INDONESIA See Page 2 Y Latest Deadline in the State :4kiii4t] FAIR, COOLER. VOL. LVII, No. 32S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1947 PRiCE F E CENTS Merit Board Will Regulate Army Brass President Signs Promotion Law 4. By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Aug. 7-All army officers will have to prove their right to be promoted, rather than rely on seniority to advance them, under a new law signed to- day by President Truman. The promotion-by-merit law al- so covers admirals. The system already was in effect for other grades in the navy. The legislation provides for pro- motion of army officers based up- on the recommendations of boards of officers passing on their qual- ifications. Selection Boards Officers in the grades of first lieutenant, captain, major and lieutenant colonel heretofore have been promoted automatically, af- ter specified length of service and finally to the rank of colonel as vacancies occurred. Now any officer through the rank of mnapor who fails twice in row of winning recommendation or promotion will be dropped from service. Selection boards will recommend the "best qualified officers" from among officers in the next lower grade to be colonels, brigadier generals and major generals. Those who fail of recommendation for promotion after specific per- iods of service in these grades would be retired. An illustration of how the old promotion system worked was the case of James A. Kilian, who was court martialed and fined on charges involving cruelty to Amer- ican prisoners by men under his command at Lichfield, England. Senate Balked Because of his length of service, Kilian was automatically up for promotion to the permanent rank of Colonel along with others of like seniority. However, the Sen- ate balked at confirming the list so long as Kilian's name was there and President Truman removed it. While the navy has had a se- Iective system of promotion, the new law introduces this arrange- nent into the grade of admiral. Hereafter to stay in that rank, an officer must justify his retention after each four years of service. The new law abolishes the rank of five star "general of the army" and "admiral of the fleet" during peacetime except for the eight in- dividuals now holding that rank. It limits four star officers (ad- miral and general) to five for the army, four for the navy, four for the air force and one for the mar- me corps. 4Board Finds Woods Guilty Brings Involuntary Manslaughter Charge SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 7-W) -An Army court martial today found Pvt. Lemas Woods, of De- troit, guilty of involuntary man- slaughter for the fatal shooting of a fellow soldier in Manila, March 23, 1946. He was immediately sentenced to a dishonorable discharge and three years at hard labor. It was Woods' second trial on murder charges preferred in the shooting of Pfc. Thomas Patter- son of Suffolk, Va. He was con- victed and sentenced to hang by a Manila court martial May 1, 1946, but the trial findings were disapproved by President Tru- man and a new trial was ordered by Army Judge Advocate General. The verdict of the court is sub- ject to review by General Mark W. Clark, who may, under the articles of war, revise it downward but flay not increase it. Institute To Hold Second Pro ram Six speakers will be presented today in the second program of a School Secretaries Institute, now in progress at the University. DuI'ing the morning, Dr. T. Lu- ther Purdom and Miss Mildred D. Wehher nf the Riireau of Annoint- Relief Due in Fall Term For Crowded Engineers Aeronautical, Electrical Staffs Will Share New Addition to East Engineering Building Despite a record enrollment of 4,000, the whole engineering col- lege will breathe easier this fall with the completion of the new ad- dition to the East Engineering Building. Although space will be still at a premium in the engineering col- lege, slide-rule-pushing students and faculty are expected to find some relief in the expanded facilities. The new building will be shared by the aeronautical and electrical, engineering departments. Hitherto the aeronautical engineering de- partment has been located largely in the basement of East Engineer- ing Building and the electrical en-f Layoffs, Disputes Idle 80,000 Men In Auto Industry Workers Keep Murray Plant Closed In Battle To Avoid Taft-Hartley Law gineering department has been scattered in at least four differ- ent places around campus. The aeronautical department will expand into the 'basement, first and fourth floors of the new building, and the electrical engi- neers will take over most of the rest of the building including the roof. Prof. Emerson Conlon, chairman of the aeronautical engineering department, is looking forward to getting a glimpse of the "wild blue yonder." He hopes the fac- ulty will finally be able to "see an airplane in flight." No "Extra" Space Not everyone is happy about the new building, however, for there is no "extra" space; in fact every corner will be crowded to capacity. The Michigan Technic has already been rejected in an attempt to se- cure office space there. Almost every department in the college was involved in a merry scramble for office space when it was learn- ed that the new facilities would be available in the fall. Consolidation But at last the long-suffering electrical engineers will be able to consolidate. At the present time the department is located in two buildings, with the electrical measurement room near the Arch, the dynamos and offices on the second floor of West Engineering Building, the electronics in a See EAST, Page 4 Willow Villagc e To Have New Police Force Four additional policement will be assigned to the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office for duty in Willow Village, Frank Murphy, of the Willow Village Council, an- nounced yesterday. An agreement, reached among Detroit officials of the FPHA, rep- resentatives of the sheriff's office, the county Board of Supervisors and the police committee of the Willow Village Council, Murphy said, provide: for two patrol cars and a man on duty in the office at all- times. The number of additional po- aicemen may be reduced to three if FPHA will establish a direct tel- ephone line between Willow Vil- lage and the sheriff's office in Ann Arbor, Murphy explained, citing present difficulties in con- tacting deputies. The procedure for getting police aid has formerly involved a call relayed through Ann Arbor, and finally to the pa- trols. Willow Village has had neither partol cars nor officers walking beats until now. While the ratio of policemen to population in most urban districts is about one to 1,000, 12,000 citizens in the Village have had five policemen Javailable only part of the time. Ch urclill Will Try To BlocK AttleeRequest Objects to Proposed Economic Solution LONDON, Aug. 7-(OP)--Win- ston Churchill gave notice tonight that his Conservatives will try to throw out the Labor Govern- ment's request for what he called "'unlimited and undefined pow- ers" to deal with Britain's eco- nomic difficulties. The Churchill motion to reject the government-proposed legisla- tion was brought forward at the height of a crucial House of Com- mons debate on Prime Minister Attlee's rigorous strength - through-sacrifice program. Recess Postponed Parliament's scheduled adjourn- ment for a summer recess was postponed from tomorrow until next Wednesday, however, to al- low time for passage of the "cri- sis bill," and it seemed certain to pass. Although Conservative spokesmen said their party would vote solidly against it, Labor's large majority seemed sufficient. The bill would reinforce and extend the government's power- retained from war time-to direct labor into "necessary" industries, intervene in "inefficient" indus- tries and otherwise take steps deemed necessary for the national good. Churchill's counter-move came along with three significant de- velopments in the government's struggle against an intensifying crisis. Program 1. Chancellor of the Exchequer Hugh Dalton announced in the House of Commons a further cut in the armed forces. Service per- sonnel will be reduced to 870,000 by the end of 1948, he said. This compared with the goal, announc- ed only yesterday by Attlee, of a reduction to 1,007,0000 by the end of next March. The armed forces now number about 1,300,000. 2., The British treasury an- nounced that 75 per cent of the earnings of foreign films-most of them produced in Hollywood- would be taken by' the govern- ment in the form of taxes. 3. The executive of the National Union of Mine workers recom- mended that miners, on a five-day week since spring after the gov- ernment took over the pits, work at least two Saturdays a month. Government Budget WASHINGTON, Aug. 7-(P)- 1Disputing Republican economy claims, President Truman an- nounced today that he has or- dered "a detailed and exhaustive study of all the facts" of govern- ment spending. HUGHES, ATTORNEY CONFER AS BREWSTER TESTIFIES-Howard Hughes (center) and his attorney, Howard Slack (right) confer as Sen. Owen Brewster (R-Me.) testifies before the Senate War Investigations sub-committee. Brewster acknowledged that he and Hughes talked by telephone last March 3 about a "merger" of Hughes' TWA airline with Pan American. S *e * Huohes Flinos ASK SPARING USE: New Charges Officials Act To Save City's At Brewster Critically Low Water Supply Phase Closed of Investigation by Committee WASHINGTON, Aug. 7-()- The Hughes-Brewster battle came to a stormy, inconclusive close to- night after Howard Hughes flung out fresh accusations of "lies" and "ulterior motives" in a Senate in- vestigation of his war contracts. Senator Brewster (R-Me), chair- man of the Senate War Investi- gating Committee, stood on his denial that he had offered to call off the inquiry if Hughes would agree to merge his Trans-World Airline with Pan American air- ways. - Agreement1 And by agreement of the two antagonists, the committee closed that phase of its inquiry after two tense days - the sworn charge1 and its sworn denial standing on' the record. The committee will turn tomor- row morning to the investigation1 of Hughes' $18,000,000 cargo plane contract, and then go into the $22,000,000 photo reconnaissance plane contract. This also happened in a day that produced threats to clear the hearing room, a protest from a youthful spectator, and hints of contempt action against Hughes that never blossomed. Today's Action 1. Hughes challenged Brewster o repeat under oath that a TWA hostess had confided she was afraid to be on a plane alone with Hughes. Brewster didn't im- 2. Brewster vigorously disclaim- ed any "improprieties." He said he never tried to accelerate or retard the Hughes inquiry and never lobbied with Hughes for a single overseas airline. 3. Brewster declared he "ab- solutely" has "no interest of any character" in Pan American. He told of accepting some trips, breakfasts and a football ticket. Hughes' reading of a statement charging Brewster with uttering "untruths" brought an angry pro- test from Brewster who demanded to know whether it was Hughes' own or whether Cary Byoir, pub- lic relations man, had prepared it. Hughes acknowledged assistance from his attorney and Byoir in preparing questions fired at Brew- ster but declared the statement was his own. FDR Supported Cargo Plane-Elliot WASHINGTON, Aug. 7-(P)- Elliott Roosevelt says his father, the late President Roosevelt, acted "in direct opposition" to the in- terests of photo reconnaissance in permitting the Hughes aircraft company to continue building a cargo plane during the war. Roosevelt made his statement in a talk recorded yesterday for broadcast over WINX tonight. Asked if the White House had extered influence in the award of some $40,000,000 worth of air- plane contracts, to H o w a r d Hihes. multimillionaire Holly- Ann Arbor's water supply re- mained critically low yesterday as University and city officials com- plied with the Ann Arbor Water Department's request to use wat- er sparingly. Buildingand Grounds uperin- Blueprints W ill' BeNeeded for Stadium Seats Students who desire football tickets in the fall must bring their blueprints with their regis- tration material when they regis- ter and classify, Dick Kelly, sum- mer Student Legislature President+ announced yesterday. In order to carry out the dis- tribution plan, formulated by the Student Legislature and accepted last spring by the Board in Con- trol of Intercollegiate Athletics, the student's class in the Univer- sity will be stamped on his athletic coupon, Kelly said. The plan calls for ticket distri- bution to students based on the number of semesters completed at the University. Blueprints will be required before the class in stamp- ed on the coupon, to eliminate the possibility of fraud, he emphasiz- ed. Under the new plan, students will receive 1,826 seats nearer to the center of the field than the plan in operationallowed last fall. Students who wish to sit to- gether will receive seats in the secton assigned to, the lotwst. category of the members' group. Married students applying for seatsfor their wives will receive tickets forthe next lowesttcate- gory unless both are attending the University. in this case the rule outlined above will hold. A long-standing alumni com- plaint was satisfied by the assign- ing of one section inside the goal lines for alumni who want indiv- idual tickets. Such seats were for- merly available in the end zone. President Names Ching Mediation Service Head WASHINGTON, Aug. 7-(R)- President Truman today named Cyrus S. Ching to head the gov- ernment's new independent med- iation service under the Taft- Hartley Act. The President also named Ray- mond Foley of Michigan as ad- ministrator of, the Housing and Home Finance agency under pro- visions of reorganization plan No. 3 approved last month by the sen- ate. Franklin D. Richards of Utah, Commissioner of the Federal Housing Administration. Dillon S. Myer of Ohio, Com- missioner of the Public Housing Administration. tendent Walter M. Roth said that the University was cooperating fully with city water-saving meas- ures. A check of the campus area showed that drinking fountains and sprinklersdwere dry. Even "Sunday Morning in Deep Wat- ers" near League, with all its fish- head sprayers, was silent yester- day. The Ann Arbor Water Depart- ment reported that water-saving rules-especially the no sprink- ling rue-are being observed. The Department stated the water sup- ply will be normal again when the hot spell breaks, allowing reser- voirs to be brought back to nor- mal. Help for the city water supply today in the form of local thun- dershowers is predicted by the U.S. Weather Bureau. After a rec- ord high (for the summer) Wed- nesday of 94 degrees, the weather bureau announced late yesterday that the midwest heat wave is def- initely broken, following storms in the.Chicago area. Another check of Health Service records revealed that still no cases of extreme sunburn or heat ex- haustion have been treated. Earl- ier in the week Health Service of- ficials said that a prolonged hot spell is generally required before heat cases are reported. Phi Kappa Phi To Initiate 11 Phi Kappa Phi, all-campus hon- or society, will hold an initiation luncheon for 11 students at 12:30 p.m. today in Rm. 101 of the Un- ion. Warren R. Good, instructor in the education school, will address the chapter. Members of the so- ciety are chosen during their sen- ior year by a faculty committee for scholarship, contributions to the University and activities. Character and scholarship in col- lege students are the society's prime objectives. The initiates and their home- towns are: Cecil Bull, Missoula, Mont.; Ronald Isbell, Ann Arbor; Ann Jewett, Clarks Summit, Pa.,; Albert Lang, Detroit; Alvin La- Vine, Aberdeen S.D.; Aline Lynch, Monroe; John Pursley, Ann Ar- bor; Beatrice Seece, Detroit; Ger- trude Tew, Lake Odessa; Arden Walker ,Toledo, Ohio; and Will- .iam Wolfinger, Holland, Mich. U. S. Offer Accepted BATAVIA, Java, Aug. 7-(.P)- Indonesian Premier Amir Spari- foeddin formally accepted today the United States offer of its good offices in the Dutch-Indonesian conflict but urged that American influence be used to obtain an in- ternational arbitration commis- sion. By The Associated Press DETROIT, Aug. 7-More than 80,000 of the nation's auto- motive workers were idle today as the result of a combination of labor disputes, materials short- ages and absenteeism, the latter ascribed somewhat broadly to ex- cessive heat. Production figures compiled by the trade paper Automotive News were 76,647 units this week com- pared with last week's 95,711. Lay-offs for 55,500 Ford, Mer- cury and Lincoln plant workers and 10,000 Studebaker Corp. Hour-rated employes have been attributed by management spokesmen to a strike of 7,00 Murray Corporation of America production men. At the Murray plants, closed for two weeks, the CIO United Auto Workers union is demanding im- munity from a provision of the Taft-Hartley labor law which gives employers the right to sue unions whose members engage in unauthorized strikes. Briggs Manufacturing Co. sent 5,600 employes home today after about 1,000 failed to report for work. This in turn forced Pack- ard Motor Car Co. to close its fin- al assembly lines until next Tues- day and idle 1,500 of its workers. Briggs management spokesmen attributed it to "the heat." Also attributed to the heat by management spokesmen was a walkout of 1,800 workers in Chrys- ler Corporation's gear and axle plant and DeSoto car division. Management and union nego- tiators apparently were as far apart as ever in the Murray dispute. ,When a conference broke up yesterday both sides had turned down counter pro- posals and no date was set for a resumption of the meetings. Some hopes had been held that a work resumption at Murray might be arranged on the terms that averted a strike of 107,000 Ford employes over the same issue earlier this week. The Ford UAW- CIO conferees agreed to turn the Taft-Hartley law dispute over to a four-man board which may function for a year. A continuance of the Murray tie-up eventually may affect several other car and truck makers who obtain truck frames, body components and springs from that supplier. Murray is a volume supplier of cushion seat springs to Chrys- ler's Dodge passenger car divi- sion. 000 of its workers next Tuesday They will have lost three working days and about 9,000 passenger cars will have been lost to the in dustry's production total. Ford announced its Chester, Pa., assembly plant will remain closed until next Wednesday due to a continued shortage of critical body parts. The shutdown, which began at the close of work yesterday, in- volves approximately 2,000 of the plant's 2,600 employes. Greek Victims Given Shelter By Yugoslavs Republic Provides Lodging forRefugees SKOPLJE, Yugoslavia, Aug. 6-- (Delayed) -(AP)-Actingspresident Ljubco Arsov of Yugoslav Mace- donia said today his republic was sheltering more than 20,000 ref- ugees from what he termed "M o n a r c h o-fascist terror" in Greece. "Very few of the refugees are physically able to work," he said in an interview. "The majority are old men, women and children. The republic helps provide them with food and lodging." Denounces 'Lies' Arsov denounced as "monarcho- fascist lies" recent foreign reports that an international brigade was forming in Yugoslavia for action against the Greek government and that continued civil war in Greece had been incited from Yugoslav Macedonia. (The official Greek version laid before the United Nations was that elements of an international bri- gade were in southern Albania- not Yugoslavia. A UN subcom- mission later reported it could find little "first hand evidence" of such a brigade. The UN main border commission which visited the Bal- kans in the spring returned a re- port holding Yugoslavia, Albania and Bulgaria primarily responsi- ble for the strife along Greece's northern border.) 'Policy of Peace' Arsov asserted that the unified foreign policy of six "people's re- publics" which make up the fed- eral Yugoslav state, of which Mac- edonia, of South Serbia, is one, was a "policy of ,peace." Asked whether Macedonia had ambitionstto acquire Macedonian territory that is now Greek, ArĀ°- sov replied: "Marshall Tito has never made any territorial claims regarding Aegean Macedonia," He said the Macedonian cam- paign to erase illiteracy among 252,000 of the total populationo less than 1,000,000 already had produced "no small success." He said plans were being made for large investments for draining swamps and extending irrigation, thus to bring 150,000 to 175,000 acres under cultivation in the mountainous republic. Arsov said Macedonia was try- ing to build up industry and no longer had chronic unemployment but that 'jobs are looking for men." He estimated that postwar la- bor legislation had raised the in- come of Macedonian workers "at least 100 per cent" and given them social insurance as well. Libraries Will Be Subject of Survey The public library and its place be the subject of a national sur- vey to be conducted by the Uni- versity Survey Research Center, Dr. Rensis Likert, director, an- nounced yesterday. Object of the survey will be to learn how many and what kinds of persons use the public library Barring plans due tion Ford a further change in to the materials situa- will recall at least 51,- i , World News at a Glance By The Associated Press JERUSALEM, Aug. 7-All work was stopped, traffic was halted, and shops were closed for three hours today in the Jewish towns and villages of Palestine, as a protest against a roundup'by British offi- cials of about 40 Jewish leaders in an attempt to halt terrorism. GANDER, Nfld., Aug. 7-William P. Odom headed across the Atlantic in his twin-engined bombshell tonight on the second lap of his effort to cut in half the round-the-world flight record set by the late Wiley Post. * * * * WASHINGTON, Aug. 7-The World Bank today granted a loan of $195,000,000 to the Netherlands government "exclusively for re-i construction of productive facilities in the Netherlands homeland." * * * * Casbah To Hold Weekend Dances The Casbah is offering a pre- view of leap year with a Sadie Hawkins dance to be held from 9 p.m. to midnight today. Catherine Tillotson, Casbah chairman, has announced that the purpose of the dance is to af- ford students with some much needed relaxation before the ex- am period begins. To this end the dance will have an informal air and students attending may wear jeans or old clothes if they wish. Al Chase and his band will play for the dance. Couples and stags may attend, and the coke bar will be open for refreshments. In addition the Casbah will hold its last dance of the season from 9 p.m. to midnight tomorrow. ORGANIZATION'S PURPOSE: ADASeeks To Oranize True Liberals LANSING, Aug. 7-A claim of appeal to the State Supreme Court was filed today by the Detroit Board of Education in its fight to invalidate sections of the state school aid appropriation law 1 1 1 - -, l - XXT A T Cr TT i _ . .,