GE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAIY FT .AY, AUGUST 8, 1947 0 Dr. Udo Wile Retires Today At Age of 65 Regents Commend Service to Medicine Dr. Udo J. Wile, member of the faculty since 1912, will retire to- day with the title of professor emeritus of dermatology and syphilology. Dr. Wile is retiring on his 65th birthday at his own request. His 35 years on the faculty were in- terrupted only by periods of mil- itary service during World War I and II. Regents Express Appreciation The University Board of Re- gents accepted Dr. Wile's request for retirement with regret and adopted a resolution expressing "deep appreciation of the serv- ice he has rendered to the na- tion, to the profession of medi- cine and to this University of Michigan throughout his distin- guished career." Commenting upon Dr. Wile's re- tirement, Dean Albert C. Fursten- berg, of theMedical School, said, Dr. Wiley has won distinction for his research work and has been a recognized leader in the field of dermatology. Dr. Wile was form- er president of the American Dermatological Association. He is also a member of the American Medical Association and a form- er president of the Washtenaw County Medical Society. Graduate of Johns Hopkins Dr. Wile was born in New York City in 1882 and received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Co- lumbia University in 1904 and his Doctor of Medicine from Johns Hopkins Medical School in 1907. He was an instructor at the New York Post Graduate Medical School from 1908 to 1912 when he came to the University. During the First World War, lie served in the Medical Corps in France and England. During the last war, he was with the United States Pub- lic Health Service and the Mar- ine Hospital Service from 1941 to 1945, holding the rank of col- onel. Roth Reveals New Additions To Motor Pool The Facilities of the University motor pool have been augmented by two new, pusher-type buses capable of seating 29 persons in reclining plush seats, as well as six more persons on aisle seats, Walter Roth, superintendent of the Plant Department disclosed yesterday. These gold and blue cruisers with stainless steel sideboards, purchased for the primary pur- pose of supplementing veteran ed- ucation, will be used for special trips. The addition of the two buses has raised to 3 the total number of vehicles available for field trips and the Willow Village bus service. These buses are at the disposal of any department wishing to make a field trip, and in the last school year accommodated approx- imately 30,000 passengers. The majority of the buses in the mo- tor pool, however, are used to pro- vied transportation to and from Willow Village for the approxi- mate 3,000 students, and their families, living there. Last year 871,248 persons made the trip. Among the remaining vehicles at the motor pool are 35 auto- mobiles and 40 trucks. The form- er are requisitioned out to faculty members for extension lectures and inspection trips, and for oth- er official business. Read and Use Daily Classifed Ads RUSH TO AID OF INJURED IN MINE-BLASTED TROOP TRUCK-Greek soldiers, their arms and helmets discarded, hurry to extricate a fellow-fighter from cab of troop truck blasted by guerrilla mine on roadway between Kozane and Grevena in Mace- donia. Injured Greek officer lies on ground at left (between man's legs). He later died. Nine others were hurt. LARGER FACILITIES: East En ine Addition Should Balance .record Enrollment (Continued from Page 1) wooden shack back of the ROTC Building and photometrics in the mold loft on the third floor of West Engineering. The aeronautical department has not been much better off. Since 1924 the department has oc- cupied the basement of the East Engineering Building. At that time a wind tunnel was installed and several rooms originally de- signed for storage were converted into classrooms and laboratories. Much of this space has been un- usable since construction of the new wing was started. The de- partment is now in temporary of- fices in the lobby of East Engi- neering Building. Two members operate from windowless basement rooms with no ventilation. When the new building is com- pleted, the electrical department will have room for three alternat- ing and two direct current dyna- 'mo laboratories in the basement, and the aeronautical department will set up a structures laboratory. Most of the first floor will be reserved for classrooms and offi- ces, an instrument laboratory, and a vibration laboratory for the aer- onautical engineers. The electri- cal engineers will take over the second and third floors, with the third devoted almost entirely to electronics and communication. Both departments will have space on the fourth floor. Elec- Rouse To 'Talk On Mechanics Two lectures by Prof Hunter Rouse, director of Iowa State Uni- versity's Institute of Hydraulic Research, to be given at 4 p.m. to- day and at 10 a.m. tomorrow in Room 445 West Engineering, will cohclude the summer symposium on fluid mechanics. The symposium, sponsored by the Department of Engineering Mechanics, will wind up with an appraisal by Prof. Rouse of the wartime findings at the Institute. These findings cover the fields of both liquid and gas flows and proved of aid in the wartime is- suance of fundamental data in fields ranging from meteorology to naval architecture. tronic laboratories will be grouped with two aerodynamic labora- tories, a design room and a pro- pulsion laboratory for the aero- nautical department. The depart- ments will also share about 20 classrooms at the front of the building. Completion of the addition to East Engineering will undoubted- ly mean a lot to the engineering students on campus. But it will mean even more to the depart- ment heads who may be able to wangle an office they can call their own and the instructors looking for someplace to hang their hats. Campus HRighlights 'Crisis in India' . Gopal Tripathi, president of the Indian Institute of Chemical En- gineers, will speal on "The Pres- ent Crisis in India" under the sponsorship of the Inter-Cooper- ative Council at 8 p.m. today at Robert Owen House, 1017 Oak- land. There will be refreshments and dancing after the talk, which is open to the public. ** * Graduate Mixer .. . A "Last Chance" mixer for graduate students at 8:30 p.m. tonight in Rackham Assembly Hall will feature dancing under the stars, bridge and refresh- ments. Canoeing Party . . . The Graduate Outing Club will meet for a canoeing party at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, at the northwest en- trance of the Rackham Building. Those who wish to go may sign up before noon on Saturday at the check desk at Rackham. Alumnus Speaks On Pastoral Care Chaplain Rolland J. Fairbanks, alumnus of the University and ex- ecutive director of the Institute of Pastoral Care, will deliver lec- tures to the students in the six- week pastoral care course at Uni- versity Hospital this week. Chaplain Fairbanks graduated from the University in 1933 and' at that time was the president of the Student's Association at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. Oxford Chemist Will Deliver Lecture Today "The Occurrence of the Dative Organization Aims To Weld True Liberals Director Says Voting Is Part of Program (Continued from Page 1) legislative representative David Lloyd explained to me . That in- formation has ranged from ex- posing the power lobby's attempt to exempt natural gas companies from the control of the Federal Power Commission, to publishing the first analyses of the effects of the Taft-Hartley Bill and the rights of tenants under the Rent Bill. More recently, a committee headed by Chester Bowles issued a Report on Economic Stability, New Dealish in character, which presented to the President and Congress, and to the public, ADA's positive nine point program for avoiding the next depression. Elections Ultimately however, A D A's members realize that their effect- iveness depends upon influencing the Congressional elections. To that end all but one district in Detroit are now being organized, I learned. "Most of the liberal members of Congress are in the Democratic Party and come from themarginal districts where the race is close," according to Biemiller. Shrewd Campaigner A shrewd and experienced cam- paigner, he is insistent about the need for building precinct, ward, and county organizations. The difficulty here, the ADA spokes- man was quick to point out, is that the Republicans (who spent nearly twice as much as the Dem- ocrats in the 1944 election) "have a mostly paid organization while the liberals must necessarily de- pend upon volunteer workers." "The other side has the big campaign contributors, the influ- ential newspapers, and the busi- ness community; we must organ- ize the liberals," Biemiller de- clares. Convinced that the coun- try is basically liberal, his goal is a heavy vote, particularly in the primaries. Can an extensive liberal pre- cinct organization have much ef- fect upon the 1948 election? Biemiller smiled at thesquestion. "A shift of just two votes in each precinct would have defeated Sen- ator Taftin1944"' he assured me. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) psychiatric Institute of the Uni- versity Hospital. The Inter-Cooperative Council will sponsor a talk by Gopal Tri- pathi, President of the Indian In- stitute of Chemical Engineers, speaking on "The Present Crisis in India" at 8 p.m. Friday at Rob- ert Owen Cooperative House, 1017 Oakland. There will be ref resh- ments and dancing afterethe talk. A Graduate Student Mixer will be held at the Rackham Bldg. on Fri., Aug. 8; 8:30 to 12:00. Danc- ing, Bridge, and Refreshments. Nominal fee. A Sadie Hawkins Dance will be featured Friday night, August 8, at the Casbah from 9-12. Inform- al dress will be optional. The last regular dance of the Summer Ses- sion will be held Saturday, August 9. Stags and couples are welcome both nights. Tickets are $.60 a person. Music will be furnished by Al Chase and his Band. Tick- ets are available at the League Desk. The Art Cinema League pre- sents "CAPTAIN TEMPEST," a first run Italian film with English titles, dealing with the struggle of the Venetian-Ottoman Turkish War in Medieval Italy. Also - short film, "ETRUSCAN CIVILI- ZATION." Thurs., Fri., Aug.-7, 8. Box office open 3 p.m. daily. Tick- ets phone 4121, ext. 479, Hill Aud- itorium. ASSOCIATED PRESS POCTURE N EWvfS 1i C I R C U S T H R I L L M O D E L_-Arlene Marque looks over model of new high-wire apparatus for bicycling aerialists designed by A. A. Ostrander, (left) stage and scenic designer, and circus man Vander Barbette (right). M E EETnS J E WISue beatTf. Uruguay makes friends with Jewish children at a settlement near the River Jordan in Holy Land while on tour with other members of United Nations Special Commission on Palestine. I d N E W A R R I V A L .-Eugene K., Denton of New York City holds a day-old Aberdeen Angus heifer on his farm near Flanders, N. J., where he raises purebred cattle. C R U M P A T C A R N I V A L-.E. H. Crump, Memphis, political leader and central figure in several recent Tennessee election campaigns, with his wife and granddaughter, Louise Crump, watches cotton'carnival festivities. 41 ) The TOP!! NAME IN GENUINE QUALITY WEDDING INVITATIONS is the most Popular and Supreme Quality of QUALITY PRINTING S I N G E R-Beryl Davis, British vocalist who sang in AAF camps during the war, is appearing in New York. Ii B A R R E L 0 F F U N - Miss Carmichael, Philadelphia zoo polar bear, takes a high dive for her new toy, a beer barrel. She appears to enjoy splashing water on visitors. Link" will be the subject of an address by Dr. L. E. Sutton, of the Coming Events University of Oxford, England, at 4:15 today in Rackham Amphi- The Graduate Outing Club will theatre . meet for canoeing on Sunday Dr. Sutton's lecture, which will August 10th at the Northwest en- be open to the public, is sponsored trance of the Rackham Building by the University of Michigan at 2:30 p.m. Please sign up before Section of the American Chemi- noon on Saturday at the check cal Society. desk in the Rackham Building. Sadie Hawkins Dance at tp ic'6 A. r ' ' ~ . .....:.:> :.....:: I