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August 15, 1947 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1947-08-15

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Student Church Guilds Plan
Frosh Orientation Programs



Plans to acquaint incoming
Protestant students with the pro-
ram and facilities of their re-
spective churches have been made
by the student guilds on campus
for orientation week.
Roger Williams Guild, of the
Baptist Church, will hold a pi-
nic for freshmen at 6 p. m. Fri-
day. At 10 a. m. Sunday the stu-
dent class will begin discussion of
the New Testament. Morning
services will be held at 11 a. in.,
Rev. Chester Loucks, minister.
The guild will hold its regular
weekly meeting at .6 p.m. at the
An open house will be given Fri-
day from 7 to 9 p. in. by the
Congregational-Disciples Guild at
Goal of SRA
Is Inter-Faith
Association Program
Covers Many Fields
Bringing students together in an
inter-denominational atmosphere
for work, study and recreation is
the aim of the Student Religious
Association at Lane Hall.
Under the leadership of Pres-
ident Keitha Harmon and the
cabinet composed of the secretary
and seven department heads, the
association carries out a regular
program designed to meet the
varied interests of students. It
also sponsors special lectures and
joins with other organizations in
promoting relief drives and ther
campus-wide events. Advisors for.
SRA are Dr. Franklin H. Littell,
director of the association and
John. Craig, program director.
All University students are au-
tomatically members of SRA and
may participate in its activities.
Among the regularly scheduled
events are seminars on social and
political problems, meetings of the
Committeeon Cooperation whch
last year visited various churches
in order to develop understanding
between the faiths, Coffee Hours
and Saturday lunches.
Seminars Held
The seminars are led by Dr.
Littell and other speakers who
have special interest in the sub-
ject under discussion. Last year
a seminar on "The Sociology of
Religion" was conducted by Dr.
Littell and Prof. Theodore M.
Newcomb of the sociology depart-
Coffee Hour, held each Friday,
provides an opportunity for a
purely social afternoon after the
week's work. Faculty members or
visiting speakers are often invited
as guests, arid students have the
opportunity to familiarize them-
selves with the program of SRA,,
meet other students interested in
the association, or just sit and re-
lax over a cup of coffee.
The program for Saturday lunch
includes a general discussion of
issues or problems raised by a book
which is reviewed by a member
of'the group. Another opportunity
for informal discussion is provid-
ed by the weekly "bull sessions."
Relief Drives
The association cooperates with
other campus groups in sponsor-
ing relief drives such as the World
Student Service Fund tag day
which last year collected $4,1541
for student aid abroad.7
Under the direction of the Pub-s
lic Affairs Committee, one of the1
association's departments, special
lectures are presented. In cooper-
ation with The Daily the commit-
tee also conducts Town Hall,

where local and out of town<
speakers discuss issues of campus,
national and international inter-
est. Plans for the present Student
Legislature originated in a Town
Hall meeting,
One activity which students
look forward to is the chance to;
"get away from it all" on associa-
tion retreats. They are held sev-
eral times each semester at farms
or camps and provide an oppor-
tunity for enjoying outdoor sportst
%nd catching up on sleep as well
is talking about programs and
naking plans.

the Guild house. Sunday morning
worship atthe Congregational
Church will begin at 10:45 a.m.
andrat the Disciples Church at
10:50 a.m. The guild meeting.
for students of both the Congre-
gational and Disciple Churches,
will be held at 6 p.m. in the base-
ment of the Congregational
Church. Rev. H. L. Pickerill is ad-
visor for the guild, and Jean
Garee is student assistant direc-
* t
Episcopal Canterbury Club will
hold open house from 4 to 6 p.m.,
Friday. A dinner party for fresh-
men, 6 p.m. Saturday., at therclub
house, will precede the Inter-
guild Party at Lane Hall. The
Sunday schedule will include Holy
Communion, 8 a.m.; a study group,
10 a.m.; morning worship, 11 a.m.;
Canterbury Club meeting, 6 p.m.;
choral evening service, 8 p.m. and
coffee hour, 8:45 p.m. Rev. John
H. Burt is Episcopal chaplain, and
Maxine Westphal is counselor for
women students.
* *
The Evangelical and Reformed
Church, Rev. Cornelius Loew,
minister, will welcome students at
an open house, 7 p.m. Friday. The
weekly guild meeting will be held
at 5 p.m. Sunday.
* * *
A buffet supper will be given
for new students by Gamma Delta
of the Lurheran Church at 6 p.m.
Friday. Sunday morning worship
will begin at 11 a.m. and the
Gamma Delta supper meeting will
be held at 5:15 p.m. Rev. A. T.
Scheips is the Lutheran minister.
- e* * *
The Lutheran Student Associa-
tion will meet for spper and an
open house honoring new stu-
dents, 6:30 p.m. at the Luteran
Student Center. The Sunday pro-
gram willtinclude breakfast, 830
a.m. at the Center; Bible study,
9 a.m.; morning worship, 10:30
at both the Zion Lutheran Church
and the Trinity Lutheran Church;
and the association meeting, 5:30
p.m. at the Zion Lutheran Parish
Hall. Rev. Henry Yoder is pas-
tor of. the association, and Emma
Schmidt is counselor for women
Christ Lutheran Chapel at Wil-
low Run, Rev. Robert Boettiger,
minister, will hold Sunday serv
ices at 11 a.m.
* *
An Orientation banquet will be
held for new students by the Wes-
ley Foundation of the Methodist
Church at 6 p. m. Friday. Sun-
day worship will begin at 10:40
a.m. and the guild will meet at
5:30 p.m. Rev. J. B. Kenna is
Methodist minister, and Doris
Reed is assistant student director.
Westminster Guild, of the
Presbyterian Church, will give a
campfire reception and supper, 6
p.m. Friday. The Sunday schedule
will include breakfast and Bible
class, 9:15 a.m.; worship service,
10:45 a.m. and the guild meeting
at 5 p.m. Dr. W. P. Lemon and
Rev. James P. VanPernis are
Presbyterian ministers and Mrs.
Ruth Kirk is student assistant.
* * *
Sunday worship services for the
Reformed Guild will be held at 10
a.m. in Lane Hall. The guild will
have its meeting at 7:30 p.m. in
Lane Hall. Rev. L. A. Verduin is
* * *
The adult study group of the
Unitarian Church, Rev. E. H.
Redman, minister, will meet at 10
a.m. Sunday. Worship services are
held at 11 a.m. and the Unitarian
Guild meets at 6:30 p.m.
An interdenominational wor-
ship service for Willow Run resi-

dents is conducted by Rev, J. Ed-
gar Edwards at 11 a.m. Sunday
in West Lodge.
* * *
Michigan Christian Fellowship'
will hold Bible study at 8 p.m.
Wednesday in Lane Hall. MCF
also meets at 4 p.m. Sunday for
worship. * * *
Inter-Guild, an organization
which represents the above groups,
leads in making plans for greater
cooperation among the Protestant
churches. It will give a welcoming
party for new students at 8 p.m.
Friday in Lane Hall.

FOR MEN ONLY-Shown above is the Michigan Union, center
of men's life on campus. On the left is the front door, through
which no women are allowed to pass. They may enter the side
door, however, for the weekly dances and other social events.
Rumor has it that since the death of George, the doorman, an
occasional female figure has been seen flitting through the
forbidden main portals.
** * *
Center of Campus Activities
For iffen Is Michigan Union

Hillel Serves
As Center for
Foundation Provides
Cultural Program
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
performs social, cultural and re-
ligious functions for Jewish stu-
dents and aids them in adjust-
ment to college life by providing
a place to work, play, study and
make friends.
Under the leadership of Rabbi
Herschel Lyman, Foundation
President Howard Freeman, the
student council and 'student direc-
tors, Hillel will carry out a pro-
gram of films, concerts, athletics,
fireside discussions, Inter-faith
nights, personal counsel and serv-
ices on Friday nights and. other
religious holidays.
To Hold Open House
In order to meet the incoming
students, the Foundation will hold
open house in the afternoon and
evening Sept. 19, 20 and 21. Dur-
ing the open houses new students
will have an opportunity to be-
come acquainted with the Hillel
program and facilities. They will
also meet many of their fellow
students and future professors.
One of Hillel's functions is to
supply a religious and cultural
background for Jewish students
on campus. This religious program
will commence with High Holy
Day Services on Rosh Hashonah
at 8 p.m. Sept. 14 and all day
Sept. 15 in Kellogg Auditorium.
Yom-Kuppur Services will, be held
at 8 p.m. Sept. 23 and all day
Sept. 24 in Lydia Mendelssohn
Auditorium. Friday evening serv-
ices will be conducted weekly be-
ginning on Sept. 26.
Hillel aims to provide programs
and facilities to fit as many of the
students' interests as possible.
Those interested in drama or writ-
ing can express their talents
through the Hillel Players or the
Hillel News. The News is a month-
ly journal and the Player's, a stu-
dent theatrical organization en-
tertaining here and at B'nai
B'rith lodges throughout the state.
Hebrew Courses Offered
Courses in beginning, interme-
diate and advanced Hebrew are
offered to interested students.
Rabbi Lyman will also conduct a
seminar on "The Jewish Person-
ality as Reflected in Our Modern
Literature." Other courses in Jew-
ish history, ethics, customs and
folkways may be presented if there
is sufficient demand.
Students are invited to take ad-
vantage of the Foundation's large
phonograph record collection and
the well stocked Louis Weiss Me-
morial Library.

Once again back to the pre-I
war level, fraternity life will be
in full swing during the coming
fall semester.
Thirty-one of Michigan's 41
fraternities have announced that
they will be operating on an ac-
tive basis again. Most of these
have either reopened their houses
which were abandoned during the
war or obtained new ones.
To accommodate long chapter
rolls created by the return of
many members from the services,
some fraternities have acquired
annexes, and all are doubling up
on living and sleeping quarters.
Those who register with the In-
ter-Fraternity Council will see
rushing on the same scale as in
pre-war years. During the war
these activities were limited for
the most part to small informal
Freshmen Must Register
Freshmen wishing to rush must
register during the first week of
the semester in the IFC offices
in the Union. Rushing will begin
Sunday, Sept. 28 and continue
through Oct. 9.
The registration card will have
space for the rushee to specify
any fraternity in which he may
have a particular interest.
Each chapter on campus will
hold an open house at the begin-
ning of the rushing period, en-
abling the rushee to visit all the
houses and meet their members.
Use "Preference List" System
A "preference-list" system of
bidding, inaugurated last year, will
enable both the rushee and the
fraternity to indicate preferences
at the close of the rushing period.
The office of the Dean of Students
will then honor these bids and
acceptances according to their re-
spective positions on the lists.
Some fraternities have indicated
a desire to do away with the tra-
ditional hazing during pledgeship,
but for most the paddle will be
king during the prospective mem-
ber's first semester after pledging.
,Those who are pledged to fra-
ternities must meet the scholastic
requirements of the IFC and Dean
of Students before they may be1
initiated. A scholastic average of
C or better (depending on the
number of semester hours being
carried) is necessary.

It is customary for initiations to
be held early in the second se-
mester after pledging.
Originated in 1845
Fraternities at Michigan origi-
nated in 1845, four years after
classes were begun on the Ann
Arbor campus, They are respon-
sible' for many of the oldest tra-
ditions and activities which stu-
dents now honor.
Joining a fraternity offers a
man an opportunity to make
friends, with whom he can re-
main throughout his college career
and even afterwards, according
to an IFC publication. Other ad-
vantages to be had through an
affiliation with a fraternity are
listed as: opportunity for the de-
velopment of personality, experi-
ence in group living in which men
must assume their share of obliga-
tions, and training in the work of
an executive through management
of the chapter.
President Ruthven has written,
"The fraternity is as typical a
feature of American colleges as
the division of students into
freshmen, sophomore, junior, and
senior classes. Each fraternity or-
ganization, as compared with un-
organized groups of students, pos-
sesses extremely important and
valuable assets to start with -
common aims, the support and
backing of alumni who maintain
a lively interest in the success of
the chapter, national organization,
and unusual opportunities for the
cultivation of lasting friendships."
Fraternities Listed
A tentative list of fraternities
which will be active in the fall is:
Acacia, Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha
Sigma Phi, Alpha Tau Omega,
Beta Theta Pi, Chi Phi, Chi Psi,
Delta Kappa Epsilon, Delta Tau
'Delta Upsilon, Kappa Nu, Kap-
pa Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha,
Phi Delta Theta, Phi Kappa Tau,
Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Sigma Del-
ta, Phi Sigma Kappa, Phi Kappa
Psi, Pi Lambda Phi, Psi Upsilon,
Sigma;Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Alpha
Sigma Chi, Sigma Phi, Sigma
Phi Epsilon, Theta Chi, Theta Del-
ta Ci, 2Trigon, Zeta Psi, and Zeta
Beta Tau.

Fraternities in Full Swing;
Rushing Will Begin Sept. 28

Through these portals no woman
shall pass - is the unwritten law
that hangs over the front door of
the Union, Michigan men's castle.
A daily center of male life, and
a seat of social functions on week-
ends, the Union has facilities for
a variety of activities ranging from
a quick dip in the swimming pool
to an afternoon of leisure read-
ing in the Pendleton Library. In
addition, the Union sponsors a
number of events throughout the
Every man, upon paying his tu..
ition fee, is entitled to a member-
ship card in the Union, and there-
by is entitled to the use of its
facilities. Membership cards are
distributed by the student offices
early in the semester.
Michigan men may choose their
recreation from a ping pong room.
a billiard room, checker and chess
boards, or the bowling alleys, in
addition to the swimming pool.
Visitors Honored at Union
Visitors to the University may,
be housed in the 195 guest rooms
located upstairs in the Union. Of
convenience to students is the
main desk where checks can be
cashed and bus tickets and tickets
for University events may be pur-
chased. Detroit and Ann Arbor
newspapers, current magazines,
candy, cigarettes and chewing gum
are also on sale at the desk.
The second floor ballroom is
the scene of the traditional week-
end dances which are held every
Friday and Saturday when there
is no other major campus event
taking place. Smokers, mixers and
large meetings are also held in
this room.
Comfortable chairs, cushions,
divans, writing tables and quiet
may be found in the North Lounge.
In the Pendleton Library, dona-
tion of the widow of Edward Wal-
do Pendleton. '72, current best
sellers and popular magazines are
Taproom Has Tradition
An afternoon snack or a square
meal will be served to men in the
Taproom down in the basement.
Here may be found evidences of
the old Michigan tradition of sen-
iors carving their names on the
'taproom table tops.
Offices of several campus or-
ganizations are housed in the Un-
ion. Michigamua, Vulcans, Druids,
Inter-Fraternity Council and the
Men's Glee Club are among those
who have headquarters here.
The Union is governed by a
Board of Directors composed of
students, faculty members, alumni
representatives and one member
"See Doc Rider!"

FRIDAY, 'AUGUST"15.-1947
Daily Spiritual
Program Held
At St._Mary's
Catholics Sponsor
Weekly Study Groups
At St. Mary's Chapel, Catholic
students, under the direction of
Fr. Frank J. McPhillips and Fr.
John F. Bradley, participate in a
program designed to aid them
spiritually, intellectually and so-
The spiritual program includes
Masses daily at 7, 8, and 9 a.m.,
and on Sundays at 8, 9:30, 11 and
12 a.m. Confessions are heard
each Saturday afternoon and eve-
ning, and daily before the morn-
ing Masses. An annual retreat,
with a prominent speaker presid- ;
ing, is held the first week of Dc-

of the Board of Regents. Second-
semester freshmen may become
try-outs on the Union staff to
work under the officers. ,
Union Opened in 1907
The idea of constructing a com-
mon gathering place for men was
conceived in 1903, and it was on
the day of the Ohio State game in
1907 that the Union opened its
first home - the former house of
Judge Cooley - to its members.
Although an additional wing
was added in 1912, the "Cooley
House" soon proved inadequate,
and in 1915 a campaign to raise
$1,000,000 for a new clubhouse
was launched. Alumni and under-
graduates contributed subscrip-
tions of $50 to make up most of
the fund. Since that time further
campaigns have been staged to
provide for the additions that
completed the Union as it is to-
day, increasing the total cost to
more than $2,000,000.
During orientation week the Un-
ion invites freshmen to smokers
where they meet sports figures,
and representatives of The Daily,
Inter-Fraternity Council, Tri-
angles, Sphinx and other campus

Educational Program
Weekly study groups and dis-
cussions and special lectures by
guest speakers are included in the
educational program. Questions
and problems of special interest
to Catholic students are treated in
these meetings. Father McPhillips
and Father Bradley are available
for private instruction and confer-
ence at all times.
The social program is under the
direction of Newman Club, which
is affiliated with the National
Federation of Newman Clubs,
Programs are planned and carried
out by the club officers, which in-
clude a president, two vice-presi-
dents and an executive commit-
tee of ten students who are as-
signed specific tasks and share in
.handling the various functions
sponsored by the group.
Open House
Weekly open houses, Sunday
morning breakfasts, parties and
an annual formal dance make up
the club's program. An open house
to welcome new students and ac-
quaint them with Newman Club
will be held from 8 to 12 p.m.,
Sept. 19, in the club rooms at St.
Mary's Chapel.
The Michigan Newman Club,
which has a membership of over
550, is one of the largest chapters
in the country and has sister
groups on many other secular



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