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August 15, 1947 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1947-08-15

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F lMDAY, AUGUST 15, 1947


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Betty Eaton Appointed Head
Of Eighteen Sports Groups;
f Facilities Open to AlI Coeds
Interhouse Group Singing Competition
Offered At Annual Lantern Night in May;
Participation Cup Awarded on Points

Juniors To Climax Activities
With Play Honoring Seniors

"Fun and fitness" is the aim of
the Women's Athletic Association
which directs 18 sports clubs aand
sponsors rec rallies, Lantern Night
td i n t e r h o u s e tournaments
throughout the year.
Headed by Betty Eaton, Pi Beta
Phi, the WAA is open to all wom-
en on campus and offers students
the opportunity to spend their
League Offers
Coed Activities,
Social events
THE Michigan League, a famil-
iar landmark to all undergrad-
uate women, is the mecca of Uni-
versity women's activities and
scene of many social events.
Food services, which include
the League Grill on the main
floor, and the dining room on the
second floor, were established for
the use of students, faculty, and
the general public. Hotel accom-
mbdations are especially for the
use of alumnae, all of whom are
life members of the League. Res-
ervations may be made for friends
of students as well as for visiting
artists in the concert lecture ser-
Rooms for project and com-
Imittee meetings are provided
by the League at no cost to
students. Lounge rooms, separ-
ate study rooms, music rooms,
and the third floor League li-
brary are open to coeds at all
times. Traditionally a women's
building, men must be accom-
panied by women on the second
and third floors.
The League Ballroom, on the
k second floor, is available for social
events. This year it will again
house the Campus Casbah each,
Friday and Saturday night, with
an orchestra for dancing. During
the war, the ballroom was used as
4 a supplementary cafeteria.
N ADDITION to providing fa-
A cilities for general use of Uni-
versity women, the building also
houses the League and Judiciary
Councils in the Undergraduate
Offices on the main floor. Assem-
bly and Panhellenic Associations
are headquartered on the third
floor. The Alumnae Council and
Social Director's offices are also
on the main floor.
The building was erected in
1929, following an extensive
fund raising campaign conduct-
ed by University women and al-
umnae so that they might have
a center for alumnae and stud-
ent organizations. The cam-
palgn began early in 1921 when
undergraduates and the Alum-
nae Council decided to under-
take the responsibility for spon-
soring a building.
The Board of Regents voted to
grant the land later that year,
and the sum of one million dollars
was set as the goal of the cam-
A COMMITTEE of undergrad-
uate women was established
in 1922 to .raise funds on campus.
Projects were established and the
proceeds were given to the build-
ing fund. During the year 1922-23
$7,950 was raised. All plays, cab-
arets, church and League baz-
aars, and special projects made
donations to the fund.
Every University coed is auto-
matically a member of the League,
and is urged to use all facilities.

leisure hours playing archery, ten-
nis. badminton. basktball. golf
hockey, softball, table tennis,
dancing, riding, fencing, and ice
New Board Appointed
Members of the WAA Executiv
Board assisting Miss Eaton are:
Rae Keller, vice-president; Jo Os
good, secretary; Peggy Dodson
treasurer; Pat Newberg, AFCW:
Judy Diggs, participation; Gwen
Sperlich, interhouse manager;
Ruth Ann Hansen, dormitory
manager; Betsey Bousfield, leagu
house manager; Jackie Reid, sor-
ority manager; Lillian Windguist,
general publicity; and Margaret
Frosgic, Daily publicity.
A program will be held Wednes-
day, Sept. 17 at which new women
will be given an opportunity to
talk with sports club managers,
receiving additional information
and signing up for the group they
wish to join.
Rec Rallies to Continue
Continuing the year's program,
the WAA will sponsor two Sports
Nights, each open to the entire
campus. Stags or couples may play
volleyball, badminton, pingpong,
quoits, bridge, and shuffle board
or participate in either old fash-
ioned square dancing or modern
ballroom dancing. In the winter
these rec rallies are held in Bar-
bour-Waterman Gymnasium.
Interhouse tournaments are also
carried on during the year, Each
house enters teams in the volley-
ball, basketball and softball tour-
naments. Volleyball and basketball
games will begin during the fall
semester, and baseball during the
Houses Compete
The house which has the high-
est participation in athletics will
be awarded a Participation Cup at
Lantern Night, held in May.
Scores are based on the percentage
of individual and team sports par-
ticipation for each house, and on
the success which teams and indi-
viduals have had in interhouse
competition. Gamma Phi Beta
holds the Participation Cup for
the past year's activities.
Lantern Night is an annual sing'
contest, preceded by a line of1
march with seniors dressed in caps
WAA Style Show
Freshmen and transfer wo-
men will be entertained at a
special program and style show,
Wednesday, Sept. 17 at Rack-E
ham sponsored by the WAA. In
addition to a preview of whatE
i new in sports togs, a resume
will be given of extra-curricul-
ar activities in the sports line.
and gowns and flanked on each
side by undergraduate women.
Twenty-three groups performed in
the songhcontest this past year.
Alpha Chi Omega received the
Lantern Night Cup for their ren-
dition of "Firelight Serenade."
Heads of the WAA sports clubs
are Gwen Keister, archery; Naida
Chernow ,badminton; Marilyn
S h e 1 d o n, basketball; Marjorie
Dangel, bowling; Barbara Forster,1
ballet; Shirley Ash, modern dance,'
Mary Cobane, golf; Harriet Fen-
ske, hockey; Irene Straub, ice1
skating; Nancy Vetter, outing; Pat
Peter, Crop and Saddle; Lidia An
Creed, rifle; Rose Marie Shoeta,
swimming; Jo Ann Miles, softball;f
Betty Lou Hubbard, table tennis;
and Mary Ann Harris, tennis. 1
A special column devoted to
WAA notices appears on the
women's page of The Daily every
Sunday. All sports club news and
tournament schedules may beI
found there. .

Junior women will climax their
year of activities, when they pre-
sent the annual Junior Girls Play,
honoring graduating senior sisters,
to complete the traditional Sen-
ior Night program.
An annual event since 1904, this
year's JGPlay will be the fourth
of the completely original presen-
tations, written, directed and
produced solely by junior women.
The play is presented in Lyd-
ia Mendelssohn Theatre three
times, and according to tradi-
tion, the first presentation of
the play 'for seniors only,' and
the remaining performances to
a regular audience. In former
days, the play traveled to De-
troit to play for parents of the
coeds. During the war, the jun-
iors performed for visiting army
A banquet in the League Ball-
room precedes the event and wo-
men attend in caps and gowns. Be-
fore curtain time, exerpts from
the last JGPIay are presented by
the original cast.
Novel feature of Senior Night
activities is the parade in which
married women light candles, en-
gaged coeds suck lemons, pinned
women wear straight pins, and
unattached coeds throw as many
pennies as they are old into the
wishing well.
The theme of the play is kept
secret until its initial presenta-
tion for the seniors. The play
is financed by class dues. A
mass meeting will be held dur-
ing the fall semester for all wo-
men who wish to assist in com-
mittee work or appear in the
Heading the 1948 Junior Play
is Pat Hannegan, Delta Gamma,
who will be assisted by Nancy
Hess, Kappa Kappa Gamma. Cen-
tral committee members include
Pat MeKenna, director; Betty
Estes, assistant director; Marcia
Lipsett, secretary; Jackie Reid,
treasurer; Harriet Fenske, publi-
city; and Joan Silverman, tickets.
The committee members list
continues with Pat Baumgarten,
music; Virginia Coffin, composer;
Mary Alice Cheney, lyrics; Bar-
bara Kelso, choral; Ann Tuck,
stage manager; Beverly Ketcik,
assistant; Eugenia Mc Callum,
dance; Virginia Garritson, scen-
ery; Jean Blinn, properties; Ca-
mille Porch, assistant; Alline
Brown, make-up; Joyce Miller,
ushering; Martha Delane, script;
and Barbara Sickels, programs.
For several years the plays
were written by graduate stud-

ents, alumni, and even profes-
sional writers. "Take It from
There," "There's Room for All,"
and "The Best Years," staged in
1945 through 1947 respectively
were produced solely by junior
women, as will be this year's
The first production was a sim-
ple play presented by six junior
coeds in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall
in Barbour Gymnasium. The fol-
lowing year, "Every Senior," was
staged "For the warning and mor-
al awakening of the senior girls."
See JG PLAY, Page 6
Coeds may apply for a number
of scholarships and prizes award-
ed annually to qualified women
students in the University.
On the basis of good citizen-
ship, scholarship, and need, the
various dormitories award schol-
arships. Although they are ord-
inarily intended to meet the needs
of students who have already
made a record at the University,
they are occasionally awarded to
a new student whose credentials
are exceptional.
Entering freshmen who are
residents of Michigan are eligible
to apply for the Michigan Alum-
ni Undergraduate Scholarships,
valued at the total of the semnes-
ter fees. These are renewed as
long as the completion of study in
the University is satisfactory. Ap-
plication should be made to, the
secretary . of the University of
Michigan Alumni Club in the ap-
plicant's home city or district.
A goal to strive for is the win-
ning of one of the three Ethel A.
McCormick Scholarships which
are awarded each year. These are
given to second semester junior
women who have a scholastic av-
erage of at least 2.7 and have par-
ticipated in extra-curicular ac-
The awards of $100 each are
payable at the beginning of the
next full semester during which
the recipients are on campus, and
are given for one year unless the
winner fails to meet the require-
ments at the end of the first sem-
Letters of recommendation must
accompany each application and
the women applying must appear
for an interview.

PUTTSY PUTTSY-Palmer Field is the scene of physical educa tion classes and sports clubs. Here a
of golfing on the putting green next to the Women's Athletic Build ing. In the background, a view of


Soph Cabaret
Will Be Held
Two Nig hts
Centering around a Greenwich
Village scene, sophomore women
will present their traditional Soph
Cabaret two nights for the first
time in its history.
An annual production, thlis
year's Soph Cabaret will be pre-
sented Friday and Saturday, Dec.
5 and 6 onethe second floor of the
League. Headed by Joyce Atchin
son, the event will be financed by
class dues with all procceds going
to charity
A mass meeting for all soph-
omore women interested in
working on Cabaret committees
will be Oct. 7 in the League
Ballroom. Tryouts will begin
soon thereafter.
Annually, sophomore coeds take
over the entire second floor of the
League for an all-out evening of
entertainment. It is not a strictly
date affair, but students may at-
tend singly or in couples. One ad-
mission price covers the many
events included on the program.
Two floorshows will be pre-
sented in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre each night. Singing,
dancing are included in the
show, staged entirely by sopho-
mores. Continuous dancing will
be featured in the ballrodin.
The orchestra to furnish the
music will be announced later.
The Hussey Room will be open
as a mixerroom for dancing and
community singing. Kalamazoo
Room will provide cards and game
boards for table games. A cafe
room, serving soft drinks will be
stationed in the Grand Rapids
Hostesses will be on hand to in-
troduce guests, and lend an in-
formal atmosphere to the event.
Last year's production, held only
one night, was entitled, "Soph
Assisting Miss Atchinson are:
Jo Henderson, assistant chairman;
Barbar Siebert, secretary; and
Mary Wilson, assistant.7

Demand for Graduates in Physical
Education Unlimited, States Dr. Bell

"There is an unlimited demand
for graduates of the University's
professional school of physical ed-
ucation," according to Dr. Mar-
garet Bell, chairman of the Pro-
gram of Physical Education for
Women and professor of Hygiene
and Physical Education.
"Thesesteachers are well-paid
and opportunities for good place-
ment are excellent throughout the
country," Dr. Bell added. The pro-
fessional program is specialized
and. begins in the freshman year.
A bachelor's, a master's and a doc-
tor's degrees may be had in this
program and women interested
should write Dr. Lawrie Campbell,
or call in person at the School
of Education during orientation
Freshman Required Program
There are three aspects of the
physical education department at
Michigan. The required program
for freshman women is arranged
according to their needs after
complete physical examinations
and conferences with individuals.
Physical fitness tests and correc-
tive work is included in this pro-
The elective program is de-
signed to orient students in physi-
cal education and the outdoors; to
teach them what to do and how
to do it; and to put the time, place
and equipment at their disposal.
This program helps promote all
the formal or informal activities
in which anyone is interested.
Elective activity shades from the
organized sports clubs sponsored
by the Women's Athletic Associa-
tion to self-initiated activities.
Team Sports Offered
The intramural aspect of the
department is made up of formal-
ized team activity. Sometimes
there are as many as 84 teams
participating in one tournament,
such as softball or basketball.
The University offers facilities
for nearly all outdoor sports, and
special equipment such as skis is
available if there is a demand for
it. The department hopes to be
housed in a new building south of

the Women's Athletic Building at
some future date. Hopes also in-
clude the long-dreamed-of swim-
ming pool for the new building.
A complete staff is employed by
the physical education depart-
ment. Among the several new
members to be added this year are
Dr. Mary Lou Smelser, from Co-
lumbia University, and Miss Juana
de Laban, well-known Hungarian
dancer. In addition to supervising
the dance department, Miss Laban
will assist dramatic and musical
projects on campus.
The WAA sports clubs are man-
aged by women who have peti-
tioned for the positions. There
are eighteen groups open to all
undergraduate women.

group is learning the techniques
Stockwell Hall is pictured.
Cloud Strollers
Newest Mode
Newest of the new in eye-de-
ceiving apparel are the cloud
strollers introduced by a leading
designer this year.
Simply a refinement of the cu-
lotte of several years ago, the
strollers look like an honest to
goodness skirt with unpressed
pleats, yet give the freedom and
movability of short slacks.
How is this phenomenon ac-
complished? By an ingenious sys-
tem of pleating. Front view, cloud
strollers appear to be a skirt with
four inpressed pleats, the center
one, a, pleat extending across mi-
lady's front..

knows that a new smart Fall look depends on more
than a smooth costume or a fetching hat. IT'S THE
COUNT . . . a fragrant perfume, a good clear pow-
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finishing touches to that special Autumn charm. We
offer you the services of our expert trained cosmetic.-
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and everything in the line of cosmetics.

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