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August 15, 1947 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1947-08-15

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New Addition
To East Quad
To Hold 750
To Be Finished
By Next Term
The new addition to the East
Quadrangle, which will house
dbout 750 men students, will be
completed and in use this fall,
according to Francis C. Shiel, bus-
iness manager of the residence
Every room in the new dormi-
tory has already been assigned,
Shiel said.
Top priority in the new dormi-
Story was given to disabled veter-
ans. Freshmen were second on
the lust, Michigan freshmen get-
ting preference. Michigan vet-
erans, followed by oustate veter-
ans, fill up the remaining room
"In so far as we know, every
student so far accepted for the
fall term has. a place to live,"
Shiel said. He warned, however,
that a last minute rush for rooms
I inevitable.
Forsees Room Scarcity
"A larger enrollment is bound
to produce a room scarcity,"
Shiel said. "We were crowded last
year, and this term we expect
even more students."
Shiel disclosed that the new
dormitory for women students will
probably be ready for occupancy
in the spring term. No new dorm-
itories for women will open in the
The married students' apart-
ments in Willow Run are all rent-
ed for the fall, Shiel said. The
sigle students' dormitories at
the Village are not all taken up
yet, .although better than half
the list is reserved, he disclosed.
Shiel said that the dormitories
would continue to double up in
order-o. Accommodate more stu-
Cafeteria To Contine
As this arrangement crowds the
dining rooms, the practice of serv-
ing all meals cafeteria style will
be continued, Shiel said .
No rooms are available on the
private rooming house list, ac-
cording to Mrs. Esther Griffin of
the Housing Bureau. The Bureau
is still accepting applications for
Willow Run, however, Mrs. Grif-
fen said.
Book Center
Provides Low
Cost Supplies
The Student Book Exchange,
an organization designed to aid
students by permitting them to
buy and se'll books at reasonable
prices, will operate again this fall
from its offices on the second floor
of the League.
Under the sponsorship of the
Student Legislature, the Book Ex-
change will be open during regis-
tration week and the first week
of classes to give students an op-
portunity to purchase their texts.
Because the Exchange is staffed
by volunteer help, it will be open
only on Monday afternoons dur-
ing the rest of the semester.
Student Sets Price
Books sold by the Exchange are
brought in by students, who set
the price of the books they want
to sell. If they are sold the stud-

ent receives a check for the book;
if not lie may reclaim it or leave
it at the Exchange to be sold la-
ter. Good supplies of texts and
outside reading books now in use
will be available this fall, accord-
ing to Ken Bissell, manager of
the Exchange.
In addition to texts the Ex-
change also handles slide rules,
drafting sets and other second
hand equipment. Sale of new sup-
plies has been discontinued at the
request of the University. Other
items on the Exchanige shelves in-
clude such miscellaneous objects
as ice skates and boots. "We will
try to sell anything students bring
in," Bissell said.
SBE Saves Money
He emphasized the importance
of the Exchange in saving money
for stuident. "In the past it has

Building Program To Be
Half-Completed in 1948
Multi-Million Dollar Job Includes Rush
Schedule on Married Veterans Apartments
The 1947-48 school year will find the University's multi-milion
dollar building program about half completed.
Top priority in the rushed gonstruction schedule was given to
twelve apartment buildings for the housing of married veterans and
their wives behind University Hospital. The last of these units was
completed during the spring. ,
Scheduled for completion during the next school year are the
East Quadrangle addition, the East Engineering addition, the Chem-
istry addition and the Food Service Building. Some facilities in the
new Business Administration Building will be available during the
The East Engineering addition on University will be available at
the beginning of the fall term. It will provide classroom, office and
-- "- laboratory space for the crowded
. aeronautical and electrical en-
Students Live gineering departments.
The Food Service Building, on
WT b E. Huron will be completed about
A it W 1un October 15. The building will
serve as a storehouse and refrig-
Develop m11enteration unit for food used in dorm-
itories, the League and the Un-

To BringDecline
Return to 18,000 Is Official Guess
As Education Adjustment Proceeds
An all-time high enrollment of 20,500 has been forecast for
the fall semester by University officials.
Top administration officials expect the University's peak en-
rollment during the 1947-48 school year. They say that indications
point to 18,000 as the normal enrollment figure following the
postwar education adjustment period.
Predicting a substantial increase in the number of state resi-
dents seeking education beyond a secondary level, the administrators


said it will be necessary for the University to "carry a temporary
overload" to assume its share of responsibility for state education.
They believe, however, that the-
continuing need should be met in .
part by the development of other Legislature Is
No change in University policy
on admission of out-of-state stu-R epresentaive
dents is contemplated. This means
that the University's national and Student Body
international character will riot be
endangered, since out-of-state
and foreign students will comprise CoordinatingGroup
30 to 35 per cent of the total fall
enrollment. According to Univer- Elected Twice Yearly
sity officials, this represents a

Village Holds 2,000
Single,_Married Vets
An average of 2,000 single and
married veteran students have
lived at Willow Run Village, a
federal housing project twelve
miles from Ann Arbor, since the
end of the war and the beginning
of the severe housing shortage in
Ann Arbor.
The project, which served orig-
inally to house war workers at the
Willow Run bomber plant, re-
sembles an army camp, with its
identical dormitories and box-like
apartment houses. This fact has
been the subject of much cynical
comment on the ,part of the ex-
Rent Is Cheaper
The situation, however, is not
.,. bad as it appears at first
glance. Village rent is somewhat
cheaper than that prevailing else-
where for equal living space. Bus
service to the campus, while ad-
mittedly not all it should be, is
no longer a topi'b of serious com-
plaint. The student loses about an
hour a day in.transportation.
The Willow Village Council,
composed of students and factory
workers unable to find houses in
Detroit, has consistently per-
formed valuable community serv-
ice for the villagers. It recently
began a campaign to increase the
number of policemen in the vil-
lage, and to repair and paint the
housing units.
Experience Gained
Many students, particularly
those studying law, have gained
valuable political experience by
working with the Detroit citizens
for' improvement of the village.
The incumbent council preident
is a University law student.
The village has an active AVC
chapter, which has been instru-
mental in getting better cafeteria
service, and in sponsoring social
functions on weekends for those
students wh find it inconvenient
to attend affairs on the campus.
Offer Honors
Program Here
Liberal Arts Course
Now Open to Juniors
The College Honors Program in
Liberal Arts, now being offered to
qualified students who will be jun-
iors in the literary college this fall
will fulfill a need felt by certain
faculty members and a number of
students for a program of study
extending beyond the limits of de-
partmental concentration.
Set up in 1939 as a regular sub-
ject of degree concentration, the
plan for the program was devised
after a study of general education
courses given at the University of
Rochester, Swarthmore College
and St. John's University. The
greatest emphasis of the program
is put on the reading of funda-
mental texts rather than on inter-
pretations of basic concepts de-
rived from original works.
Two additional courses, related
to the subject of tutorial study,

Completed by Fall Term
Two houses of the East Quad
addition on E. University will be
completed in time for the fall
term. The other two houses will
be finished in October.
The chemistry addition on N.
University will not be completed
before the second semester. Some
classroom and lecture hall space,
however, will be available during
the fall. No relief from the crowd-
ed laboratories is expected before
University administrators ex-
pect classrooms in the South Wing
of the new Business Administra-
tion Building on Monroe to be
ready for use in the spring term.
Business administration students
now attend classes in Tappan
Hall, built in 1874.
General Service Building
The General Service Building is
not slated for completion before
next summer. The new building
will be used for administrative of-
fices now in Angell Hall and Uni-
versity Hall, and the top two
two floors will be used temporarily
for classrooms.
No occupancy dates have been
See BUILDING, Page 6
* * *
Addition Will
Provide Space
For Engineers
Despite a record enrollment of
4,000, the whole engineering col-
lege will breathe easier this fall
with the completion of the new
addition to the East Engineering
Although space will be still at a
premium in the engineering col-
lege, slide-rule-pushing students
and faculty are expected to find
some relief in the expanded fa-
The new building will be shared
by the aeronautical and eleeti ical
engineering departments. Hitherto
the aeronautical engineering de-
partment has been located largely
in the basement of East Engineer-
ing Building and the electrical en-
gineering department has been
scattered in at least four differ-
ent places around campus.
The aeronautical department
will expand into the basement,
first and fourth floors of the new
building, and the electrical engi-
neers will take over most of the
rest of the building including the
Prof. Emerson Conlon, chairman
of the aeronautical engineering
department, is looking forward to
getting a glimpse of the "wild
blue yonder." He hopes the fac-
ulty will finally be able to "see
an airplane in flight."
But at last the long-suffering
See ADDITION, Page 6

'9 ,

"satisfactory level."
The University was among e
the last of midwest schools to r
impose restrictions on out-of- I
state enrollment.

FRONT OF ANGELL HALL-Angell Hall houses the offices and classrooms of the literary college.
Executive offices will be moved to the General Administration Building now under construction. On
normal days in-between-class smokers, amateur discussion groups and sun worshippers may be found

littering the steps.

Pres. Ruthven
Welcomes All
New Students
It is my privilege to welcome
you to an institution largely
supported by the people of the
State of Michigan and de-
signed by them to provide for
you the facilities you will need
in acquiring an education. The
educational policies of the
University are determined by
the faculties of the several
schools and colleges and, are
based upon the belief that
their chief objective should be
to encourage and assist the
students of each generation to
think for themselves.
In harmony with this objec-
tive, you will be well equipped
to begin your college work if
you understand that the poor-
est education which teaches
self-control, tolerance, and
self-respect is better than the
best which neglects the culti-
vation of these qualities, and
that the business of your
teachers is not to make you
learn but rather to aid and in-
spire you to teach yourselves.
If, in your life on the campus,
you will continue to assume a
proper amount of responsibil-
ity for your own training, your
college work can scarcely fail
to be successful and, what is
quite as important, very pleas-
-Alexander G. Ruthven,
President of the Uni-

Literary College Departmentsa
To Have Enough Classrooms-
By TED MILLER Prof. James E. Dunlap, chair-
Despite generally crowded con- man of the classical studies de-
ditions, most departments in the partment, said there is room for
literary college will be able to ac- See CLASSROOMS, Page 2
commodate the anticipated in-1
crease in fall enrollment, a sur-
vey by The Daily shows. T
Although University officials
have predicted a new enrollment I slndependent
of 20,500 for the fall semester, a
check of literary college depart- Body This Fall
ments disclosed there is sufficient
space for additional students in
al1 courses except those already The University Men's Judiciary;
limited in the past academic year. Council will assume its duties as
Prof. Clarence D. Thorpe, an independent body for the first;
chairman of the committee on un- time in the fall.
dergraduate English courses' Formerly under the close super-
struck the most optimistic note. vision of the Student Legislature
"We expect the adjustment this and composed exclusively of Leg-
fall will be almost imperceptible. islature members, the council be-
he said. Having weathered huge came independent under the terms
jumps in the past, Prof. Thorpe of a new constitution recently
explained, the department , ex- passed by the Legislature and ap-
pects future increases to cause rel- proved by the Student Affairs
atively little trouble. Committee.
The economics department' Under the new set-up, the coun-
' which added many sections in be- cil consists of seven students ap-
ginning courses last year, mdi- pointed for one school year by the
cated that further expansion Legislature Cabinet. Students de-
could be made satisfactorily. siring membership on the council
Noon labs will be introduced in must be students in good standing
the geology department for the with at least sixty credit hours.
first time this fall. The action Petitions for membership must be
will be taken to accommodate ad- turned in to the Legislature pres-
ditional students expected to en- ident by a deadline to be an-
roll after the transfer of psychol- nounced in The Daily.
ogy 31 from group two to group Powers and duties of the council
three credit. At the present time include the determination of elig-
the department does not expect to ibility in campus elections, hear-
set a limit on registration. ings and decisions regarding dis-
The sociology and geography putes arising under the election
departments have experienced regulations of the Student Legis-
larger classes but expect "no par- lature, disqualification of any can-
ticular effect" from the hike in didate who violates the regula-
enrollment. Classroom space for tions, jurisdiction in disputes be-
history and philosophy students 'tween campus organizations and
is no problem as yet, those depart- regulation of initiations and con-
ments reported. duct of all honor societies.

Declaring that no qualified
students from the state have been
refused admission to undergrad-
uate schools here, officials saw
no discernible trend toward a2
greater graduate enrollment in1
proportion to undergraduate en-
rollment. Approximately 3,000 stu-
dents were enrolled in the grad-1
uate school last spring. The totala
enrollment was slightly overr
On the basis of early figures,
the literary college is expecting
a freshman class of approximately
pre-war size. Normal registration
runs about 1,200-1,300.
Despite the overall enrollment
increase, Dean Hayward Keniston
expects enrollment in the literary
college to be "the same or slightly
lower" than the spring term figure
of 7,157. "The peak of the en-
rollment crisis seems to have
passed in the literary college," he
observed. The increased enroll-
ment, he pointed out, will be ab-
sorbed by the professional schools.
Almost 100 students in the lit-
erary college who attended school
during the past year do not in-
tend to return in the fall, a sur-
vey shows. For the most part,
Dean Keniston believes that
"withdrawals appear to be the re-
sult of an insufficient government
allowance, especially for married
veterans with children. If the gov-
ernment should increase the al-
See PEAK, Page 6
V"SB Assists,
Service Bureau Aids
In Red Tape Cutting
From the very beginning of the
new veteran's registration at the
University, the Veterans Service
Bureau plays a vital part in his life
on campus.
He applies for a subsistence al-
lowance under Public Laws 16 oi
346 at the Bureau, and there, too
he is given information regarding
the University and its admission
The Service Bureau helps the
veteran cut through red tape by
referring him directly to the prop-
er agency in regard to questions
about placing applications, hous-
ing, employment, notorization,
medical care, and legal counsel-
Trained advisors discuss with
the veterans the advantages of
Public Laws 1* and 346. Vocation-
al guidance counseling is made
available through the Bureau of
Psychological Services for any
veterans desiring it.
As an agency of the University
the Service Bureau certifies the
veteran's status in school to the
Veterans Administration which in
turn authorizes the payment of his

The Student Legislature, found
ed in the fall of 1946, is the rep-
esentative student body on cam-
Elected twice yearly, the legis-
lature coordinates the activities of-
other campus organizations and
sponsors, all-campus activities, as
well as initiating various campus
Plans For Fall
Plans for the fall term include
supervision of football ticket dis-
tribution and enforcement of the
recently passed ordinance ban--
ring bicycles from sidewalks on
Suggestions for changes in the
lection system of. the Legislature
will also be considered in the fall.
Most of the work of the Legis-
lature is done by committees com-
posed of both members of th
Legislature and interested stu-
dents from the campus at large.
The Campus Committee, one of
the most important, plans to work
for establishment of a cooperative
restaurant on campus as well as
the improvement of local traffic
In the past year, the Legislature
has initiated a system of student
grading of instructors which, with
the cooperation of the instructors
has met with a great deal of suc-
cess, according to Dick Kelly, f
summer Legislature president.
Other Committees
Other functions of the Legis-
lature are handled by the Aca-
demic, Publicity, Secretarial, Pub-
lications, Veterans, Student Gov-
ernment and Social committees.
The task of the Committee on
Student Organizations is to main-
tain liaison with all other organi-
zations in order to coordinate stu-
dent activities.
Legislature officers, elected by
the body itself, are, members of
some of the more important ad-
ministrative, legislative and judi-
cial bodies which are directly
within the administration of the
University,' such as the Student
Affairs Committee.
Volunteers to work on all of
the Legislature committees are
needed and all interested students
may contact the Student Legisla-
ture Offices in the Michigan Un-
ion for an assignment to the com-
mittee of their choice.
Benefits End
In July,_1957
An analysis of the consequences
for veterans of the Congressional
resolution terminating the war,
reveals that educational training
under both the G.I. Bill and Pub-
lic Law 16 expire on July 25, 1957.
The President's signature on
the measure also sets July 25,
1957 as the deadline for loans to
veterans which may be guaran-
teed by the government. Read-
justment allowances under the
"52-20" club expire on July 25
1952, though application for these
allowances must be made within
two years of the war's termina-


David Upton New Chief of Plans To Revive Mimes

The latest) developments in the
projected revival of the Michigan
Union "Opera," a musical comedy

scripts. Results will be announced
about Oct. 15, Skinner said.
If a suitable entry is received, a

Night Falls Dear," "College Days,"
and "The Friars Song." Prof. Earl
V. Moore, dean of the music'

ter a six years' lapse are based
upon widespread feeling that it is
an integral part of the Univer-


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