N. : AGE_ FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY' THURSDAY, AUGUST 7. 1947 .THE....H.G.......-. t++v avbAvi'. a c1 v I V l1 6 ,1 L LIRA SOCIETY: Polish Children Will Present FolkOpera Songs at Festival A Polish children's dance group and a mixed choir from the De- troit Lira Society will present Po- lish national songs and selectionsI Summer Bids For IIo)Woo(d Awards Due Entries in the summer session Avery and Jule Hopwood contest in creative writing must be in the Hopwood Room, 3227 Angell Hall, by 4:30 p.m., tomorrow. Eight prizes, one of $75 and one of $50 in each of the four fields of writing - drama, essay, fiction and poetry --will be awarded to contest winners on August 14. Opened to students in the sum- mer session for the first time in 1938, Hopwood contest have been conducted for the past 15 years. Approximately $8,500 has been awarded to University students each year from the investment in- come of funds of one-fifth of Avery Hopwood's estate, given to the Regenfs of the University un- der terms of a will drawn up in 1922. Hopwood, prominent American dramatist who graduated from the University in 1905, empowered the Regents to use the income from his gift in perpetuity as prizes to be awarded annually to students in the rhetoric depart- ment who perform "the best crea- tive work in the fields of dramatic writing, fiction, poetry, and the essay."' Awards in the 1946 summer ses- sion contest were as follows: drama; Robert G. True, $75; Mary V. Echols, $50; fiction: Laurence E. Mascott, $75; Richard Flewell, $50; Barbara Carter,- $50; and, poetry, Sister Mary Edwardine O'- Connor, $75; Keith Cox, $50. Final Graduate Mixer To Be. Held Tomorrow A "Last Chance" mixer for. graduate- students will be, held. at: 8:30 p.m. Friday in Rackham As- sembly Hall under the sponsor- ship of the Graduate Student Council.. from folk operas at the Festival of Nations, 8 p m., Sunday in Hill Auditorium. The Lira Society was formed 33 years ago by a group of young Poles, recent imigrants to the Uni- ted States, who wanted to carry on their social life while they became acclimated to the customs and language of this country. They hoped that their common native background would help them to work more successfully towards their goal of Americanism. Mandolin Orchestra A number of mandolinists were included in the original group and they formed a mandolin orchestra. Others formed the Lira Mixed :Choir and later the scope of activ- ities was widened to include dance groups for children and adults. Today, the group, whose mem- bers are largely American born, is still interested in keeping alive the colorful dances and gay music of Poland. Professional instructors are engaged to bring the authen- tic native culture to the people. Opening Folk Songs The mixed choir will open the Festival program with one of the gayest of the national folk songs, "Chiopacy Krakowacy." It will al- so sing "Gorula Czy Ci Nic Zal," a lyric melody. The children's dance group will present "Mazur" from the well-known folk opera "Copelia." Both choir and dan- cers will join in "Krajiwuak" from the opera "Maseppa." Lira Society's dancers and sing- ers have appeared on radio pro- grams and in shows for veterans' hospitals. They represent the De- troit Polish community in city- wide events such as the Golden Jubilee and International Night. Their latest-public appearance was in the "Polish Panorama" which was presented by the society. Indian-Scientist To Talk On 'The Crisis in India' "The Crisis in India" will be the subject of a talk by Gopal Tripa- thi, president of the Indian Insti- tute of Chemical Engineers, at 8 p.m. Friday at Robert Owen House, 1017 Oakland, under the sponsor- ship of the Inter-Cooperative Council. Keehn Called Potent Liberal Social Worker (Continued from Page 1) efit because better houses will be vacated for them. "The lower in- come groups wind up in slum ar- eas," was Keehn's retort. Keehn is one of the many "lib- eral" lobbyists who are convinced that the Taft-Ellender-Wagner Bill is essential both "to aid the present housing shortage and to provide an urban redevelopment program of slum clearance that is too big for individual builders to handle. "Public housing," he ex- plained, "would definitely be lim- ited to a certain sphere, namely that income group which has a gap of 20 per cent between the rent it is able to pay and the minimum economic rent which private housing can provide. "This Congress has been unpro- ductive and it has often been a real victory to defeat something," Keehn told me. I was shortly to witness an example. In addition to publishing a monthly "Washington Report" for 5,000 subscribers, conducting laymen's seminars, and testify- ing before committees, he keeps abreast of the developments in key committee meetings. He was hopping mad when I met him in the Senate Office Building two days before Congress was to adjourn. The Senate Ap- propriations Committee had heard just one witness that morning (W. J. Ogg of the American Farm Bureau Federation) and solely on his recommendation had voted an amendent to a House appropria- tion bill which would retain the Farm Placement Service under the Extension Service of the De- partment of Agriculture. Keehn, along with the other farm groups, was opposed because "the Farm Bureau dominates the "Extension Service" and this amendment would retain the authority for re- cruiting migratory labor in the' hands of this farmers' organiza- tion. Keehn was then on his way to explain the situation to a few senators. I cannot attribute it all to him but some interesting things happened on the Senate floor the next day. No less than eight Senators from both sides of the aisle raised as many different reasons for op- posing the amendment. "It was legislation on an ap- propriations bill." "It violated Public Law 40 passed three months ago. "It will leave the country without any placement service be- cause the House won't approve of it." "The proposal was turned down by the Agricultural Commit-, tees of both houses." "We need one employment service, not two." The amendment failed and farm placement will be handled by state employment services with the aid of a federal grant. I Parking Lots Provided for By ordinance System Would Cost Ann Arbor$600,000 An ordinance providing for a five-area city parking lot system. costing approximately $600,000. was approved upon first reading this week by Ann Arbor council- men. Revenue Bonds The ordinance would authorize issuing of the $600,000 in revenue bonds. Money from metered street parking areas and from parking lots would be the only money used to retire the bonds. The ordinance must pass one more reading to be- come law, The bonds are to be retired over a ten-year period. A maxi- mum of three per cent interest annually is provided for in the ordinance. Officials, however, ex- pect to obtain a lower rate. Possible Sites The parking lot sites are not definitely determined in the ordi- nance. They have been described, however, in other official action as the S. University area, the Fifth Avenue Parking Lot area, the Ma- jestic Theatre area, the First and Washington area and a "down- town business district area." The area designations can be changed later if necessary, it was reported. The Council, pending approval of the bond issue, has instructed the Board of Public Works to pre- pare plans, and costs of purchas- ing the lots in the areas designat- ed. Read and Use The Daily Classifieds (Conitinued from Page 2) Chemical Society will be held on August 7 and August 8, 1947, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Am- phitheatre. Dr. L. E. Sutton, Uni- versity of Oxford, England, will speak Aug. 7 on "The Heats of Formation of Some Bonds," and Aug. 8 on "The Occurrence of the Dative Link." The public is in- vited. Alpha Phi Alpha (Epsilon Chap- ter) will meet on Thursday, Aug- ust 7 at 7:00 p.m. at the Union. This will be the last meeting this Summer. Meeting of the Michigan Chap- ter of the Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers - Mr. J. J. Mehta will speak on "Fabrica- tion of Chemical Equipment in In- dia" at the International Centre at 8 p.m. today. The Modern Poetry will meet at The Modern Poetry Club will meet at 8 p.m. tonight in 3217 Angell Hall. War poets will be discussed. Coining Events The Art Cinema League pre- sents "CAPTAIN TEMPEST," a first run Italian film with English titles, dealin~g with the struggle of the Venetian-Ottoman Turkish War in Medieval Italy. Also - hort film, "ETRUSCAN CIVILI- ZATION." Thurs., Fri., Aug. 7, 8. Box office open 3 p.m. daily. Tick- ets phone 4121, ext. 479, Hill Aud- itorium. The last Fresh Air Camp Clinic will be held on Friday, August 8, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 1947. Discussions begin at 8 p.m. in the Main Lodge of the Fresh Air Camp located on Patterson Lake. Any University students interested in problems of individ- ual and group therapy are invited to attend. The discussant will be Dr. Abe Goldman of the Neuro- psychiatric Institute of the Uni- versity Hospital. A Graduate Student Mixer will be held at the Rackham Bldg. on Fri.. Aug. 8; 8:30 to 12:00. Dane.- ing, Bridge, and Refreshments. Nominal fee. A Sadie Hawkins Dance will be featured Friday night, August 8, at the Casbah from 9-12. Inform- al dress will be optional. The last regular dance of the Summer Ses- sion will be held Saturday, August 9. Stags and couples are welcome both nights. Tickets are $.60a person. Music will be furnished by Al Chase and his Band. Tick- ets arq available at the League Desk. The Graduate Outing Club will meet for canoeing on Sunday August 10th at the Northwest en- trance of the Rackha'm Building at 2:30 p.m. Please sign up before noon on Saturday at the check desk in the Rackham Building. Continuous f rm 1 P.M. COOL! -E-&-- cMAN .1 DEATH IN PALESTINE--A British officer, armed with a Sten gun, looks cautiously at entrance of a house in Rehavia, Palestine, as he passes body of man shot down as he rushed from house carrying a grenade. ATTLEE SPEECH: Fear of Ruining Land Causes U.S. To Grant British Loans Popcorn Pet'e says: DORA, our one-woman sales and manufacturing organiza- tion, has left for a well-deserved vacation. Mother is back to help out but because she is also needed at our Country Shop we are going to delay opening the Town Shop until 3:00 P.M. each day. Open as usual from 3:00 P.M. until the last show is out. CARMEL CORN SHOP 621 E. Liberty St. - Phone 5975 - 21 Steps from State St. By J. M. ROBERTS, Jr AP Foreign Affairs Analyst It's an awesome thing when a British prime minister has to ad- vocate that the mother of democ- racy resort to a warlike regimen- tation of labor to save her eco- nomic life, and when he says that the erstwhile banker for the world is down to her last four billion dollars. His words carry a strong note of portent that, unless the economic storm Which is now sweeping Brit- ain is dissipated through proposed cooperative measures, it will cross the Atlantic. As Britain is the key to the world of trade in which America wishes to live, Britain must pro- duce for export to pay for the food she imports. Her coal makes her the processor for much of the world's raw mater- ials. The -U.S. is a great supplier, of both. Our idea is to prime the British (and European) industrial pump with dollars and raw materials, The big question is whether the priming will work before we run out of supplies. The United States has been pouring billions of dollars worth of plasma into other nations for' years. If it were only dollars, there would be little cause for worry. The real wealth they represent lies beneath the ground, in plowed fields, and in the skill and strength of man- power. We are using the last of our high iron ores and resorting to the more expensive lower grades. There is serious debate as to how long our oil reserves will last. We have coal, but we cannot supply both ourselves and a rapidly industri- alizing world forever. There is serious worry lest our land be ruin- ed by continued capacity produc- tion of food, especially wheat. That is why, as a foresighted banker, the United States is in- sisting that Britain, and Western Europe, adopt certain economic policies, including all-out cooper- ation to help themselves. It's no more than a common-sense bank- ing custom to require a man whose business has gone sour to adopt new methods, and accept a certain amount of expert supervision, be- fore giving him a new loan. ART CINEMA LEAGUE Presents -~)lI.a }~m.a~pm Prices 25c until 5 p.m. 30c after 5 p.m. ZR4MR OF L®VESANDI/ATlSr Today-- (CCr1E A "B AC K L AS H''" Italy during Venetian-Ottoman Turkish War -and - Also: Short "ETRUSCAN CIVILIZATION" "TEMPTATION" HILL AUDITORIUM Thursday, Friday, August 7, 8 8: M - :3 . Box Office Opens 3 P.M. Wednesday Admission 45c (tax incl.) - Tickets phone 4121 Ext. 479 - Starting Tomorrow - "THE PLAINSMAN" --and- "SPOILERS OF THE NORTH" LOU COSTEL LO SUCK PRIVATES COME MARCH OF TIME NEWS 4 -- Now Playing - INI L 1 K B I. University of Michigan Oratorical Association 1947-4'S LECTURE COURSE q HILL AUDITORIUM OPEN NUMBER H. R. KNICKERBOCKER WALTER DURANTY- ' DEBATE "CAN RUSSIA BE PART OF ONE WORLD?" I. WALTER DURANTY and H. R. Knicker- Sbocker,two famous journalists whose r hj excellent speaking abilities have been demonstrated in previous appearances in Hill Auditorium, will debate on the vital subjectof.Russia's place in the world- ' picture. Mr. Duranty has spent some 20 years in Russia as a foreign correspondent ::, ,:. :and is a keen observer and political ana- lyst; he is the author of numerous books, ... "":including "U.S.S.R.," "The Kremlin and ' the People" and "Duranty Reports Rus- .:.':::." sia"; he believes that Russia can be part faz> of one world if, without weakness and ap- peasement, the English-speaking nations will understand Russia and its problems. Mr. Knickerbocker, whom Alexander Wool- .cott called "The Richard Harding Davis of our times," has had twenty-five years in reporting world-shaking events in all parts Knickerbocker - Duranty of the globe; his pertinent observations and careful analysis command the atten- tion of people everywhere; he believes that it is useless and dangerous to waste time attempt- ing to convert the Soviet Empire to our way of life. These two men, both Pulitzer Prize winners in Journalism, assure a brilliant opening for the 1947-48 series. -t. 1. I COMPLETE SCHEDULE - 7 BRILLIANT NUMBERS OCT. 23-DURANTY - KNICKERBOCKER DEBATE. Walter Duranty and H. R. Knickerbocker are both distinguished journalists, winner of Pulitzer Prizes and keen analysts of world affairs. "CAN RUSSIA BE PART OF ONE WORLD?" NOV. 3-JACQUES CARTIER, America's unique one-man theatre, who presents, in costume, portraits of the world's great actors and their styles of acting. "THEATRE CAV- ALCADE." NOV. 20-REAR-ADMIRAL RICHARD E. BYRD, intrepid explorer and colorful pioneer in the world of adventure. Illustrated Lecture - "DISCOVERY." NOV. 25-MISS JANE COWL, great star of the American stage. Lecture-Recital: "AN AC- RAY NtILLAND TERESA BRIAN WRIGHT - DONLEVY -. 1tas" I In A Ar f I I i ...- - - -- - - -mam ® - 1