THE MICHIGAN DAILY- FRIDAY, AUG UIST 15, 1947 THE MICHIGAN IIXHLY~I'R~IDAY. AUGUST 15. 1947 a Supported by 'U Assembly,.Panhellenic Will Cooperate In Benefit Project for Underprivileged Winter Sports, Traditional Dances, Parties Provide Recreation During Cold Months Housing. (Co*n*iued from Page 1) Raising funds for the University Fresh Air Camp, a camp supported by the University for the benefit of under privileged boys from the Detroit and southeastern Mich- igan area, will be a major campus project under the direction of As- sembly and Panhellenic Associa- tions. The first benefit affair, to be staged for the camp will be annual campus dance at the Intramural Building. Plans include featuring a name band for the affair. Aacommodates 230 Youngsters Situated 24 miles northwest of Ann Arbor on Patterson Lake, the camp is a haven for approximately 230 boys between the ages of eight Booklet Gives CIubs' News A copy of the "League Low- down", a booklet containing all the pertinent information about League activities, will be mailed to every new coed before she ar- rives in Ann Arbor. The League Publicity Commit- tee publishes the booklet every school year for the purpose of ac- quainting women with the wide range of opportunities available to them in the League. The pam- phlet provides concise information about the League organization, its officers and current projects. The booklet also contains the "low- down" on all the traditions con- nected with the League and its many activities. One section of the "League Lowdown" is devoted to Panhel- lenic and another to Assembly As- sociation. Another feature is ref- erence material such as the con- stitutions of the League, Panhel- lenic and Assembly Associations. Knowledge of these constitutions is essential for any coed who in- tends to petition for positions in any of these organizations. One brand-new feature is sket- ches of the first two floors of the League. The floor plans are in- tended to be a guide for all new women who may need to locate various meeting places in the Lea- gue rooms during orientation week and throughout the semes- ter. Explanatory material ac- companies the sketches. and fourteen, during its two four week periods. Recently placed under the direc- tion of the University Institute for Human Adjustment, the camp serves a three-fold purpose; to remedy the abnormalities of small boys, who have difficulty in ad- justing to home environment, by offering a vacationland among .other youngsters; to supply refer- ral agencies with infermation and further guidance in the child's be- havior; and to provide students of sociology and education with opportunity of theoretical class- room work. Originated 24 years ago as a project -of the Student Christian Association (an affiliate of the Y.M.C.A.) the operation of the camp was taken over by a self- appointed, self-perpetuating com_ mittee under the ownership of the Virginia R. Ives Foundation. Under the direction of this com- mittee, the camp functioned solely as a vacation spot for underpriv- ileged children, and was counseled by students and other qualified volunteers. In 1935, by act of the Board of Regents, the camp was placed under the supervision of the Uni- versity, thereby broadening its im- mediate objectives to include rem- edial and information services. Under Institute Supervision Recognizing the need for stu- dents to have actual observance of human behavior as supplement to laboratory and textbook work, the University, in January of this year, made the camp a subsidiary of the Institute for Human Ad- justment. Fifty students are employed each summer as counselors, and earn six hours of sociology credit. With the duo-purpose of guiding the children and gaining experi- ence in their fields, the student- counselors attend classes for half the session serving as co-coun- selors, and work as full fledged counselors for the remainder of the period. Clinics are conducted on a mul- tiple basis with sociologists, psy- chologists, and psychiatrists all contributing to discussion from their aspect of a specific prob- lem. Student Counselors Assist In addition to receiving instruc- tion in the various fields con- cerned with human adjustment, (Continued on Page 5) BETTY HAINEMAN .. . Judiciary Council Chairman CYNTHIA COTES . . . President of League Council N ew Women Need Knowledge Of Judiciary Residence Rules By BETTY HAHNEMAN One necessity for each new woman on campus, as well as for all other coeds, is a thorough knowledge of residence rules for women. These rules are available to each student in the form of a pamphlet published by the Wom- en's Judiciary Council, and every coed is responsible for knowing and adhering to the campus reg- ulations., li addition to stating the clos- ing hours which must he main- tained by every organized coed residence, the pamphlet contains information concerning signout rules, special permissions, late- ness, and penalties for violations of the various rules. Late permissions for week nights are obtained from the Office of the Dean of Women, and must be received before 4:30 p.m. of the day for which the permission is desired. House directors are au- thorized to grant late permissions on week-end nights, but they may grant week-night late permission only in case of emergencies aris- ing after the closing of the Dean's Office. Any lateness nflist be made up at the rate of five-make-up min- utes per minute of lateness, on the Friday or Saturday night 'following the lateness. For ex- ample, a coed who is two min- utes late is required to sign in at, or before, 12:20 p.m. on the Friday or Saturday following the lateness. A lateness of less than 15 min- utes beyond any late permission whether an individual permission or a late permission granted for all those attending a certain 'cam- pus event, must be made up at the rate of 15 make-up minutes per minute lateness. When a coed is late, when she makes up time, or when she is on social probation, she must circle the time of signing in on the sigi- out sheet. All house rules apply not only to undergraduate women, but also to graduate coeds living in under- graduate houses. Copies of the house rule booklet may be ob- tained in the Undergraduate Of- fice of the League. Judiciary... (Continued from Page 1) Council is a member of the League Council and the Execu- tive Council of the League. She also serves on the Board of Goy- ernors* of the League, the Elec- toral Board, and the Student Affairs Committee. In addition to heading the wore of the Judiciary Council, she is a member of the University Discip- linary Committee and of the Ad- ministrative Board of the Lit- erary College. The Judiciary Council meets in the Council Room, which is one of the Undergraduate Offices lo- cated in the League Building. Coeds having questions concerning residence regulations may call members of the Council, either at the League or at their respective residences, for information about any of the campus rules. As the campus gathers its beer kegs and insect lotion and moves indoors, a new recreation problem follows them into the confines of the dormitories and houses. Unless the cosmopolitan stu- dent will take nothing less than the opera or the Latin Quarter, he can usually find entertainment of some sort about the University campus. And unless he was brought up in Sun Valley or Lake Placid, the winter sports should suit him. Indoor Sports Predominate Except for occasional skiing in the Arboretum, the majority of local entertainment will be indoors for the winter months. The Uni- versity operates its own ice skat- ing rink, the Coliseum, with spe- cial student rates which bring skating to the level of a poor man's sport. University hockey and basket- ball teams keep the sports fans occupied during the colder part of the year, not to mention the tra- ditional football season. The prime fault of the schedules is that they run into each other almost every Saturday night. Sports fans go broke, so the old tale goes; wear- ing out coins by flipping to see to which game to go. Limited Swimming Facilities University men have a monopoly on the winter aquatic facilities, but for women the day will come . . . for the, last 20 years a wom- en's pool has been in the offing. As it is, non-swimmers may take an extended bath in the basement of Barbour Gymnasium, where a railing has been set. up around a chip in the cement, which was sub- sequently filled with water. As a matter of fact, coeds find them- selves with phenomenal ability .. . with one magic stroke in any di- rection they can zoom across the crevasse to the other side. Dancing will return to the fore when Frank Tinker and his or- chestra renew dancing at the Union Friday and Saturday nights. The League will again sponsor weekend dances when the Campus Casbah opens Sept. 26 in the ball- room. Formal Functions Held Traditional formal dances will test anyone's dress attire, Two Union formals will present them- selves during the year, along with the annual Open House. Slide Rule, the Engineers' ball, sorority and fraternity pledge formals, and Senior Ball aPe a few of the tra- ditions held yearly. Beside these, women's houses hold private dances, and fraternities will sub- stitute record dances for beer pic- nics. The highlight of the season will probably be J-Holb the-last of two orchestra dances, and almost the last of the dances to be held in the Intramural Building. The HopI is the only all-campus affair car- ried out by an elected committee, and carries on the traditional dance held between semesters. Outdbor Sports for Hardy For the hardy, there are still outdoor sports. Palmer Field- has several concrete tennis courts which can be used in any dry weather, and roller skates may be rented: at the Women's Athletic Building. The city has golf links and a riding stable; bicycles may be rented at several local bike shops. If there is enough snow, there will be outdoor skating on nearby Barton Pond and at Burns Park, and skis and toboggans will no doubt make their annual appear-j ance in the Arboretum. May Festival, concert and lec- ture series provide constructive, recreation. Alec Templeton was featured during the past year. Collectively, sporting facilities are usually good for a town the size of Ann Arbor, and the Uni- versity sports enthusiasts may, find a good deal with which to occupy himself. Too much, lie might realize, come mid-semester exanms. the Michigan League Building, where a minimum of 15 hours per week will be spent by each in working in the cafeteria or checking room. All 18 sororities are cooperating by taking a capacity number of women in their houses. Ann Arbor resi- dent members are required to live at home. There has been no change- in the capacity of women's resi- dences as compared to the past year. While a few League- houses have closed, there are approxi- mately 75 such houses, in addition to 12 supplementary graduate residences. A new supplementary house is listed by the Office of the Dean of Women this year for 12" foreign women students. Al 4 4 fi1 Roundthe-Y ar 'Favorites ,4 .1 r.Q Suits,Skirs Sweaters .l. Zpin Iining and G bardine SportsCoats COLLEGIATE CASUALNESS is the word at Michigan through all the seasons. Out- fit yourself from head to toe - from suits to anklets - at The Campus Shop. Forget your packing woes! The CAMPUS SHOP has your clothes problem solved. Everything is here from the sophisticated date dress to those extra-large sweaters in all styles from $3.95. Cashmere and angora sweaters in all pastel shades at 75e Campa4 Shre p 235 South State Street 'A d 4 4 { ) Le ; I FIlb ! A 'I 1' LI .................................................................... ....... ............... v..... ...v. .... . .................... ..r: . ...n . .y. .: .'.. r: , .."'. .. . . . ...: ':i * A.t{: ann arbor's finest specialty shop advertises nationally in and offers merchandise tikN of proven quality We know our business, and our business is sole- ly to please you. That's why Marii Walker et 2 lates has gathered together under one roof et 6 inches, more top-flight merchandize at allowance-key- t" ed prices. That's why Marti Walker's ad can be iablet - itseen in the August Glamour. That's why Marti C.OD Walker is your best friend in Ann Arbor. r A e i I -4 let us help you choose your complete eaunnve .wardoh %' , $ t I m . Y e. . !!. F F . :f . ._.° lP7