PAGE SIX THE MWT-IWN AILY VETS IN ACTION:- AVC Cornittees ase Pr gram on Proeress FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1947 Two expanding University chap- tors of the American Veterans Committee, on the campus and at Willow Village, will continue this year, a program directed toward "local imp, ovements, and nationa progress embellished with social relief." This prospectus came from Lorne Cook, chairman of the cam- OTC Trains Better Officers For U rm Courses Designed to ImproveBackground Under a post-war program init- iated last fall, the University Re- serve Officers' Training Unit is giving courses of instruction de- signed to produce "potentially su- perior officers" for the .United States Army, as well as to supple- ment training in other depart- ments of the University. In addition to purely military instruction, the program places emphasis on subjects such as lead- ership training, exercise of com- mand, map and aerial photograph reading, personnel management, and geographical foundations of national power. After instruction in military fundamentals, students are then required to solve specific military problems. The course of instruction is di- 'vided into two sections; an ele- mentary course and an -advanced course of two years each. If se- lected after the first two years for the advanced course, the student may specialize in any one unit of the ROTC-the Infantry, Quar- termaster Corps, Engineer Corps, Ordinance Department, Signal Corps, or Transportation Corps. If he successfully completes the course he is commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Officers' Reserve Corps. Students enrolled in the ele- mentary course are provided with uniforms, equipmet, and texts, while in the advanced course stu- dents are paid about $20 a month. Credit is given for portions of the elementary course to men who have completed training in Junior ROTC units, or to those who have had military service in the armed ervices Men Joining NROTC May Choose Status Completing the shift from a wartime to a peacetime basis last fall, the University Naval Reserve Officers' Training Unit now pro- vides two programs for students who wish to enter the NROTC. Included in a maximum of 300 students, no more than 100 of whom may be entering freshmen, are regular NROTC students, completely subsidized by the gov- ernment, and contract students, who will receive a commission at the end of their training, but who pay their own way. The reg- ular students receive retainer pay of $600 a year, tuition, fees, books, and laboratory expenses for a maximum of four years. The NROTC course of training consists of Naval Science courses, drills, and exercises. The courses, one of which the student will or- dinarily take each semester, are designed to provide a basic profes- sional Naval education compar- able to that possessed by grad- uates of the U. S. Naval Academy. Military drills take place from time to time during a two hour practice period each week. Uniforms are worn on special occasions, but the student is under military discipline only when en- gaged in activities connected with the Naval Science course. Regular NROTC students must engage in three summer training cruises of from six to eight weeks duration, and must assume active duty as an officer of the Navy or Marine Corps for at least 15 months after graduation. Offer Class in Litle Business Designee to meet the needs of veterans planning to go into bus- iness for themselves, a four. months course under the super- vision of Prof. Charles L. Jamison of the business administration school covers the knowledge which men in small businesses should have. Set up in1945 by the School us chapter, who announced, tha 'lans were afoot for an AVC- :ponsorcd essay contest on some aspect of the current world scene. Exross Broader View "We're out to instill an aware. ness in young people of America' role in the world scheme o hings," Cook explained. "In thi irection, we will offer secondar chcol students of Washtenaw lounty an opportunity to express hemselves on a broader view- -oint than that of the traditional Americanism' ideal generally re- luired in essay contests." As far as local affairs are con- cerned AVC plans to keep weather-eye out for the needs o >ampus citizens in general and make every effort to improve their =onditions, Cook commented. "Last semester, we took note o' the cost of living here at Anr Arbor," Cook remarked, "and con- ducted a survey among the stu dent veterans to determine how they were meeting these costs. Our findings were later presented o Congress in connection with the bill to increase subsistence and to retain rent ceilings." Cafeteria Cleaned Up Out at Willow Village, a small. but active AVC chapter, early be- came aware of widespread dissat- isfaction with conditions at the West Lodge Cafeteria, and cam- paigned for their betterment. The chapter presented a report to Uni- versity officials, testifying to the lack of cleanliness, poor food qual- ity and inadequate food prepara- tion. The University quickly acted to revoke the concession to the op- crators and assumed direct con- trol of the cafeteria's manage- ment. An almost immediate re- sponse fhom the residents of Wil- low Village was indicated by large patronage, and general satisfac- tion with the food and service. According 'to Walt Hoffman, chairman of the Village chapter. the group will remain aware of, and act to improve the living con- ditions of those who must remain in the Village, pending the com- pletion of more convenient ac- commodations in Ann Arbor. The AVC aas in the forefront this past summer in the initia- tion of the statewide campaign to place the Callahan Act for the registration and outlawing of "foreign agencies" on the Mich- igan ballot for possible recall by the people. Members conducted, and are still conducting, petition campaigns to round up the signa- tures required in order that the referendum be effected. Past Activities Among other of the AVC's past activities and accomplishments, which according to the chairmen of both chapters set the pattern for future plans, are the sponsor- ship of Henry Wallace's visit to the University and the presenta- tion of a faculty panel on U.S. aid to Greece. A group from AVC worked with Literary College of- ficials on proposed curriculum changes. In the realm of social events the AVC sponsored weekly record hops ;n Wednesday afternoons, a Spring Thaw," dance and a "Chance Dance" mixer. The mid- west premiere of the French film, "The Well-Digger's Daughter," and later a presentation of "Chil- dren of Paradise,"another French first-run film, were sponsored by AVC. A festival of folk songs was presented as well. MadlCourses To Veterans 'U' Will Continue USAFIProgram American service men and women from Guadalcanal to Cor- sica have been encouraged to con- tinue their education through United States Armed Forces Insti- tute course administered by the Correspondence Study Depart- ment. The University, in cooperation with nearly 100 other colleges and universities throughout the na- tion, will continue to make these courses - by - mail available to armed forces personnel for sev- eral years, according to govern- ment plans. During the war, USAFI courses were sent from the University to almost 4,000 men and women inj all branches of the service-the eighth largest enrollment in the country. Many of the students completed the courses in which they originally enrolled and have elected new ones. Some of them are now continuing their educa- tion on the campus. Both high school and college credit courses, including basic courses in languages, mathema- Peak Expected In Enrollment Here This Fall Next Year May Bring Lowered Numbers (Continued from Page 1) lowance, some of the men In this -ategory might return to school." Me also believes that some of the elder veterans have decided that he four-year course is too long. Pressure for admittance to professional schools has reached a critical point, with the med- ical, dental and law schools slcne turning down at least 3,285 would-be University st- dents. As early as last May the dental -chool had 1,400 applications for a reshman class of 90, the medical choal had 1,200 applications for 1 class of 125, and law school 1,400 pplications for a class of 500. The dental school is not accept- ng any out-of-state students this 'all, but the medical school will ill one third of its class with non- esident students-about 42. The graduate school has re- ported the largest single ex- pzcctd increase. Incomplete fig- ures indicate an over-capacity enrollment of 3,600 this fall as compared to 3,300 last spring. Total enrolli.en t estimates nade available by officials of the :ifferent schools and colleges are: nedical school, 475; education, 60; engineering, 4,000; literary ollege, 7,200; dental school, 340; orestry and conservation, 280; nusic, 475; pharmacy, 200; law, ,150; architecture, 625; graduate, ,600; business administration, ,100; public health, 200. No esti- nate is available for the nursing chool. Building.. (Continued from Page 1) et for the women's dormitory on )bservatory and the storage uilding behind the Hospital. A two-story temporary class- oom building on Washington Will tdd 22 classrooms and 10 offices o the University's capacity for the all. Construction of a projected new . aternity Hospital had to be emporarily abandoned when unds from the State Legislature were not forthcoming. tdequate for 12,500 Despite the wide expansion lanned during the next two ears, top administration officials )oint out that completion of the >resent construction , program vould give the University a phy- ical plan ordinarily adequate for inly 12,500 students. Until the start of the present :onstruction program no funds for iducational buildings here had >een provided by the State for 18 Tears. Although the ,pharmacol- gy, romance languages and eco- aomics buildings and Unversity 'Sall have all been labeled "fire n hazards," by State ,inspectors, ad- ministration officials say it will d be necessary to continue using them even after the completion of the present building program. ;f d (i