PUPPETS ARE HUMAN See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State Dai4b HOT VOL. LVI, No. 34S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, AUGUST 10, 1947 British Force To Conitinue Occupation Troops Will Aid In Greek Crisis By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Aug. 9-Great Britain was reported by diplomat- ic authorities today to have reas- sured the United States that Brit- ish troops will not be pulled has- tily out of Greece, despite earlier plans to withdraw them by Au- tumn. The British force now there is small, numbering only about 6,000 men, but both American and Brit- ish officials regard the presence of this group as a stabilizing fac- Ktor in Greece. Fresh rumors that it would \ be withdrawn as part of Brit- ain's economy campaign were' described authoritatively here as at least partly responsible for an increase in popular jitters in Greece recently. This nervous situation was reflected in re- ports from Athens that the money market there had shown a rise in the Drachma value of the gold sovereign. Observers in Athens describe this as the usual forerunner of a govern- mental crisis. American policy in stemming Communism in Greece appears to be aimed at preventing any kind of crisis, certainly in the period during which the American assist- 4nce program to Greece is being set up by administrator Dwight P. Griswold. Pumors about the withdrawal of British troops - rumors which actually were in line with pervious British policy state- ments-were said by officials here to be only one of various factors disturbing the Greek political situation and compli- cating the task before Griswold. Other upsetting influences in- clude (1) the Russian veto late last month of the American pro- posal to create .a United Nations Greek border commission and (2) persistent reports that Greece's Communist neighbor states have some sort. of international bri- gade ready to go into action at the proper moment. Odom Leaves Tokyoin Flight To Set Record TOKYO, Sunday, Aug. 10-(AP) -Endurance flier William P. Od- om took off from Yokota airfield early today on the next to last leg of a world flight which he said should set a new record by "eight or ten hours." The big, blond airman and his converted A-26 Bombshell plane were 50 hours and 23 minutes out of Chicago and had covered more than 13,000 miles when he soared off the runway at 5:16 a.m. (3:16 p.m., Saturday, EST) . 6,000 Miles To Go There was another 6,000 miles to go, half of it on the Tokyo ANCHORAGE, ALASKA, Aug. 9.-(P)-The Army operations tower at Elmendorf Field esti- mated tonight that 'round-the- world flier William P. Odom will arrive here at 9 p.m. Pacific Standard 'Time (12 midnight EST). Odom passed over Adak Is- land in the Aleutians at 11:25 p.m. Eastern Standard Time to- night as he roared back to home territory in quest of a new around-the-world flight record. Anchorage leg over the Pacific. Odom, 27, set out from Chicago Thursday (12:53 p.m. EST), with the announced intention of halv- ing the late Wiley Post's 1933 solo world record of 186 hours. However, he remarked during his one hour and 48 minute stop at Yokota that he expected to sur- pass the record of 78 hours and 55 minutes which he himself set with a crew last April in the same plane as well as Post's mark. He appeared more tense and nervous than tired, but said, "I'm getting pretty sleepy." He added that he intended to start taking stay-awake drugs on th nonsf, ho : nnde not Festival of Nations Will Be Given Today at Hill Folk Dance Program Will Complement 'World Affairs' Summer Lecture Series By ALLEGRA PASQUALETTI Festival of Nations, to be presented at 8 p.m. today in Hill Audi- torium, will feature folk dances and songs from seven countries as a colorful climax to the Summer Session series of lectures on "The Unit- ed States in World Affairs." The Festival will complement the lectures by showing the nations of the world at play and provide the "frosting on the cake," accord- ing to Dr, Louis Hoskins, director of the Summer Session. Lectures are good on the intellectual level, but we also need the lighter side, Workers Will Return to Jobs At FordPlant Production Linited By MurrayStrike I DETROIT, Aug. 9-()--An es- timated 32,0000 Ford Motor Co. employes, laid off last Wednesday, will return to work Monday in the face of a manufacturing schedule curtailed by shortages. Assembly lines, employing an additional 19,000 workers, will re- main idle until Wednesday, 24 hours longer than originally planned. A strike of 7,000 CIO employes of the Murray Corp. of America was blamed by the company for much of its production difficulties. Warned Curtailment Ford spokesmen warned several days ago that continuation of the Murray strike would force a cur- tailment of its operations to "two or three days a week." Murray supplies Ford with body frames and parts. The CIO United Auto Workers demanded of Murray a clause banning law suits for contract violations as permitted under the Taft-Hartley law. The Federal Conciliation Ser- vice intervened Friday in the Mur- ray strike in an attempt to affect a settlement. The same Tait-Hartley issue was settled on a temporary basis between Ford and the UAW-CIO Tuesday a few hours before a scheduled walkout of 107,000 pro- duction workers. Agree To Submit Question The two sides agreed to submit the question to a commission of two members each from the un- ion and the company, giving them up to a year to resolve the prob- lem. Meanwhile, Ford and the union continued bargaining on a pro- posed pension system to be incor- porated in a new contract. 'Terminal Poy Deadline Set Applications for terminal leave must be in by September 1, or veterans will forfeit their rights to payment. Under a newly-signed Congress- ional measure, those veterans who already have their terminal leave bonds may cash them as of Sept. 2. Robert A. Waldrop, director of the Veterans Service Bureau, cau- tioned those bent on waiting to the last day to file their claims to leave payments. He pointed out that September 1, falling on a Monday, is Labor Day, and chances are that government ag- encies willbe closed. "Thus," he declared," it's en- ( tirely possible that Saturday, Aug. 30, will, in effect, be the deadline for the filing of terminal leave applications." for if people will play together they will work together, he de- clared. Dr. Hugh Norton, of the speech .department, who is producing the Festival, 4emphasized its import- ance in demonstrating the many contributions which the countries of the world have made t the American nation. "Our objective is to develop mutual understand- ing and show our appreciation and greatful respect for the gifts of the world to us," he said. International Setting A setting with both a summery, and international atmosphere will be provided for the singers and dancers. The Hill Auditorium stage will be banked with green- ery provided by Mrs. Frieda Blanchard, assistant director of the University botanical gardens. On the stage will be three groups of flags of the United Nations, dominated by the American flag. The program will be opened by a Polish choir from the Lira Sing- ing and Dancing. Society, of De- troit, which will sing "Chtopacy Krakowiacy," one of the gayest of the national folk songs. An In- dian Shadow Dance with a drum accompaniment will be presentd by Mrs. Kamla Chawdry of Lahoree, India. Ukranian Dances Three Ukranian folk dances, "Hrechanicki," "Kolomyjka," and "Kinu Kuzi," will be performed in authentic costume by the Boy- an Dancing Group, Detroit. A group of Greek patriotic dances will be given by .the Sons and Daughters' of St. Nicholas. "Sy- rettos," commemorates the wom- en of Souli who resisted the Turks and "Tzamiko" is a guerilla dance from the Greek War of In- dependence. The famous Mexican "Hat Dance" will be presented by the Sociedad Mutualista Mexicana, of Pontiac. Three native songs, "Cielito Lindo," "Jalisco Jalisco" and "El Son de Mi Tierra," will be sung by two members of the group. Philippine Field Dances Philippine Michigan Club, com- posed of University students from the Philippine Islands, will give two of their country's field danc- es, "Tinikiling" or Bamboo Dance, and the Wine or Candle Dance. Dances of Norway, Sweden and Denmark will be performed by Gudren Nielsen's Danish Folk Dancers. Numbers will, inblude "Schottische in Five Figures" and "Degnedsnsen" from Sweden and Denmark, a Norwegian Spring Dance, "Vingakersdance" from Sweden and the Danish dances "Firtur from Varde" and "Fir- tur from Kallehave." The finale will include songs and dances from Polish folk op- eras. "Mazur" from Copelia will be danced by children of the Lira Society. The Lira Mixed Choir will sing "Goralu Czyc: Nie Zal" and both groups will be joined by adult dancers from the society for the performance of "Krakow- iak" from Mazeppa. Publication Ends This is the last day of pub- lication for The Daily during the 1947 Summer Session. Reg- ular publication will be re- sumed Sept. 23. Attlee Faces New Conflict WithinParty Opponents Claim Totalitarianism By The Associated Press LONDON, Aug. 9-Prime Minis- ter Attlee, accused by the conserv- atives of seeking "totalitarian powers" to deal with Britain's eco- nomic crisis, faced a new conflict within his own labor party to- night over the government's na- tionalization program. Persistent but unconfirmed re- ports that some cabinet members were opposed to carrying out plans to nationalize the steel industry during the crisis were followed by the calling of a special private meeting of labor members of par- liament for Monday. One political writer said left- ist intellectuals and trade un- ion members would demand a direct "yes" or "no" answer on steel from Attlee. Tomorrow night Attlee will out- line to the people of Britain over the BBC his work-more-eat-less program for staving off economic disaster. Most London newspapers car- ried stories reporting dissatisfac- tion among laborites with Attlee's "anti-crisis" program. The Daily Express political writer said maj- or changes in the government" may result from a rift over the future of the steel industry. "If a state monopoly is decid- ed upon, Mr. John Wilmot, the minister of supply, will go out, and Mr. Aneurin Bevan, health minister, will move over to sup- ply to take charge of steel," said the Daily Express. "If the ministers decide to postpone or water down the nationalization scheme, Mr. Bevan is likely to leave the government." Government sources declined to comment on the reports. Key min- isters were reported conferring with Attlee over the week end to outline his reply to labor critics Monday. Other political writers said For- eign Minister Ernest Bevin, Chancellor of the Exchequer Hugh Dalton and Deputy Prime Minis- ter Herbert Morrison were report- ed favoring postponement of plans to nationalize steel. In addition to outlining his stand on Steel Attlee was expect- ed to answer left wing socialist critics who attacked as "inade- quate" government plans to cut the armed froces from 1,300,000 men to 1,007,000 by next March. World News At a Glance HUGHES' FLYING BOAT-Here is an air view of the world', :rgest airplane, the eight-engined aerial cargo boat designed and built by Howard Hughes. 'The $30,000,000 plane is part of an inves- tigation by a Senate subcommittee into $40,000,000 in war contracts awarded to Hughes. The craft, still earthbound, was contracted for in 1942. .The Government put $18,000,000 into its construc- tion, added $500,000 for moving it from Culver City; Calif., to its graving dock in Long Beach, and has promised an additional $1,000,000 for test flying the plane, probably next winter. Earth Tremor Hits Residents In Ann Arbor Quake in Midwest Causes No Damage An Ann Arbor resident was rudely awakened last night when her bed collapsed under her dur- ing a one minute earth tremor which shook the Midwest at 9:47 p.m. The shock was centered about 150 to 200 miles from Ann Arbor, according to Prof. James T. Wil- son of the Geology Department. Prof. Wilson said that if the tremor had centered in or near a large city some damage could have been caused. However, as the Dail3 went to press, reports indicated nc damage other than broken win- dows and dishes. The University seismograph re- corded the tremor for one minute. It reached its peak at the 30 sec- ond point, Prof. Wilson said. George Hoffman, graduate stud- ent, told the Daily that he was working in the Rackhan Building when the tremor occurr- ed and that the building shool very perceptibly. "At first thought several heavy truck: were passing in front, but the shaking lasted too long," he said adding that the lights outsid flickered during the quake. Fraternity houses on Washte- naw Avenue also reported th quake to the Daily. John Fenner student in the business adminis- tration school, and member of Ph Kappa Psi fraternity, said "W could hear the windows rattling and the house shook for about minute." Quake reports received by the Associated Press came fron Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Wiscon, sin and Indiana. The last earth tremor felt ii this part of Michigan occurrei Mar. 8, 1943 and centered some where under Lake Erie, Prof. Wil son said. He added that no dam age was caused. Hopwood Winners Will Be Announcec Winners of the summer sessioi Hopwood Contest in creative writ ing, who will be notified by spe cial delivery letter, will be an nounced at 5 p.m., Thursday, Mis Mary Cooley, assistant to the Di rector of the Hopwood Award: announced yesterday. Two awards of $50 and $75 wi be given in four categories: dra ma, essay, fiction and poetr; LET CHIPS FALL: Heredity Clinic Does Pioneer Work in Human Inheritance By LIDA DAILESI If you're wondering just howt big a chip off the old block yout are, a visit to the Heredity Clin- ic, the only one of its kind in the country and possibly in the world,c ought to clear up the question. Strategically situated behind the Maternity Hospital the Here- dity Clinic staff members are un- dertaking pioneer research in thej inheritance of human traits and their modes of transmission. They are especially interested in the traits which have not been pre-. viously -worked out, as well as new modes of transmission. ClaimPolitical: Beliefs Cause Of Expulsion Charges that a student at Mich- igan State College "is being ex- pelled for his political beliefs and for no other reason" w e r e levelled yesterday by Edward Shaffer, University student and member of the local chapter of American Youth for Democracy. James Zarichny, a member of the Spartan AYD, told The Daily that he had recently been asked to transfer to another institution. He produced a letter from Dean S. C. Crowe of MSC which read: "You will recall that we had a conversation in regard to the ad- visability of your making arrange- ments to continue your college work at some other institution. "I believe that this advice should be carried out. A trans- fer of your credits can be obtain- ed from the Registrar's office." Zarichny said he has been re- peatedly accused of breaking the terms of the probation upon which all members of the Spartan AYD were placed last spring when the organization was barred from the East Lansing campus. He has denied any active participation in the AYD since that time. The MSC student said he has been accused of being a "propa- gandist." None of the charges have been made in writing, he added. Declaring that "this expulsion is a definite infringement on the liberties of all students," Shaffer. urged University students to "send immediately letters of protest to President Hannah of Michigan State College." Michigan State officials have thus far failed to comment upon the charges. The Heredity Clinic is main-r tained by research grants from the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies.t Teachers, preachers, lawyers, so- cial service agencies and about 250 families a year are given free ad- vice on heredity problems. The most common one brought to the clinic is the problem of the de- fective child. Parents are natur- ally concerned ,about whether or not such a birth is the result of their hereditary makeup, whether they might have other children at all, and whether their other child- ren would have a similar defect. Social Service Social Service agencies are re- ferred to the clinic for advice on the placement of children. They; want to place children in homes where the children's traits are compatible with those of the fos- ter parents. Sometimes enough information can be derived from the real mother's hereditary back- ground so that placement can be satisfactory for the foster parents and the child. More and more couples are com- ing to the clinic for premarital advice about the inheritance of traits. Ordinarily doctors are not trained in human heredity or else they don't have enough time. The clinic never prescribes treatment but acts in an advisory capacity. Sometimes these couples know of one particular trait which causes them concern and sometimes they come for a general checkup. Background Checked The hereditary background of these people is carefully examined and as many members of the fam- ily as possible are checked. This latter sometimes involves "field trips" for the staff members be- cause remote members of the family are often reluctant to come to Ann Arbor for examination. They feel that nothing is wrong with them even if their eight cousins are determined to be ex- amined. A pedigree is then drawn up and with that information the information is examined statisti- cally and the predictions of the in- heritance of traits and their modes of transmission are made. Dr. Lee R. Dice, director of the Laboratory of Verterbrate Biology which maintains the clinic, feels that every community should have a heredity clinic, supported by the government because the work is related to public health. "The government spends a great deal of money on the heredity of cows but not a cent on human heredity," he said. Such a clinic should not employ compulsory techniques but should function in an advisory capacity, he added. PRICE FIVE CENTS lughes Gives Elis Story of Entertainin g Officers Called Him 'Stuck Up' By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Aug. 9-How- ,rd Hughes told Senate invesigat- rs today he began spending for ntertainment when he got confi- ential word that Army officers onsidered him a "stuck up" rich nan who wouldn't "kow tow." Also, the millionaire plane de- igner, manufacturer and flier sol- mnly testified that he will leave he country for good if his giant, nuch-criticized cargo plane fails ;o fly. Hughes told a war investigat- ng subcommittee, "my reputation s rolled up in it. The subcommittee is investi- gating the wartime contract the government gave Hughes and industrialist Hent~y J. Kaiser for the aerial cargo craft - the world's biggest plane. It also is looking into Hughes' contract during the war for photographic reconnaissance planes. None of either type was deliver- d while the fightingkwas on. Te ommittee wants to know why. Hughes told the questioning S e n a t o r Ferguson (R-Mch.), chairman of the subcommittee, about his venture into entertain- ment as a plane builder. He said he had heard that Army officers considered him a "stuck up" rich man who thought him- self too good for them and sat 'out in my bailwick in Holly- wood instead of coming to Wright Field to kow tow. It was then, he sai he author- ized spending for entertainment. But in an almost hurt tone, he denied that any entertainment expenses were part of some $150,000 in costs for the flying boat which he said the govern- ment refused to allow. Fergus- on had asked him about that. Before the committee quit for the day-the hearing goes on again Monday-Hughes testified, 1. He "certainly" knows of no "fraud or corruption" on anyone's part in obtaining the contract for the 200-ton flying boat. 2. The "hatred" of Army offi- cers prevented his getting orders for other planes before the war. 3. It appeared "more than a co- incidence" that the Lockheed Company designed a twin-engine interceptor plane, which became the famous P-38 Lightning, after the Army compelled him to "sit" four months on a similar design and Lockheed hired engineers he had to lay off. 4. The Army turned down a pre-war plane, with which he set new world and cross-country speed records, because of its can- tilever construction - a type Hughes said is used now in all planes. 5. The big cargo boat has been structurally complete for months. What is holding up the test is the trouble with controls. 6. The ship will not be "enor- mously efficient" or set any new speed records. 7. No one ever has "shown me any proof" that the late Presi- dent Roosevelt "acted insincerely" in over-ruling underlings and or- dering completion of the plane. Vets' Absence ReportsDue Failure To File May Cause Check Delay Absence reports for student vet- erans enrolled in the eight-week Summer Session are due tomorrow according to Rober A. Waldrop, di- rector of the Veterans Service Bur- eau. Those planning to stay on for the post-session should keep their cards until that session closes. Veterans who have not received their absence report card or have lost it should get another one at the Veterans Service Bureau in the Rackham Building. Failure to do so may result in confusior over next semester's registratior Waldrop said. He warned thai this month's subsistence check: may also be delayed. Waldrop reported that there arf By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Aug. 9-Evic- tions from low cost public housing on the basis of income of occu- pants are forbidden until March 1 unless other quarters are avail- able under legislation passed by Congress and approved by Presi- dent Truman. BATAVIA, JAVA, Aug. 9-The Indonesian Republic advised the UN Security Council today that Republican troops were compelled to undertake mopping up and pre- ventive operations", and that the Dutch were "continuing military operations with the aim of ex- tending their territory." * * * DETROIT, Aug. 9-A state-wide campaign to collect 150,000 signa- tures to place the controversial Callahan Act on the ballot in the 1948 fall elections was announced today by the newly-formed "Com- mittee to Repeal the Callahan Act." * * * WASHINGTON, Aug. 9-Secre- tary of State Marshall notifed France today that the United States is prepared to agree "with- out delay" to a three-power meet- ing on raising the level of industry in the British-American sector of Germany. JERUSALEM, August 9 - Four military coaches of the crack "Egypt Express" were blasted off the tracks by a mine near Lydda, today. The Jewish engineer was buried under the debris and killed but *-ho -firmn an c.nPrA. 1 r1iP.lrc TROPICAL DISEASE: Spontaneous Malaria Cure AwaitsMost Ex GI Victims By ANNETTE RICH Daily Special Writer Thousands of G.L's suffering from malaria will find themselves spontaneously cured in a year and a half to five years after the start of the disease, Dr. Richard J. Porter of the School of Public declared. Now doing research in tropical diseases, this scientist pointed out In this illness what aparently happens is that the blood para- sites injected by the mosquito de- velop into tissue parasites. These tissue parasites keep on reproduc- ing-after a while they give rise to parasites which invade the red blood cells. Atabrine will destroy the parasites in the red-blood cells but it will not destroy tissue parasites, which will continue to RECOGNITION AT LAST: Karpinski To Retire After 43 Years By FRED SCHOTT Prof. Louis C. Karpinski, of the mathematics department, s a y s hPc ha naurremrls rduring of the campus scene. He has re- peatedly challenged University policy and got away with it. . "When T amn tn Michigan In through the Daily. He says he has a special love for the Daily. Along professional lines, he has been exceedingly active over the