P!A G VFO. .
Expect Free Flow of Trade
Following Paris Conference
Special To The Daily
EDITOR'S NOTE, This is the thir-
teenth in a series of interpretative
articles on political trends and per-
sonalities in Washington by a Daily
staff correspondent.
WASHINGTON-There is some-
thing more to the Marshall Plan
than simply having the European
nations get together to tabulate
their requirement for aid from the
United States.
Our State Department expects
that bringing together 16 Euro-
pean nations at Paris to analyze
their own resources and require-
ments will serve to remove the
chief impediments which have
blocked the free flow of trade be-
tween those countries. This I
learned from Isiah Frank, Inter-
national Resources D i v i s i o n
"brain-truster" w h o prepared
much of the background for both
the Marshall Plan and the In-
terrational Trade Organization.
Barriers To Trade
"Europe is now incapable of us-
ing its own surpluses," Frank ex-
plained, "because currency is not
freely exchangeable, tariff bar-
riers block shipments between
countries, and transportation is
frequently lacking.
Four committees from the Paris
conference, working outside of the
UN, are now surveying Europe's
needs for coal, food, transporta-
tion, and steel. Thus far the Unit-
ed States has made no decision as
to the size or the administration
of American aid or whether it will
be in the form of loans or of
Committees At Work
By the time that the Commit-
tees on Cooperation submit their
reports on September 1, however,
the U.S. will have some idea of
what it can provide. President
Truman has no less than three
separate committees currently
studying the impact of such aid
upon our economy.
The major issue at present is
the treatment of Germany.
France, who wants tq maintain
her security by maintaining her
industrial advantage over Ger-
many, is at odds with Great Brit-
ain and the U. S. who want to re-
move the present restrictions on
German steel production in the
interests of bettering the Euro-
pean economy as a whole.
Emergency Measure
However this issue is settled,
the Marshall Plan remains an
emergency measure to assist Eur-
ope in getting back on her feet,
Long range economic reconstruc-
tion will be up to the International
Trade Organization which is meet-
ing in Geneva now under the
sponsorship of the UN. (Czecho-
slovakia is the only Eastern Eur-
opean nation present; Russia de-
clined to attend.)
The ITO was originated by the
United States in 1945 to facilitate
multi-lateral trade agreements
which would reduce tariffs and
promote increased world trade.
Our own government is commit-
ted to a tariff-reducing policy
and the President has authority
from Congress to reduce our tar-
iffs as much as 50 per cent (as
of July, 1946) in the negotiation
of trade agreements with other
Post Office Holds
Veterans' Cheeks
Checks for the following veter-
ans will be held at the Ann Arbor
post office till August 20: David
J. Adams, Nafe A. Alley, Benjamin
Anslow, Jr., Edward H. Atkins,
Eugene T. Brown, John Carroll,
Joseph Cochin, John W. Craw-
ford, Roy De Gesero, Harry R.
Garvin, Robert F. Gray, Robert A.
Halvorsen, Richard E: Henne, Lin-
ares B. Johnson, Owen E. McAr-
dle, Lewis W. Martin, Jr., Jack
Hifou Mizuha, Dane E. Smith, Ul-
rich W. Stoll, Roian M. Szyman-
ski, Jackson R. Templin, Alex J.
Weiss, George E. Wetterau, Her-
old J. Wiens.
Relations Bog
Down -- Rowe
(Continued from Page 1)
which are not supported by great
powers, wars that would hardly
threaten world peace and secur-
As regards the possibility of
achieving understanding through
American efforts to build up the
Russian economy, Prof. Rowe re-
marked that there is no assur-
ance that the United States and
the world would profit in such an
"The Americans helped to
build up Japan through trade, but
few would deny that any gain to
us or to the world was lost many
times over in the recent war."
Henry Wallace's proposal for
a large loan to Russia as a
means of signifying our good
faith, and allaying the holo-
caust-breeding fears of the
people of Russia, was looked at
with skepticism by Prof. Rowe.
"The Russian government," he
said, "thrives on the fear of its
people. And the Kremlin, con-
trolling as it does, the press and
radio, effectively influences the
people's emotions. It is difficult to
believe they would allow that fear
to be dispelled so easily. As a
matter of fact, any such loan
would probably be accepted by the
Kremlin as a mere indication by
us of weakness and indecision,
qualities which the Soviet govern-
ment well knows how to exploit."
In dealing with Russia, he
said, every effort must be made
to cooperate, so long as cooper-
ation does not mean subjection
of our fundamental values to
those of the Soviet Union.
"We must cooperate, but we
must not stand by in the face of
Russian aggrandizement," he said.
"We've got to realize that we're
still living under the nation-state
system, where power reigns pre-
dominant. And we've got to ac-
cept the existence of such a sys-
tem for at least a while longer."
-Cyrus S. Ching (above) was
named by President Truman to
head the government's new in-
dependent mediation service un-
der the Taft-Hartley Act.
Percy Faces
New Threat
Of eviction
Percy, the local canine celebrity,
is having eviction troubles again.
Last winter, Percy was featured
in a student-veteran eviction case
when W. E. Armstrong (Percy's
landlord) of 418 East Washing-
Street objected to his canine pres-j
ence on the grounds that the cus-
tomers of the restaurant which
Armstrong runs downstairs were
having their aesthetic sensibili-
ties violated.
Percy a Nuisance?
Percy's master, Ronald Johnson,
student at the University, adopt-
ed a "love me, love my dog" at-
titude and pointed out that Percy
couldn't possibly be a nuisance to
the customers because he had his
own means of transportation in
and out of the building-a basket
which was raised and lowered
from Johnson's apartment out of
sight of the customers.
After some weeks of action be-
tween Armstrong, Johnson and
their lawyers, the case was fin-
ally settled and Percy settled down
with a sigh for what he mistaken-
ly thought was a permanent rest.
Another Eviction Notice
Now Johnson has been served
another eviction notice, this time
on the grounds that Armstrong
wants to redecorate his apart-
ment. Upon conferring with the
University's lawyer, Johnson has
found out that there are no such
grounds for eviction according to
his present contract. However,
nothing has been settled yet.
All of which leaves P e r c y
scratching his ear in wonder at
the legal gyrations human beings
go through for a kennel.
Senior Booklets
All June graduates who ordered
but did not pick up senior an-
nouncements and booklets are re-
quested to report to Rm. 2, Uni-
versity Hall, and get them.
There are a few extras for those
who still wish to purchase them.
Power, Ideals
Seen as U.S.
First Duties Owed
America's primary responsibil-
ity as a world power is to main-
tain its own strength and its tra-
di'ional ideals of foreign relations,
Nelson T. Johnson, secretary-gen-
eral of the Far Eastern Commis-
sion, said yesterday.
Speaking in the lecture series
on "The United States in Wor'ld
Affairs," Johnson said, "as a world
power, our primary responsibili-
ties are to ourselves."
"We cannot expect to lead if
we cannot control and manage
Traditional Ideals Listed
Johnson listed as traditional
American ideals in foreign policy
good faith and justice toward all
nations, settlement of internaion-
al disputes by arbitration and con-
ciliation, and non-involvement in
other nation's quarrels.
Others are freedom of the seas,
equality of opportunity in world
trade and renouncement of terri-
torial ambitions, he said.
Understanding the world situa-
tion is requisite to applying these
principles, Johnson declared. In a
democracy, it is vital that all the
people understand world events as
national action stems from them,
he said.
Ample Information
"We do not lack information.
Our people are deluged with it.
No people are better served by an
intelligent press. But we have
neither the experience nor the
knowledge to enable us to accur-
ately assess the value, the import-
anceand the significance of world
High schools and universities in
America must help train the peo-
ple to use sources of information
with discrimination and under-
standing, Johnson asserted.
Need Stable Economy
He said that American self-in-'
terest and the security of the
world demand that America's in-'
ternal economy be stable.
"Perhaps we cannot export a
way of life, but we must not ex-
port unemployment, bankruptcy
and despair," Johnson said. "Eco-
nomic security knows no national
boundaries such as shut off na-
tional culture. Therefore, the ef-
ficient management of the inter-1
nal economy of 140,000,000 peo-
ple, having the productive and
consuming capacity that we have,
will go far to ensure peace and
prosperity everywhere."
Water Supply
Normal Again
It is now all right to take yourt
normall quota of baths- the Anni
Arbor water supply is normal
Water Department manager;
Raymond Cassell announced yes-
terday that water-saving meas-
ures could be abandoned. He re-<
ported that the department re-c
ceived full cooperation from res-i
idents during the critical period.
Residents had been asked to re-1
strict use of water on lawns andc
in fountains after city reservoirs1
were depleted by pump trouble
and hot weather this week.
(Continued from Page 3)
Sowerby, and Vierne. Mr. Mal-
pas is a student of Robert Baker.
The concert is open to the general
Photographs of Summer Fung
of Michigan, Rotunda Museums
Building. July and August,
The Museum of Art: Elements
of Design, and What is Modern
Painting? Alumni Memorial Hall;
daily, except Monday, 10-12 and
2-5; Sundays, 2-5. The public is
cordially invited.
Museum of Archaeology. Cur-
rent Exhibit, "Life in a Roman
Town in Egypt from 30 B.C. to
400 A.D." Tuesday through Fri-
day, 9-12, 2-5; Saturday, 9-12;
Friday evening, 7:30-9:30; Sun-
day 3-5.
Exhibit of American Photo-
graphy, Daily. July 28 to August
8, Ground Floor, Exhibition Hall,
Architecture Building.
Exhibit of the Washtenaw His-
torical Society display continues
until beginniny of the fall semes-
ter in the Rackham Exhibition
Events Today
The last regular dance of the
Summer Session will be held
Saturday, August 9. Stags and
couples are welcome. Tickets are
$.60 a person. Music will be fur-
nished by Al Chase and his Band.
Tickets are available at the League
Coming Events
A Festival of the Nations:
Songs, dances, and choral singing
of several nations will be pre-
sented in native costume by visit-
ing foreign societies at Hill Audi-
torium, Sunday evening, August
10, at 8:00 p.m. Admission is free.
First Presbyterian Church
, The morning worship service at
the First Presbyterian Church will
be held at 10:45 a.m. Dr. Fred
Cowin will preach on "Out of
Weakness Made Strong."
First Congregational Church
State and William Sts.
10:45-Public Worship Service,
conducted by Rev. H. L. Pickerill.
Sermon "The Other Faiths" by
Prof. Preston W. Slosson.
4:30- Congregational-Disciples
Guild. Picnic and worship serv-
ice at Riverside Park.
University Lutheran Chapel.
Service Sunday at 11:00 a.m., with
sermon by the Rev. A. Scheips,
"Spiritual Discernment."
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu-
dent Club: Supper meeting Sun-
day at 5:15 at the Student Cen-
Memorial Christian Church (Dis-
ciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan Streets
Morning Worship 10:50 a.m.
Sermon: The Indwelling Christ,
Rev. David N. Welzel, guest min-
T h e Congregational-Disciples
Guild: Meet at the Guild House,
438 Maynard St. at 4:30 p.m. to
go to Riverside Park for recrea-
tion, picnic supper, and a wor-
ship service led by Dorothy Smith
and Dwight Walsh. In case of
rain meet at the Memorial Christ-
ian Church, Hill and Tappan Sts.
At 8:00 o'clock the Guild will at-
tend the Festival of Nations pro-
gram at Hill Auditorium.
First Baptist Church
502-512 East Huron
C. H. Loucks, Minister
10:00-Church School for all
ages. Student Class studies "Ne-
hemiah" in the Guild House.
11:00-Church Worship. Ser-
mon-"The Everlasting Yea". Dr.
H. Lewis Batts, Guest Preacher.
(Small Children will be cared for
in the Kindergarten).
6-8-Roger Williams Guild. "My
Favorites in Religious Prose and
Poetry" will be shared by the
First Church of Christ, Scientist
4.09 South Division Street
10:30 a.m.: Sunday Lesson Ser-
mon. Subject: "Spirit."
11:15 a.m.: Sunday School.
8:00 p.m.: Wednesday evening
testimonial meeting.
This church maintains a free
Reading Room at 706 Wolverine
Building, Washington at 4th,
which is open daily except Sun-
days and holidays from 11:30 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m. Here the Bible and
Christian Science literature in-
cluding all the works of Mary
Baker Eddy may be read, borrow-
ed or purchased.
Lutheran Student Association-
Sunday at 5:00 p.m. at the Luth-
eran Student Center, 1304 Hill
Street. Supper will follow an in-
formal social hour of recreational
games and the meeting will close
with a short devotional service.
Bible Class will be at the usual
hour of 9:15 a.m. at the Center
and worship services in both Zion
and 'Trinity Lutheran churches
will be held at 10:30.
Popcorn Pete Says:
$1,090 000
OUR ACCOUNTANT objects to our calling our little shop
a $1,000,000 business. What he doesn't know is that the en.
tire staff gets a $1,000,000 worth of satisfaction out of serv-
ing the best, with a smile.
We hope that those of you who come back
in the fall will drop in and say hello.
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Alfred Scheips, Pastor
(The Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Mis-
souri, Ohio, and Other States)
11:00 A.M.: Service, with celebration of Holy
Communion. Sermon by the pastor, "Spir-
itual Discernment."
5:15 P.M.: Supper Meeting of Gamma Del-
ta, Lutheran Student Club.
State and William Streets
10:45 A.M.: Public Worship Service, conduct-
ed by Rev. H. L. Pickerill. Sermon "The
Other Faiths" by Prof. Preston W. Slos-
4:30 P.M.: Congregational-Disciples Guild
will meet at the Guild House, 438 Maynard
Street, to go to Riverside Park for picnic
supper and worship service, conducted by
Dorothy Smith and Dwight Walsh.
For National Lutheran Council Students
1304 Hill St.
Henry O. Yoder, pastor
9:15 A.M.: Bible Hour at the Center.
10:30 A.M.: Worship Services in Zion and
Trinity Lutheran Churches.
11:00 A.M.: Service in Christ Lutheran Chap-
el, Willow Run.
5:00 P.M.: Meeting at the Center - Sup-
per and short devotional service.
(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan
F. E. Zendt, Minister to Congregation
Mrs. Robert Holland, Choir Director
10:50 A.M.: Morning Worship. Sermon: "The
Indwelling Christ," David N. Wetzel, guest
minister. Nursery for children during the
GUILD HOUSE, 438 Maynard Street
H. L. Pickerill, Minister to Students
Jean Garee, Assistant in Student Work
the Guild House to go to Riverside Park
for recreation, picnic supper, and a wor-
ship service led by Dorothy Smith and
Dwight Walsh.
Y.M.C.A. Building
North 4th., opposite Courthouse
10:15 A.M.: Bible Study.
10:45 A.M.: Worship.
7:00 P.M.: Evening Bible Study.
7:30 P.M.: Evening Worship.
Division at Catherine
The Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D., Rector
The Rev. John M. Shufelt, Curate
The Rev. John H. Burt, Student Chaplain
Miss Maxine J. Westphal,
Counsellor for Women Students
Mr. George R. Hunsche,
Organist and Choirmaster
R:00 A M.:. Holy Communinn
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