p.m,in the East Conference Room in the Rackham Building. Every Tuesday and Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. in the International Center. Every Thursday at 4 p.m. in the International Center. All stt'dents interested are in- vited to be with us. University Radio Programs: Sunday, June 29, 1947-9:15- WJR-Hymns of Freedom. Monday, June 30, 1947-2:30-- WKAR-The Medical Series. "Dif- ferences .Between the Common Cold and Influenza. Dr. Jonas E. Salk. 2:45-WKAR-Religion for Youth-Dr. Edward W. Blakeman,' Consultant in Religious Education. 5:45-WPAG-The News and You -Preston W. Slosson. Tuesday, July 1 1947-5:45-- The Poe Series. "The System of Dr. Tarr and Professor Father". l Lectures Professor Preston W. Slosson, Professor of History, will give a lecture entiled "The Big Five and the Little Fifty-five", Monday, June 30, 4:10 p.m., Rackham Am-' phitheatre. Open to the public. Professor Leonard A. Stidley of Oberlin School of Religion will lecture at 4:15 p.m. daily, June 27-July 7, upon "Current Religious Education" in Assembly Room of Rackham Building-open to the public Attitude Goals In Religious Ed- ucation willsbe discussed byDPro- fessor Ernest M. Ligon, Ph.D., at 8 p.m. daily, June 27-July 3, in Kellogg Auditorium. Open to all faculty and students. Academic Notices Seminars in Mathematics - Summer Session 1947-Differen- tial Geometry, 3001 AH, Tuesday 3 p.m., Prof. Rainich; Statistics, 3201 AH, Tuesday, 3 p.m., Prof. Craig; Misc. Algebra, 3201 AH, Wednesday, 3:15 p.m., Prof. Thrall; Applied Mathematics, 317 WE, Wednesday, 4 p.m., Prof. Hay; Non-Euclidean Geometry, 3010 AH, Wednesday, 7 p.m., Dr. Leisenring; Representation Theo- ry, 3201 AH, Thursday, 3:15 p.m., Prof Brauer. Mathematics 1 3 5: Beginning Tuesday, July 1, will meet in 204 South Wing (instead of 3011 An- gell Hall.) Mathematics 1 9 5: Beginning Tuesday, July 1, will meet in 204 South Wing (instead of 3011 An- gell Hall.) Mathematics 13, section 3: Be- ginning Tuesday, July 1, will meet in 3011 Angell Hall (instead of 204 South Wing). Seminar in Mathematics statis- tics. First meeting will be Tues- day at 3 p.m. in 3201 Angell Hall. Professor C. C. Craig will speak on "Sequential Analysis." Seminar in Differential Geome- try. The first meeting of the Dif- ferential Geometry Seminar will be held Tuesday, July 1 at 3 p.m. in 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Faulk- ner will speak on Twisting of Con- tours. History 180s, Roosevelt to Roos- evelt: Class will meet in Room 231 Angell Hall instead of 101 Eco- nomics Building. Concerts Student Recital: Virginia Den- yer, Organist, will be heard in a program of compositions by Bach, Reger, Karg-Elert, Sowerby, and Farnam, at 4:15 Sunday after- noon, June 29, in Hill Auditorium. Presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music, the recital will be open to the general public. Lecture-Recital: by Lee Patti- son, Pianist, Monday evening, June 30, 8:30, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. This is the first in a series of Monday programs spon- sored by the School of Music. Mr. Pattison's first lecture-recital is entitled "Youth and the Bright Medusa," and covers Brahms' Son- ata in F minor, Op. 5, and Schu- mann's Papillons, and Toccata. The public is cordially invited. Faculty Recital: Joseph Knitzer, Violinist, will present a recital in Hill Auditorium at 8:30 Tuesday, 1 July 1. Head of the Violin Depart- ment of the Cleveland Institute of Musical Art, Mr. Knitzer is a member of the summer session faculty in the School of Music. His program for Tuesday evening will include Sonata in D major by Vi- valdi, Chaconne for Violin Alone by Bach, Sonata for Violin and Piano by Herbert Elwell, Buncome County, N.C. by Ernst Bacon, Hoe- . down, from "Roedo" by Aaron Copland, and Ruralia Hungarica, e by Ernst, von Dohnanyi. He will be accompanied by Marian Owen, - Pianist. The general public is invited. TO THE EDITOR EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints EVERY letter to the editor (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we re- mind our readers that thesviews ex- pressed in letters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 200 words are shortened, printed or omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. DP Problem To the Editor: SHOULD LIKE to quote from a telegram which is currently be- ing circulated throughout the country and whose signers include Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt and F. H. LaGuardia: "This nation stands shamed be- fore the world because of failure to do our fair share in alleviating the misery of Europe's displaced persons by permitting some to find refuge here. America has not yet responded to President Truman's appeal to fulfill our responsibili- ties to these thousands of home- less and suffering refugees who include eighty per cent of Christ- ian and twenty per cent of Jewish faiths. We call for support of the non-partisan Stratton Bill now the subject of hearing beforeCon- gressional committee, which under stringent safeguards against abuse will permit immigration and ab- sorbtion of one hundred thousand displaced persons annually for four years making use of less than half of quotas unfilled during war years ... It is the purpose of this letter to urge all residents of Michigan to write their congressmen in sup- port of this crucial piece of legis- lation. It should not be necessary to describe again the desperate- plight of these most miserable of people who two years after V.E. day find themselves still in deten- tion camps because through fear of religious or political persecu- tion they dare not return to their homes. -No, don't worry about tax pay- ers having to support these peo- ple. The bill provides that an affidavit by a responsible individ- ual or agency be signed guaran- teeing their financial security be- fore they can be admitted. Most important of all, passage of this bill will be evidence to the rest of the world of our sincere desire to foster world wide secur- ity and prosperity or, putting it the other way, if we, the wealthi- est country in the world, fail to take this small step in the di- rection of international coopera- tion we may be throwing away the last chance for future peace in the world. Write your congressman and get your friends in other states and districts to write theirs. It is imperative that you do this to help your country help the world. -David Gale Xe tter4 1] Exhibitions Exhibit: Through June. Rotun- da of University Museums Build- ing. "Michigan Fungi". Events Today Students going on the work par- ty for the University of Michigan Sailing Club, meet at the side door of the Union Saturday at 10 a.m. or 1 p.m. and Sunday at 9 a.m. The University of Michigan chapter of the Inter-collegiate Zi- onist Federation of America will hold an oven house Saturday, June- 28, from 8:30 to 12:00 p.m., at the. dillel Foundation. There will be. dant ,ng and refreshments. Dance Friday and Saturday nights at the Michigan League Casbah, 9:00-12:00 with Al Chase and his Band. All students in- vited either couples or single, Those girls interested in being. hostesses for Friday of Saturday night call Catherin Tillotson 2-2539. Meeting in social direc- tor's office of the League at 8:30 Friday and Saturday before the dance. Coming Events The Graduate Outing Club will meet for a hike on Sunday June. 29th, 2:30 p.m. at the Northwest Entrance of the Rackham Build- ing. Please sign up before noon on Saturday at the check desk, in the Rackham Building. The opening Assembly of the Summer Session will be held Sun- day, June 29, 8:00 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. Dr. Louis A. Hop- kins, Director of the' Summer Ses- sion will preside. The address will be given by Dr. James P. Adams, Provost of the University. Stu- dents, faculty, and townspeople are invited to attend. The Modern Poetry Club, open to all interested in discussing mod- ern poetry, will meet in Room 3217 Angell Hall at 8 p.m. Mon- day evening. Ii A. ~1 BARNABY*.. 1I~ LW w- I I i 910M r,. = . . ---7 F- r 0 i Lin .z~'zir~ '4 C)r were-vau afraid he I-. 00,ot? I ( pl-', Wl#I'1 ) i;.l cen I rl#ar nn I 'I