THE MICHIGAN D)AIL.Y FRIDfAY, AUGUT ~'15. 1947 , a asaaaraaaaii.1a1--S' 1--a --I ,'a.+Y ..,a ..' I ..7Y ,: GUIDING HAND: Academic Cunselors Avise Underclassmen NEW FACILITIES: Medical Program Will Be Centralized at Center, Enrollment In Extension Service High Freshmen and sophomores will be glad to know there are 16 faculty members on campus who are ready and willing to sare the many problems con- frpnting students in their first to years in college. This welcoming group may be found at the Office of Academic Counselors in Mason Hall. Accord- ing to Prof. Arthur Van Duren, director of the office, the coun- selors are anxious to discuss any probem in the student's economic ife, including health, employment, (Continued from Page 1) more students although "we have had to relinquish rooms specially equipped to suit our needs to larger departments." Another small department, oriental lan- guages, is using office space for 6lasses, but expects to provide for all registrants. More Room Although ."quite crowded" last semester, the botany, anthropol- ogy, journalism and romance lan- pages department do not ex- pct to turn away any students next fall. The physics department will take over several rooms in the East Engineering Building this fall for classes. A more serious problem is a shortage of compe- tent instructors for advanced stu- dents. With a larger program than before the war, the depart- ment is operating with a smaller staff. Housing Problem The lack of housing in Ann Ar- bor for additional instructors is S indering the growth of the rap- idly-expanding German depart- ment. Comparing this summer's enrollment of 375 with the 284 figure of last summer, Prof. Henry W. Nordmeyer, chairman of the department, declared. "If this indicates a trend, it is not in the best 'interests of efficient teach- ing." Classrooms are scattered over the campus, he said, but space is adequate. The psychology department, the first day in the spring term, may receive some relief in the fall. The situation is expected to be eased by the switch of psychol- ogy 31 from group two to group three. In addition, the department has requested the use of Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre for two courses to fill the need for large classrooms. Office space and more room for graduate students are other pressing problems. Fifty-Seventh Year Edited and mnanged by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann' Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail,j Member Associated Collegiate Press, 1947-48 extra-curricular activities, stu- dent-faculty relations and stud habits. yelp Select Courses The primary task of the coun- selors is to assist students in selecting their programs a n d their field of concentration. The importance of this 'guidance has caused all freshmen and sopho- mores to 'be assigned to a coun- selor who maintains direct super- vision over their academic work from the time of their arrival at the University. The large number of veterans are provided special counseling services at the Veterans Services Bureau in the Rackham Building. Traditional Policy Freshman students will follow the traditional policy of the lit- erary college in the selection of courses. All must take work in physical education for which nc credit is granted, and in additior. must attend a series of six hygien lectures and demonstrations. The English composition course musi be elected during the first semes- ter to fulfill the English require- ment for graduation. In additior students may select 12 other credit hours of classes each semester. Largely because of the greatl increased number of admissions a ruling has tightened academi standards. Non-veteran student must maintain at least a C aver- age during their first semester ir attendance; veterans are per- mitted an additional session ir which to maintain this minimuir standard. Attendance Requirements Attendance requirements ar more lenient than in the past however; students are expectec to attend classes regularly. Ab- sences will be considered on an in- dividual basis by the instructo concerned and action will be taker where absence is endangering sat- isfactory academic progress. Freshmen are not eligible tc participate in extra-curricula campus activities during thei first semester here, but may there- after, providing a C average i maintained. The following system of grading is used by the University: A-excellent; 4 honor points per hour of credit. gB-good; 3 honor points per hour of credit. C-fair; 2 honor points per hour of credit. D-deficient passed; 1 honor point. E-not passed; no honor point. I-incomplete. X-absent from examination. A minimum of 120 hours with at least two-point (C) average is required for the bachelor degree. Most of the courses in the lit- erary college are held in Angell Hall, facing State Street. Ro- mance language courses are held in the Romance Languages build- ing. Classes in zoology and botany meet in the Natural Science Building. while those in chemistry assemble in the Chemistry Build- ing. Classes in other departments meet in Mason Hall, Haven Hall and University Hall. '.U' Film On Tour "Michigan on the March," film story of the University during the war, is now making a good-will tour of Latin American cities, ac- cording to a report from the State' Department. Soon to be sent to Buenos Aires, Argentina, the film has also been1 shown in Santiago, Chile, and7 Quito, Ecuador. 1 AIR VIEW OF CAMPUS--View of campus looking west up. North University. In the center fore- ground is the Natural Science Museum. On the other side of Washtenaw is the new medical build- ing. In back of the medical building on East University on the left side, is the engineering school at the end of the diagonal. In the background (left) is Angell Hall and to the right is Natural Sci- ence building. On North University is Hill Auditorium and to the right of Hill is the Burton Memorial Tower whose clock strokes remind would-be errant students of class time. Engine School Will Broaden lIonorSysterm Students Take Lead In Expansion Plans Students in the engineering :ollege, under the leadership of ,he Engineering council, will strive to re-establish the Honor System for all classes this fall. Inaugurated in 1916 as the re- sult of a student petition to the faculty, the Honor System was Discontinued for underclassmen in 1944 because of the large num- ber of students coming into the engineering college from other schools who were not familiar with the traditional system. During the past two years, the Engineering Council, student gov- erning body, and the Michigan Technic, engineering student pub- lication, have been active in pro- moting the revival of the Honor System for freshmen and sopho- mores. At the present time the plan is still in operation for up- perclassmen. Students and members of the faculty and administration have agreed that the Honor System cannot successfully be imposed upon the student body and there- fore the demand for the system must originate with the student body. The fate of the Honor Sys- tem is to be decided by the stu- dents-and the faculty is taking no part. Student Signs Pledge Under the Honor System, writ- ten quizzes and examinations are unproctored and the student is required to write and sign the pledge: "I have neither given nor received aid during this examina-' tion " Students- who observe members of the class cheating on an ex- amination are expected to warn the violators and, if they persist, to report them to the Student Honor Committee and testify as to the details of the violation. The offending student is then, brought to trial before the com- mittee, whose members are elected by the different classes. The com- mittee investigates the circum- stances, obtains all the evidence and decides upon the guilt and punishment, which may be any- thing up to and including expul- sion.. Recommend Action The sentence, in the form of a recommendation, is sent to the Faculty Disciplinary Committee which has the power to carry out the sentence. The offending stu- dent has the right to appeal to the faculty, and the dean is consulted before final action is taken re- sulting in suspension or expulsion. 'U' WOODSMEN: Forestry School Emphasizes Strictly .Professional Courses Offering a choice of subjects ranging from furniture productio'u to fur-bearing animals, the School of Forestry and Conservation aims at making its courses strictly pro- fessional in nature. 'Two years of work in other schools is required before the stu- dent is admitted to the school, where he has a choice of a three- year curriculum leading to a de- gree of Master of Forestry or Master of Wood Technology. The forestry school includes in Offer Degree Program In Ethics Course Undergraduates who desire a cultural training leading toward a life of intelligent spiritual citizen- ship should consider the degree program in religion and ethics, according to Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, University Research Consultant in Religious Educa- tion. . "This is a program preparing university trained laymen to live in a modern world, and is only in- cidentally for prospective clergy- men," Dr. Blakeman emphasized. Diversity of Courses The program features a great diversity of course offerings in the liberal arts field, including 154 hours distributed among seven departments. The courses have been selected to give the student a knowledge of religion in three areas: as an aspect of civiliza- tion; as an aspect of thought; and as an aspect of social rela- -tions. Juniors who choose this degree program will major in religion and select a minor sequence in either literature, oriental lan- guages, sociology, science, psy- chology, history or philosophy. Among the courses in religion are English Bible, philosophy of re- ligion, psychology of religion and the Restoration. Prerequisites Listed Prerequisites for the degree pro- gram are 60 hours of work and a C average or higher. It is recom-_ mended, however, that the first two years' work include philos- ophy 31 or 34, psychology 31, so- ciology 51, speech 31 and English 31 and 45. Students meeting these require- ments may consult with any member of the program commit- tee composed of Professors De- Witt H. Parker of the philosophy department, J. E. Shepard-psy- chology, A. E. Wood,-sociology, H. Y. McCluskey-education and William H. Worrell-oriental lan- guages. Dr. Blakeman stressed the fact that care is constantly taken to "see that no teaching falls from the University level to the level of sectarian emphasis."1 its activities the entire range of problems connected with the man- agement of forest lands and wa- ters, and with the harvesting and use of their products. Has Extension Service The school also carries on an ex- tension service to acquaint school children as well as the general public with the need for conserv- ation. In addition to its office and classrooms in Natural S c i e n c e Building, the school has a com- prehensive forestry library, where approximately 100 periodicals are received regularly. . The Wood Technology Labora- tory maintained by the school has equipment for testing and treat- ment of iumber and for testing of fire-fighting apparatus. Six large tracts of forest land near Ann Arbor are owned by the University and used for study by forestry students. Summer Camp in UP Camp Filbert Roth, on Golden Lake in the Upper Peninsula, of- fers study for first-semester stu- dents in the Ottawa National For- est. Attendance at the camp, which is compulsory, includes trips to logging camps, wood-using indus- tries, and other points of inter- est. The Botanical Gardens and the Arboretum are used for study of forest conditions by the students. Longer trips are made to for- ests, nurseries, fire stations, and other points of interest in the state. The Furniture Industry Pro- gram is one of the few in the country offering a special series of studies for the training of stu- dents who are preparing for tech- nical or executive positions in the furniture industry. Offered in cooperation with the National Association of Furniture Manufacturers, the program in- cludes trips to Grand Rapids furn- iture manufacturers and lectures by working furniture technicians. First Taught in 1881 Forestry at the University was first taught in 1881 as part of the political science curriculum. An- other course was added to the cat- alogue in 1902. A separate department was or- ganized in the literary college in 1903, under the leadership of Prof. Filbert Roth. The present School of Forestry and Conservation was organized in 1927, emphasis being laid on the strictly professional character of the work. Recommend Studying Probably the best way to get good grades at this University, and this is advice to you young and in- nocent freshmen who will flaunt your National Honor Society pins until you receive five-week grades, -is to stay home every night in the week and study. Centralization of all medical in- struction, research and public service will be the core of the plans for the new medical center as re- vealed by President Alexander G. Ruthven and Dean Albert C. Fur- stenberg of the Medical School, last semester. The extension of facilities of the medical school within the cen- ter of activities will make possible a joint program with the public health school which would estab- lish one of the greatest centers of this kind in the United States. Included in the plans for ex- Expansion of Engine School Necessitated Enrollment Increase Creates Space Lack The construction of the addition to the East Engineering Building highlights the expansion p'ogram necessitated by the greatly in- creased enrollment, Dean Ivan C Crawford of the College of Engi- neering announced recently. Expect 4,000 Students "Indications point to a fall en- rollpent of 4,000 undergraduates, an every effort is being made to expand to extend present facili- ties to accommodate this number" Dean Crawford said. Enrollment in the engineering' school is closed to all except resi- dents of the state of Michigan and sons and daughters of alumni. Although engineering students are required to take English and economics, the opportunities for the study of literature, languages, history and other humanistic stud- ies are limited. If a student is seriously interested in these stud- ies, he is advised to spend a few semesters on them before enter- ing the College of Engineering. Special Courses Offered Special engineering courses are offered in the departments of mathematics, physics, chemistry, economics, and business adminis- tration. The accelerated schedule adopt- ed during the war has since been dropped, and courses are current-. ly offered dring two terms and a half-term summer session each year . Bureau Finds StudentsJobs If the salaries of students plac- ed in job openings by the Univer- sity appointment bureau, after graduation last year, were totaled, the figure would be about $600,- 000. according to Dr. T. Luther Puraom, director of the bureau. Over 400 graduates were placed in the general job field alone last year (not counting teacher place- ment or summer jobs), and 1,328 were placed in teaching positions in the same period. Salaries for jobs, on file at the bureau, range from $1,500 up, including one call for a corporation president paying $25,000 annually, and another call paying $15,000. An estimated 35,- 000 to 40,000 persons passed through the doorway of the bur- eau office last year. Employers prefer the confiden- tial files of the bureau over let- ters of recommendation that ap- plicants carry'with them person- ally, according to Dr. Purdom. The files, available only to em- ployers, are consulted regularly when job openings occur, Re- quests arrive regularly for persons to fill openings in business, pro- fessional, military, teaching, state and national civil service and oth- er governmental positions in all parts of the world. pansion are a new maternity hos- pital, an out-patient building and new facilities for graduation med- ical education. Would Connect With Hospital Dean Furstenberg has recom- mended that the new Medical School be connected directly with University Hospital so, that there would be no barriers to daily or rven hourly conferences between the clinical and pre-clinical fac- ulties. The proposed school would be erected on the Ann Street site ad- jacent to the west walls of Uni- versity Hospital. The structure would furnish the necessary facil- ities for approximately 130 med- ical students, 100 dental students and 150 nurses per class, together with accommodations for an ex- oansive program of graduate med- ical education in the pre-clinical fields. The plans for the new mater- nity hospital include the accom- modation of the pediatrics de- partment with 150 beds and equip- ment for treatment of childhood diseases. Out-Patient Building The out-patient building will be de.