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August 15, 1947 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1947-08-15

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Week For



To Open Sept. 14

- n

League Council Supervises
Governing Bodies~fctivities




'Judic' Council
Enforces Coed
House Rules
Six-Member Group Hears
Individual Violation Cases;
Betty Hahneman Chairman
4 The Women's Judiciary Council,
composed of three senior and three
junior coed, is responsible for the
enforcement of house rules in all
undergraduate women's r e s i -
Betty Hahneman is chairman of
the Council, and Sarah Jane Ste-
phenson serves as secretary. Other
members include Catherine Cow-
an, senior member, and Polly Han-
son, Helen Olsher, and Eileen
Scanlon, junior members.
The chairman is in charge of
all work of the council, and all
undergraduate residences are
divided into five groups, with
each of the other council mem-
bers having charge of a num-
ber of dormitories, sororities and
league houses.
Five sophomore women serve
as aides to the Judiciary Council.
with each aide assigned to assist
one regular member of the Council
by checking the signout sheets of
the houses for which the junior or
senior member is responsible.
Coeds serving as judiciary aides
include Martha Armstrong, Mar-
jorie Flint, Monica Geiger, Ruth
Ann Hanson, and Elizabeth Vin-
All signout sheets are due at
5 p.m. each Monday, and in-
.lude records for the past week,
Monday through Sunday, along
with a composite sheet. These
sheets are checked by the aides,
and a report of all latenesses
and other violations of house
rules is submitted to each coun-
cil member by her aide.
The junior and senior members
zeep records of all latenesses, and
amake appointments for coeds who
have been more than 30 minutes
late over a regular closing hour
or more than 15 minutes over a
late permission to come before the
Council. Coeds who have violated
other house rules are also called
kbefore the Council.
The Council meets to hear cases
on Thursday. Each coed is called
in individually and allowed to ex-
plain the circumstances of her vio-
lation of the rules. The Council
considers the case privately and
decides whether or not social pro-
bation should be assigned, and,
if so the length of the probation.
Each case is considered indi-
vidually, and decisions are
reached in the light of the cir-
cumstances, of the rule viola-
tion and by consideration of past'
Social probation means that a
woman must sign in at 8 p.m.
each day of her probation period,
and may have no callers after
that time. Probation is enforced
by the house president, house di-
rector, and the Judiciary Council.
The Council operates in coop-
eration with the office of the Dean
of Women, and cases referred to
it by the Dean's office are handled
in a similar manner.
The chairman of the Judiciary
Dance Instruction
Offered at League
Student-sponsored dancing
classes which are held twice each
week in the League offer men a

chance to receive professional
dancing instruction and present
an opportunity for students to
meet socially.
The classes meet twice weekly
and are divided into beginning
and intermediate groups, making
four classes altogether. About 80
men and 60 coed hostesses attend
each of the four classes.
Anyone who wants to learn to
dance or improve his dancing
may attend any of the four
groups. Men are charged a

Cotes Heads



Upperclassmen Direct
fctivities To kcquaint
Newcomers with U
President Ruthven, Deans to Welcome
Women inHiIl Auditorium Assembly
An estimated number of 500 freshman women and 250 transfer
women will participate in the orientation program which will run
from Monday through Saturday the week of September 14.
All incoming women are expected to take advantage of the
special week which is designed to familiarize new students with
the facilities of the University. There will be 105 student upper
classmen, acting as student advisors, to supervise the orientation
week program.
Advisors to Guide Groups
Freshmen woman advisors, headed by Nancy Robertson, Chi
Omega, will meet their groups for the first time at 8 a.m. Monday
in Waterman Gymnasium. At this meeting women will meet the
other members of their groups and will fill out necessary registration
material. Transfer students will meet with their advisors at the

Dean Lloyd
Greets Coeds
Welcome Message Tells
New Women of Obligation
July 31, 1947
To the Freshmen Women:
It is a pleasure to say a word
of welcome to the young women
who are entering the University
for the first time in September,
There has never been a time
when it is more important for
women to meet the challenge of
their oportunities and privileges
than in this year when many
women in the American Common-
wealth have not been able to go
to college or university. In recog-
nition of the encouragement which
your families and the citizens of
the state of Michigan are giving
you to be educated, let me wel-
come you with the wish that you
use your highest effort to justify
your presence here.
To those women who have come
with a serious, honest desire to
use the resources of a great uni-
versity in order to become finer
and more responsible citizens and
who wish to find here the riches
of knowledge and of association
in a college community, I extend
a warm and hearty welcome.
Alice C. Lloyd,
Dean of Women
Honor Qroups
Tap BWOC's
To those coeds who aspire to a
high scholastic career, Greek let-
ters are bestowed, which proclaim
the wearer's fame as an active
BWOC to fellow students.
The first goal to seek as a fresh-
man is membership into Alpha
Lambda Delta, the only women's
honor society for first year coeds.
A half A half B average forbthe
first semester's work is the basis
for the honor.
Efforts Rewarded
Three years of such scholastic_
effort will be acknowledged by
membership in Phi Beta Kappa or
Phi Kappa Phi. The former in-
cludes in its membershipd only
students in the literary and Edu-
cation schools.
The c h a n t "Damn, Damn.
Damn" has caused many a Uni-
versity official to wonder what
was to come next, yet this is the
tapping song for Wyvern, the or-
ganization for junior women. Yel-
low and brown was adopted by
this third year group as their col-
ors. Limited to twenty members,
Wyvern taps twice a year in
spring and fall.
National Honorary
While service in a variety of
campus activities, The Daily, the
League, for example, will put one
in line for consideration for Mor-
tarboard, national women's hon-
orarv society for senior women. a

Of Cabinet
League Council, with offices in
the Michigan League, is head of
all women's activities and the cen-
tral governing body for all women
on campus.
Made up of the heads of all ma-
jor women's activities, the coor-
dinating body comprises 22 wom-
en. All matters of policy and de-
cision coming before the Council
are first discussed by the execu-
tive Board. Their recommenda-
tions and alternative solutions are
then passed on to the Council for
final decision.
Cynthia Cotes, Pi Beta Phi,
will serve as president of the
League Council for the coming
year. The Council president also
acts as vice-president in charge
of dormitories.
Other members of the five
woman executive board include
vice-president Sarah S i m o n s,
Martha Cook Building; Betty
Hahneman of Betsy Barbour, who
is chairman of Women's Judiciary
Council for the coming year; Ruth
Klausner, Sigma Delta Tau, secre-
tary; and Jerry Gaffney, Delta
Gamma, treasurer.
Heads of other women's cam-
pus organizations include Sally
Stamats, Kappa Alpha Theta,
president- of Panhellenic Asso-
ciation; and Betty Eaton, Pi
Beta Phi, Woman's Athletic As-
sociation president.
The position of League Inter-
viewing Committee chairman was
created last spring to take over
the petitioning and interviewing
functions formerly carried on by
the Judiciary Council. Barbara
Hitchcock, Betsy Barbour, will
head the seven woman committee
for the coming year.
Lucille Kennedy, Chi Omega,
is the new head of the League
publicity committee, which or-
ganizes all publicity for League
projects. Miss Kennedy is also ed-
itor of the League Lowdown, a
pamphlethcontaining information
and pictures of woman's organiza-
tions. This committee also pub-
lishes a weekly League news sheet
and arranges activities' publicity
through posters, skits and The
Social chairman of the Coun-
cil is Barbara Busse, P1 Beta
Phi, who will supervise League
social events and the teas held
weekly at President Ruthven's
home and the International cen-
ter. The Ruthven Teas are pre-
sented the first two Wednesdays
of every month beginning in
Miss Busse will also take charge
of the "Michigan Diags," campus
etiquette magazine. The commit-
tee has also planned a League for-
mal for the fall semester, and Sun-
-day evening open houses at the
The post of Drives chairman
will be filled by Janet Cork, Pi
Beta Phi. This committee organ-
See COUNCIL Page 5

well, first woman graduate of Michigan, iStockwell houses undergraduate and graduate women.


Panhel-Assembly to Guide
Sorority, Independent Coeds

Panhel lenic

As central governing body for
the 22 sororities on the Michigan
campus, Panhellenic Association
strives to maintain high scholar-
ship and high social standards
among its approximately 1000
The main duties of the Associa-
tion include the organization and
regulation of the rushing program,
initiation and pledging ceremonies
of the sororities, and the sponsor-
ing of the Panhellenic Ball and
Panhellenic Recognition Night. It
often acts as a forum for discuss-
ing questions of interest in the
University and in the sororities
Executive Board Members
Sally , Stamats, Kappa Alpha
Theta, Panhellenic executive pres-
ident, announced that plans are
being made to improve transfer
association, and increase the num-
ber of committees for additional
Panhel projects for anyone inter-
ested in this activity. It is the hope
o the Executive Board to work
closely with the Interfraternity
Council in caipaigning for stu-
dent government representatives
during the coming year.
Six Officers on Board
The Executive Board is com-
prised of six officers. Assisting
Miss Stamats will be Jeanette Col-
lins, Alpha, Xi Delta, as first vice-
president. and Kathryn Watson,

Assembly Association, estab-
lished in 1932 to provide a central
group for unaffiliated women, rep-
resents every independent woman
on the Michigan campus.
All first semester freshmen,
transfers and women living in
dormitories, league houses and
private homes are automatically
members of Assembly. Member-
ship cards, issued to all members,
are necessary to. gain admittance
to Assembly functions.
Assembly Aims High'
Headed this year by Irma Eich-
horn, Assembly will strive to en-
courage high scholarship, to fur-
ther independent rights and to
stimulate interest in extra-curric-
ular activities. Every organized in-
dependent house on campus is
represented by their president at
the weekly meetings conducted by
Assembly. Announcements o f
League and campus activities are
reported and house problems dis-
Project Co-Sponsored
Other members of the Assembly
Board are: Betty Spillman, Betsy
Barbour, vice-president; Ilone
Fietze. Jordan Hall, secretary;
Dulcie Krosnick, Stockwell, treas-
urer; Betty Lou McGeath, New-
berry, personnel chairman; Joan
Carroll, Martha Cook, social chair-
man; and Mary Quiatt, Martha
Cook, project chairman.
. See ASSEMBLY Page 6

Campus Jobs
Offered Coeds
By 'U'Office
The Office of the Dean ,'
Women will aid students in ob-
taining part time jobs here ,oi
campus for those coeds who desire
Many students are working
these days, and the office has a
special file for available joo;.
They keep in touch with stores,
offices, householders, University
institutions and other agencies
which need stuuent help.
Library Jobs Open
Girls work in the main librar"
in all types of jobs-some at th-.
desk, some in the catalogue de-
partment and still others in the
stacks servicing the books. Each
girl must put in a minimum of
15 hours a week in a schedule that
is easily arranged with her class
The Michigan League offers jobs,
in certain fields. It employs girls
for work in the cafeteria, the soda
bar, or one of the dining rooms.
Those who like waitress work can
find employment in dormitories or
restaurants nearby. This work has
been especially popular lately, be-
cause of the high cost of eating
Room and Board Work
One of the easiest ways to earn
room and board is to live at the
home of a faculty member or some
other recommended private home.

conclusion of the freshman meet-
Succeeding days will be spent
taking physical examinations, ap-
titude tests, tours of the campus
and hearing explanations of the
various campus buildings and or-
ganizations. Aside from the re-
quired meetings, the orientation
committee has planned special
events to acquaint new coeds with
campus leaders and extra-curricu-
lar activities.
Students to Meet 'En Masse
New students will attend a mass
meeting Monday in Hill Audito-
rium, where they will hear Presi-
dent Alexander G. Ruthven, Dean
Alice C. Lloyd and Dean Erich A.
Walter speak. The program will
include community singing
On Wednesday the WAA will
present a style show at Rackham
to give freshmen an idea of sports
activities offered. League Coun-
cil will present a skit at a show
to be given Wednesday and Thurs-
day in Lydia Mendelssohn The-
ater. Excerpts from last year's
J. G. Play, "The Best Years," and
Soph Cabaret will also be pre-
Dean Lloyd to Speak
Dean Lloyd, the president of
the League and chairman of Ju-
diciary Council will speak to new
women Thursday at Rackham.
During the week small meetings
will be scheduled at the League
where women will have a chance
to meet the presidents of Pan-
hellenic and Assembly Associa-
tions. Any questions concerning
those organizations will be an-
swered at that time.
Theeague and Union will co-
sponsor amixer teadance Sat-
urday afternoon in the League
Ballroom. This event will give
freshmen a chance to meet one
another socially and will officially
end the orientation program.
Coeds to Assist
Assisting Miss Robertson with
orientation plans are: Shirley Au-
gust and Peg Rathke, who will be
in charge of the information booth
in the League; Kay Hemmer, so-
cial chairman; and Harriet Mur-
melstein in charge of transfers.
The information booth located
in the League lobby during orien-
tation is for the use and con-
venience of new and old students
D a ily Needs.
Coed Tryouts
For women planning to parti-
cipate in extra-curricular activi-
ties at Michigan, the Women's
Staff of the Michigan Daily of-
fers one of the best opportunities
for self-expression, leadership and
service to the entire campus.
The exciting atmosphere of The
Daily plus scores of busy associ-
ates creates an inspiring setting
for the business of putting out a
daily newspaper. Student report-
ers, editors and business managers
perform every step in the pro-
cess of putting out the Daily.
The woman's page plays an in-
tegral part in all women's camp-
us activities in reporting news of
campus events. The woman's
page is not a society page but a
news page that prints news ar-
ticles and features on campus pro-
jects, and informative stories
about events on thesocial side of
campus life. Space is given to
features on women's organiza-
tions and fashion news. All the
Women's Athletic Association
...-aa rnl- nncn,' r frnrlA nn -ha

For Housing
To Be Filled
At the present time, all women
students who have been admitted
to the University and made ap-
plication for rooms have been re-
ferred to housing accommoda-
tions, it was affirmed by Dean,
Mary C. Bromage, Assistant Dean
of Women.
Dormitory rooms have all
been filled, and contracts will
still be issued to undergraduate
women for the 50 League house
vacancies available. The most
acute shortage of housing is for
graduate and foreign women.
As far as is possible, the Office
of the Dean of Women assigns
freshmen to dormitories, the rea-
son being that this office feels
that in this way freshmen will
become better adjusted to campus
life in their first( years away from
Dormitories housing fresh-
men women include Stockwell
Hall, Mosher-Jordan H a l1s,
Helen Newberry Residence and
Betsy Barbour House, in 'addi-
tion to Adelia Cheever House
and Mary Markley House.
Transfer coeds are being as-
signed to League houses, cooper-
ative houses, Henderson House
and Martha Cook. Women of
graduate age will live in supple-
mentary graduate houses, and
an additional 128 veterans and
graduates at Willow Village.
Other dormitory space will be
given to students already on cam-
pus, and to those who have not
been able to live in them thus far.
Jordan Hall, up to the present
time, has been exclusively a fresh-
men dorm. This year it will house
all classes to give freshmen the
advantages of contact with upper-
Undergraduate women who
plan to live in private homes
not supervised by the University
must submit the name of the
landlady and the address to the
Office of the Dean of Women
before registering. In addition,
a letter from the student's par-
ents or guardian expressing ap-
proval must be filed in the same
office. It is essential that this
be done before registration.
Intercooperative Council Hous-
es are operated by women stud-
ents, with housemothers appoint-
ed by the Office of the Dean of
Women. Last year, three houses
were available for residence, but
one has been turned over for men's
housing. Those open for women
in the fall are Lester and Oster-
weil Houses. Another fully coop-
erative house is Henderson House,
in which students choose their
own members, plan all social
events, and do their own work.
Eighteen women will live in
See HOUSING Page 2
Student Queries
To Be Clarified
At League Booth
The information booth in the
Undergraduate Office of the
League is maintained by the Mer-
it-Tutorial Committee to answer
nnmtnn n- -nric miza'

'Miss Mcac,' Lecague Social Director, Advises
MichigaCn Coeds in Extra-Curricular fctivities

IF YOU don't know where to pro-
cure a movie projector for the
"U" Fresh Air Camp movies, if
you want to organize a new project
for women on campus, or if you
are wondering about the proper
procedure for inviting professors
to a faculty tea, "ask Miss Mac."
"Miss MIac" is Miss Ethel A. Mc-
Cormick who, as social director of
the League, is the advisor for
women's activities. It is her job
to see that every job or project
undertaken by coeds in connection
with the League is a success. She
is consulted on plans for affairs
ranging from JGP dancing classes
to refreshments to be served at a

in Barbour Gym and Miss McCor-
mick was on hand to answer any
questions that arose.
WHEN the Michigan League was
completed, President Alexan-
der G. Ruthven asked Miss Mc-
Cormick to serve as coordinating
supervisor of women's activities.
Since that time, she has served in
her present position and has been
responsible for making the League
the central mecca of women's
campus affairs as well as a build-
ing devoted solely to the interests
of coeds.
Commenting on the merit sys-
tem of netitioning and interview-

that many times she has allowed
coeds to undertake projects
which she believed would not be
entirely successful. However, she
was quick to admit that in many
cases she had been wrong.
Asked about relations between
Assembly and Panhellenic Boards,
Miss Mac explained that both or-
ganizations work together and
have jointly sponsored events such
as Panhellenic-Assembly Ball,
clothing drives and Fresh Air
Camp Tag Day.
WITH AN EYE to the future,
Miss McCormick saiL that she
feels women will be more civic-

J ' _.... . , , .

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