FRIDY, UGUk;T 15, 1947
., . . ,.
Students with
Literary Bent
Seek Prizes
Hopwoods Open
To 'U' Freshmen
Prizes of $50, $30 and $20 will
be awarded winners of the 1947-
48 Hopwood Contest in essay.
prose fiction and poetry, for
Freshmen regularly enrolled in
a composition'course in the Eng-
Jish department of the literary
c'ollege, or in that of the engineer-
ing college, are eligible to com-
pete. Names of winners will be
announced in The Daily early in
tjie second semester.
4 Prize-winning entries from pre-
vious contests, which are on file
ii the Hopwood Room, 3227 An-
gell Hall, may be examined by
contestants between 2 and 5:30
p.m., Monday through Friday.
Contest Rules Told
Hopwood Contest rules include
stipulations that essay submitted,
including all nonfictional prose,
should not exceed 3,000 words;
prose fiction entries are limited
to 10,000 words; no student may
submit more than ten poems; and
a student may submit manu-
scripts .in more than one field if
he desires.
To facilitate the work of the
judges, names of whom will be
announced later, the members of
the contest committee will read
all manuscripts submitted and
eliminate unacceptable material.
$8,500 Awarded Each Year
Hopwood contests have been
conducted for the past 15 years.
Approximately $8,500 has been
awarded to University students
each year from the investment
income of funds of one-fifth of
Avery Hopwood's estate, given to
the Regents of the University un-
der terms of a will drawn up in
Hopwood, prominent American
dramatist who graduated from
the University .in 1905, empower-
-ed the Regents to use the income
from his gift in' perpetuity as
prizes to be awarded annually to
students in the rhetoric" depart-
ment who perform "the best crea-
tive work in the fields of dramatic
writing, fiction, poetry, and the
Allow Wide Latitude
The income could not be al-
r lowed to accumulate from year to
year, Hopwood instructed, adding
that it was especially desired that
"students competing for the
prizes shall not be confined to
academic subpects, but shall be
allowed the widest possible lati-
tude, and that the new, the un-
usual and the radical should be
especially encouraged.
When the rhetoric and English
.departments were fused, in 1930,
the requirement restricting stud-
Onts to the former was changed in
tact to students enrolled in the
Department of English Language
and Literature. Later, journalism
students were also permitted to
Hopwood, a millionaire at the
time of his death in 1928, when he
willed to his alma mater $551,-
069.78, penned "Getting Gertie's
Garter," "Little Miss Bluebeard,"
"Fair and Warmer" and other
farces. At one point in his career,
five Hopwood plays were playing
on Broadway simultaneously.
former Winners
Former Hopwood winners in-
clude Betty Smith, who entered
a play in 1931 entitled "Francie
Nolan." Peggy Goodwin, who won
a fiction award in 1945, sold the
motion picture rights to her "Cle-
mentine" one week after the book
was published.
Naomi Gilpatrick's "The Broken
Pitcher," Marjorie Roane's "Years
Before the Flood," Florence Ma-
ple's "Family Tree," William Ke-
hoe's "A Sweep of Dusk," and Ho-
bart Skidmore's "Valley of the
J Sky" are some of the better
known Hopwood award winning
books that have been published.
The Atlantic Monthly, Colliers,
The Saturday Evening Post and
Good Housekeeping have carried
stories by Hopwood winners.
Manuscript Rules
Freshman manuscripts should
be typed, double-spaced, on one
side of swan linen, 16 pound
weight paper, eight-and-one-half
by 11 inches. Each of the three
copies, which are required, must
be firmly bound in a durable cov-
er with the title, category and a
pseudonym of the writer on the
cover. An envelope bearing the
contestant's pseudonym on the
outside and enclosing his real
name, ad dress and telephone
number, must accompany the en-
Manuscripts receiving prizes in
the freshman contest are not el-
igible for minor awards in the
spring Hopwood Contest. Prizes
UNIVERSITY BAND DIRECTORS-Congratulating each other
on the band's performance aw (left to right) William. D. Revglli,
band director, and his assistant Harold Ferguson, iUler their
direction the University marching, concert and varsity bands
participate in all major all-campus events.
* * * *
Three tT' Bands Are Nucleus*
Of Traditional School Spirit
The University Bands, partici-
pating in every major all-campus
event at the University, form a
nucleus for Michigan's school
The bands are composed of
three units: the Marching Band,
U' Considers
The University will have to get
along with less grass-at least
until the present enrollment crisis
is over.
For not only is the University
involved in a tremendous building
program, but also in a program
to expand campus parking lots.
Serious overcrowding of avail-
able parking facilities has forced
University officials to consider
new and enlarged parking lots,
construction of a parking building
or underground parking center
and an effort to enlist the co-
operation of faculty and students
in relieving the situation.
Herbert G. Watkins, University
Secretary and Assistant Vice-
President, points out that campus
parking was a definite problem
even in normal times six years
ago. Now, the doubled enrollment,
the proportionately greater num-
ber of older students and the in-
creased distances that students
and faculty must travel to classes
have intensified the problem.
Too Many Cars
Secretary Watkins has estimat-
ed that not more than half of
those ordinarily holding parking
permits for restricted areas would
be able to find parking space if
they all arrived at campus at the
same time. The total number of
driving permits and exemptions
from the driving ban last spring
was 3,200.
The parking problem has been
further complicated recently by
great numbers of construction
workmen, many of whom must
regularly drive to work from great
Most recent additions to the
University's parking lots are
spaces behind the Museum Build-
ing on Forest and between the
Chemistry and Natural Science
Buildings on campus. There will
also be parking lots adjacent to
the new Business Administration
Building now under cnstruction.
New Lots Constructed
During the past year new park-
ing lots were also constructed be-
hind West Engineering Annex and
to the east of East Medical Build-
Watkins, who is chairman of
the University's parking commit-
tee, stresses that it will be neces-
sary to "sacrifice the beauty of
the campus to relieve the parking
problem until more satisfactory
facilities can be devised."
The "more satisfactory facili-
ties," according to Watkins, would
probably be an underground park-
ing lot since "there just isn't any
the Varsity Band and the Concert
New plans for the Marching
Band, which perforis at all home
football games and accompanies
the team on two trips each season,
include larger membership and an
even more active participation in
campus events.
"All-American" Rating
It has been widely acclaimed in
American music and sports circles
and was called "The All-American
Band" by Associated Press Sports
At the close of the football sea-
son, the Marching Band splits
into the Varsity Band, which plays
for basketball games and presents
concerts of its own; and the na-
tionally known Concert Band,
whose plans include concerts, and
appearances at annual all-campus
For over 20 years, the bands
have been under the direction of
Prof. William D. Revelli, of the
music school.
Prof. Revelli, through whose
leadership the bands have at-
tained their national success, has
studied under such outstanding
musicians as Felix Barowski, Leon
Sametini, George Dasch, H. A.
Vandercook, and Louis Victor
He is the author of the "World
and Music," band and orchestra
method, and serves as an editor of
"The Etude" music magazine. He
is also editor of the "University
of Michigan Band Series" and is
past president of the National
University and College Band Con-
ductors Association.
Auditions To Be Held
Membership in any of the Uni-
versity Bands is determined by
audition with Prof. Revelli. Au-
ditions will be held early in the
fall, although later auditions may
be had at any time during the
year by appointment.
Membership is open to men and
women from all colleges of the
University, with the exception of
the Marching Band which is tra-
ditionally limitednto men only.
Technic Will
Publishin Fall
The largest enrollment of en-
gineers in the history of the Uni-
versity will welcome back the
Michigan Technic this fall.
Published independently by en-
gineering students, the Technic is
the oldest publication on campus
and the oldest engineering college
magazine in the country.
Included in the contents of the
Technic, published monthly, are
articles of engineering and gener-
al interest written by' students,
faculty and alumni of the engi-
neering college. Also included are
brief summaries of the latest
scientific developments, scientific
book reviews, capsule biographies
of outstanding students and pro-
fessors on campus and Michigan's
oldest humor column.
ily Covers
Local News,
World Scene
Has Best College
Publ ishing Plant
This fall marks the fifty-eighth
consecutive year of publication of
The Michigan Daily.
The Daily had its birth in a
small downtown print shop and
was first christened the "U of M
Daily" by the group of indepen-
dent men who were its founders.
With the growth of its staff and
news coverage, the paper moved
into the Ann Arbor Press Building
and assumed the name of The
Michigan Daily.
In 1932 The Daily established
itself in the newly opened Stu-
dent Publications Building. The
Daily has the most complete set-
up for publication of a campus
paper in the country, with plant
and equipment valued at a quar-
ter of a million dollars.
Entirely Student Rna
The staff of The Daily is com-
posed entirely of students andany
student may work on the paper
after establishing his eligibility in
the first semester of his freshman
year. Promotions are on the basis
of merit and junior and senior ed-
itors are paid.
Supervision of The Daily and
the Michiganensian rests with the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications whose members are
chosen from the faculty, alumni
and student body. The Board ap-
points senior and junior editors of
The Daily.
True to its name, The Daily is
published every day except Mon-
day. International, national And
state news is furnished by a di-
rect Associated Press wire.
Daily Features
Featured in The Daily are syn-
dicated columns by Samuel Graf-
ton, the Alsops and Edgar Ansel
Mowrer, as well as cartoons by Bill
Mauldin and the comic strip,
The finance end of The Daily
is handled by the business staff
whose duties include servicing of
accounts, drawing up of adver-
tising dummies, keeping books
and handling circulation.
Complete coverage of sports
events is given by the sports staff
and the women's staff reports all
women's activities on campus. 11
The Daily has won the Pace-
maker award for several years in
a row and has consistently at-
tained high yearly ratings from
the Associated Collegiate Press. It
has also won the highest awards
from the national journalism fra-
ternity, Sigma Delta Chi.
Will Publish
Literary Magazine
Supplements Daily
Perspectives is thepresent suc-
cessor of a long line of campus
literary magazines.
The magazine was established
in 1937 and since 1939 has been
published as a supplement to The
Daily. Perspectives was discon-
tinued during the war but has
been in publication again since
the spring of 1946. Issues appear
monthly during the school year.
Perspectives piovidesian outlet
for students interested in creative
writing. The contents are com-
posed of fiction, poetry, essays and
drama. The reputation of the Uni-
versity as a literary center has
beern borne out by the high qual-
ity of material contained in the
magazine. Many noted authors
have first published their early
works in Perspectives. Included
among these are Maritta Wolff,
Jay McCormick, Robert Hayden
and John Malcolm Brinnin.
Contributions by members of
the faculty and student body are
welcomed. Those interested in
working on the staff may contact
the editor at the Student Publica-
tions Building any afternoon dur-
ing the first week of the term.
Warn Freshmen
On 'SealSteppig'
A warning has been issued to all
freshman and new transfer stud-
ents to refrain from walking on
the metal seal of the University
imbedded in the center of the dia-
gonal in front of the General Li-
Long a campus tradition, the
privilege of being able to indulge
in the practice of "seal stepping"
is reserved only for those who
have spent at least one semester
on campus.
Enasian Offers
Experience in
To students, freshman and By BEVERLY DIPPEL
sophomore, who have a special in- The Gargoyle, far from being af
new kind of mouthwash, is alleged
tercst in working on an outstand- by its editors to be the best hum-
ing publication,the Michiganen- or magazine on tl- Michigan
Sian, the University's yearbook, campus. Thus far no one has dis-
offers vluable experience on both puted that statement, perhaps be-
the editorial and business staffs. cause of the fact that it is the
With headquarters in the Stu- only facetious publication, ex-
dent Publications Building, the cluding The Daily, on the premis-
'Ensian junior and senior staffs, es.
as well as tryouts, produce the 350 The previously-mentioned ed-
page annual. The editorial work- itors consist of one Thom Carel
ers assemble and prepare photo- Strape, known locally as the
graphs and copy and other mem- deacon; Douglas Parker, anoth-
bers of the organization assist in er character with the outstand-
typing, and in lay-out and design. ing nickname of Doug; and sun-
This staff meets regularly once a dry other human specimens, all
week. of whom spend the major por-
In addition, the business staff tion of their waking hours in-
organizes a separate group of try- dulging in sparkling repartee
outs, who are interested in han- concerning the finer things of
dling the business end of prac- life.
tical publishing. Their work con- All of these intellectual doings
sists in selling the 'Ensian, and of take place in the Student Publica-
handling accounts, contracts, cir- tions Building. In finding the of-
culation and advertising. fice of the Gargoyle, the unin-
Those members of the tryout
groups who have proved to beI
Imst valuabletothe yearbook re-
ceive complimentary copies of the
'Ensian and are eligible to petition THE PEN HOSPITAL
for junior and senior positions on "See Doc Rider!"
the staff when they have finished 115 WEST LIBERTY ST.
their sophomore year.
formed freshman might be led
astray by various signs pointing
significantly up an impressive
staircase. However, in small print
at the bottom, these signs point
out only the insignificant fact that
the stronghold of The Daily is up-
In spite of the air of reluctant
optimism rampant among the
members of its staff, the Gar-
goyle manages to publish six is-
sues during the school year, most
of the copies of which are pur-
chased by students heading toward
lectures in which the seating ar-
rangements are not conducive to
restful sluimber. Remember that
name, the Gargoyie.
UNIVERSITY MARCHING BAND-Pictured above is the Unhiersity of Michigan Marching Band
inc -up, in its most popular formation, the bU ck 'M.' The band is made up of approximately 100
pieces and is under the direction of William D. R evelli.
First Seniors'
Is Described
1884 'U' History
Cites 'Great Day'
Graduation of the first class,
with its 12 graduates is described
in Elizabeth M. Farrand's, "His-
tory of the University of Micii-
gan," published in 1884:
"It was a great day for the
town as well as the University:
merchants closed their stores and
eld and young crowded to the
church. Each student of the grad-
uating class delivered an oration,
and, in the judgment of the press
of the day, each acquitted hijmself
"The Detroit Advertiser said of
them: 'The pieces spoken by the
graduating class, were, for the
most part of superior merit,
evincing a depth of originality of
thought and a clearness of beauty
of composition that is seldom sur-
passed in the older colleges.' Prof.
Tenbrook made the closing ad-
ress to the class and in the after-
noon, Dr. Duffield addressed the
literary societies."
Until 1841, the University hzad
no president but the faculty was
in the habit of choosing a chair-
man from their group. In 1852,
Henry Phillip Tappan was invited
to become the first president and
it is he who pioneered for the "lit-
tle country college."
In February of 1839, construc-
tion for the University of MVich-
igan at Ann Arbor was begun.
Four homes for professors were
built, including the president's
home, the only one still in exist-
ence. Soon after, Mason Hall, cld-
est campus building was con-
Editors Claim Gargoyle Is
Rest Humor Magazine Here
i """
_._ _ .m _ -,____
Stf~A IA~u~r
- t
~A inazzy.
-~ Gmon,
$5.00.. .the School Year
$ .00 the Semester
Subscriptions On Sale
During Orientation Week and
-V& Air-b - - - - ' AV -RM - - - -