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June 28, 1947 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1947-06-28

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Latest Deadline in the State


To Be Given
Adams To Speak
To Student Group
Provost James P. Adams will de
liver an address of welcome at a
special Summer Session Assembly
for students, faculty and interest
ed townspeople to be held at 8
pm. tomorrow in Rackham Lec
ture Hall.
Also, included in the progran
will be four vocal selections b
Howard Hatton, baritone. He wil
be accompanied by Robert Hen-
derson. Both Hatton, of Trini-
dad, Colo., and Henderson, of Jol-
r let, Ill. are students in the music
Hopkins To Preside
Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, directo
of the Summer Session, will pre-
side at the assembly.
The musical part of the pro-
gram will include "Si trai ceppi
and "How Willing My Paterna
Love" by Handel, Brahms' "Di
Mainacht" and "Evening Song" b
The opening convocation to-
morrow night will be the first of
a series of Sunday night program
for University students and facul-
i ty members.
Future Programs
The next program in the series
will be held two weeks from to-
morrow, Jul. 13, when Dean Ralp
A. Sawyer, of the graduate school
will deliver an illustrated lecture
on "The Bikini Tests and Atomic
Energy." Dean Sawyer served as
technical director of the Bikini
atom bomb test.
Other programs will be planned
by John Craig, program director
of Lane Hall. Lectures have been
planned for Jul. 20 and Aug. 3.
according to Craig.
Fierce Flood
Still Sweeps
F our States
ST. LOUIS, June 27-(A)-De-
structive floods on the Mississippi
River and its rampant tributaries
continued unabated today, caus-
ing new and widespread damage
in a four-state area.
The American Red Cross revised
upward to 33,657 its estimate of
the number of persons homeless
in Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri and
Record Levels
Parts of several central Miss-
ouri communities, including the
state capital of Jefferson City,
were partly flooded as the Miss-
ouri River surged to record lev-
els. The river spread to a width
of two miles- there.
Missouri's agriculture commis-
sioner said the floods had cost
Missouri at least $50,000,000 in
crop losses alone. The Missouri
Highway Department reported
more than 50 northern Missouri
highways closed, bridge damage
piling up and said that the total
damage would be "enormous -
probably the worst we've ever
Further Rise
The north central Missouri town
of Boonville reported its endanger-
ed water system pump house was
still operating despite a further
rise in the Missouri River, which
already had inundated part of the

South of St. Louis the Mississip-
pspilled over two levees between
St. Louis and Chester, Ill., flood-
ing an additional 20,000 to 40,000
acres of farmland. The people had
moved out.
Nearly 1,000 soldiers from Scott
Field and Fort Sheridan, Ill., join-
ed auxiliary coast guardsmen and
civilian volunteers in a fight to
save other threatened barriers.
Most of them were working on the
Degognia-Fountain bluff levees 30
miles south of Chester in an ef-
fort to prevent flooding of a
29,000-acre district.
Slosson Will
Anealyze U.N.
Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the
history department, will analyze
the organization of the United
Nations in a talk entitled "The
Big Five and the Little Fifty-five"
at 4:10 p.m. Monday in Rackham

MOLOTOV ARRIVES IN PARIS-V. M. Molotov (right), Soviet
foreign ,minister, leaves LeBourget Air Field at Paris, June 26,
with French Foreign Minister George Bidault (left foreground)
and Alexander E. Bogomolv (center, wearing glasses), the Russian
ambassador to France. Molotov arrived by plane to confer with
British and French foreign ministers on the American aid to Eur-
ope program.


Congressmen LearnAbout
Nuclear Fission "Easy Way'


WASHINCTON, June 27-A)-It took 125 kitchen mousetraps
and 251 rubber corks to make nuclear fission clear to the joint con-
gressional committee on atomic energy.
Chairman Bourke B. Hickenlooper, the junior Republican Sena-
tor from Iowa, let the story out today.
The joint committee is charged by law with keeping a running
check on activities of the commission. The members went down to
headquarters yesterday to. look things over. The commission politely
detailed one 'of its scientists to strip down a few atoms-theoretically,
*of course for the guests.
The professor drew an atom, full
D enny face and profile, on the black-
board, Hickenlooper divulged. He
Effect of FCC didn't seem to be getting any-
TCj O where.
So he led the lawmakers over to
Funds Slash a glass showcase. It was jam full
of ordinary spring mousetraps, set
and ready for business. Poised on
WASHINGTON, June 27-(,)-- each mousetrap were two rubber
Charles R. Denny, chairman of the bottle-stoppers.
Federal Communications Commis- "Imagine each mousetrap to be
sion, said today a House cut of the nucleus of an atom," the Pro-
$1,300,000 in proposed funds for fessor told the students. "Then
the agency will haiper the de- each of the corks is a neutron.
velopment of television next year. He tossed a cork at random
Denny appeared before the Sen- through an aperture in the show-
ate Appropriations Subcommittee case.
which is considering the indepen- The neutron's stand-in hit the
dent offices appropriation bill for triggel- of an atomic mousetrap.
fiscal year beginning July Quicker than a Senator could
1. The House has trimmed the say "uranium isotope" things be-
FCC's proposed budget to $6,000,- gan to happen.
000-$211,000 under the current Like bats out of Bikini, the
year. whole showcase was filled with-
He urged restoration of $875,- flying corks in an interval which
00 for additional salaries for em- Hickenlooper estimated in one
ployes to handle a backlog of 964 second.
broadcast applications now on The professor folded his arms.
hand. ' He also said additional "That's like nuclear fission," he
manpower will be needed to carry said.
out decisions of international rad- The lawmakers were glad to un-
io conferences now under way. derstand nuclear physics.
Women South of the Border
Are Entering the Professions

400,000 Soft
Coal Miners
'On Vacation'
Steel Industries
By The Associated Press
PITTSBURGH, June 27- The
nation's soft coal industry drifted
toward complete paralysis at mid-
night tonight when paid vacations
begin for 400,000 union miners,
most of them already idle in wild-
cat stoppages protesting the Taft-
Hartley law.
Steel and other coal-dependent
industries felt the impact of the
shutdown before the 10-day vaca-
tions pinched off the last bitumin-
ous production and cast an uneasy
hiatus over mining's labor trou-
Paid Vacations
These paid vacations were
granted under the government's
contract with the AFL-United
Mine Workers. The holiday comes
as the navy coal mine administra-
tion quits the coal business, an
exit which becomes official next
Monday, June 30.
The anthracite miners, estimat-
ed by Joseph Walsh, state deputy
secretary of mines, at about 78,000
also start a 10-day vacation at
midnight tonight. Some 6,000
miners walked out in the Lans-
ford area ye' terday and were join-
ed by 1,600 in the Hazelton district
Drastic Cutback
U.S. Steel Corp., biggest basic
producer, the Carnegie-Illinois
Steel Corp., announced the most
drastic cutback due to coal short-
ages induced uy the walkouts and
the vacation. This bellwether in
the steel industry set an imme-
diate curtailment to 45 percent of
peak operations in the Pittsburgh
district, now at 104 percent of the-
oretical capacity.
The firm earlier had cut back
equivalent to 41/2 blast furnaces
of the 25 it, operates in the dis-
trict. Other firms, including
Youngstown Sheet & Tube and
Sharon Steel, also reduced opera-
tions to conserve scant coal sup-
Steel operations in the Youngs-
town, O., district dropped from 93
to 64 percent today, after Repub-
lic Steel Corp. banked a blast fur-
nace and pared Bessemer op-
erations to an average of one turn
Money Stolen
From Three
Robberies totaling $253 were
reported by three fraternities,
Phi Sigma Delta, Kappa Sigma
and Phi Kappa Psi, Thursday
Approximately $180 in bills was
stolen from Phi Sigma Delta, 1811
Washtenaw, by a thief who pre-
sumably entered through un-
locked doors members reported.
No other valuables were touched,
according to Ann Arbor detectives.
One man lost $50, another $40,
and 11 other members made up
the balance. it was reported.
At the Kappa Sigma house, 806
Hill St., the robbery amounted to
about $57, aso all in bills from
wallets lyir on dressers, police
One man at Phi Kappa Psi. 1550
Washtenaw. Bud Green was the

sole victim.
He lost $16. He reported that the
doors of the house hadn't been
locked in 15 years, as far as he
knew. Again the method of rob-
bery was the same.
Ann Arbor chief of detectives
Albert Heusel, investigating the
case, reminded all organizations in
the area to take precautionary
"With dormitory sleeping quar-
ters on the second floor, and un-
locked doors, fraternity houses are
especially vulnerable," he said.
"Valuables should be taken into
the dormitories, and doors locked."
Gas Cuts To Hit
State Motorists
DETROIT, June 27-(R)-Two
more major gasoline companies
today laced restriction on the
amount of gasoline that will be
available to Michigan motorists
this summer.0

7 Cent Hourly
Wage Increase
Also Approved
Agreements Affect
110,000 Workers
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, June 27-The Ford
Motor Co., which pioneered the
checkoff system df dues collection
in the automobile industry, today
became the first car manufactur-
er to agree to an old-age retire-
ment plan for its production work-
Nearing the end of almost two
months of contract negotiations,
the Ford management and the
CIO United Automobile Workers'
Union announced agreement had
been reached for the setting up of
a pension program and a straight
seven cents an hour wage increase
for some 110,000 production work-
The union in its drive to ob-
tain the unique retirement plan.
passed up a company offer of
six paid holidays. Clauses for
such holidays were included
in some major auto company
contracts for the first time this
Richard T. Leonard, UAW-CIO
Ford director, asserted the pen-
sion plan will cost the Ford com-
pany $200,000,000 the first year,
and $15,000,000 for each year
thereafter. The first year esti-
mate covers the cost of the com-
pany's assumed liability for past
service of UAW workers on the
Yet to be worked out are spe-
cific details of the program,
what if any contributions the
workers will make to it once it
has been established, and the
effective date of its operation.
One UAW-CIO officer said the
scale of retirement payments
probably would range between 50
and 60 percent of the workers'
average annual earnings dur-
ing his employment.
The wage increase will be retro-
active to May 31, 1947, the date
on which the old contract expired.
Greet Foreign
Students Today
The Board of Governors and
staff of the International Center
will welcome approximately 330
foreign students at a reception at
7:30 p.m. today in the Tackham
Assembly Hall.
The reception line will include
Dean and Mrs. Erich A. Walter,
Dean Alice Lloyd, Dean and Mrs.
Ralph A. Sawyer, Prof. and Mrs.
George E. Carrothers, Prof. Mar-
tha G. Colby, and Dr. Walter F.
Colby, Prof. and Mrs. Waiter J.
Emmons and Miss Ethel McCor-
An informal dance will follow
the reception. Women from Mosh-
er-Jordan and Helen Newberry
have been invited to meet the
foreign guests.,
Refreshments will be served
during the reception by women
students of the various countries
represented on campus.

Ten Lose Jobs
In Washington,
On Red Charge
Two Others Jailed
For HidingAlliance
WASHINGTON, June 27-(])-
A crackdown on Communism and
persons ,deemed "bad risks" from
the national security standpoint
today cost 10 State Department
employees their jobs and brought
jail sentences to two men.
These were the developments:
1. The State Department an-
nounced that in a search for dis-
loyal employes it had summarily
fired 10 persons judged "bad se-
curity risks." Their names were
not disclosed but some of them
were responsible jobs paying as
high as $8,000 a year.
2. German-born Gerhart Eis-
ler, 51, alleged "supreme author-
ity" of American Communists,
drew the maximum sentence of
one year in prison and $1,000 on
his conviction for contempt of
Congress. Released on $20,000
bail, Eisler also faces trial July
7 for alleged passport fraud.
3. Italian-born Carl Aldo Mar-
zani, 35, former State Department
sub-official, was sentenced to one
to htree years in prison on a
charge of hiding Communist Party
affiliations in getting a govern-
ment job. The maximum penalty
in his case would have been 110
years in prison and $110,000 fines.
4. Eugene Dennis, 43, Secretary
of the U.S. Communist Party, in-
dicated through his attorney that
he will carry to the Supreme Court
a challenge of the constitutional-
ity of the House Committee on
Un-American Activities.
Dennis was convicted by a fed-
eral jury last night on charges, of
contempt of Congress, growing out
of his refusal to answer a sub-
poena from the House committee.
Eisler was convicted June 10 for
refusing to take the oath as a
committee witness.
* * *
Jury Finds Fast
Guilty of Contempt
WASHINGTON, June 27-(A4)-
Novelist Howard Fast and 15 other
executive board members of the
Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Com-
mittee were convicted today of
contempt of Congress.
If the conviction sticks they;
each face as much as a year in
jail and a $1,000 fine.;
During the trial there were ac-
cusations that the Anti-Fascist
Committee was "honeycombed"i
with Communists.

C10 Leaders Reject
ldea of Protest Strike
WASHINGTON, June 27-VP)-The CIO leadership today rejected
any idea of a general protest strike against the Taft-Hartley labor
bill and instead invited leaders of the AFL and the railroad unions ta.
join with it in fighting the law in the courts and at the polls.
CIO President Philip Murray announced the two actidns at a news
conference. President William Green of the AFL yesterday announced
AFL opposition to a general strike.
Murray told a news conference that the 51-member CIO executive
board, in a day-long meeting, had decided to impress on CIO unions
<- that they should live up to their

Foreign Ministers Hold Secret
'Last Chance' Paris Conference;

Ford, UAW

Agree on Pensions

Will Follow Contracts
The idea is to seek meetings
with management representatives
serving notice on employers that
the unions expect them likewise
to live up .to their current con-
A formal statement said the
CIO will fight the provision in the
Taft-Hartley bill against political
contributions - a section which
unions say may hamper their
freedom of political expression in
union halls and in official publi-
Will Not Comply
"We will not comply with the
unconstitutional limitations on
political activity which are writ-
ten into the Taft-Hartley bill,"
the statement said.
"We propose, as good Ameri-
cans, to fight the poltical re-
straints in this legislation. The
constitution remains the law of
our land we propose to enjoy its
Congress Told,
Navy Planning
To Import Oil
WASHINGTON, June 27-(1')_
Congressmen aroused by ship-
ments of American oil to Russia
were told today that the Navy is
so short of oil it plans to buy 3,-
000,000 barrels from the Middle
Chairman Weichel (Rep., Ohio)
of the House Merchant Marine
Committee promptly introduced a
bill to clamp down on the exports.
It differs from a control bill al-
ready pending in Congress in that
its curbs would be mandatory,
and not left to the President's dis-
Control Expires
The President now has author-
ity to control the export and im-
port of some scare commodities,
including oil, but it expires June
30. The Senate passed today andj
sent to the House a stopgap reso-
lution to continuew this authority
until July 15 pending further con-
gressional consideration.
Chairman Brewster (Rep., Me.)
of the Senate, War Investigating
Committee meanwhile criticized
the price of $1.05 a barrel the
Navy will pay forthe foreign oil.
Critical Shortage,
John U. Sullivan, Undersecre-
tary of the Navy, wrote the Sen-
ate War Investigating Committee
that the Navy will have to buy
500,000 ;.arrels of fuel oil a moi.th
for six months in the Persian Gulf
area and transport it to the east
coast of the United States because
of a "critical" shortage.

Comment On
Talks Withheld
By Statesmen
Parleys To Continue
For Unified Europe
By The Associated Press
PARIS, June 27-The foreign
ministers of France, Britain and
Russia met for nearly four hours
today in what the French Press
called a "last chance" conference
for the reconstruction of a uni-
fied Europe.
Strict secrecy ruled the proceed-
The ministers made no an-
nouncement concerning the tenor
of their talks, but planned to meet
again tomorrow at 4 p.m.
Emerging shortly after 8 p.m.
British Foreign Secretary Er-
nest Bevin told reporters only
that "Paris is hotter than Lon-
don." It was 92 in Paris.
Although some quarters said the
British may have adopted the si-
lent treatment as a gesture to the
Russians, others recalled that Bev-
in has strongly criticised too de-
tailed press coverage at other in-
ternational conferences, contend-
ing that more could be accomp-
lished in negotiations if the min-
isters could "think out loud" with-
out being quoted in' the newspap-
Informed quarters said the
success or failure of the three-
power meeting in the French
Foreign Ministry would be de-
termined within a few days. The
spotlight fell strong upon So-
viet Foreign Minister V. M. Mol
otov for some answer to the
What is the Soviet attitude to-
ward the offer of American aid
made June 5 by U.S. Secretary of
State George C. Marshall?
The alternatives were either the
sincere cooperaton of Russia in
making a coordinated recovery
program for Europe work, or a
wider split than ever between a
Western and an Eastern Europe.
Some indication of the answer
was expected within 48 hours as
British Foreign Secretary Ernest
Bevin and French Foreign Min-
ister Georges Bidault sat down
with Molotov in the Hall of Par-
rots on the second floor of the
Foreign Ministry.
Sigler Signs
Callahan Bill
Measure Cited As
'Good' by Governor
LANSING, June 27-MP-The
Callahan Bill, requiring the regis-
tration of organizations influenced
or dominated by foreign powers,
was signed into law by Governor
Sigler today.
Legislative sponsors of the mea-
sure have admitted it is aimed at
groups allegedly dominated by the
Communist Party.
"I feel this is a good bill," said
the Governor. "It afford the tools
by which those who attempt to
undermine our government and
our institutions may be brought
out in the open.
Sigler replied to charges by re-
ligious, racial, labor and minority
groups that in the hands of a pre-
judiced attorney general the bill
could be used to discriminate
against them.
"I don't believe it will be used to
persecute people because that
could be applied to any bill," the
Governor stated.
The bill gives the state attor-

ney general authority to take con-
trol of any group proven to be
dominated by foreign influences
and to hold its funds until the
membership elects officers loyal
to the United States.
Old Texts Abroad

Daily Special Writer
Women south of the border a'e
entering into professions in in-
creasing numbers, according to
Elizabeth Castro Gavitt, petite
Mexican doctor now working at
University Hospital.
"There are probably proportion-
ately more girls getting their med-
ical degrees in Mexico than there
are in the United States, she de-
clared. Of her graduating class
at the University of Mexico, 30 of
the young physicians were wo-
Opportunities Limited
The people of Mexico readily
accept the services of the women
doctors. But, as in the United
States, these young women scient-
ists find it dilicult to establish
themselves as surgeons, and most
of them w.9'k in the field of -
stetrics and child care.

established a profesional prac-
Rural Medical System
In Mexico, a student can ge'. an
M.D. degree in six years following
high school. Students interne its
the fifth and sixth years, carrying'
classes at the same time, Dr. Ga-
vitt added.-
According to Dr. Gavitt, Mexi-
co has a unique way of supplying
doctors for outlying districts. Each
young doctor must spend six
months of the last year as an un-
dergraduate in a rural area before
he may obtain his diploma. Only
women students may spend' this
period working in a hospital or
established clinic, Dr. Gavitt said.
Trade Pigs for Medicine
"They take all the equipment
they need-they take a drugstore,
too, and set up a practice in places
where there is no doctor. They get
90 pesos ($20) a month from the
a min nm n . ad wna 'af'fr i-he

Few Changes Made In Local Goverment

Ann Arbor is almost unique
among the cities of Michigan in
the number of changes that it
hasn't made in its government, a
recent survey made by Prof. Jo-
seph E. Kallenbach of the politi-
cal science department, discloses.
Of 43 Michigan cities of 10,000
and over population, all but Ann
Arbor have non-partisan election';
all but thirteen and Ann Arbor
have the city manager or com-
mission form; and of these four-
teepn Ann Arbhaslr the second

ent city charter are "antiquated",
but that no major charter revision
is necessary. The city manager
from is "ideal", he said, but for
a city the size of Ann Arbor a
good city manager is hard to get.
Cannot Hold City Manager
If a manager is good the city
would soon lose him to other cit-
ies which would be able to pay
more, Mayor Brown added. He
also pointed out that Ann Arbor
has been able to get good men

whole, it is impossible to clarify
responsibility for handling city
Nobody Is Responsible
"Many problems that ought to
be handled are not handled at all,"
he said, "and it is impossible un-
der the present form of govern-
ment to hold anybody responsible
for major decisions or the solu-
tion of major problems."
One of the consequences of the
present form of city government,

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